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Domenico Maria Canuti Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Freskant, copperplate engraver, b. 1620 - d. 1684

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  • DOMENICO CANUTI (Bologne, 1626-1684)
    Dec. 12, 2024

    DOMENICO CANUTI (Bologne, 1626-1684)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    DOMENICO CANUTI (Bologne, 1626-1684) HOMME ENDORMI Sanguine Annotation rayée en haut à gauche Petits trous et rares petites taches Man at rest, red chalk, small holes and rare small stains 24,50 x 37 CM - 9,6 x 14,6 IN.

    Sep. 17, 2024


    Est: €12,000 - €18,000

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (Bologna 1626 - 1684) RITRATTO DI VECCHIO IN VESTI ORIENTALI Olio su tela, cm. 98 x 75 Cornice dorata PROVENIENZA Collezione privata marchigiana Questa opera del pittore Domenico Maria Canuti ci proviene con ben quattro relazioni critiche che confermano l'assegnazione del dipinto al pittore bolognese, formatosi nella bottega di Guido Reni. Gli studiosi confermano una datazione dell'opera al 1672-76. L'iconografia rappresenta la pratica delle 'turcherie', in cui i soggetti ritratti sono vestiti all'orientale, moda diffusissima in Italia dalla fine del seicento fino a tutto il settecento. Probabilmente il personaggio ritratto è di alto rango e rappresentato con la Basilica di S. Pietro di fondo, che potrebbe avere relazione con un ambasciatore orientale in visita vaticana. A conferma di queste maniere pittoriche del periodo ricordiamo una altra versione del soggetto, conservata in collezione privata, sempre attribuita al Canuti, di più grandi dimensioni. Andrea Emiliani e Giancarlo Sestieri celebrano un alto livello qualitativo dell'opera associato ad una grande sicurezza esecutiva, derivante sicuramente dai modi e dagli insegnamenti dei grandi maestri del Barocco, da Pietro da Cortona a Luca Giordano. Secondo Giovanni Maria Pilo, inoltre, il dipinto realizza una grande sintesi visiva derivante dal neo venezianismo alla Mola associata all'eredità culturale reniana e carraccesca e alla forza chiaroscurale assunta dalle maniere di Jacopo Tintoretto. Per finire l'opera è stata notificata dallo Stato Italiano a conferma della sua importanza storico-artistica e della sua grande perfezione nella proposta estetica, che riassume tutti i valori artistici del periodo CONDITION REPORT Rintelo recente. Restauri parzialmente ossidati nella parte alta e sul turbante, nella parte sinistra, sulla mano e al bordo basso BIBLIOGRAFIA S. Stagni, Domenico Maria Canuti pittore (1626 - 1684), Rimini 1988, pp. 173-174 L'opera è accompagnata dalle relazioni critiche del Prof. Giovanni Maria Pilo, del Prof. Andrea Emiliani, del Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri e dal Prof. Pietro Zampetti Il dipinto è soggetto ad un diniego alla libera circolazione del Ministero per Beni e le attività culturali di Bologna, in data 04/12/2012

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Recto: A study of three figures and a putto Verso: Figures in a rocky landscape
    Feb. 02, 2024

    Recto: A study of three figures and a putto Verso: Figures in a rocky landscape

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti 1620 - 1684 Recto: A study of three figures and a putto Verso: Figures in a rocky landscape Pen and brown ink and wash heightened with pink gouache (recto); red chalk (verso) 177 by 185 mm; 7 by 7¼ in.

  • DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNA 1625-1684) Head of a soldier wearing a helme
    Feb. 01, 2024

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNA 1625-1684) Head of a soldier wearing a helme

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNA 1625-1684) Head of a soldier wearing a helmet red and black chalk on light brown paper, watermark head in profile 13 3⁄8 × 9 ¼ in. (34 x 23.5 cm)

  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1626 - 1684), Assunzione della Vergine
    Oct. 03, 2023

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1626 - 1684), Assunzione della Vergine

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    Perizia: Micaela Lipparini. Olio su tela, dimensione 138x104,5 cm.

