The story of Elia, rare complete set of four engravings ( first state) made by Philips Galle ( 1537-1612) in Antwerp ca 1560-1600, after Jan Snellinck (1549-1638). Published in Antwerp ca 1560-1612. First attributed to Hendrick Goltzius. References: Mielke 26, The Illustrated Bartsch 8-11 Goltzius, first edition of Antwerp, before the edition of Claes Jan Visscher of 1643. Plate 1: Elijah predicts to King Ahab that there will be a drought. Plate 2: Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. Plate 3: Elijah speaks a second time with king Achab. Plate 4: Elijah competes with the prophets of Baal. All four in very good condition. Good dark impressions on laid paper with large margins, with two watermarks. All four printed on the same kind of laid paper, set is born together. Rare series.
This extremely rare set, signed P Galleus excud on the circumcision. It seems 'undescribed' in reference works. We were not able to find it in any scientific reference work, nor in any museum inventory. The set of seven prints here on auction appears to come from a non-specialized auction in French countryside . A single print from the series was offered by a specialized German auction house but also without references. Question is if this set of seven prints consists of the whole series. One other set was found in the 'BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL DE ESPAÑA'. Again a set of seven prints and as a fact with the same seven subjects as our set. The format of the sheets, the numbering and the collection mark on one of them makes it clear these are not our prints but a second set. This is a strong indication the set in seven plates is complete. The sequence of the prints with the circumcision and then six prints from the passion with the fructification as the last one surprises, but however the the uniformity with the set in Spain is striking. This makes me believe we have here a final but unfinished set with only this seven plates engraved. ---- The circular prints have a border who makes them look like silver plates, the designs are very loosely similar to the Stradanus series engraved by Collaert and published by Sadeler circa 1580-1587. --- A splendid extremely rare (complete) set.
Here an extremely rare almost complete series of the Trojan War signed 'Phls Galle excudit'. This series was for us not traceable in any collection, a few single mostly damages images rarely recorded. Even more, our series consists out of very early exquisite impressions with nice plate tone and all details, the guide lines for the text still visible on some prints. The series is almost complete, present are a magnificent title page, an explanatory text by Laurence Beyerlinck (Antwerp 1578-1627) in a nice ornamental engraved border and 20 on 24 engravings. The reason why this serie is so rare is strange, as the subject and quality of some plates is obvious. (Examples: Title engraving, Plate 1 with Juno, plate 4 with the Trojan Horse, plate 7 with the horse riders seeking shelter in a cave during a storm...) Has it to do with religious troubles? Problems with the dedication to Albert VII Archduke of Austria (?), or more likely with the death of Philips Galle himself? Based on the career of Laurentius Beyerlinck who wrote the explanary text we can assume this was not done before 1608 and Philips Galle died already in 1612, perhaps the work was not finished before his death and other hands were involved in the engraving (?) It still remains mysterious.
Philip Galle (1537-1612) after Anthonis van Blocklandt (1532-1583) plate 2 for 'The Sibyls' engraving on laid paper. Sheet measures 14 in. x 10.5 in. and is properly hinge mounted to a paperboard that measures 20 in. x 16 in. If lot is absent of a condition report one may be requested via email. Condition report is provided as an opinion only and is no guarantee as condition can be subjective. Buyer must view photographs or scans to assist in determining condition and ask further questions if so desired. Our in-house shipping department will gladly pack and ship any item that fits into a 14x14x14 inch or 30x5x24 inch or equivalent or smaller box/folio if it is not fragile or over 25lbs. We will charge for labor to pack and process based on actual time it takes, actual cost of materials used to pack and actual shipper charges that will include insurance and signature required. We generally use USPS and Fed Ex and compare the pricing between the two. Books maximum box size will be 14x14x14 inch or equivalent and will be shipped USPS Media Mail unless otherwise requested. We gladly will give shipping estimates prior to auction. Please make this request at least 24 hours prior to auction for our shipping department to respond. If your invoice is for multiple items, we will use our discretion on requiring the use of an outside shipper. We reserve the right to require an outside shipper on any item(s) in the auction even if not stated.
