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Jean Fautrier Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, b. 1898 - d. 1964

Jean Fautrier (May 16, 1898 – July 21, 1964) was a French painter, illustrator, printmaker, and sculptor. He was one of the most important practitioners of Tachisme.

Jean Fautrier was born in Paris in 1898. He was given his unwed mother's surname and raised by his grandmother until she and his father both died in 1908. He then moved to London to be with his mother. There, in 1912, he began to study at the Royal Academy of Arts. Unsatisfied by instruction he thought too rigid, he left to study briefly at the Slade School, which was reputed to be more avant-garde. He was disappointed again and decided to go it alone, devoting himself to painting. The works he saw in the Tate Gallery made a far greater impression on him; he especially admired the paintings of J. M. W. Turner. He was called up for the French Army in 1917, but was discharged in 1921 due to his poor health.

He first exhibited his paintings at the Salon d'Automne in 1922 and at the Fabre Gallery in 1923. It was at the Galerie Fabre that he met art dealer Jeanne Castel, his first collector and friend. In 1923 he began producing etchings and engravings. His first solo exhibition was at the Galerie Visconti in Paris, in 1924.

In 1927, he painted a series of pictures (still lifes, nudes, landscapes) in which black dominates. In 1928 he met André Malraux through Castel. Malraux asked Fautrier to illustrate a text of his choice, but copyright issues kept him from using his first choice, Arthur Rimbaud’s ‘’Les Illuminations’’, and he settled instead with Dante’s Inferno. He produced 34 lithographs, but the publication, proposed by Gallimard, was deemed impossible and the project was abandoned in 1930. Until 1933 he divided his efforts between sculpture and painting. Short on funds, he spent the years 1934–1936 living in the resort of Tignes, where he made his living as a ski instructor and started a jazz club.

In 1939, just as World War II was beginning, Fautrier left the mountains, moving to Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, and Bordeaux before finally returning to Paris in 1940 and starting to paint once again. In Paris he met several poets and writers for whom he created illustrations. In January 1943, he was arrested by the German Gestapo. After brief imprisonment, he fled Paris and found refuge in Châtenay-Malabry, where he began work on the project of the Otages (or "Hostages"). These paintings were a response to the torture and execution of French citizens by the Nazis outside his residence, and were exhibited in 1945 with the Drouin gallery. In the years that followed, Fautrier worked on the illustrations of several works, among them L'Alleluiah by Georges Bataille, and made a series of paintings devoted to small familiar objects.

His late work is abstract, generally small in scale, often combining mixed media on paper. In 1960 he won the international grand prize at the Venice Biennale as well as another major award at the Tokyo Biennale the following year. He died in Châtenay-Malabry in 1964, the same year in which he had made donations to the Musée de l’Ile-de-France in Sceaux and Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. A retrospective of his work opened there later that year and was organized by the Gianadda Foundation at Martigny in January–March 2005.

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  • Fautrier, Jean
    Feb. 05, 2025

    Fautrier, Jean

    Est: €1,800 - €2,500

    Fautrier, Jean Paris, 1898 - Chatenay, 1964 Schuberformat: 53 x 40 x 4,5 cm "Fautrier l'enragé", 1949. Folder with one colour etching on Japanese paper, 6 heliogravures on wove paper and 25 etchings on wove paper in the text, in original slipcase. Dated and numbered 153/250 in the imprint. Published by Librairie Auguste Blaizot, Paris. Mason, 227 - 260. Collection, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Fautrier, Jean Paris, 1898 - Chatenay, 1964 Schuberformat: 53 x 40 x 4,5 cm "Fautrier l'enragé", 1949. Folge von einer Farbradierung auf Japanpapier, sechs Heliogravuren auf Bütten und 25 Farbradierungen auf Bütten im Text, in Orig.-Mappe mit Schuber. Im Impressum datiert und nummeriert 153/250. Herausgeber: Librairie Auguste Blaizot, Paris. Mason, 227 - 260. Sammlung, Nordrhein-Westfalen.