  • Canuti, Domenico Maria
    Sep. 10, 2022

    Canuti, Domenico Maria

    Est: -

    Canuti, Domenico Maria 1626 Bologna - 1684 ibid, attr. Red chalk drawing on paper. Side view of a standing man. Collector's stamp at lower right on the sheet. Verso several times inscribed by collector's hand. Mounted on backing paper. Sheet size ca. 30 x 16,5 cm. Condition due to age.

    Auktionshaus Sieglin GmbH
  • Attribué à Domenico Maria CANUTI (1625-1684) A nereid seen from behind
    May. 20, 2022

    Attribué à Domenico Maria CANUTI (1625-1684) A nereid seen from behind

    Est: €500 - €900

    Attribué à Domenico Maria CANUTI (1625-1684) A nereid seen from behind Sanguine. Tears. Annotated at the bottom "Carracci agostinoper Tetide et Peleo, fresco nel palazzo del Giardino-Parma" Attribuito a Domenico Maria Canuti Una nereide di schiena Sanguigna. Strappi 44,5 x 30 cm Provenance: - Former collection Antonio Morassi, his stamp on the lower right (L.143a) - Sale, London 8 July 1998, Sotheby's Lot 27, repr. (as D. M. Canuti Une néréide vue de dos Sanguine. Déchirures. Annoté en bas « Carracci agostinoper Tetide et Peleo, fresco nel palazzo del Giardino-Parma » Attribuito a Domenico Maria Canuti Una nereide di schiena Sanguigna. Strappi 44,5 x 30 cm Provenance : - Ancienne collection Antonio Morassi, son cachet en bas à droite (L.143a) - Vente, Londres 8 juillet 1998, Sotheby's Lot 27, répr. (comme D. M. Canuti

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
    Apr. 29, 2021


    Est: -

    Child with an angel next to him who holds his right hand over him, in an act of protection, while with his left he points to a mountain, that is the harsh path of life, below they step on a devil who emerges from the flames together with a snake from the earth, in the background on the right another angel. The names of the authors are engraved on the bottom and the inscription: "Sic anima examinis remeat cui monstra minantur / Sic animam custos monstra per illa regit". Etching, 238x178mm Good impression.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • 17th Century Italian drawing Aesculapius prone holding the Staff
    Apr. 24, 2021

    17th Century Italian drawing Aesculapius prone holding the Staff

    Est: $800 - $1,400

    17th Century Italian School, Aesculapius Prone Holding the Staff, pen and ink, 7 x 4.25 inches, Provenance: The Estate of Marc and Lillian Raeff, Tenafly N. J.; Old Master style frame measuring 17 x 13.5 inches alternative Domenico Maria Canuti (1620 - 1684).

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Domenico Maria Canuti; The mystical marriage of Saint Catherine
    Dec. 15, 2020

    Domenico Maria Canuti; The mystical marriage of Saint Catherine

    Est: €20,000 - €40,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684 Bologna) The mystical marriage of Saint Catherine, c. 1670 oil on canvas; 111 x 145 cm wax seal of the Reale Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia on the reverse Provenance German collection We are grateful to Prof. Daniele Benati for his help in cataloguing and for identifying the painting as a work by Domenico Maria Canutis (detailed certificate, Bologna, 2nd September 2019, is enclosed as a copy).

    Im Kinsky
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (attr.) Study for a standing man Red chalk on paper, 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano...
    Jun. 10, 2020

    Domenico Maria Canuti (attr.) Study for a standing man Red chalk on paper, 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano...

    Est: €380 - €400

    (Bologna 1625 - 1684) (attr.) Study for a standing man Red chalk on paper, 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano IT (attr.) Studio virile stante Matita rossa su carta, mm 480x315 circa In cornice e passepartout (difetti) Provenienza Federico Falck, Milano

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • * Canuti (Domenico Maria, 1625-1684). Putto seen from behind, chalk
    Mar. 05, 2020

    * Canuti (Domenico Maria, 1625-1684). Putto seen from behind, chalk

    Est: £500 - £700

    * Circle of Domenico Maria Canuti (1625-1684). Putto seen from behind, coloured chalks on pale grey laid paper, some marks and minor surface losses to upper left and lower right corners, 225 x 155 mm (8.9 x 6.1 ins), laid down on 19th century cream laid paper, with triple ruled border in brown ink, and collector's label printed in red to verso incorporating the initials GC within a wreath incorporating a blason with lion rampant, and manuscript number in ink '97=A', old decorated gilt frame, glazed (Qty: 1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (attr.) Study for a Standing Man Red chalk on paper 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano...
    Oct. 24, 2019

    Domenico Maria Canuti (attr.) Study for a Standing Man Red chalk on paper 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano...