Die Geschichte des Königs Josua. 7 (von 8) Kupferstiche nach Maarten van Heemskerck. Je ca. 20,3 x 25 cm. Sellink/Leesberg (New Hollstein, Galle) 41-43, 45-48 je I (von II), Veldman (New Hollstein, Heemskerck) 143-145, 147-150, je I (von II). Wz. Hirsch, kleines Wappen mit Initial B, gotisches P. Die beinahe komplette Folge der ersten Ausgabe, es fehlt Blatt 4, in ausgezeichneten Drucken teils mit feinem Rändchen, sonst an oder auf die Plattenkante geschnitten. Geringfügig Altersspuren, der Titel oben mit kurzem Randeinriss, verso schwache Trockenfältchen, teils geglättete Mittelfalte, vereinzelt fleckig, sonst meist noch sehr gut erhalten. Beigegeben die vollständige Folge der zweiten Ausgabe mit der Kartusche auf dem Titel und den Einfassungslinien. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.
Galle, Philips (1537-1612). Pales (keeping livestock). Engraving, 20,5x24,7 cm., 1574. - Sl. browned and w. sm. waterstain in lower margin, sl. within the caption; ample margins. = New Hollstein 383, 1st state of 2. Part of a series of 8 engravings depicting personifications of trades and professions. AND 1 other by the same: The rich man and the gate of heaven and the camel and the eye of the needle (New Hollstein 281, 4th state of 5).
Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
Galle, Philips (1537-1612). The Conversion of the Warder. Engraving after J. STRADANUS, 20,3x26,5 cm., numb. "27" in the plate. = From the series The Acts of the Apostles (34 plates in total). New Hollstein 214, 2nd state of 3. AND 8 others similar on 5 lvs. by the same from the same series: New Hollstein 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 217, 219. - With vertical fold(s).
Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
after Martin van Heemskerk, first plate of the series "The Four Ends of Mankind". Engraving, diam. 230 mm approx. New Hollstein 277 Fine impression on thin laid paper with watermark (Gothic P with flower). Trimmed. Uniformly browned sheet, in good condition, with tear on right margin, restored on the back.
America - Africa - Europa - Asia Emblems from the series Prosopographia. Cf. New Hollstein Dutch 357-358-359-360 (Asia is a mirror image) ; Praz p.462 4 engravings (c 15 x 9 cm) with allegories of the four continents, 16th or 17th century. All with a Latin verse below, except America. Beautiful impressions
(1537 Haarlem - Antwerpen 1612). Petrus und Johannes werden unter Drohungen entlassen. Bl. 5 aus der Folge "Die Geschichte der hl. Petrus und Johannes". Kupferstich auf Bütten n. M.van Heemskerck bei H.Cock, 1558. Blgr. 20,5 x 25,1 cm. Mit den Namensz., Datum, Titel "Minis multis acceptis dimittuntur" u. Nr. i.d. Platte. mit Rändchen um die Einfassung. New Ho. 185 I (v. III). - Ob. größerer Braunfl. Aus den Slgn. Sybill Kaps (L.3574) u. Scharfen (L.3951). R
(1537 Haarlem - Antwerpen 1612). Der geheilte Mann betritt den Tempel mit Petrus und Johannes. Bl. 2 aus der Folge "Die Geschichte der hl. Petrus und Johannes". Kupferstich auf Bütten mit WZ-Fragm. n. M.van Heemskerck bei H.Cock, 1558. Blgr. 20,5 x 24,8 cm. Mit den Namensz., Datum, Titel "Cum illis templum intrat" u. Nr. i.d. Platte. mit Rändchen um die Einfassung. New Ho. 182 I (v. III). - Ob. Tl. mit gr. Braunfl. Aus den Slgn. Erhard Oskar Kaps (L.3549), Sybill Kaps (L.3574) u. Scharfen (L.3951). R
(1537 Haarlem - Antwerpen 1612). Jonas klagt unter einer Kürbispflanze unter einer Brücke. Aus der Folge "Geschichte des Jonas". Kupferstich auf Bütten 1562. Blgr. 14,9 x 25,8 x 24,9 cm. Mit den Namensz., Datum u. Titel "Natura et clementia..." i.d. Platte. An 3 Seiten auf Darst. beschnitten. - New Hollstein 74. Aus den Slgn. Erhard Oskar Kaps (L.3549) u. Scharfen (L.3951). R
Death Of Jezebel Engraving 17-18th Century Attributed To Philip Galle 1537-1612 Dutch Old Masters. Frame Measure 14" X 16", Etching Approx. 8.5" X 10.5". Provenance: One Person Private Estate Central Florida. RBFineArts CFL Inc. Shipping, Payment & Auction Policies: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE YOU BID. Any registration and/or bid placed by you does guarantee RBFineArts CFL Inc. you have read and will abide by the following Terms and Conditions of the sale. All sales are recorded. These Terms and Conditions control this Auction in all regards and supersede all previous announcements, advertisements, catalogs, and published information however distributed. All announcements from the Auction block will take precedence over any Internet description or printed material. RBFineArts CFL Inc. internet descriptions and printed materials are meant merely as a guide. 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(1537 Haarlem - Antwerpen 1612). Kämpfende Gladiatoren. Kupferstich n. L.Penni bei H.Cock, 1562. Blgr. 3,7 x 47 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Datum i.d. Platte. Auf Darst. beschnitten, unt. unter Verlust des lat. Titels: Exequiarum vetusti ritus cum ludis gladiatoriis... - Vereinz. braunfl. R
(1537 Haarlem - 1612 Antwerpen). Die Klage des Propheten Jona. - Blatt 4 aus der Folge der Geschichte des Propheten. Kupferstich, 1566. 20,5 x 24,9 cm. New Hollstein 78. - Rechts bis an d. Darst. beschnitten.
