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Constantin Andreou Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1917 - d. 2007

Constantine Andreou (also: Costas Andreou, Kostas Andreou; French: Constantin Andréou, Costas Andréou;) (March 24, 1917 – October 8, 2007) was a painter and sculptor of Greek origin with a highly successful career that spanned six decades. Andreou has been praised by many as an eminent figure in international art of the 20th century.

Early Life (1917–1945): Constantine Andreou was born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1917 to Greek parents who had immigrated to Brazil a few years prior.[5]

In 1925, his family moved back to Greece where he settled in Athens until the end of World War II. During these years, Andreou dabbled in crafts and for a period worked as a carpenter making furniture while studying technical design.[6] He graduated in 1935.[5] In the same year, he started his study of sculpture,[5] the art form for which he would be most known later.

In 1939, Andreou participated at the Panellinio (?a?e??????), but the judges disqualified his three sculptures.[6] In 1942, he tried again at the same competition and with the same artwork.[6] The pieces were so lifelike, he was accused of cheating by copying nature.[6] Three major personalities of the time in Greece, Memos Makris, John Miliades, and Nikos Nikolaou, came to his defense.[6][7] As a result of the publicity, he had his first taste of fame and major exposure of his artwork.[6][7]

In 1940, Greece entered World War II on the side of Allies, and by 1941, the country was under Nazi and Italian occupation. Andreou was initially drafted into the Hellenic Army in 1940 and during the occupation he was an active member of the Greek Resistance.[5]

The war years and occupation did not stop Andreou from continuing his artwork and studies, and in 1945 he won a French scholarship to go to France along with many other Greek intellectuals on the RMS Mataroa voyage.[5][8]

Life in France (1945–2002): In 1947, Andreou began using a new personal technique employing welded copper sheets. This new technique allowed him to create a new way to express his creation in a way completely unrelated to tradition.[6]

A major impact on Andreou's method of expression and in the development of his personal "language" was his friendship with Le Corbusier. They first met in 1947 and worked together on and off until 1953.[6] At one time Le Corbusier asked Andreou, "Where did you learn how to work?" to which Andreou responded "I'm Greek, I carry the knowledge within me."[6] This friendship instilled in Andreou Le Corbusier's view of architecture as monumental sculpture and, conversely, sculpture subject to the laws of architecture.[9]

In the same period, Andreou became a member of a select group of philosophers, including Jean-Paul Sartre, who discussed various topics in Saint-Germain-des-Prés.[10]

Andreou had his first exhibition in Paris in 1951, where he demonstrated the transformation of his style. In the group exhibition "Seven Greek Sculptors", Andreou was characterized as "the most famous Greek sculptor in the capital with a rich, varied and successful work".[11][12] By the end of the decade, Andreou was widely known in the French art scene and considered an equal to Mondrian, Picasso and Gastaud.[13] In 1982, he was given the lead as chairman of the Paris "Autumn Salon" for sculpture.[14][15]

In 1999, the library of the town La Ville-du-Bois, where Andreou resided while in France, was named in honor of Constantine Andreou.[6][16][17]

Throughout his time in France, he regularly visited his friends and family in Greece and many times exhibited his work in various cities and islands there. In 1977, Andreou bought a centuries old winery on the island of Aegina.[18] He converted it into a house, after being influenced to buy a house on the island by his longtime friend and colleague Nikos Nikolaou.[18]There in ancient Aegina in the summer of 1985, together with the namesake poet Evangelos Andreou, Constantine Andreou creates a series of twenty paintings entitled "Polymorphs" that are based on the poet's work "Restoration of a Stone Stalk".

Andreou has also participated in the Biennales of Antwerp, the Netherlands, Paris, Venice, and Yugoslavia.[14]

Later years and Death (2002–2007): Constantine Andreou returned to Athens, Greece in 2002. He died on October 8, 2007 in his house in Athens, Greece

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  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973
    Oct. 30, 2024