    Nagel Auction
  • FAUTRIER JEAN (1898 - 1964) - LE PICHET
    Dec. 17, 2024

    FAUTRIER JEAN (1898 - 1964) - LE PICHET

    Est: €700 - €900

    FAUTRIER JEAN (1898 - 1964). LE PICHET. signature and edition in pencil, ex. 5/50 at the back: date and title palte size: 56x46 cm publisher: Ambroise Vollard Couturier printer: Jacques David TOTAL EDITION 50 copies +h.c. BIBLIOGRAPHY R,M.Mason, Jean Fautrier, Les Estampes, Cabinet des estampes, Geneva 1986, n. 215. 55,50 x 73 cm. 1947.

    Capitolium Art
    Dec. 12, 2024


    Est: €250 - €300

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898 - 1964) - Naissance de la femme - Etching and soft varnish in black - Proof on arches wove paper - Signed in pencil lower right - Justified 5/10 lower left - Sheet size: 90.1 x 63.3 cm - Plate size: 64 x 78 cm - Bibliography: Engelberts 1948/2 - Masons 246, II Note: With its deep contrasts and suggestive lines, this etching bears witness to Fautrier's innovative view of the body and femininity, inscribing his work in a poetic, organic abstraction characteristic of his style.

    Expertisez Enchères
    Dec. 12, 2024


    Est: €300 - €350

    Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - La Forêt - Aquatint and wash on Arches wove paper - signed in pencil in the lower right-hand margin and justified 96/100 - 66 x 50 cm - Mason :281, III - Engelberts : 1964/3 Note: In La Forêt, Fautrier explores an organic abstraction in which textures and nuances evoke the depth and density of an interior landscape. This piece bears witness to his innovative approach to matter, affirming his pioneering role in informal art.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • Fautrier, Jean
    Dec. 12, 2024

    Fautrier, Jean

    Est: -

    "1898 Paris - 1964 Châtenay-Malabry, Farbaquatintaradierung, „Le Flacon“, 1948, handschriftlich nummeriert ""27/50“, unsigniert, französischer Künstler des Informel, Hochformat, Papierstempel, Blattmaß 78,5 cm x 53,5 cm, ohne Rahmen (Versandhinweise beachten)"

    Kunstauktionhaus Georg Rehm
  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Jeune femme de profil huile sur toile 41.2 x 33.2
    Dec. 10, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Jeune femme de profil huile sur toile 41.2 x 33.2

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Jeune femme de profil huile sur toile 41.2 x 33.2 cm. Peint vers 1927.

  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Fleurs dans un vase 1926
    Dec. 05, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Fleurs dans un vase 1926

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Fleurs dans un vase 1926 signé huile sur toile signed oil on canvas 55 x 46 cm. 21 5/8 x 18 1/8 in. Réalisé en 1926.

  • Paysage d'Espagne
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Paysage d'Espagne

    Est: €50,000 - €70,000

    Jean Fautrier 1898 - 1964 Paysage d'Espagne signed with initials and dated 54 (lower right); signed and titled (on the stretcher) mixed media on paper laid down on canvas 22 x 27,5 cm; 8 ⅝ x 10 ⅞ in. Executed in 1954. __________________ Jean Fautrier 1898 - 1964 Paysage d'Espagne signé des initiales de l'artiste et daté 54 (en bas à droite); signé et titré (sur le châssis) technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toile 22 x 27,5 cm; 8 ⅝ x 10 ⅞ in. Executé en 1954.

    Dec. 03, 2024


    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Jean FAUTRIER Profil, d'enfant - circa 1926-1927 Huile sur toile Signée en haut à droite "Fautrier", porte au dos la mention au pochoir "Deodat" 27.5 x 27.5 cm Provenance : Collection Famille de l'artiste Oil on canvas; signed upper right, stencilled on the reverse; 10 7/8 x 10 7/8 in. Jean FAUTRIER 27.5 x 27.5 cm Oil on canvas; signed upper right, stencilled on the reverse; 10 7/8 x 10 7/8 in.

