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Johannes Blaeu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1596 - d. 1673

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    Dec. 17, 2024


    Est: €150 - €300

    Willem Janszoon Blaeu (Uitgeest, Países Bajos, 1571-1638) y Johannes Blaeu (Alkmaar, Países Bajos,1596-Amsterdam,1673) "Sueviæ nova tabula". Amsterdam, c.1640. Mapa grabado al cobre y coloreado sobre papel. Texto en latín. Mapa de la zona al sur de Heidelberg, que muestra Stuttgart, Ulm, Augsburgo y el río Danubio. También cubre parte del norte de Suiza, incluidas Basilea y Zurich. 37,5 x 48 cm (huella); 42 x 56 cm (papel). Sin enmarcar. Leve amarilleamiento y oxidación del papel acorde con su antigüedad, dobleces perimetrales y pliegue a la mitad de la hoja en sentido transversal. Presenta pérdidas de soporte en zona inferior y restauración.

    Aletheia Subastas
  • BLAEU. (Johannes), (1599-1673), 17th century, map
    Dec. 05, 2024

    BLAEU. (Johannes), (1599-1673), 17th century, map

    Est: £120 - £180

    BLAEU. (Johannes), (1599-1673), 17th century, map of Belgium, H 42cm, W 54cm, together with an 18th century map of Paris and its environs, Environs de Paris by M.Bonne, H23cm, W 34cm, (2)

  • [MAP]. [BLAEU, Johannes (1596-1673)]. Suthsexia; Vernacule ...
    Nov. 21, 2024

    [MAP]. [BLAEU, Johannes (1596-1673)]. Suthsexia; Vernacule ...

    Est: $150 - $300

    [MAP]. [BLAEU, Johannes (1596-1673)]. Suthsexia; Vernacule Sussex. [Amsterdam, ca. 1645 or later]. Hand-colored map (later hand-coloring) of Sussex with several hand-colored coats-of-arms, including those of King Charles I, the old Plantagenet coat of arms (first used by Richard the Lionheart), and 4 noble coats-of-arms. Sight approximately 14 ¼ x 19 ¾”. Matted and framed under glass. Frame size approximately 19 ¾ x 25 ¼”. Map toned, with 1 vertical crease at center. Very good. This map first appeared in Blaeu’s 1645 atlas of England. Like most of the maps in that atlas, it was copied from John Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine (1611-12).

    Potter & Potter Auctions Inc.
  • Johannes Blaeu
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu

    Est: £200 - £300

    Johannes Blaeu Oxonium Comitatus vulgo Oxfordshire, hand coloured engraved map, heraldic shields of Oxford University colleges to the vertical margins, engraved coloured vignette of the Rollright Stones on verso, Latin text, 39.5 x 51cm, double glazed and framed

  • Johannes Blaeu
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu

    Est: £100 - £150

    Johannes Blaeu Cantabrigiensis Comitatus, hand coloured engraved map of Cambridgeshire, French text verso, double glazed, 42 x 52cm framed size 54 x 63cm

  • Johannes Blaeu
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu

    Est: £100 - £200

    Johannes Blaeu Oxonium Comitatus vulgo Oxfordshire, hand coloured engraved map, heraldic shields of Oxford University colleges to the vertical margins, engraved coloured vignette of the Rollright Stones on verso, Latin text verso, 38 x 51cm, double glazed and framed

  • Johannes Blaeu
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu

    Est: £60 - £80

    Johannes Blaeu Comitatus Northantonensis, hand coloured engraved map of Northamptonshire, French text verso, 43 x 51cm; 'A View from St John's College Cambridge', Dighton caricature of James Wood, 1809, hand coloured etching, 35 x 22.5cm (2)

