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Jean-Baptiste Debret Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1768 - d. 1848

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  • Jean-Baptiste Debret (d’après). Napoléon haranguant les troupes bavaroi
    Feb. 02, 2025

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (d’après). Napoléon haranguant les troupes bavaroi

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (d’après). Napoléon haranguant les troupes bavaroises et wurtembergeoises le 20 avril 1809 Miniature rectangulaire. 7 x 10 cm. Porte une signature « Vernet » en bas à droite. XIXe siècle. Sous verre. Cadre en bois doré.

  • Debret, Jean-Baptiste: Anwesen der Herzogin von Cadaval in Laranjeiras
    Oct. 08, 2024

    Debret, Jean-Baptiste: Anwesen der Herzogin von Cadaval in Laranjeiras

    Est: €2,200 - €2,300

    AMERIKA -- Debret, Jean-Baptiste. Anwesen der Herzogin von Cadaval in Laranjeiras, Brasilien. Original-Aquarelle auf Papier. 29,5 x 19,5 (Darstellung). Um 1815. -- Dekoratives Aquarell, wohl von dem französischen Maler Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), der dem verbannten portugiesischen König Johann VI. nach Brasilien folgte. Dies ist vermutlich die Vorstudie seines Gemäldes der gleichen Szene, welches er 1816 anfertigte. -- Dargestellt ist eine Gruppe, die sich vor dem Haus der Herzogin von Cadaval versammelt. Auf dem Bild erscheint die Herzogin Marie Madeleine de Montmorency-Luxembourg in einem schwarzen Kleid, außerdem sind Soldaten, elegante Männer und ein Kind, das mit einem Affen spielt, zu sehen. -- -- 1815 rief der Marquis de Marialva, Botschafter Brasiliens, französische Künstler auf nach Brasilien zu reisen, um in Rio ein Institut für schöne Künste zu gründen. Sie brachen am 26. Januar 1816 in Le Havre auf und landeten zwei Monate später in Rio, wo sie auf Feindseligkeit der portugiesischen Künstler stießen. Das Institut wurde erst nach zehn schwierigen Jahren eingeweiht, in denen Debret die Revolution miterlebte, die Brasilien zu einem unabhängigen Staat machte. -- Später wurde er zum offiziellen Maler des Kaisers Pedro und des Hofes, bevor er 1827 in den Süden des Landes reiste. – Kleiner Fleck in der oberen linken Ecke. Schön erhalten.

    Bassenge Auctions
    May. 30, 2024


    Est: $100 - $120

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), an assortment of 2 columns of antique hand-painted engravings, one including two scenes: Une dame portée in a little chair, allant at the mess (a lady carried in a carriage going to mass), and Le viellard convalescent (The convalescent old man), circa 1839-1833, and the other two scenes: Expoiration D'une Carriede de granit (Exhibition of a granite quarry) and Passage d'une rivière guéable (Crossing a flowing river). Dimensions: 53x34 cm. In good condition, light wear.

    The Bidder
  • JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Charge de cavalerie gouaycourous”. Paris. 1834 / 1839.
    Oct. 12, 2023

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Charge de cavalerie gouaycourous”. Paris. 1834 / 1839.

    Est: $220 - $260

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Charge de cavalerie gouaycourous.” Paris. 1834/1839. Lithograph on paper, illuminated. Paper measurements: 36 x 54 cm. Top right: “Pl. 18”. Bottom left, “J. B. Debret del”. On the right: “Lith. by C. F. Motte.” JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Charge de cavalerie gouaycourous”. Paris. 1834 / 1839. Litografía sobre papel, iluminado. Medidas del papel: 36 x 54 cm. Arriba a la derecha: “Pl. 18”. Abajo a la izq., “J. B. Debret del”. A la derecha: “Lith. de C. F. Motte”.

    Zorrilla Subastas
  • JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Chef de Charruas sauvages”. Paris. 1834/1839.
    Oct. 12, 2023

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Chef de Charruas sauvages”. Paris. 1834/1839.

    Est: $180 - $220

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Chef de Charruas sauvages”. Paris. 1834/1839. Lithograph on paper, illuminated. Top right: “Pl. 14”. Bottom left, “J. B. Debret del”. On the right: “Lith. by C. F. Motte.” Measurements: 49.5 x 35 cm. Framed work. Former Octavio Assunçao collection. JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Chef de Charruas sauvages”. Paris. 1834 / 1839. Litografía sobre papel, iluminada. Arriba a la derecha: “Pl. 14”. Abajo a la izq., “J. B. Debret del”. A la derecha: “Lith. de C. F. Motte”. Medidas: 49,5 x 35 cm. Obra enmarcada. Ex colección Octavio Assunçao.

