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Jan Baptist Bosschaert Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1667 - d. 1746

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      • Jan-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-circa 1746) Still lifes of roses, carnations, parrot tulips and other flowers in sculpted vases, on ledges (2)
        Jul. 03, 2024

        Jan-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-circa 1746) Still lifes of roses, carnations, parrot tulips and other flowers in sculpted vases, on ledges (2)

        Est: £30,000 - £50,000

        Jan-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-circa 1746) Still lifes of roses, carnations, parrot tulips and other flowers in sculpted vases, on ledges one signed 'N. Bosschaert F.' (lower right, strengthened) a pair, oil on canvas 159.2 x 118.1cm (62 11/16 x 46 1/2in). (2)

      • Vase of flowers
        Mar. 23, 2024

        Vase of flowers

        Est: €10,000 - €12,000

        Oil painting on canvas from the Flemish area and dating back to the 18th century and depicting a vase of flowers. Attributed to Jan Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp, 17 December 1667 − Antwerp, 1746). Measures: 133 x 99 cm

        Arte Movi Auctions
      • Bosschaert, Jean-Baptiste (attr.)
        Nov. 09, 2023

        Bosschaert, Jean-Baptiste (attr.)

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        Bosschaert, Jean-Baptiste (attr.) Antwerpen 1667 - 1746 125 x 80 cm Still life of flowers in a quadratic, blue glazed vase. Oil/canvas, relined. Old Belgian private collection. As a late representative of flower painting in Antwerp, Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert incorporated influences from French and Italian still life painting. He often arranged the bouquets in large stone garden vases, which he modelled effectively using light and shadow.

        Nagel Auction
      • Carnations, peonies, tulips, morning glory and other flowers in a sculpted urn on a stone ledge
        Jul. 07, 2023

        Carnations, peonies, tulips, morning glory and other flowers in a sculpted urn on a stone ledge

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        The Property of a Gentleman Jan Baptist Bosschaert Antwerp 1667–1746 Carnations, peonies, tulips, morning glory and other flowers in a sculpted urn on a stone ledge signed lower right: J:Bosschaert: f oil on canvas unframed: 103.7 x 84.2 cm.; 40⅞ x 33⅛ in. framed: 118.5 x 98.2 cm.; 46⅝ x 38⅝ in.

      • Johannes Bosschaert, Flowers in a Vase
        May. 20, 2023

        Johannes Bosschaert, Flowers in a Vase

        Est: €90,000 - €100,000

        Monogrammed lower right: IB Laurens Bol referred to the Bosschaert family, which shaped the genre of floral still life in the northern Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century, as a dynasty. Not only were Ambrosius Bosschaert, his three sons and his brother-in-law Balthasar van der Ast active in this genre. Ambrosius, the founder of the dynasty, was also active in a number of Dutch cities, in Middelburg, Amsterdam, Bergen op Zoom, Utrecht and Breda, so that the influence was not limited to one city or one region. Johannes Bosschaert, the author of this floral still life, was the second son of Ambrosius, and was the most talented of the three sons; Laurens Bol has called him a prodigy. Johannes was born around 1610/11. As early as 1626, when he was 15 years old, he became a member of the Guild of St Luke in Dordrecht. He must have died early, because after 1628 there are no more works by him (Laurens J. Bol: The Bosschaert Dynasty, Painters of Flowers and Fruit, Leigh-on-Sea 1960, p. 40ff). His artistic beginnings probably lie in his father's workshop, but he died in 1621, when Johannes was only about ten years old. His art shows the influence of his uncle Balthasar van der Ast, who will have taken him into his workshop after his father's death. This floral still life unites in a round green glass vase roses in white and pink, forget-me-nots, columbines and carnations, various varieties of tulips and a snake's head fritillary, a type of flower that only arrived in the Netherlands in the late 16th century. Insects - a fly, a butterfly and a caterpillar - enliven the still life. The flowers are arranged in an artistic and balanced way: While the blossoms of the pink rose and the fritillary hang, one of the tulips, the most precious flower in the picture, towers high and enlivens the silhouette of the bouquet with its red and white petals. A floral still life by Johannes Bosschaert, dated around 1625 and comparable in the design of the glass vase and the arrangement of the flowers, was once offered on the English art market and is now in a private collection (RKD, no. 119596).

