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Antonin Larroux Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913), Bronze Figural Urn
    Feb. 01, 2025

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913), Bronze Figural Urn

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913) Figural Urn gilt bronze signed "A. Larroux" 20 x 16 inches

    Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    Sep. 04, 2024


    Est: $400 - $600

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937) bronze sculpture of standing female with apron of seeds, known as “The Sower’, with Thibault Paris foundry stamp and artist signature on base, 22.5”H.

    William Smith Auctions
  • Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913) Bronze Sculpture Ca. 1900, "Faucher", H 14.25" Dia. 6"
    Jul. 19, 2024

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913) Bronze Sculpture Ca. 1900, "Faucher", H 14.25" Dia. 6"

    Est: $250 - $500

    Depicting a reaper sharpening his scythe. Base having plaque titling and identifying the sculptor. Signed on base. Provenance: Property from the collection of Maureen Chenot, Birmingham, MI

  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) et Manufacture Goldscheider Bacchus et satyre Vers 1900
    Jun. 07, 2024

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) et Manufacture Goldscheider Bacchus et satyre Vers 1900

    Est: €400 - €600

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) et Manufacture Goldscheider Bacchus et satyre Vers 1900 Paire de masques en terre cuite polychrome Signés. L’un porte le cachet de la manufacture Goldscheider, cachet " REPRODUCTION RESERVEE " et numéroté " 2289 / 57/27/HP " L’autre cachet " REPRODUCTION RESERVEE " et numéroté " 2288/48/12 " et les lettres " PV " H. 22 cm et H. 26 cm Petits accidents

  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1937), Le Voeu, a
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1937), Le Voeu, a

    Est: £400 - £600

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1937), Le Voeu, a bronze figure of a boy with a pond yacht, 1904, signed and titled in the cast A Larroux, Salon 1904, 46cm high

    Kinghams Auctioneers
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) gepatineerd bronzen sc…
    Feb. 26, 2024

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) gepatineerd bronzen sc…

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur op marmer basement met voorstelling van druivenplukster, voorzien van signatuur en gietersmerk, "La Vendangeuse", 19e eeuw, h. 32 cm

    Veilinghuis Van Spengen
  • Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 Important cache-pot "Les moissons" - 1899
    Nov. 28, 2023

    Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 Important cache-pot "Les moissons" - 1899

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 Important cache-pot "Les moissons" - 1899 Épreuve en bronze à patine dorée Cachet du fondeur Siot Decauville, fondeur Paris Signé et daté H. : 51,5 cm - D. : 41 cm Bibliographie : Jessica Goldring et Ben Macklowe et al, Dynamic Beauty : Sculpture of Art Nouveau Paris, The Studley Press, Dalton, MA, 2011, p. 181 pour un modèle similaire A gilted patinated bronze "Les moissons" flowerpot cover by Antonin Larroux, signed, dated and stamped - 1899 H. : 20.27 - D. : 16.14 in. Provenance : Collection privée de la Société Industrielle de Mulhouse depuis plus d'un siècle. Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

  • ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base.
    Jun. 15, 2023

    ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base.

    Est: $400 - $600

    ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base. - Height: 13.5 inches

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base.
    Apr. 27, 2023

    ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base.

    Est: $450 - $650

    ANTONIN LARROUX (French, 1859 - 1913). La Moisson (Harvest), Patinated bronze statue signed at base. - Height: 13.5 inches

    Sloans & Kenyon
    Oct. 11, 2022


    Est: €600 - €1,000

    Antonin Larroux (Toulouse, Francia, 1859-1937) Jarrón con rostros alegóricos. ·Jarrón Art Nouveau en estuco patinado. Firmado. Reproducido un modelo similar realizado por el artista para Goldscheider en el libro: "Goldscheider", por Ora Pinhas. Pág.: 50. Ricahard Dennis, 2006. 45,5 x 60 cm. Presenta leves pérdidas de policromía.

