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John Michael Armleder Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1948 -

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  • JOHN ARMLEDER (B. 1948). Black Cat. book with glitter on Arches paper and g
    Dec. 18, 2024

    JOHN ARMLEDER (B. 1948). Black Cat. book with glitter on Arches paper and g

    Est: $500 - $700

    JOHN ARMLEDER (B. 1948). Black Cat. book with glitter on Arches paper and goatskin parchment 14 ½ x 11 ½ x 2 ¼ in. (36.8 x 29.2 x 5.7 cm.).

  • John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)
    Dec. 07, 2024

    John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Too Much. 2006. Acryl auf Lindensperrholz. Verso mit schwarzem Edding signiert, betitelt, datiert und nummeriert: JArmleder, Too much, 2006, 10/25. Bildmaß: 60 x 42 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)
    Dec. 07, 2024

    John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Too Much. 2006. Acryl auf Lindensperrholz. Verso mit schwarzem Edding signiert, betitelt, datiert und nummeriert: JArmleder, Too much, 2006, 25/25. Bildmaß: 60 x 42 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)
    Dec. 07, 2024

    John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Too Much. 2006. Acryl auf Lindensperrholz. Verso mit schwarzem Edding signiert, betitelt, datiert und nummeriert: JArmleder, Too much, 2006, 12/25. Bildmaß: 60 x 42 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)
    Dec. 07, 2024

    John M. Armleder (1948 Genf – lebt in New York und Genf)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Too Much. 2006. Acryl auf Lindensperrholz. Verso mit schwarzem Edding signiert, betitelt, datiert und nummeriert: JArmleder, Too much, 2006, 19/25. Bildmaß: 60 x 42 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
    Nov. 28, 2024


    Est: CHF16,000 - CHF24,000

    JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Geneva 1948–lives and works in Geneva) Untitled. 2002. Oil, synthetic varnish, aluminium paint, glitter and glue on canvas. Signed and dated on the overlap: John Armleder 2002. 100,5 × 100,5 cm. Provenance: - Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens. - Auction Bruun Rasmussen, Copenhagen, 6.6.2018, lot 1341. - Private collection, Switzerland, acquired at the above auction. Our thanks to the studio John Armleder for the confirmation of authenticity of the work, Geneva, 19.8.2024. The Swiss artist John M. Armleder has explored a variety of different techniques and styles in the course of his successful artistic career – his polymorphic work includes performances as well as drawings, sculptures and paintings. Within Armleder's oeuvre, in terms of content, the "Pour Paintings" demonstrate his affinity with the Fluxus movement. They also especially highlight his love of experimentation, as seen with his use of materials and techniques. Armleder's "Pour Paintings", more than almost any other group of works within his œuvre, embody the Fluxus principle of prioritising the creative process over the end result. In particular, they question the traditional concept of artistic genius. The works do not conceal the strategy of their production, but, instead, they explicitly place the production process, which is partly left to chance, at the centre of perception. The combination of paints, varnishes and glitter particles, as well as the varying transparency or opacity of the colours used in the present work, in combination with the very intuitive and random technique of poured or sprayed paint, create colour gradients that invite the viewer to explore the work. Initially the viewer quite typically and traditionally seeks hidden landscapes or hidden figures among the flowing and dripping forms, but then questions about the production of the work soon come to the fore. How did the artist achieve that visual impact? How do the effects of non-representational work reveal themselves as we view them? What message is conveyed by the artistic decision to turn away from control and consciously focus on and emphasise the creative process? The work presented here at auction underlines the dialogue between colour and form and invites us to reflect on the creative processes. In this work, Armleder once again demonstrates his ability to integrate conceptual depth into the visual experience: the work invites the viewer to engage with questions of authorship, chance and materiality, finding new ways to test the boundaries of painting by exploring the potential of the material. ------------------------------------------------- JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Genf 1948–lebt und arbeitet in Genf) Ohne Titel. 2002. Öl, Kunstharzlack, Aluminiumfarbe, Glitzer und Klebstoff auf Leinwand. Auf der Überlappung signiert und datiert: John Armleder 2002. 100,5 × 100,5 cm. Provenienz: - Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens. - Auktion Bruun Rasmussen, Kopenhagen, 6.6.2018, Los 1341. - Privatsammlung Schweiz, an obiger Auktion erworben. Wir danken dem Studio John Armleder für die Bestätigung der Authentizität des Werks, Genf, 19.8.2024. Der Schweizer Künstler John M. Armleder hat im Laufe seiner erfolgreichen Künstlerlaufbahn eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Techniken und Stilen erprobt – sein polymorphes Werk umfasst Performances ebenso wie Zeichnungen, Skulpturen und Gemälde. Innerhalb Armleders Œuvre verdeutlichen die "Pour Paintings" seine inhaltliche Nähe zur Fluxus-Bewegung und stellen seine generelle Experimentierfreude in Bezug auf verwendete Materialien und Techniken besonders in den Vordergrund. Armleders Gussbilder verkörpern dabei wie kaum eine andere seiner Werkgruppen den Fluxus-Grundsatz, den Schaffensprozess stärker zu gewichten, als das Endergebnis der künstlerischen Praxis. Sie thematisieren darüber hinaus auch die Hinterfragung des althergebrachten Konzepts des künstlerischen Genies. Die Arbeiten verbergen nicht die Strategie ihrer Herstellung, sondern stellen ihren zum Teil dem Zufall überlassenen Herstellungsprozess ganz explizit ins Zentrum der Wahrnehmung. Die Kombination aus Farben, Lacken und Glitzerpartikeln sowie die variierende Transparenz oder Opazität der verwendeten Farbmittel in der vorliegenden Arbeit sorgen in Kombination mit der sehr intuitiven und dem Zufall verschriebenen Technik aus gegossenem oder gespritztem Farbauftrag für Farbverläufe, die das Auge der Betrachtenden auf die Suche schicken. Zunächst noch ganz typisch und traditionell auf der Jagd nach verborgenen Landschaften oder versteckten Figuren zwischen den fliessenden und tropfenden Formen, so treten schnell Fragen rund um die Herstellung des Werkes in den Vordergrund. Wie wurden die sichtbaren Effekte erzielt? Welche Wirkungen entfaltet eine nicht-gegenständliche Arbeit in der Betrachtung. Welche Aussage erschafft die künstlerische Entscheidung zur Abkehr von Kontrolle und zur bewussten Hinwendung und Thematisierung des kreativen Prozesses? Das hier zur Auktion kommende Werk betont den Dialog zwischen Farbe und Form und lädt zur Reflexion künstlerischer Prozesse ein. Armleder demonstriert in der vorliegenden Arbeit einmal mehr seine Fähigkeit, konzeptionelle Tiefe in die visuelle Erfahrung zu integrieren: Das Werk animiert die Betrachtenden zur Auseinandersetzung mit Fragen der Autorschaft, des Zufalls und der Materialität und lotet in der Erkundung des Potenzials des Materials die Grenzen der Malerei neu aus.