    Dec. 03, 2024


    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Jean FAUTRIER Composition - circa 1940-1943 Aquarelle et encre sur papier 11.8 x 15.6 cm Provenance : Collection Famille de l'artiste Bibliographie : P.Bucarelli, Jean Fautrier pittura e materia, Saggiatore, Milan, 1960, n°591, reproduit en noir et blanc p. 394 Watercolor and ink on paper ; 4 5/8 x 6 1/8 in. Jean FAUTRIER 11.8 x 15.6 cm Watercolor and ink on paper ; 4 5/8 x 6 1/8 in.

    Dec. 03, 2024


    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Jean FAUTRIER Composition - 1938 Aquarelle et crayon sur papier Signé et daté en bas à droite "Fautrier 38 / 38" 12.4 x 19.0 cm Provenance : Collection Famille de l'artiste Watercolor and pencil on paper; signed and dated lower right; 4 7/8 x 7 1/2 in. Jean FAUTRIER 12.4 x 19.0 cm Watercolor and pencil on paper; signed and dated lower right; 4 7/8 x 7 1/2 in.

  • Fautrier Jean
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Fautrier Jean

    Est: CHF640 - CHF800

    Sans titre Unten rechts signiert. Datiert 1962. Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 30.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 13:54

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Fautrier, Jean: Corps de femme
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Fautrier, Jean: Corps de femme

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Corps de femme Feder in Schwarz und Frottage auf Doppelblatt genarbtem weichen Velin. 1947. 46 x 34,4 cm (gefaltet). Unten rechts mit Feder in Schwarz signiert "Fautrier" und datiert. Die gestisch erfasste Figur schwebt im Bildraum und scheint mit ihren organisch geschwungenen, weichen Formen zugleich nebelhaft aus ihm herauszuwachsen, mit der rauen Papieroberfläche zu verschmelzen. Vorder- und Hintergrund bleiben im Unklaren. Fautrier scheint mit jeder Bewegungsspur der Farbe auf dem Blatt den dynamischen Gestaltungsprozess zu veranschaulichen statt auf ein geplantes Ergebnis hinzusteuern. - Provenienz: Christie's, Paris, Auktion 26.10.2013, Lot 202 - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964)
    Nov. 27, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964)

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) NU, 1960 Gouache et crayon sur papier Monogrammé et daté ‘60’ en bas à droite Gouache and pencil on paper; signed with the artist’s monogram and dated ‘60’ lower right 50 X 64 CM • 19 3/4 X 25 1/4 IN.

  • JEAN FAUTRIER "Otages/Rêve - Les massacrés" 1943 two etchings on paper plate 27x23.6 cm - sheet 57x38 cm; plate 29x23 cm - sheet 55x33 cm Both signed and numbered in 50 copies (2) Provenance Private Collection, Milan Bibliography Mason ...
    Nov. 27, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER "Otages/Rêve - Les massacrés" 1943 two etchings on paper plate 27x23.6 cm - sheet 57x38 cm; plate 29x23 cm - sheet 55x33 cm Both signed and numbered in 50 copies (2) Provenance Private Collection, Milan Bibliography Mason ...

    Est: €200 - €300

    (PARIGI 1898 - CHATENAY-MALABRY 1964) "Otages/Rêve - Les massacrés" 1943 two etchings on paper plate 27x23.6 cm - sheet 57x38 cm; plate 29x23 cm - sheet 55x33 cm Both signed and numbered in 50 copies (2) Provenance Private Collection, Milan Bibliography Mason 204 and 249 IT "Otages/Rêve - Les massacrés" 1943 due acqueforti su carta lastra cm 27x23,6 - foglio cm 57x38; lastra cm 29x23 - foglio cm 55x33 Entrambe firmate e numerate su 50 esemplari (2) Provenienza Collezione Privata, Milano Bibliografia Mason 204 e 249

