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Daniel de Blieck Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed,
    Oct. 12, 2024

    Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed,

    Est: -

    Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed, "Kircheninterieur",(1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed, "Kircheninterieur", oil on canvas, relined, 55.5 x 44 cm Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ebenda, niederländischer Maler, Zeichner und Architekt des Goldenen Zeitalters, im Besonderen Architekturmalerei, sowohl reale als auch imaginäre Kircheninnenräume) zugeschrieben, "Kircheninterieur", Öl auf Leinwand doubliert, 55.5 x 44 cm

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed,
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed,

    Est: -

    Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed, "Kircheninterieur",(1610 Middelburg - 1673 ibid., Dutch painter, draughtsman and architect of the Golden Age, in particular architectural painting, both real and imaginary church interiors) inscribed, "Kircheninterieur", oil on canvas, relined, 55.5 x 44 cm Blieck, Daniel de (1610 Middelburg - 1673 ebenda, niederländischer Maler, Zeichner und Architekt des Goldenen Zeitalters, im Besonderen Architekturmalerei, sowohl reale als auch imaginäre Kircheninnenräume) zugeschrieben, "Kircheninterieur", Öl auf Leinwand doubliert, 55.5 x 44 cm

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Daniel de Blieck, View of a Palace with Elegrant Figures
    May. 16, 2024

    Daniel de Blieck, View of a Palace with Elegrant Figures

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Signed and dated lower right: D. Blieck, f. 1661 Daniel de Blieck is a ray of hope in an otherwise dark period of painting in Middelburg.His understanding of interiors and the clarity of his drawing skills can clearly be traced back to his formal training as an architect, while the concept of depicting imaginary church interiors is a direct response to the work of Hendrick van Vliet and Anthonie de Lorme. Rarer in de Blieck's oeuvre are detailed views of Renaissance palaces such as the present one.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • DANIËL DE BLIECK (?-1673 Middelburg) The interior of a baptistery by night
    Feb. 02, 2024

    DANIËL DE BLIECK (?-1673 Middelburg) The interior of a baptistery by night

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    DANIËL DE BLIECK (?-1673 Middelburg) The interior of a baptistery by night oil on panel 30 ¾ x 31 ¼ in. (78 X 79.3 cm.)

  • Dutch church interior
    Nov. 23, 2023

    Dutch church interior

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Oil on canvas 74x63.5 cm. Framed

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Daniel de Blieck, A Church Interior
    Nov. 18, 2023

    Daniel de Blieck, A Church Interior

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Daniel de Blieck, A Church Interior

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • DANIEL DE BLIECK (C.1630-1673) Intérieur d’un palais animé de personnages jouant et lisant
    Oct. 08, 2021

    DANIEL DE BLIECK (C.1630-1673) Intérieur d’un palais animé de personnages jouant et lisant

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    DANIEL DE BLIECK (C.1630-1673) Intérieur d’un palais animé de personnages jouant et lisant Huile sur panneau Signée en bas vers la droite 52 x 69 cm

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
  • DANIEL DE BLIECK | The interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, looking east
    Dec. 06, 2018

    DANIEL DE BLIECK | The interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, looking east

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    oil on oak panel

  • DANIEL DE BLIECK | The interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, looking East
    Jul. 05, 2018

    DANIEL DE BLIECK | The interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, looking East

    Est: £50,000 - £70,000

    oil on oak panel

  • DANIEL DE BLIECK (ca. 1630-1673)
    May. 02, 2017

    DANIEL DE BLIECK (ca. 1630-1673)

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    DANIEL DE BLIECK (ca. 1630-1673) Basilica animated with figures. Panel. Signed and dated 'D.D. Blieck. A 1659'. As many of his contemporaries De Blieck found his inspiration in the works by his predecessors. This fantastic church is probably inspired by works of Hendrick Aerts (ca. 1565-1603), Anthonie de Lorme (ca. 1610-1673) and Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet (1611-ca. 1679). Provenance: Brussels, Galerie Georges Giroux, nr. 192, as 'intérieur d'église' 31.5 x 38.5 DUTCH DANIEL DE BLIECK (ca. 1630-1673) Figuren in basiliek. Paneel. Getekend en gedateerd 'D.D. Blieck. A 1659'. Net als vele andere kunstenaars-tijdsgenoten vond De Blieck inspiratie in het werk van zijn voorgangers. Wellicht gaat het hier om een gefantaseerde renaissancekerk naar werk van Hendrick Aerts (ca. 1565-1603), Anthonie de Lorme (ca. 1610-1673) en Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet (1611-ca. 1679). Herkomst/provenance: Brussel, Galerie Georges Giroux, nr. 192, als 'intérieur d'église' 31.5 x 38.5 FRENCH DANIEL DE BLIECK (ca. 1630-1673) Basilique animée de personnages. Panneau. Signé et daté 'D.D. Blieck. A 1659'. Comme beaucoup de ses contemporains De Blieck s'est inspiré de l'oeuvre de ses prédécesseurs. On peut supposer qu'il s'agît ici d'une église inventée d'après des tableaux de Hendrick Aerts (ca. 1565-1603), Anthonie de Lorme (ca. 1610-1673) et Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet (1611-ca. 1679). Provenance: Bruxelles, Galerie Georges Giroux, nr. 192, comme 'intérieur d'église' 31.5 x 38.5