Two copper engravings Represents Health with staff, serpent and a Pentacle, and Constancy, firm as a column, constant and tenacious with their purposes. Measurements: Paper: 16 x 11 cm; Footprint: 14 x 9 cm each
Two copper engravings represent Patience, like a lily among thorns and gold in the fire, and Measurement, with the square and the compass . Measurements: Paper: 17 x 10 cm; Footprint: 15 x 9 cm each
Loth en zijn dochters, 1558. Copper engraving after design by Frans Floris, published by Hieronymus Cock. Signed in the plate. Fully mounted on support. We join: 1. Master E.S. (c. 1420-1468), setting, The Entombment. Copper engraving. 100 x 70 mm 2. Hieronymus Wierix (1553-1619), Christ amid music playing angels. 95 x 65 mm 3. Adriaan Collaert (c. 1560-1618), Christ and the scribes. 205 x 140 mm 4. 18th century sanctum, colorized. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Total: 5 items (including 1 in frame) Description FR Loth en zijn dochters, 1558. Gravure au burin d'après un dessin de Frans Floris, publiée par Hieronymus Cock. Signée dans le cuivre. Montée sur support. On y joint: 1. Maître E.S. (v. 1420-1468), environnement, La mise au tombeau. Gravure au burin. 100 x 70 mm 2. Hieronymus Wierix (1553-1619), Christ au milieu d'anges jouant de la musique. 95 x 65 mm 3. Adriaan Collaert (c. 1560-1618), Le Christ et les scribes. 205 x 140 mm 4. Image pieuse du 18e siècle, coloriée. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Tot.: 5 pièces (dont 1 encadrée). Beschrijving NL Loth en zijn dochters, 1558. Kopergravure naar ontwerp van Frans Floris, uitgegeven door Hieronymus Cock. Getekend in de plaat. Volledig gemonteerd op drager. Bijgevoegd: 1. Meester E.S. (ca. 1420-1468), omgeving, De Graflegging. Kopergravure. 100 x 70 mm 2. Hieronymus Wierix (1553-1619), Christus temidden muziekspelende engelen. 95 x 65 mm 3. Adriaan Collaert (ca. 1560-1618), Christus en de schriftgeleerden. 205 x 140 mm 4. 18de eeuws sanctje, ingekleurd. Herkomst: Frans Leytens. Tot.: 5 ex. (waarvan 1 in kader)
Galle, Philipp (1537-1612). Lot und seine Töchter. Kupferstich nach Frans I Floris (1516/20-1570). 19:25,4 cm. Wurzbach 2. New Hollstein 10 (Ph. Galle). – Auf Bildkante beschnitten, kleine Randdefekte altunterlegt, ein Stockfleck.
Weiblicher Akt, von vorn mit Blume; Weiblicher Akt im Profil mit einer Lilie. 2 Kupferstiche. Je ca. 23,4 x 15,8 cm. (1589). Hollstein 798, 799, Sellink/Leesberg (New Hollstein) 514, 515, je I (von II). Wz. Hand (Briquet, vgl. 11252). Zwei Blatt aus der 13-teiligen Folge "Instruction Et Fondements De Bien Pourtraire". Vor Löschung des Wortes "excudit". Ganz ausgezeichnete, vorzüglich klare Drucke mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die Facette, teils knapp an dieser. Minimal angestaubt, sonst in tadellos schöner Erhaltung. Sehr selten, Hollstein erwähnt im ersten Druckzustand nur eine komplette Folge in Wien. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.