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Jean Fautrier (Parigi 1898-Châtenay-Malabry 1964) - The old man's notebook, 1963
    Nov. 13, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (Parigi 1898-Châtenay-Malabry 1964) - The old man's notebook, 1963

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    tempera on paper 32.5 x 25 cm Signedand dated lower right: F 63 Inscribed in pencil on the reverse: U 19 The artwork is accompanied by the volume reproducing the autographs of Auguri, Monologhetto, Taccuino del Vecchio and Apocalissi by Giuseppe Ungaretti printed in 1963, on the occasion of the poet's seventy-fifth birthday, to celebrate which it was executed. The overall prints of the book is only 43 copies, of which only the first 28, numbered with Arabic numerals from 1 to 28, contain an original tempera by Jean Fautrier. The present volume is numbered 3. On each volume the stamp of Gli inchiostri di Ungaretti and each volume signed by the poet, the translator Francis Ponge, the artist Jean Fautrier and the publisher Guido Le Noci. Within original parchment case lined inside with emerald green suede, with Ungaretti's monogram in gold on the internal plates. PROVENANCE Rome, Giuseppe Ungaretti collection

    Nov. 11, 2024


    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) JEAN FAUTRIER Senza titolo 1963 matite e tecnica mista su carta intelata cm 28x43 5 monogramma e data in basso a destra autentica su foto di Dominique Fautrier provenance: Galleria Immaginaria Firenze Untitled 1963 pencil and mixed media on paper on canvas 11 02x17 12 in monogramme and date lower right photo certificate by Dominique Fautrier provenance: Galleria Immaginaria Florence esposizione: 2022 Galleria Immaginaria Firenze 2022 E.s.m.o. Lugano

    Aste Boetto SRL
    Nov. 06, 2024


    Est: €150 - €200

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - Femme douce - Etching on Arches wove paper signed in the lower margin and justified 42/50 - 56.5 x 38 cm - Mason 246, III, D - Engelberts 1944/1

    Expertisez Enchères
    Nov. 06, 2024


    Est: €100 - €150

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898 - 1964) - Hostage aux mains I - Etching, aquatint and embossing in color on Vélin d'Auvergne - Signed in pencil in the lower right-hand margin and justified XI/XXV - 37 x 52 cm - Engelberts: 1944/8 - Mason: 251,II - Traces of moisture on the edges of the paper. Note: Fautrier's Les Otages marked the rebuilding of French cultural life after the Liberation. With the presentation and failure - let's face it - of Picasso's Charnier, these small format series caused a sensation in the large rooms of René Drouin's premises. As a sign of redemptive rupture for a society on the rebound, they divided opinion.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • JEAN FAUTRIER 1898-1964 Petit nu H 1941 - JEAN FAUTRIER 1898-1964 Petit nu H 1941
    Nov. 05, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER 1898-1964 Petit nu H 1941 - JEAN FAUTRIER 1898-1964 Petit nu H 1941

    Est: €150 - €300

    Acquaforte originale su carta vergé d'Auvergne, ed. 3/50.  24,00 x 32,50 cm Firmata e numerata al recto in basso, al verso etichetta/scheda della Galleria Ciranna, Milano.  - Original etching on vergé d'Auvergne paper, ed. 3/50. 9.45 x 12.80 in. Signed and numbered on the bottom recto, on the reverse label/card from the Ciranna Gallery, Milan.

