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Hugo Köcke Sold at Auction Prices


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    Oct. 26, 2024


    Est: -

    KÖCKE, Hugo(1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt) Wolken über Sylt Öl/Leinwand. Links unten signiert. 1924 mit Zusatz Sylt. 40 x 60 cm. Gerahmt : 49,5 x 69 cm (Goldrahmen). Weite, flache Küstenlandschaft unter wolkigem Himmel . Deutscher Maler und Grafiker, studierte in Berlin. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 26. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 16:35 Uhr (CET) KÖCKE, Hugo(1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt) Clouds over Sylt Oil/canvas. Signed lower left. 1924 with the addition Sylt. 40 x 60 cm. Framed : 49.5 x 69 cm (gold frame). Wide, flat coastal landscape under a cloudy sky . German painter and graphic artist, studied in Berlin. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 26. | Oct. 2024 | probably 16:35 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Köcke, Hugo (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist, mainly landscapes, portraits and genre paintings), (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Köcke, Hugo (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist, mainly landscapes, portraits and genre paintings), (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist

    Est: -

    Köcke, Hugo (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist, mainly landscapes, portraits and genre paintings), (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland on Sylt, studied at the KA Berlin, painter and graphic artist, mainly landscapes, portraits and genre paintings), "Dünenlandschaft auf Sylt", oil on canvas, signed lower right Hugo Köcke, 50.5 x 81 cm. Provenance: Acquired from the artist by Friedrich Feddersen, Berlin 1920s Köcke, Hugo (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland auf Sylt, Studium an der KA Berlin, Maler und Graphiker, v.a. Landschaften, Porträts und Genrebilder), "Dünenlandschaft auf Sylt", Öl auf Leinwand, signiert unten rechts Hugo Köcke, 50.5 x 81 cm. Provenienz: Bei dem Künstler erworben durch Friedrich Feddersen, Berlin 1920er Jahre

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Night Train.
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Night Train.

    Est: -

    1909. Oil/canvas. 87 x 133 cm. Lo. le. sign. and dat. H. Köcke 1909. - Landscape and figure painter. K. studied at the Berlin academy, joined the 'Vereinigung Berliner Künstler' and exhibited regularly at the 'Große Berliner Kunstausstellung' since 1893. After moving to Sylt in 1918 the island became the dominating subject of his art. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • KÖCKE, HUGO. Bauernhaus. Öl auf Lwd.
    Mar. 25, 2022

    KÖCKE, HUGO. Bauernhaus. Öl auf Lwd.

    Est: €300 - €400

    KÖCKE, HUGO 1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland Bauernhaus Öl auf Lwd. R. u. signiert. 52 x 70,5 cm. Rahmen.

    Scheublein Art & Auktionen
    Mar. 05, 2022


    Est: -

    KÖCKE, Hugo(1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt) Nordische Landschaft mit Bauernhof Öl/Leinwand. Rechts unten signiert. 50 x 70 cm. Helles Morgenlicht über der hügeligen Landschaft mit den reetgedeckten Häusern Farbabsplitterungen. Deutscher Maler und Grafiker, studierte in Berlin. Literatur : Thieme/Becker.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sky over Sylt.
    May. 08, 2021

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sky over Sylt.

    Est: -

    Ca. 1930, oil/canvas, 40,5 x 60 cm, lo. ri. sign. Hugo Köcke, lo. le. inscribed Sylt. - Landscape and figure painter. K. studied at the Berlin academy, joined the 'Vereinigung Berliner Künstler' and exhibited regularly at the 'Große Berliner Kunstausstellung' since 1893. After moving to Sylt in 1918 the island became the dominating subject of his art. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Hugo Köcke – Bauernhaus
    Apr. 28, 2021

    Hugo Köcke – Bauernhaus

    Est: €1,200 - €1,300

    Öl auf Leinwand. Ca. 51,5 x 70,5 cm. Signiert unten rechts. Leicht verschmutzte Oberfläche, partiell feines Craquelé, teils mit Verlust minimaler Farbschollen, Bildkanten rahmungsbedingt schwach berieben, insgesamt in guter Erhaltung. differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

