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Hugo Boettinger Sold at Auction Prices

Caricaturist, Painter

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    Jun. 08, 2023


    Est: -

    Hugo Boettinger was among the multi-talented artists. He created cartoons, graphics, puppets, illustrations and also painted. The scene in the casino is a beautiful example of art nouveau style. Hugo Boettinger mastered subtle color toning and was able to capture an authentic expression that reflected the mood of the subjects and the general atmosphere of the place. Boettinger also published cartoons at the AVU in Prague under the pseudonym Dr. Desiderius and collaborated with, among others, the magazines Šibeničky, Volné směry and Lidový noviny. In later years, he tried to capture dance or sports movement in his works. Although he enjoyed considerable popularity during his lifetime, both as a caricaturist - a joker and a brilliant painter, today his versatility is still being discovered in many ways. Exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1910. Technique: oil on canvas, Signed: sign. lower left: Hugo Boettinger Ostende

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Jun. 14, 2022


    Est: -

    The postcards "Poppy" and "Prince and Princess from a Fairy Tale" by Hugo Boettinger represent the author's personal correspondence with the girl Mary, in which the author communicates news to the girl and complements them with hand-drawn line drawings. Hugo Boettinger was one of the most talented artists, the pupil of M. Pirner at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague also published cartoons under the pseudonym Dr. Desiderius and collaborated with, among others, the magazines Šibeničky, Volné směry and Lidový noviny. In later years, he tried to capture dance or sports movement in his works. Technique: Pen, watercolour, cardboard, Signed: In the text "Hugo"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 14, 2021


    Est: -

    The portrait of the boy represents a beautiful example of an Art Nouveau-tuned portrait by Hugo Boettinger, a student of M. Pirner. Hugo Boettinger mastered the subtle skin tone and was able to give the portrayed face an extremely lively and authentic expression that reflected his current thoughts or mood. Boettinger also published cartoons at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague under the pseudonym Dr. Desiderius and collaborated with, among others, the magazines Šibeničky, Volné směry and Lidový noviny. In later years, he tried to capture dance or sports movement in his works. Technique: Oil on canvas on cardboard, Signed: Lower left "Hugo Böttinger"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2020


    Est: -

    Hugo Boettinger was one of the most talented artists of his time. He created cartoons, graphics, puppets, illustrations and also painted. His effort to capture movement with painting often got him into the environment of musicians and dancers. He also portrayed the famous Josephine Baker, for example. The presented work depicts the very popular dancer Milča Mayerová, who also posed for avant-garde artists, photographs of her dance poses appeared in the book Abeceda, in which V. Nezval and K. Teige collaborated, and also danced at the National theater and Osvobozené divadlo (The Liberated Theater). Technique: Oil on canvas, Signed: Lower right "H. Boettinger 1920"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Boettinger - Bathing
    Dec. 01, 2019

    Boettinger - Bathing

    Est: Kč120,000 - Kč150,000

    oil on canvas, dated around 1920

    Galerie KODL
  • Boettinger, Hugo
    Oct. 12, 2019

    Boettinger, Hugo

    Est: - €150

    Boettinger, Hugo (1880 Pilsen - Prag 1934). Das Böhmische Streichquartett. Heliogravüre b. Stenc, Prag 1.Hf. 20.Jh. 20 x 32,5 cm. Unter der Darst. sign. v. Karel Hoffmann (1872-1936), Hanus Wihan (1855-1920), Josef Suk (1874-1935) u. Jiri Herold (1875-1934). Unt. Glas gerahmt. - Etw. angestaubt u. gebr.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Hugo Boettinger MLÁDÍ. 1930 Cartella (mm 460x355) di 19 riproduzioni di disegni. Edizione di 1300 esemplari. Esemplare n. 331. Completo di cartella editoriale e colophon. Esemplare integro in buono stato di conservazione.
    Apr. 04, 2019

    Hugo Boettinger MLÁDÍ. 1930 Cartella (mm 460x355) di 19 riproduzioni di disegni. Edizione di 1300 esemplari. Esemplare n. 331. Completo di cartella editoriale e colophon. Esemplare integro in buono stato di conservazione.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Hugo Boettinger MLÁDÍ. 1930 Cartella (mm 460x355) di 19 riproduzioni di disegni. Edizione di 1300 esemplari. Esemplare n. 331. Completo di cartella editoriale e colophon. Esemplare integro in buono stato di conservazione.

