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Serge Lemoyne Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1941 - d. 1998

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  • Lemoyne, Serge - Serie Losange - 1966
    Oct. 22, 2024

    Lemoyne, Serge - Serie Losange - 1966

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Serie Losange (1966) Description (FR): Acrylique sur isorel, non signée. Authentifié par François Gauthier, expert et archiviste de Serge Lemoyne. Il s'agit d'une oeuvre d'une extrême rareté appartennant à la série "losange", une série datant de 1966, elle même contenue durant la fameuse période "Cosmos" de Lemoyne. Provenance: collection Pédro Rubio Description (EN): Acrylic on isorel, unsigned. Authenticated by François Gauthier, Serge Lemoyne's expert and archivist. This is an extremely rare work from the “losange” series, dating from 1966, itself part of Lemoyne's famous “Cosmos” period. Provenance, Pédro Rubio Collection Dimension (PO): 24" x 24" Dimension (CM): 61 x 61 cm Rapport de condition: L'œuvre présente des marques de saleté, certainement rattrapables par un léger nettoyage. Des éraflures superficielles sont également visibles Condition report: The work shows signs of dirt, which can certainly be repaired with a light cleaning. Superficial scratches are also visible.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - "Hommage a Matisse" - 1997
    Oct. 22, 2024

    Lemoyne, Serge - "Hommage a Matisse" - 1997

    Est: $400 - $600

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) "Hommage a Matisse" (1997) Description (FR): Huile sur panneau signée et datée au dos Description (EN): Oil on panel signed and dated on the reverse Dimension (PO): 11.5" x 11.5" Dimension (CM): 29 x 29 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - 4 dessins - 1963
    Apr. 30, 2024

    Lemoyne, Serge - 4 dessins - 1963

    Est: $400 - $600

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) 4 dessins (1963) Description (FR): 4 dessins à l'encre et aquarelle, individuellement signés et datés en bas à droite Lemoyne 63 Description (EN): 4 ink and watercolor drawings, individually signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne 63 Dimension (PO): 7.25" x 3.75" chaque / each Dimension (CM): 18.5 x 9.5 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • SERGE LEMOYNE (1941-1998) Untitled diptych–oil on canvas each: 36 x 65 in.
    Dec. 14, 2023

    SERGE LEMOYNE (1941-1998) Untitled diptych–oil on canvas each: 36 x 65 in.

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE (1941-1998) Untitled diptych–oil on canvas each: 36 x 65 in. (91.4 x 165.1 cm.) (2)

  • Lemoyne, Serge - Morceaux de maison - 1995
    Dec. 12, 2023

    Lemoyne, Serge - Morceaux de maison - 1995

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Morceaux de maison (1995) Description: Mixed techniques on wood, inscribed, signed and dated on the back à Roger de Lemoyne 95 Dimension (PO): 12" x 27" Dimension (CM): 30,5 x 68,6 cm Condition report: In poor condition according to expertise (-50% of value), paint scaled and cracked

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Superposition - 1984
    Dec. 12, 2023

    Lemoyne, Serge - Superposition - 1984

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1938-1998) Superposition (1984) Description: Screen print on paper, monotype collage, signed on front lower right Lemoyne Dimension (PO): 22" x 30" Dimension (CM): 56 x 76 cm Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - 1980
    Dec. 13, 2022

    Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - 1980

    Est: $4,000 - $5,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre (1980) Description: Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne dec 80 Dimension (PO): 26" x 36" Dimension (CM): 66 x 91.5 cm

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre (série Cosmos) - 1967
    Dec. 13, 2022

    Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre (série Cosmos) - 1967

    Est: $2,500 - $4,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre (série Cosmos) (1967) Description: Acrylic on hardboard, signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne 67 Dimension (PO): 13 3/4" x 21 3/4" Dimension (CM): 34.9 x 55.3 cm

    Champagne Auctions
  • Serge Lemoyne Serigraph, Le Numero Dix Guy Lafleur
    May. 28, 2022

    Serge Lemoyne Serigraph, Le Numero Dix Guy Lafleur

    Est: $100 - $15,000

    Serge Lemoyne (Quebec, 1941-1998) Serigraph, Le Numero Dix (Guy Lafleur) Signed, Numbered 40/100 and titled in pencil along border of paper. Paper measures 7.5 inches H x 10.5 W.