    Zorrilla Subastas
  • JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Cabocle. “Indian civilized.” Paris. 1834/1839.
    Oct. 12, 2023

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Cabocle. “Indian civilized.” Paris. 1834/1839.

    Est: $180 - $220

    JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Cabocle. “Indian civilized.” Paris. 1834/1839. Lithograph on paper, illuminated. Paper measurements: 34.2 x 52.5 cm. Top right, “Pl. 5". At the bottom of the image, from the left. to right: “J. B. Debret del” and “Lith de Thierry Freres” JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET “Cabocle. Indien civilisé”. Paris. 1834 / 1839. Litografía sobre papel, iluminado. Medidas del papel: 34,2 x 52,5 cm. Arriba a la derecha, “Pl. 5”. Al pie de la imagen, de izq. a dcha.: “J. B. Debret del” y “Lith de Thierry Freres”.

    Zorrilla Subastas
  • DEBRET (Jean-Baptiste).
    Apr. 18, 2023

    DEBRET (Jean-Baptiste).

    Est: €400 - €500

    Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil. Aquarelas e desenhos que não foram reproduzidos na edição de Firmin Didot, 1834. Paris, Raymundo de Castro Maya, 1954. Grand in-folio, en feuilles, emboîtage de l’éditeur. Premier tirage de ces 140 aquarelles de Jean-Baptiste Debret, reproduites en couleurs sur 100 planches. Tirage à 410 exemplaires, celui-ci sur vélin d’Arches à la forme. Cet ouvrage édité par le collectionneur brésilien Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya (1894-1968) forme un complément indispensable au grand Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil de Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), dans la mesure où ces aquarelles ne figuraient pas dans les trois volumes de l’édition originale, parue en 1834-1839.

  • Jean-Baptiste Debret. Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil,
    Nov. 27, 2022

    Jean-Baptiste Debret. Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil,

    Est: €500 - €750

    séjour d’un artiste française au Brésil, […] Tome premier [–] troisième. Fac-simile da edição original de Firmin Didot frères, Paris, 1834. Rio de Janeiro 1965. Mit zahlreichen Tafeln (Porträt, drei Karten, Brieffaksimile, 151 Lithographien). Lose Doppelblätter in Originalumschlägen und roten Leinenkassetten. Exemplar 841 von 900 der vollständigen Faksimile-Ausgabe. – Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768–1848) bereiste seit 1816 Brasilien und gründete dort eine Kunstakademie. Bekannt wurde er durch seine ethnographischen Studien und Zeichnungen. Sein monumentales Brasilienwerk mit mehr als 150 Lithographien erschien von 1834 bis 1839. Es vermittelt Einblicke in Leben, Kultur, Handwerk und Trachten der Urbevölkerung sowie die Eroberung durch europäische Mächte mit Szenen aus der Kolonialgeschichte. 57 : 38 cm. – Die Kassetten verschlissen und fleckig, innen tadellos. [Keywords: ; ]

    Christian Hesse Auktionen
  • Jean-Baptiste Debret (* 1768-1848), 4 verschiedene Farblithographien, wohl Nachdrucke,hinter Glas gerahmt, zusammen
    Nov. 20, 2021

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (* 1768-1848), 4 verschiedene Farblithographien, wohl Nachdrucke,hinter Glas gerahmt, zusammen

    Est: €200 -

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (* 1768-1848), 4 verschiedene Farblithographien, wohl Nachdrucke,hinter Glas gerahmt, zusammen

    Auction Partners
  • AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 aft
    Nov. 11, 2021

    AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 aft

    Est: $100 - $150

    AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 after a drawing dated 1825 as published in "Viagem Pitoresca e Histórica ao Brasil." - 4 1/4 x 13 1/4 in; frame: 9 1/2 x 18 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 aft
    Jul. 29, 2021

    AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 aft

    Est: $100 - $150

    AFTER JEAN-BAPTISTE DEBRET (French, 1768 - 1848). Engenho de Carne Seca (process for drying meat), Colored lithograph numbered # 71 after a drawing dated 1825 as published in "Viagem Pitoresca e Histórica ao Brasil." - 4 1/4 x 13 1/4 in; frame: 9 1/2 x 18 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • Napoleon awards A. Lazarev the Order of the Legion of Honor in Tilsit in 1807. 1820’s. Engraving after the drawing by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)
    Nov. 21, 2019

    Napoleon awards A. Lazarev the Order of the Legion of Honor in Tilsit in 1807. 1820’s. Engraving after the drawing by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)

    Est: €100 - €150

    19 x 25.7 cm. Наполеон награждает А. Лазарева орденом Почетного легиона в Тильзите в 1807 году. 1820-е годы. Бумага, гравюра очерком; 19 x 25,7 см. Гравюра по живописному оригиналу Жана-Батиста Дебре (Jean-Baptiste Debret)(1768-1848), экспонировавшемуся на Салоне 1808 года. В левой части композиции изображен император Александр I.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • JEAN BAPTISTE DEBRET - 1768-1864, Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil, DEBRET, Jean-Baptiste.- Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil: aquarelas e desenhos que não foram reproduzidos na edição de Firmin Didot - 1834.- Paris: R. de Castro Maya, 1954-1955.- 23 p.: 100 estampas coloridas; 62 cm.- B. Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), French painter, lived in Brazil between 1816 and 1831 where he was a painting teacher, and was a director of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Back in Europe, he publishes in Paris, between 1834 and 1839, his Voyage Pictoresque..., illustrated with 153 hand-coloured engravings. Printed edition on paper of Arches with types specially produced for the work, limited to 410 copies, of which the present belongs to the special drawing of 10 out of market(exemplary C). A nominative copy to the Press printed for "Monsieur Alain radiguer", in loose sheets, packaged in the edition's own portfolio. The templates that were used for the edition were destroyed.
    Feb. 25, 2019

    JEAN BAPTISTE DEBRET - 1768-1864, Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil, DEBRET, Jean-Baptiste.- Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil: aquarelas e desenhos que não foram reproduzidos na edição de Firmin Didot - 1834.- Paris: R. de Castro Maya, 1954-1955.- 23 p.: 100 estampas coloridas; 62 cm.- B. Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), French painter, lived in Brazil between 1816 and 1831 where he was a painting teacher, and was a director of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Back in Europe, he publishes in Paris, between 1834 and 1839, his Voyage Pictoresque..., illustrated with 153 hand-coloured engravings. Printed edition on paper of Arches with types specially produced for the work, limited to 410 copies, of which the present belongs to the special drawing of 10 out of market(exemplary C). A nominative copy to the Press printed for "Monsieur Alain radiguer", in loose sheets, packaged in the edition's own portfolio. The templates that were used for the edition were destroyed.

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    JEAN BAPTISTE DEBRET - 1768-1864, Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil, DEBRET, Jean-Baptiste.- Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil: aquarelas e desenhos que não foram reproduzidos na edição de Firmin Didot - 1834.- Paris: R. de Castro Maya, 1954-1955.- 23 p.: 100 estampas coloridas; 62 cm.- B. Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), French painter, lived in Brazil between 1816 and 1831 where he was a painting teacher, and was a director of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Back in Europe, he publishes in Paris, between 1834 and 1839, his Voyage Pictoresque..., illustrated with 153 hand-coloured engravings. Printed edition on paper of Arches with types specially produced for the work, limited to 410 copies, of which the present belongs to the special drawing of 10 out of market(exemplary C). A nominative copy to the Press printed for "Monsieur Alain radiguer", in loose sheets, packaged in the edition's own portfolio. The templates that were used for the edition were destroyed.

    Cabral Moncada Leilões
  • Napoleon awards A. Lazarev the Order of the Legion
    Nov. 23, 2018