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    (Bologna 1625 - 1684) (attr.) Study for a Standing Man Red chalk on paper 480x315 mm. circa In frame and passepartout (defects) Provenance Federico Falck, Milano IT (attr.) Studio virile stante Matita rossa su carta mm 480x315 circa In cornice e passepartout (difetti) Provenienza Federico Falck, Milano

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNE 1625-1684) Venus et Adonis (?) dans son char tiré par des colombes, accompagné de... sanguine, lavis de sanguine 25,2 x 23 cm.
    Mar. 27, 2019

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNE 1625-1684) Venus et Adonis (?) dans son char tiré par des colombes, accompagné de... sanguine, lavis de sanguine 25,2 x 23 cm.

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNE 1625-1684) Venus et Adonis (?) dans son char tiré par des colombes, accompagné de Mercure inscrit 'di Calabro/ Mantouano' et numéroté '6150' (verso) sanguine, lavis de sanguine 25,2 x 23 cm.

  • Canuti, Domenico Maria
    Dec. 14, 2018

    Canuti, Domenico Maria

    Est: CHF400 - CHF700

    (1625 Bologna 1684)ZugeschriebenZeus auf den Schwingen des Adlers. Tuschfeder, grau laviert und quadriert. 13,1x17,9 cm. - Fleckig und mit Randmängeln. Verso Reste alter Montierung.

    Schuler Auktionen
  • CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA, From the circle of
    Sep. 28, 2018

    CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA, From the circle of

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA, From the circle of (1620 Bologna 1684) Study of the head of a young woman. Red chalk. 20 x 15.5 cm. Framed. --------------- CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA (1620 Bologna 1684), UMKREIS Kopfstudie einer jungen Frau. Rötel. 20 x 15,5 cm. Gerahmt.

    Koller Auctions
  • DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (ITALIAN 1620-1684) LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS 19cm x 28cm (7.5in x 11in)
    May. 23, 2018

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (ITALIAN 1620-1684) LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS 19cm x 28cm (7.5in x 11in)

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (ITALIAN 1620-1684) LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS Red chalk 19cm x 28cm (7.5in x 11in)

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625 - 1684), Diana e Indimione
    Nov. 15, 2017

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625 - 1684), Diana e Indimione

    Est: €300 - €400

    matita rossa e acquerello bianco su carta, mm 154x245

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) - A young groom holding a rearing stallion in a landscape
    Jul. 07, 2017

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) - A young groom holding a rearing stallion in a landscape

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) A young groom holding a rearing stallion in a landscape oil on canvas 86 ½ x 58 in. (219.2 x 147.4 cm.)

  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) - The Apotheosis of Romulus: design for a ceiling decoration
    Jul. 05, 2017

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) - The Apotheosis of Romulus: design for a ceiling decoration

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) The Apotheosis of Romulus: design for a ceiling decoration black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, heightened with white, with perspectival indications, watermark Orsini Arms 9 3/8 x 14 7/8 in. (24 x 37.7 cm.)

  • Canuti, Domenico Maria: Das Martyrium der hl. Christina
    Nov. 25, 2016

    Canuti, Domenico Maria: Das Martyrium der hl. Christina

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Das Martyrium der hl. Christina.Feder in Graubraun, über Graphit. 22,5 x 18,8 cm. Bei der Darstellung handelt es sich offenbar um das Martyrium der hl. Christina. Die Heilige wurde besonders in Oberitalien verehrt. Der Überlieferung zufolge stürzten auf ihr Gebet im Tempel des Apollo die heidnischen Götzenbilder in den Staub - eine Szene die hier im Hintergrund dargestellt ist. Alt auf ein Untersatzpapier wohl des 18. Jahrhunderts aufgezogen. - Provenienz: Aus der Sammlung Stefan von Licht, 1880-1932 (Lugt 789b). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Canuti, Domenico Maria: Die Madonna mit dem Rosenkranz über der Stadt Bologna
    May. 26, 2016