    Koller Auctions
  • John M. Armleder, 1948, Portfolio. Piranha
    Nov. 26, 2024

    John M. Armleder, 1948, Portfolio. Piranha

    Est: CHF600 - CHF900

    All sheets: 15/25. Each verso signed and dated. Signed and numbered on the justification. On the narrow side of the cassette titled and inscribed. Edition Franz Mäder, Basel 1994. Printed by Philippe Gallay, Nyon. All sheets in paper envelope. In wooden cassette.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • John M. Armleder, 1948, Bang Bang
    Nov. 26, 2024

    John M. Armleder, 1948, Bang Bang

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,400

    E.A. III/VI. Signed on the side of the stand. In original packaging, on it numbered and typographically titled.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
    Nov. 15, 2024


    Est: -

    Five-part Concrete Art / Op-Art bundle, various artists 2nd half 20th century, unknown artist, composition of circles, lithograph on light cardboard, as well as four works by an unknown artist, chalk drawing, stamp print and ink, each unsigned, sheet dimensions up to 65 x 50 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • John Armleder (né en 1948). Fruit du lotus. acrylique, paillettes et peintu
    Oct. 19, 2024

    John Armleder (né en 1948). Fruit du lotus. acrylique, paillettes et peintu

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    John Armleder (né en 1948). Fruit du lotus. acrylique, paillettes et peinture émaillée sur toile 225 x 150 cm. Peint en 2018.

  • JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) Sans titre Impression offset. Signée, datée et numérotée 48/60Offset print. Getekend, gedateerd en genummerd 48/60Offset print. Signed, dated and numbered 48/60 71 x 52 cm (sheet)
    Sep. 24, 2024

    JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) Sans titre Impression offset. Signée, datée et numérotée 48/60Offset print. Getekend, gedateerd en genummerd 48/60Offset print. Signed, dated and numbered 48/60 71 x 52 cm (sheet)

    Est: €300 - €500

    JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) Sans titre Impression offset. Signée, datée et numérotée 48/60 Offset print. Getekend, gedateerd en genummerd 48/60 Offset print. Signed, dated and numbered 48/60 71 x 52 cm (sheet)

  • John Armleder: O Worms
    Sep. 12, 2024

    John Armleder: O Worms

    Est: CHF24,000 - CHF30,000

    John Armleder (Genf 1948 - lebt und arbeitet in Genf) O Worms Vier farbige Neonkreise, Transformatoren und Kabel / Four coloured neon circuits, transformers and cables 2003 117 cm, Durchmesser / 117 cm, diameter Provenienz / Provenance Galerie Lange+Pult, Zürich, dort am 25. November 2015 erworben von Privatsammlung Schweiz Galerie Lange+Pult, Zurich, acquired there on 25 November 2015 from Private collection Switzerland Ausstellungen / Exhibitions La Chaux-de-Fonds 2018, Quartier Général, Kunstkammer La Chaux-de-Fonds 2018, Quartier Général, Kunstkammer Erläuterungen / Comments Als Sohn einer amerikanischen Mutter und eines Schweizer Vaters verbrachte John Armleder seine Kindheit in dem seiner Familie gehörenden Genfer Luxushotel "Le Richemond". Die Werke von Kasimir Malewitsch und die Begegnung mit John Cage prägten den Heranwachsenden stark. Von 1966 bis 1967 besuchte er die Genfer École des beaux-arts und organisierte öffentliche Happenings. Seit Anfang der 1980er-Jahre zählt Armleder zu den bedeutendsten europäischen Konzeptkünstlern. 1986 vertrat er die Schweiz auf der Biennale in Venedig und nahm an der documenta 8 teil. Zu Beginn der 2000er-Jahre schuf er eine Reihe von kinetischen, zielscheibenähnlichen Neonarbeiten, die auch "target" (Ziel) genannt werden. Hierbei werden verschiedenfarbige Neonröhren in konzentrischen Kreisen angeordnet. Die ursprüngliche Funktion der Neonröhren, eine Botschaft zu vermitteln, wird in einen künstlerischen Zusammenhang transferiert. The son of an American mother and a Swiss father, John Armleder spent his childhood at his family's luxury hotel in Geneva, Le Richemond. As an adolescent, he was strongly influenced by the works of Kazimir Malevich and his encounter with John Cage. From 1966 to 1967, Armleder attended the Geneva École des beaux-arts and organised public happenings. Since the early 1980s, Armleder has been one of the most important European conceptual artists. In 1986, he represented Switzerland at the Venice Biennale and took part in documenta 8. At the beginning of the 2000s, he created a series of kinetic, target-like neon works, also known as "targets". Here, different coloured neon tubes are arranged in concentric circles. The original function of the neon tubes, to convey a message, is transferred into an artistic context. MWST / VAT Mehrwertsteuer auf dem Zuschlagspreis plus Aufgeld / VAT on hammer price plus buyer's premium Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 12.09.2024; 16:00 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our website (www.kornfeld.ch) Versandkosten / Shipping cost Auf Anfrage / On request

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • John Armleder, Untitled
    Aug. 14, 2024

    John Armleder, Untitled

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    John Armleder Untitled 2008 screenprint on Mylar 23.625 h x 19.75 w in (60 x 50 cm) Signed, dated and numbered to verso 'Armleder 2008 1/1'. This work is unique. This work will ship from Chicago, Illinois.

  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    Jul. 21, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: CHF900 - CHF1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    TGP Auction
  • John M. Armleder (1948), Whatever by Whoever (extended Version), 50 copies limited edition, 1994 - Art & Public - Genevea, 14 x 25
    Jul. 06, 2024

    John M. Armleder (1948), Whatever by Whoever (extended Version), 50 copies limited edition, 1994 - Art & Public - Genevea, 14 x 25

    Est: -

    John M. Armleder (1948), Whatever by Whoever (extended Version), 50 copies limited edition, 1994 - Art & Public - Genevea, 14 x 25,5 x 17 cm

    Auktionshaus Mars
  • Armleder, John
    Jul. 05, 2024

    Armleder, John

    Est: €340 - €500

    (1948 Genf). Mondo Fantasio. Mappenwerk. 4 Unikat-Drucke in Hoch- und Tiefdruck ab Kupferplatte, 2000. Je 66 x 51 cm. Jwls. verso sign. Ex. 2/18. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • John M. Armleder, 1948, Red & Gold Stars
    Jun. 26, 2024