  • Blaeu, Johannes: Rugia insula
    Oct. 08, 2024

    Blaeu, Johannes: Rugia insula

    Est: €180 - €240

    Blaeu, Johannes. Rugia insula ac ducatus accuratissime descripta ab E. Lubino. Kupferstichkarte. 38 x 50 cm (Plattenrand). Amsterdam 1645. -- Karte aus dem Werk "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus in quo Tabulæ et Descriptiones Omnium Regionum, editæ a Guiljel et Ioanne Blaeu". Mit einer großen Titelkartusche, einer Windrose und am linken und rechten Rand befindet sich jeweils ein Banner mit fünfzehn Wappen. – Mit Mittelfalz. Minimal stockfleckig am Blattrand, sonst sauberes und schönes Exemplar. – Dabei: Matthäus Seutter. Ducatus Mecklenburgici, in qua praesentatur Ducatus Vandaliae et Mecklenburgi in specie, comitat olim Episcopat Swerinensis Dominum Rostochiense et Stargardiense. Grenz- und flächenkolorierte Kupferkarte. 50 x 58,5 cm (Plattenrand). Augsburg um 1730.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Blaeu, Johannes
    Sep. 19, 2024

    Blaeu, Johannes

    Est: £600 - £800

    Blaeu, Johannes Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia Amsterdam, 1646, engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, side panels with 14 fully coloured vignettes, Latin text to verso ('Brittania', pp.53-54), mounted, framed and glazed front and back, 43 x 54cm, some discolouration to side panels

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673)
    Sep. 12, 2024

    After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673)

    Est: £30 - £40

    After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673) Reproduction map of the central Highlands of Scotland, 50cm x 59cm.

    Martel Maides
  • MAP, China, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAP, China, Blaeu

    Est: $350 - $425

    Southern China. Johannes Blaeu, Queicheu, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Decima Quarta, from Novus Atlas Sinensis, 1655 (published). Hand Color. This map of the mountainous Guizhou Province depicts key cities, including Guiyang, Zunyi and Tongren. A long road through the region is shown dotted with forts. The map is decorated with two fine cartouches featuring putti and Chinese men showing the native costume of the region. Blank verso. The second landmark in the European mapping of China was the appearance of the Novus Atlas Sinensis in 1655. It was compiled by Father Martino Martini, an Italian Jesuit, and produced by the most prominent Dutch cartographer of the time, Johannes Blaeu. Father Martini compiled the work based on Chinese sources between 1643 and 1650, and it greatly advanced European knowledge of the region including the astronomical positions of many cities and topographical features. It remained the standard geographical work on that country until the publication in 1737 of D'Anville's Atlas de la Chine. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #8434:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Poland, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAP, Poland, Blaeu

    Est: $240 - $300

    Southwestern Poland. Johannes Blaeu, Ducatus Silesiae Ligniciensis. Auctore Iona Sculteto Sprotta Silesio, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This map is centered approximately on Legnica ( Lignitz) and extends to include the cities of Lublin, Jawor, and Lwówek Śląski. The title cartouche features a putto, garlands of fruit, and birds, while the distance scale cartouche includes a hunter with his dogs. The map is dedicated to Georgius Rodulfus, the duke of Silesia, by Ionas Scultetus. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #2930:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Germany, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAP, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $140 - $170

    Eastern Germany. Johannes Blaeu, Principatus Anhaltinus, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This map depicts part of Saxony-Anhalt between the cities of Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Mansfeld and Wittenberg. The map is beautifully engraved with two cartouches featuring putti. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #2160:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAPS, Germany, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAPS, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $350 - $425

    Northern Germany. Johannes Blaeu, [Lot of 2] Dithmarsiae Pars Septentrionalis. Nobili, Amplissimo, Doctissimo ac Prudentissimo... [and] Dithmarsiae Pars Australis, from Nuevo Atlas, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This matching pair of maps depicts the western portion of Schleswig-Holstein between the Eider and Elbe Rivers. There is great detail of cities, towns, small settlements, roads, windmills, and political boundaries. Five inset maps are included on the two sheets with bird's-eye plans of Heide Lunden, Wesselburen, Meldorf, and Brunsbuttel. The maps are handsomely adorned with decorative cartouches, ships and sea monsters in the Wadden Sea, and images of local farmers. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #1681:2.2 & #1682:2.2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Scotland, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAP, Scotland, Blaeu