    Karl & Faber - Timed
  • Köcke - Sylt
    Nov. 21, 2020

    Köcke - Sylt

    Est: €320 - €400

    Köcke, Hugo (Berlin 1874 - 1956 Westerland). Sylt. Aquarell auf Papier, um 1930. Signiert und bezeichnet 'Sylt'. 28 x 45 cm. Gerahmt. Nach einer Lithographenlehre kam Köcke an die Berliner Kunstakademie. 'Friedrich Kallmorgen, dem er seine prall gefüllte Bewerbungsmappe ... vorlegte, kalauerte: 'Woll'n Se det nach Jewicht verkofen?', nahm den 28jährigen aber sofort in seine Meisterklasse auf' (aus Schulte-Wülwer: Künstlerinsel Sylt, S. 198). Im Jahr 1918 kam Köcke dann auf die Insel Sylt, die zu seiner Wahlheimat wurde.- Blick auf einige reetgedeckte Backsteingebäude, im Vordergrund nasse Strasse und grüne Rasenflächen. Laut Angaben des Vorbesitzers handelt es sich um Gebäude in Morsum auf Sylt.-

    Auktionshaus Schramm
  • Köcke, Hugo
    Oct. 10, 2020

    Köcke, Hugo

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1874 Berlin - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Der Flecken Helsa bei Cassel (Hessen). Öl auf Lwd. 69 x 101 cm. Unt. li. sign., verso auf Keilrahmen betitelt. Gerahmt. Etw. gebr. - ╔Dabei: Hamburg.╗ Hamburg, Anno 1587, vom Thurme des äußeren Dammthor's übersehen. Kolor. Lithographie bei Peter Suhr, Hbg. um 1840. 23,7 x 35,5 cm. Bl. 1. Unter Passep. u. Glas gerahmt (nicht ausgerahmt). - Die Straße im Vordergrund entspricht dem heutigen alten Jungfernstieg. Das Wasser um die Stadt ist der damalige Festungsgraben, aus dem später einige noch jetzt vorhandene Fleete entstanden. - Etw. gebr. - ╔Jahrmarkt.╗ 14 Bl. mit Jahrmarkts-, Volksbelustigungs-, Scharlatenendarst., etc. in versch. Techn., meist viele farb. bzw. kolor. Holzstiche, überwieg. 19. Jh. 16°-4°. Unter Passep. mont. Zus. 16 Bl.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Dunes on Sylt.
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Dunes on Sylt.

    Est: -

    Oil/canvas, 50,5 x 80,5 cm, lo. ri. sign. Hugo Köcke. - Landscape a. figure painter. K. studied at the Berlin academy, joined the 'Vereinigung Berliner Künstler' a. exhibited regularly at the 'Große Berliner Kunstausstellung' since 1893. After moving to Sylt in 1918 the island became the dominating subject of his art. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others. RefMod11920

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sky over Sylt.
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sky over Sylt.

    Est: -

    Ca. 1930, oil/canvas, 40,5 x 60 cm, lo. ri. sign. Hugo Köcke, lo. le. inscribed Sylt. - Landscape a. figure painter. K. studied at the Berlin academy, joined the 'Vereinigung Berliner Künstler' a. exhibited regularly at the 'Große Berliner Kunstausstellung' since 1893. After moving to Sylt in 1918 the island became the dominating subject of his art. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others. RefMod11920

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sylt, Dunes near List.
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Sylt, Dunes near List.

    Est: -

    Before 1942, Oil/canvas, 50,5 x 80,5 cm, lo. ri. sign. Hugo Köcke. - Landscape a. figure painter. K. studied at the Berlin academy, joined the 'Vereinigung Berliner Künstler' a. exhibited regularly at the 'Große Berliner Kunstausstellung' since 1893. After moving to Sylt in 1918 the island became the dominating subject of his art. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others. RefMod11920

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke, Hugo
    Jul. 04, 2020

    Köcke, Hugo

    Est: €65 - €100

    (1874 Berlin - Westerland/Sylt 1956). Der Flecken Helsa bei Cassel (Hessen). Öl auf Lwd. 69 x 101 cm. Unt. li. sign., verso auf Keilrahmen betitelt. Gerahmt. - Etw. gebr. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • * Kocke (Hugo, 1876-1956). Flight Lieutenant Desmond J. Rarp, R.A.F.,
    Mar. 02, 2017

