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Ub Iwerks Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Walt Disney Studio / Ub Iwerks: Steamboat Willie
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Walt Disney Studio / Ub Iwerks: Steamboat Willie

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    Steamboat Willie Bleistift auf Skizzenpapier. 1928. 24 x 30,3 cm. Unten rechts mit Bleistift bezeichnet "13". Der Beginn eines bahnbrechenden Stückes Animationsgeschichte: Walt Disneys erster Sound-Cartoon "Steamboat Willie" war auch derjenige, der zum ersten Mal die berühmteste Kreation des Studios vorstellte - Mickey Mouse. Die Eröffnungsszene des Films zeigt Mickeys Boot, einen tuckernden Raddampfer. Die vorliegende seltene Animationszeichnung stellt dieses Boot dar und die schwarzen, aus seinem Schornstein puffenden Rauchwolken, daneben auch numerierte Positionsmarkierungen. Dieser Film wurde komplett von Ub Iwerks gezeichnet und von Walt Disney inszeniert. Obwohl zwei frühere Mickey-Cartoons als Stummfilme produziert worden waren, wurden beide zugunsten von Steamboat Willie von der Veröffentlichung zurückgezogen und später mit Soundtracks nachgerüstet. Die Uraufführung fand am 18. November 1928 im New Yorker Colony Theater statt. Im Unterrand mit den originalen Lochungen. - Provenienz: Bonham's, New York, Auktion 23420, 13.06.2016, Lot 94 - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Walt Disney Studio / Ub Iwerks: Steamboat Willie: Peg-Leg Pete
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Walt Disney Studio / Ub Iwerks: Steamboat Willie: Peg-Leg Pete

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    Steamboat Willie: Peg-Leg Pete Bleistift auf Skizzenpapier. 1928. 24 x 30,3 cm. Unten rechts mit Bleistift bezeichnet "450", "F 445" sowie rechts neben der Darstellung "445", verso gestempelt "442". Als Schurke und Erzfeind von Mickey Maus ist er sofort erkennbar: Bedrohlich blickt der mit wenigen sicheren Linien gezeichnete Peg-Leg Pete und erscheint mit den in die Seiten gestützten Armen wie ein Ausbund an feindlicher Energie. Pete (Kater Karlo), der Kapitän des Dampfschiffs in Steamboat Willie, war - damals noch als anthropomorpher Bär - erstmals bereits 1925 in dem Disney-Cartoon Alice Solves the Puzzle zu sehen, also früher als Mickey Maus selber. Er ist damit die älteste heute noch verwendete Disney-Figur. Im Unterrand mit den originalen Lochungen. - Provenienz: Bonham's, New York, Auktion 23420, 13.06.2016, Lot 94 - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Ub Iwerks Papers
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks Papers

    Est: $100 - $200

    Ub Iwerks Papers Approximately 50 pieces, comprising letters, animator form logs, biographies and copies of animation drawings

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks Personal Photos, Portraits, and Affects
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks Personal Photos, Portraits, and Affects

    Est: $100 - $200

    Ub Iwerks Personal Photos, Portraits, and Affects

    Abell Auction
  • Balloon Land Animation Cell By Ub Iwerks
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Balloon Land Animation Cell By Ub Iwerks

    Est: $300 - $500

    Balloon Land Animation Cell By Ub Iwerks 1935

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Cut Cells and Background
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Cut Cells and Background

    Est: $100 - $200

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Cut Cells and Background comprising character studies,

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks: Colt Revolver
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks: Colt Revolver

    Est: $200 - $300

    Ub Iwerks: Colt Revolver oil on board; signed and titled

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Original Background Art
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Original Background Art

    Est: $300 - $500

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio of Original Background Art comprising 13 works

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks Portfolio
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio

    Est: $100 - $200

    Ub Iwerks Portfolio comprising animation cells, partial cells, misc. photos and photo copies

    Abell Auction
  • Ub Iwerks "Mickey Mouse" and "Pete" production drawing from Galloping Gaucho.
    Jun. 09, 2017

    Ub Iwerks "Mickey Mouse" and "Pete" production drawing from Galloping Gaucho.

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    147. Ub Iwerks “Mickey Mouse” and “Pete” production drawing from Galloping Gaucho. (Walt Disney, 1928) From the Les Clark Estate, the 2nd short film featuring “Mickey Mouse” to be produced, following Plane Crazy and preceding Steamboat Willie. We have seen very few drawings from this film, let alone a two-character drawing featuring the two stars. Accomplished in graphite on untrimmed animation paper measuring 9.5 x 12 in. Image area is 6.5 x 11.5 in. In fine condition. $7,000 - $10,000

    Profiles in History
  • Ub Iwerks "Pete" production drawing from Steamboat Willie.
    Dec. 09, 2016

    Ub Iwerks "Pete" production drawing from Steamboat Willie.