    John M. Armleder, 1948, Red & Gold Stars

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    99/100. Signed and dated. (Frame).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • John M. Armleder, 1948, Bang Bang
    Jun. 26, 2024

    John M. Armleder, 1948, Bang Bang

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,400

    E.E. Signed on the side of the stand. In original packaging, on it numbered and typographically titled.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled
    Jun. 20, 2024

    John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled Gouache on paper Signed on the back 100 x 70 cm Provenance: - Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Paris - Private collection, Paris John Armleder (né en 1948) Sans titre Gouache sur papier Signé au dos 100 x 70 cm Provenance : - Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Paris - Collection particulière, Paris

  • John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled
    Jun. 20, 2024

    John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    John Armleder (born 1948) Untitled Gouache on paper Signed on the back 100 x 70 cm Provenance: - Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Paris - Private collection, Paris John Armleder (né en 1948) Sans titre Gouache sur papier Signé au dos 100 x 70 cm Provenance : - Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Paris - Collection particulière, Paris

    Jun. 20, 2024


    Est: CHF40,000 - CHF50,000

    JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Geneva 1948–lives and works in Geneva) Touch. 2016. Acrylic on canvas. Signed, titled, dated and with directional arrow: John Armleder 2016 TOUCH. 160 × 225 cm. Provenance: - Artist's studio. - Private collection, Switzerland, acquired directly from the artist in 2016. John Michael Armleder is one of the most influential contemporary European conceptual and action artists. His unusual and at the same time innovative work is highly recognisable. His wide-ranging oeuvre, based on the abstract formal vocabulary of modernism, includes painting, drawing, multiples, sculptures, installations, videos and performance. He is known for his resistance to being labelled in any way and rejects the idea that he and his art can be categorised. This results in an intermedia art that is in constant flux between design and architecture, as well as pop, high art and everyday culture. The two paintings presented here, “Cylinder” from 2021 (lot 3432), and “Touch” from 2016 (lot 3433) could not be more different. The use of the colours, the compositions, and the approach he takes are completely contrasting, yet the artist has maintained these two different series of works throughout the past decades. The common thread, that Armleder's art seeks to relativise the depth of the surface, can be seen in both works: The work from 2016, “Touch”, reflects Armleder's Neominimalism, also known as Neo-Geometry (Neo-Geo). In the wake of Op Art and Geometric Abstraction, artists of the Neo-Geo current sought an updated, amorphous form of the hitherto familiar abstract pictorial language. On a monochrome silver background, uniform circles are arranged in rows on the canvas, each offset from the next. Depending on the light, the shimmering colour in a progression from pink to white appears as if playfully in motion. John Armleder has drawn different directional arrows on the back to indicate that the canvas can be hung both horizontally and vertically. "Cylinder", on the other hand, belongs to the ongoing series "Pour-Painting", which John Armleder first discovered as early as the 1980s, in which the central concern is the rejection of the concrete and the definite, as well as the search for process. He pours pots of colourful acrylic, oil, varnish or enamel over a white canvas and dusts certain surfaces that have not yet dried with glitter particles or pigment powder. Here there is a search for playfulness, the inclusion of chance, the subversive and the unplanned, which are ultimately the essential elements of Armleder’s understanding of art. ------------------------------------------------- JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Genf 1948–lebt und arbeitet in Genf) Touch. 2016. Acryl auf Leinwand. Verso signiert, betitelt, datiert und mit Richtungspfeilen: John Armleder 2016 TOUCH. 160 × 225 cm. Provenienz: - Künstlerstudio. - Privatsammlung Schweiz, direkt vom Künstler 2016 erworben. John Michael Armleder gehört zu den einflussreichsten europäischen Konzept- und Aktionskünstlern der Gegenwart. Sein ungewöhnliches und zugleich innovatives Werk ist heute unverkennbar. Sein breitgefächertes Schaffen, dem das abstrakte Formenvokabular der Moderne zugrunde liegt, beinhaltet Malerei, Zeichnung, Multiples, Skulpturen, Installationen, Videos und Performance. Armleder ist bekannt für seinen Widerstand gegenüber jeglicher Etikettierung und lehnt die Vorstellung ab, dass man ihn und seine Kunst einordnen könne. Daraus resultiert eine intermediäre Kunst, die ständig in einem fluiden Übergang zum Design, der Architektur, sowie der Pop-, Hoch- und Alltagskultur ist. Die zwei zur Auktion kommenden Gemälde "CYLINDER" aus dem Jahr 2021 (Los 3432) und "Touch" aus dem Jahr 2016 (Los 3433) könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Die Anwendung der Farbe, die Komposition sowie Armleders künstlerische Herangehensweise sind vollkommen konträr, dennoch pflegt er diese zwei unterschiedlichen Werkserien durch die letzten Jahrzehnte hindurch. Die Gemeinsamkeit, dass Armleders Kunst die Tiefe der Oberfläche zu relativieren versucht, ist in beiden Arbeiten zu erkennen. Das Werk "Touch" aus dem Jahr 2016 spiegelt Armleders Neominimalismus wider, auch Neo-Geometrie (Neo-Geo) genannt. In Folge der Op-Art und der geometrischen Abstraktion suchen die Künstler des Neo-Geo-Stromes eine aktualisierte, amorphe Form der bisher bekannten abstrakten Bildersprache. Auf einem monochromen silbernen Hintergrund reihen sich uniforme Kreise, die zueinander versetzt die Leinwand bestücken. Je nach Lichteinstrahlung scheint der schimmernde Farbverlauf von Rosa zu Weiss spielerisch in Bewegung zu sein. John Armleder hat auf der Rückseite unterschiedliche Richtungspfeile gezeichnet, die darauf hinweisen, dass die Leinwand sowohl horizontal als auch vertikal gehängt werden kann. Die Arbeit "CYLINDER" hingegen gehört zu der kontinuierlich fortgesetzten Serie der "Pour-Paintings", die John Armleder bereits in den 80er Jahren für sich entdeckt. In ihr werden seine zentralen Anliegen der Verweigerung des Konkreten und Festlegbaren sowie die Suche nach dem Prozesshaften deutlich. Auf weisse Leinwände schüttet Armleder flächenweise bunte Farbtöpfe aus Acryl, Öl, Lack oder Emaille und bestaubt bestimmte noch nicht getrocknete Flächen mit Glitzerpartikeln oder Pigmentpulver. Das Spielerische, die Einbeziehung des Zufalls, des Subversiven und Ungeplanten sind letztlich die wesentlichen Elemente des Kunstverständnisses John Armleders.