    Canuti, Domenico Maria: Die Madonna mit dem Rosenkranz über der Stadt Bologna

    Est: €600 - €900

    Die Madonna mit dem Rosenkranz über der Stadt Bologna. Radierung. 27,9 x 18,8cm. B. 1. Ausgezeichneter Druck mit Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie. Nur schwach stockfleckig, aufgezogen, sonst sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar. Selten, es existieren lediglich drei Blatt von Canuti. Aus der Sammlung Albert Hämmerle (Lugt 3837).

    Bassenge Auctions
    Mar. 22, 2016


    Est: CHF3,000 - CHF4,000

    CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA (Bologna 1620 - 1684 Rome) Hercules fighting the lion, circa 1660. Pen and brush and brown ink. 17.2 x 21.8 cm. In a rare 16th/17th-century Bolognese frame. Provenance: - Galerie Kornfeld, Zurich - Swiss private collection --------------- CANUTI, DOMENICO MARIA (Bologna 1620 - 1684 Rom) Herkules mit dem Löwen kämpfend, um 1660. Feder und Pinsel in Braun. 17,2 x 21,8 cm. In einem seltenen Bologneserrahmen des 16./17. Jahrhundert. Provenienz: - Galerie Kornfeld, Zürich - Privatbesitz Schweiz

    Koller Auctions
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna, 1625 -1684) M
    Dec. 17, 2015

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna, 1625 -1684) M

    Est: €25,000 - €30,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna, 1625 -1684) Man with turban and eastern robes Oil on canvas, cm. 98 x 75 The work was attributed to Leandro Bassano by Giuseppe Maria Pilo, Giancarlo Sestieri, Peter Zampetti and Andrea Emiliani’s written expertises. This is a private collection make known by Simonetta Ponds (S.Stagni, Domenico Maria Canuti, Rimini 1988, pp. 77-79 and pp. 173-174, 35) painting replica. It is an authentic work, considering a few but substantial differences with the similar work mentioned above, showing the figure of a dark-haired boy on the left and a color gamut very different mantle. Notified work by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) The Madonna and Child with the I
    Dec. 09, 2015

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) The Madonna and Child with the I

    Est: -

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1625-1684) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

  • Style of Domenico Maria Canuti (1620-1684) - Ink and wash drawing - Winged cherub with trumpet hovering above a seated male figure reading a book, his left arm upraised, 13.25ins x 9.25ins (mounted but unframed)
    Jun. 16, 2015

    Style of Domenico Maria Canuti (1620-1684) - Ink and wash drawing - Winged cherub with trumpet hovering above a seated male figure reading a book, his left arm upraised, 13.25ins x 9.25ins (mounted but unframed)

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Style of Domenico Maria Canuti (1620-1684) - Ink and wash drawing - Winged cherub with trumpet hovering above a seated male figure reading a book, his left arm upraised, 13.25ins x 9.25ins (mounted but unframed)

    Canterbury Auction Galleries
  • Domenico Canuti (Italian, 1620-1684) Hercules Defeating the Hydra
    Mar. 05, 2015

    Domenico Canuti (Italian, 1620-1684) Hercules Defeating the Hydra

    Est: £700 - £1,000

    Domenico Canuti (Italian, 1620-1684) Hercules Defeating the Hydra pen and sepia ink with sepia washes h:18.50 w: 13.50 cm Provenance: From the collection of Philip Goodman.

  • Canuti, Domenico Maria (Bologna 1626 - 1684) SAN
    May. 22, 2013

    Canuti, Domenico Maria (Bologna 1626 - 1684) SAN

    Est: €450 - €500

    Canuti, Domenico Maria (Bologna 1626 - 1684) SAN FRANCESCO Acquaforte. mm 236x173. Le Blanc, 2. TIB 42/19, 2. Firmata sulla lastra ...

    Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    Apr. 01, 2011


    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI (BOLOGNE 1620-1684) Etude de plafond avec Jupiter pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 17,7 x 24,8 cm.

  • Attribuéà Domenico Maria Canuti (1620 - 1684) David Toile ovale mise au rectangle postérieurement 51 x 41 cm
    Mar. 30, 2011

    Attribuéà Domenico Maria Canuti (1620 - 1684) David Toile ovale mise au rectangle postérieurement 51 x 41 cm

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Attribuéà Domenico Maria Canuti (1620 - 1684) David Toile ovale mise au rectangle postérieurement 51 x 41 cm

    Jun. 08, 2010


    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI 1625 - 1684 AN ALLEGORY WITH ZEUS AND MERCURY inscribed with the artist's name lower left and bearing an old attribution on the verso pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk on paper

  • Circle of Domenico Maria Canuti (Italian, 1625-1684) Feast of Gods
    Apr. 20, 2010

    Circle of Domenico Maria Canuti (Italian, 1625-1684) Feast of Gods

    Est: -

    Feast of Gods pen, brown ink and wash, unframed 18.6 x 32cm (7 5/16 x 12 5/8in).

  • Domenico Maria Canuti 1620-1684- Cherub hailing a
    Mar. 09, 2010

    Domenico Maria Canuti 1620-1684- Cherub hailing a

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Domenico Maria Canuti 1620-1684- Cherub hailing a seated prophet; pen and brown ink and wash, pinned on four corners, bears attached monogrammed plate to the back board numbered 1325,1320, 148 and bears inscription on the mount and numbered N.2249 VT London-Finsly in pencil, 34x23.4cm, (unframed)

  • Attributed to Domenico Maria Canuti, (Italian, 1620-1684), Market Scene
    May. 04, 2009

    Attributed to Domenico Maria Canuti, (Italian, 1620-1684), Market Scene

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Attributed to Domenico Maria Canuti (Italian, 1620-1684) Market Scene pen, brown ink and wash drawing 5 7/8 x 8 1/8 inches.

  • Attributed to Domenico Maria Canuti (Italian, 1625-1684) The Assumption 255 x 178 mm
    Apr. 28, 2009

    Attributed to Domenico Maria Canuti (Italian, 1625-1684) The Assumption 255 x 178 mm

    Est: £600 - £900

    The Assumption black chalk, pen and brown ink and brown wash 255 x 178 mm together with an early 18th Century Bolognese drawing, representing the courtyard of a palace (2)

  • The Apotheosis of Romulus: Design for a ceiling
    Jul. 08, 2008

    The Apotheosis of Romulus: Design for a ceiling

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684) The Apotheosis of Romulus: Design for a ceiling black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, heightened with white, with perspectival indications, watermark Orfini Arms, a small loss near the lower edge 9 7/8 x 15 in. (250 x 380 mm.)

  • Rinaldo bids farewell to Armida
    Jan. 24, 2008

    Rinaldo bids farewell to Armida

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684) Rinaldo bids farewell to Armida red chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash 7½ x 10¼ (190 x 260 mm.)

    Jan. 25, 2006


    Est: $7,000 - $9,000

    A FLYING ANGEL SEEING FROM BEHIND measurements note 367 by 289mm; 14 7/16 by 11 3/8 in bears pencil attribution on the mount, in the hand of John Skippe: Benedetto Luti and old numberings: N39 and 24, and in another hand on the verso of the mount: Mrs Rayner Wood, Old Colwall, Malvern black and red chalk with brown wash heightened with white chalk on gray paper PROVENANCE John Skippe; by descent to Edward Holland, Mrs Rayner Wood, and Edward Holland-Martin; his sale, London, Christie's, 20-21 November 1958, lot 125 (as Benedetto Luti) EXHIBITED London, Royal Academy, Exhibition of 17th Century Art in Europe, 1938, no. 482 (as Luti) NOTE This study of an angel is related to Canuti's fresco decorations in the library of the monastery of San Michele in Bosco, now the Istituto Rizzoli. The new library was commissioned and paid for by Abbot Taddeo Pepoli, who felt the monastery did not have an adequate space for such a purpose, 'corrispondente alla nobiltá delle altre sue parti'. The work on this library, which which would have included scientific instruments as well as books, started in 1677. It was still intact with all its furnishings in 1788, but eleven years later the Order was suppressed, and from 1804 to 1824 the buildings were used as a prison. Fortunately the fresco decoration did not suffer, and is today in a good state of preservation. The present figure appears on the central ceiling in the first room of three frescoed by Canuti; the subject of the fresco is La Concordia sulla Terra (see Simonetta Stagni, Domenico Maria Canuti, Rimini 1988, p. 183, reproduced fig. 40a). An early pen and ink study in Besançon (Stagni, op. cit., fig. 42) shows that prior to conceiving this audaciously posed youthful male, Canuti planned that a more conventional putto should hover above the Temperaments, depicted below. Although the pentimento next to the foot in the present drawing demonstrates that Canuti was still in the process of revising aspects of this figure, in other respects it appears in the final fresco largely as here. The artist did, however, make significant changes to the drapery, rendering the figure rather less likely to distract the Olivetan monks from their studies.