    Kavanagh Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - 1980
    May. 24, 2022

    Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - 1980

    Est: $2,800 - $3,200

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre (1980) Description: Mixed media on paper, signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne déc 80 Dimension (PO): 17" x 26" Dimension (CM): 43.2 x 66 cm Condition report: Some chips

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - No 7, Spores - 1965
    Jul. 06, 2021

    Lemoyne, Serge - No 7, Spores - 1965

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) No 7, Spores (1965) Description (FR): Acrylique sur papier, signée et datée sur l'étiquette au dos Lemoyne 65 Description (EN): Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on the sticker on the back Lemoyne 65 Dimension (PO): 23" x 14" Dimension (CM): 58.42 x 35.56 cm Rapport de condition: Léger écaillement de peinture Condition report: Paint is slightly cracked

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Série: Hommage à Matisse - 1997
    May. 18, 2021

    Lemoyne, Serge - Série: Hommage à Matisse - 1997

    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Série: Hommage à Matisse (1997) Description (FR): Huile sur panneau de bois, signée et datée au dos Lemoyne 97 Description (EN): Oil on wood panel, signed and dated on the back Lemoyne 97 Dimension (PO): 12" x 12" Dimension (CM): 30.48 x 30.48 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction (série Cosmos) - 1966
    Mar. 09, 2021

    Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction (série Cosmos) - 1966

    Est: $1,800 - $2,200

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Abstraction (série Cosmos) (1966) Description (FR): Acrylique sur papier, signée et datée en haut à droite Lemoyne 66 Description (EN): Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on upper right Lemoyne 66 Dimension (PO): 13" x 21" Dimension (CM): 33.02 x 53.34 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction (série Cosmos) - 1966
    Mar. 09, 2021

    Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction (série Cosmos) - 1966

    Est: $1,800 - $2,200

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Abstraction (série Cosmos) (1966) Description (FR): Acrylique sur papier, signée et datée en bas à gauche Lemoyne 66 Description (EN): Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on lower left Lemoyne 66 Dimension (PO): 13" x 21" Dimension (CM): 33.02 x 53.34 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - c.1991-97
    Dec. 15, 2020

    Lemoyne, Serge - Sans titre - c.1991-97

    Est: $1,800 - $2,200

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre (c.1991-97) Description (FR): Émail et acrylique sur bois, non signée Certificat d'authentification par François Gauthier Description (EN): Enamel and acrylic on wood, unsigned Certificate of authenticity by François Gauthier Dimension (PO): 23 1/4" x 6" x 1" Dimension (CM): 59.05 x 15.24 x 2.54 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction - c.1997
    Oct. 13, 2020

    Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction - c.1997

    Est: $4,000 - $5,000

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Abstraction (c.1997) Description: Oil on wood panel, unsigned Authentication certificate by François Gauthier Dimension (PO): 21" x 10" Dimension (CM): 53.34 x 25.40 cm Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction - 1965
    Oct. 29, 2019

    Lemoyne, Serge - Abstraction - 1965

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Abstraction (1965) Acrylique sur papier, signée et datée sur l'étiquette au dos Lemoyne 65 Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on the sticker on the back Lemoyne 65 22 1/2" x 13" - 57.15 x 33.02 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge - No 7, Spores - 1965
    Oct. 29, 2019

    Lemoyne, Serge - No 7, Spores - 1965

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) No 7, Spores (1965) Acrylique sur papier, signée et datée sur l'étiquette au dos Lemoyne 65 Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on the sticker on the back Lemoyne 65 23" x 14" - 58.42 x 35.56 cm Léger écaillement de peinture