    Koller Auctions
    Jun. 20, 2024


    Est: CHF6,000 - CHF8,000

    JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Geneva 1948–lives and works in Geneva) CYLINDER. 2021. Spray colour, oil and synthetic paint on canvas. Signed, titled and dated on the overlap: CYLINDER 2021 John Armleder. 65.5 × 65.5 cm. Provenance: - Artist's studio. - Private collection, Switzerland, acquired directly from the artist. ------------------------------------------------- JOHN M. ARMLEDER (Genf 1948–lebt und arbeitet in Genf) CYLINDER. 2021. Sprayfarbe, Öl und Kunststofflack auf Leinwand. Auf der Überlappung signiert, betitelt und datiert: CYLINDER 2021 John Armleder. 65,5 × 65,5 cm. Provenienz: - Künstlerstudio. - Privatsammlung Schweiz, direkt vom Künstler erworben.

    Koller Auctions
  • JOHN ARMLEDER (né en 1948)
    Jun. 19, 2024

    JOHN ARMLEDER (né en 1948)

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    JOHN ARMLEDER (né en 1948) FURNITURE SCULPTUR, 2002 Galets en résine et poudre de marbre, bois peint et système électrique Edition atelier A Resin and marble powder pebbles, painted wood and electric system 170 x 122 cm - 66 7/8 x 48 in.

  • John Armleder *1948
    Jun. 19, 2024

    John Armleder *1948

    Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

    John Armleder *1948 FS 56, Ohne Titel, 1983/84 Zweiteilige Möbel-Skulptur, verschiedene Materialien 186 x 216 x 30 cm

    Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
  • Untitled
    Jun. 12, 2024


    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    John Armleder b. 1948 Untitled mirror elements on wood 100.1 by 100.1 cm. 39⅜ by 39⅜ in Executed in 1991. _________________________________________________________ John Armleder geb. 1948 Untitled (Ohne Titel) Spiegelelemente auf Holz 100.1 x 100.1 cm. 39⅜ x 39⅜ in Entstanden 1991.