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    259. Ub Iwerks “Pete” production drawing from Steamboat Willie. (Walt Disney, 1928) Extremely rare large full figured image. The second “Mickey Mouse” short and Disney’s first sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie is considered to be one of the cornerstones of animation history. Accomplished in graphite on 9.5 x 12 in. untrimmed animation paper. Image size is 7.5 in. In fine condition. $2,000 - $3,000

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Steamboat Willie.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Steamboat Willie.

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    254. Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Steamboat Willie.(Walt Disney Studios, 1928) Outstanding original production drawing by Ub Iwerks featuring a rare full figure image of “Mickey Mouse” from Steamboat Willie. Although not the first appearance of “Mickey Mouse”, it was the one of the earliest sound cartoons produced, and its popularity catapulted Mickey Mouse into a major Hollywood star and the studio into a major force in the industry. The drawing is accomplished in graphite on 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. The outstanding full figure image measures 4 x 2.75 in. Paper is in very fine condition with very little wear or discoloration. $6,000 - $8,000

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy.

    Est: $10,000 - $12,000

    253. Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy. (Walt Disney Studios, 1928) Outstanding rare original production drawing by Ub Iwerks featuring “Mickey Mouse” and “Minnie Mouse” from Plane Crazy. The drawing features one of the largest and one of the best images we have seen offered from this short. This short marked the first appearance of ‘Mickey Mouse” and was released as a silent film to a theater audience on May 15, 1928. The short failed to pick up a distributor for the studio. Later that year, Disney released Steamboat Willie, a sound cartoon, and it became an enormous success. Plane Crazy was re-released as a sound cartoon. In 1929. Ub Iwerks, along with Hugh Harman and Rudolph Ising (all hometown friends of Disney) animated the film. The drawing is accomplished in graphite on 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. The outstanding large image measures 4.5 x 9.75 in. Paper is in very fine condition with very little wear or discoloration. $10,000 - $12,000

    Profiles in History
  • (2) Original Ub Iwerks production drawings from Plane Crazy.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    (2) Original Ub Iwerks production drawings from Plane Crazy.

    Est: $8,000 - $10,000

    252. (2) Original Ub Iwerks production drawings from Plane Crazy. (Walt Disney Studios, 1928) (2) original production drawings by Ub Iwerks featuring “Minnie Mouse” from Plane Crazy. This short marked the first appearance of “Mickey Mouse” and “Minnie Mouse” and was released as a silent film to a theater audience on May 15, 1928. The short failed to pick up a distributor for the studio. Later that year, Disney released Steamboat Willie, a sound cartoon and it bacame an enourmous success. Plane Crazy was re-released as a sound cartoon. In 1929. Ub Iwerks, along with Hugh Harman and Rudolph Ising (all hometown friends of Disney) animated the film. The drawings are accomplished in graphite on 9.5 x 12 in. untrimmed animation paper and have been archivally mounted on rice paper. Both images take up the entire area of the paper. Paper is in very fine condition with very little wear or discoloration. $8,000 - $10,000

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy.

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    251. Original Ub Iwerks production drawing from Plane Crazy. (Walt Disney Studios, 1928) Rare original production drawing by Ub Iwerks featuring “Mickey Mouse” and “Minnie Mouse” from Plane Crazy. This short marked the first appearance of ‘Mickey Mouse” and was released as a silent film to a theater audience on May 15, 1928. The short failed to pick up a distributor for the studio. Later that year, Disney released Steamboat Willie, a sound cartoon and it became an enormous success. Plane Crazy was re-released as a sound cartoon. In 1929. Ub Iwerks, along with Hugh Harman and Rudolph Ising (all hometown friends of Disney) animated the film. The drawing is accomplished in graphite on 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. The image measures 6 x 3 in. Paper is in very fine condition with very little wear or discoloration. $2,000 - $3,000

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks "Flip The Frog" production model drawing.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks "Flip The Frog" production model drawing.

    Est: $400 - $600

    14. Original Ub Iwerks “Flip The Frog” production model drawing. (Iwerks Studios, 1933) Rare original production model drawing featuring expressions of “Flip the Frog” from, a 1930s short. Accomplished in red pencil on untrimmed 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. Total Image size is 4 x 11 in. Drawing is in fine condition with very little wear throughout. $400 - $600

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks "Flip The Frog" production drawing from Flying Fists.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks "Flip The Frog" production drawing from Flying Fists.