    Aletheia Subastas
  • Larroux, Antonin
    Jul. 09, 2022

    Larroux, Antonin

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1859 Toulouse - Montmorency 1937). Büste einer jungen Bacchantin. Bronze, vergoldet, auf Steinsockel. H: inklusive Sockel ca. 17 cm. Verso sign. - Leicht berieben. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) 'La Vendangeuse', patinated bronze. (28 x 40 x 82cm)
    Apr. 20, 2022

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) 'La Vendangeuse', patinated bronze. (28 x 40 x 82cm)

    Est: €2,800 - €3,500

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) 'La Vendangeuse', a statue made of patinated bronze 'The Harvester' and marked 'Siot-Decauville Fondeur' (28 x 40 x 82cm)

    Flanders Auctions
  • Antonin Larroux , Encrier, gilded bronze, romantic scene, approx. 1900
    Feb. 17, 2022

    Antonin Larroux , Encrier, gilded bronze, romantic scene, approx. 1900

    Est: €500 - €700

    gilded bronze, 60 x 29 x 20 cm, signed bottom right "Larroux"

    A10 by Artmark
  • Larroux, Antonin
    Dec. 18, 2021

    Larroux, Antonin

    Est: €160 - €240

    (1859 Toulouse - Montmorency 1937). Büste einer jungen Bacchantin. Bronze, vergoldet, auf Steinsockel. H: inklusive Sockel ca. 17 cm. Verso sign. - Leicht berieben. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Antonin Larroux, Bronze Sculpture, La Vendangeuse
    Jul. 21, 2021

    Antonin Larroux, Bronze Sculpture, La Vendangeuse

    Est: $400 - $600

    (French, 1859-1913) signed on base, depicting a woman with a basket of fruit. 21-1/2"h

    Nye & Company
  • Larroux, Antonin
    Jul. 10, 2021

    Larroux, Antonin

    Est: €200 - €300

    (1859 Toulouse - Montmorency 1937). Büste einer jungen Bacchantin. Bronze, vergoldet, auf Steinsockel. H: inklusive Sockel ca. 17 cm. Verso sign. - Leicht berieben. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913)
    Dec. 18, 2020

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) 'Le Voeu' (or Boy holding a Model Ship), 1904 Bronze, the boy shown in contrapposto with a downward gaze, holding a small ship in his left hand and his cap in the other, signed on the base 'Le Voeu Salon 1904' and 'A. Larrou'. 46,5 x 19 x 14 cm

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913), "La Faneuse", bronze, woman holding a pitchfork, signed 'Larroux 16' to base, ht. 8". Provenanc.
    Aug. 22, 2020

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913), "La Faneuse", bronze, woman holding a pitchfork, signed 'Larroux 16' to base, ht. 8". Provenanc.

    Est: $150 - $250

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913), "La Faneuse", bronze, woman holding a pitchfork, signed 'Larroux 16' to base, ht. 8". Provenance: The Estate of Ed Brenner, Short Hills N.J.

    Nadeau's Auction Gallery
  • Antonin Larroux (1859 - ca. 1913). Stehende Bäuerin mit traubengefülltem Ko
    May. 16, 2020

    Antonin Larroux (1859 - ca. 1913). Stehende Bäuerin mit traubengefülltem Ko

    Est: -

    Antonin Larroux (1859 - ca. 1913). Stehende Bäuerin mit traubengefülltem Korb. Bronze, seitl. sign., mit Gießerstempel. Front und Plakette bez. „Ven dan geust Salon des Beaux-Arts“, H=57 cm.

    Antiquitäten Metz GmbH - Kunstauktionen
    Sep. 30, 2018


    Est: €300 - €500

    IMPORTANT VASE EN ETAIN "ALLEGORIE DES MOISSONS" DE ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-913) En étain, à panse enflée, à col décoré d'épis de blé en bas relief et orné de 3 personnages en rond de bosse. Signé "A. Larroux" et cachet de fonderie "FONDEUR SIOT.DECAUVILLE.PARIS". Epoque Fin XIXème siècle. H : 52; D : 40 cm

    Paris Oise Enchères
  • Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913)
    Jun. 24, 2018

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Bronze farmer girl

    Maison Jules Veilinghuis
  • Antonin Larroux (1859 - 1937) Sainte Cecile Bronze
    Jun. 02, 2018

    Antonin Larroux (1859 - 1937) Sainte Cecile Bronze

    Est: $10 - $100,000

    Antonin Larroux (1859 - 1937) "Sainte Cecile" Bronze Sculpture Circa 1900. The bronze is of a beautiful lady with a lyre wearing a flowing gown and headband 30.75" High X 14.5" Wide X 14" Deep. The sculpture is labeled, signed by the artist and marked by the foundry Societe Des Bronzes De Paris (The Paris Art Bronzes Society). The Society was in bronze production from 1875 - 1930. The Bronze Society's foundries were located in Paris, France. Total weight is 51.5 Lbs.