  • Hugo Boettinger, (Czech, 1880-1934), Nudes with a parrot, oil on canvas, 59 x 47in (150 x 120cm)
    Mar. 03, 2019

    Hugo Boettinger, (Czech, 1880-1934), Nudes with a parrot, oil on canvas, 59 x 47in (150 x 120cm)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Hugo Boettinger (Czech, 1880-1934) Nudes with a parrot oil on canvas signed lower right and dated 1912-1917 59 x 47in (150 x 120cm) Provenance: Property from a Private Los Angeles California Collector. Other Notes: With old Prague gallery label to reverse.

    Andrew Jones Auctions
  • BOETTINGER HUGO ( 1880 - 1934 ) Summer
    Sep. 27, 2017

    BOETTINGER HUGO ( 1880 - 1934 ) Summer

    Est: -

    Pastel, paper, 25 x 24 cm. Signed with the monogram at the bottom right. Glazed. The truth was verified by PhDr. Michael Zachar. Around 1903.

    Art Gallery R&K s.r.o
  • Boettinger Hugo (Czech, 1880 - 1934)
    Mar. 26, 2017

    Boettinger Hugo (Czech, 1880 - 1934)

    Est: Kč40,000 - Kč50,000

    Little girl with a doll, oil on canvas, 26,5 x 32,5 cm, signed lower right HB, original frame. Tentative estimated price (EUR): 1 600 - 2 000 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 1 120

    Galerie Ustar
  • Boettinger Hugo (1880 - 1934)
    May. 14, 2016

    Boettinger Hugo (1880 - 1934)

    Est: Kč40,000 - Kč50,000

    Title: The little girl with a doll Technique: oil on canvas Size: 26,5 x 32,5 cm Signed lower right HB, framed Tentative estimated price (EUR): 1 482 - 1 852 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 815

    Galerie Ustar
  • BOETTINGER Hugo (1880-1934) Jeune femme nue allongée en bord de mer
    Jun. 14, 2014

    BOETTINGER Hugo (1880-1934) Jeune femme nue allongée en bord de mer

    Est: €600 - €800

    BOETTINGER Hugo (1880-1934) Jeune femme nue allongée en bord de mer Huile sur toile signée en bas à gauche Dimensions : 53,5 x 41,5 cm

    Accademia Fine Art
  • Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) SWIMMING, 1918. Group
    Nov. 09, 2013

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) SWIMMING, 1918. Group

    Est: Kč30,000 - Kč60,000

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) SWIMMING, 1918. Group of naked young women sun tanning at the river banks with geese grazing on the other bank. Oil on canvas, 128x97 cm (inside frame measurements), bottom left corner signed and dated „Hugo Boettinger 1918". Framed. Condition B/C. Hugo Boettinger - Czech painter, cartoonist and graphic designer studied Art in Prague by prof. Jenewein and Liška and Pirner. Travelled to England, Holland, Belgium and Italy. After his return he portrayed many personalities. Known mostly as a cartoonist. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) KOUPÁNÍ. 1918. Skupinka nahých mladých dívek, husopasek, se sluní na břehu říčky, zatímco se na protějším břehu pase stádo hus. Olej na plátně, 128x97 cm (výřez rámu), sign. a dat. vlevo dole „Hugo Boettinger 1918". Rámováno. Stav B/C. Hugo Boettinger - český malíř, grafik a karikaturista. Studoval na UMPRUM v Praze u prof. Jeneweina a Lišky. Ve studiu pokračoval na akademii u Pirnera. Podnikl studijní cesty po Anglii, Holandsku, Belgii a Itálii. V Praze po návratu z cest portrétoval řadu významných osobností. Proslul především jako karikaturista. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) BADEN. 1918. Gruppe von nackten Gänsehirtinnen, die sich am Flussufer sonnen, während die Gänse gegenüber weiden. Öl auf Leinwand, 128x97 cm (Maße unter Rahmen), sign. und dat. links unten „Hugo Boettinger 1918". Gerahmt. Zustand B/C.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939 Prague) A
    May. 18, 2013

    Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939 Prague) A

    Est: - Kč80,000

    Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939 Prague) A Couple at Rest, signed H. Boettinger bottom right, oil on canvas, 94.5 x 46 cm, glass, frame (Ní)

  • Artwork by - Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939
    Mar. 09, 2013

    Artwork by - Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939

    Est: - Kč50,000

    Artwork by - Boettinger Hugo (Pilsen 1880 - 1939 Prague)

  • Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) (Attr), Czech painter
    May. 06, 2011

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) (Attr), Czech painter

    Est: - €1,200

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) (Attr), Czech painter and Graphic, adult-city: Prague, life-size, female. Nude, oil on canvas. Unsign., Verso Monogr. 'HB' (ligated) and dated 'Winter 1914' min. rest., 170 x 70 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). Approving, 1931.
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). Approving, 1931.

    Est: Kč1,800 - Kč3,600

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). Approving, 1931. „Kdyby nebylo nás, básnických povah, nikdo by už jaro, to sladké jaro, neocenil..." Pencil and pen drawing on paper, bottom right signed and dated „Dr. Desiderius 1931", label on mount „Hugo Boettinger 1880-1934". Mounted, framed, glassed. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). Anerkannt, 1931. „Kdyby nebylo nás, básnických povah, nikdo by už jaro, to sladké jaro, neocenil..." Bleistift- und Federzeichnung auf Papier, 30×237 mm (ohne Passepartout), rechts unten sign. und dat. „Dr. Desiderius 1931", Aufkleber auf dem Passepartout „Hugo Boettinger 1880-1934". Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). UZNALÝ, 1931. „Kdyby nebylo nás, básnických povah, nikdo by už jaro, to sladké jaro, neocenil..." Kresba tužkou a perem na papíře, 340×237 mm (výřez pasparty), sign. a dat. vpravo dole „Dr. Desiderius 1931", štítek na paspartě „Hugo Boettinger 1880-1934". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Hugo Boettinger (Dr. Desiderius) (1880-1934).
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Hugo Boettinger (Dr. Desiderius) (1880-1934).

    Est: Kč1,500 - Kč3,000

    Hugo Boettinger (Dr. Desiderius) (1880-1934). Dancing. Grotesque scene from ball. Colored ink drawing on paper, 300x235 mm (inside mount), bottom middle part with signature and name „Točte se pardálové / Desiderius". Mounted, framed, glassed. Hugo Boettinger (Dr. Desiderius). DREHEN SIE PANTHER. Groteske Szene aus Ball. Lavierte Federzeichnung auf Papier, 300×235 mm (ohne Passepartout), genannt und sign. unten in der Mitte „Točte se pardálové / Desiderius". Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast. Hugo Boettinger (Dr. Desiderius) (1880-1934). TOČTE SE PARDÁLOVÉ. Groteskní scéna z bálu. Lavírovaná kresba perem na papíře, 300×235 mm (výřez pasparty), nazváno a sign. dole vprostřed „Točte se pardálové / Desiderius". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). PORTRAIT OF MRS.
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). PORTRAIT OF MRS.

