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Giacomo Ceruti Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1698 - d. 1767

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    • GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) A shepherdess with a cow and a sheep in a rocky landscape
      May. 23, 2024

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) A shepherdess with a cow and a sheep in a rocky landscape

      Est: $80,000 - $120,000

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) A shepherdess with a cow and a sheep in a rocky landscape oil on canvas 46 7⁄8 x 35 ¾ in. (119 x 90.8 cm.)

    • GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) - Portrait of a young gentleman, half-length
      May. 23, 2024

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) - Portrait of a young gentleman, half-length

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) Portrait of a young gentleman, half-length oil on canvas, an oval 44 x 33 in. (112 x 84 cm.)

    • Self-Portrait
      May. 09, 2024


      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      18th century, oil on canvas paper

      Arte Investimenti
    • Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti il ​​Pitocchetto (scope of) (Milan 1698-Milan 1767) Portrait of a prelate from Bergamo 1769 oil on canvas 87x64 cm - with frame 106x84 cm Dated bottom left
      Apr. 17, 2024

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti il ​​Pitocchetto (scope of) (Milan 1698-Milan 1767) Portrait of a prelate from Bergamo 1769 oil on canvas 87x64 cm - with frame 106x84 cm Dated bottom left

      Est: €700 - €1,200

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti il ​​Pitocchetto (scope of) (Milan 1698-Milan 1767) Portrait of a prelate from Bergamo 1769 oil on canvas 87x64 cm - with frame 106x84 cm Dated bottom left

      Casa d'aste ARCADIA
    • Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, 1698 Mailand – 1767 Brescia, zugeschrieben
      Mar. 21, 2024

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, 1698 Mailand – 1767 Brescia, zugeschrieben

      Est: €5,000 - €7,000

      KNABE MIT HUND UND EINEM KORB MIT VÖGELN Öl auf Leinwand. 141 x 104 cm. Die Aussage des Bildes lässt sich aufgrund des starken Helldunkels der Malerei erst langsam entdecken: ein bäuerlicher Knabe sitzt traurigen Blicks auf einem Stein in dunkelnder Landschaft. Vor ihm ein Hund mit zotteligem Fell, der offenbar gerügt wurde, hat er doch eines der lebenden Vögel aus dem Korb daneben gefasst, das nun leblos auf dem Stein liegt. Solche zum Nachdenken anregende Darstellungen sind im Werk Cerutis geradezu typisch für die Intentionen des Malers. Die Armut des Landvolkes, die in der Gesellschaft Benachteiligten, wie der „Zwerg“ oder die „Kleine Bettlerin“ ist häufig Themen seiner Darstellungen, so auch die Traurigkeit des Jungen über den Verlust einer seiner Vögel. So erhielt Ceruti auch den Beinamen „Pitocchetto“ (kleiner Bettler) wegen der vielen Bilder von Bettlern und Armen im Volk. Dass Ceruti auch Portraits bedeutender Persönlichkeiten schuf, hinderte nicht, dass er für die Nachwelt gerade dieser realistischen Darstellungen berühmt blieb. Hier wirkten in seinen Bildern auch Vorbilder nach, wie etwa der Spanier Murillo oder die Brüder Le Nain, aber auch die italienischen Bamboccianti. Schmaler Kratzer im Bereich des Gesichtsschattens. Provenienz: Ehemaliger italienischer Kardinalsbesitz, gestochenes Wappen mit Kardinalshut, mit zwei Lacksiegeln. (13908126) (11)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • GIACOMO CERUTI (attr. a)
      Feb. 06, 2024

      GIACOMO CERUTI (attr. a)

      Est: €200 - €500

      GIACOMO CERUTI (attr. a) (Milano, 1698 ; 1767) Ritratto dama Olio su tela, cm 108X87 Attribuito a Giacomo Ceruti nella collezione di appartenenza, la tipologia illustrativa di questo ritratto è tipica del XVIII secolo, mentre la qualità pittorica ed espressiva suggerirebbero il riferimento al pittore. L'artista, celebre per aver descritto con realismo i ceti popolari e mendicanti, si distinse nel genere ritrattistico, di minor impatto emotivo rispetto alla produzione prima citata, ma capace di estrapolare con arguzia e introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati. Osservando il dipinto si coglie assai bene la vocazione nel delineare i tratti del volto senza idealizzarne la bellezza, secondo una formula che decreta la fortuna critica e commerciale della sua arte, confermandolo tra i più singolari maestri del Settecento.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Young Woman with Two Small Dogs
      Feb. 01, 2024

      Young Woman with Two Small Dogs

      Est: $70,000 - $90,000

      Giacomo Ceruti Milan 1698 - 1767 Young Woman with Two Small Dogs oil on canvas canvas: 31 ¾ by 24 in.; 80.6 by 61.0 cm. framed: 40 ¾ by 32 ⅞ in.; 103.5 by 83.5 cm.