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Attrib Jean Baptist Bosschaert (1667-1746) Flemish
        Jan. 08, 2023

        Attrib Jean Baptist Bosschaert (1667-1746) Flemish

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Magnificent floral still life, oil on canvas. Condition: painting has been relined in the past, minor in-painting apparent under UV light, fine craquelure pattern is evident in areas. No evidence of former tears or repairs to the painting surface is visible, it was likely lined for stability. Stretchers are very old, may or may not be original to the painting; frame is 19th century. Attributed to Jan Baptist Bosschaert or Jan Baptist Bosschaert the Younger, who was a Flemish still life painter principally known for his decorative still lifes with flowers. He collaborated with figure artists on compositions which combined allegorical or mythological scenes with a still life element. Jan Baptist Bosschaert was born in Antwerp as the son of the painter-baker Jan Baptist and his second wife Joanna de Bie, the sister of the painter Erasmus de Bie. His father died young leaving Jan Baptist in a poor home and without education. He was reportedly still illiterate at the age of 17. Size: 65 x 46 in.

        Sarasota Estate Auction
      • Johannes Bosschaert, Flowers in a Vase
        Nov. 19, 2022

        Johannes Bosschaert, Flowers in a Vase

        Est: €130,000 - €160,000

        Monogrammed lower right: IB Laurens Bol referred to the Bosschaert family, which shaped the genre of floral still life in the northern Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century, as a dynasty. Not only were Ambrosius Bosschaert, his three sons and his brother-in-law Balthasar van der Ast active in this genre. Ambrosius, the founder of the dynasty, was also active in a number of Dutch cities, in Middelburg, Amsterdam, Bergen op Zoom, Utrecht and Breda, so that the influence was not limited to one city or one region. Johannes Bosschaert, the author of this floral still life, was the second son of Ambrosius, and was the most talented of the three sons; Laurens Bol has called him a prodigy. Johannes was born around 1610/11. As early as 1626, when he was 15 years old, he became a member of the Guild of St Luke in Dordrecht. He must have died early, because after 1628 there are no more works by him (Laurens J. Bol: The Bosschaert Dynasty, Painters of Flowers and Fruit, Leigh-on-Sea 1960, p. 40ff). His artistic beginnings probably lie in his father's workshop, but he died in 1621, when Johannes was only about ten years old. His art shows the influence of his uncle Balthasar van der Ast, who will have taken him into his workshop after his father's death. This floral still life, painted on copper, unites in a round green glass vase roses in white and pink, forget-me-nots, columbines and carnations, various varieties of tulips and a snake's head fritillary, a type of flower that only arrived in the Netherlands in the late 16th century. Insects - a fly, a butterfly and a caterpillar - enliven the still life. The flowers are arranged in an artistic and balanced way: While the blossoms of the pink rose and the fritillary hang, one of the tulips, the most precious flower in the picture, towers high and enlivens the silhouette of the bouquet with its red and white petals. A floral still life by Johannes Bosschaert, dated around 1625 and comparable in the design of the glass vase and the arrangement of the flowers, was once offered on the English art market and is now in a private collection (RKD, no. 119596).

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Nature morte aux fruits et fleurs Huile sur toile
        Sep. 27, 2022

        Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Nature morte aux fruits et fleurs Huile sur toile

        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Nature morte aux fruits et fleurs Huile sur toile Signée 'Bosschae...' en bas à droite (Restaurations) h: 119 w: 192 cm Estimation 8 000 - 12 000 €

      • Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert, 1667 Antwerpen - 1746 Den Haag
        Mar. 25, 2021

        Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert, 1667 Antwerpen - 1746 Den Haag

