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Leon Battista Alberti Sold at Auction Prices


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      • Leon Battista Alberti
        Jun. 24, 2022

        Leon Battista Alberti

        Est: $100 - $150

        Leon Battista Alberti: The Complete Works by Franco Borsi. Harper & Row, 1977. Hardcover in dustwrapper and slipcase in apart from some little spotting on title in excellent condition. Architecture

        Sydney Rare Book Auctions
      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472) - I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Vaugis, 1546. First edition in Italian, and the only edition of this first Italian translation, by Pietro Lauro. "One of the most brilliant dilettantes...
        Jan. 25, 2022

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472) - I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Vaugis, 1546. First edition in Italian, and the only edition of this first Italian translation, by Pietro Lauro. "One of the most brilliant dilettantes...

        Est: €300 - €500

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472) - I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Vaugis, 1546. First edition in Italian, and the only edition of this first Italian translation, by Pietro Lauro. "One of the most brilliant dilettantes that has ever lived, Leon Battista Alberti had a great visual capacity, a strong sense of beauty, and passionately believed that human dignity resides entirely in work" (Millard). 8vo (148 x 100mm). Printer's device at end, woodcut initials (title and some other leaf as y4 and y5 replaced with a contemporary fine manuscript copy, without blank 2*4, some light waterstaining and few small holes). Slighlty later vellum, manuscript title on spine and on top edge (minor staining). Provenance: Antonio Torris figlio del Sig. Torri, 1660 (ownership note on final leaf). IT ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472) - I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venezia: Vincenzo Vaugis, 1546. Prima edizione in italiano e unica edizione a cura di Pietro Lauro. Per la prima volta pubblicata a Firenze nel 1485 quest'opera è fondamentale non solo per l'architettura ma anche per il pensiero rinascimentale generale. Il frontespizio è stato sostituito da un foglio abilmente manoscritto probabilmente coevo. 8vo (148 x 100mm). Marca tipografica in fine, iniziali xilografiche (frontespizio e qualche altra carta come y4 e y5 sostituito con copia finemente manoscritta all'epoca, senza bianca 2*4, lievi tracce di umidità, pochi sporadici buchini). Pergamena di poco posteriore, titolo manoscritto al dorso e al taglio superiore (minimi difetti e restauri). Provenienza: Antonio Torris figlio del Sig. Torri, 1660 (nota di possesso all'ultima carta) - "donatomi da Rublio Cantoni? (nota di possesso datata 1940 al primo foglio di guardia).

        Il Ponte Auction House
      • Architettura - Alberti, Leon Battista
        Nov. 26, 2021

        Architettura - Alberti, Leon Battista

        Est: €700 - €1,000

        Architettura - Alberti, Leon Battista - Venezia, Francesco De Franceschi, 1565. In 4°. Frontespizio inscritto in cornice architettonica figurata, ritratto dell'autore sul verso del frontespizio, illustrazioni in xilografia tra cui diverse a piena pagina e una a doppia pagina, decorazioni e iniziali xilografiche, timbro evanescente al frontespizio, macchie e fioriture leggere, rilegatura in pergamena dell'epoca, macchie e  difetti.

      • ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA. 1404-1472. Los diez libros de architectura. Madrid: Alonso Gómez, 1582.
        Oct. 15, 2021

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA. 1404-1472. Los diez libros de architectura. Madrid: Alonso Gómez, 1582.

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA. 1404-1472. Los diez libros de architectura. Madrid: Alonso Gómez, 1582. 4to (206 x 158 mm). Title within architectural woodcut border, woodcut initials. Contemporary gilt stamped calf, some wear to edges, endpapers renewed. Some light dampstaining, worming to last few gatherings affecting text. FIRST SPANISH EDITION. Alberti's De re aedificatoria (Florence: 1485) is the most important architectural treatise of the Renaissance. The anonymous translation was edited for publication by Francisco Lozano. Cicognara 377; Palau 5194. For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Alberti Leon Battista, L'Architettura [...] tradotta in lingua Fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli [...]. Con la aggiunta de' Disegni. In Venetia: Appresso Francesco Franceschi, Sanese, 1565.
        Oct. 03, 2019

        Alberti Leon Battista, L'Architettura [...] tradotta in lingua Fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli [...]. Con la aggiunta de' Disegni. In Venetia: Appresso Francesco Franceschi, Sanese, 1565.