    • Giacomo Ceruti 1698 Milano-1767 Milano Ritratto di gentildonna
      Nov. 30, 2023

      Giacomo Ceruti 1698 Milano-1767 Milano Ritratto di gentildonna

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Giacomo CERUTI Milan, 1698 - Venise, 1767 Carlin sur un coussin Huile sur toile, de forme ovale
      Nov. 22, 2023

      Giacomo CERUTI Milan, 1698 - Venise, 1767 Carlin sur un coussin Huile sur toile, de forme ovale

      Est: €40,000 - €60,000

      Giacomo CERUTI Milan, 1698 - Venise, 1767 Carlin sur un coussin Huile sur toile, de forme ovale Pug on a cushion, oil on canvas, by G. Ceruti h: 29 w: 42 cm Provenance : Galerie Hubert Duchemin, en 2022 ; Collection particulière européenne Commentaire : Portrait de chien ou étude de chien ? Nombre d'études de chien pour de plus ambitieuses compositions furent à un moment ou un autre de leur existence considérée comme des portraits autonomes. De Jacopo Bassano à Jean-Baptiste Greuze il faut reconnaitre que la plupart du temps un tableau définitif et ambitieux se cache derrière un " portrait " de chien. C'est le cas de notre carlin qui constitue une étude pour 'Le jeune garçon au carlin' conservé au Wadsworth Atheneum de Hartford (huile sur toile, 62,8 x 47 cm (fig.1)). Dans ce dernier tableau le sujet est bien plus le carlin que le jeune garçon comme l'atteste le regard que le canidé nous porte. Il est plaisant d'imaginer que le chien fut celui du peintre comme souvent en peinture (citons à titre d'exemple l'autoportrait au carlin de William Hogarth conservé à la Tate Gallery à Londres) d'autant plus que nous le retrouvons dans d'autres tableaux de l'artiste ; le 'Portrait d'un vieil homme au carlin', faisant pendant à un 'Portrait d'un vieil homme au chat blanc'1, mais aussi 'Le portrait d'enfant se faisant lécher par un carlin'2 (fig.2) . Giacomo Ceruti est un des artistes les plus attachants du XVIIIe siècle italien, actif à Brescia avec quelques séjours à Venise et Padoue, il peint avec une sincérité extraordinaire la réalité quotidienne des gens du peuple, des plus démunis, lui valant le surnom de Pitocchetto (le petit mendiant). Le regard de notre carlin est lui aussi sincère, franc et touchant et illustre parfaitement la première qualité que recherche l'homme chez le chien : la fidélité. La race des carlins semble apparaître en Europe au XVIe siècle et venir de Chine par le biais de la compagnie hollandaise des Indes Orientales. Son nom vient du comédien Carlo Antonio Bertinazzi, dit Carlin (1710-1783) qui jouait le rôle d'Arlequin avec un masque noir. Il devient au XVIIe siècle un animal de compagnie prisé des cours comme celle d'Angleterre mais aussi en France et surtout en Allemagne ou il est appelé 'Mops'. Après l'excommunication des francs-maçons par le pape Clément XII en 1736, est fondée en Allemagne une société secrète ; l'ordre des carlins ! Cette loge déguisée permettait de maintenir les réunions maçonniques. En 1754, nous comptons une vingtaine de ces " loges ", principalement en Saxe. Les grands centres allemands de production de porcelaine dure se firent une spécialité des couples de carlins qui témoignaient en illustrant tant le mâle que la femelle, de la parfaite égalité des sexes qui régnait au sein des différentes ordres des Mops. 2. Giacomo Ceruti, 'Portrait d'un vieil homme au carlin' et 'Portrait d'un vieil homme au chat blanc', paire d'huiles sur toile, 74 x 57 cm, Milan, collection particulière en 2013 3. Vente anonyme ; Londres Sotheby's 6 juillet 1983, lot 44, huile sur toile, 54 x 52 cm., avec son pendant 'Portrait de jeune fille avec un chat'. Estimation 40 000 - 60 000 €

    • Giacomo Ceruti Cacciagione con gatto
      Jun. 27, 2023

      Giacomo Ceruti Cacciagione con gatto

      Est: €5,000 - €6,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Giacomo Ceruti Ritratto di fanciulla in costume con pappagallino
      Jun. 27, 2023

      Giacomo Ceruti Ritratto di fanciulla in costume con pappagallino

      Est: €14,000 - €18,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • CERCHIA DI GIACOMO CERUTI (MILANO 1698-1767) Luccio e testa di maiale olio
      Jun. 07, 2023

      CERCHIA DI GIACOMO CERUTI (MILANO 1698-1767) Luccio e testa di maiale olio

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      CERCHIA DI GIACOMO CERUTI (MILANO 1698-1767) Luccio e testa di maiale olio su tela 46 x 71.5 cm.