        Est: €34,000 - €40,000

        Gemäldepaar BLUMENSTILLLEBEN IN EINER STEINVASE Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. Je 75 x 61,7 cm. Eines rechts unten signiert und datiert „J Bosschaert f. 1713”, das zweite links unten signiert „ Bosschaert f.”. In prunkvollem durchbrochenen vergoldeten Rahmen. Vor braunem Hintergrund, jeweils auf einem Steinsockel stehend, eine große Steinvase mit eingezogenem Fuß und umlaufendem Relief mit Putti und linksseitig einem männlichen Maskaron. Sie sind jeweils umgeben von den farbenfrohen Blumen und Blüten; aus dem Inneren der ersten Vase ragen leuchtend rote Nelken sowie eine weiß-lilafarbene Tulpe. Nach unten ranken sich eine blaue Trichterwinde sowie um den Korpus ein prachtvolles Gebinde mit Rosen, Chrysanthemen, Nelken, blauen Hyazinthen, auf dem Sockel, und darüberliegend, einige rosa leuchtende Rosen. Auch auf dem zweiten Gemälde sind prachtvolle Blumen und Blüten verstreut um die Steinvase herum zu erkennen. Dazu gehören im oberen Bereich leuchtend gelbe Tagetes, gefiederte zweifarbige Tulpen, rosafarbene Rosen, Narzissen, eine blaue Trichterwinde und im unteren Bereich, auf und über den Sockel ragend, weitere Nelken, Klatschmohn, eine rote Winde und blaue Hyazinthen. Vor dem weitgehend dunkelgrundigen Hintergrund kommen die beleuchteten farbenfrohen Blüten besonders gut zur Wirkung. Malweise und Komposition sind von hoher Qualität. Dieser Malstil erfreute sich so großer Beliebtheit, dass die Stilllebenmalerei Italiens davon stark beeinflusst wurde. Eines mit vertikaler Retuschen-linie, ansonsten kleinere Retuschen.   Anmerkung: Er wurde Meister der Sankt Lukasgilde 1693, wirkte zusammen mit Ferdinand van Kessel (1648-um 1696) für Aufträge des Königs von Polen.  (12617571) (18) Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert, 1667 Antwerp - 1746 The Hague Pair of paintings FLORAL STILL LIFE IN A STONE VASE Oil on canvas. Relined. 75 x 61.7 cm each. One signed and dated “J Bosschaert f. 1713“ lower right while the other is signed “J Bosschaert f.“ lower left. In magnificent, open-work gilt frame.   Bosschaert became a master of the Guild of Saint Luke in 1693, and together with Ferdinand van Kessel he worked on commissions for the King of Poland.

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        Mar. 18, 2021


        Est: €5,000 - €8,000

        (Anversa, 1667 - 1746) Coppia di vasi fioriti su un piano marmoreo e tappeti Olio su tela, cm 111,5X88,3 Provenienza: Torino, Galleria Zabert (come Jean Baptiste Bosschaert) Le tele raffigurano due vasi marmorei scolpiti a basso rilievo e rigogliose composizioni floreali con tulipani, ortensie, rose, girasoli e cardi, descritti con elegante senso della realtà, evidenziandone la genesi fiamminga. L'elaborata combinazione delle diverse fenologie è di assoluta piacevolezza decorativa e sviluppata secondo una sensibilità pienamente barocca, raggiungendo un valore puramente esornativo. Bosschaert si formì con Jan Baptist de Crépu frequentandone la bottega dal 1685 e divenne maestro nell'annata 1692 - 1693 secondo i registri della gilda di San Luca di Anversa. Le opere sono corredate da una perizia di Gilberto Zabert come Jean Baptiste Bosschaert. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. Chong, W. Kloek, Nature morte dai Paesi Bassi, 1550 - 1720, catalogo della mostra, Amsterdam-Cleveland 1999, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        Dec. 04, 2020


        Est: €7,500 - €9,500

        JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (Antwerp, 1667 - 1746), ATTRIBUTED TO Bouquet in metallic vase on pedestal Oil on canvas, cm. 136x99. Framed

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Attribué à Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Vase de fleurs Huile sur toile,
        Sep. 29, 2020

        Attribué à Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Vase de fleurs Huile sur toile,

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Attribué à Jan Baptist BOSSCHAERT Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Vase de fleurs Huile sur toile, trace de signature (reprise) en bas à droite h: 80 w: 66,50 cm Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

      • Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert Anversa 1667-1746 136x99 CM.
        May. 20, 2020

        Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert Anversa 1667-1746 136x99 CM.

        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        "Still life of flowers", oil on canvas, within lacquered and gilt wood frame

        Colasanti Casa d'Aste
        Mar. 12, 2020


        Est: €3,000 - €3,900

        Oil on canvas. The piece is relined and has some defects to the frame. 76 x 56 cm; 98 x 79 (frame).