    Est: $240 - $300

    Southern Scotland. Johannes Blaeu, Lidalia vel Lidisdalia Regio, Lidisdail. Auct. Timotheo Pont, from Sixieme Volume de la Geographie Blaviane, 1663 (circa). Hand Color. This beautifully engraved map covers the Liddell River valley on the border of Scotland and England. The map, based on the work of Timothy Pont, famous surveyor of Scotland in the late sixteenth century, includes great detail of the rivers, cities, villages, and castles, including Hermitage Castle, known as the "the guardhouse of the bloodiest valley in Britain" and the "Strength of Liddesdale." The Scots' Dike is prominently shown (here labeled March Dyik). This important earthwork was constructed by the English and the Scots in the year 1552 to mark the division of the Debatable Lands and thereby settle the exact boundary between the Kingdoms of Scotland and England. French text on verso, published between 1663-67. Publication of Bleau's atlas of Scotland (Atlas Novus, Volume V) in 1654 was a landmark publication in cartographic history. Most of the maps were based on the surveys of Timothy Pont, which had been done half a century earlier. The publication took over seven decades to bring to publication; it was delayed by wars, copyright restrictions, and only intermittent official support. The maps are scarce today due to the relatively short publication history of the atlas. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5816:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, England, Blaeu
    Aug. 20, 2024

    MAP, England, Blaeu

    Est: $240 - $300

    Western England. Johannes Blaeu, Herefordia Comitatus. Hereford-Shire, from Toonneel des Aerdrycks oft Nieuwe Atlas, 1648 (circa). Hand Color. This beautiful map of Herefordshire is engraved with delicately rendered trees, mountains and towns. Malvern Hill is on the eastern edge of the map with Monmouth to the south. Ludlow is located in the far northern part of the map and Brestayne and Hay border the west. The crests of prominent families are shown at right, with several empty crests. The map is further embellished with a title cartouche featuring garlands and the scale of miles attended by a surveyor and a pair of putti. Dutch text on verso, published between 1648-62. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5510:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • BLAEU, Johannes (1596-1673). Nouveau theatre d'Italie ou description exacte de ses villes, palais, eglises: tome troiseme, Le royaume de Naples et de Sicile [ WITH:] tome quatrieme, de la ville de Rome. Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier, 1704.
    Jul. 17, 2024

    BLAEU, Johannes (1596-1673). Nouveau theatre d'Italie ou description exacte de ses villes, palais, eglises: tome troiseme, Le royaume de Naples et de Sicile [ WITH:] tome quatrieme, de la ville de Rome. Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier, 1704.

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Mortier's re-edition of Blaeu's theatrum Italiae, the two volumes on Rome and the kingdom of the two Sicilies. In 1672, Blaeu's printing house was destroyed by fire and Mortier took over what was left of Blaeu's plates, adding new plates largely provided by Carlo-Emanuele Vizzani (1617-1661) and re-engraved many of the original views. Particularly interesting are the views of the Colosseum and modern Rome as well as Naples and the islands. Folio, (540 x 340 mm). Frontispieces, title-pages printed in red and black, 119 plates and maps, folded several times, double-page and some single as follows: in the third volume: 39 plates (of which 2 unnumbered and the rest numbered 1-37 as listed) and 1 geographical plate showing the Royaumes de Naples et Sicile (of 11 according to the list, the plates of the regions and islands are missing); in the fourth volume: 79 plates, all double page (light browning, some plates show some foxing). Contemporary full calf binding, spine gilt, title gilt to spine. (2)