        Est: €1,200 - €2,400

        In-4° (mm 224x165). Pagine 288, 285-284, [2] bianche, 289-404, [28]. Frontespizio entro elaborata cornice architettonica popolata da figure allegoriche, ritratto dell'Autore al verso del frontespizio, graziosi capilettera figurati e moltissime illustrazioni nel testo, anche a piena pagina, il tutto inciso in legno. Le due tavole xilografiche che normalmente si annoverano fuori testo in questa copia sono numerate 284-285 e sono legate dopo carta S8. Esemplare rifilato e con un foro nel testo a carta I3, con qualche sporadica fioritura e alone di umidità ma nel complesso ben conservato. Legatura settecentesca rimontata, con sguardie e capitelli rinnovati.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Architecture.- Alberti (Leon Battista) The Architecture... Painting... and of Statuary, Edward Owen, 1755.
        Sep. 05, 2019

        Architecture.- Alberti (Leon Battista) The Architecture... Painting... and of Statuary, Edward Owen, 1755.

        Est: £200 - £300

        Architecture.- Alberti (Leon Battista) The Architecture... Painting... and of Statuary, translated into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli, and into English by James Leoni, engraved frontispiece and 75 plates by Picart, a few folding, occasional minor worming to lower margin, some spotting and staining, contemporary mottled caf, rebacked, preserving majority of gilt spine in compartments, rubbed, [Harris 15], folio, Edward Owen, 1755.

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • Alberti, Leon Battista
        Dec. 10, 2018

        Alberti, Leon Battista

        Est: €200 - €400

        L'architettura di Leonbatista Alberti tradotta in lingua fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli ... Con la aggiunta de' disegni Venezia, Francesco De Franceschi, 1565. In 4°. Frontespizio inscritto in cornice architettonica figurata, ritratto dell'autore sul verso del frontespizio, illustrazioni in xilografia tra cui diverse a piena pagina e una a doppia pagina, decorazioni e iniziali xilografiche, fascicolo A ricomposto parte in variante B e parte in variante C dell'edizione, ripetute le pp. 5-8 comprensive del proemio e mancanti le pp. 13-16, mancante l'angolo esterno inferiore di c. T8, bruniture e segni di umidità, piccoli fori di tarlo al frontespizio, legatura moderna in mezzapelle, al dorso fregi oro e tassello con autore e titolo, taglio spruzzato, sul frontespizio nota di possesso manoscritta di mano coeva Francisci Berruti. 1 1565

        Finarte Roma
      • Architettura - Alberti, Leon Battista
        Dec. 14, 2017

        Architettura - Alberti, Leon Battista

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        L'Architettura di Leonbatista Alberti tradotta in lingua fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli Firenze, Lorenzo Torrentino, 1550. In 2°. Ritratto dell'autore a c. a1v, 2 carte di tavole fuori testo che contengono le raffigurazioni della parte superiore dell'edificio riprodotto nelle c.A4v e A5r, 83 xilografie recanti progetti architettonici, diagrammi, elevazioni, dettagli e misurazioni, mancano le carte finali con l’indice, frontespizio rifoderaro con restauri e risarcimenti, legatura in vitello del sec.XVIII con bordura dorata a tralci. Ex libris al contropiatto “Della Biblioteca Rossi”.

        Finarte Roma
      • Alberti, Leon Battista
        Dec. 14, 2016

        Alberti, Leon Battista

        Est: -

        Alberti, Leon Battista. L’architettura. Venezia, Francesco De Franceschi, 1565. In 4° (223 x 170 mm); [3], 4-283, [2], 284-285, [2], 286-404, [28] pagine. Frontespizio entro elaborata cornice figurata, secondo frontespizio figurato, ritratto xilografico dell’autore, 2 tavole nel testo ripiegate, numerose figure xilografiche nel testo (leggeri aloni, piccolo foro di tarlo al margine bianco di poche carte.) Legatura coeva in vitello testa di moro con bordura e fleurons a secco ai piatti (sciupata, mancanze). Prima edizione in formato quarto nella traduzione di Cosimo Bartoli e nella variante B segnalata da SBN con “gentilhomo” nel titolo. Adams A-489; Cicognara 376; Fowler p. 9. 600

        Aste Bolaffi
      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L’Architettura. Translated into Italian b
        Jul. 13, 2016

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L’Architettura. Translated into Italian b