    Kennedy's Auction Service
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) La faneuse, 1903
    May. 28, 2018

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) La faneuse, 1903

    Est: €400 - €600

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) La faneuse, 1903 Bronze à patine doré signé daté et tamponné SIOT Decauville, fondeur Paris H. 64 cm

    Marie-Saint Germain
  • Antonin Larroux, Female Farmer Bronze Sculpture
    May. 27, 2018

    Antonin Larroux, Female Farmer Bronze Sculpture

    Est: -

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1913) The piece is in good condition with minimal wear. Artist: Antonin Larroux, Title: Female FarmerMedium: Bronze Sculpture Year or Era: 20th Century Signature Type: Plate Signed Signature Location: Base Approx. Measurement: 17 x 5.5 x 5Approx. Ship Weight: 14lbs. Keywords: Art; Ref: DD15684

    J Levine Auction & Appraisal LLC
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913)
    Dec. 09, 2017

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913)

    Est: Kč10,500 - Kč21,000

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) FANEUSE (OBRACEČKA SENA). Figura stojící venkovské ženy s vidlemi, nízký kvadratický sokl imitující terén, patinovaný bronz, signováno na plintu: "A. Larroux.", zezadu číslováno "594 J.P" a kulaté razítko "Société des Bronzes de Paris", na čelní straně soklu štítek: "Faneuse / Salon des Beaux-Arts". V. 42 cm. Stav A. Francie Antonin Larroux Francouzský sochař, člen Salonu francouzských umělců (Salon des artistes francais), proslavil se především postavami venkovského pracujícího lidu, dělnické třídy. Pravidelně vystavoval své práce na Exposition Universelle v Paříži a získal za ně mnohá ocenění. Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) FANEUSE. Standing country woman with a pitchfork on a lower base, patinated bronze, signed on the plinth: „A. Larroux.“, numbered: „594 J.P“ and marked: „Société des Bronzes de Paris“, on the front of the base shield: „Faneuse / Salon des Beaux-Arts“. Height 42 cm. Condition A France Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) - design Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) FANEUSE. Stehende Landfrau mit Forke, patinierte Bronze, niedriger Quadratsockel imitiert Naturterrain, signiert auf dem Sockel „A. Larroux.“, hinten nummeriert „594 J.P“ und Rundstempel „Société des Bronzes de Paris“, auf der Vorderseite „Faneuse / Salon des Beaux-Arts“. H. 42 cm. Zustand A. Frankreich Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) – Entwurf

    Auction House Zezula
  • Antonin Larroux. The Harvester bronze cachepot
    Jul. 22, 2017

    Antonin Larroux. The Harvester bronze cachepot

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    ( French, 1849-1913). Gilt bronze, modeled as figure of man holding scythe surrounded by other harvest implements, neck of vase modeled as bundle of wheat with removable copper insert, signed "A. Larroux," and impressed "Tiffany & Co. (retailer)," 18 in. H.

    Alex Cooper
  • Antonin Larroux Toulouse 1859 - ? 1937 "Modern" Aplique Goldscheider en terracota/estuco policromado
    Jul. 18, 2017

    Antonin Larroux Toulouse 1859 - ? 1937 "Modern" Aplique Goldscheider en terracota/estuco policromado

    Est: €350 -

    Antonin Larroux Toulouse 1859 - ? 1937 "Modern" Aplique Goldscheider en terracota/estuco policromado Firmado, con numeración parcialmente conservada (¿"4880 / 670"?), con estampilla de la casa Goldscheider y con la inscripción "Reproduction Reservée". Realizado hacia 1901-1902. Bibliografía de referencia: Robert E. Dechant - Filipp Goldscheider, "Goldscheider: Firmengeschichte und Werkverzeichnis / History of the company and catalogue of works", Stuttgart, Arnoldsche, 2007, p. 577, nº cat. 2292. Agradecemos la colaboración de Robert E. Dechant, coautor del libro anterior, imprescindible en la catalogación de estas obras 30,5x26,5 cm

  • LARROUX Antonin (1859-1937). "La paysanne ". Sculp
    Jun. 18, 2017

    LARROUX Antonin (1859-1937). "La paysanne ". Sculp

    Est: €500 - €600

    LARROUX Antonin (1859-1937). "La paysanne ". Sculpture en bronze à patine médaille Signé A. Larroux sur la terrasse. H: 57,5 cm.