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jul. 12, 2024


    Est: £40 - £60

    A 17TH CENTURY ANTIQUARIAN MAP OF LINCOLNSHIRE BY JOHAN BLAEU CIRCA 1650 A 17TH CENTURY ANTIQUARIAN MAP OF LINCOLNSHIRE BY JOHAN BLAEU CIRCA 1650 by Johannus Blaeu (1596-1673), a hand coloured, copper engraving with royal crest to the top right corner and various heraldic crests to the lower left, with a scale held by a pair of Baroque style putti, entitled 'Lincolnia Comitatus Anglis Lyncolne Shire' , in a Victorian wooden and parcel gilt and glazed frame, the map 49cm x 40cm, the frame 65cm x 57cm Use this link for a bespoke instant shipping quote to your location: https://app.thepackengers.com/en/product_widgets/6GRjlSGB4F/destination/new

    Curated Auctions
  • Johannes Blaeu (1596 - 1673), an engraved and coloured two-page map, Staffordiensis Comitatvs; Vulgo Stafford Shire [sic], 47.5cm x 56cm, c.1650
    Jul. 10, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu (1596 - 1673), an engraved and coloured two-page map, Staffordiensis Comitatvs; Vulgo Stafford Shire [sic], 47.5cm x 56cm, c.1650

    Est: £30 - £50

    Johannes Blaeu (1596 - 1673), an engraved and coloured two-page map, Staffordiensis Comitatvs; Vulgo Stafford Shire [sic], 47.5cm x 56cm, c.1650

    Bamfords Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd
  • Spain.- Blaeu (Johannes) Catalonia, engraved map, [c. 1634]; with Seutter's map of Catalonia, [c.1740] (2)
    Jul. 05, 2024

    Spain.- Blaeu (Johannes) Catalonia, engraved map, [c. 1634]; with Seutter's map of Catalonia, [c.1740] (2)

    Est: £150 - £200

    Spain.- Blaeu (Johannes) Catalonia, engraving with hand-colouring, platemark 385 x 500 mm (15 1/8 x 19 3/4 in), small margins, central vertical fold with repaired splitting, minor spotting and browning, unframed, [circa 1634 or slightly later] § Seutter (Matthaus) Cataloniae Principatus et Ruscinonis ae Cerretaniae Comitatuum, engraved map with hand-colouring, sheet 525 x 610 mm (20 3/4 x 24 in), central vertical fold with toning, otherwise minor surface dirt, unframed, [circa 1740] (2)

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Blaeu, Johannes
    Jun. 19, 2024

    Blaeu, Johannes

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Blaeu, Johannes Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia Amsterdam, 1646, engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, side panels with 14 fully coloured vignettes, Latin text to verso ('Brittania', pp.53-54), mounted, framed and glazed front and back, 43 x 54cm, some discolouration to side panels

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • Blaeu, Johannes
    Jun. 19, 2024

    Blaeu, Johannes

    Est: £600 - £800

    Blaeu, Johannes Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia [Amsterdam, 1645], Engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, side panels with 14 fully coloured vignettes, 42 x 53.5cm, mounted, very neatly laid down on thin card

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • British Isles.- Blaeu (Johannes) Britannia prout divisa suit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia, engraved map, [1645]
    Jun. 13, 2024

    British Isles.- Blaeu (Johannes) Britannia prout divisa suit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia, engraved map, [1645]

    Est: £400 - £600

    British Isles.- Blaeu (Johannes) Britannia prout divisa suit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia, map of the British Isles decorated with side borders featuring fourteen engraved vignettes representing episodes of Anglo-Saxon history, engraving with hand-colouring, on laid paper with large armorial watermark, platemark 415 x 530 mm (16 1/4 x 20 7/8 in), sheet 540 x 545 mm (21 1/4 x 21 1/2 in), central vertical fold with associated creases, minor nicks to edges, scattered spotting, browning and surface dirt, unframed, [Amsterdam, 1645]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673)
    May. 23, 2024

    After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673)

