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Fritz von Kamptz Sold at Auction Prices


Fritz von Kamptz 1866-1938. Artist born at Glogau, then in Prussia, now in western Poland and known as Glogów. von Kamptz served as an officer in the Prussian army resigning his commission to train as an artist.

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  • Fritz von Kamptz, 1866 Glogau-1938 Bad Hindelang
    Sep. 30, 2023

    Fritz von Kamptz, 1866 Glogau-1938 Bad Hindelang

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Fritz von Kamptz, 1866 Glogau-1938 Bad Hindelang, well-known German and English portraitist, studies at the academy Düsseldorf, moved to England in 1896 and exhibited inter alia in the Kristallpalast London, 1927 returned to Germany, here: The Mayor, high quality copy after the original byRembrandt van Rijn in the National Gallery London, so inscribed on the back, oil/canvas, representative portrait format approx. 125x93cm, frame slightly damaged approx. 148x118cm . German Description: Fritz von Kamptz, 1866 Glogau-1938 Bad Hindelang, bekannter deutscher und englischer Porträtist, Studium an der Akademie Düsseldorf, siedelte 1896 nach England über und stellte u.a. im Kristallpalast London aus, 1927 Rückkehr nach Deutschland, hier: Der Bürgermeister, qualitätvolle Kopie nach dem Original des Rembrandt van Rijn in der National Gallery London, so rückseitig bezeichnet, Öl/Lwd, repräsentatives Hochformat ca. 125x93cm, Rahmen leicht besch. ca. 148x118cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) View over Wernigerode
    May. 06, 2023

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) View over Wernigerode

    Est: -

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) View over Wernigerode oil on canvas signed and dated lower right 1922 verso inscribed impressionistic view of Wernigerode in the Harz Mountains age-appropriate condition craquelure retouching slightly soiled image 43 x 63 cm (HxW) framed frame width 5 cm German Description Fritz von Kamptz "Blick über Wernigerode" Maler der Düsseldorfer Schule unter H. Crola u. P. Janssen (1866 Glogau - 1938 Bad Hindelang) Öl/Leinwand unten rechts signiert und datiert 1922 Verso bezeichnet impressionistische Ansicht von Wernigerode im Harz altersgemäßer Zustand Krakelee Retuschen leicht angeschmutzt Darstellung 43 x 63 cm (HxB) gerahmt Rahmenbreite 5 cm

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Mixed lot of 5 drawings by dif
    Jun. 20, 2022

    Mixed lot of 5 drawings by dif

    Est: -

    Mixed lot of 5 drawings by different artists of the 18th/19th century: Lying male nude, pencil drawing with transfer grid, inscribed Brauer, Putti im Gewölk, pencil drawing, inscribed ''N° 7 J.C. Schnerr'', Boy at the window of a house shop, washed pencil drawing, monogr. ''O.R./C.R.'' (?), anonymous figure study in baroque costumes, red chalk drawing, as well as portrait of an older woman, charcoal, Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938), partly behind passepartout to 53 x 39 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938), Portrait of a Lady
    Dec. 07, 2021

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938), Portrait of a Lady

    Est: $500 - $700

    Oil on canvas 1897 Signed dated 97 and inscribed "Brighton" (lower left). 90 x 70 cm Condition: For a detailed condition report, please contact us at [email protected]

  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938),
    Nov. 06, 2021

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938),

    Est: -

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938), View of Wernigerode in the Harz Mountains with the castle on a higher level, oil sketch on cardboard, signed and dated 1926 lower right, 26 x 36 cm, framed 36 x 46 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • FRITZ VON KAMPTZ (1866-1938) “Figura di donna con cappello" - "Figure of woman with hat"
    Oct. 21, 2020

    FRITZ VON KAMPTZ (1866-1938) “Figura di donna con cappello" - "Figure of woman with hat"

    Est: €600 - €800

    Dipinto ovale ad olio su tela in cornice dorata. Datato 1912. Cm 80x64. Oval oil painting on canvas in golden frame. Dated 1912. Cm 80x64.

    Galleria Sarno
  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) Portrait of a Young
    Apr. 03, 2009

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) Portrait of a Young

    Est: £600 - £800

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) Portrait of a Young Girl, full length, wearing a white dress and holding a posy of flowers Signed and dated 1911, oil on canvas, 139.5cm by 76.5cm See illustration

  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866 Glogau bis 1938 Hindelang)
    Feb. 28, 2009

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866 Glogau bis 1938 Hindelang)

    Est: - €90

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866 Glogau bis 1938 Hindelang) dt. Portraitmaler, zunächst Offizier, stud. 1889-96 a. d. Akad. Düsseldorf, anschl. Englandaufenthalt, dort 1914-18 a. dt. Zivilist interniert, später tätig in Bad Doberan u. Neubabelsberg b. Potsdam, Lit. vgl. Vollmer, Damenportrait, ovales Schulterstück einer blonden Dame mit rosa Kleid, fein lasierende, akademische Portraitmalerei, Öl/Lwd./Sperrholz, li. u. sign. u. dat. 1930, ungerahmt, 62 x 52,5 cm. ...weitere Informationen

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) German Sunset at Stoke Bishop, 6 x 9 ins.
    Mar. 14, 2006

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) German Sunset at Stoke Bishop, 6 x 9 ins.

    Est: £100 - £200

    Fritz von Kamptz (1866-1938) German oil on canvas, Sunset at Stoke Bishop, signed, 6 x 9 ins. Estimate £100-200

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