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973 Welded brass Signed and dated on the back Unique piece 20,5 x 20,5 x 18,5 cm Provenance: - Paris auction, Astrid Guillon enchères, "Les intérieurs parisiens et d'Eure-et-Loir de deux femmes de goût, dont un vaste ensemble d'oeuvres de Constantin Andréou", 24 May 2024, lot 90 - Purchased from the latter by the current owner - European private collection Bibliography: M. Dubreucq, "Andréou, 40 ans de sculpture", Ed. Jauffray, Chevennières sur Marne, 1975, illustrated in black and white under n°155, 156 and 157, pp. 170-171 Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil du XXe siècle, 1969 Laiton soudé peint et bois Pièce unique 143 x 40 cm Provenance : - Succession de l'artiste, Athènes - Vente Paris, Fauve Paris, "Art moderne, contemporain & street art - Exceptionnel ensemble de Constantin Andréou - Design & arts décoratifs", 7 mai 2022, lot 39 - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par l'actuel propriétaire - Collection particulière européenne Exposition : Paris, Grand Palais, "Salon d'automne, de Cézanne à Matisse", 14 octobre - 7 novembre 1983, reproduit au catalogue d'exposition p. 47 Bibliographie : - M. Dubreucq, "Andréou, 40 ans de sculpture", Editions Jauffray, Chevennières sur Marne, 1975, reproduit sous les n°134, 135 et 136, pp.146 et 147 - Le Serment des Horaces, Revue d'art internationale, n°4, printemps-été 1990, reproduit p. 58

  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973
    Oct. 30, 2024

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973 Welded brass Signed and dated on the back Unique piece 20,5 x 20,5 x 18,5 cm Provenance: - Paris auction, Astrid Guillon enchères, "Les intérieurs parisiens et d'Eure-et-Loir de deux femmes de goût, dont un vaste ensemble d'oeuvres de Constantin Andréou", 24 May 2024, lot 90 - Purchased from the latter by the current owner - European private collection Bibliography: M. Dubreucq, "Andréou, 40 ans de sculpture", Ed. Jauffray, Chevennières sur Marne, 1975, illustrated in black and white under n°155, 156 and 157, pp. 170-171 Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Oeil globe, 1973 Laiton soudé Signé et daté au dos Pièce unique 20,5 x 20,5 x 18,5 cm Provenance : - Vente Paris, Astrid Guillon enchères, "Les intérieurs parisiens et d'Eure-et-Loir de deux femmes de goût, dont un vaste ensemble d'oeuvres de Constantin Andréou", 24 mai 2024, lot 90 - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par l'actuel propriétaire - Collection particulière européenne Bibliographie : M. Dubreucq, "Andréou, 40 ans de sculpture", Editions Jauffray, Chevennières sur Marne, 1975, reproduit en n.b. sous les n°155, 156 et 157, pp.170-171

  • Exposition – Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) – Andréou, galerie La Hune. 196
    Oct. 17, 2024

    Exposition – Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) – Andréou, galerie La Hune. 196

    Est: €30 - €40

    Exposition – Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) – Andréou, galerie La Hune. 1964. 76x48cm. Affiche originale, gravure à l'eau forte et aquatinte, et lithographie, non entoilée. Condition A- plis de manipulation.

    Limoges Encheres
  • CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007)
    Jun. 26, 2024

    CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007)

    Est: €500 - €800

    CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007) Sculpture double face à décor mythologique en bronze doré reposant sur une base en plexiglass noir. Signée et numérotée 30/100. (Petit accident sur la base). Haut. 21 cm - Long. 22 cm A sculpture in gilded bronze and black plexiglas. Signed and numbered. (Small accident on the base). H. 8 1/4 in. - L. 8 5/8 in.

  • CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007) Danseuses
    Apr. 24, 2024

    CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007) Danseuses

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    CONSTANTIN ANDREOU (1917-2007) Danseuses signé et daté ' Andreou / 1983' en haut à gauche; titré et daté ' No 311 / DANSEUSES/ 1983' au revers huile sur toile 130 x 97 cm. (51 3/16 x 38 3/16in.) signed and dated ' Andreou / 1983' upper left; titled and dated ' No 311 / DANSEUSES/ 1983' on the reverse oil on canvas

  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)
    Mar. 18, 2022

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)

    Est: €120 - €180

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Etude pour une sculpture,deux oiseaux qui s'embrassent Encre sur papier signée datée 1959 en bas à droite et titrée Vivre heureux,l'amour et la liberté à gauche 31 x 21 cm - 12,20 x 8,26 in. Ink on paper signed, dated 1959 lower right and titled live happily, love and freedom on the left

    Maison Verneuil
  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007), Bronze représentan
    Jul. 24, 2021

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007), Bronze représentan

    Est: €80 - €120

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007), Bronze représentant une coquille . Signé Andréou. Numéroté G9 12, marqué Figini. Diamètre de la base : 11cm, Hauteur : 5,4 cm.