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Otage technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toi
    Oct. 18, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Otage technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toi

    Est: €700,000 - €1,000,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Otage technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toile 60 x 73 cm. Exécuté en 1943

    Oct. 18, 2024


    Est: €130,000 - €180,000

    Jean FAUTRIER Lignes colorées - 1961 Technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toile Signé en bas à droite « fautrier » 54.0 x 81.0 cm Provenance : Galleria Apollinaire, Milan Collection Carlos Monzino, Lugano, depuis 1961 Par descendance Vente, Paris, Sotheby's, 7 décembre 2010, lot 4 Collection particulière, Europe  Vente, Vienne, Dorotheum, 16 mai 2013, lot 1524 Acquis au cours de cette vente par l'actuel propriétaire Expositions : Venise, XXXI Biennale Internazionale d'Arte, juin-octobre 1962, n°319 Milan, Galleria Falchi Arte Moderna, Jean Fautrier - Sculptures-Dessins, février-mars 1976, reproduit en couleur sous le n°9 Codogno, Ex-Ospedale Soave, Jean Fautrier, novembre 1994-janvier 1995, reproduit en couleur sous le n°XXI  Bibliographie : M-J. Lefort, "Fautrier - Catalogue Raisonné de l'Oeuvre Peint", Editions Norma, Paris, 2023, reproduit en couleur sous le n°1129, p. 566  Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas; signed lower right; 21 ¼ × 31 ⅞ in. Jean FAUTRIER 54.0 x 81.0 cm Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas; signed lower right; 21 ¼ × 31 ⅞ in.

    Oct. 11, 2024


    Est: €600 - €800

    Tecnica mista su carta, cm. 50x64. Firma e data in basso a destra.

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • Jean Fautrier
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Jean Fautrier

    Est: €300 - €400

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - Le maquis - Aquatint and wash on Arches wove paper signed lower right and justIfiée 96/100 - 57 x 76 cm - Mason 285 - Engelberts 1964/2

    Expertisez Enchères
  • Jean Fautrier
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Jean Fautrier

    Est: €300 - €400

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - Study of hands Heliogravure, etching and aquatint on Verger d'Auvergne watermarked Ambroise Vollard justified 47/50 56 x 74 cm Bibliography: Mason: 119 - Engelberts 1942/1 Note: The Ambroise Vollard watermark on Jean Fautrier's prints symbolizes a prestigious alliance between a visionary artist and a legendary publisher and art dealer. The Ambroise Vollard watermark is seen as a guarantee of excellence and prestige. His collaboration with Jean Fautrier gave rise to some exceptional engravings.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • Jean Fautrier
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Jean Fautrier

    Est: €300 - €400

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898 - 1964) - Naissance de la femme - Etching and soft varnish in black - Proof on arches wove paper - Signed in pencil lower right - Justified 5/10 lower left - Sheet size: 90.1 x 63.3 cm - Plate size: 64 x 78 cm - Bibliography: Engelberts 1948/2 - Masons 246, II

    Expertisez Enchères
  • Jean Fautrier
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Jean Fautrier

    Est: €7,000 - €8,000

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898 - 1964) - The partisans 1956 Watercolor gouache on paper Signed lower right, titled and dated lower left 35 x 29 cm Provenance: Galerie Couturier - Sale Drouot June 23, 1999, PIASA - Saint Germain en Laye, Schmitz-Laurent April 23, 2006 We would like to thank Dominique Fautrier for information concerning the provenance of this work. Note: Jean Fautrier's paintings are masterpieces of expression and texture, embodying a rare emotional depth. A pioneer of informal art, Fautrier uses innovative techniques to create works in which matter itself seems alive. Each of Fautrier's paintings is an exploration of the human condition, reflecting the torments and beauties of existence. Following the Soviet repression in Budapest in 1956, Jean Fautrier, in homage to the Hungarian uprising, took up the theme of his poet friend in his Les Partisans series. These profiles of resistance fighters who died defending their freedom form a particularly poignant whole. It echoes another series, Les Otages, created between 1940 and 1945, which had been inspired by the sound of the daily executions of prisoners by the Germans during the Occupation. The Partisans series is Fautrier's ode to freedom. The intensity is equally strong, however, with the contrast of the partisans' blood, illustrated by the purplish-pink streaks running down their pale profiles. The faces are barely sketched, halfway between abstraction and figuration. This anonymity reinforces the impression of a crowd and groups united for freedom.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Baby Mine, 1947 Eau-forte et aquatinte. Signée et numérotée 48/50Ets en aquatint. Getekend en genummerd 48/50Etching and aquatint. Signed and numbered 48/5027 x 33 cm (image) 38 x 56 cm (sheet)
    Sep. 24, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Baby Mine, 1947 Eau-forte et aquatinte. Signée et numérotée 48/50Ets en aquatint. Getekend en genummerd 48/50Etching and aquatint. Signed and numbered 48/5027 x 33 cm (image) 38 x 56 cm (sheet)