    Champagne Auctions
  • Serge Lemoyne, Série Rideau (doré, noir, bleu, blanc et rouge), 1982
    May. 26, 2019

    Serge Lemoyne, Série Rideau (doré, noir, bleu, blanc et rouge), 1982

    Est: $20,000 - $25,000

    Acrylic on canvasxAcrylique sur toile

    BYDealers Auction House
  • Serge Lemoyne, Sans titre/Untitled (série Bleu, blanc, rouge), 1975
    May. 26, 2019

    Serge Lemoyne, Sans titre/Untitled (série Bleu, blanc, rouge), 1975

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    Acrylic on canvasxAcrylique sur toile

    BYDealers Auction House
  • Serge Lemoyne, Les Étoiles (rouge), 1979
    May. 26, 2019

    Serge Lemoyne, Les Étoiles (rouge), 1979

    Est: $25,000 - $30,000

    Oil, enamel and acrylic on canvasxHuile, émail et acrylique sur toile

    BYDealers Auction House
  • Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre, série des constellations (1967)
    Oct. 17, 2018

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre, série des constellations (1967)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Acrylique sur papier, signé et daté en bas à droite Lemoyne 67 Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne 67 14" x 22"; 35.56 x 55.88 cm

    Champagne Auctions
  • Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre, série des constellations (1967)
    Oct. 17, 2018

    Lemoyne, Serge (1941-1998) Sans titre, série des constellations (1967)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Acrylique sur papier, signé et daté en bas à droite Lemoyne 67 Acrylic on paper, signed and dated on lower right Lemoyne 67 14" x 22"; 35.56 x 55.88 cm

    Champagne Auctions
  • LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)
    Jun. 17, 2014

    LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)"Bleu 2"From Hommage ? MatisseOil on wood panelTitled on a label and dates on the reverse:- 17 d?c 96- 31 d?c 96- 17 jan 9730.5x30.5cm - 12x12"

  • LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)
    Jun. 17, 2014

    LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    LEMOYNE, Serge (1941-1998)UntitledOil on masoniteSigned and dated on the reverse:Lemoyne Serge 6244x24cm - 17.25x9.5"

    Mar. 14, 2013


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE COSMOS, 1966, acrylic on board 14 ins x 14 ins; 35 cms x 35 cms

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (série Superposition)
    Mar. 29, 2012

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (série Superposition)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (série Superposition) 14 5/8 x 11 1/4 inches 37.1 x 28.6 centimeters Provenance:Galerie Orange, Montreal Private Collection, Sherbrooke Please note: this work is not stretched, as was intended by the artist. It is archivally hinged to a backing and framed.

  • SERGE LEMOYNE1941 - 1998
    Nov. 28, 2011

    SERGE LEMOYNE1941 - 1998

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    VERT, ORANGE, VERT signed and dated '82 lower right oil on canvas, unstretched 211.5 by 151.8 cm. 83¼ by 59¾ in.

  • SERGE LEMOYNE1941 - 1998
    Nov. 28, 2011

    SERGE LEMOYNE1941 - 1998

    Est: $12,000 - $15,000

    ROUGE, BLEU, ROUTE NO. 2 signed and dated 25-26 Dec. '76 on the stretcher oil on canvas, unframed 167.6 by 213.4 cm. 66 by 84 in.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Nov. 26, 2011

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (série des Écrans) 26 1/4 x 32 1/4 inches 66.7 x 81.9 centimeters Provenance:Galerie Orange, Montreal Private Collection, Sherbrooke Please note: this work is unframed.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on
    Nov. 26, 2011

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on wood Hommage à Matisse 12 x 11 3/4 inches 30.5 x 29.8 centimeters on verso dated Décembre 1996, 9 janvier 1997, 2 février 1997, 22 mars 1997 Provenance:Galerie Orange, Montreal Private Collection, Sherbrooke