    • Ceruti Giacomo detto il Pitocchetto, Ritratto di bambino in uniforme
      Dec. 14, 2022

      Ceruti Giacomo detto il Pitocchetto, Ritratto di bambino in uniforme

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      olio su tela, W. 53 - H. 77 Cm, M. Gregori, Giacomo Ceruti, Silvana Editoriale, Bergamo, 1982, pag. 398; fig. 242

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Ceruti Giacomo detto il Pitocchetto, Ritratto di gentiluomo con drappo rosso
      Dec. 14, 2022

      Ceruti Giacomo detto il Pitocchetto, Ritratto di gentiluomo con drappo rosso

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      olio su tela, W. 56 - H. 70 Cm, M. Gregori, Giacomo Ceruti, Silvana Editoriale, Bergamo, 1982, pag. 397; fig. 240

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • GIACOMO CERUTI (bottega di)
      Nov. 29, 2022

      GIACOMO CERUTI (bottega di)

      Est: €100 - €500

      (Milano, 1698 - 1767) Ritratto di dama Olio su rame, cm 7,2X5,4 La tipologia illustrativa di questo ritratto è tipica del XVIII secolo, mentre la qualità espressiva ben evoca lo stile di Giacomo Ceruti. L'artista, celebre per aver descritto con realismo i ceti popolari e mendicanti, si distinse altresì nel genere ritrattistico, di minor impatto emotivo rispetto alla produzione prima citata ma capace di estrapolare con arguzia e introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati. Nel nostro caso si suppone che l'opera sia stata realizzata durante l'ultimo periodo milanese, per le tonalità perlacee e quella sensibilità proto-neoclassica e illuministica. Realizzate con grande cura sono le vesti, come si vede osservando la manica aperta che rivela la camicia arricciata lungo il polso, così il merletto che incornicia il petto dove l'artista indugia nel descrivere l'elegante ricamo, a conferma della propria vocazione realistica. Vocazione che si coglie nella fedeltà nel delineare i tratti del volto senza idealizzarne la bellezza, secondo una formula che decreta la fortuna critica e commerciale della sua arte, confermandolo tra i più singolari maestri del Settecento.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Relined painting at the end of the 19th century. With restorations
      Oct. 26, 2022

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Relined painting at the end of the 19th century. With restorations

      Est: €80,000 - €90,000

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Re-coloured at the end of the 19th century. It has a patch. Frame from the 17th century, in carved and gilded wood. In perfect state of conservation. Provenance: The work was acquired at the auction "Importanti dipinti antichi" held at Finearte in 2003 for a total of 205000€. Previously Sotheby's New York. Sources consulted: "Giacomo Ceruti. Group of Beggars, ca. 1737", Mar Borobia, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Measurements: 68 x 51.5 cm; 91 x 64 cm. This canvas is a faithful reflection of the exceptional style that led Giacomo Ceruti, also known as the "Pittocchetto", to become one of the leading lights of the late European Baroque. Particularly valued in his production were his depictions of the most underprivileged classes of society (beggars, beggars, peasants, dwarves and vagabonds) and of the humblest trades, depicted with great dignity and realism. Thus, in the present canvas we are faced with the representation of an elderly beggar, whose expressive face becomes the absolute centre of the image, a portrait of great psychological depth worked with an exceptional technique of naturalistic inheritance. The overall intonation, very restrained and warm, also reveals great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of very nuanced white. The lighting, on the other hand, is not as contrasting as in Caravaggio's naturalism and, although it is of great formal importance, excessive contrasts are avoided. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the face, its details, its small wrinkles and its expression of joyful complicity, which integrates the viewer into the pictorial space. It is highly probable that the present canvas may have been executed between 1730 and 1740, as were some of his most significant works, such as the "Mendicant" in the Brera gallery and "The Group of Beggars" in the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection on deposit at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. According to the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza itself, "Critics have attempted to analyse the roots and influences that may have converged in the making of these themes, in which the environment was portrayed in a very different tone from that used by other painters of the time. Among the artists mentioned as sources of inspiration are the Danish artist Bernhard Keil, the Italians Antonio Cifronti and Pietro Bellotti and especially the French artist Jacques Callot, whose engravings Ceruti used for some of his works. Active in the north of the Italian peninsula (Lombardy, Brescia and Venice), where his work was varied and uneven, little is known of his early years. From 1726 to 1728 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Broletto, the governor's residence, and the series of paintings of beggars commissioned by the Avogrado family that earned him the nickname of Pitocchetto (the little beggar) dates from the same period. Among his most important commissions was the series of works executed in 1736 for the Venetian palace by Marshal Matthias von Schulenburg, an important German collector, to which the Thyssen painting belongs. Also in 1736 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Grassi in Venice. From 1737 to 1742 Ceruti lived in Padua where he is documented working for the churches of the Franciscans and Santa Lucia, where there is an altarpiece dedicated to the saint. Around 1743 he settled permanently in Milan, with occasional trips to Piacenza where he received various public commissions, working on sacred subjects and portraits.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti (Pitocchetto)
      Sep. 04, 2022

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti (Pitocchetto)

      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      (1698 Mailand - 1767 ebenda) Umkreis Porträt eines Mäusefängers Humoristische Darstellung eines grinsenden Mannes, der eine erlegte Maus einer gierig dreinblickenden Katze präsentiert. Eine typische Szene für Ceruti und seinen Umkreis. Als Maler des Spätbarock porträtierte er des Öfteren Menschen mit (ihren) Tieren. Porträts aus seiner Hand befinden sich in den berühmten Sammlungen des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien und des Metropolitan Museums New York. Öl/Lwd.; 70 cm x 61 cm. Rahmen. Circle of Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti (1698 - 1767). Oil on canvas.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    • Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, genannt „Pitocchetto“, 1698 Mailand – 1767
      Jun. 30, 2022

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, genannt „Pitocchetto“, 1698 Mailand – 1767