  • Antonin Larroux Bronze Ink Stand – Le Basier
    Jun. 17, 2017

    Antonin Larroux Bronze Ink Stand – Le Basier

    Est: $400 - $600

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913, France) bronze double inkwell and pen tray with figures of 2 lovers laying by a pond and kissing; has a gilt finish and is in good condition, signed “Larroux” and foundry mark reads “Soit, Paris, 329G”. Measures 5 in. hgi x 13.5 in. wide x 6 in. deep. Weight: 6.75 lbs.

    Fontaine's Auction Gallery
  • (Antonin) Larroux bronze figural double inkwell
    Apr. 21, 2017

    (Antonin) Larroux bronze figural double inkwell

    Est: $500 - $800

    (Antonin) Larroux bronze figural double inkwell, "The Kiss", signed lower right Larroux, Siot Decauville Paris foundry mark on front, 8" high x 23 3/4" across x 10" deep

    Stephenson's Auction
  • Art Nouveau sculpture after Antonin Larroux
    Mar. 02, 2017

    Art Nouveau sculpture after Antonin Larroux

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Art Nouveau sculpture after Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937) PHAETON DRIVING THE CHARIOT OF THE SUN ACROSS THE HEAVENS bronze-patinated cast metal, signed: Larroux and stamped CA2 H13" Dia.14 1/2" Provenance: Property of a lady

    Charlton Hall
  • Antonin Larroux
    Nov. 17, 2016

    Antonin Larroux

    Est: €500 - €600

    Vaso in bronzo decorato con l'Allegoria della mietitura. Firmato sul bordo. H cm 52

    Casa d' Aste della Rocca
  • Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 SIOT-DECAUVILLE
    Oct. 30, 2016

    Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 SIOT-DECAUVILLE

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Antonin LARROUX 1859-1913 SIOT-DECAUVILLE Les blés Jardinière en bronze doré Signée Hauteur : 53 cm Bibliographie : Catalogue de la maison Siot-Decauville, reproduit p. 80 Exposition : Exposition du fer forgé, du cuivre et de l’étain, musée Galliéra, 1905 (modèle en étain, édité par Siot-Decauville)

    Besch Cannes Auction
  • Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) La vendangeuse Bronze patiné, signé s
    Sep. 25, 2016

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) La vendangeuse Bronze patiné, signé s

    Est: €300 - €400

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) La vendangeuse Bronze patiné, signé sur la terrasse Cachet de fondeur : Société des Bronzes de Paris Haut : 42 cm

  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913 French)
    Jul. 30, 2016

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913 French)

    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    ''La Faneuse'', a patinated bronze figure of a standing woman holding a pitchfork, on an integral naturalistic square base, signed to base: A Larroux, titled and inscribed to plaque affixed to base: Faneuse / Salon des Beaux-Arts, 33'' H x 12'' W x 11.5'' D, est: $1200/1800.

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) Gilded Bronze Vase
    Feb. 13, 2016

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913) Gilded Bronze Vase

    Est: $2,000 - $3,500

    Large ovoid vase is high relief decoration depicting three harvest figures in a wheat field. All in a gilt finish. Has inset hammered brass insert. Measures 21.5 inches in height, 18 inches in diameter. 21.5"H x 18"Dia. Some rubbing and tarnish to gilt.

    Peachtree & Bennett
  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1913). A 19th century French gilt bronze bust, 7in.
    Dec. 09, 2015

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913). A 19th century French gilt bronze bust, 7in.

    Est: £150 - £250

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1913). A 19th century French gilt bronze bust, modelled as a young lady with vine wreath in her hair, on an onyx socle base, signed A. Larroux and with the founders mark Siot-Paris and numbered 833F, 7in.