    * Kocke (Hugo, 1876-1956). Flight Lieutenant Desmond J. Rarp, R.A.F.,

    Est: £150 - £200

    oil on board, half-length portrait with the motto of the Royal Air Force in the background, signed top right and dated 1946 top left, titled verso 'Desmond J. Rarp. Geboren 3.10.1924. gemalt von Hugo Kocke. Westerland-Sylt', 16.75 x 13.5 ins (42 x 35 cm), together with Keithshaw (W.), Portrait of a Chelsea Pensioner, oil on board, shown wearing his India General Service, Boer War and Great War Medals, with label verso for 'City Literary Institute Annual Eisteddfod, inscribed in pencil Mr W. Keithshaw, No. of Competition 37, Competitor's No.283', 49.5 x 37 cm (19.5 x 14.5 ins), both framed - Quantity (2)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Hugo, Köcke Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Garden by a River
    Feb. 25, 2017

    Hugo, Köcke Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Garden by a River

    Est: -

    Hugo, Köcke Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Garden by a River Oil/canvas, 46 x 60 cm, lo. ri. sign. a. dat. H. Köcke 1907.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) „ Sylt Performance describe
    Nov. 29, 2016

    Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) „ Sylt Performance describe

    Est: €400 - €600

    Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) „ Sylt Performance described „ die Sturmflut von Fritz Lehmann Uraufführung Westerland Sylt 1926 „ signed and dated on the left , oil on canvas, framed.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Hugo Köcke (1874-1956), Full Moon Night, Oil Painting, 1935
    Nov. 30, 2015

    Hugo Köcke (1874-1956), Full Moon Night, Oil Painting, 1935

    Est: €1,500 - €1,950

    Oil on canvas Germany, Sylt, 1935 Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) - German painter and graphic artist, since 1920 member of the Berlins artists association Signed 'Hugo Köcke' with dedication 'Seinem Freund Fritz Lehmann', lower right Dimensions: 40.3 x 60 cm Frame: 48.5 x 68.2 cm Good condition Small format landscape painting with a wide view in a gently rolling landscape, to effect full moonlight Object is regular taxed. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 3,000 Euro Condition: The painting is in good condition with minor signs of age and wear. Under UV light in places smaller retouches. Along the edges color wear due to the framing, occasionally slight craquelure. The dimensions of the stretcher are 40.3 x 60 cm, the frame measures 48.5 x 68.2 cm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Hugo Köcke 1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt...
    Sep. 13, 2014

    Hugo Köcke 1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt...

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Hugo Köcke 1874 Berlin - 1956 Westerland/Sylt - Dünen am Nordseestrand auf Sylt - Öl/Kart. 28,5 x 48 cm. Sign. l. u.: Hugo Köcke. Rahmen. - Lit.: Th.-B. XXI, S. 109. H. Köcke war Maler und Grafiker in Berlin und malte Landschaften auch auf der Insel Sylt. Seit 1920 Mitglied des Vereins Berliner Künstler. Beschickte die Grosse Berlin Kunst-Ausstellung seit 1904 regelmäß. mit Landschaften, Porträts und Genrebildern.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Oil Painting "Autumn Landscape" by Hugo Köcke, around 1900
    Aug. 30, 2013