    Est: €200 - €300

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Baby Mine, 1947 Eau-forte et aquatinte. Signée et numérotée 48/50 Ets en aquatint. Getekend en genummerd 48/50 Etching and aquatint. Signed and numbered 48/50 27 x 33 cm (image) 38 x 56 cm (sheet)

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Tête. huile sur toile 35.5 x 27.4 cm. Peint en
    Sep. 24, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Tête. huile sur toile 35.5 x 27.4 cm. Peint en

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Tête. huile sur toile 35.5 x 27.4 cm. Peint en 1926.

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Les Yeux. bronze à patine verte 15 x 16 x 9 cm.
    Sep. 24, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Les Yeux. bronze à patine verte 15 x 16 x 9 cm.

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Les Yeux. bronze à patine verte 15 x 16 x 9 cm. Exécuté en 1940, fondu par GI-BI-ESSE, Vérone.

  • Jean Léon Fautrier Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kräftigem Auvergene Velin. 1
    Aug. 18, 2024

    Jean Léon Fautrier Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kräftigem Auvergene Velin. 1

    Est: -

    Jean Léon Fautrier Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kräftigem Auvergene Velin. 11,4 x 13,5 cm (26,7 x 38 cm). Signiert und nummeriert. Punktuell auf Unterlage und unter Passepartout montiert. - In ausgesprochen gutem Zustand. Prachtvoller, farbkräftiger und frischer Druck mit breitem Rand. Colour aquatint and etching on strong wove paper. Signed and numbered. Spot mounted on backing and under passepartout. - In very good condition. Splendid, colourful print with wide margins. - One of 10 copies. - Pub. by Edition Couturier/Paris, Mason 221, (RAC). - Printed by Jacques David. Eines von 10 Exemplaren. - Hg. v. Edition Couturier/Paris, Mason 221, (RAC). - Druck bei Jacques David.

    Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
  • Attrib: Jean Fautrier, French (1898 - 1964)
    Jul. 24, 2024

    Attrib: Jean Fautrier, French (1898 - 1964)

    Est: $1,100 - $4,500

    Attributed To: Jean Fautrier, French (1898 - 1964) Gouache on Paper "Composition" Signed and Dated 1962 Lower Right. Sight measures 4-1/2" x 5-7/8". Frame measures 11-1/2" x 13-3/4". A work listed as "attributed to:" the respective artist has not been authenticated by a recognized expert on the artist in question. We offer such a work without warranty as to authenticity. Condition: Good condition. Estimate: $1100.00 - $4500.00 Domestic Shipping: $95.00

    Kodner Galleries
    Jul. 18, 2024


    Est: €300 - €400

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - Rocks Aquatint, wash and roulette on Arches wove paper Signed in pencil in the lower right margin and justified 93/100 lower left 57 x 76 cm Bibliography: Engelberts 1962-4 - Mason 268 Note: A representative of informal art, Fautrier transcends the traditional conventions of printmaking to explore new dimensions of artistic expression, but also to express deep, complex emotions, often inspired by the tumult of his times and his personal reflections. These works are windows onto his inner world, inviting the viewer to meditate on the fragility and beauty of human existence.