        Subarna Subastas
      • *JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) (circle)
        Dec. 09, 2019

        *JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) (circle)

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        *JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) (circle) circle Open air scene with flower vases, vegetable and fruit on a terrace, a landscape with castle on the right. Canvas. The National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin holds a painting depicting a flower vase with fruit and asparagus in front of a landscape, which has also been attributed to circle Jan-Baptist Bosschaert (canvas, 117.5 x 75 cm, inv./cat.nr 1079; 19). A flower vase before a landscape has been sold at Phillips in London (canvas, 118.1 x 94.6 cm, 5.12.1995, lot 41) and another has been offered for sale at Daxer & Marschall from Munich at TEFAF (canvas, 125 x 99 cm, March 1998, as G.P. Verbruggen II, now attributed to Bosschaert). Similarity with the compositions of the Tournai artist Michel Bouillon (?- na 1670) cannot be denied either (see still life with flowers and fruit, canvas, 168 x 225 cm, Sotheby's, London, 20.4.1988, lot 61 and canvas, 98.5 x 141.5 cm, Phillips, London, 18.4.1989, lot 69, and finally, canvas, 98.5 x 141.5 cm, Sotheby's, Monte Carlo, 12.7.1991, lot 65a). 106 x 146 cm (115 x 154 cm) *JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) (omgeving) Openluchttafereel met bloemenvazen, groenten en fruit liggend op bordes voor kasteel. Doek. In de National Gallery of Ireland te Dublin bevindt zich een voorstelling van een bloemenvaas met vruchten en asperges voor landschap, eveneens beschreven als trant/omgeving Jan-Baptist Bosschaert (doek, 117.5 x 75 cm, inv./cat.nr 1079; 19). Verder werd er een bloemenvaas voor landschap verkocht bij Phillips in Londen (doek, 118.1 x 94.6 cm, veiling 5.12.1995, lot 41) en werd er één aangeboden bij Daxer & Marschall uit München op TEFAF (doek, 125 x 99 cm, maart 1998, als G.P. Verbruggen II, nu toegeschreven aan Bosschaert). Enige verwantschap met de composities van de Doornikse kunstenaar Michel Bouillon (?- na 1670) valt ook niet te negeren (cf Stilleven van vruchten en bloemen, doek, 168 x 225 cm, Sotheby's, Londen, 20.4.1988, lot 61 en doek, 98.5 x 141.5 cm, Phillips, Londen, 18.4.1989, lot 69, en ten slotte, doek, 98.5 x 141.5 cm, Sotheby's, Monte Carlo, 12.7.1991, lot 65a). 106 x 146 cm (115 x 154 cm) *JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) (entourage) Scène en plein air avec vases à fleurs et légumes sur palier, château à l'arrière-plan. Toile. 106 x 146 cm (115 x 154 cm)

        Bernaerts Auctioneers
      • JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (seguace di)
        Dec. 03, 2019

        JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (seguace di)

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        (Anversa, 1667 - 1746) Vaso fiorito Olio su tela, cm 115X88 Provenienza: Londra, Sotheby's, 29 aprile 2015, lotto 418 (come seguace di Jan Baptist Bosschaert)

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (seguace di)
        Dec. 03, 2019

        JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (seguace di)

        Est: €4,000 - €7,000

        (Anversa, 1667 - 1746) Vaso fiorito Olio su tela, cm 115X88 Provenienza: Londra, Sotheby's, 29 aprile 2015, lotto 418 (come seguace di Jan Baptist Bosschaert) Questa rigogliosa composizione floreale evidenzia la sua genesi fiamminga. L'elaborata combinazione delle diverse fenologie é di assoluta piacevolezza decorativa e sviluppata secondo una sensibilità pienamente barocca, raggiungendo un valore puramente esornativo. Bosschaert si formò con Jan Baptist de Crèpu frequentandone la bottega dal 1685 e divenne maestro nell'annata 1692-1693 secondo i registri della gilda di San Luca di Anversa. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. Chong, W. Kloek, 'Nature morte dai Paesi Bassi, 1550 - 1720', catalogo della mostra, Amsterdam-Cleveland 1999, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        Oct. 25, 2019


        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        JAN-BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT (ANVERS 1667-1746) FLEURS DANS UN VASE SUR UN ENTABLEMENT Toile Signée en bas à droite : J BOSSCHAERT Restaurations anciennes 114 x 71,5 cm €6,000-8,000