    Oil Painting "Autumn Landscape" by Hugo Köcke, around 1900

    Est: €640 - €800

    Oil on canvas Deutschland, around 1900 Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) - German painter and graphic artist Signed lower left "H.Köcke" Paintings by Hugo Köcke fetch-up to 8,500 Euros at international auctions Overall dimensions, framed: 59 x 40.5 cm Provenance: from the estate of a Berlin collector Good condition The German painter Hugo Köcke depicts an idyllic, deserted landscape. The oil painting impresses thanks to its fresh palette, bright colours and fine brush strokes. The trees and bushes in the foreground shine in earthy-brown colours and a warm autumnal light. The painting is in good condition and only slightly soiled. The painting is signed lower left "H.Köcke". The frame shows minor traces of age and wear. The dimensions are 59 x 40.5 cm (framed) and 51 x 33.5 cm (stretcher frame). Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) The Berlin artist Hugo Köcke was born in 1874 as the son of an engine driver. He studied at the Museum of Decorative Arts and at the University of Fine Arts. With landscapes, portraits and genre paintings he regularly participated in the major Berlin art exhibitions since 1904. From 1920 he was a member of the Berlin Artists Association. When he married in 1921 he settled on the North Frisian Island Sylt, where he painted many landscapes in oil. His younger brother Max Köcke-Wichmann (1889-1962), a pupil of Max Liebermann (1847-1935), also worked as an artist.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Oil Painting "Chapel in Karwendel" by Hugo Köcke, Germany 1932
    Jul. 05, 2013

    Oil Painting "Chapel in Karwendel" by Hugo Köcke, Germany 1932

    Est: €640 - €800

    Oil on canvas Germany, 1932 Köcke Hugo (1874-1956) - German painter and graphic artist Signed lower left "Hugo Köcke." Works by Hugo Köcke fetch up to 8,500 euros at international auctions Titled on the reverse side "Hugo Köcke. fec. Hinterriß-Tirol-Karwendelgeb. 1932." Framed Overall Dimensions: 48.5 x 58.5 cm Provenance: From the estate of a Berlin collector Very good condition This atmospheric oil painting depicts a beautiful mountain chapel in the Karwendel, near the Tyrolean village Hinterriß im Risstal. The chaste Lord's house, crowned with a small cross, is illuminated by the bright warm sun. It stands on a slightly soaring, grassy slope. To the sides the mighty mountains loom to the blue sky. The painting is in very good condition, the frame shows only little traces of age and use. Lower left, the canvas is signed with "Hugo Köcke." On the reverse side is handwritten "Hugo Köcke. fec. Hinterriß-Tirol-Karwendelgeb. 1932." The dimensions are 48.5 x 58.5 cm (framed) and 41 x 51 cm (canvas). Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) The Berlin artist Hugo Köcke was born in 1874 as the son of an engine driver. He studied at the Museum of Decorative Arts and at the University of Fine Arts. With landscapes, portraits and genre paintings he regularly participated in the major Berlin art exhibitions since 1904. From 1920 he was a member of the Berlin Artists Association. When he married in 1921 he settled on the North Frisian Island Sylt, where he painted many landscapes in oil. His younger brother Max Köcke-Wichmann (1889-1962), a pupil of Max Liebermann (1847-1935), also worked as an artist.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Oil painting „walk with village vista" by Köcke, Germany 1904
    Jul. 05, 2013

    Oil painting „walk with village vista" by Köcke, Germany 1904

    Est: €1,100 - €1,400

    Oil on cardboard Germany, 1904 Köcke Hugo (1874-1956) - German painter and graphic artist Signed and dated lower right "H. Köcke 1904" Works by Hugo Köcke fetch up to 8,500 euros at international auctions Beautifully framed Overall dimensions: 57 x 73 cm Provenance: From the estate of a Berlin collector This atmospheric oil paintings by the German painter Köcke Hugo (1874-1956) shows two stollers under shady trees who are looking at a sunny village in the background. The artist creates a picturesque contrast between a dark, lonesome forest landscape in the foreground and the village, which is located at a lower level and lies in bright sunshine: The painting is slightly stained and shows crazing and colour losses, the varnish has darkened. The frame is in good condition with signs of age and wear. The picture is signed and dated "H. Köcke 1904 ". The dimensions are 57 x (framed) 73 cm and 50 x 66 cm (cartboard). Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) Hugo Köcke was son of an engine driver. He turned, like his younger brother, Max Köcke-Wichmann (1889-1962), towards the Arts and studied at the Museum of Decorative Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin. Since 1920 he was a member of the Association of Berlin Artists, the oldest artist association in Germany.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Oil Painting "Heathland with birches", Hugo Köcke, Germany 1900
    Jul. 05, 2013