    Napoleon awards A. Lazarev the Order of the Legion

    Est: €100 - €150

    Napoleon awards A. Lazarev the Order of the Legion of Honor in Tilsit in 1807. 1820’s. Engraving after the drawing by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) 19 x 25.7 cm. Наполеон награждает А. Лазарева орденом Почетного легиона в Тильзите в 1807 году. 1820-е годы. Бумага, гравюра очерком; 19 x 25,7 см. Гравюра по живописному оригиналу Жана-Батиста Дебре (Jean-Baptiste Debret)(1768-1848), экспонировавшемуся на Салоне 1808 года. В левой части композиции изображен император Александр I. Алексей Евдокимович Лазарев (1775 (?)-1825) году — участник Наполеоновских войн. В день ратификации Тильзитского договора 27-го июня (9 июля) 1807 во время парада русских и французских войск Наполеон изъявил желание наградить орденом Почетного легиона «самого храброго русского солдата». При этом выбор пал на правофлангового гренадера Лейб-гвардии Преображенского полка Лазарева. Наполеон снял с себя орден Почетного Легиона и надел его на Лазарева, приказав производить ему ежегодно по 1,200 франков. Наполеон сказал гренадеру: «Ты будешь помнить этот день, когда мы, твой государь и я, сделались друзьями». В 1809 по приказу великого князя Константина Павловича, унтер-офицера Лазарева лишили ордена Почетного легиона за «учиненные им дерзкие поступки против фельдфебеля Тиравина и разжаловали без суда в рядовые», переведя в Азовский пехотный полк. Позже Лазарев был прощен, получил чин прапорщика Гвардейской инвалидной роты Лейб-гвардии Гарнизонного батальона. В 1819 у Лазарева произошел конфликт с хозяйкой квартиры, у которой снимал комнату его знакомый. Также досталось и случайному свидетелю конфликта. В результате причиненных побоев «чиновнику и мещанке» прапорщик Лазарев был предан военному суду. Однако, судебное дело Лазарева было отправлено на пересмотр, ввиду изменившихся показаний участников и свидетелей конфликта. Решение по делу Лазарева затянулось. В 1825 прапорщик Лазарев, так и не дождавшись решения по своей участи, застрелился.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • JEAN BAPTISTE DEBRET | The Four Seasons
    Oct. 30, 2018

    JEAN BAPTISTE DEBRET | The Four Seasons

    Est: €80,000 - €120,000

    oil on canvas (enlarged by a vertical band of approx. 33cm on Spring, Summer and Autumn) ; Spring, signed and dated lower right Debret an 1804 ; Autumn, signed and dated lower right Debret. 1804 ; Winter, signed and dated lower center Debret an 1804 ; a lot of four

  • Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848). Famille d'un Chef Camacan se Préparant pour une Fête. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 183...
    Feb. 27, 2018

    Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848). Famille d'un Chef Camacan se Préparant pour une Fête. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 183...

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848). Famille d'un Chef Camacan se Préparant pour une Fête. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1834 - 1839. Coloured lithograph, 21 x 32 cm. Engraved by Thierry Frères. Framed. Estimado $ 6,000-8,000 CA - Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848). Famille d'un Chef Camacan se Préparant pour une Fête. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1834 - 1839. Litografía coloreada, 21 x 32 cm. Grabado por Thierry Frères. Enmarcada. Tomada de la obra "Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un Artiste Français au Brésil...".

    Morton Subastas
  • Suiveur de Jean Baptiste DEBRET (1768-1848) Une paire: scènes de vie au Brésil Gouache Signé et daté en bas à droite "1828"...
    Nov. 22, 2017

    Suiveur de Jean Baptiste DEBRET (1768-1848) Une paire: scènes de vie au Brésil Gouache Signé et daté en bas à droite "1828"...

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Suiveur de Jean Baptiste DEBRET (1768-1848) Une paire: scènes de vie au Brésil Gouache Signé et daté en bas à droite "1828" Pliures et petites épidermures Follower of J.-B. Debret, A pair: scenes of life in the Brazil, gouache, bears a signature and a date lower right "1828" 35 x 27cm - 13 3/4 X 10 5/8 IN. € 1,000-1,500

  • Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)-attributed
    Apr. 04, 2017

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)-attributed

    Est: €900 - €1,800

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)-attributed, Brazilian landscape with lady sitting by easel painting, a servant, under a pergola, with view to a village in landscape; oil on canvas, in a gilded frame.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Jean Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) signed hand coloured engraving Napoleon, and a antique French engravings, one showing various campaigns in medallions, (2)
    Mar. 14, 2015

    Jean Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) signed hand coloured engraving Napoleon, and a antique French engravings, one showing various campaigns in medallions, (2)

    Est: $60 - $80

    Jean Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) signed hand coloured engraving Napoleon, and a antique French engravings, one showing various campaigns in medallions, (2)

    Vickers & Hoad
  • DEBRET Jean-Baptiste (1768-1848). Scène
    Apr. 12, 2011

    DEBRET Jean-Baptiste (1768-1848). Scène

    Est: €200 - €300

    DEBRET Jean-Baptiste (1768-1848). Scène mythologique, lavis d'encre sur papier. Signé en bas à gauche Debret. Ecole française. Dim.:27.5x35.5cm.