    Expertisez Enchères
    Jul. 18, 2024


    Est: €300 - €400

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898-1964) - Study of hands Heliogravure, etching and aquatint on Verger d'Auvergne watermarked Ambroise Vollard justified 47/50 56 x 74 cm Bibliography: Mason: 119 - Engelberts 1942/1 Note: The Ambroise Vollard watermark on Jean Fautrier's prints symbolizes a prestigious alliance between a visionary artist and a legendary publisher and art dealer. The Ambroise Vollard watermark is seen as a guarantee of excellence and prestige. His collaboration with Jean Fautrier gave rise to some exceptional engravings.

    Expertisez Enchères
    Jul. 18, 2024


    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    *Jean FAUTRIER (1898 - 1964) - The partisans 1956 Gouache watercolor Signed lower right, titled and dated lower left 35 x 29 cm Provenance : Gallery Couturier - Auction Drouot 23 June 1999, PIASA - Saint Germain en Laye, Schmitz-Laurent 23 April 2006 We would like to thank Dominique Fautrier for the information provided concerning the provenance of this work. Note: Jean Fautrier's paintings are masterpieces of expression and texture, embodying a rare emotional depth. A pioneer of informal art, Fautrier uses innovative techniques to create works in which matter itself seems alive. Each of Fautrier's paintings is an exploration of the human condition, reflecting the torments and beauties of existence. Following the Soviet repression in Budapest in 1956, Jean Fautrier, in homage to the Hungarian uprising, took up the theme of his poet friend in his Les Partisans series. These profiles of resistance fighters who died defending their freedom form a particularly poignant whole. It echoes another series, Les Otages, created between 1940 and 1945, which had been inspired by the sound of the daily executions of prisoners by the Germans during the Occupation. The Partisans series is Fautrier's ode to freedom. The intensity is equally strong, however, with the contrast of the partisans' blood, illustrated by the purplish-pink streaks running down their pale profiles. The faces are barely sketched, halfway between abstraction and figuration. This anonymity reinforces the impression of a crowd and groups united for freedom.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée (Young Surprised Girl). bron
    Jun. 27, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée (Young Surprised Girl). bron

    Est: £18,000 - £25,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée (Young Surprised Girl). bronze with brown patina 7 ¼ x 6 ¼ x 7 ¼in. (18.4 × 15.9 × 18.4cm.).

  • Jean Fautrier 1898–1964
    Jun. 25, 2024

    Jean Fautrier 1898–1964

    Est: CHF1,500 - CHF2,500

    Jean Fautrier 1898–1964 Composition, 1960 Gouache auf Papier unten rechts monogrammiert und datiert f 60 24,5 x 32 cm

    Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
  • JEAN FAUTRIER Composition, 1956/59
    Jun. 22, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER Composition, 1956/59

    Est: €7,000 - €8,000

    Composition, 1956/59 tecnica mista su cartoncino 50x65 cm, opera non firmata, già Fine Art Auctions Paris asta 39 (21/01/2016) n. 17, dichiarazione d'autenticità del figlio Dominique Fautrier su foto.

    Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
  • Fautrier, Jean Léon Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kr…
    Jun. 22, 2024

    Fautrier, Jean Léon Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kr…

    Est: - €850

    French Post War Fautrier, Jean Léon Bergeronette. 1942. Farbaquatinta und -radierung auf kräftigem Auvergene Velin. 11,4 x 13,5 cm (26,7 x 38 cm). Signiert und nummeriert. Punktuell auf Unterlage und unter Passepartout montiert. - In ausgesprochen gutem Zustand. Prachtvoller, farbkräftiger und frischer Druck mit breitem Rand. Eines von 10 Exemplaren. - Hg. v. Edition Couturier/Paris, Mason 221, (RAC). - Druck bei Jacques David. Colour aquatint and etching on strong wove paper. Signed and numbered. Spot mounted on backing and under passepartout. - In very good condition. Splendid, colourful print with wide margins. - One of 10 copies. - Pub. by Edition Couturier/Paris, Mason 221, (RAC). - Printed by Jacques David.

    Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
    Jun. 20, 2024


    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (Paris 1898–1964 Châtenay-Malabry) Untitled. Gouache and watercolour on paper. Signed lower right: Fautrier. 8.3 × 15.4 cm. Provenance: - Galerie Sami Tarica, Paris (with a note on the reverse). - Private collection, Switzerland, acquired from the above gallery. ------------------------------------------------- JEAN FAUTRIER (Paris 1898–1964 Châtenay-Malabry) Ohne Titel. Gouache und Aquarell auf Papier. Unten rechts signiert: Fautrier. 8,3 × 15,4 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Sami Tarica, Paris (verso mit der hs. Notiz). - Privatsammlung Schweiz, bei obiger Galerie erworben.

    Koller Auctions
  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964)
    Jun. 18, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) PORTRAIT DE FEMME, VERS 1925-1926 Pastel sur papier Signé et daté en bas à droite Pastel on paper; signed and dated lower right 62 X 47 CM • 24 3/8 X 18 1/2 IN.

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Tête noire huile sur toile 41 x 32.7 cm. Peint en
    Jun. 07, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Tête noire huile sur toile 41 x 32.7 cm. Peint en

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) Tête noire huile sur toile 41 x 32.7 cm. Peint en 1926.

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée. bronze à patine brune 19.5
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée. bronze à patine brune 19.5

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille étonnée. bronze à patine brune 19.5 x 19 x 20 cm. Conçue en 1940, cette œuvre porte le numéro sept d'une édition de neuf exemplaires..

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille aux cheveux flous. bronze à patine b
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille aux cheveux flous. bronze à patine b

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Jeune fille aux cheveux flous. bronze à patine brune 17 x 14 x 18 cm. Conçue en 1940, cette oeuvre porte le numéro neuf d'une édition de neuf exemplaires..

  • Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Brisures. technique mixte sur papier marouflé su
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Brisures. technique mixte sur papier marouflé su

    Est: €180,000 - €250,000

    Jean Fautrier (1898-1964). Brisures. technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toile 89 x 130.3 cm. Réalisé en 1960..

  • JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Monsieur Tarabusté 1945-1948
    Jun. 06, 2024

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Monsieur Tarabusté 1945-1948

    Est: €80,000 - €120,000

    JEAN FAUTRIER (1898-1964) Monsieur Tarabusté 1945-1948 signé et daté 48 huile et technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur toile signed and dated 48 oil and mixed media on paper laid on canvas 27 x 21.9 cm. 10 5/8 x 8 5/8 in.

    Jun. 05, 2024


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Jean FAUTRIER Composition - 1928 Technique mixte sur papier marouflé sur carton Signé et daté en bas à droite "Fautrier.28" H : 14.0 cm, L : 23.0 cm Provenance : Collection Famille de l'artiste Expositions : Stockholm, Moderna Museet, N°47 (selon une étiquette au dos) L'authenticité de cette oeuvre a été confirmée par le Comité Fautrier. h : 14.0 cm, w : 23.0 cm Jean FAUTRIER H : 14.0 cm, L : 23.0 cm h : 14.0 cm, w : 23.0 cm Mixed media on paper laid down on cardboard; signed and dated lower right; 5,51 x 9,06 in

    Jun. 05, 2024


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Jean FAUTRIER Composition - 1938 Technique mixte sur papier contrecollé sur carton Signé en bas à droite "Fautrier" (partiellement effacé) H : 12.3 cm, L : 21.1 cm Provenance : Collection Famille de l'artiste L'authenticité de cette oeuvre a été confirmée par le Comité Fautrier. h : 12.3 cm, w : 21.1 cm Jean FAUTRIER H : 12.3 cm, L : 21.1 cm h : 12.3 cm, w : 21.1 cm Mixed media on paper laid down on cardboard; signed lower right (partially erased), 4,84 × 8,31 in.

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