      Est: €12,000 - €18,000

      HERRENBILDNIS Öl auf Leinwand im Oval. 94 x 69 cm. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri, Rom, 16. Okt. 2021. Der Herr mittleren Alters lebensgroß im Halbbildnis dargestellt. Das Gesicht von gepuderter Allongeperücke gerahmt, Rock und Weste mit silbernen Knöpfen bestückt, im Arm ein Dreispitz. Von Ceruti sind neben zahlreichen Bildern von Bettlern und Menschen ärmster Schichten auch Bildnisse aus dem Hofleben entstanden. Seiner Bettlerdarstellungen wegen (z. B. Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza) wurde der Maler auch „Pitocchetto“ genannt. Über seine Herkunft ist nur wenig bekannt. Sein wohl frühestes Herrenbildnis ist das Porträt des Conte Fenaroli, von 1724. Gegen 1728 war Ceruti in Brescia tätig, 1736 in Venedig. Dort entstanden Gemälde im Auftrag des Marschalls J. M. von der Schulenburg. Danach schuf er in Padua zwischen 1737 und 17741 Altarbilder für die Basilika di S. Antonio, sowie mehrere Werke für Santa Lucia. In Piacenza ist er 1743 – 1746 nachweisbar, anschließend in Brescia, dort beauftragt von der Familie Lechi. Erst 1757 war er wieder in Mailand. Sein Werk ist von einem erkennbaren Realismus geprägt. Darin ist ein Themeninteresse zu erkennen, das wir auch in den Kinderbildnissen des Murillo finden. Vielseitig tätig, entstanden exzellente Bildnisse der höfischen Gesellschaft. Darunter ist auch der „Cellist“ bekannt geworden, der sich im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien befindet, oder das Bildnis des „Marquis Knigt Don Erasmo Alipranti Martinengo“. Die beigegebene Expertise nennt weitere Vergleichsbeispiele. A.R. Literatur: M. Gregori, Monographie, Ed. A. Pizzi, Milano 1982. Katalog: Giacomo Ceruti e la rittratistica del suo tempo nell´ Italia settentrionale. A cura die G. Testori und G. Mallé. Rorino 1967. (13207825) (2) (11) Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, also known as "Il Pitocchetto", 1698 Milan – 1767 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMANOil on canvas in oval. 94 x 69 cm. Accompanied by an expert’s report by Professor Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome, 16 October 2021.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Giacomo Ceruti (1698-1767)-manner
      Apr. 29, 2022

      Giacomo Ceruti (1698-1767)-manner

      Est: €140 - €280

      Giacomo Ceruti (1698-1767)-manner. Portrait of a girl with wool, oil on canvas; 53x42cm, framed

      Deutsch Auktionen
    • "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas.
      Apr. 27, 2022

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas.

      Est: €80,000 - €90,000

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Re-coloured at the end of the 19th century. It has a patch. Frame from the 17th century, in carved and gilded wood. In perfect state of conservation. Provenance: The work was acquired at the auction "Importanti dipinti antichi" held at Finearte in 2003 for a total of 205000€. Previously Sotheby's New York. Sources consulted: "Giacomo Ceruti. Group of Beggars, ca. 1737", Mar Borobia, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Measurements: 68 x 51.5 cm; 91 x 64 cm. This canvas is a faithful reflection of the exceptional style that led Giacomo Ceruti, also known as the "Pittocchetto", to become one of the leading lights of the late European Baroque. Particularly valued in his production were his depictions of the most underprivileged classes of society (beggars, beggars, peasants, dwarves and vagabonds) and of the humblest trades, depicted with great dignity and realism. Thus, in the present canvas we are faced with the representation of an elderly beggar, whose expressive face becomes the absolute centre of the image, a portrait of great psychological depth worked with an exceptional technique of naturalistic inheritance. The overall intonation, very restrained and warm, also reveals great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of very nuanced white. The lighting, on the other hand, is not as contrasting as in Caravaggio's naturalism and, although it is of great formal importance, excessive contrasts are avoided. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the face, its details, its small wrinkles and its expression of joyful complicity, which integrates the viewer into the pictorial space. It is highly probable that the present canvas may have been executed between 1730 and 1740, as were some of his most significant works, such as the "Mendicant" in the Brera gallery and "The Group of Beggars" in the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection on deposit at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. According to the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza itself, "Critics have attempted to analyse the roots and influences that may have converged in the making of these themes, in which the environment was portrayed in a very different tone from that used by other painters of the time. Among the artists mentioned as sources of inspiration are the Danish artist Bernhard Keil, the Italians Antonio Cifronti and Pietro Bellotti and especially the French artist Jacques Callot, whose engravings Ceruti used for some of his works. Active in the north of the Italian peninsula (Lombardy, Brescia and Venice), where his work was varied and uneven, little is known of his early years. From 1726 to 1728 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Broletto, the governor's residence, and the series of paintings of beggars commissioned by the Avogrado family that earned him the nickname of Pitocchetto (the little beggar) dates from the same period. Among his most important commissions was the series of works executed in 1736 for the Venetian palace by Marshal Matthias von Schulenburg, an important German collector, to which the Thyssen painting belongs. Also in 1736 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Grassi in Venice. From 1737 to 1742 Ceruti lived in Padua where he is documented working for the churches of the Franciscans and Santa Lucia, where there is an altarpiece dedicated to the saint. Around 1743 he settled permanently in Milan, with occasional trips to Piacenza where he received various public commissions, working on sacred subjects and portraits.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, 1698 Mailand – 1767 Brescia, zugeschrieben
      Apr. 01, 2022

      Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti, 1698 Mailand – 1767 Brescia, zugeschrieben

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      PORTRAIT EINES GEISTLICHEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 73 x 61 cm. In teilvergoldetem Rahmen. Vor dunklem Hintergrund das Halbbildnis eines Geistlichen nach rechts in schwarzer, über der Brust geknöpfter Robe mit weißem flachem Kragen, um die Hüfte ein Zingulum. Er trägt eine graue Perücke mit schwarzer Kopfbedeckung, hat eine charakteristische Nase und mit seinen glänzenden Augen schaut er nachdenklich aus dem Bild heraus. Kleine Rest., wenige Retuschen. (13005513) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      Mar. 15, 2022


      Est: €5,000 - €8,000

      Natura morta con pasticci, carne e pesci Olio su tela, cm 87X119 Il dipinto reca un'attribuzione collezionistica a Giacomo Ceruti (Milano, 1698 - 1767), tuttavia, l'impaginatura, la tipologia dei cibi e il carattere pittorico suggeriscono una data d'esecuzione più arcaica e una genesi che fa pensare a un autore attivo in Italia centrale, toscano o romano. I piatti esposti sono altresì vivande di prestigio: i pasticci di carne, infatti, erano destinati ai conviti principeschi, e, nel nostro caso, possiamo notare anche una elaborata decorazione del piatto. Dare una connotazione regionale all'opera è cosa difficilissima, senza escludere anche una possibile origine napoletana dell'artista, per non dire delle inequivocabili influenze d'oltralpe o iberiche, per l'essenzialità scenica.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Giacomo Ceruti (Italian, 1698–1767) Portrait of a Cleric
      Feb. 22, 2022

      Giacomo Ceruti (Italian, 1698–1767) Portrait of a Cleric

      Est: $5,000 - $8,000

      Giacomo Ceruti (Italian, 1698–1767) Portrait of a Cleric Oil on canvas painted in the oval 29 1/2 x 23 in. (74.9 x 58.4cm) Provenance Private Collection, North Carolina.

      Freeman's | Hindman
    • Giacomo Ceruti (1698 Milano-1767 Milano) nei modi di, Ritratto di donna
      Nov. 25, 2021

      Giacomo Ceruti (1698 Milano-1767 Milano) nei modi di, Ritratto di donna

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      olio su tela, in cornice, W. 42,5 - H. 51 Cm

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Italienischer Maler des 18. Jahrhunderts, aus dem Umkreis des Giacomo Ceruti (1698 – 1767)
      Sep. 23, 2021

      Italienischer Maler des 18. Jahrhunderts, aus dem Umkreis des Giacomo Ceruti (1698 – 1767)

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      RefOld13921 BILDNIS EINES MANNES MIT RETTICH Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 39,5 x 27 cm. In dekorativem Rahmen.Vor beige-braunem Hintergrund das Dreiviertelportrait eines stehenden Mannes mit langer, geknöpfter Weste und hochgeschobenen Hemdsärmeln, in seinen Händen stolz einen großen Rettich präsentierend. Er schaut dabei mit seinen dunklen Augen und leicht geöffnetem Mund seitlich aus dem Bild heraus. Malerei in monchromer Farbigkeit. Rest. (1260694) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      Sep. 11, 2021


      Est: €4,000 - €8,000

      GIACOMO ANTONIO MELCHIORE CERUTI (CIRCLE) 13 October 1698 Milan - 28 August 1767 Ibid PORTRAIT OF A PEASANT WOMAN WITH A SPINDLE Oil on canvas (relined). 73,5 x 58,5 cm (F. 93,5 x 78,5 cm). Front side on the frame with a name plate 'Ceruti'. Part. old restored, min. old retouchings. Frame. Provenance: European Private Collection. GIACOMO ANTONIO MELCHIORE CERUTI (CIRCLE) 13. Oktober 1698 Mailand - 28. August 1767 Ebenda PORTRAIT EINER BÄUERIN MIT SPINDEL Öl auf Leinwand (doubl.). 73,5 x 58,5 cm (R. 93,5 x 78,5 cm). Frontseitig auf dem Rahmen mit Namensschild 'Ceruti'. Part. altrest., min. Altretuschen. Rahmen. Provenienz: Europäische Privatsammlung.

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
      Jun. 15, 2021


      Est: €1,000 - €2,000

      (Milano, 1698 - 1767) Ritratto di giovine Olio su tavola, cm 38X24 La qualità espressiva dell'opera evoca lo stile di Giacomo Ceruti. L'artista, celebre per aver descritto con realismo i ceti popolari e mendicanti, si distinse anche nel genere ritrattistico, di minor impatto emotivo rispetto alla produzione prima citata ma capace di estrapolare con arguzia ed introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati. Nel nostro caso, l'immagine evoca quella del Portarolo seduto su una cesta conservata alla Pinacoteca di Brera e datato al 1735. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. Gregori, Giacomo Ceruti, Bergamo 1982, ad vocem M. Gregori, Giacomo Ceruti. Il Pitocchetto, catalogo della mostra, Milano 1987, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Re-tinted at the end of the 19th century. Presents patch. Frame of the seventeenth century, carved and gilded wood.
      Jun. 01, 2021

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Re-tinted at the end of the 19th century. Presents patch. Frame of the seventeenth century, carved and gilded wood.

