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Vladimir Georgievic Bechteev Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator

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  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Costume design for a dancer
    Dec. 19, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Costume design for a dancer

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    signed 'WB' (lower left), titled and inscribed in ink (on the reverse) pencil and watercolour on paper 35.5 x 22.5 cm Provenance Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double sided drawing: The Carriage and Horses
    Dec. 19, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double sided drawing: The Carriage and Horses

    Est: €900 - €1,500

    Double sided drawing The Carriage and Horses signed 'WB' (lower left) pencil, ink, and wash on paper 30 x 22 cm Provenance Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Circus, circa 1920
    Dec. 19, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Circus, circa 1920

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    signed and dated in Cyrillic in pencil 'Bekhteev 20e g', ownership stamp of Igor Dichenko collection (on the reverse) pencil and watercolour on paper 33 x 35 cm Provenance Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Illustration for Daphnis and Chloe
    Oct. 28, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Illustration for Daphnis and Chloe

    Est: €400 - €600

    ownership stamp of Igor Dichenko collection (on the reverse of passepartout) ink on paper 14.5 x 12 cm Executed circa 1930s Provenance: Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Sketch of the book cover 'Noyabr 15 dnei. Moskva 1922' [November in 15 days. Moscow. 1922]
    Oct. 28, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Sketch of the book cover 'Noyabr 15 dnei. Moskva 1922' [November in 15 days. Moscow. 1922]

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    signed with initials ‘M.W’ (lower right), ownership stamp of Igor Dichenko collection watercolour and ink on paper 26.5 x 19.5 cm Provenance: Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing
    Oct. 28, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    numbered in pencil ’72 ’, ownership stamp of Igor Dichenko gouache and watercolour on board 9.3 x 13.6 cm Provenance: Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Illustration for the novel Rasprava [The reprisal] by S.T. Semenov (1923)
    Oct. 28, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Illustration for the novel Rasprava [The reprisal] by S.T. Semenov (1923)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    ownership stamp (on the reverse) gouache on paper 14.2 x 14.2 cm Provenance: Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Illustration for Consuelo by George Sand
    Oct. 28, 2024

    VLADIMIR BEKHTEEV (VLADIMIR VON BECHTEJEFF) (1878-1971) Double-sided drawing: Illustration for Consuelo by George Sand

    Est: €1,200 - €1,700

    Inscribed in Cyrillic and dated ‘BEKHTEEV Consuelo 30’ (lower left), ownership stamp of Igor Dichenko collection (on the reverse of passepartout) ink and watercolour on paper 18.6 x 13.5 cm Provenance: Collection of Igor Dichenko (Ihor Dychenko) (1946-2015), Soviet and Ukrainian collector, art historian, and painter; one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian avant-garde, Kyiv. Private collection, Europe

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Oct. 01, 2023


    Est: $250 - $350

    Vladimir Bekhteev, a watercolor on paper illustration for Boleslaw Prus's novel "The Doll". Signed and inscribed on the verso "Version No 1a, frontispiece for the first part of Prus's novel The Doll". Vladimir Bekhteev, or Vladimir von Bechtejeff (1878-1971) was a Russian painter and illustrator.

    Helios Auctions
  • Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff – „Au bord de la mer Baltique“ (“By the Baltic Sea“)
    Dec. 08, 2021

    Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff – „Au bord de la mer Baltique“ (“By the Baltic Sea“)

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Watercolour and opaque white on wove. 1957. Ca. 28.5 x 40.5 cm. Monogrammed and dated lower left. Dated once more, titled and inscribed in Russian “Palanga weiblicher Strand" on the reverse. With a dedication to Addy Erbslöh dated 4th June 1971.

    Karl & Faber
  • Vladimir Bekhteev(Russian 1878-1971).
    Nov. 24, 2017

    Vladimir Bekhteev(Russian 1878-1971).

    Est: $200 - $300

    Bekhteev Vladimir Georgievich (1878-1971). A. S. Pushkin, “Count Nulin”. A sketch of an illustration. 1949. Paper, watercolor. 36,6 х 28. Бехтеев Владимир Георгиевич (1878-1971). А.С. Пушкин «Граф Нулин». Эскиз иллюстрации. 1949. 36,6 х 28,1.

    JADA Auctions, Inc.
  • Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 – 1971).
    May. 29, 2017

    Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 – 1971).