    Est: $400 - $600

    13. Original Ub Iwerks “Flip The Frog” production drawing from Flying Fists (Iwerks Studios, 1930) Rare original production drawing of “Flip the Frog” from, Flying Fists. This short was Flip The Frog’s second appearance and the second release from Iwerks’ new studio after keaving Disney. Accomplished in graphite on untrimmed 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. Total Image size is 3.5 x 3 in. Drawing is in fine condition with very little wear throughout. $400 - $600

    Profiles in History
  • (2) Original Ub Iwerks production cels from 1930s shorts.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    (2) Original Ub Iwerks production cels from 1930s shorts.

    Est: $300 - $500

    12. (2) Original Ub Iwerks production cels from 1930s shorts. (Iwerks Studios, 1930) (2) Original hand-painted production cels or model cels from an early Ub Iwerks cartoon shorts. Cels from this era and this studio are extremely rare. The cel of the “Swashbuckler” is trimmed to image and measures 4.25 x 5 in. The cel of the “Chinese men” is trimmed to 4 x 3.25 in. Both cels have some chipping and ink wear. $300 - $500

    Profiles in History
  • Original Ub Iwerks production model drawing from Fiddlesticks.
    Dec. 20, 2013

    Original Ub Iwerks production model drawing from Fiddlesticks.

    Est: $200 - $400

    11. Original Ub Iwerks production model drawing from Fiddlesticks. (Iwerks Studios, 1930) Original model drawing of a violin-playing mouse from Ub Iwerks first “Flip the Frog” short, Fiddlesticks. Filmed in two-color Technicolor (two years before Disney made his first color short), “Fiddlesticks” was Iwerks first release from his new studio after leaving Disney. Accomplished in graphite and colored pencil on untrimmed 9.5 x 12 in. animation paper. Total Image size is 4.5 x 9 in. Drawing is in fine condition with very little wear throughout. $200 - $400

    Profiles in History
  • Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney In-Studio Gag Drawing (circa
    Feb. 21, 2013

    Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney In-Studio Gag Drawing (circa

    Est: -

    Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney In-Studio Gag Drawing (circa late 1920s). Quite the role reversal here with Ub Iwerks pushing Walt Disney to produce art on deadline! Rendered in pencil, 11" x 8.5". There's a stain at lower right, otherwise Very Good condition.

    Heritage Auctions
  • Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse Production Drawing Group
    Feb. 21, 2013

    Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse Production Drawing Group

    Est: -

    Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse Production Drawing Group (Walt Disney, 1928). A pair of 12-field, 2-peghole animation drawings of Mickey Mouse drawn by Ub Iwerks, from the first Mickey Mouse short released by Walt Disney Studios. (Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself in this landmark theatrical short.) The images are from the scene where Mickey is playing the hippo's teeth. The two drawings form a complete figure of Mickey. Mickey's top half is 4" long, while is bottom half is 2.5". Framed to 21.5" x 15.5". A Sotheby's sticker is on the reverse.

    Heritage Auctions
  • POSTER: UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Aladdin.
    Feb. 13, 2011

    POSTER: UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Aladdin.

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Aladdin. Printer: Plampin Litho, NYC

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • POSTER: UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Tom Thumb.
    Feb. 13, 2011

    POSTER: UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Tom Thumb.

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    UB IWERKS (1901-1971) - Tom Thumb.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Walt Disney Studios
    Nov. 25, 2010

    Walt Disney Studios

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Walt Disney Studios Steamboat Willie, 1928 Mickey Mouse plays the drums, an original production drawing, graphite on paper, art by Ub Iwerks, framed Image -- 5x3in. (14x8.3cm.) Overall - 23x18½in. (58.5x47cm.) Condition: good

  • Plane Crazy Directed by Walt Disney Studio Walt Disney, 1928. Very rare original drawn by Ub Iwerks and offered by Walt Disney to Maurice Bessy. Format : 24 x 30,4 cm.
    Jun. 12, 2010

    Plane Crazy Directed by Walt Disney Studio Walt Disney, 1928. Very rare original drawn by Ub Iwerks and offered by Walt Disney to Maurice Bessy. Format : 24 x 30,4 cm.

    Est: €700 - €900

    Plane Crazy Directed by Walt Disney Studio Walt Disney, 1928. Very rare original drawn by Ub Iwerks and offered by Walt Disney to Maurice Bessy. Format : 24 x 30,4 cm. Plane Crazy Réalisation : Walt Disney Studio Walt Disney, 1928. Très rare dessin d'animation original dessiné par Ub Iwerks et offert par Walt Disney à Maurice Bessy. Format : 24 x 30,4 cm. THE AUCTIONEER IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FRENCH INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THIS CATALOGUE. THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION IS COURTESY TO THE ENGLISH SPEAKERS.

    Rossini Maison de Ventes aux Enchères
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