    Jun. 05, 2024


    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    John ARMLEDER Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile Signée et datée au dos "John Armleder, 1995" H : 150.5 cm, L : 151.0 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Suisse h : 150.5 cm, w : 151.0 cm John ARMLEDER H : 150.5 cm, L : 151.0 cm h : 150.5 cm, w : 151.0 cm Mixed media on canvas; signed and dated on the reverse Lot en importation temporaire. L'acquéreur devra acquitter des frais d'importation, soit 5,5% en sus du prix d'adjudication sauf s'il réexporte immédiatement le lot hors de l'Union Européenne. This work is in temporary import. The buyer will have to pay import fees of 5.5% in addition to the hammer price, unless the buyer immediately re-exports the lot outside the European Union.

  • John Armleder, Untitled, 1987
    Jun. 05, 2024

    John Armleder, Untitled, 1987

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    With accompanying signed artist’s photo certificate.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    Jun. 03, 2024


    Est: €600 - €800

    JOHN ARMLEDER (NÉ EN 1948) Service comprenant 12 assiettes plates, 12 assiettes creuses, 12 assiettes à dessert et 12 tasses et leurs sous-tasses, en porcelaine blanche. Inscriptions “White plate Porcelaine véritable”, signature de l’artiste et datées 2020 au revers de chaque pièce. Dans leurs boîtes d’origine. Tasse et sous-tasse : Haut. 6 cm - Larg. 8,5 cm - Diam. 12,5 cm Assiette plate : Diam. 27 cm Assiette creuse : Diam. 23 cm Assiette à dessert : Diam. 23 cm A serving set in porcelain including 48 pieces. Each signed and dated. In their original boxes.

  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    May. 14, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: CHF900 - CHF1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    TGP Auction
  • Armleder, John
    May. 04, 2024

    Armleder, John

    Est: €400 - €600

    (1948 Genf). Mondo Fantasio. Mappenwerk. 4 Unikat-Drucke in Hoch- und Tiefdruck ab Kupferplatte, 2000. Je 66 x 51 cm. Jwls. verso sign. Ex. 2/18. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Armleder, John
    May. 04, 2024

    Armleder, John

    Est: €200 - €300

    (1948 Genf). Mondo Fantasio. 2 Monoprints, 1999/2000. Je. 65 x 50 cm. Sign. u dat. Je Ex. 1/1. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • ARMLEDER, JOHN M.: Triptych.
    May. 02, 2024

    ARMLEDER, JOHN M.: Triptych.

    Est: CHF200 - CHF400

    ARMLEDER, JOHN M. (Genève 1948) : Triptych; Lithografien und Serigrafien; div. Formate; je handsig. u.r., je num. 103/125

    Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    Apr. 29, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: €900 - €1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    MDP Auction
  • JOHN M. ARMLEDER (B. 1948) Untitled (Furniture Sculpture 267) three flexib
    Apr. 23, 2024

    JOHN M. ARMLEDER (B. 1948) Untitled (Furniture Sculpture 267) three flexib

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    JOHN M. ARMLEDER (B. 1948) Untitled (Furniture Sculpture 267) three flexible aluminium tubes of four meters each, in a handmade wooden box circa 278 x 104 x 85cm.

  • JOHN ARMLEDER (Geneva, 1948). Untitled. 2001. Polymethylmethacrylate sculpture.
    Apr. 11, 2024

    JOHN ARMLEDER (Geneva, 1948). Untitled. 2001. Polymethylmethacrylate sculpture.

    Est: €50,000 - €60,000

    JOHN ARMLEDER (Geneva, 1948). Untitled. 2001. Polymethylmethacrylate sculpture. Size: 234 x 96 x 30 cm. Since the 1990s, the versatile artist John Armleder has created what he calls "furniture sculptures", pieces which, like the one we are dealing with here, dissolve the limits between sculpture and design. In it he interrogates the contemporary scope of the language of the avant-garde: minimalism, abstraction? He is interested in mixing the elevated and the everyday, the ready-made and the handcrafted piece. Swiss performance artist, painter, sculptor, critic and curator. He participated in Fluxus in the 1960s and 1970s, when he created performance pieces, installations and collective art activities strongly influenced by John Cage. However, Armleder's stance throughout his career has been to avoid associating his artistic practice with any kind of manifesto. In 1969, Armleder founded the Groupe Ecart in Geneva, together with Patrick Lucchini and Claude Rychner, from which emerged the Galerie Ecart and its associated performance group and publications. Groupe Ecart was particularly important in Europe during the 1970s and 1980s, not only because of its activity as an independent publishing house, but also because it made a large number of notable artists, including Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol, known in Switzerland - and sometimes in Europe. Armleder later became associated with the Neo-Geo art movement in the 1980s. In 1986, Armleder represented Switzerland at the Venice Biennale. In 2004, a retrospective exhibition of his works on paper was presented at the Kunsthalle Zürich (Switzerland), which subsequently travelled to the ICA in Philadelphia. In the winter of 2006-2007, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Mamco) in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted a major exhibition including works from all periods of his career. In April 2013, Armleder had a solo exhibition at the Dairy Art Centre in London. Armleder's work is in the permanent collections of numerous museums, including the Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne, the Staedel Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, among others.

