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Fra Angelico Art for Sale and Sold Prices

Freskant, Board painter, Miniature painter

(b Tuscany 1400; d Rome 18 February 1455) Born Guido di Piero, Fra Angelico is considered one of the most notable fresco painters of the 15th century. He entered the Dominican order sometime between 1418 and 1421, joining the monastery of San Domenico in Fiesole. Fra Angelico, or “The Angelic”, was a nickname given to him in admiration of his talent as a painter. Influenced by Massacio’s use of architectural perspective, some of Fra Angelico’s most celebrated frescoes decorate the cell walls and Chapter House of the monastery of San Marco in Florence. With his clear and agreeable style of painting, he depicted scenes of Christian devotion which served both to instruct and inspire his fellow monks.

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About Fra Angelico

Freskant, Board painter, Miniature painter

Related Styles/Movements

Old Masters


Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, Frater Johannes Pieri Gini di Mugello, "Fra" Angelico, Beato Angelico, Giovanni da Fiesole (Fra), Guido di Piero di Mugello, Guido di Pietro di Mugello, Johannes Pieri Gini di Mugello (Frater)


(b Tuscany 1400; d Rome 18 February 1455) Born Guido di Piero, Fra Angelico is considered one of the most notable fresco painters of the 15th century. He entered the Dominican order sometime between 1418 and 1421, joining the monastery of San Domenico in Fiesole. Fra Angelico, or “The Angelic”, was a nickname given to him in admiration of his talent as a painter. Influenced by Massacio’s use of architectural perspective, some of Fra Angelico’s most celebrated frescoes decorate the cell walls and Chapter House of the monastery of San Marco in Florence. With his clear and agreeable style of painting, he depicted scenes of Christian devotion which served both to instruct and inspire his fellow monks.