      • Attribué à Jean Baptiste BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) Bouquet de fleurs sur un entablement Attr. to J.B. Bosschaert, Bouquet of flowers on a
        Apr. 04, 2019

        Attribué à Jean Baptiste BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) Bouquet de fleurs sur un entablement Attr. to J.B. Bosschaert, Bouquet of flowers on a

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Attribué à Jean Baptiste BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) Bouquet de fleurs sur un entablement Attr. to J.B. Bosschaert, Bouquet of flowers on an entablature, canvas, carved giltwood frame, Louis XIV period French work. 22 5/8 X 19 ½ IN. €1,000-1,500 ATTRIBUE A JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) BOUQUET DE FLEURS SUR UN ENTABLEMENT TOILE Restaurations anciennes et petits manques DANS UN CADRE EN BOIS SCULPTE ET DORE, TRAVAIL FRANÇAIS D'EPOQUE LOUIS XIV 57,5 X 49,5 CM

      • JEAN-BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746), Bodegón con paisaje,
        Apr. 26, 2018

        JEAN-BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746), Bodegón con paisaje,

        Est: €18,000 - €23,400

        JEAN-BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) Bodegón con paisaje Óleo sobre lienzo  Adquirido en Christies Nueva York en 2001. 115x145

        Subarna Subastas
      • Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen (II) (Antwerp 1664 - 1730)
        Nov. 20, 2017

        Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen (II) (Antwerp 1664 - 1730)

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        Still life with flowers and grapes in basket on a plinth Signed l.r. Oil on canvas, 74.3 x 89.8 cm N.B.: Verbruggen, together with his father Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen I (1635-1681) and Jan Baptist Bosschaert (1667-1746) were the pre-eminent representatives of the Antwerp late-baroque school of painting. In 1677, at the age of thirteen, Verbruggen followed in his father's footsteps and joined, already as a master, the guild of Saint Luke in Antwerp. Verbruggen also lived in The Hague for a long period, where he worked with the well-known court and decoration painter Mattheus Terwesten (1670-1757), which resulted in various monumental collaborations.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT, (Flemish, 1667-1746), Monumental Floral Still Life, oil on canvas, 46 1/2 x 75 1/2 in.
        Nov. 05, 2017

        JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT, (Flemish, 1667-1746), Monumental Floral Still Life, oil on canvas, 46 1/2 x 75 1/2 in.

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        JEAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (Flemish, 1667-1746) Monumental Floral Still Life oil on canvas signed Bosschaert l.r. 46 1/2 x 75 1/2 in. Other Notes: Bears label verso: Haro et Fils, Paris.

        Grogan & Company
      • A wallnut, oak and teak cabinet with iron handles
        Jul. 03, 2017

        A wallnut, oak and teak cabinet with iron handles

        Est: €600 - €1,000

        Circa 1760 and later The front with a door with bronze corpus, three large and six small drawers flanked by small doors with carving of rocailles. With compartment with folding cover. H. 60.5 x W. 67 x D. 35 cm

        AAG Auctioneers
        Mar. 29, 2017


        Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

        BOSSCHAERT, JAN BAPTIST (CIRCLE OF) (1667 Antwerp 1746) Allegory of Flora. Circa 1700-25. Oil on canvas. 89.5 x 127 cm. Provenance: - European private collection. - Via inheritance, Swiss private collection, since 1922. We are grateful to Dr. Fred G. Meijer of the RKD, The Hague, for dating the painting c. 1700-25 in the immediate circle of von Jan Baptist Bosschaert. --------------- BOSSCHAERT, JAN BAPTIST (UMKREIS) (1667 Antwerpen 1746) Allegorie der Flora. Um 1700-25. Öl auf Leinwand. 89,5 x 127 cm. Provenienz: - Europäische Privatsammlung. - Durch Erbschaft, Schweizer Privatsammlung, seit 1922. Dr. Fred G. Meijer vom RKD, Den Haag, datiert das Gemälde um 1700-25 im unmittelbaren Umkreis von Jan Baptist Bosschaert, wofür wir ihm danken.