  • Attributed to Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)
    Sep. 25, 2008

    Attributed to Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Attributed to Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) L'Archi-Duchesse Léopoldine, 1e Impératrice du Brésil (Femme de D. Pedro); La Reine Charlotte (Mère de D. Pedro); La Princesse Amélie, 2e Impératrice du Brésil (Femme de D. Pedro) with signature 'J. B. Debret' (lower right) and inscription as titled, ownership inscription 'Appartenant á la collection du Comte Barbier de Rivière' on the reverse pencil with coloured chalks on paper 16½ x 22in. (41.9 x 55.8cm.)

    Jun. 26, 2007


    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou sejour d'un artiste Francais au Brésil depuis 1816 jusqu'en 1831 inclusivement, 3 vol., first edition , half-titles in volumes 2 and 3 only, lithographed portrait of author, 153 hand-coloured lithographed plates on 140 sheets by Thierry frères or Ch. Mottes after Debret or Vicomtesse de Portes, facsimile letter, one lithographed map of Brazil, 2 lithographed plans of Rio after Charles Walter, some spotting, occasional dampstaining (mostly in margins), one plate with short tear not affecting image, "Institut Historique" ownership stamp on margin of title in volume one and one leaf in volume 2, modern black leather [Borba de Moraes, p.252; Sabin 19122], folio, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1835

  • Deux figures romaines en toge et couronnées de feuilles de lauriers
    Mar. 22, 2007

    Deux figures romaines en toge et couronnées de feuilles de lauriers

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (Paris 1768-1848) Deux figures romaines en toge et couronnées de feuilles de lauriers avec inscription 'JB. Debret.' craie noire, mis au carreau à la craie noire 209 x 140 mm.

    Nov. 16, 2006


    Est: £25,000 - £30,000

    VOYAGE PITTORESQUE ET HISTORIQUE AU BRÉSIL, OU SÉJOUR D'UN ARTISTE FRANÇAIS AU BRÉSIL, DEPUIS 1816 JUSQU'EN 1831 INCLUSIVEMENT. PARIS : FIRMIN DIDOT FRÈRES, 1834-1835-1839 first edition, 3 volumes, folio (495 x 332mm.), half-titles, lithographed portrait of Debret by Thierry frères, 153 views and plates on 140 sheets by Thierry frères after Debret (including the bis plates 6 and 12 in vol.2), map of Brazil, 2 plans (of Rio de Janeiro and the bay of Rio de Janeiro) and lithographed facsimile letter of Pedro I, list of plates at end of each volume (the 12 plates of natural history in vol.1 not listed), contemporary green half morocco over marbled boards, spines in six compartments with raised bands gilt, occasional light spotting to text and plates, old manuscript ink collation slightly offset onto portrait, preliminary blank leaf in each volume slightly creased, some slight surface wear to marbled boards, corners and spine ends somewhat rubbed PROVENANCE Count Stroganoff of Russia, engraved armorial bookplate; Siberia University Library, small blue oval inkstamp to titles; Juan Gyselynck, engraved pictorial bookplate; Walter Geyerhahn, Livraria Kosmos, Rio de Janeiro; from whom acquired (1985) by the present owner LITERATURE Borba de Moraes (1983), p.252; Sabin 19122 NOTE rare. a handsome copy. Debret (1768-1848), painter and pupil of David, spent some sixteen years in Brazil, witnessing that country's transition from Portuguese colony to independent empire (proclaimed at Sao Paulo on 7 September 1822), up until the time of Pedro I in 1831. During his stay in Brazil, Debret established an institute of fine arts at Rio de Janeiro in 1815 and received the title of painter to the Imperial family, which position he held until his departure from Brazil to Paris in 1831. The fine plates include numerous views, scenes of everyday life and 12 plates of natural history subjects.

  • Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)
    Dec. 15, 2000

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)

    Est: $2,900 - $4,350

    Two Roman Priests with inscription 'JB Debret' black chalk 216 x 168 mm. EXHIBITION London, Douwes Fine Art Gallery, Master Drawings presented by Adolphe Stein, 26 June - 9 July 1990, no. 21.

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