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Pluschow Guglielmo Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1852 - d. 1930

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  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (attribuito a) (1852-1930) - Untitled (Portrait), 1900s
    Dec. 18, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (attribuito a) (1852-1930) - Untitled (Portrait), 1900s

    Est: €600 - €800

    Albumen print cm 23 x 16,7 | 9 x 6.5 in.

  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (attribuito a) (1852-1930) - Jardin du Palais Colonna, Rome, 1900s
    Dec. 18, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (attribuito a) (1852-1930) - Jardin du Palais Colonna, Rome, 1900s

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Albumen print cm 22,6 x 16,8 | 8.9 x 6.6 in. Titled in pencil and 5087 code in blue pencil on the verso

  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (German, 1852-1930)
    Oct. 31, 2024

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (German, 1852-1930)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (Guglielmo Pluschow). 'Male Nude' c. 1900. Albumen silver print, printed c. 1900. Rare male photo dealer "Dutrey" stamp on print verso. 6 5/8 x 4 3/8". While a lot more is to be learned about this rare Pluschow DUTREY photograph, what can be surmised is that Wilhelm von Pluschow was working with this photography dealer as his Paris representative. In 1900, the same year as this photograph, Pluschow, who identified as gay, like his cousin the photographer Wilhelm Von Gloeden, was charged in Italy with "outraging public morals" and subsequently served eight months in jail. His model turned photographer Vincenzo Galdi (1871-1961) was considered his accomplice, according to correspondence from the exiled gay British painter Robert Hawthorn Kitson (1873-1947). At the same time of his arrest and subsequent arrests, the Italian authorities seized and destroyed much of Pluschow's photography. The verso of the DUTREY photograph is stamped with the address 3 Rue Muller between two six-pointed stars. The stars presumably were trade dress; the street address is in the Montmartre district of Paris. What we know then about DUTREY is from the advertisements for this photo dealer found in 'La Vie En Rose,' a Belle Epoque bawdy Parisian newsstand publication covering Paris nightlife and in particular prostitution, illustrated in the Art Nouveau style. In turn of the century Paris, both female and male prostitution was prevalent, though both were exclusively patronized by men. DUTREY advertised in 'La Vie En Rose' and, much like the advertisers in 1950s American male physique publications, offered erotic photographs perhaps too explicit for a publication like 'La Vie En Rose.' Between 1900 and 1903, 'La Vie En Rose' was under attack by the censors for being pornographic. Louis Morin (1855-1938), who illustrated for 'La Vie En Rose,' and other French artists (e.g., Jean Louis Forain and Louis Legrand) also found themselves under fire by the authorities. In 1902, for example, there is a record of Rene Berenger and his "League Against Licentiousness in the Street" of having brought an obscenity suit against 'La Vie En Rose.' With regard to homosexuality, attitudes at the time were mixed, and for the censors, homosexuality was an easy line of attack, making male prostitution and images like the Pluschow DUTREY image juridically risky. The device of the leopard pelt in the Pluschow DUTREY photograph appears in the French photographer's Eugene Durieu (1800-1874) earlier scarce work. The images Durieu made for the painter Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863), for example, use a draped leopard pelt over the male subject. Perhaps Pluschow was using the leopard skin prop because it was imbued with a lost, although recognizable, homoerotic meaning. Or perhaps Durieu and Pluschow were evoking classical antiquity, in particular Dionysus, the god of wine and pleasure. With regard to the classical motifs used in the Pluschow DUTREY photograph, Wilhelm (Baron) Von Gloeden (1856-1931) used classical poses with his models as well. Nevertheless, despite the artfulness of Von Gloeden and Pluschow, their intentional homoeroticism is art historically irrefutable. The Pluschow DUTREY photograph is adept in the artful composition of the model, who is posed in a way that is evocative of the amphora-style vase on the table to the left (the device shows up in several other known Pluschow photographs), suggesting that Pluschow was invested in both expressing himself artistically as well as highlighting the eroticism of the male form. The Pluschow DUTREY photograph also uses an Art Nouveau painting or painted backdrop evocative of the art of Aubrey Beardsley and Alphonse Mucha, furthering the argument for aesthetic intent and artistry. The Art Nouveau backdrop appears in a Pluschow photograph also from the year 1900, featuring perhaps the same male model, which is now in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. There are more reasons that the Pluschow DUTREY photograph should not have survived. Consider the Von Gloeden archive of male nudes in possession of his lover Pancrazio Buciuni (1879-1963), much of which was destroyed by the police at the behest of the Vatican in alliance with Mussolini. Consider the first gay journal, the German publication 'Der Eigene,' which in 1933 was seized by the Gestapo. The archives of which were given to the head of the paramilitary arm of the Nazi party, the notorious self-loathing Ernst Rohm. While much more is to be learned about the business of DUTREY, the Pluschow DUTREY photograph is a rare early example of a mass-produced homoerotic image that the merged technologies that became photography made possible and which then contributed to a shared modern gay identity.