        Koller Auctions
      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d''un vase d''albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile
        Feb. 14, 2017

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d''un vase d''albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d''un vase d''albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile signée ''Bosschaert'' en bas à gauche Sans cadre h: 86,50 w: 69,50 cm

      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Floral Still Life
        Nov. 19, 2016

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Floral Still Life

        Est: €12,000 - €14,000

        CertificateEllen Bernt, Munich March 1999.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Pair of Still Lifes with Flowers in Stone Vases
        Nov. 19, 2016

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Pair of Still Lifes with Flowers in Stone Vases

        Est: €32,000 - €36,000

        Signed and dated lower right: JBosschaert f.In the first half of the 18th century Jan Baptist Bosschaert was counted as one of the most important representatives of Flemish flower still lifes, the history of which reaches back to the early 17th century. This work, typical of this artist's oeuvre of pairs of pictures, shows a painting which is at once splendid and decorative whilst simultaneously sophisticated and delicate in the rendering of the details. The flowers on the stone vases decorated with putto friezes appear casually arranged, but are however distributed with great effect across the whole picture surface to give two orchestrated, coordinated bouquets. As also seen in the composition and colouring of this painting, Jan Baptist Bosschaert's work took influence from French as well as Italian still life painting and fused these with his own Flemish tradition.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d'un vase d'albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile
        Oct. 11, 2016

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d'un vase d'albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert Anvers, 1667 - 1746 Guirlande de fleurs enroulée autour d'un vase d'albâtre à motifs de putti Huile sur toile signée 'Bosschaert' en bas à gauche Sans cadre h: 86,50 w: 69,50 cm

        May. 13, 2016


        Est: €7,000 - €9,000

        BOSSCHAERT, JAN BAPTIST Antwerp 1667 - 1746 - circle Large Floral Still Life. Oil on canvas. 83 x 107cm. Framed.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Pair of Still Lifes with Flowers in Stone Vases
        Nov. 14, 2015

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert, Pair of Still Lifes with Flowers in Stone Vases

        Est: €40,000 - €50,000

        Signed and dated lower right: JBosschaert f.In the first half of the 18th century Jan Baptist Bosschaert was counted as one of the most important representatives of Flemish flower still lifes, the history of which reaches back to the early 17th century. This work, typical of this artist's oeuvre of pairs of pictures, shows a painting which is at once splendid and decorative whilst simultaneously sophisticated and delicate in the rendering of the details. The flowers on the stone vases decorated with putto friezes appear casually arranged, but are however distributed with great effect across the whole picture surface to give two orchestrated, coordinated bouquets. As also seen in the composition and colouring of this painting, Jan Baptist Bosschaert's work took influence from French as well as Italian still life painting and fused these with his own Flemish tradition.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, Circle of, Flowers in a Vase, 18th C
        May. 18, 2015

        Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, Circle of, Flowers in a Vase, 18th C

        Est: €2,880 - €3,600

        Oil on canvas, relined Netherlands, 18th century Circle of Jean Baptiste Bosschaert (1667 - 1746) - Flemish painter Accompanied by an expertise of Professor Justus Müller Hofstede (1981) Gilt stucco frame Overall dimensions, framed: 59 x 50.5 cm Provenance: Private collection, Germany 18th century colorful and lively small sized Flemish still life of flowers The present painting is the work of an artist active in the circle of the Flemish artist Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, and dates from the 18th century. It depicts a decorative floral still life, which is characterized by a fine brushwork and fresh vibrant colors. The bronze urn is filled with a variety of flowers, including carnations, jasmine, narcissi, chrysanthemums, convolvulus, irises and lilies. The painting is mounted in a gilt stucco frame. The paint surface has been consolidated in the darker areas and has oxidized in parts. Inspection under UV light reveals areas of retouching to the foreground and the foliage, as well as strengthening to darker details. The frame shows minor wear. The overall dimensions, framed, are 59 x 50.5 cm. The stretcher measures 45 x 37 cm. The painting is accompanied by an expertise of Professor Justus Müller Hofstede (1981), who fully ascribed the painting to Jean Baptiste Bosschaert. Jean Baptist Bosschaert (1667-1746) Jean Baptiste Bosschaert was born in Antwerp , where he was active throughout his life. He trained with the flower painter Jan Baptist de Crépu. In 1693, he became a master of the Antwerp Guild. Bosschaert mainly painted still lifes and flower depictions. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, Circle of, Flowers in a Vase, 18th C
        Jun. 18, 2014

        Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, Circle of, Flowers in a Vase, 18th C

        Est: €8,800 - €11,000

        Oil on canvas, relined Netherlands, 18th century Circle of Jean Baptiste Bosschaert (1667 - 1746) - Flemish painter Accompanied by an expertise of Professor Justus Müller Hofstede (1981) Gilt stucco frame Overall dimensions, framed: 59 x 50.5 cm Provenance: Private collection, Germany 18th century colorful and lively small sized Flemish still life of flowers The present painting is the work of an artist active in the circle of the Flemish artist Jean Baptiste Bosschaert, and dates from the 18th century. It depicts a decorative floral still life, which is characterized by a fine brushwork and fresh vibrant colors. The bronze urn is filled with a variety of flowers, including carnations, jasmine, narcissi, chrysanthemums, convolvulus, irises and lilies. The painting is mounted in a gilt stucco frame. The paint surface has been consolidated in the darker areas and has oxidized in parts. Inspection under UV light reveals areas of retouching to the foreground and the foliage, as well as strengthening to darker details. The frame shows minor wear. The overall dimensions, framed, are 59 x 50.5 cm. The stretcher measures 45 x 37 cm. The painting is accompanied by an expertise of Professor Justus Müller Hofstede (1981), who fully ascribed the painting to Jean Baptiste Bosschaert. Jean Baptist Bosschaert (1667-1746) Jean Baptiste Bosschaert was born in Antwerp , where he was active throughout his life. He trained with the flower painter Jan Baptist de Crépu. In 1693, he became a master of the Antwerp Guild. Bosschaert mainly painted still lifes and flower depictions. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT, FLOWER STILL LIFE, oil on canvas (relined), 81 x 69.5 cm
        Nov. 17, 2012

        JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT, FLOWER STILL LIFE, oil on canvas (relined), 81 x 69.5 cm

        Est: €10,000 - €12,000

        JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT, FLOWER STILL LIFE, oil on canvas (relined), 81 x 69.5 cm

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        Nov. 19, 2011


        Est: €14,000 - €16,000

        JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT, FLOWER STILL LIFE, Oil on canvas (relined), 81 x 69,5 cm

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-circa 1746) A still life of roses, tulips, convolvulus and other flowers
        Jul. 06, 2011

        Jan-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-circa 1746) A still life of roses, tulips, convolvulus and other flowers

        Est: £12,000 - £18,000

        A still life of roses, tulips, convolvulus and other flowers in a moulded bronze vase on a stone ledge signed and dated 'Bosschaert 1730' (lower left) oil on canvas 86 x 67cm (33 7/8 x 26 3/8in).

      • Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert (Flemish, 1667-1746)
        Jun. 21, 2011

        Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert (Flemish, 1667-1746)

        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert (Flemish, 1667-1746) The Virgin Annunciate in a carved niche with a floral garland; and Christ as Salvator Mundi in a carved niche with a floral garland each oil on canvas 31 x 23½ in. (78.7 x 59.6 cm.) (2)

      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert II (Antwerp 1677-1746)
        Apr. 14, 2011

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert II (Antwerp 1677-1746)

        Est: £12,000 - £18,000

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert II (Antwerp 1677-1746) Roses, tulips and other flowers in a sculpted urn with putti in relief, on a ledge oil on canvas 40 1/8 x 29 5/8 in. (102 x 75.3 cm.)

      • Jan Baptist Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-1746?)
        Jun. 09, 2010

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-1746?)

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        Jan Baptist Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-1746?) Flowers in a sculpted urn in a landscape signed and dated 'JBosschaert 1728' (lower center) oil on canvas 65½ x 45 5/8 in. (166.5 x 116 cm.)

        May. 18, 2010


        Est: €15,000 - €20,000


      • Manner of Jan Baptiste Bosschaert (1667-1746),
        Feb. 17, 2010

        Manner of Jan Baptiste Bosschaert (1667-1746),

        Est: £200 - £400

        Manner of Jan Baptiste Bosschaert (1667-1746), Floral still life, oil on canvas, unframed, 67 x 51.5cm.; 26.5 x 20.25in, together with two antique gilt picture frames, the corners carved with scrolling and flowering foliage, aperture 69 x 53cm.; 27 x 21in and 70 x 83cm.; 27.5 x 32.5in (3).