      Est: €150,000 - €170,000

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Re-tinted at the end of the 19th century. Presents patch. Frame of the seventeenth century, carved and gilded wood. In perfect state of conservation. Provenance: Work acquired at the auction "Importanti dipinti antichi" held at Finearte in 2003 for a total of 205000€. Previously Sotheby's New York. Sources consulted: "Giacomo Ceruti. Group of beggars, ca. 1737", Mar Borobia, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Measurements: 68 x 51.5 cm; 91 x 64 cm. We are in front of a canvas faithful reflection of the exceptional style that led Giacomo Ceruti, also called the "Pittocchetto", to become one of the lights of the late European Baroque. In his production were especially valued the representations of the most disadvantaged classes of society (beggars, beggars, peasants, dwarfs and vagabonds), and of the humblest trades, depicted with great dignity and realism. Thus, in the present canvas we are faced with the representation of an elderly beggar, whose expressive face becomes the absolute center of the image, a portrait of great psychological depth worked by means of an exceptional technique of naturalistic heritage. The general intonation, very restrained and warm, also reveals great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of a very nuanced white. The lighting, on the other hand, is not as contrasting as in Caravaggist naturalism and, although it enjoys great importance at a formal level, excessive contrasts are avoided. Nevertheless, it is a key element for the modeling of the face, its details, small wrinkles and expression, of joyful complicity, which integrates the viewer into the pictorial space. Most probably, the present canvas could have been painted between 1730-1740, like some of his most significant works, such as the "Mendicant" kept in the Brera art gallery or "The group of beggars" from the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection on deposit at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. According to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum itself, "Critics have tried to analyze the roots and influences that may have converged in the making of these themes, in which the environment was portrayed in a tone very different from that used by other painters of his time. Among the artists who have been mentioned as a source of inspiration are the Danish Bernhard Keil, the Italians Antonio Cifronti and Pietro Bellotti and especially the French Jacques Callot, whose engravings Ceruti used for some of his works." Active in the North of the Italian peninsula (Lombardy, Brescia, and Venice), where he developed a varied and unequal work, hardly any data is known of his first years. From 1726 to 1728 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Broletto, the governor's residence, and in those same years he painted a series of paintings of beggars commissioned by the Avogrado family, which earned him the nickname of Pitocchetto (the little beggar). Among his most important commissions was the series of works made in 1736 for the Venetian palace by Marshal Matthias von Schulenburg, an important German collector, a commission to which the Thyssen's work belongs. Also in 1736 he worked on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Grassi in Venice. From 1737 to 1742 Ceruti lived in Padua where he is documented working for the churches of the Franciscans and Santa Lucia, where an altar dedicated to the saint is preserved. Around 1743 he settled definitively in Milan, with some trips to Piacenza where he received various public commissions, occupied in the painting of sacred subjects and portraits.

      Setdart Auction House
      Mar. 25, 2021


      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      ATTRIBUÉ À GIACOMO CERUTI (1698-1767) JEUNE GARÇON AU BÉRET ROUGE Toile Cadre allemand Attributed to Giacomo Ceruti, Young boy with a red beret, canvas, German frame. 65 x 50 cm - 25,6 x 19,7 in.

    • GIACOMO CERUTI (attr. a)
      Mar. 18, 2021

      GIACOMO CERUTI (attr. a)

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      (Milano, 1698 - 1767) Ritratto di nobiluomo con lettera Olio su tela, cm 78X57 Attribuito a Giacomo Ceruti da Francesco Arcangeli, la tipologia illustrativa di questo ritratto è tipica del XVIII secolo, mentre la qualità pittorica ed espressiva conferma il riferimento al pittore. L'artista, celebre per aver descritto con realismo i ceti popolari e mendicanti, si distinse altresì nel genere ritrattistico, di minor impatto emotivo rispetto alla produzione prima citata, ma capace di estrapolare con arguzia e introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati. Nel nostro caso si suppone che il dipinto sia stato realizzato durante l'ultimo periodo milanese, per le tonalità perlacee e quella sensibilità proto-neoclassica e illuministica. Osservando il dipinto si coglie assai bene la vocazione nel delineare i tratti del volto senza idealizzarne la bellezza, secondo una formula che decreta la fortuna critica e commerciale della sua arte, confermandolo tra i più singolari maestri del Settecento. Il dipinto è corredato da una scheda critica di Francesco Arcangeli su fotocopia.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767)."Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740.Oil on canvas.
      Mar. 11, 2021

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767)."Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740.Oil on canvas.

