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Melchor Pérez de Holguín Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sainte Marine Peruvian colonial Viceregal school of the 17th century
    Nov. 14, 2024

    Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sainte Marine Peruvian colonial Viceregal school of the 17th century

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    Oil on canvas, with the Heraldic shield of the Donor couple in the upper left corner. In which one of the two distinguishes the surname Beltrán and the "Veritas Vincit" emblem along with the eagle crowning the tower. Measurements: 140 x 105 cm, measurements with frame: 165 x 130 cm. The theme of the Santa Marina is one of the most recurrent themes attributed to Francisco de Zurbarán, or to his workshop. Of these works, a large number were destined for the New World, specifically the Viceroyalty of Peru, where the Master of the Spanish Baroque enjoyed great popularity and followers, creating his own school with a multitude of followers in the New World during the 17th to 17th centuries. XIX. The story of Santa Marina tells us that he chose the Christian life, and dedicated himself to farming and shepherding. A Roman prefect named Olybrius became infatuated with her, desiring her as his wife, concubine, or slave. By refusing her claims, Marina was accused of practicing Christianity. At her trial, held when she was fifteen years old (in 138), she did not renounce Christianity, and she was condemned to be beheaded at the hands of the Romans. Provenance: Barcelona private collection.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Melchor Perez Holguin Circle (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosi, 1732)
    Oct. 31, 2024

    Melchor Perez Holguin Circle (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosi, 1732)

    Est: €6,500 - €10,000

    Melchor Perez Holguin Circle (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosi, 1732) "Sagrada Familia con San Juanito" Oil on canvas. 99 x 79 cm. Spanish Americas. Oil.

    La Suite Subastas
    Oct. 31, 2024


    Est: €20,000 - €25,000

    Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosí, 1732) 'Saint Anthony of Padua with the Child' Oil on canvas. 96 x 75 cm. The depicted saint, Saint Anthony of Padua, was a 'Franciscan friar, companion of Saint Francis of Assisi, preacher, thaumaturge, and doctor of the Church,' as reported by Luis Monreal in his 'Iconografía del Cristianismo' (Iconography of Christianity). His popularity can be shown by the diversity and extent of the iconography surrounding the saint, detailed in the cited book by Monreal. However, the quintessential representation of Saint Anthony of Padua is the one we can see in this canvas: he holds the Christ Child in his arms, an image that expresses the familiarity the saint has with the Child. His attributes include the book, which he holds, along with the Child, with his left hand, and the lily of purity in his right hand. Additionally, the quill and the flame of divine love or inflamed heart, which, in this case, do not appear in the painting.   Holguín was one of the most important painters of the colonial mestizo baroque, of what was called the Potosí School, which developed in the years 1700 - 1790. Tenebrism and the influence of Zurbarán were characteristic. Holguin’s work is dominated by the many commissions carried out for the Franciscans and the Dominicans. Born in Cochabamba, Bolivia he died in Potosí. As Suzanne L. Stratton-Pruitt indicates, despite the fact that Holguín of course knew the Cuzcan art that was widespread and stylistically of great influence in Upper Peru, his work was very personal, and is somewhat removed from that style, although it adopts some common elements as the painting of Cuzco, such as the floral borders. There are other elements that are unique to Holguín’s work, such as the addition of gold brocade in the halos and the lace trim on the Virgin Mary’s cloaks and necklines. Likewise, the serenity reflected in the faces of his characters is characteristic of Holguín.   Bibliographic reference: - Monreal y Tejada, Luis. (2000). 'Iconografía del Cristianismo'. El Acantilado. Spanish Americas. Oil.

    La Suite Subastas
    Oct. 31, 2024


    Est: €12,000 - €16,000

    Attributed to Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosí, 1732) 'Saint Barbara' Oil on canvas. 130 x 96 cm. Holguín was one of the most important painters of the colonial mestizo baroque, of what was called the Potosí School, which developed in the years 1700 - 1790. Tenebrism and the influence of Zurbarán were characteristic. Holguin’s work is dominated by the many commissions carried out for the Franciscans and the Dominicans. Born in Cochabamba, Bolivia he died in Potosí. As Suzanne L. Stratton-Pruitt indicates, despite the fact that Holguín of course knew the Cuzcan art that was widespread and stylistically of great influence in Upper Peru, his work was very personal, and is somewhat removed from that style, although it adopts some common elements as the painting of Cuzco, such as the floral borders. There are other elements that are unique to Holguín’s work, such as the addition of gold brocade in the halos and the lace trim on the Virgin Mary’s cloaks and necklines. Likewise, the serenity reflected in the faces of his characters is characteristic of Holguín. Saint Barbara, a virgin and martyr who lived in Antioch or Nicomedia in the 3rd century, was imprisoned in a tower by her father to protect her from her suitors. Before entering the tower, she was baptised in a pool. Although she managed to escape, she was recaptured and brought before the judge Marcian, who sentenced her to death. During her beheading, a bolt of lightning killed her executioners. These events, along with others from her legend, are depicted in iconography, especially the image of the tower. Saint Barbara is also associated with attributes such as the peacock, symbol of immortality, and the pyx or Eucharistic vessel, representing death met through the sacraments. She is also associated with explosives due to the flash of lightning during her martyrdom, leading to the name ‘santabarbara’ being given to a ship's store of gunpowder. For this reason, she is considered the patron saint of artillery and is sometimes depicted with a cannon. Spanish Americas. Oil.