      • Jan Baptist II Bosschaert (Antwerpen 1667-1746),
        Jun. 16, 2009

        Jan Baptist II Bosschaert (Antwerpen 1667-1746),

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Jan Baptist II Bosschaert (Antwerpen 1667-1746), Umkreis Blumenstillleben, Öl auf Leinwand, 52 x 40 cm, gerahmt

      • - Jan Baptist Bosschaert , Antwerp 1667 - 1746 A pair of still lifes of elaborate sculpted urns decorated with carnations, parrot tulips, irises, morning glory and other flowers a pair, both oil on canvas
        Apr. 24, 2008

        - Jan Baptist Bosschaert , Antwerp 1667 - 1746 A pair of still lifes of elaborate sculpted urns decorated with carnations, parrot tulips, irises, morning glory and other flowers a pair, both oil on canvas

        Est: £60,000 - £80,000

        each signed lower centre: JABosschaert. f. ( JAB in ligature) a pair, both oil on canvas Quantity: 2

        Feb. 13, 2008


        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        CIRCLE OF JAN BAPTISTE BOSSCHAERT (1667-1746) Still lives - mixed flowers on a stone ledge, one with mask head behind, the other a tree, a pair, oils on canvas, 35" x 29 1/2" (2) (see illustration).

      • Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-1746)
        Oct. 17, 2006

        Jean-Baptiste Bosschaert (Antwerp 1667-1746)

        Est: $8,000 - $12,000

        The Virgin Annunciate in a carved niche with a floral garland; and Christ as Salvator Mundi in a carved niche with a floral garland oil on canvas 31 x 23 1/2 in. (78.7 x 59.6 cm.) a pair (2)

      • f - JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT ANTWERP 1667 - 1746
        Jul. 06, 2006

        f - JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT ANTWERP 1667 - 1746

        Est: £20,000 - £30,000

        A STILL OF FLOWERS IN A STONE URN, INCLUDING ROSES AND CHRYSANTHEMUMS measurements note 86.8 by 67.9 cm.; 34 1/8 by 26 3/4 in. possible remains of signature lower centre oil on canvas

        Jun. 19, 2006


        Est: €12,000 - €18,000

        APPARTENANT À UNE COLLECTION PARTICULIÈRE DU NORD DE LA FRANCE UN BOUQUET DE FLEUR DANS UNE URNE POSÉE SUR UN ENTABLEMENT [JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT; STILL LIFE OF FLOWERS IN AN URN; OIL ON CANVAS.] measurements note 72,5 x 61,3 cm.; 28 1/2 by 24 1/8 in. Huile sur toile NOTE Nous remercions Fred Meijer du Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, la Haye d'avoir confirmé l'attribution d'après photo.

        Jan. 26, 2006


        Est: $80,000 - $120,000

        STILL LIFE OF FLOWERS IN A SCULPTED VASE RESTING ON A STONE LEDGE WITH FRUIT, A PARROT AND A FOUNTAIN WITH A PUTTO AND DOLPHIN, IN A LANDSCAPE measurements note 52 1/2 by 74 1/2 in.; 133.4 by 189.2 cm. signed lower center Bosschaert oil on canvas PROVENANCE Anonymous sale, Berlin, Leo Spik, September 25, 1952, lot 260. NOTE Jan Baptist Bosschaert was a pupil of Jean Baptiste de Crépu in Antwerp where he became a master in the guild in 1685. He specialized in large scale flower compositions such as the present painting, which is an unusually elaborate example of his work.

        Jul. 07, 2005


        Est: £20,000 - £30,000

        PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION JAN BAPTIST BOSSCHAERT ANTWERP 1667 - 1746 STILL LIFE OF FLOWERS WITH A GARLAND DRAPED AROUND AN URN SCULPTED WITH PUTTI signed and dated lower right: JB (in ligature) offchaert f 1715 oil on canvas PROVENANCE Anonymous sale, London, Phillips, 11 December 2001, lot 78, where acquired by the present owner. CATALOGUE NOTE This is an entirely characteristic work by Jan Baptist Bosschaert and other still lifes by the artist include similar urns sculpted with bacchanalian scenes and putti; compare, for example, the signed painting sold in these Rooms, 19 April 1989, lot 56.

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