  • Antonin Larroux, 1859-1913
    Sep. 26, 2015

    Antonin Larroux, 1859-1913

    Est: €450 - €900

    Antonin Larroux, 1859-1913, Bronze sculpture, Woman with grain, Allegory the summer, signed on the base, 38cm H. . German Description: Antonin Larroux, 1859-1913, Bronzeskulptur, Frau mit Korn, Allegorie auf den Sommer, am Sockel signiert, H. 38cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913) "Les Bles Moisson", a cast and patinated bronze
    Sep. 17, 2015

    ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913) "Les Bles Moisson", a cast and patinated bronze

    Est: £600 - £1,200

    ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913) "Les Bles Moisson", a cast and patinated bronze vase-form sculpture decorated with wheatsheafs and three figures, 20.5" high. See illustration

  • A 19th century French gilt bronze bust
    Nov. 18, 2014

    A 19th century French gilt bronze bust

    Est: £500 - £800

    A 19th century French gilt bronze bust Formed as a young lady a vine wreath in her hair, standing on a marble socle, signed A. Larroux, the underside with foundry mark for Siot-Decauville. 17 cms high. £500 - 800

    Rowley Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers
  • A bronze Figure 'La Faucheur'
    May. 10, 2014

    A bronze Figure 'La Faucheur'

    Est: €480 - €576

    Larroux Antonin, Toulouse 1859 - 1937, A bronze Figure 'La Faucheur', France, beg. of 20th cent. Bronze with dark patina, overall h. 36 cm, on bronze plinth sign. 'A. Larroux', with applied label 'Faucheur / Par A. Laurraux, 2 Medailles au Salon'. - Sculptor in Paris, student of Maurette, Idrac, Flagulière and Mercié, 1906 Member of the Soc. the kind franc., on whose salon he repeatedly figures, groups of figures and portraits exhibited. - Mus.: Toulouse. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913)
    Mar. 05, 2014

    ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913)

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    ANTONIN LARROUX (1859-1913) Important cache-pot à panse bombée et col cylindrique évasé à décor en haut-relief de scénes de genre paysanne. Signé « A.Larroux» et cachet du fondeur «Siot Decauville, fondeur Paris». Vers 1890. H : 52 cm   Diam : 40 cm A large flower pot holder with high-relief farming scenes. Signed « A.Larroux» and foundry stamp «Siot Decauville, fondeur Paris». Circa 1890. H : 20 1/2 in Diam : 15 3/4 in

  • Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937)
    Dec. 16, 2013

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937)

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Les Blés gilt bronze inscribed A. Larroux height 20in (50.8cm); diameter 17in (43.3cm)

  • Bronze, Antonin Larroux, Woman with Basket of Grapes
    Jul. 14, 2013

    Bronze, Antonin Larroux, Woman with Basket of Grapes

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937), Woman with Basket of Grapes, bronze sculpture, from an edition of 5, signed lower right base, overall: 19"h x 10"w x 17.5"d

    Clars Auctions
  • Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913)
    Mar. 27, 2013

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Antonin LARROUX (1859-1913) Grand vase en bronze à décor d'un faucheur en ronde bosse sur l'épaule. Socle en marbre vert de mer. H: 49 cm

  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1937) pour Goldscheider
    Feb. 07, 2013

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1937) pour Goldscheider

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    Vase en faience émaillée, circa 1900 à décor en relief de six fgures allégoriques émaillés blanc émergeant de feuillages polychrome A Figural Jardinière, modelled in relief with six allegorical masks emerging from dense foliage, decorated in a dripped green, blue and red glaze Portant l'inscription 'Friedrich Goldscheder Wien E 01191/5/6/ reproduction réservee', hauteur 28,5cm

  • Antonin Larroux (1859-1937) pour Goldscheider
    Feb. 07, 2013

    Antonin Larroux (1859-1937) pour Goldscheider

    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    Vase en grès, circa 1900 de forme ovoïde à décor sur la panse de six figures allégoriques en relief émergeant de feuillages A Large Figural Jardinière, circa 1900 modelled in relief with six allegorical masks emerging from dense foliage Portant l'inscription 'Larroux sc' et sous la base '0933/19/21', hauteur 40,5cm

  • Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937)
    Dec. 11, 2012

    Antonin Larroux (French, 1859-1937)

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Les Blés gilt-bronze inscribed A. Larroux height 20in (50.8cm); diameter 17in (43.3cm)

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