    Est: £40 - £60

    After Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673) Reproduction map of the central Highlands of Scotland, 19¾ x 23¼ inches (50cm x 59cm)

    Martel Maides
  • Johannes Blaeu (Alkmaar 1596 - Amsterdam 1673)
    May. 14, 2024

    Johannes Blaeu (Alkmaar 1596 - Amsterdam 1673)

    Est: €50 - €80

    Johannes Blaeu (Alkmaar 1596 - Amsterdam 1673) Il Cadorino Acquaforte e acquerello 50 x 60 cm Johannes Blaeu (Alkmaar 1596 - Amsterdam 1673) The Cadorino Etching and watercolour 50 x 60 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • Blaeu, Johannes: Theatrum Belgicae
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Blaeu, Johannes: Theatrum Belgicae

    Est: €6,000 - €9,000

    Blaeu, Johannes. Novum ac magnum theatrum urbium Belgicae regiae, ad praesentis temporis faciem expressum. (Band I von 2 Bänden). 42 nn. Bl. Mit Kupfertitel und 102 doppelblattgroßen gestochenen Ansichten, Grundrissen und Plänen sowie 38 (einseitigen, teils halbseitigen und teils 2 auf einem Blatt) Kupferstichen. 54,5 x 34,5 cm. Reich verzierter Pergamentband d. Z. (leicht berieben, bestoßen und mit kleinerer Fehlstelle) mit goldgeprägtem RSchild (leichte Randläsuren), goldgeprägten Arabesken auf den Deckeln, dreiseitigem Goldschnitt und spanischen Kanten. Amsterdam, Johannes Blaeu, (1649). -- Koemann I, S. 996 ff. Bl. 65. Philips I, 3076 (Ausgabe in holländischer Sprache). – Zweite lateinische Ausgabe mit etwas geänderter Tafelfolge. Der erste Teil des großen zweibändigen Städtewerks von Johannes Blaeu (1596-1673). Enthält den südlichen Teil der Vereinigten Niederlande, also größtenteils das heutige Königreich Belgien und zwar die Provinzen und Städte: Brabant, Limburg, Luxemburg, Flandern, Artois, Hennegau, Namur, Mecheln, Cambrai, Lüttich und Aachen. Die doppelblattgroßen Tafeln teils auch mit zwei bis vier Ansichten bzw. Plänen, darunter die besonders große Tafel von Lüttich, ferner Huy, Limburg, Luxemburg, Antwerpen, Brüssel, Brügge sowie alle anderen kleinen und mittleren Städte des Landes. "Von Brauns Ansicht abgeleitet ist die Stadtansicht von Blaeu die größte und sicherlich die spektakulärste von allen. Klare Zeichnung, schöner Vordergrund, hervorragende technische Ausführung ... Blaeus Meisterschaft bestätigt sich wieder einmal. Sein Stich des schönsten je im Lande errichteten Bauwerks ist genauso bemerkenswert wie seine Ansicht der Stadt. Eine Kopie von Braun, was Schloß, Dependenzien und Gärten anbetrifft" (Mersch). – In dem weiß gelassenem Titelfeld des Kupfertitels wurde wenig später ein typographisches Titelschildchen mit dem jetzigen Titel aufmontiert. Leicht braun- und fingerfleckig sonst wohlerhaltenes Exemplar. Mit sehr schönen und gratigen Kupfertafeln von unterschiedlich großen Platten und mit bemerkenswerten Darstellungen der Städte und detailgenauer Architektur und hübscher Staffage.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • BLAEU, Johan (*1596 +1673),
    Mar. 23, 2024