    Vallot Auctioneers
  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s
    Oct. 15, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Albumen print cm 22,3 x 16,8 | 8.8 x 6.6 in. Note 10987 in blue pencil with photographer's credit stamp on the verso

  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s
    Oct. 15, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Albumen print cm 22 x 16,5 | 8.7 x 6.5 in. Note 10843 in blue pencil with photographer's credit stamp on the verso

  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s
    Oct. 15, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s/1910s

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Albumen print cm 22,8 x 17 | 9 x 6.7 in. Note 6115 in blue pencil and photographer's credit stamp on the verso

  • GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Standing figure with drapery.
    Aug. 22, 2024

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Standing figure with drapery.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Standing figure with drapery. Gold-toned albumen print, the image measuring 162x95 mm; 6⅜x3¾ inches, with Plüschow's catalogue number 759 in blue pencil on verso. 1890s-1910s.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Aug. 07, 2024

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) THREE GIRLS WITH FLOWERS, c.1900s. Toned albumen print, 225 x 167 mm, mounted onto contemporary album leaf

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Aug. 07, 2024

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) YOUNG FEMALE NUDE, c.1900s. Albumen print, image size, 230 x 170mm, with Photographer's red ink credit stamp and numbered 8721 in blue crayon on reverse. Zelda Cheatle

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Guglielmo Pluschow, Jongens van Capri
    Jul. 10, 2024

    Guglielmo Pluschow, Jongens van Capri

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Guglielmo Pluschow Jongens van Capri c. 1895 albumen print image: 6.5 h x 4.75 w in (17 x 12 cm) mount: 11.375 h x 8.75 w in (29 x 22 cm) Titled to lower center 'Jongens van Capri'. This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.

    Los Angeles Modern Auctions
  • Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composition of Two Boys with Fans, c.1900
    Jun. 23, 2024

    Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composition of Two Boys with Fans, c.1900

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composition de deux garçons à l'éventail, c.1900 Tirage argentique d'époque, viré en ocre-rouge et monté sur une page de feutre, typique des "albums Krupp" 17 x 22,5 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composition of Two Boys with Fans, c.1900 Vintage silver print, toned in ochre-red and mounted on a felt page, typical of "Krupp albums". 17 x 22.5 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composición de dos muchachos con abanicos, c.1900 Estampa de plata de época, entonada en ocre-rojo y montada sobre una página de fieltro, típica de los "álbumes Krupp". 17 x 22,5 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Komposition von zwei Jungen mit Fächer, c.1900 Zeitgenössischer Silberabzug, ocker-rot gefärbt und auf eine Filzseite montiert, typisch für die "Krupp-Alben". 17 x 22,5 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Composizione di due ragazzi con ventaglio, 1900 ca. Stampa d'argento d'epoca, tonalizzata in rosso ocra e montata su una pagina di feltro, tipica degli "album Krupp". 17 x 22,5 cm 古列尔莫-普鲁肖(1852-1930) 两个拿扇子的男孩的构图,约 1900 年 复古银版画,赭红色调,裱在毡页上,典型的 "克虏伯相册"。 17 x 22.5 厘米

    Barbarossa Maison de ventes
  • Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Group on the Front Porch, c.1900
    Jun. 23, 2024

    Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Group on the Front Porch, c.1900

    Est: €600 - €800

    Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Groupe sur le devant de la porte, c.1900 Tirage albuminé d'époque, numéroté 8063 en bleu et tamponné au verso 22,5 x 17 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Group on the Front Porch, c.1900 Vintage albumen print, numbered 8063 in blue and stamped on verso 22.5 x 17 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Grupo en la puerta principal, c.1900 Lámina antigua, numerada 8063 en azul y estampada en el reverso 22,5 x 17 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Gruppe auf der Vorderseite der Tür, c.1900 Albuminabzug aus der Zeit, in Blau nummeriert 8063 und auf der Rückseite gestempelt. 22,5 x 17 cm Guglielmo PLUSCHOW (1852-1930) Gruppo sulla porta d'ingresso, 1900 circa Stampa all'albumina d'epoca, numerata 8063 in blu e timbrata al verso 22,5 x 17 cm 古列尔莫-普鲁肖(1852-1930) 门前的人群,约 1900 年 老式蛋白相纸印刷品,蓝色编号 8063,背面有印章 22.5 x 17 厘米