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre
    Nov. 24, 2011

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre

    Est: $8,000 - $10,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre 41 1/2 x 60 inches 105.4 x 152.4 centimeters signed and dated 1982 Provenance:Acquired directly from the Artist by the present Private Collection, Montreal Serge Lemoyne was a pioneer in multi-disciplinary work in Quebec, and was later considered to be the province's first Pop artist. Lemoyne ignored artistic academia and instead asked the viewer to reflect on cultural, social and political events through his paintings, installations and public art. Incredibly passionate about his work, Lemoyne was committed to exposing his art to as many people as possible. During the period of 1969 to 1980, Lemoyne gained success with his popular Bleu-blanc-rouge series, which was limited to a strict palette of the colours of the flag of France and the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. He progressed into a wider palette of colours in the early 1980s, as seen here in the bold use of metallic gold that cascades into the saturated colours below. In the year 1982, Lemoyne was focused on simplistic yet striking compositions featuring triangles, rectangles and colour stripes. This piece is a reflection of his unyielding devotion to his craft and his enthusiasm for creating a discourse between artists and the general public.

  • SERGE LEMOYNE, SERIE DES CONSTELLATIONS, gouache, 12 1/4 ins x 15 ins; 30.6 cms x 37.5 cms
    May. 27, 2011

    SERGE LEMOYNE, SERIE DES CONSTELLATIONS, gouache, 12 1/4 ins x 15 ins; 30.6 cms x 37.5 cms

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE, SERIE DES CONSTELLATIONS, gouache; signed and dated /66. 12 1/4 ins x 15 ins; 30.6 cms x 37.5 cms.

  • SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998
    May. 26, 2011

    SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998 ROUGE, BLEU, ROUTE NO 2 1974 signed and dated Lemoyne '74 on the upper right panel on the reverse 121.9 by 228.6 cm. 48 by 90 in.

  • SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998
    Nov. 23, 2010

    SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998

    Est: $18,000 - $22,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE 1941 - 1998 POINTE D'ÉTOILE signed and dated on the stretcher on the reverse Lemoyne 20 Dec. '77; titled and dated 1977-78 and inscribed No. 5 on the stretcher and Serie e on a label on the reverse oil on canvas, framed as a triangle 134.6 by 276.9 cm. 53 by 109 in.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on
    Sep. 30, 2010

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on board From the Cosmos Series 25 3/4 x 18 inches 65.4 x 45.7 centimeters on verso signed and dated 1966 Provenance:Acquired directly from the Artist by the present Private Collection, Quebec Please note: this work is unframed. This work was intended by the artist to be viewed under an ultraviolet light, as the colours then become fluorescent.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on
    Nov. 28, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on paper Le no. 17 14 1/2 x 23 inches 36.8 x 58.4 centimeters signed, titled, editioned 31/40 and dated 1978 Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal Please note: this work is unframed.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Jun. 25, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (Maison series) 12 x 15 1/4 inches 30.5 x 38.7 centimeters on verso signed and dated 1986 Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal Please note: this work is unframed

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Jun. 17, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Maison II 30 x 36 inches 76.2 x 91.4 centimeters on verso signed, titled on a label and dated October 1989 Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal The theme of the house (maison) is significant in Serge Lemoyne's aeuvre. When Lemoyne, who was known as the enfant terrible of Quebec art, inherited the family home built in 1875 in Acton Vale, he was greatly inspired to use it for different artistic purposes. It was used as a workshop, a gallery and even as a canvas. The house went through different colourful phases of metamorphosis and became a work of art in progress known as "Maison - oeuvre d'art". The house also became a great inspiration for Lemoyne's painting series entitled Maison in which architectural elements converge into pure abstraction. This superb 1989 canvas is an outstanding example. Unfortunately, the municipality of Acton Vale opposed Lemoyne's experimental art house. After a several disputes in court that stretched over two years, Lemoyne passed away and the house was vandalized and sadly torn to pieces - only a few fragments survived. However, the essence of Lemoyne's process there survives in the paintings from the Maison series, such as Maison II, in their unique and powerful resonance.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian lithograph on
    May. 28, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian lithograph on