    Alexandre Landre
  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2017) - Composition - Laiton - Signé à l'arrière -
    May. 05, 2021

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2017) - Composition - Laiton - Signé à l'arrière -

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2017) - Composition - Laiton - Signé à l'arrière - 50 x 70 cm Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2017) - Composition - Brass - Signed on the back - 50 x 70 cm

    Expertisez Enchères
  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)
    Sep. 24, 2020

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)

    Est: CHF500 - CHF800

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Projet de monument à la mémoire de la Shoah, plus particulièrement aux victimes du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz/Birkenau, laiton et métal, H 64 cm. Inventeur du laiton soudé, il sera le maître de César qui utilisera à

    Geneve Encheres
  • Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Les Papillons, c. 1957-1958
    Aug. 25, 2020

    Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Les Papillons, c. 1957-1958

    Est: $300 - $500

    Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Les Papillons, c. 1957-1958 oil on canvas signed Andreou (upper left); signed, titled and dated (verso) 28 x 37 inches.

  • Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Bronze Sculpture
    Aug. 16, 2020

    Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Bronze Sculpture

    Est: $500 - $600

    Constantin Andreou (Greek, 1917-2007) Bronze Sculpture 20th Century, signed on side, depicting a mermaid on a wood base Condition: Good, light dirt accumulation; verdigris patina in some areas, sculpture loose from base, base having minor hairline crack Height: 11 5/8 inches, Width: 19 inches Category: Fine Art > Sculpture Shipping Status: Leonard Auction, Inc. will provide direct shipping for this lot. Please visit our website for a shipping estimate. Approximate Sale Time: 1:28 pm CST Links to High Resolution Images: Image #1 Image #2 Image #3 Image #4 Image #5 Image #6 Image #7

    Leonard Auction
  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) - Projet de monument à la mémoire de la S
    Jun. 18, 2020

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) - Projet de monument à la mémoire de la S

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Projet de monument à la mémoire de la Shoa, plus particulièrement aux victimes du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz/Birkenau, laiton et métal, H 64 cm. Inventeur du laiton soudé, il sera le maître de César qui utilisera à son profit cette technique.

    Geneve Encheres
  • Andreou Constantin, 1917-2007, Oeil
    Nov. 20, 2018

    Andreou Constantin, 1917-2007, Oeil

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    Relief. Brass, welded, mounted on reworked wooden plate. Unique work. Verso signed, dated and titled: Andreou, 1962, Oeil. Inscribed: Pièce unique.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Andreou Constantin, 1917-2007, Sans titre
    Nov. 20, 2018

    Andreou Constantin, 1917-2007, Sans titre

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,200

    Relief. Brass, welded, mounted on metal plate. Engraved signature lower right: Andreou.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)
    Sep. 30, 2017

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)

    Est: €300 - €500

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Le baiser - 1978 Huile sur toile. Signé et daté en haut à droite 65 x 54 cm

    Carvajal SVV
  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)
    Sep. 30, 2017

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007)

    Est: €300 - €500

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Clown - 1978 Huile sur toile. Signé et daté en bas à droite 60 x 73 cm

    Carvajal SVV
  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) «Les Yeux» Sculpture en bronze de Andréou “Les Yeux” sur socle en bois. Constantin Andréou, né le 24 mars 1917 à São Paulo et mort le 8 octobre 2007 à Athènes, est un peintre et sculpteur gréco-français d’origine brésilienne. L 34 x H 42 cm Bronze sculpture on wooden base. Constantin ANDREOU is an artist born in 1917 in São Paulo. He works as a painter and sculpteur. 34 x 42 cm
    May. 19, 2017

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) «Les Yeux» Sculpture en bronze de Andréou “Les Yeux” sur socle en bois. Constantin Andréou, né le 24 mars 1917 à São Paulo et mort le 8 octobre 2007 à Athènes, est un peintre et sculpteur gréco-français d’origine brésilienne. L 34 x H 42 cm Bronze sculpture on wooden base. Constantin ANDREOU is an artist born in 1917 in São Paulo. He works as a painter and sculpteur. 34 x 42 cm

    Est: CHF3,000 - CHF5,000

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) «Les Yeux» Sculpture en bronze de Andréou “Les Yeux” sur socle en bois. Constantin Andréou, né le 24 mars 1917 à São Paulo et mort le 8 octobre 2007 à Athènes, est un peintre et sculpteur gréco-français d’origine brésilienne. L 34 x H 42 cm Bronze sculpture on wooden base. Constantin ANDREOU is an artist born in 1917 in São Paulo. He works as a painter and sculpteur. 34 x 42 cm

    Imperator Auction co
  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Prisme
    Jun. 09, 2016

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Prisme

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Prisme 1963-1964 Huile et laiton soudé sur panneau signé, daté et titré au dos (étiquette de galerie déchirée au dos) 56 x 123 cm Oil and welved brass on panel, signed, dated and titled on the back 22 x 48 3/8 in.

