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Stanislaw Czapek Sold at Auction Prices


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    May. 22, 2022


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    patinated bronze and carved marble, mounted to rouge marble plinth; incised signature to side of base; Provenance: The Estate of David Karpeles, the Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Montecito, CA; Condition: scattered hairline cracks; possible repairs; small chips to base; overall: 12 1/2 inches wide; 4 1/2 inches deep; 14 inches high

    Abell Auction
  • Stanislaus Emil CZAPEK (1874-?), Jugendstil Skulptur/ An Art Nouveau terracotta sculpture, Goldscheider, Wien / Vienna, um 1900
    Jan. 15, 2022

    Stanislaus Emil CZAPEK (1874-?), Jugendstil Skulptur/ An Art Nouveau terracotta sculpture, Goldscheider, Wien / Vienna, um 1900

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    Material: Terrakotta, farbig gefasst, Marke: Fa. Goldscheider, 'REPRODUCTION RESERVÉE', Künstlersignatur: 'Czapéque', Modell-Nr. 3482 - 37 6, Höhe: 91 cm, Zustand: gut, wenige kl. Fehlstellen in der Bemalung, keine Chips oder Restaurierungen

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"
    Sep. 12, 2021

    Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"

    Est: $750 - $950

    MANUFACTURE: Goldscheider Wien (AUSTRIA) SCULPTOR: Podolak - Pseydonim for Stanislaw Emil Czapek (1874 - ?) NAME: Ball Break NUMBER: 4684 YEAR: 1914 CONDITION: Tip of one toe was restored. No box. HEIGHT: 11 1/4 inch / 28 cm WIDTH: 12 inch / 30 cm DEEP: 9 1/2 inch / 24 cm LITERATURE: Robert E. Dechant / Filipp Goldscheider, Goldscheider - Company History and Catalog of Works, Stuttgart, 2007, p. 591 CATEGORY: porcelain ceramic statue figure figurine sculpture antique vintage SKU#: 115719 US Shipping $42 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"
    Jun. 06, 2021

    Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"

    Est: $750 - $950

    MANUFACTURE: Goldscheider Wien (AUSTRIA) SCULPTOR: Podolak - Pseydonim for Stanislaw Emil Czapek (1874 - ?) NAME: Ball Break NUMBER: 4684 YEAR: 1914 CONDITION: Tip of one toe was restored. No box. HEIGHT: 11 1/4 inch / 28 cm WIDTH: 12 inch / 30 cm DEEP: 9 1/2 inch / 24 cm LITERATURE: Robert E. Dechant / Filipp Goldscheider, Goldscheider - Company History and Catalog of Works, Stuttgart, 2007, p. 591 CATEGORY: porcelain ceramic statue figure figurine sculpture antique vintage SKU#: 115719 US Shipping $42 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"
    Mar. 07, 2021

    Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"

    Est: $700 - $750

    MANUFACTURE: Goldscheider Wien (AUSTRIA) SCULPTOR: Podolak - Pseydonim for Stanislaw Emil Czapek (1874 - ?) NAME: Ball Break NUMBER: 4684 YEAR: 1914 CONDITION: Tip of one toe was restored. No box. HEIGHT: 11 1/4 inch / 28 cm WIDTH: 12 inch / 30 cm DEEP: 9 1/2 inch / 24 cm LITERATURE: Robert E. Dechant / Filipp Goldscheider, Goldscheider - Company History and Catalog of Works, Stuttgart, 2007, p. 591 CATEGORY: porcelain ceramic statue figure figurine sculpture antique vintage SKU#: 115719 US Shipping $42 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"
    Dec. 06, 2020

    Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"

    Est: $700 - $800

    MANUFACTURE: Goldscheider Wien (AUSTRIA) SCULPTOR: Podolak - Pseydonim for Stanislaw Emil Czapek (1874 - ?) NAME: Ball Break NUMBER: 4684 YEAR: 1914 CONDITION: Tip of one toe was restored. No box. HEIGHT: 11 1/4 inch / 28 cm WIDTH: 12 inch / 30 cm DEEP: 9 1/2 inch / 24 cm LITERATURE: Robert E. Dechant / Filipp Goldscheider, Goldscheider - Company History and Catalog of Works, Stuttgart, 2007, p. 591 CATEGORY: porcelain ceramic statue figure figurine sculpture antique vintage SKU#: 115719 US Shipping $42 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"
    Apr. 05, 2020

    Goldscheider Wien Figurine 4684 "Ball Break"