    Oil Painting "Heathland with birches", Hugo Köcke, Germany 1900

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Oil on canvas Germany, 1900 Köcke Hugo (1874-1956) - German painter and graphic artist Signed and dated lower right "H. Köcke 1900" Works by Hugo Köcke fetch up to 8,500 Euros at international auctions Beautifully framed Overall Dimensions: 67 x 50 cm Provenance: From the estate of a Berlin collector This highly atmospheric oil painting shows a heathland overgrown with grass and shrubs. On the peak of a small hill there are some slender birches. Foliage and shrubs have already turned autumnal orange and red. The sky shows subtle shades of blue and violet. It is a signed work by the German artist Köcke Hugo (1874-1956). The painting shows slight soiling and minor colour losses. The canvas has a crease that runs across the entire left side. It is mounted on a hardboard. The frame is in good condition with traces of age and use. Lower right the image is signed and dated with "H. Köcke 1900". The dimensions are 67 x 50 cm (framed) and 60 x 43 cm (canvas). Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) The Berlin artist Hugo Köcke was born in 1874 as the son of an engine driver. He studied at the Museum of Decorative Arts and at the University of Fine Arts. With landscapes, portraits and genre paintings he regularly participated in the major Berlin art exhibitions since 1904. From 1920 he was a member of the Berlin Artists Association. When he married in 1921 he settled on the North Frisian Island Sylt, where he painted many landscapes in oil. His younger brother Max Köcke-Wichmann (1889-1962), a pupil of Max Liebermann (1847-1935), also worked as an artist.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Landscape with Pond
    Feb. 23, 2013

    Landscape with Pond

    Est: €500 - €600

    Köcke, Hugo, Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Landscape with Pond Oil/canvas, 44 x 70,5 cm, lo. ri. sign. Hugo Köcke, on the stretcher on label inscribed 'Vorfrühling' (early spring), unframed.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Winter Landscape
    Feb. 23, 2013

    Winter Landscape

    Est: €500 - €600

    Köcke, Hugo, Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Winter Landscape Oil/canvas, 45,5 x 61 cm, lo. ri. sign. a. dat. Hugo Köcke 1923, unframed.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Sep. 15, 2012

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: €150 - €225

    Im Tal. Öl/Lwd., li. u. sign. und dat. 1930, 60x 50 cm, R.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Sep. 15, 2012

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: €50 - €75

    Drei Bleistiftzeichnungen: Dünen und holländische Landschaft. 1x sign., bez. Sylt und 2x dat. 1936 bzw. (19)49. Altersspuren. 12x 20 bis 17x 35 cm.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland/Sylt 1956)
    Mar. 24, 2012

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland/Sylt 1956)

    Est: - €300

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland/Sylt 1956) Dünen auf Sylt. Öl/Lwd., li. u. sign. und re. u. dat. 1938, 50x 80 cm.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Mar. 24, 2012

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: - €400

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) Norderney, so wohl rückseitig auf Keilrahmen betitelt. Öl/Lwd. (min. Farbabplatzungen), li. u. sign., 74x 114 cm.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Dec. 03, 2011

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: - €80

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) "Westerland-Süderende das L. P. Hahnhaus", so re. u. betitelt, sign. und dat. 1932. Bleistiftzeichnung (fleckig), 24x 32 cm. Beigegeben Schwarzweiß-Fotografie von Hugo Köcke, aufgenommen von Carl Becker (von beiden mit Bleistift sign.), Westerland 1947. ...

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Dec. 03, 2011

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: - €80

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) Dünen. Bleistiftzeichnung, teils aquarelliert (verschmutzt), re. u. sign., 21x 29,5 cm. Beigegeben Schwarzweiß-Reproduktion eines Fotos von Hugo Köcke mit Unterschrift und Dat. 1912. 35,5x 22,5 cm.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Dec. 03, 2011

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: - €50

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) "Hallig Hooge", so re. u. betitelt, sign. und dat. 1932. Bleistiftzeichnung mit grünem Wachsstift (fleckig), 15,5x 30,5 cm, R.

  • Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) Rural theater, 1926.
    Nov. 12, 2011

    Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) Rural theater, 1926.