    BLAEU, Johan (*1596 +1673),

    Est: -

    BLAEU, Johan (*1596 +1673), nach Gotho, Kupferstichkarte "Terra Advocatorum vulgo Voightland", altcoloriert, Titelkartusche, ca. 39 x 49,5 cm, Buglfalte, verso Beschreibungstext

    zeitGenossen Antiquitäten - Kunst - Design
    Mar. 21, 2024


    Est: £80 - £120

    A 17TH CENTURY ANTIQUARIAN MAP OF LINCOLNSHIRE BY JOHAN BLAEU CIRCA 1650 A 17TH CENTURY ANTIQUARIAN MAP OF LINCOLNSHIRE BY JOHAN BLAEU CIRCA 1650 by Johannus Blaeu (1596-1673), a hand coloured, copper engraving with royal crest to the top right corner and various heraldic crests to the lower left, with a scale held by a pair of Baroque style putti, entitled 'Lincolnia Comitatus Anglis Lyncolne Shire' , in a Victorian wooden and parcel gilt and glazed frame, the map 49cm x 40cm, the frame 65cm x 57cm

    Curated Auctions
  • MAP, Italy, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Italy, Blaeu

    Est: $160 - $190

    Riva Presso Chieri, Italy. Johannes Blaeu, Ripae Oppidum, 1685 (circa). Black & White. This superb bird's-eye view of the town of Riva Presso Chieri, just outside of Turin, was published in Blaeu's town book of Italy. Each building, garden and tree has been delicately engraved. Adorned with a ribbon-style title cartouche with the city's coat of arms. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. IV) #3590.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Germany, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $180 - $210

    Eastern Germany. Johannes Blaeu, Principatus Anhaltinus, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This map depicts part of Saxony-Anhalt between the cities of Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Mansfeld and Wittenberg. The map is beautifully engraved with two cartouches featuring putti. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #2160:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Germany, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $150 - $180

    Central Germany. Johannes Blaeu, Saxonia Superior, & Hall Episcopatus, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This exquisitely engraved map of central Germany features the fortified cities of Wittenberg and Halle, plus numerous villages and nice detail of the region's forests. There are two large coats of arms at top, one with a dedication to Elector Johann Georg of Saxony. The decorative title cartouche incorporates the distance scale and features a farmer and livestock. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol II) #2100:2B.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Germany, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $180 - $210

    Western Germany. Johannes Blaeu, Comitatus Marchia et Ravensberg, 1659 (circa). Hand Color. This map depicts two historical counties of the Holy Roman Empire: Marks and Ravensberg. Major cities, towns, mountains, and rivers are identified. An inset at the bottom left shows Ravensberg and its surrounding regions. The map is adorned with an elaborate title cartouche featuring the coats of arms of the two counties and a scale of miles cartouche flanked by a regional figure. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. I) #2387:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Germany, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Germany, Blaeu

    Est: $190 - $220

    Northern Germany. Johannes Blaeu, Praefecturae Trittow, Reinbeeck, Tremsbuttel et Steinhorst, 1662 (circa). Hand Color. This decorative map focuses on the region between Hamburg and Lubeck, identifying the roads and towns in between. The Elbe River is prominently shown. The inset at top left shows a town plan of Bad Oldesloe with the city's churches and castle identified by a lettered key. The map is adorned with a strapwork title cartouche that incorporates the distance scale and a dedication to Christophorus von Bulow and Friedrich von Alfeldt. Spanish text on verso, published between 1659-72. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #1676:2.2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Netherlands, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Netherlands, Blaeu

    Est: $275 - $350

    Enkhuizen, Netherlands. Johannes Blaeu, Topographia Enchusae Delineata a Cornelio Biens Senatore Enchusano, from Toonneel der Steden van de ... Nederlanden, 1652 (published). Black & White. This superb bird's-eye plan of Enkhuizen gives excellent detail of all the buildings, streets, and canals in this fortified city. Tiny ships fill the waters and windmills appear in the bastions around the city. A lettered key identifies numerous locations. This is the second state with the addition of the arms of West Friesland. Dutch text on verso. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. IV) #1243.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Baltic, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Baltic, Blaeu