    Est: $750 - $850

    MANUFACTURE: Goldscheider Wien (AUSTRIA) SCULPTOR: Podolak - Pseydonim for Stanislaw Emil Czapek (1874 - ?) NAME: Ball Break NUMBER: 4684 YEAR: 1914 CONDITION: Tip of one toe was restored. No box. HEIGHT: 11 1/4 inch / 28 cm WIDTH: 12 inch / 30 cm DEEP: 9 1/2 inch / 24 cm LITERATURE: Robert E. Dechant / Filipp Goldscheider, Goldscheider - Company History and Catalog of Works, Stuttgart, 2007, p. 591 CATEGORY: porcelain ceramic statue figure figurine sculpture antique vintage SKU#: 115719 WARRANTY: 7 days returns accepted if item doesn't match description US Shipping $42 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • An Impressively Large 'Adam and Eve' Pottery Vase by Stanislaus Czapek for Goldscheider INCISED ARTIST'S SIGNATURE 'CZAPEQUE'; CIRCA 1902
    Sep. 20, 2016

    An Impressively Large 'Adam and Eve' Pottery Vase by Stanislaus Czapek for Goldscheider INCISED ARTIST'S SIGNATURE 'CZAPEQUE'; CIRCA 1902

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    An Impressively Large 'Adam and Eve' Pottery Vase by Stanislaus Czapek for Goldscheider INCISED ARTIST'S SIGNATURE 'CZAPEQUE'; CIRCA 1902 modelled figures sit beneath a fountain with a incised mosaic effect decoration, the woman's fountain head with inlayed cabochon; with Goldscheider impressed marks height 93cm Footnotes A similar (but smaller) example of this model with different fountain wall decoration is illustrated in Ora Pinhas' 'Goldscheider', (Richard Dennis, 2006) on page 52.

  • Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - after 1921) - draft / Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - po r. 1921) - návrh / Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - nach 1921) - Entwurf
    Dec. 06, 2014

    Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - after 1921) - draft / Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - po r. 1921) - návrh / Stanislaus Emil Czapek (Czapeque; 1874 - nach 1921) - Entwurf

    Est: Kč19,000 - Kč38,000

    GIRL IN CRINOLINE (BALLPAUSE). Austria, Vienna, Wiener Manufaktur Goldscheider. Designed ca. 1914/1915, before 1927. A girl in a ball gown sitting with her legs crossed and holding an eye mask in her right hand lying on an armrest. Creamy glazed stoneware, under the glaze painted in colours. H. 29 cm. Marked by number of the model '4684 / 54 / 16', company brand 'F. G. Wien' printed in black and signed pseudonym 'Podola' graven on the back of the backrest. Condition B. DÍVKA V KRINOLÍNĚ (BALLPAUSE). Rakousko, Vídeň, Wiener Manufaktur Goldscheider. Návrh cca 1914/1915, před r. 1927. Dívka v plesových šatech, sedící se zkříženýma nohama a v pravé ruce, spočívající na opěradle křesla, držící škrabošku. Krémově glazovaná kamenina, barevně malováno pod polevou. V. 29 cm. Zn. číslem modelu „4684 / 54 / 16", černě tištěnou firemní značkou „F. G. Wien" a na zadní straně opěradla sign. rytým pseudonymem „Podola". Stav B. MÄDCHEN IM REIFROCK (BALLPAUSE). Österreich, Wien, Wiener Manufaktur Goldscheider. Entwurf ca. 1914/1915, vor 1927. Sitzendes Mädchen im Ballkleid und Maske in rechter Hand. Cremefarbig glasiertes Steinzeug, bunt gemalt in Unterglasurfarben. H. 29 cm. Modellnummer „4684 / 54 / 16", schwarz gedruckte Firmenmarke „F. G. Wien" auf der Lehne mit Deckname signiert: „Podola". Zustand B. Lit.: Ora Pinhas: Goldscheider. A Catalogue of Selected Models, Somerset 2006, p. 101. Lit.: Ora Pinhas: Goldscheider. A Catalogue of Selected Models, Somerset 2006, s. 101. Stanislaus Czapek - sochař a návrhář narozený v Čechách, pracující řadu let pro vídeňskou firmu Friedrich Goldscheider. Kromě dobově oblíbených elegantních dívčích figur v krinolínách se specializoval především na návrhy figurálních hodin. Užíval také pseudonymy Podola, Padola apod. Friedrich Goldscheider (1845-1897) provozoval firmu od roku 1885 ve Vídni, Karlových Varech a Plzni. Po jeho smrti převzala podnik manželka a synové Walter a Alois, později i Marcell. Roku 1910 zaměstnávala Kunstgewerbliches Etablissment Kunst-Terrakotta-Fabrik Friedrich Goldscheider kolem 200 zaměstnanců. Lit.: Ora Pinhas: Goldscheider. A Catalogue of Selected Models, Somerset 2006, S. 101.

    Auction House Zezula
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