    Barbarossa Maison de ventes
  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s
    Mar. 14, 2024

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s

    Est: €600 - €800

    Albumen print cm 16,5 x 12 | 6.5 x 4.7 in. Photographer's credit stamp and code in blue pencil on the verso Framed

    Oct. 24, 2023


    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Lot 60 Guglielmo Plüschow (Wilhelm von Plüschow) German (1852-1930) Untitled (Bathers) albumen print artist stamp to verso sheet: 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches unframed Provenance: Property from the Estate of Seymour Stein

    Capsule Gallery Auction
  • Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s
    Jun. 19, 2023

    Wilhelm Von Pluschow (1852-1930) - Untitled, 1900s

    Est: €600 - €800

    Albumen print cm 16,6 x 12,2 | 6.3 x 4.7 in. Photographer's credit stamp on the verso and 800 in blue pencil on the verso Framed

  • Plüschow, Guglielmo: Cloaked youth in Castel Fusano park
    Jun. 14, 2023

    Plüschow, Guglielmo: Cloaked youth in Castel Fusano park

    Est: €400 - €600

    Cloaked youth in Castel Fusano park. Circa 1900. Albumen print. 22,5 x 16,5 cm. Number 8800 in blue crayon and annotated in pencil on the verso. -- -- Some handling creases/light fold marks, traces of previous mounting on the verso, otherwise in good condition. -- - Sollten Sie detailliertere Zustandsberichte wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. / Should you need more detailed condition reports, please contact us.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Mar. 31, 2023

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) YOUNG FEMALE NUDE, c.1900s. Albumen print, image size, 230 x 170mm, with Photographer's red ink credit stamp and numbered 8721 in blue crayon on reverse. Zelda Cheatle

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Mar. 31, 2023

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) THREE GIRLS WITH FLOWERS, c.1900s. Toned albumen print, 225 x 167 mm, mounted onto contemporary album leaf

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Nov. 25, 2022

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) YOUNG FEMALE NUDE, c.1900s. Albumen print, image size, 230 x 170mm, with Photographer's red ink credit stamp and numbered 8721 in blue crayon on reverse. Zelda Cheatle

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)
    Nov. 25, 2022

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) THREE GIRLS WITH FLOWERS, c.1900s. Toned albumen print, 225 x 167 mm, mounted onto contemporary album leaf

    Chiswick Auctions
  • GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Umberto, cameriere, Roma.
    Aug. 18, 2022

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Umberto, cameriere, Roma.

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Umberto, cameriere, Roma. Albumen print, the image measuring 108x165 mm; 4 1/4x6 1/2 inches, with Plüschow's stamp and the title and numeric notations in pencil on verso. 1890s-1910s.

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Jun. 15, 2022


    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Lot 38 Guglielmo Plüschow (Wilhelm von Plüschow) German (1852-1930) Boys at the Theater of Dionysus in Athens (circa 1894) albumen print inscribed 'von Gloeden' in pencil verso, Guglielmo Ploschow stamp verso sheet: 6 1/4 x 4 1/2 inches frame dimensions: 18 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 1 inches, aluminum frame with glazing Provenance: Property from the Collection of Seymour Stein

    Capsule Gallery Auction
  • Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930)
    Sep. 07, 2021

    Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £200 - £300

    Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) FEMALE FIGURE STUDY, c.1890s. Albumen print, image size, 165 x 120mm, mounted and framed under glass (mount size, 520 x 420mm), with copyright stamp verso.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Plüschow, Guglielmo: Male portrait
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Plüschow, Guglielmo: Male portrait

    Est: €600 - €800

    Male portrait. Circa 1900. Albumen print. 22,5 x 16,5 cm. Number 6863 in blue crayon and photographer's stamp on the verso. - - Some fading in edges, a few light handling marks, otherwise in good condition. - - Lit.: Ulrich Pohlmann (Text). Guglielmo Plüschow. Ein Photograph aus Mecklenburg in Italien. Grevesmühlen 1995, ill. unpaginated (variant). - - Sollten Sie detailliertere Zustandsberichte wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. / Should you need more detailed condition reports, please contact us.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Plüschow, Guglielmo: Cloaked youth in park of Villa Falconieri
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Plüschow, Guglielmo: Cloaked youth in park of Villa Falconieri