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian lithograph on paper Ko Samoui 30 x 22 inches 76.2 x 55.9 centimeters signed, titled, editioned 18/23 and dated 1981

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on
    May. 28, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian mixed media on board Cosmos 14 x 14 inches 35.6 x 35.6 centimeters on verso titled on a label, dated 1966 on a label and bears signature

    May. 26, 2009


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    SERGE LEMOYNE UNTITLED ABSTRACT, acrylic on board 24 ins x 24 ins; 60 cms x 60 cms

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Mar. 26, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Sans titre (série Superposition) 14 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches 37.5 x 29.8 centimeters Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal Exhibited:Galerie Simon Blais, Montreal, Hommage à Serge Lemoyne, 1999

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on
    Mar. 26, 2009

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian serigraph on paper Le masque 19 1/4 x 27 1/4 inches 48.9 x 69.2 centimeters signed, titled, editioned 14/35 and dated 1978 Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal This print depicts the famous Montreal Canadiens player Ken Dryden's mask and is part of Serge Lemoyne's groundbreaking Bleu-Blanc-Rouge series. The image is based on his superb painting entitled Dryden which is in the collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Nov. 19, 2008

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Bleu, blanc, rouge " 40 x 68 inches 101.6 x 172.7 centimeters on verso signed on the stretcher and titled on the gallery label Provenance:Galerie Orange, Montreal Private Collection, Toronto One of Canada's first Pop artists, Serge Lemoyne was a pioneer of performance and abstract art in Post-Automatist Quebec. Championing its democratisation, he was committed to making art in all its genres accessible to everyone. This dynamic painting, from the Bleu-blanc-rouge series, resolutely rejects the artistic establishment and is dedicated to pop culture symbolism. In this series, painted over ten years between 1969 to 1980, Lemoyne purposefully chose to work in only three colours: red, white and blue - the colours of the emblematic Montreal Canadiens hockey team. During this period, Lemoyne became obsessed with detail. Taking a camera with him everywhere he went, he took shots on the highest possible zoom. A result of these photos, this large-scale and ostensibly abstract canvas is an example of his most important work. Using dripping paint and culturally significant colours, Lemoyne was able to project his political and social convictions into his compositions. In Bleu, blanc, rouge, his candour and wit have transgressed the boundaries placed on art, providing a forum and discourse between the general public and artists of all genres.

  • Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on
    Nov. 19, 2008

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on

    Est: $12,000 - $15,000

    Serge Lemoyne 1941 - 1998 Canadian acrylic on canvas Bande dorée sur fond noir avec triangles bleu, blanc et rouge " 42 3/4 x 68 inches 108.6 x 172.7 centimeters on verso stamped with the estate stamp Provenance:Private Collection, Montreal The early 1980s were a transitory time for Serge Lemoyne. He had just ridden a wave of tumultuous success with his groundbreaking Blue-blanc-rouge series, and was the cause célèbre of the Canadian contemporary scene. During this period, Lemoyne had limited himself to a rigorous palette, choosing to work solely with the colours of the flag of France, and not co-incidentally, the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. Collectors and academics alike were eagerly awaiting Lemoyne's next move. In this work we find an extraordinary composition of both contemplation and statement. His inverted and abstracted triangulations of the past are now found in a large static pyramid, with an ominous black background giving way to an elevated swath of gold that acts as a horizon. Considered a member of Quebec's avant-garde, Lemoyne was a pioneer of performance art in Quebec in the 1960s. His importance was recognized in 1988 with a retrospective at the Musée du Québec.

    May. 28, 2008


    Est: -


    May. 28, 2008


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