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • Daniel de Blieck Middelburg h. 1610 - 1673 Interior of a Church
    Oct. 26, 2016

    Daniel de Blieck Middelburg h. 1610 - 1673 Interior of a Church

    Est: €14,000 -

    Daniel de Blieck Middelburg h. 1610 - 1673 Interior of a Church ?Oil on panel Firmado y fechado en 1652 82x106 cm Daniel de Blieck Middelburg h. 1610 - 1673 Interior de una iglesia Óleo sobre tabla Firmado y fechado en 1652 82x106 cm

  • DANIEL DE BLIECK | Interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam
    Jan. 29, 2016

    DANIEL DE BLIECK | Interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    oil on panel

  • The interior of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam
    Jun. 23, 2015

    The interior of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Daniël de Blieck (Middelburg 1608/12-1673) The interior of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam signed with monogram 'DDB' (lower centre) oil on panel 61 x 77.9 cm.

  • The interior of the Grote Kerk in Dordrecht, with figures conversing and children playing
    Jun. 23, 2015

    The interior of the Grote Kerk in Dordrecht, with figures conversing and children playing

    Est: €15,000 - €25,000

    Daniël de Blieck (Middelburg 1608/12-1673) The interior of the Grote Kerk in Dordrecht, with figures conversing and children playing signed and indistinctly dated(?) 'D · D · BLIECK ..' (strengthened, lower left) oil on panel 114 x 88.3 cm.

  • Painting, Daniel de Blieck
    Nov. 16, 2014

    Painting, Daniel de Blieck

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Daniel de Blieck (Dutch, 1620-1673), Church Interior, 1673, oil on board, signed and dated lower right, museum exhibition label affixed verso, board: 10"h x 15"w, overall (with frame): 17"h x 19.5"w. Provenance: Acquired in Holland by Sophia and Alexander Hertz circa 1920 from the Dutch art dealer Jacques Goudstikker. Descended in the family to present owner, the grandchild of Sophia and Alexander Hertz. Exhibited: Legion of Honor of The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

    Clars Auctions
  • Daniel de Blieck
    Jun. 15, 2013

    Daniel de Blieck

    Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

    Daniel de Blieck Kircheninterieur (wohl Laurenskerk in Rotterdam)

    Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
    Jan. 26, 2011


    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    DANIEL DE BLIECK ACTIVE IN MIDDELBURG 1648 - 1673 INTERIOR OF THE GROTE KERK, DORDRECHT WITH AN ELEGANT COUPLE, A TROMPE-L'OEIL CURTAIN ABOVE, SET AGAINST A FEIGNED BLACK FRAME signed and dated on the column lower left: D. D. Blieck/An° 1654 (AN linked) oil on panel 27 by 20 3/8 in.; 68.6 by 51.7 cm.

  • Daniel De Blieck (Middelburg? c. 1630-1673 Middelburg)
    May. 06, 2009

    Daniel De Blieck (Middelburg? c. 1630-1673 Middelburg)

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Daniel De Blieck (Middelburg? c. 1630-1673 Middelburg) The interior of the 'Laurenskerk', Rotterdam oil on panel 44.4 x 34.5 cm.

  • A classical church interior with elegant figures conversing by candlelight
    May. 06, 2008

    A classical church interior with elegant figures conversing by candlelight

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg) A classical church interior with elegant figures conversing by candlelight signed and dated 'DBLIECK. INV .1665.' (lower right) oil on canvas 58.3 x 70.5 cm.

  • Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)
    Sep. 20, 2006

    Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    A courting couple outside a building, an arcade and a garden beyond signed 'D.D.BLIECK' (upper left, over door) oil on panel 21 x 28 1/2 in. (53.4 x 72.8 cm.)

  • Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)
    Apr. 26, 2006

    Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    A courting couple outside a building, an arcade and a garden beyond signed 'D.D.BLIECK' (upper left, over door) oil on panel 21 x 28 1/2 in. (53.4 x 72.8 cm.)

  • Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)
    Jan. 24, 2003

    Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg? c.1630-1673 Middelburg)

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    A church interior signed and dated 'DDBLIECK/1651' (lower right) oil on panel 201/4 x 181/2 in. (51.3 x 47 cm.) NOTES Daniel de Blieck represents a light note in an otherwise dark period of painting in Middelburg. He entered the city's architectural guild in 1648 and it appears it is here that he embarked on his painting career. His comprehension of interior space and the clarity of his draftsmanship clearly derive from his formal training as an architect while the concept of depicting imaginary church interiors is a direct response to the work of Hendrick van Vliet and Anthonie de Lorme whose paintings he likely encountered during an extended trip to Delft and Rotterdam in the mid-1650s.

  • Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg c. 1630-1673)
    Jul. 10, 2002

    Daniel de Blieck (Middelburg c. 1630-1673)

    Est: $31,200 - $46,800

    The interior of a Gothic Cathedral with a stonemason carving an inscription on a tombstone and other figures signed 'D D BLIECK [F?]' (lower left) oil on panel 23 5/8 x 33 1/8 in. (57.4 x 84.2 cm.) PROVENANCE Anon. Sale, Brussels, 28 October 1928, lot 17. Anon. Sale, Christie's, Amsterdam, 9 November 1998, lot 74 (74,958 guilders). NOTES Although records of Daniel de Blieck's birthdate no longer exist, it is likely that he was around 20 years old when he joined the painter's guild of Middelburg in 1647-8. His earliest known paintings date from the 1950s. As Walter Liedtke noted, despite his relative isolation in Zeeland, he was well aware of the latest developments in Delft and Rotterdam (W. Liedtke in the catalogue for the Otto Naumann Gallery, Inaugural Exhibition of old Master Paintings, 1995, p. 95, no. 19). A version of the present picture, signed and dated 1651, is in the Bayerische Staatsgem„ldesammlungen, Munich (H. Jantzen, Das Niederl„ndische Architekturbild, 1979, p. 220, no. 78, fig. 53). The composition follows the engraving by Jan Londerseel, after Hendrick Aerts ( ibid., p. 217, no. 2, fig. 17). The artist's practice of drawing from sketchbook models can be illustrated by the figure of the stonemason in the foreground, who also appears in de Blieck's Interior of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam, of 1652 ( ibid., p. 204, fig. 54 c) and A church interior by candlelight with figures conversing, sold, Christie's, New York, 26 January 2001, lot 48 ($110,000).

  • DANIEL DE BLIECK (active 1648-1673 Middelburg)
    Jan. 26, 2001

    DANIEL DE BLIECK (active 1648-1673 Middelburg)

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    A church interior by candlelight with figures conversing signed and dated 'D.D.blieck.1652' (lower left, on the base of the column) oil on panel 331/2 x 451/4 in. (85.1 x 114.9 cm.) PROVENANCE Anon. Sale, Christie's, London, 9 July 1982, lot 90. with Gebr. Douwes, Amsterdam, 1997. EXHIBITION Mainz, Guttenburg University, Werke Alter Meister, 1968, no. 5. NOTES Records of Daniel de Blieck's birthdate have been lost, but he may have been around 20 years old when he joined the painter's guild of Middelburg in 1647-48. His earliest known paintings date from the 1650s. Walter Liedtke notes that, despite his relative isolation in Zeeland, De Blieck was well aware of the latest developments in church painting taking place in Delft and Rotterdam in the early 1650s (W. Liedtke in the catalogue for the Otto Naumann Gallery, Inaugural Exhibition of Old Master Paintings, 1995, p. 95, no. 19). Liedtke records three paintings executed in the same year as the present work and notes the importance to De Blieck of the candlelight paintings of the Rotterdam artist, Anthonie de Lorme. The present work, which appears to be an imaginary rendering of a classical church interior, uses figures and groups from other compositions of around the same date, illustrating the artist's practice of drawing from sketchbook models. For instance, the prostrate stone-mason on the ground to the right of the composition appears in both De Blieck's Interior of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam, of 1652 (Otto Naumann, New York, 1995) and in a composition offered for sale at Christie's, Amsterdam, 9 November 1998, lot 74. The group of figures around the ladder in the middle distance of the present work also appears with variations in the Naumann painting.

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