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Leonardo da Vinci Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor

One of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci was known for inventions and engineering as much as his paintings and drawings. Although prints of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are widely collected, the body of his work is vast, including sketches like the Vitruvian Man. Born in 1452, da Vinci was fascinated by science and studied botany, aeronautics, and physics, creating outlines for many inventions, such as his bat-like flying machine.

Copies of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings have been for sale in many formats for hundreds of years, as collectors and scholars alike continue to be fascinated by his ingenuity and his understanding of engineering that was well ahead of his time. A true intersection between art and science, da Vinci's etchings, prints, and other works are a marvel in both the ancient and modern worlds. You can find original pencil drawings for sale at Invaluable, along with prints of some of the most iconic drawings and paintings ever created.

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  • Leonardo da Vinci.
    Feb. 12, 2025

    Leonardo da Vinci.

    Est: €80 - €120

    The Codex on the Flight of Birds. Edited by Augusto Marinoni. Foreword by Carlo Pedretti. New York, Johnson Reprint 1982. 4°. 89 S., 1 Bl. u. 18 Bl. Faksim. in hint. Deckeltasche. Oldr. in Schuber. - Faksim. des Ex. in der Royal Library Turin. - Neuwertiges Ex.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, (after) (1452 - 1519), Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist, decorative print after original, 65.5 x 48 cm. (25.7 x 18.9 in.), frame: 85 x 67 x 2 cm. (33.4 x 26.3 x 0.7 in.)
    Feb. 05, 2025

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, (after) (1452 - 1519), Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist, decorative print after original, 65.5 x 48 cm. (25.7 x 18.9 in.), frame: 85 x 67 x 2 cm. (33.4 x 26.3 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $300 - $500

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (after), (1452 - 1519) Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist decorative print after original

  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist, decorative print after original, 65.5 x 48 cm. (25.7 x 18.9 in.), frame: 85 x 67 x 2 cm. (33.4 x 26.3 x 0.7 in.)
    Jan. 08, 2025

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist, decorative print after original, 65.5 x 48 cm. (25.7 x 18.9 in.), frame: 85 x 67 x 2 cm. (33.4 x 26.3 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $300 - $500

    LEONARDO DA VINCI Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist decorative print after original

  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, (After) , giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)
    Jan. 08, 2025

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, (After) , giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $500 - $700

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (After) giclee print on canvas (ready to hang)

  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , Untitled, giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)
    Jan. 08, 2025

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , Untitled, giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $500 - $700

    LEONARDO DA VINCI After Untitled giclee print on canvas (ready to hang)

  • Leonardo Da Vinci “The Vitruvian Man" Print
    Dec. 29, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci “The Vitruvian Man" Print

    Est: -

    Art Measure: 24w x 36h Frame Measure: 25w x 37h Title: The Vitruvian Man In good condition with wear commensurate with age and no major damage to notate. A stunning print of Leonardo da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man, showcasing the artist's masterful depiction of human proportions andsymmetry. This iconic image blends art and science, making it a timeless addition to any collection or display.RH50839

    Monarch Auction and Estate Services
  • Leonardo da Vinci Trattato della pittura.
    Dec. 19, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci Trattato della pittura.

    Est: -

    Leonardo da Vinci. Trattato della pittura. Bologna, Istituto delle Scienze, 1786. In 2° (355 x 235 mm); xxiii, [1], 202, [2] pagine. Grande vignetta incisa al frontespizio, 19 tavole incise fuori testo, vignette nel testo (fioriture.) Legatura di poco posteriore i mezza pelle con angoli (dorso rifatto). Esemplare marginoso di questa seconda edizione stampata in Italia, famosa perché fu usata anche da Goethe!

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Leonardo da Vinci's codices from the BNE
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci's codices from the BNE

    Est: -

    LEONARDO DA VINCI CODICES.- Complete reproduction of Manuscripts 8936 (Codex Madrid II) and 8937 (Codex Madrid I) by Leonardo da Vinci kept in the National Library of Spain. Egeria, 2009. Limited edition. 2 vols. contained in original case. Minor 4th, full leather, ribs and gilding on the spine and gilded wheel on the plans. Includes 3 vols. of studies in separate case. These codices are the only work of the Renaissance genius kept in Spain, and were re-discovered in the archives of the National Library in 1964; they came to Spain by the hand of Pompeo Leoni, sculptor of Philip II. They are of great importance since they constitute almost 15% of Leonardo's notes referenced today. as well as for their quality and relevance of topics (they deal with mechanics, statics, geometry and construction of fortifications).