    Est: Kč25,000 - Kč50,000

    Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) Rural theater, 1926. According to the inscription in the bottom part the painting shows play Storm/ Sturmflut by Fritz Lehmann as shown in Westerland - Sylt in June 1926. Oil on canvas, 50x60 cm, bottom left signed and dated „Hugo Köcke fec. 1926". Framed. Condition B. Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) VENKOVSKÉ DIVADELNÍ PŘEDSTAVENÍ, 1926. Dle nápisu v pravé dolní části výjev zachycuje představení Bouře / Sturmflut od Fritze Lehmanna, provedené ve Westerlandu - Syltu v červenci 1926. Olej na plátně, 50×60 cm, sign. a dat. vlevo dole „Hugo Köcke fec. 1926". Rámováno. Stav B. Hugo Köcke (1874-1956) Dorftheater, 1926. Nach der Aufschrift rechts unten geht es um die Vorstellung Bouře / Sturmflut von Fritz Lehmann, gespielt in Westerland - Sylt im Juli 1926. Öl auf Leinwand, 50×60 cm, links unten sign. und dat. „Hugo Köcke fec. 1926". Gerahmt. Zustand B.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Dunes on Sylt
    Jun. 25, 2011

    Dunes on Sylt

    Est: €1,800 - €2,160

    Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 Dunes on Sylt Oil/canvas, 36 x 42 cm, sign. lo. le. Hugo Köcke. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer a. others.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Sundown over Sylt, Hugo Köcke, (Berlin 1876) ,
    Sep. 18, 2010

    Sundown over Sylt, Hugo Köcke, (Berlin 1876) ,

    Est: €800 - €960

    Sundown over Sylt, Hugo Köcke, (Berlin 1876) , Oil/canvas, 40,5 x 60,5 cm, sign. lo. le. Hugo Köcke Sylt, on the reverse sign. anew a. dat. 1939. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer et. al.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke, Hugo - Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956
    Apr. 24, 2010

    Köcke, Hugo - Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956

    Est: - €950

    Köcke, Hugo - Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 "Dunes on Sylt" Oil/canvas/panel, 40 x 49,5 cm, sign. a. dat. lo. ri. Hugo Köcke 1952. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer et.al.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke Hugo Born: Berlin 1876 Died: Westerland/Sylt
    Feb. 13, 2010

    Köcke Hugo Born: Berlin 1876 Died: Westerland/Sylt

    Est: - €900

    Köcke Hugo Born: Berlin 1876 Died: Westerland/Sylt 1956 Garden on Sylt Oil/canvas, 100 x 135 cm, sign. lo. Ri. H. Köcke, min. rub.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke Hugo (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 )
    Sep. 12, 2009

    Köcke Hugo (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 )

    Est: - €1,200

    Köcke Hugo (Berlin 1876 - Westerland/Sylt 1956 ) List on the island Sylt Oil/canvas, 63 x 105 cm, sign. lo. le. Hugo Köcke. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer et.al.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Mar. 27, 2009

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: -

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) Schafe auf einer Anhöhe in der Dämmerung. Öl/Lwd. (l. rest.), re. u. sign. 39x 45 cm. R.

  • Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)
    Mar. 27, 2009

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956)

    Est: -

    Köcke, Hugo (1876 Berlin-Westerland (Sylt) 1956) Dünen auf Sylt. Öl/Lwd., li. u. sign. 33x 51 cm. R.

  • Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Winter
    Feb. 14, 2009

    Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Winter

    Est: - €400

    Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Winter landscape in the evening sun Oil/cardboard, 60 x 73 cm, sign. lo. ri. Köcke, some rub. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer et.al.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Sheeps
    Jun. 21, 2008

    Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Sheeps

    Est: €2,000 -

    Köcke Hugo Berlin 1876 Westerland/Sylt 1956 Sheeps on Sylt Oil/canvas, 58 x 110 cm, low. le. sign. and dat. Hugo Köcke 1927.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1874-1956 Westerland/ Sylt)
    Mar. 11, 2008

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1874-1956 Westerland/ Sylt)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Hugo Köcke (Berlin 1874-1956 Westerland/ Sylt) "Sonntäglicher Kirchgang" (Sunday trip to Church), inscribed on a label verso, signed and dated H. Köcke 1913, Oil on canvas, 58,5 x 93,5 cm, framed, (Rei)

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