    Est: $100 - $200

    Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 – 1971). Still life. 1920s. Gouache, watercolor, whitewash on paper. 18.5 x 14.5. Бехтеев Владимир Георгиевич (1878 – 1971). Натюрморт. 1920-е гг. Бумага, гуашь, акварель, белила. 18,5 х 14,5.

    JADA Auctions, Inc.
  • Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 -1971).
    May. 29, 2017

    Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 -1971).

    Est: $100 - $200

    Vladimir Bekhteev (1878 -1971). Arrival of Lev Tolstoy. Ink and watercolor on paper. 31 x 22 cm. Illustration for the K.Fedin’s novel. Initialed lower right. Бехтеев Владимир Георгиевич (1878 – 1971). Встреча Льва Толстого. Иллюстрация к повести К. Федина. Бумага, тушь, акварель. 31 х 22. Справа внизу инициалы. На обороте: «Федин 1941 Встреча Льва Толстого».

    JADA Auctions, Inc.
  • Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sa
    Apr. 19, 2015

    Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sa

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sans titre, 1921. Technique mixte sur papier, monogrammée et datée en bas à droite. Haut : 31 cm Larg : 23,3 cm. Provenance : Acquis par Ivan Ivanovich VOLODIN (1911-2001) vers 1960, célèbre collectionneur ukrainien d'art d'avant-garde, auprès des archives UNOVIS et UGOLEFF du Grekov's art college. Aquis par Valdislav Vassilievich NAUMEKO, Odessa, Ukraine, vers 1990.

    Le Chesnay Enchères
  • Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sa
    Apr. 19, 2015

    Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sa

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    Vladimir Georgievic VON BECHTEJEFF (1878-1971). Sans titre, 1921. Technique mixte sur papier, monogrammée et datée en bas à droite. Haut : 46 cm Larg : 34,5 cm. Provenance : Acquis par Ivan Ivanovich VOLODIN (1911-2001) vers 1960, célèbre collectionneur ukrainien d'art d'avant-garde, auprès des archives UNOVIS et UGOLEFF du Grekov's art college. Aquis par Valdislav Vassilievich NAUMEKO, Odessa, Ukraine, vers 1990.

    Le Chesnay Enchères
  • BEKHTEEV Vladimir 1878-1971
    Dec. 05, 2014

    BEKHTEEV Vladimir 1878-1971

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    BEKHTEEV Vladimir 1878-1971 Nudes in the Forest, circa 1910 Oil on canvas Monogrammed lower left 60,5 x 80 cm Certificate N. Lapidus

    The Bru Sale Gallery
  • Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff - Parkweg mit Reiterin
    Nov. 27, 2014

    Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff - Parkweg mit Reiterin

    Est: €100,000 - €150,000

    Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff - Parkweg mit Reiterin. Dated and signed lower left: 1905. W. Bechtejeff. Oil on canvas. 1905

  • Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (1878-1971, Russian)
    Nov. 25, 2014

    Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (1878-1971, Russian)

    Est: £300 - £400

    Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (1878-1971, Russian), a pen and ink, illustration for the book by Vasily Yan, titled 'Baty', a female horsender with sword in hand, unframed, 18.5 x 11cm.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Old Shymkent and Nude
    Jun. 05, 2013

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Old Shymkent and Nude

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) Old Shymkent and Nude , double-sided, one side signed with initials. Ink and watercolour on paper, 33 by 26 cm Executed in 1942. Provenance: Collection of N. Giber, the artist's nephew. Important private collection, Europe.

  • * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Mythological Composition
    Jun. 05, 2013

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Mythological Composition

    Est: £7,000 - £9,000

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) Mythological Composition , signed with initials. Pencil on paper, 33 by 20.5 cm Executed in the late 1910s-early 1920s. Provenance: Collection of N. Giber, the artist's nephew, St Petersburg. Important private collection, Europe. Literature: D. Kogan, Vladimir Bekhteev, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1977, p. 222, listed; p. 223, illustrated in black and white.

  • * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Illustrations for "Kri-Kri" by E. Yakhnina and M. Aleynikov
    Jun. 05, 2013

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) - Illustrations for "Kri-Kri" by E. Yakhnina and M. Aleynikov

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    * BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR (1878-1971) Illustrations for "Kri-Kri" by E. Yakhnina and M. Aleynikov , seven works, three signed with initials and one dated 1939, each further variously inscribed in Cyrillic and numbered on the reverse. Each ink, heightened with white, on paper, the largest measuring 45 by 32 cm, and the smallest 43.5 by 32 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Literature: E. Yakhnina, M. Aleinikov, Kri-Kri, Moscow, DetLit, 1940.

  • Illustration for Alexander Radishchev's "Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow"
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Illustration for Alexander Radishchev's "Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow"

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for Alexander Radishchev's "Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow" , signed with an initial. Ink and wash on paper, 22 by 15 cm.

  • Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (Russian, 1878-1971) Eastern motif, 1909-1914 unframed
    Dec. 01, 2010

    Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (Russian, 1878-1971) Eastern motif, 1909-1914 unframed

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Eastern motif, 1909-1914 signed with Latin initials (lower right); verso with detail in pencil of a map of the streets of Munich by the artist pencil and ink on paper 22 x 24cm (8 11/16 x 9 7/16in). unframed

  • BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for a Novel by Honoré de Balzac
    Dec. 01, 2010

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for a Novel by Honoré de Balzac

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for a Novel by Honoré de Balzac signed with an initial Pencil and watercolour on paper, 28.5 by 21 cm.

  • BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Bagri Kuk. Costume Design for the First State Circus, Moscow, 1921
    Dec. 01, 2010

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Bagri Kuk. Costume Design for the First State Circus, Moscow, 1921

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Bagri Kuk. Costume Design for the First State Circus, Moscow, 1921 inscribed in Cyrillic "Bagri Kuk / Horse Rider" Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper, 43 by 31 cm. With sketches on the reverse. Literature: Bekhteev Vladimir Georgievich (1878-1971). Raboty na bumage 1900-1960kh gg., Moscow, 2005, p. 82, illustrated.

  • BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Lion Tamers
    Dec. 01, 2010

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Lion Tamers

    Est: £7,000 - £9,000

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Lion Tamers signed with initals and numbered "10", further titled and dated 1921 on the reverse Gouache on paper, 57.5 by 47 cm. Accompanied by a preparatory sketch, graphite and charcoal on paper, laid on paper, 48 by 42 cm.

  • BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for Herodias by Flaubert
    Jun. 11, 2010

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for Herodias by Flaubert

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Illustration for Herodias by Flaubert inscribed in Cyrillic on the reverse Watercolour, heightened with white, on paper, 20 by 16 cm.

  • BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Mikhail Lomonosov
    Jun. 11, 2010

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Mikhail Lomonosov

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    BEKHTEEV, VLADIMIR 1878-1971 Mikhail Lomonosov two works, one signed with initials Each watercolour on paper, each measuring 29 by 20 cm. and 28 by 21 cm.

  • Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev , 1878-1971 Young Women at the well oil on canvas
    Nov. 24, 2008

    Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev , 1878-1971 Young Women at the well oil on canvas

    Est: £120,000 - £180,000

    signed with the artist's monogram l.l. oil on canvas

  • Bechtejeff, Wladimir Georgiewitsch von
    May. 10, 2008

    Bechtejeff, Wladimir Georgiewitsch von

    Est: - €13,000

    Moskau 1878 - 1971 Moskau - Häuser unter Bäumen. Öl/Lwd.. Links unten monogrammiert und datiert (19)12. 46 x 55 cm (24395001) - - Landscape with a small village and trees. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (19)12. 46 x 55 cm. After completing his training at the Military Academy in Moscow, Vladimir Bechtejeff starts to study painting at the Moscow Academy of Arts in 1902. On the advice of Jawlensky, he moves to Munich in the same year, where he continues his studies with Heinrich Knirr until 1905. From 1906 to 1909, Bechtejeff lives in Paris. Returning to Munich, he joins the 'Neue Künstlervereinigung München' in 1909, which he leaves again in 1912 in protest against a self-publicising attack by the group on abstract painting. Bechtejeff's works at this time, with their glowing use of colour, are strongly influenced by Javlensky, whilst his shimmering lines are reminiscent of the works of Late Impressionism. Subsequently, he produces ornamentally flat compositions with an energetic colour rhythm which nonetheless retain figurative references. With the start of the First World War, Bechtejeff's artistic development breaks off abruptly. He returns to Russia and is called up for military service immediately. After this, Bechtejeff works initially in the Moscow Commission for the Preservation of Historical Monuments, and then, in the years 1921/22, as a stage builder, later becoming Design Manager of the Moscow State Circus. In the 20s and 30s, he works mainly as an illustrator. In addition, he devotes himself in his later works to water colours and gouache, in addition to oil painting. Bechtejeff was accorded increasing recognition in his own country after the end of the Stalinist era.