  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)
    Mar. 19, 2016

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)

    Est: €80 - €100

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Taureau Lithographie sur papier signé en bas à droite et titré 48/100 en bas à gauche

  • Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)
    Mar. 19, 2016

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007)

    Est: €70 - €90

    Constantin Andréou (1917-2007) Danse Lithographie sur papier signé en bas à droite et titré 28/199 en bas à gauche

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Au-delà du visage
    Dec. 10, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Au-delà du visage

    Est: €4,500 - €5,500

    Laiton soudé signé sur le sommet Pièce unique A welded brass sculpture, signed on the top

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007), ...
    Dec. 09, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007), ...

    Est: CHF500 - CHF700

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007), Composition abstraite, huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau, signée, contresignée et datée 1957 au verso, 29x28 cm,

    Piguet Hôtel des Ventes | Genève
  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cyclope
    Oct. 15, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cyclope

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cyclope Bronze signé et numéroté 1/8 ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Bronze signed and numbered

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cocotte à trois pattes
    Oct. 15, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cocotte à trois pattes

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cocotte à trois pattes Bronze signé, daté et numéroté 7/7 ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Bronze signed and numbered

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cheval sauvage
    Oct. 15, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cheval sauvage

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Cheval sauvage Bronze signé et numéroté 8/8 ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Bronze signed and numbered

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Chat
    Jun. 10, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Chat

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    French Description Sculpture en bronze signé et numéroté 4/8 English Description Cat in bronze, signed and numbered 4/8

  • Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Le couple, 1970
    Jun. 03, 2015

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Le couple, 1970

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Constantin ANDREOU (1917-2007) Le couple, 1970 Sculpture en laiton soudé Signée sur la base "Andreou" 48 x 21 x 16 cm Provenance : Collection privée, France Expositions : X Biennale Internazionale de Bronzetto e della Piccola Scultura, Padova, 1975

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Oiseau vers le ciel 1978
    Mar. 02, 2015

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Oiseau vers le ciel 1978

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Oiseau vers le ciel 1978 Laiton soudé Pièce unique Welded brass, unique piece

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Oiseau vers le ciel, 1978Laiton soudéPièce unique174 x 52 x 48 x (hors socle)Exposition : Constantin A...
    Dec. 17, 2014

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Oiseau vers le ciel, 1978Laiton soudéPièce unique174 x 52 x 48 x (hors socle)Exposition : Constantin A...

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Oiseau vers le ciel, 1978 Laiton soudé Pièce unique 174 x 52 x 48 x (hors socle) Exposition : Constantin Andreou, Musée de Salonique, septembre 2004 Bibliographie : - Catalogue de l'exposition Constantin Andreou, Musée de Salonique, septembre 2004 (reproduit p. 44) - Andreou, sculpture, bas-reliefs en couleurs, Bastas éditions, 1999 (reproduit p. 32)

  • Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Demain, 1995Laiton et acier soudé puis peintPièce uniqueH 130 × Ø 100 x (hors socle)Exposition :- Cons...
    Dec. 17, 2014

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007)Demain, 1995Laiton et acier soudé puis peintPièce uniqueH 130 × Ø 100 x (hors socle)Exposition :- Cons...

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Constantin Andreou (1917-2007) Demain, 1995 Laiton et acier soudé puis peint Pièce unique H 130 × Ø 100 x (hors socle) Exposition : - Constantin Andreou, Musée de Salonique, septembre 2004 - Andreou et Raymond Guerrier, Musée de l'Orangerie de Meudon, 1995 Bibliographie : - Catalogue de l'exposition Constantin Andreou, Musée de Salonique, septembre 2004 (reproduit p. 70) - Andréou : chemin parcouru, Association des Amis d'Andréou, Athènes, mai 2003 (reproduit p. 189) - Andreou, sculpture, bas-reliefs en couleurs, Bastas éditions, 1999 (reproduit pp. 160, 185, 233 et 234)

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