        Est: £6,000 - £9,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L’Architettura. Translated into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli. Florence: Lorenzo Torrentino, 1550. 2° (336 x 215mm). Woodcut architectural title border, author portrait on verso, 83 woodcuts of architectural plans, diagrams, elevations, details and surveying fgures; extensions to buildings on A4v and A5r printed as plates and bound between quires A and B, woodcut historiated initials. (Lacking tables and errata at end signed N1-O6, dampstaining and soiling, heavier on title, some damage to extensions of buildings on A4v and A5r, F6 and L6 detached, F6 shorter at bottom margin, top right corner of frst leaves creased.) 16th-century limp vellum (heavily soiled, lacking ties). Provenance: Antonio Maria Lampo (1680-1746 military engineer; ownership inscription on fyleaf stating the book was bought in March 1710 for ‘4=6=8’ liras and annotations throughout). First illustrated edition oF the de re aedificatoria and First edition oF bartoli’s translation into italian. ‘The most infuential version of Alberti’ (RIBA). Alberti’s treatise on architecture was the frst Renaissance work on the subject and the frst architectural work to be printed (1485). Its scope is comprehensive, ranging from the practical (including tips for lifting sculpture) to the theoretical, explicating and augmenting the classical order. His is ‘a complete Humanist doctrine’ (Fowler) with its extensive discussion of the concept of beauty and application of humanist scholarship. Raphael, Serlio and Palladio were infuenced by the work. As a practising architect too Alberti exercised lasting infuence; for instance, his design for the Palazzo Rucellai established the norm for palazzo facades for centuries. Bartoli’s translation superseded Pietro Lauro’s of 1546 and became the basis of most of the later editions of the work, including its translation into English. The woodcuts infuenced subsequent editions by being either re-used or copied. The handsome title-border appears here for the frst time: ‘one of the most attractive of the period’ (Fowler), it is based on a drawing attributed to Vasari. Antonio Maria Lampo was a renowned military engineer from Turin; he worked from 1705 on some important fortifcations together with Filippo Juvarra (Gritella) and Benedetto Alferi. Among the famous buildings he assisted with was the recently built Venaria Reale just outside the city. Cf. PMM 28 (1485 ed.). Adams A-488; Mortimer, Harvard Italian 12; Fowler 6; RIBA 52.

      • [Officina Bodoni] Alberti Leon Battista Rime amorose e morali. [Firenze]: Cento Amici del Libro 1971 (Verona: Officina Bodoni 1971).
        Apr. 07, 2016

        [Officina Bodoni] Alberti Leon Battista Rime amorose e morali. [Firenze]: Cento Amici del Libro 1971 (Verona: Officina Bodoni 1971).

        Est: €100 - €200

        In-8° (mm 232x152). Pagine [4] bianche 75 [5] con 1 acquaforte originale di Pietro Annigoni. Esemplare n. 73 su una tiratura di 140 copie su carta a tino Magnani. Cartonato editoriale verde con riproduzione in oro della firma di Leon Battista Alberti al piatto anteriore e titoli dorati al dorso; custodia in cartone grigio.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). Momus. [De principe.] Rome:
        Jul. 15, 2015

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). Momus. [De principe.] Rome:

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). Momus. [De principe.] Rome:

      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L'Architettura. Translated into
        Jul. 15, 2015

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L'Architettura. Translated into

        Est: £14,000 - £18,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-72). L'Architettura. Translated into

      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472).De re aedificatoria.Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 29 December 1485.
        Jun. 12, 2015

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472).De re aedificatoria.Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 29 December 1485.