    Auktionshaus Dr. Fischer
  • Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff
    Dec. 05, 2007

    Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff

    Est: - €180,000

    Wladimir Georgiewitsch von Bechtejeff (1878 Moskau - 1971 Moskau). Zirkusszene. Um 1910 Oil on cardboard, mounted on canvas. Monogrammed lower left (in the triangle).49,8 x 73 cm (19,6 x 28,7 in). Provenienz: Charles Henry Kleemann, Höhenschäftlarn near Munich.Villa Grisebach, Berlin, auction 27, 27.11.1992, lot 13.Private collection North Germany. Ausstellung: Der Blaue Reiter und Das Neue Bild 1909 - 1912. Von der 'Neuen Künstlervereinigung München' zum 'Blauen Reiter', Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, 2.7.-3.10.1999, p. 349, cat.no. 210 (with full page colour chart 136). Das Neue Bild. Veröffentlichung der Neuen Künstlervereinigung/München, text by Otto Fischer, Munich 1912.After completing his training at the Military Academy in Moscow, Vladimir Bechtejeff began to study painting at the Moscow Academy of Arts in 1902. On Alexej von Javlensky's advice, he moved to Munich the same year, where he continued his studies under Heinrich Knirr until 1905. From 1906 to 1909, Bechtejeff lived in Paris. Returning to Munich, he joined the 'Neue Künstlervereinigung München' in 1909, which he left again in 1912 in protest against a self-publicising attack by the group on abstract painting. Bechtejeff's works at this time with their bright use of colour were strongly influenced by Javlensky, whilst his shimmering brush strokes were reminiscent of the works of Late Impressionism. His years in Paris exerted a formative influence on Bechtejeff. The result was paraphrases of Édouard Manet's 'Oympia" and Paul Cézanne's 'Les Grandes Baigneuses", which Bechtejeff saw in Paris. Our picture is indebted thematically to the celebrated Paris life. The French Impressionists were the first to put the new bourgeois pleasures into their pictures. The theatre, cafés, varieté - especially the Moulin Rouge - race-tracks and circus arenas were the theatres in which social life operated and as such they provided the art of the time with its motifs. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec was supreme in capturing these transient scenarios and depicting them in a hectic dynamic. Bechtejeff, by contrast, has here chosen a representation of dressage for his painting, a moment of calm. He presents the bodies of the bluish black horses, whose suppleness and elegance match that of the trainer, with the ornamental play of line typical of his handling. There are also overtones of typical Munich local colour. It was Franz Marc who was so intensely preoccupied with representing animals during those years and they may have formally influenced Bechtejeff. Whereas Marc sought the animal and primal aspect of life with his animals, in Bechtejeff they seem part of the scene and fuse with human beings to an image of artificial beauty that still seems to radiate the Paris spirit. With the beginning of the First World War, Bechtejeff's artistic development broke off abruptly. He returned to Russia and was immediately called up for military service. Afterwards Bechtejeff worked initially at the Moscow Commission for the Preservation of Historical Monuments, and then, between 1921 and 1922, as a stage builder, later becoming Design Manager of the Moscow State Circus. He devoted his later works to watercolour and gouache in addition to oil painting. The Lenbachhaus in Munich owns an important collection of paintings from his time in Munich. [KR]In good condition. Isolated tiny retouchings (?). Irregular varnish on the left margin near the tail, not interfering with the overall impression. Framed with paper tape along the edges.

    Feb. 15, 2007


    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    IN THE CAFE measurements 18 by 23 in. alternate measurements 45.7 by 58.5 cm. signed V. Bekhteev (lower left) oil on board Condition Note: In good condition aside from surface dirt. Lifting and small area of associated loss lower right corner. Under UV: no apparent in-painting. We are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described in our catalogue. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSION CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE.

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