    Est: $400 - $475

    Baltic. Johannes Blaeu, Livonia, Vulgo Lyfeland, 1642 (circa). Hand Color. This handsome map covers the area of present-day Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, with the Baltic Sea, as well as the neighboring coastlines of Sweden and Finland. The map is embellished with sailing ships, a title cartouche, and the coats of arms for Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Courland (Latvia), Lithuania, Moscovia, and Ingria. Dutch text on verso, published between 1642-64. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #1710:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Scotland, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Scotland, Blaeu

    Est: $275 - $350

    Southern Scotland. Johannes Blaeu, Lidalia vel Lidisdalia Regio, Lidisdail. Auct. Timotheo Pont, from Sixieme Volume de la Geographie Blaviane, 1663 (circa). Hand Color. This beautifully engraved map covers the Liddell River valley on the border of Scotland and England. The map, based on the work of Timothy Pont, famous surveyor of Scotland in the late sixteenth century, includes great detail of the rivers, cities, villages, and castles, including Hermitage Castle, known as the "the guardhouse of the bloodiest valley in Britain" and the "Strength of Liddesdale." The Scots' Dike is prominently shown (here labeled March Dyik). This important earthwork was constructed by the English and the Scots in the year 1552 to mark the division of the Debatable Lands and thereby settle the exact boundary between the Kingdoms of Scotland and England. French text on verso, published between 1663-67. Publication of Bleau’s atlas of Scotland (Atlas Novus, Volume V) in 1654 was a landmark publication in cartographic history. Most of the maps were based on the surveys of Timothy Pont, which had been done half a century earlier. The publication took over seven decades to bring to publication; it was delayed by wars, copyright restrictions, and only intermittent official support. The maps are scarce today due to the relatively short publication history of the atlas. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5816:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Scotland, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Scotland, Blaeu

    Est: $300 - $375

    Northern Scotland. Johannes Blaeu, Cathenesia. Caithness, from Geographiae Blavianae Volumen Sextum, 1662 (published). Hand Color. This beautifully engraved map covers the northern tip of Scotland. The map, based on the work of Timothy Pont, famous surveyor of Scotland in the late sixteenth century, includes great detail of the rivers, cities, villages, and castles, including the castle of Old Wick. The fortified city of Thurso is also shown. The title cartouche features putti with surveying instruments. This is the second state with the addition of ships and a cartouche surrounding the distance scale. Latin text on verso. Publication of Bleau’s atlas of Scotland (Atlas Novus, Volume V) in 1654 was a landmark publication in cartographic history. Most of the maps were based on the surveys of Timothy Pont, which had been done half a century earlier. The publication took over seven decades to bring to publication; it was delayed by wars, copyright restrictions, and only intermittent official support. The maps are scarce today due to the relatively short publication history of the atlas. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5853:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, Wales, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, Wales, Blaeu

    Est: $550 - $700

    Wales. Johannes Blaeu, Wallia Principatus Vulgo Wales, from Cinquieme Volume de la Geographie Blaviane, 1663 (circa). Hand Color. This handsome map of Wales is filled with detail and decorative elements. Towns, political boundaries, rivers, and mountains are shown, including Snowdown Hill (Snowdon), the highest mountain in the country. A strapwork cartouche with putti, several coats of arms, sailing galleons, and a dedication cartouche to King Charles I fill the blank areas of the map. French text on verso, published between 1663-67. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5500:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, England, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, England, Blaeu

    Est: $350 - $425

    Eastern England. Johannes Blaeu, Cantabrigiensis Comitatus; Cambridge Shire, from Cinquieme Volume de la Geographie Blaviane..., 1663 (circa). Hand Color. This is an excellent example of the height of decorative Dutch map-making. It is embellished with two royal crests, the arms of seven noble families, seventeen colleges of Cambridge University, and two blank shields. The map itself is filled with detail of the countryside including forests, parks, cities and villages. French text on verso, published between 1663-67. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5300:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • MAP, England, Blaeu
    Mar. 12, 2024