Galle, Philip (1537-1612). The Acts of the Apostles. Series of 33 (of 35) engravings incl. title, after Maerten van HEEMSKERK and Johannes STRADANUS, 1582, 2nd ed., each 20,5x26,5 cm. - Fine impressions with ample margins. Lacks plates 33 and 34. All fingersoiled (a few incl. title worse), for the greater part in blank margins. = New Hollstein 187ff.
Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
HEEMSKERCK -- GALLE, Philips (1537-1612). (The Eight Wonders of the World). 1572. Complete set of 8 engr. after Maarten v. Heemskerck. Each approx. 212 x 260 mm. Hinged to (acid free) mounts. (All slightly foxed, margins of 'Piramides Ægypti' short, but in very good condition).
(1537 Haarlem - 1612 Antwerpen). Jona flieht vor dem Angesicht des Herrn nach Tarschisch. Radierung n. M.van Heemskerck aus der Serie: Die Geschichte von Jona. Plgr. 20,7 x 25 cm. Mit breitem Rand. WZ Narrenkappe. Unter Passep. R
(1537 Haarlem - 1612 Antwerpen). Die Klage des Propheten Jona. - Blatt 4 aus der Folge der Geschichte des Propheten. Kupferstich, 1566. 20,5 x 24,9 cm. New Hollstein 78. - Rechts bis an d. Darst. beschnitten.
Ruinarum Varii Prospectus Ruriumque Aliquot Delineationes: view of a Venus Temple in Greece, a fountain at right, travelers resting, a mountainous landscape in the distance; first state before the number. Monogrammed at the right edge of the image: "HVC". Lettered in lower margin: "Henri Cliuen inuen." and ""Venorij templum, in Graecia." and "Philipp. Gall. excud. "Engraving made by: Philips Galle (workshop). Inventor: Hendrick van Clève (1525-1589), Early Flemish landscape painter in Antwerp who went to Italy, pupil of Frans Floris. Engraver: Phillip Galle, workshop (1537-1612) Famous Breughel engraver and also tutor of Goltzius. A very atmospheric view of the inside of the Colosseum, near to the work of Roman ruins done by Hieronymus Cock.
The last supper. After a drawing/painting of Anthony Blocklandt (1533-1583), engraved and published by Philips Galle (1537-1612) ca 1571 in Antwerp. References: New Hollstein Dutch 169, only state, single print not from a series. Very good dark strong early impression on thin laid paper with 1-2 cm margins. Early impression because the ruling lines to engrave the text clearly visible. Some small stains not disturbing. With a good watermark.
Selected outstanding impression of the first state of one of the prints from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium: Falconry; a company of falconers, including a gentleman and a lady on horseback, gather by a bridge; beyond, falcons, aided by dogs, attack herons; in the distance, two ladies sit under a parasol and spectate, with a town visible on the horizon beyond. Engraving after de designs of Jan van der Straet made by Philips Galle. First state before the number.
GALLE PHILIPS (1537 - 1612) gravure : "De visie van Petrus over onreine dieren" - 20 x 26 naar een werk van Jan van der Straeten Philips Galle engraving after a work by Jan van der Straeten
Philip Galle. 5 engravings. Hunting and fishing scenes. 4 from "Hunting Parties" after Jan Stradanus including Elephant Hunt, Ostrich Hunt, Lion Hunt. Each matted, 14" x 18". One trimmed heavily. Other with various condition flaws. Provenance: The Winfield Robbins print collection of Arlington, Massachusetts.
Philip Galle. 13 engravings on paper. 16th/17th century. To include: 7 works after Maarten van Heemskerck, 3 works after Jan Stradanus, 1 after Maerten de Vos, and several others. Each matted, 14" x 18". Provenance: The Winfield Robbins print collection of Arlington, Massachusetts.