    Est: €600 - €900

    Cloaked youth in park of Villa Falconieri, Frascati. Late 1890s. Albumen print. 16,5 x 22,3 cm. Photographer's G. Plüschow, Corso Umberto I 333, Roma and number 1833 in blue crayon on the verso. - - Some light handling marks, a few light surface scuff marks, otherwise a rich dark print in very good condition. - - Lit.: Ulrich Pohlmann. Guglielmo Plüschow. Ein Photograph aus Mecklenburg in Italien. Munich 1995, ill. unpaginated (images from the same series). - - Sollten Sie detailliertere Zustandsberichte wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. / Should you need more detailed condition reports, please contact us.

    Bassenge Auctions
    May. 29, 2021


    Est: €200 - €9,999,999

    Guglielmo Pluschow (1852-1930), albumin photo depicting a young woman in traditional costume. hallmarked on the back Guglielmo Pluschow Rome. Cm 22x16 "Photographer, in the early 70s he moved to Naples where he changed his name to William and where he began his activities devoted to the study of nudes. He opened a studio in via Mergellina, second flight of Posillipo, No 55, as shown by the stamps placed on his photos. He stayed on Capri and also had many social contacts with Wilhelm von Gloeden. In 1890 he opened a studio in Rome, again witnessed by the presence of the stamps, but his Italian experience ended in 1910 when he was forced to return to Berlin after the sentencing receipt for procuring homosexual. Just in the years prior to his return to Germany he thinks he converted to landscape photos in hopes of being able to stay in Italy, but this production was not particularly successful. The reputation of the photographer over time has been lost as a result of the name of his cousin dell'imporsi Von Gloeden. But, despite this, in recent years his artistic personality has been rediscovered thanks largely to the immediacy and strength that give off his photos. He never gave up to an excess of decoration and tinsel but rather chose to proceed along the path of openness easily slipping into the vulgar and pornographic, to the standards of the time. " ASORStudio

    May. 29, 2021


    Est: €200 - €9,999,999

    Guglielmo Pluschow (1852-1930), albumin photos depicting nude woman. hallmarked on the back Guglielmo Pluschow Rome. Cm 22x16 "Photographer, in the early 70s he moved to Naples where he changed his name to William and where he began his activities devoted to the study of nudes. He opened a studio in via Mergellina, second flight of Posillipo, No 55, as shown by the stamps placed on his photos. He stayed on Capri and also had many social contacts with Wilhelm von Gloeden. In 1890 he opened a studio in Rome, again witnessed by the presence of the stamps, but his Italian experience ended in 1910 when he was forced to return to Berlin after the sentencing receipt for procuring homosexual. Just in the years prior to his return to Germany he thinks he converted to landscape photos in hopes of being able to stay in Italy, but this production was not particularly successful. The reputation of the photographer over time has been lost as a result of the name of his cousin dell'imporsi Von Gloeden. But, despite this, in recent years his artistic personality has been rediscovered thanks largely to the immediacy and strength that give off his photos. He never gave up to an excess of decoration and tinsel but rather chose to proceed along the path of openness easily slipping into the vulgar and pornographic, to the standards of the time. " ASORStudio

    May. 29, 2021


    Est: €200 - €9,999,999

    Guglielmo Pluschow (Wismar 1852 -Berlino 1930), albumen photos depicting nude woman. hallmarked on the back Guglielmo Pluschow Rome and numbered 11160. Cm 22x16 "Photographer, in the early 70s he moved to Naples where he changed his name to William and where he began his activities devoted to the study of nudes. He opened a studio in via Mergellina, second flight of Posillipo, No 55, as shown by the stamps placed on his photos. He stayed on Capri and also had many social contacts with Wilhelm von Gloeden. In 1890 he opened a studio in Rome, again witnessed by the presence of the stamps, but his Italian experience ended in 1910 when he was forced to return to Berlin after the sentencing receipt for procuring homosexual. Just in the years prior to his return to Germany he thinks he converted to landscape photos in hopes of being able to stay in Italy, but this production was not particularly successful. The reputation of the photographer over time has been lost as a result of the name of his cousin dell'imporsi Von Gloeden. But, despite this, in recent years his artistic personality has been rediscovered thanks largely to the immediacy and strength that give off his photos. He never gave up to an excess of decoration and tinsel but rather chose to proceed along the path of openness easily slipping into the vulgar and pornographic, to the standards of the time. " ASORStudio

  • Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930)
    May. 28, 2021

    Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) FEMALE FIGURE STUDY, c.1890s. Albumen print, image size, 165 x 120mm, mounted and framed under glass (mount size, 520 x 420mm), with copyright stamp verso.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Attributed to Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) Young Man Lying Down
    Apr. 26, 2021

    Attributed to Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) Young Man Lying Down

    Est: €400 - €500

    Attributed to Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) Young Man Lying Down Posterior silver print circa 1930 12 x 17 cm Attribué à Guglielmo Plüschow (1852-1930) Jeune homme allongé Tirage argentique postérieur vers 1930 12 x 17 cm

    Collin du Bocage
  • Plüschow, Guglielmo: Castel Fusano
    Jun. 10, 2020

    Plüschow, Guglielmo: Castel Fusano

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Castel Fusano. Circa 1900. Albumen print. 22,5 x 16,5 cm. Number 8800 in blue crayon and annotated in pencil on the verso. Some handling creases, traces of previous mounting on the verso, otherwise in good condition. - Sollten Sie detailliertere Zustandsberichte wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. / Should you need more detailed condition reports, please contact us.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Plüschow, Guglielmo von. Boys in Egypt at Kermak
    Feb. 19, 2020

    Plüschow, Guglielmo von. Boys in Egypt at Kermak

    Est: £300 - £500

    Albumen print, late 19th century, 2215 x 160mm.

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • Plüschow, W. von (1852-1930). "Caprische Kinderen in Pompeï". Mounted album
    Nov. 28, 2019

    Plüschow, W. von (1852-1930). "Caprische Kinderen in Pompeï". Mounted album

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Plüschow, W. von (1852-1930). "Caprische Kinderen in Pompeï". Mounted albumen print, ±1880, 11,7x17,5 cm., manuscript caption in pen and ink below. - Mount sl. frayed and foxed. = No. 350 of his oeuvre, showing a group of young (semi)nude boys in a classical setting. Cf. the online catalogue of Wilhelm von Plüschow's photographs on wikimedia.org. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXI. AND 8 others, all by the same photographer: "Caprische Kinderen in Pompeï" (a nude boy drawing on a wall in Pompey, cf. the website mentioned above), "Kellner in hotel Pagano" (portrait), "Dienstmeisje bij Morgano in den Kater Hidigeigei" (also portrait), "De visscher Spadaro van Capri" (2x), "Dochter van Spadaro op Capri", "Zoon van Spadaro op Capri" and a classical monument. = The fisherman and his son were photographed by Von Plüschow. Cf. wikimedia.org (photograph 2275). The large blue number in pencil found on other Von Plüschow photographs can be seen shining through in the photograph of the daughter of the fisherman Spadaro (no. "1604"), hence the attribution.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Plüschow Guglielmo, 1852-1930, 2 photographs: Sizilianische Knaben
    Nov. 27, 2019

    Plüschow Guglielmo, 1852-1930, 2 photographs: Sizilianische Knaben

    Est: CHF700 - CHF1,000

    Albumen prints. One print verso with artist stamp. (2).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Wilhelm von PLÜSCHOW, dit Guglielmo PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930). Étude de nu, 1890-1900. Épreuve sur papier albuminé, 21,5 x 15,8 cm. Cachet à l’encre rouge et numérotée 12060 au crayon bleu au verso.
    Nov. 08, 2019

    Wilhelm von PLÜSCHOW, dit Guglielmo PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930). Étude de nu, 1890-1900. Épreuve sur papier albuminé, 21,5 x 15,8 cm. Cachet à l’encre rouge et numérotée 12060 au crayon bleu au verso.

    Est: €300 - €500

    Wilhelm von PLÜSCHOW, dit Guglielmo PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930). Étude de nu, 1890-1900. Épreuve sur papier albuminé, 21,5 x 15,8 cm. Cachet à l’encre rouge et numérotée 12060 au crayon bleu au verso.

    Marie-Saint Germain
    Sep. 11, 2019


    Est: $400 - $600

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW (german, 1852–1930) NUDE COUPLE Ca. 1900. Numeric notation in blue crayon and photographer's Rome studio stamp on verso. Albumen print. Image/sheet: approximately 8 1/2 x 6 3/8 in. (21.6 x 16.2cm). Guglielmo Plüschow moved to Italy to become a wine merchant but became known for his nude photographs of local youths. He was charged more than once with the corruption and seduction of minors.

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 en plein air male nude studies.
    Jun. 20, 2019

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 en plein air male nude studies.