    Est: Kč1,800 - Kč3,600

    Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). PORTRAIT OF MRS. HELFERT, 1908. Portrait of Renata or Blazena Helfertova, coming from the famous Helfert family in Brno who was so active in city's cultural life. Pencil drawing with white pastel on paper, 350x265 mm, bottom right signed and dated „H. B. 1908". Framed, glassed. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). PORTRÄT DER FRAU HELFERTOVÁ, 1908. Porträt von Renáta oder Blažena aus der berühmten Brünner Familie Helfert, deren Mitglieder im Kulturleben der Stadt tätig waren. Ihr Vater, Prof. Vladimír Helfert, war ein Musikwissenschaftler, Komponist und Professor an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität. Bleistiftzeichnung mit weißem Pastell auf Papier, 350×265 mm, rechts unten sign. und dat. „H. B. 1908". Gerahmt, verglast. Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934). PORTRÉT PANÍ HELFERTOVÉ, 1908. Portrét Renáty nebo Blaženy Helfertové, pocházející ze slavné brněnské rodiny, jejíž členové byli činní v kulturním životě města. Její otec, prof. Vladimír Helfert, byl hudební vědec, skladatel, profesor hudební vědy na FF MU v Brně, zakladatel Hudebního archivu Moravského zemského muzea v Brně, dalším velmi známým členem byl strýc prof. Jaroslav Helfert, ředitel Moravského zemského muzea a zakladatel muzeologie na FF MU v Brně. Kresba tužkou vysvětlovaná bílým pastelem na papíře, 350×265 mm, sign. a dat. vpravo dole „H. B. 1908". Rámováno, zaskleno.

    Auction House Zezula
  • HUGO BOETTINGER (1880-1934), Funny drawings, 1934.
    Oct. 02, 2010

    HUGO BOETTINGER (1880-1934), Funny drawings, 1934.

    Est: Kč100 - Kč200

    HUGO BOETTINGER (1880-1934), Funny drawings, 1934. A book of humorous drawings. Dr. Desiderius, Funny drawings, selection from the years 1922-1934. Published by the author in Prague, 1934. Condition A. HUGO BOETTINGER (1880-1934), VESELÉ KRESBY, 1934. Kniha kresleného humoru. Dr. Desiderius, Veselé kresby, výběr z let 1922-1934. Vydáno vlastním nákladem autora v Praze r. 1934. Stav A. HUGO BOETTINGER (1880-1934), LUSTIGE ZEICHNUNGEN, 1934. Gezeichneter Humor. Dr. Desiderius, Lustige Zeichnungen, Auswahl aus den Jahren 1922-1934. Eigene Auflage des Künstlers, herausgegeben 1934 in Prag. Zustand A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Hugo Boettinger (1880 - 1934)
    Jun. 06, 2009

    Hugo Boettinger (1880 - 1934)

    Est: Kč600 - Kč1,200

    Feast of the Gods. Lithography on paper, 200 x 140 mm (passe-partout aperture), signed with pencil bottom right "Hugo Boettinger lith.". Framed, mounted, glazed. Hostina bohů. Litografie na papíře, 200 x 140 mm (výřez pasparty), sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Hugo Boettinger lith.". Rámováno, paspartováno, zaskleno. DAS MAHL DER GÖTTER. Lithographie auf Papier, 200 x 140 mm (Grösse ohne Passepartout), rechts unten mit Bleistift sign. „Hugo Boettinger lith.". Gerahmt, Passepartout, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
    Sep. 27, 2008


    Est: -

    BOETTINGER (PSEUDONYM DR. DESIDERIUS) Hugo (30. 4. 1880 Plzen - 9. 12. 1934 Prague) Rusalka in a birch groove Pencil and Chinese white on paper, 11 x 28 cm, mounted and glazed, undated, signed lower right. Czech painter and portraitist, he studied under professor E. K. Liska and F. Jenewein at the Academy of Decorative Arts in Prague. See T 1/72, TD 30, 222, V 1/251, B 2/113, NECVU 1/76.

    European Arts
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