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Lockwood Dennis Art for Sale and Sold Prices

b. 1937 - d. 2012

Lockwood Dennis was driven to paint throughout his 45 year career. During the early years, Lockwood was most influenced by the works of Post-Impressionist pioneers of early Modernism such as Cezanne and Matisse. As Lockwood evolved, he developed a graphic style that was informed by the simplified imagery he created for his woodblock prints. In several instances, the subject and image for his paintings and prints are shared.

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About Lockwood Dennis

b. 1937 - d. 2012


Lockwood "Woody" Dennis


Lockwood Dennis was driven to paint throughout his 45 year career. During the early years, Lockwood was most influenced by the works of Post-Impressionist pioneers of early Modernism such as Cezanne and Matisse. As Lockwood evolved, he developed a graphic style that was informed by the simplified imagery he created for his woodblock prints. In several instances, the subject and image for his paintings and prints are shared.

Auction Houses Selling Works by Lockwood Dennis