      Est: €130,000 - €150,000

      "PITTOCCHETTO"; GIACOMO CERUTI (Milan, 1698 - 1767). "Vecchio mendicante", 1730-1740. Oil on canvas. Relined painting at the end of the 19th century. With restorations. Frame from the 17th century, in carved and gilded wood. In perfect state of conservation. Provenance: Work acquired in the "Importanti dipinti antichi" auction held in Finearte in 2003 for a total of € 205,000. Before: Sotheby's New York. Measurements: 68 x 51.5 cm; 91 x 64 cm.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Giacomo Ceruti, Melon Eater
      Nov. 21, 2020

      Giacomo Ceruti, Melon Eater

      Est: €14,000 - €16,000

      Certificate Ludwig Meyer, Munich, 18.7.2007.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) - Still life with a lobster, crab, asparagus and a fiasco of wine
      Oct. 07, 2020

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) - Still life with a lobster, crab, asparagus and a fiasco of wine

      Est: £15,000 - £25,000

      GIACOMO CERUTI (MILAN 1698-1767) Still life with a lobster, crab, asparagus and a fiasco of wine oil on canvas 25 x 30 1/4 in. (63.5 x 76.4 cm.)

    • GIACOMO CERUTI (bottega di)
      Mar. 05, 2020

      GIACOMO CERUTI (bottega di)

      Est: €1,000 - €2,000

      (Milano, 1698 - 1767) Ritratto di dama Olio su tela, cm 74,5X59 La tipologia illustrativa di questo ritratto è tipica del XVIII secolo, mentre la qualità pittorica ed espressiva conferma l'attribuzione a Giacomo Ceruti. L'artista, celebre per aver descritto con realismo i ceti popolari e mendicanti, si distinse altresì nel genere ritrattistico, di minor impatto emotivo rispetto alla produzione prima citata, ma capace di estrapolare con arguzia e introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati. Nel nostro caso si suppone che l'opera sia stata realizzata durante l'ultimo periodo milanese, per le tonalità perlacee e quella sensibilità proto-neoclassica e illuministica. Realizzate con grande cura sono le vesti, come si vede osservando la manica aperta che rivela la camicia arricciata lungo il polso, così il merletto che incornicia il petto, dove l'artista indugia nel descrivere l'elegante ricamo, a conferma della propria vocazione realistica. Vocazione che si coglie nella fedeltà nel delineare i tratti del volto senza idealizzarne la bellezza, secondo una formula che decreta la fortuna critica e commerciale della sua arte, confermandolo tra i più singolari maestri del Settecento.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Giacomo Ceruti (Milano 1698-1767), nei modi di, Ritratto di gentiluomo
      Oct. 22, 2019

      Giacomo Ceruti (Milano 1698-1767), nei modi di, Ritratto di gentiluomo

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      olio su tela, cm 83,5x69,5

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Giacomo Ceruti (Milano 1698-1767), nei modi di, Ritratto di gentiluomo
      Jun. 12, 2019

      Giacomo Ceruti (Milano 1698-1767), nei modi di, Ritratto di gentiluomo

      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      olio su tela, cm 83,5x69,5

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
      May. 28, 2019


      Est: €500 - €800

      Il ritrovamento della tunica di Giuseppe Olio su tela, cm 117,5X131 L'opera si attribuisce ad un autore di scuola lombarda, verosimilmente attivo a Brescia durante il XVIII secolo. Alcuni aspetti, infatti, evocano confronti con la produzione di Giacomo Ceruti (Milano, 1698 - 1767), o di Giuseppe Romani (Como, 1654 - Modena, 1727).

      Wannenes Art Auctions
      May. 28, 2019


      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      (Milano, 1698 - 1767) Natura morta Olio su tela, cm 63X80 Giacomo Ceruti è celebre per aver descritto con sincera concretezza i ceti popolari e mendicanti, distinguendosi altresì nel genere ritrattistico, estrapolando con arguzia ed introspezione psicologica il carattere degli effigiati, ma quest'indole di osservatore l'applicò ugualmente creando eccellenti nature morte. Sia pur di numero contenuto rispetto alle opere a tema 'pauperistico', possiamo oggi affermare che in questo campo il pittore toccò esiti eccellenti. Solo dal 1982, con la scoperta degli inventari inerenti alle raccolte del maresciallo Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg, la critica diede forma a un catalogo dedicato alla 'natura in posa', prima di allora mancavano precisi appigli documentari e filologici (cfr. A. Binion, 'La Galleria scomparsa del maresciallo von der Schulenburg. Un mecenate nella Venezia del Settecento', Milano, 1990). Tuttavia, prima di allora gli studiosi più avveduti ben colsero questa specifica attitudine, per il modo in cui la descrizione degli oggetti presenti nelle scene di genere si rivelava più mirata e concreta. Basti pensare al 'Ragazzo con la cesta di verdura' dell'Ulster Museum di Belfast, al 'Ragazzo con la cesta di pesci e di aragoste' della Galleria Palatina per cogliere l'avidità dell'occhio nel voler descrivere al meglio ogni singolo dettaglio. Nel nostro caso, come ben annota il Crispo, la composizione trova analogia con un'opera già riferita a Giacomo da Castello ma riconosciuta al Ceruti dallo studioso, che si differenzia per il formato rettangolare e lievi varianti, mantenendo però la medesima qualità di stesura, 'come rivelano il raffinato gioco di riflessi argentei sui due pesci e l'esecuzione sottile, in punta di pennello della melagrana'. L'opera è corredata da una scheda critica di Alberto Crispo. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. Gregori, 'Giacomo Ceruti', Cinisello Balsamo, 1982, pp. 69' 72, 108-109 F. Frangi, in 'Giacomo Ceruti. Il Pitocchetto', catalogo della mostra, Milano 1987, ad vocem A. Crispo, 'Le nature morte dell'Abate Paolo: invenzione e imitazione nella pittura di genere in Italia settentrionale tra Sei e Settecento', in 'Parma per l'arte', XI, 2005, 2, p. 79 A. Crispo, 'Il ritratto delle cose: per Giacomo Ceruti pittore di natura morta', in 'Parma per l'arte', XII, 2006, 1'2, pp. 67-70 A. Crispo, 'Postilla alla natura morta lombarda, dal Todeschini al Ceruti', in 'Parma per l'arte', XIII, 2007, 1, pp. 85-90