    Setdart Auction House
  • John M Armleder - While - 2017 Offset Lithograph 8" x 5.25"
    Apr. 09, 2024

    John M Armleder - While - 2017 Offset Lithograph 8" x 5.25"

    Est: $125 - $175

    "While" by John M Armleder, 2017 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 8 x 5.25 inches, with an image size of 8 x 5.25 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is currently framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Original exhibition invite for John M Armleder at Almine Rech Gallery in New York from January 18 - February 23 2017. In a black wood frame with a .75 inch front profile and measuring a total of 14.12 x 16.87 inches.

    DUMBO Auctions
  • John M Armleder - Pruniers fleuris - 2018 Offset Lithograph 8" x 5.2"
    Apr. 09, 2024

    John M Armleder - Pruniers fleuris - 2018 Offset Lithograph 8" x 5.2"

    Est: $120 - $150

    "Pruniers fleuris" by John M Armleder, 2018 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 8 x 5.2 inches, with an image size of 8 x 5.2 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is currently framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Original exhibition invitation for John M Armleder at Almine Rech Gallery in Paris from June 6 - July 28. In a white wood frame with a front frace profile of .75 inches and measuring a total of 17 x 14.25 inches.

    DUMBO Auctions
  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    Mar. 17, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: CHF900 - CHF1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    TGP Auction
    Mar. 14, 2024


    Est: CHF500 - CHF900

    John M. Armleder (Genf 1948) "Whiff". 2022. Aluminium / Dibond and screen printing. 75/125. Auf der Rückseite mit Etikett der Symetria editions, Societé Suisse de Gravure, datiert, signiert und nummeriert. 42,5x50x0,3 cm. Mit Kartonschachtel. - Minimste, winzige, oberflächliche Kratzer.

    Schuler Auktionen
  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    Jan. 07, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: $900 - $1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    VBA Auction Miami
    Jan. 07, 2024


    Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,800

    (Genf 1948) "Whiff". 2022. Aluminium / Dibond and screen printing. 75/125. Auf der Rückseite mit Etikett der Symetria editions, Societé Suisse de Gravure, datiert, signiert und nummeriert. 42,5x50x0,3 cm. Mit Kartonschachtel. - Minimste, winzige, oberflächliche Kratzer.

    Schuler Auktionen
  • John Armleder - Tom Crown
    Jan. 04, 2024

    John Armleder - Tom Crown

    Est: CHF900 - CHF1,000

    John Armleder - Tom Crown Lambda-Print sur papier Fujicolor Numérotée 58 / 125 et encadrée Très bon état 52,5 x 72,5 cm Lambda Print on Fujicolor paper Numbered 58 / 125, framed Very good condition 52,5 x 72,5 cm

    TGP Auction
  • JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) ANNONCIATION II, 2014 Sérigraphie sur sticker vinyl noir. Signée dans la planche. Titré, daté et numéroté ea 11/13Zeefdruk op zwarte vinyl sticker. Getekend in de plaat. Getiteld, gedateerd ...
    Dec. 18, 2023

    JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) ANNONCIATION II, 2014 Sérigraphie sur sticker vinyl noir. Signée dans la planche. Titré, daté et numéroté ea 11/13Zeefdruk op zwarte vinyl sticker. Getekend in de plaat. Getiteld, gedateerd ...