        Est: $60,000 - $90,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). De re aedificatoria. Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 29 December 1485. Chancery 2° (276 x 202 mm.). Collation: a-d8 e6 f-o8 p6 q-z & ? ?8 (a1r blank, a1v dedication to Lorenzo de’Medici, a2r text, ?7v colophon, ?8r verse to the reader by “Baptista siculus,” ?8v registrum). 204 leaves, 34 lines, Roman letter, 6- and 7-line initial spaces with printed guides. Later quarter calf over contemporary wooden boards, gilt-lettered morocco spine-label, later endpapers (some minor worming). Provenance: Dominican convent of St. Stephen, Bergamon (early ownership inscription on a2r); a few leaves with early ink marginalia; Ercole Silva, Conte di Biandrate (1756-1840), book collector, director of La Scala, and author of Dell’arte dei giardini inglesi Milan, 1801, (ink stamp “Comas Hercules Silva” on front free endpaper); Bibliotheca Elseghemensis, Ghent (bookplate); James Grote Vanderpool (ownership inscription). THE FIRST PRINTED TREATISE ON ARCHITECTURE FIRST EDITION, second issue. “This treatise of Alberti’s, the first work on architecture to be printed, was begun about the middle of the century and added to, and revised by, the author until his death in 1472. It was not, however, until thirteen years later that it was published through the efforts of his brother” (Fowler). Alberti’s treatise “On Building” is based on classical observations of Vitruvius and his own experience as architect. Alberti was the architect of many important Renaissance buildings including Santa Maria Novella and the Rucellai Palace in Florence, Basilica of San Sebastiano and Sant'Andrea in Mantua. Based on Vitruvius, De Architectura his work it is divided into ten books addressing building of churches, palaces in town and country, planning of towns, gardens etc. “In accordance with classical principles, the principal elements of architecture are defined as beauty and ornament. Beauty is essentially harmony, the correct proportions of the parts… Alberti considers architecture not only for ecclesiastical purposes or private patrons, but for the first time particularly as a civic activity. His book includes a scheme for building a whole new town, the earliest printed example of town planning” (PMM). "In this copy the last quire is reprinted, as well as the inmost sheet of quire 1, is printed with Nerlius 110R, the page-contents being the same as the original issue" (BMC). RARE: according the American Book Prices Current, only one other copy has sold in the last 35 years: Sotheby's New York, 10 June, 2004, lot 139. BMC, VI, 630; BSB-Ink A-125; Cicognara, 370; Fowler 3; Goff A-215; GW 579; HC 419; Millard Italian 4; PMM 28.

      • Alberti, Leon Battista
        May. 14, 2015

        Alberti, Leon Battista

        Est: -

        Alberti, Leon Battista. Trattato del governo della famiglia d’Agnolo Pandolfini colla vita del medesimo scritta da Vespasiano da Bisticci. Milano, Società tipografica de’ classici italiani, 1802. In 8° (200 x 125 mm); 215, [1] pagine. Antiporta incisa con il ritratto dell’autore (qualche brunitura alle prime carte.) Legatura coeva in mezza bazzana con fregi e titolo in oro al dorso, tagli a spruzzo rosso. Bell’esemplare di questo classico della letteratura. Nel lotto anche il Trattato degli ulivi di Piero Vettori, sempre nell’edizione dei Classici Italiani del 1806, con bell’antiporta, e La Coltivazione di Luigi Alamanni, e le api di Giovanni Rucellai nell’edizione di Verona del 1745, in due copie, una con timbro del conte Tiberi Papotti, l’altra in barbe. (4 volumi) Starting price € 150,00

        Aste Bolaffi
      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). L'Architettura . Venice: Francesco Franceschi Sanese, 1565. 4° (209 x 157mm). Title within a woodcut historiated border with portrait on verso, woodcuts, one folding plate. (Title and A2-A3 remargined,
        Mar. 21, 2012

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). L'Architettura . Venice: Francesco Franceschi Sanese, 1565. 4° (209 x 157mm). Title within a woodcut historiated border with portrait on verso, woodcuts, one folding plate. (Title and A2-A3 remargined,

        Est: £700 - £1,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). L'Architettura. Venice: Francesco Franceschi Sanese, 1565. 4° (209 x 157mm). Title within a woodcut historiated border with portrait on verso, woodcuts, one folding plate. (Title and A2-A3 remargined, folding plate stained with a few small tears causing partial loss of caption, marginal worming in first half of the book, causing slight loss to title and first few leaves, some browning, staining and spotting.) Early vellum, manuscript title on spine (stained, corners bumped, two small wormholes on spine). Provenance: Gasparo Villamagna (extensive early annotations and erased ownership inscription on title). SECOND EDITION. The work was first published in 1550 in Florence, but this Venetian edition is considered superior as being more complete (Gamba). Also in 1565, another edition was published by Torrentino in Mondovi; the present edition appears to pre-date that of Mondovi by a few months, according to the date of the dedication. Cicognara 375; Gamba 1186; Fowler 9; RIBA 54.

        Oct. 13, 2010


        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA DE PRINCIPE. ROME, ETIENNE GUILLERY, NOVEMBRE 1520. édition originale. In-folio (293 x 210), 2 ff. du cahier E sont intervertis. Tranches rouges. Brochure moderne (minime déchirure au second plat). Quelques trous de vers disparates dans les marges.