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • CERUTI GIACOMO (1698 - 1767) Still life with hen and pigeons in a landscape.
      Dec. 19, 2018

      CERUTI GIACOMO (1698 - 1767) Still life with hen and pigeons in a landscape.

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      CERUTI GIACOMO (1698 - 1767). Still life with hen and pigeons in a landscape.. Provenance Private collection, Brescia. Publication: Mina Gregori, "Giacomo Ceruti, Nature morte", catalogo della mostra, Bergamo 5-25 novembre 2011, Credito Bergamasco 2011, pagina 68, scheda 7, Tavola VII. . Cm 85,00 x 69,00.

      Capitolium Art
    • Giacomo Ceruti called il Pitochetto (Milan 1689-1767) An elderly man seated at the foot of a tree, unframed
      Dec. 05, 2018

      Giacomo Ceruti called il Pitochetto (Milan 1689-1767) An elderly man seated at the foot of a tree, unframed

      Est: £20,000 - £30,000

      Giacomo Ceruti called il Pitochetto (Milan 1689-1767) An elderly man seated at the foot of a tree, a view to a village beyondoil on canvas73.1 x 57.2cm (28 3/4 x 22 1/2in).unframed Provenance: In the present owner's family since the 1930sThe present work is sold with a copy of the expertise from Prof. Mina Gregori, dated 1 December 1992, in which she confirms the attribution to il Pitochetto. She dates the work to the late 1730s or early 1740s.

    • GIACOMO CERUTI | Still life with roasted chestnuts on a plate
      Jul. 05, 2018

      GIACOMO CERUTI | Still life with roasted chestnuts on a plate

      Est: £40,000 - £60,000

      oil on canvas

    • Attributed to CERUTI, GIACOMO
      Mar. 23, 2018

      Attributed to CERUTI, GIACOMO

      Est: CHF4,000 - CHF6,000

      Attributed to CERUTI, GIACOMO (1698 Milan 1767) Still life with fish, squash, garlic and a pomegranate. Oil on canvas. 63.5 x 78.5 cm (oval). Provenance: Private collection, Switzerland. --------------- CERUTI, GIACOMO (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (1698 Mailand 1767) Stillleben mit Fisch, Kürbis, Knoblauch und einem Granatapfel. Öl auf Leinwand. 63,5 x 78,5 cm (oval). Provenienz: Privatbesitz Schweiz.

      Koller Auctions
    • GIACOMO CERUTI, CALLED PITOCCHETTO | Portrait of a young countrywoman, half length
      Jan. 31, 2018

      GIACOMO CERUTI, CALLED PITOCCHETTO | Portrait of a young countrywoman, half length

      Est: $200,000 - $300,000

      oil on glass

    • Attributed to Giacomo Ceruti (Milan - A platter with meat and hanging game by a jug
      Jul. 07, 2017

      Attributed to Giacomo Ceruti (Milan - A platter with meat and hanging game by a jug

      Est: £40,000 - £60,000

      Attributed to Giacomo Ceruti (Milan A platter with meat and hanging game by a jug oil on canvas 21 3/8 x 15 5/8 in. (51.8 x 39.7 cm.)

    • Attribuito a. Ritratto di gentildonna.
      May. 30, 2017

      Attribuito a. Ritratto di gentildonna.

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      Attribuito a. Ritratto di gentildonna.

      Capitolium Art
      Mar. 29, 2017


      Est: CHF1,500 - CHF2,000

      LOMBARDY, LATE 18TH CENTURY Young maid. Oil on canvas. 46.5 x 33.5 cm. Provenance: Swiss private collection. This work takes up a motif that is often found in the work of the Lombard artist Giacomo Ceruti (1698-1767). --------------- LOMBARDEI, ENDE 18. JAHRHUNDERT Junge Magd. Öl auf Leinwand. 46,5 x 33,5 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung. Diese Arbeit greift ein Motiv auf, welches unter anderem im Werk des lombardischen Künstlers Giacomo Ceruti (1698-1767) oft vorkommt.

      Koller Auctions
      Dec. 15, 2016


      Est: €15,000 - €20,000

      GIACOMO ANTONIO MELCHIORRE CERUTI, CALLED "IL PiITOCCHETTO" (Milan, 1698-1768) Portrait of man Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 75 cm

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Lots Per Page:

    Auction Houses Selling Works by Giacomo Ceruti