    MAP, England, Blaeu

    Est: $600 - $750

    Northern England. Johannes Blaeu, Ducatus Eboracensis Pars Borealis / The Northriding of York Shire, from Le Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas, 1645 (circa). Hand Color. This map of North Yorkshire has a dramatic pictorial cartouche featuring fishermen. Across the top of the map are fifteen armorial shields, fourteen of which bear family names plus one left blank. There are two larger coats of arms, including the royal crest and the arms of England, in the upper corners. The map is filled with the detail typical of Blaeu's maps. French text on verso, published between 1645-48. LITERATURE: Van der Krogt (Vol. II) #5368:2.

    Old World Auctions
  • China.- Shanghai.- Blaeu (Johannes) Nanking sive Kiangnan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Nona, engraved map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Shanghai.- Blaeu (Johannes) Nanking sive Kiangnan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Nona, engraved map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £150 - £200

    China.- Shanghai.- Blaeu (Johannes) Nanking sive Kiangnan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Nona, regional map of centred on Shanghai, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 560 x 630 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), rough edges with marginal nicks and tears, minor marginal damp-stains, some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Suchuen, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Sexta, engraved map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Suchuen, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Sexta, engraved map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £200 - £300

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Suchuen, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Sexta, regional map of Suchen province, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 505 x 610 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Huquang, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Huquang, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £150 - £200

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Huquang, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, regional map of Hunan province, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 560 x 630 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), rough edges with marginal nicks and tears, minor marginal damp-stains, some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Xensi, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved, map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Xensi, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved, map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £150 - £200

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Xensi, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, regional map of Shaanxi province, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 560 x 630 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), rough edges with marginal nicks and tears, minor marginal damp-stains, some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Fokien, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Fokien, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, engraved map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £150 - £200

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Fokien, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima, regional map of Fujian province, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 555 x 630 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), rough edges with marginal nicks and tears, minor marginal damp-stains, some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Honan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Quinta, engraved map, [c. 1655]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Honan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Quinta, engraved map, [c. 1655]

    Est: £150 - £200

    China.- Blaeu (Johannes) Honan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Quinta, regional map of Henan province, China, engraved map with original hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermark of Atlas, platemark 405 x 485 mm (15 3/4 x 19 in), sheet 555 x 620 mm (19 7/8 x 24 in), rough edges with marginal nicks and tears, minor marginal damp-stains, some spotting and minor browning, unframed, [circa 1655]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Central Asia and Russia.- Blaeu (Johannes) Tartaria Sive Magni Chami Imperium, engraved map, [c. 1650]; together with D'Anville's 'Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge', 1765 (2)
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Central Asia and Russia.- Blaeu (Johannes) Tartaria Sive Magni Chami Imperium, engraved map, [c. 1650]; together with D'Anville's 'Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge', 1765 (2)

    Est: £100 - £150

    Central Asia and Russia.- Blaeu (Johannes) Tartaria Sive Magni Chami Imperium, engraved map with hand-colouring, platemark 385 x 510 mm (15 1/8 x 20 in), sheet 480 x 580 mm (18 7/8 x 22 3/4 in), central vertical fold, surface dirt and browning, unframed, [circa 1650 or slightly later]; together with D'Anville's 'Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge', engraved map, 750 x 560 mm (29 1/2 x 22 in), unframed, 1765 (2)

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Brazil.- Blaeu (Johannes) Brasilia, engraved map, [1647]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Brazil.- Blaeu (Johannes) Brasilia, engraved map, [1647]

    Est: £400 - £600

    Brazil.- Blaeu (Johannes) Brasilia, oriented with north to the right of the chart, engraving with fine hand-colouring, on laid paper with large watermarm, platemark 390 x 495 mm (15 1/4 x 19 1/2 in), sheet 555 x 640 mm (21 3/4 x 25 1/4 in), central vertical fold with minor splitting to head, scattered spotting and minor browning, unframed, [1647]

    Forum Auctions - UK
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