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Manuel Casimiro Sold at Auction Prices


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  • MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 Untitled
    Nov. 18, 2024

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 Untitled

    Est: €600 - €900

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941, Untitled, intervened photograph on paper, passpartout with stains that do not interfere with the work, signed and dated 1979, Dim. - 28 x 21 cm

    Cabral Moncada Leilões
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 "«Ritornelo» from sketch and notes dated 1969"
    Nov. 18, 2024

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 "«Ritornelo» from sketch and notes dated 1969"

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941, "«Ritornelo» from sketch and notes dated 1969", acrylic on canvas, signed and dated 1996 on the back, author reference MC006. Notes: label from Pedro Oliveira Gallery pasted to the back., Dim. - 55 x 65 cm

    Cabral Moncada Leilões
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 - Untitled
    May. 13, 2024

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 - Untitled

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    MANUEL CASIMIRO - NASC. 1941 Untitled mixed media on paper signed and dated 2004 Dim. - 28,5 x 38 cm

    Cabral Moncada Leilões
  • Manuel Casimiro (n. 1941)"Copie inexacte d'un dessin signé. Manuel Casimiro daté 1969"
    Feb. 21, 2024

    Manuel Casimiro (n. 1941)"Copie inexacte d'un dessin signé. Manuel Casimiro daté 1969"

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Manuel Casimiro (n. 1941)"Copie inexacte d'un dessin signé. Manuel Casimiro daté 1969" Acrylic on canvas Signed and dated Nice 1985

    Veritas Art Auctioneers
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1942) - 'Untitled'
    Jul. 08, 2021

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1942) - 'Untitled'

    Est: €2,250 - €3,000

    Mixed media on paper, signed and dated Nice, 1985. Dim.: 52x113 cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1941) - Tapestry of Portalegre
    Nov. 06, 2020

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1941) - Tapestry of Portalegre

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Tapestry from the Portalegre Tapestry Manufacture, polychrome wool yarn, signed by the Artist and marked MTP / Fino. Framed. Dim .: 114x138 cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO, Óleo sobre tela, 81 x 100 cm.
    Jul. 09, 2019

    MANUEL CASIMIRO, Óleo sobre tela, 81 x 100 cm.

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941)"Vazio e Plenitude"Óleo sobre telaVerso assinado e datado de 1998Dim. aprox.: 81 x 100 cm.

    Palácio do Correio Velho
  • Manuel Casimiro, Duas técnicas mistas s/papel
    Oct. 18, 2018

    Manuel Casimiro, Duas técnicas mistas s/papel

    Est: €200 - €400

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941) Duas técnicas mistas sobre papel Assinados e datados de 1970 Dim. aprox.: 44 x 56 cm.

    Palácio do Correio Velho
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (born in 1942) - 'Untitled'
    Oct. 30, 2017

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (born in 1942) - 'Untitled'

    Est: €750 - €1,000

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (born in 1942) - 'Untitled' Gouache on paper, signed and dated 1988. Dimension: 37.5x50.5cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (b. 1942) - Untitled
    Oct. 30, 2017

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b. 1942) - Untitled

    Est: €450 - €600

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b. 1942) - Untitled Mixed technique on paper, signed and dated Nice, 1985. Dim.: 22.5x18 cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1942) - Venus and love
    Oct. 30, 2017

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1942) - Venus and love

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1942) - Venus and love Acrylic on photograph, dated 1988. Dim.: 63x44 cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • Manuel Casimiro (b.1941)
    Feb. 03, 2016

    Manuel Casimiro (b.1941)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,250

    Manuel Casimiro (b.1941) Acrylic on canvas. Signed and dated from 1990 on verso. Work included in the catalogue of the individual exhibition that took place at "Galeria Fluxos" in Oporto. Dim. Max.: 54 x 65 x 0 cm

    P55 - Second Hand Luxury
    Oct. 14, 2015


    Est: €2,500 - €3,250

    Acrylic on canvas. Signed and dated from 1990 on verso. Individual work reproduced in the exhibition catalogue held at Galeria Fluxos in Oporto.

    P55 - Second Hand Luxury
    Apr. 23, 2015


    Est: €1,500 - €1,950

    Acrylic on canvas. Signed and dated from 1990 on verso. Dim.: 54 x 65 cm.

    P55 - Second Hand Luxury
  • Manuel CASIMIRO (1941) New-York. 1978. Photocopie oblitérée.
    Nov. 19, 2014

    Manuel CASIMIRO (1941) New-York. 1978. Photocopie oblitérée.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Manuel CASIMIRO (1941) New-York. 1978. Photocopie oblitérée. Signée et datée. 22 x 28 cm.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
    Jun. 19, 2014


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (BORN IN 1941), UNTITLED gouache on paper marouflé. Signed. Dated 86. Dim.: 51x66.5 cm.

  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941)
    Feb. 05, 2013

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941) Void and wholeness. Acrylic on canvas, Signed and dated from 2001. Dim.: 150 x 47 cm.

    P55 - Second Hand Luxury
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1941) - "Untitled"
    Jun. 21, 2012

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1941) - "Untitled"

    Est: €300 - €400

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (b.1941) - "Untitled" Mixed technique on handmade paper, signed and dated Nice, 1991. Dim.: 20x28, 5cm.

    Marques dos Santos
  • MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941), Serigrafia sobre papel
    Oct. 29, 2010

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941), Serigrafia sobre papel

    Est: €100 - €200

    MANUEL CASIMIRO (n.1941), Serigrafia sobre papel, edição n.º 127/150, assinada. Dim. aprox.: 30,5 x 48 cm.

    Palácio do Correio Velho
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