    Est: €400 - €600

    JOHN ARMLEDER (born 1948) ANNONCIATION II, 2014 Sérigraphie sur sticker vinyl noir. Signée dans la planche. Titré, daté et numéroté ea 11/13 Zeefdruk op zwarte vinyl sticker. Getekend in de plaat. Getiteld, gedateerd en genummerd ea 11/13 Silkscreen on black vinyl sticker. Signed in the plate. Titled, dated and numbered ea 11/13 72,8 x 51 cm (sheet)

    Dec. 15, 2023


    Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,800

    (Genf 1948) "Whiff". 2022. Aluminium / Dibond and screen printing. 75/125. Auf der Rückseite mit Etikett der Symetria editions, Societé Suisse de Gravure, datiert, signiert und nummeriert. 42,5x50x0,3 cm. Mit Kartonschachtel. - Minimste, winzige, oberflächliche Kratzer.

    Schuler Auktionen
  • ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - CUCCHI ENZO (n.1949) - Project ONE. Brain.
    Dec. 12, 2023

    ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - CUCCHI ENZO (n.1949) - Project ONE. Brain.

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - CUCCHI ENZO (n.1949). Project ONE. Brain.. Size: 2 lithographs 59x26.5 each; base 30x26x6 cm Single piece. Single lot consisting of two works: a plexiglass safe sculpture (Safe box) designed, created and signed by engraving by John Armleder containing within it 4 original films for the selection of colors (yellow, black, magenta and cyan) signed in original by Enzo Cucchi. 2 giant format banknotes, printed in lithography on watermarked paper (using the aforementioned films), also signed in original by Enzo Cucchi. Project ONE was designed for charitable purposes, certifying that the proceeds from the works sold will be donated exclusively to the "Centro Dino Ferrari" Association which supports the Dino Ferrari Center of the University of Milan - Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, and carries out scientific research in the field of neuromuscular, neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. For this purpose, several artists were involved in Progetto One: John Armleder, Enzo Cucchi, Mel Ramos, Peter Halley, Andres Serrano, Daniel Spoerri, Ben Vautier and Lawrence Weiner, who donated their works for this charitable purpose..

    Capitolium Art
  • ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - SPOERRI DANIEL (n.1930) - Project ONE. Mouse.
    Dec. 12, 2023

    ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - SPOERRI DANIEL (n.1930) - Project ONE. Mouse.

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    ARMLEDER JOHN MICHAEL (n. 1948) - SPOERRI DANIEL (n.1930). Project ONE. Mouse.. Size: 2 lithographs 65x26.5 cm each and plate 30.5x13.5 each; base 44x13.5x6.5. Single piece. Single lot consisting of two works: a plexiglass safe sculpture (Safe box) designed, created and signed by engraving by John Armleder containing 4 original films for color selection (yellow, black, magenta and cyan) signed in original by Daniel Spoerri. 2 giant format banknotes, printed in lithography on watermarked paper (using the aforementioned films), also signed in original by Daniel Spoerri. Project ONE was designed for charitable purposes, certifying that the proceeds from the works sold will be donated exclusively to the "Centro Dino Ferrari" Association which supports the Dino Ferrari Center of the University of Milan - Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, and carries out scientific research in the field of neuromuscular, neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. For this purpose, several artists were involved in Progetto One: John Armleder, Enzo Cucchi, Mel Ramos, Peter Halley, Andres Serrano, Daniel Spoerri, Ben Vautier and Lawrence Weiner, who donated their works for this charitable purpose..

    Capitolium Art
  • ¤ John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile
    Dec. 06, 2023

    ¤ John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile Signée et datée au dos "John Armleder, 1995" h: 150,50 w: 151 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Suisse Commentaire : Mixed media on canvas; signed and dated on the reverse Lot en importation temporaire. L'acquéreur devra acquitter des frais d'importation, soit 5,5% en sus du prix d'adjudication sauf s'il réexporte immédiatement le lot hors de l'Union Européenne. This work is in temporary import. The buyer will have to pay import fees of 5.5% in addition to the hammer price, unless the buyer immediately re-exports the lot outside the European Union. Estimation 40 000 - 60 000 €

  • ¤ John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile
    Dec. 06, 2023

    ¤ John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    John ARMLEDER (Né en 1948) Sans titre - 1995 Technique mixte sur toile Signée et datée au dos "John Armleder, 1995" h: 101 w: 100,50 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Suisse Commentaire : Mixed media on canvas; signed and dated on the reverse Lot en importation temporaire. L'acquéreur devra acquitter des frais d'importation, soit 5,5% en sus du prix d'adjudication sauf s'il réexporte immédiatement le lot hors de l'Union Européenne. This work is in temporary import. The buyer will have to pay import fees of 5.5% in addition to the hammer price, unless the buyer immediately re-exports the lot outside the European Union. Estimation 20 000 - 30 000 €

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