    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    GUGLIELMO PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 en plein air male nude studies. Albumen (2) and silver (one) prints, the images measuring 6 1/4x4 1/2 to 9x6 1/2 inches, 16x11 1/2 to 23x16 1/2 cm, the silver print on a mount measuring 8 1/4x10 1/2 inches, 21x26 3/4 cm, 2 with Plüschow's hand stamps and numeric notations, in pencil, on verso. 1890s-1910s.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Guglielmo Pluschow, photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Guglielmo Pluschow, photograph

    Est: $300 - $500

    Guglielmo Pluschow (German,1852-1930), Nude Youth, c. 1900, albumen print on paper, artist studio stamp verso, numbered 1395, unframed, 5"h x 6.25"w

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 "en plein air" male nude studies.
    Apr. 19, 2018

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 "en plein air" male nude studies.

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW (1852-1930) Group of 3 "en plein air" male nude studies. Albumen prints, the images measuring 8 3/4x6 1/2 inches (22.2x16.5 cm.), each with with numeric notations, in blue crayon, on verso. 1890-1900

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Mar. 10, 2018


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    BARON WILHELM VON GLOEDEN AND GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW, (German 1856-1931 and German 1852-1930). PORTRAITS OF YOUNG MEN: FOUR WORKS FRAMED AS ONE, First, stamped "Taormina" verso; second, blind stamped " G. Pedo Roma" and stamped " Guguelmo Pluschow" verso; third and fourth, both stamped "W. Von Gloeden Taormina 1903 Sicilia depose" - Framed, sight: 8 1/4 in. x 6 1/4 in., each PROVENANCE: Estate of Jim Graham, former Washington, DC, Councilman

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • Group of (2) 19th century photographs
    Dec. 02, 2017

    Group of (2) 19th century photographs

    Est: $400 - $600

    Group of (2) 19th century photographs, to include: GUGLIELMO (WILLIAM) VON PLUSCHOW (German, 1852-1930), two young men at Roman villa, albumen print, photographer's stamp with address ''Roma, via Sardegna, 34'' on verso, also numbered ''7974'' on verso in blue crayon (hinge mounted, several dents, fine craquelure, minor tear to upper right edge) sheet 8-3/4''h, 6-1/2''w; and HIPPOLYTE DELIE & EMILE BECHARD (French), ''Graeco-Roman Heads'', albumen print, from ''Album du Musee de Boulaq'' (mounted to board, light toning) sight 9-1/4''h, 7''w. (Fine Art)

    South Bay Auctions Inc
  • PLUSCHOW GUGLIELMO (1852-1930) Nudo primi
    Oct. 24, 2017

    PLUSCHOW GUGLIELMO (1852-1930) Nudo primi

    Est: €400 - €450

    PLUSCHOW GUGLIELMO (1852-1930) Nudo primi '900 stampa all'albumina cm 17x12/66x47 in sul retro: timbro di Guglielmo Pluschow a matita blu numero di Archivio 2204

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW   1852 - 1930 Giovane in posa su capitello  c. 1890 Albumen print. Photographer's credit stamp verso. in. 8.6 x 6.4

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW   1852 - 1930 Scene mitologiche con flauto   c. 1880 Two vintage prints, one salt the other albumen. Both with photographer's credit stamp verso. in. 6.4 x 4.3

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW   1852 - 1930 Giovane su pelle di leopardo  c. 1890 Albumen print. Photographer's credit stamp verso. in. 6.2 x 8.6

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW (Attrib.)
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW (Attrib.)

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW (ATTRIB.)  1852 - 1930 Nudo tra le colonne  c. 1880 Two albumen prints. "Edizione Esposito" credit stamp. The two prints probably from Pluschow were distributed by Esposito. in. 6.6 x 4.7

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW   1852 - 1930 Ritratti di giovani   c. 1880 Two albumen prints. Photographer's credit stamp on both prints verso, one with blue pencil number 2628, the other 2681. in. 6.0 x 4.5

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW
    Apr. 11, 2017

    Guglielmo VON PLÜSCHOW

    Est: -

    GUGLIELMO VON PLÜSCHOW   1852 - 1930 Scene di togati  c. 1880 Three albumen prints. One with photographer's credit stamp, number 387 blue pencil and "Roma" verso. The other two: number 848 blue pencil and "Frascati"; number **9 blue pencil and "Sorrento". in. 6.6 x 4.6

    Aste Bolaffi
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Auction Houses Selling Works by Pluschow Guglielmo