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • Leonardo De Vinci drawings at Windsor castle by Kenneth Clark hardback book. We combine shipping
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Leonardo De Vinci drawings at Windsor castle by Kenneth Clark hardback book. We combine shipping

    Est: £6 - £8

    Leonardo De Vinci drawings at Windsor castle by Kenneth Clark hardback book. We combine shipping on all lots. Single book £5.99 UK, £7.99 Europe, £9.99 ROW. We can ship a parcel up to 20kg which will take approx. 40 books in UK £12, EUROPE £39.99, ROW, £59.99

    Chaucer Auctions
  • LEONARDO. I manoscritti di Leonardo Da Vinci della Reale Biblioteca di Wind…
    Dec. 04, 2024

    LEONARDO. I manoscritti di Leonardo Da Vinci della Reale Biblioteca di Wind…

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    DA VINCI, Leonardo. I manoscritti di Leonardo Da Vinci della Reale Biblioteca di Windsor. Dell’Anatomia.Milano, Edizioni Iota, 1975 2 voll. In folio, 480x330 mm. Elegante legatura in piena pelle, fregio in oro al dorso con cinque nervature e al piatto anteriore. Sguardie damascate. Conservato all’interno di un cofanetto in cartonato. Vol. I, Fogli A: Pp. 246, [15]. 34 tavole riproducenti i manoscritti leonardeschi con velina contenente riproduzioni dei disegni anatomici presenti su ogni tavola. Vol. II, Fogli B: Pp. 369, [19]. 79 tavole riproducenti i manoscritti leonardeschi con velina contenente riproduzioni dei disegni anatomici presenti su ogni tavola. In totale 113 tavole a colori in formato originale. Testo in italiano e in francese. Ex Libris incollati nei contropiatti posteriori die volumi, con la dicitura ‘Esemplare riservato. N. 506”. Ottimo esemplare. Ristampa in fac-simile dei codici leonardeschi, i cosiddetti Fogli A e B della Biblioteca Reale di Windsor, incentrati sull’anatomia, pubblicati da Teodoro Sabachnikoff, trascritti e annotati da Giovanni Piumati con traduzione in lingua francese e preceduti da uno studio di Mathias-Duval.I volumi sono stati stampati su carta a mano tipo Old Paper della Cartiera Fedrigoni, mentre la legatura a mano in pelle intera è stata eseguita dai maestri legatori Fratelli Recalcati.Fëdor Vasil'evič Sabašnikov (1869 – 1927) è stato un letterato e mecenate russo. Presso l'Università di Bonn entrò in contatto con Giovanni Piumati, interessato allo studio dei codici di Leonardo da Vinci.Giovanni Piumati (1850 – 1915) è stato un intellettuale poliedrico che si è occupato per anni di studiare e trascrivere gli scritti di Leonardo da Vinci.Piumati potè approfondire gli studi sull’opera di Leonardo grazie al principe russo Théodore Sabachnikoff, suo allievo al Conservatorio di Colonia che diventò il suo mecenate. Così, nel 1889, Piumati abbandonò la cattedra universitaria e tornò in Italia, dove si dedicò a tempo pieno agli studi su Leonardo, che aveva già iniziato dal 1880 e che portò avanti fino al 1912 col sostegno di Sabachnikoff.Mathias-Marie Duval (1844 – 1907) è stato un anatomista e istologo francese.Il risultato è la pubblicazione del Codice dell’Anatomia che Sabachnikoff fece pubblicare nel 1898 a Parigi da Edoardo Rouveyre Editore (Fogli A) e nel 1901 a Torino da Roux e Viarengo Editori (Fogli B) e fedelmente riportati in questa pregiata edizione. Il presente esemplare è il n. 506.Quest’opera fu proposta nella ‘Mostra di libri di pregio’ in occasione del Convegno su Leonardo da Vinci organizzato dall’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 9 aprile 2019.