Philip Galle (After Maerten Van Heemskerck). 6 engravings of the Seven Wonders of the World and the Ruins of the Colosseum. To include: The Pharos of Alexandria, Temple of Diana (Artemis) at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, and the Ruins of the Colosseum. Each with contemporaneous ink inscriptions along upper margin. Pencil inscriptions lower margins with Hollstein notes. Each matted, 14" x 18". Provenance: The Winfield Robbins print collection of Arlington, Massachusetts.
after Maarten de Vos. Burin 9.4x15.4 cm Fresh impression on laid and watermarked paper, trimmed to the platemark as usual. Good general condition with slight thinning at the corners.
engraving, 10.5x17.5 cm. Fresh impression on laid and watermarked paper, trimmed to the platemark as usual. Reinforcement along the margins on the reverse; very good general condition.
part of a series of eight dedicated to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, plus an eighth wonder, the Colosseum of Rome, engraved after Maerten van Heemskerck drawings and printed in Antwerp in 1572. Engraving, 26x21 cm. New Hollstein 517. Rare I state of 3. Printed on laid and watermarked paper, trimmed to the platemark as usual. Light foxing but in very good overall condition.
(1537 Haarlem - Antwerpen 1612). Der Heilige Petrus heilt Aeneas in Lydda. Bl. 17 aus der Folge "Acta Apostolorum". Kupferstich auf Bütten n. M.van Heemskerck, ca. 1575. 20 x 27, Blgr. 24 x 30,5 cm. Mit dem Namenszug, lat. Text, Nr. 17 u. schraffierter Nr. 15 i.d. Platte. New Ho. 204. - Etw. fleckig, unt. re. unterl. Eckabriss, darüber Wurmspur. - ╔Dabei: Ders.╗ Labor und Diligentia genießen ihre einfache Mahlzeit. - Der fleißige Arbeiter ist nach dem Tod mit Christus vereint. Bl. 5 u. 6 aus der Folge "Die Belohnung von Arbeit und Gewissenhaftigkeit". Ebenso n. M.van Heemskerck, ca. 1572. Je ca. 19,3 x 24,4, Blgr. 27,5 x 34 cm. Mit dem Namenszug (1) lat. Text u. Nr. i.d. Platte. - New Ho. 306 bzw. 308. - Etw. fleckig. - ╔Dirk Volkertszoon Coornhert╗ (1522-1590). Isebel versiegelt die gefälschten Briefe. Aus der Folge von 6 Bl. "Geschichte von Ahab, Isebel und Nabot". Ebenso n. M.van Heemskerck bei C.J.Visscher, um 1561. 20 x 24,5, Blgr. 27,5 x 32,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., lat. Text. u. Nr. 2 i.d. Platte. Am unt. w. Rd. hs. Marg. in Sepia. - Aus New Ho. 132-137. - Vereinz. fleckig Zus. 4 Bl.
(1537 Haarlem - 1612 Antwerpen). Die Klage des Propheten Jona. - Blatt 4 aus der Folge der Geschichte des Propheten. Kupferstich, 1566. 20,5 x 24,9 cm. New Hollstein 78. - Rechts bis an d. Darst. beschnitten.
Portrait of Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). He was a southern Dutch physician and anatomist (one of the founders of anatomy). Engraving made in Antwerp in 1572 by Philips Galle (1537-1612). References: New Hollstein Dutch 686 1b(2), In very good condition. Printed on laid paper with large margins, very good dark early impression with the ruling lines to engrave the text clearly visible, only with the first impressions. Written in old iron ink the in Latin with date 1579 at the right below in the text.
The four ages: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron. After drawings/paintings of Gilles Coignet. Complete set of four engravings made by Philips Galle (1537-1612) in Antwerp in 1573 during the 80 years religious war. The series starts with the Golden age, peace, paradise and ends with the Iron age, war. References: All four first state engravings. New Hollstein Dutch 378-1(4), New Hollstein Dutch 379-1(2), New Hollstein Dutch 380-1(2), New Hollstein Dutch 381-1(2)All four printed on the same kind and size laid paper. This set has been in a 16th century receuil of prints. This is why the paper was cut in the same way and caused that the first engraving is trimmed just on the lower margin and the Silver era is trimmed just on the upper margin and the Iron age is trimmed just in the lower margin. Rare set of engravings born together in a good impression. All four the same watermark: crowned shield.