        Oct. 13, 2010


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA LIBRI DE RE AEDIFICATORIA DECEM. PARIS, BERTHOLD REMBOLT ET LOUIS HORNKEN, 23 AOÛT 1512. première édition française. In-4 (206 x 140 mm). illustration : titre dans un encadrement à fond criblé contenant la marque typographique de Rembolt. Marque de Hornken (aux larmes) au dernier feuillet. reliure de l'époque. Maroquin citron, triple filet encadrant les plats, armes de Charles de Valois au centre, son chiffre aux angles et répété 5 fois au dos, tranches dorées. Dos passé, légèrement craquelé, charnières restaurées, mouillure claire au second plat, petit travail de ver dans la marge inférieure des vingt premiers feuillets.

        Oct. 12, 2010


        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA DE PRINCIPE. ROME, ETIENNE GUILLERY, NOVEMBRE 1520. édition originale. In-folio (293 x 210), 2 ff. du cahier E sont intervertis. Tranches rouges. Brochure moderne (minime déchirure au second plat). Quelques trous de vers disparates dans les marges.

        Oct. 12, 2010


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA LIBRI DE RE AEDIFICATORIA DECEM. PARIS, BERTHOLD REMBOLT ET LOUIS HORNKEN, 23 AOÛT 1512. première édition française. In-4 (206 x 140 mm). illustration : titre dans un encadrement à fond criblé contenant la marque typographique de Rembolt. Marque de Hornken (aux larmes) au dernier feuillet. reliure de l'époque. Maroquin citron, triple filet encadrant les plats, armes de Charles de Valois au centre, son chiffre aux angles et répété 5 fois au dos, tranches dorées. Dos passé, légèrement craquelé, charnières restaurées, mouillure claire au second plat, petit travail de ver dans la marge inférieure des vingt premiers feuillets.

        Oct. 29, 2009


        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        DELLA ARCHITETTURA... DELLA PITTURA... E DELLA STATUA... TRADOTTI IN LINGUA ITALIANA DA COSIMO BARTOLI. NUOVA EDIZIONE; THE ARCHITECTURE... TRANSLATED... NOW FIRST INTO ENGLISH... BY JAMES LEONI. .LONDON: THOMAS EDLIN, 1726. 3 volumes in 2 (volume 2 split), folio (450 x 275mm.), engraved frontispiece by Picart, woodcut initials and tailpieces, parallel text in Italian and English, 102 engraved plates (24 double-page), contemporary calf, spines gilt in compartments, occasional slight soiling, worn

      • ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1546.
        Dec. 05, 2008

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1546.

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). I dieci libri de l'architettura. Venice: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1546. 8o (157 x 114 mm). Publisher's device on title and verso of final leaf, woodcut initials, with blank **4. (Small mended holes to blank portion of title, some light marginal staining.) 16th-century vellum (hinges and spine reinforced). FIRST EDITION IN ITALIAN, and the only edition of this first Italian translation, by Pietro Lauro. "One of the most brilliant dilettantes that has ever lived, Leon Battista Alberti had a great visual capacity, a strong sense of beauty, and passionately believed that human dignity resides entirely in work" (Millard). Adams A-487; BMC/STC Italian p. 15; Cicognara 373; Fowler 5; Millard Italian 5.

        Jun. 10, 2004


        Est: £3,000 - £4,000

        L'Architecture, et art de bien bastir... Traduicts de latin en françois par deffunct Ian Martin. Paris: Jacques Kerver for Robert Massellin, 2 August 1553 Condition Note: folio (327 x 217mm.), ff. [8], 228, illustration : title within woodcut strapwork border, woodcut portrait of Alberti on verso of title, 2 woodcut plans (one folding), 94 woodcuts in text, woodcut device on verso of final leaf, woodcut initials and head-pieces, binding : eighteenth-century speckled calf, spine gilt in compartments, small hole (paper flaw) in blank portion of final leaf

      • ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA (1404-1472).
        Jun. 10, 2004

        ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA (1404-1472).

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        De re aedificatoria (edited by Angelo Poliziano). Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 29 December 1485 Condition Note: Chancery folio (239 x 180mm.), 204 leaves, 34 lines, Roman letter, 6- and 7-line initial spaces with printed guides, binding : eighteenth-century vellum-backed boards, early annotations in books I and II, first quire damaged and repaired, damp-staining at foot of gutter in first half of book

      Lots Per Page:

      Auction Houses Selling Works by Leon Battista Alberti