    La Suite Subastas
    Jun. 27, 2024


    Est: €65,000 - €80,000

    Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1660 - Potosí, 1732) 'Saint Thomas' Oil on canvas. 100 x 78,5 cm. Holguín was one of the most important painters of the colonial mestizo baroque, of what was called the Potosí School, which developed in the years 1700 - 1790. Tenebrism and the influence of Zurbarán were characteristic. Holguin’s work is dominated by the many commissions carried out for the Franciscans and the Dominicans. Born in Cochabamba, Bolivia he died in Potosí. As Suzanne L. Stratton-Pruitt indicates, despite the fact that Holguín of course knew the Cuzcan art that was widespread and stylistically of great influence in Upper Peru, his work was very personal, and is somewhat removed from that style, although it adopts some common elements as the painting of Cuzco, such as the floral borders. There are other elements that are unique to Holguín’s work, such as the addition of gold brocade in the halos and the lace trim on the Virgin Mary’s cloaks and necklines. Likewise, the serenity reflected in the faces of his characters is characteristic of Holguín. Colonial Spanish Americas.

    La Suite Subastas
  • Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sainte Marine Peruvian colonial Viceregal school of the 17th century
    Feb. 28, 2024

    Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sainte Marine Peruvian colonial Viceregal school of the 17th century

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    Oil on canvas, with the Heraldic shield of the Donor couple in the upper left corner. In which one of the two distinguishes the surname Beltrán and the "Veritas Vincit" emblem along with the eagle crowning the tower. Measurements: 140 x 105 cm, measurements with frame: 165 x 130 cm. The theme of the Santa Marina is one of the most recurrent themes attributed to Francisco de Zurbarán, or to his workshop. Of these works, a large number were destined for the New World, specifically the Viceroyalty of Peru, where the Master of the Spanish Baroque enjoyed great popularity and followers, creating his own school with a multitude of followers in the New World during the 17th to 17th centuries. XIX. The story of Santa Marina tells us that he chose the Christian life, and dedicated himself to farming and shepherding. A Roman prefect named Olybrius became infatuated with her, desiring her as his wife, concubine, or slave. By refusing her claims, Marina was accused of practicing Christianity. At her trial, held when she was fifteen years old (in 138), she did not renounce Christianity, and she was condemned to be beheaded at the hands of the Romans. Provenance: Barcelona private collection.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sa
    Jan. 25, 2024

    Melchor Pérez Holguín (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosí, 1735) Large colonial Sa

    Est: €20,000 - €25,000

    Oil on canvas, with the Heraldic shield of the Donor couple in the upper left corner. In which one of the two distinguishes the surname Beltrán and the "Veritas Vincit" emblem along with the eagle crowning the tower. Measurements: 140 x 105 cm, measurements with frame: 165 x 130 cm. The theme of the Santa Marina is one of the most recurrent themes attributed to Francisco de Zurbarán, or to his workshop. Of these works, a large number were destined for the New World, specifically the Viceroyalty of Peru, where the Master of the Spanish Baroque enjoyed great popularity and followers, creating his own school with a multitude of followers in the New World during the 17th to 17th centuries. XIX. The story of Santa Marina tells us that he chose the Christian life, and dedicated himself to farming and shepherding. A Roman prefect named Olybrius became infatuated with her, desiring her as his wife, concubine, or slave. By refusing her claims, Marina was accused of practicing Christianity. At her trial, held when she was fifteen years old (in 138), she did not renounce Christianity, and she was condemned to be beheaded at the hands of the Romans. Provenance: Barcelona private collection.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso
    Apr. 05, 2016

    Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso

    Est: -

    MELCHOR PÉREZ HOLGUÍN, Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso PÉREZ HOLGUÍN Bolivia, h. 1665-1732 Activo en Potosí, Pérez Holguín es considerado el mejor pintor de su centuria. Su producción estuvo estrechamente ligada a las órdenes religiosas de la zona. En esta versión del conocido tema iconográfico, el pintor despliega todos sus rasgos distintivos, entre los que destacan la ternura y la fuerza expresiva de los rostros. 155 x 100 cm

    Isbilya Subastas
  • Workshop of Melchor Perez de Holguin (Peruvian, 1665-1724), San Diego de Alcalá
    Sep. 12, 2011

    Workshop of Melchor Perez de Holguin (Peruvian, 1665-1724), San Diego de Alcalá

    Est: $300 - $500

    Saint Diego de Alcalá oil on canvas 28 3/4 x 23 1/4in

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