Complete set of Sea and River gods, title and 17 engravings made in Antwerp in 1586 by Philips Galle (1537-1612), second rare edition published by Carel Collaert (1598-1654) in Antwerp. Only one other second edition known, now in Paris ( Hollstein). Title page second state al others first state. there are tree editions, First Philips Galle, Second Carel Collaert, Third Johannes Galle (without title, with the nymphs and new numbers). Title, Oceanus, Neptune, Nereus, Glaucus, Protheus, Portunus, Nilus, Acheolus, Danubius, Rhenus, Tibris, Acis, Tagus, Rodanus, Ligeris, Scaldis, Tamesis. Title page second state all others first state before the changing of the numbers. Soo Title Hollstein 412 2(2) second edition, (third edition has no titlepage). Others Hollstein 413 - 429 1(2) first state of two. All 17 engravings in good condition. Printed on the same kind of laid paper. Set is born together and kept together. title with a watermark. Good dark impressions before the third edition of Johannas Galle. Rare set with titlepage.
Rare complete series in 6 plates on the miseries of human life, all numbered and the first plate signed PG. 1563 with the publishers address Car Collart excu. The images were designed by Maarten van Heemskerck and engraved by Philips Galle. Plate 1: Man is born naked. An allegorical scene with personification of nature handing a naked child to a woman in the center. On the right, another woman is holding a swaddled baby. The surrounding landscape is filled with a variety of animals. Plate 2: Man must learn everything. In the foreground, two women are busy with some toddlers who need help. In the background, the landscape with rock formation and coastline is filled with animals. Plate 3: Man is exposed to danger and disease. Six men walk in the foreground including a blind man, a cripple and a man with a toothache. Plate 4: Man is tormented by sin. Personifications of Greed (Avarita), Wrong Opinion (Opnio), Envy (Invidia), Sadness (Tristitia) and Haughtiness (Superbia) afflict man (Homo). The character Conscience (Conscientia) tries to lead him on the right path by using a mirror that offers insight and a rod that represents punishment. Plate 5: Man is beset by poverty, imprisonment and death. In this allegorical scene, we see poverty as an old woman, a man in chains and a man who is just falling on a sword. In the background, a body falls from a rock with a burning town. Plate 6: Man is always fighting. Spread across the print we behold fighting pairs of men. In contrast, we find pairs of animals quietly enjoying each other's company. --- A very rare complete series of humanistic prints seldom found on the market. Not in the Rijksmuseum, and only two on six in the British Museum.
(1537 Haarlem - 1612 Antwerpen). Titelblatt zu den "Waffentaten der Medici", Medicea Familiae rerum feliciter gestarum victoria et triumphi. Kupferstich n. Johannes Stradanus. 25,8 x 31 cm. Plgr. 20,7 x 28 cm. - Auf weißem Rand minimal fl. R
Die Vier Elemente. 4 Kupferstiche. Je ca. 19,1 x 24,2 cm. 1564. TIB 56, .086, Hollstein 365-368, Sellink/Leesberg (New Hollstein) 365-368, je II. Wz. Malteser Kreuz mit zwei Dreiblättern darüber. -- -- Die vorliegende Folge der "Vier Elemente", die im ersten BlattTerra auf 1564 datiert ist, zählt zu den frühesten Arbeiten Galles, die er im eigenen Verlag in Haarlem herausgab. Das Thema der "Vier Elemente" gehört ebenso wie etwa die Motive der „Vier Jahreszeiten“, „Der Planeten“ oder der „Zwölf Monate“ zum gängigen ikonographischen Vokabular der Zeit. Für seine allegorische Darstellung hat Galle die Götter Kybele (Erde), Jupiter (Feuer), Juno (Luft) sowie Neptun (Wasser) gewählt. Im Vergleich zu anderen zeitgenössischen Folgen der Elemente, in denen die Gottheiten häufig mit zahlreichen Staffagefiguren und ausführlicher Symbolik dargestellt werden, verzichtet Galle größtenteils auf ikonographisches Beiwerk. Die weiblichen und männlichen Personifizierungen werden durch das ihnen zugeteilte Symbol identifiziert, das durch sie visualisierte Element dient lediglich als Hintergrundfolie. Diese reduzierte, ikonographisch neuartige Auffassung ist kennzeichnend für die Kupferstichkunst Galles. Die disziplinierte, präzise Technik verleiht den Darstellungen eine bemerkenswerte visuelle Ausdruckskraft. - Ausgezeichnete, gleichmäßige Drucke mit breitem Rand, Terra mit feinem Rändchen unten. Leichte Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, geringfügig fingerfleckig, leichte Randläsuren, sonst in einheitlicher und sehr guter Erhaltung. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.