    Jul. 06, 2005


    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    f - DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI BOLOGNA 1620 - 1684 A SHEET OF STUDIES FOR A CEILING DECORATION WITH HERCULES black and red chalk and pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk CATALOGUE NOTE The present study is very typical of Canuti's graphic style. Although the artist frescoed a celebrated ceiling decoration of the Apotheosis of Hercules between 1669 and 1671 in Palazzo Pepoli, this study does not seem preparatory for that project, unless Canuti radically transformed his ideas for the composition as he worked towards the final fresco (see Simonetta Stagni, Domenico Maria Canuti, Rimini 1988, pp. 165-66, cat. no. 28 and pls. VII, X, XI, XII).

  • Attribué à Domenico Canuti (1620-1684)
    Mar. 17, 2005

    Attribué à Domenico Canuti (1620-1684)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Tête d'homme barbu regardant vers la gauche avec inscriptions 'Cloa N34.' et 'N o81' (verso) craie noire et rouge, estompe sur papier brun clair 226 x 185 mm.

  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)
    Jan. 25, 2005

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    A standing nude, seen from behind, leaning on a block with inscription 'Cignani.' black, red and white chalk on light brown paper 15 1/8 x 10 1/4 in. (383 x 259 mm.)

  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)
    Jul. 06, 2004

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)

    Est: £7,000 - £10,000

    The Apotheosis of Romulus with inscription 'N o.39. Canuti [crossed out] P. 30 [altered to 4]' (verso) red chalk, red wash, watermark encircled horse below P 11 x 16 3/4 in. (280 x 425 mm.)

    Apr. 20, 2004


    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    coloured chalks on grey paper HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN LOOKING UP

  • Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)
    Jan. 22, 2004

    Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna 1620-1684)

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    A foot (recto); Portrait of a woman (verso) red, black and white chalk (recto); white chalk (verso) on brown paper 8 3/4 x 12 1/4 in. (220 x 312 mm.)

    Jan. 23, 2003


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    (Bologna 1625-1684 Bologna) Aeneas and the Cumaean Sybil. Pen and brown ink and wash on cream laid paper. 217x173 mm; 8x6 inches. With a study of a male nude with flowing drapery in pen and ink, verso. Ex-collection Alessandro Maggiori, with his inscription "Appartiene ad Aless. Maggiori il quale lo compro in Roma nel 1803" in ink, verso; Claudio Argentieri (Lugt supplement 486b, lower left recto); and P. G. Breschi (Lugt supplement 2079b, lower right recto).

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Jan. 23, 2003


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    (Bologna 1625-1684 Bologna) Aeneas and the Cumaean Sybil. Pen and brown ink and wash on cream laid paper. 217x173 mm; 8 5/8x6 7/8 inches. With a study of a male nude with flowing drapery in pen and ink, verso. Ex-collection Alessandro Maggiori, with his inscription "Appartiene ad Aless. Maggiori il quale lo compro in Roma nel 1803" in ink, verso; Claudio Argentieri (Lugt supplement 486b, lower left recto); and P. G. Breschi (Lugt supplement 2079b, lower right recto).

    Swann Auction Galleries
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