    Bado e Mart
  • Leonardo Da Vinci (after) - Vitruvian Man
    Nov. 24, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci (after) - Vitruvian Man

    Est: CHF195 - CHF295

    Leonardo Da Vinci (after) - Vitruvian Man Art Print, Size 36x28 cm Impression d'art, Dimensions 36x28 cm

    TGP Auction
    Nov. 10, 2024


    Est: $450 - $500

    The Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci. Published by McGraw-Hill, 1974. 5 volumes in slipcase. Very good condition. 1) Codex Madrid I. Original Spanish title: Tratado de estática y mecánica en italiano. 2) Codex Madrid II. Original Spanish title: Tratados varios de fortificación, estática y geometría escritos en italiano. 3) Commentary by Reti. 4) Transcription and translation of Codex Madrid I, by Reti. 5) Transcription and translation of Codex Madrid II by Reti. Colour facsimile of the handwritten journal.

    Sydney Rare Book Auctions
  • Leonardo Da Vinci Oversized Leather Bound Book
    Nov. 03, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci Oversized Leather Bound Book

    Est: $300 - $500

    "I Disegni Di Leonardo Da Vinci E Della Sua Cerchia", Giunti, Tavole, 1990, numbered #247. The book comes in a large and elaborate case and comes with 3 sets of plates, the plates do not appear to have been opened.

    Clarke Auction Gallery
  • Leonardo da Vinci Drawing on antique handmade paper signed
    Oct. 13, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci Drawing on antique handmade paper signed

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Leonardo da Vinci , Drawing atributted handmade and hand signed. Measurements: 29 cm x 21 cm, Framed .Without documentation

  • Leonardo da Vinci, Trattato della pittura. Milano: dalla Societa tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1804.
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci, Trattato della pittura. Milano: dalla Societa tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1804.

    Est: €50 - €100

    In-8° (mm 221x140). Con un ritratto calcografico dell'Autore in antiporta e moltissime tavole fuori testo. Fioriture, altrimenti buona copia in barbe. Legatura in mezza pelle, con piatti in carta decorata e titoli su tassello al dorso (completamente staccato, ma presente). Collazione disponibile su richiesta. (1)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)
    Oct. 07, 2024

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $500 - $700

    LEONARDO DA VINCI After giclee print on canvas (ready to hang)

  • LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , Untitled, giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)
    Oct. 07, 2024

    LEONARDO DA VINCI, After , Untitled, giclee print on canvas (ready to hang), 100 x 70 x 2 cm. (39.3 x 27.5 x 0.7 in.)

    Est: $500 - $700

    LEONARDO DA VINCI After Untitled giclee print on canvas (ready to hang)

    Oct. 04, 2024


    Est: €30 - €60

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519) - DOIS LIVROS "Pintura Completa" e "Desenhos e Esboços" por Frank Zollner. Esta obra que se divide em dois volumes apresenta com todo o detalhe, a maior pesquisa alguma vez realizada, sobre as suas principais obras primas. Profusamente ilustrados. Editor Taschen.

    Corte Real, Leiloeira
  • Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper - 1998 Offset Lithograph 16" x 20"
    Oct. 01, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper - 1998 Offset Lithograph 16" x 20"

    Est: $50 - $75

    "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1998 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 16 x 20 inches, with an image size of 9.5 x 15 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," completed in 1498, is a masterpiece of Renaissance art and one of the most iconic and widely recognized paintings in the world. The mural depicts the dramatic moment described in the New Testament where Jesus announces that one of his disciples will betray him during their final meal together before his crucifixion. Da Vinci's composition is rich with symbolism and emotion, as he captures the reactions of the disciples to Jesus' revelation, each displaying distinct expressions and gestures that convey their shock, disbelief, and anguish. Through meticulous attention to detail and innovative techniques, such as his use of linear perspective and naturalistic lighting, da Vinci creates a sense of depth and realism that draws viewers into the scene, allowing them to witness the profound significance of this pivotal moment in Christian history.

    DUMBO Auctions
    Sep. 27, 2024


    Est: €200 - €400

    A cura di F. M. Caleca. Realizzato dalla Stamperia Valdonega, Ars Edizioni d'Arte. Pp. 349, 72 tavv. in facsimile con velina. Legatura a mano, in finta pelle. 5 nervi, impressioni in oro zecchino. Cofano. Es. n. 565/999.

    DAMS Casa d'Aste
  • Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) 1 oz .999 Silver Medal / Token
    Sep. 25, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) 1 oz .999 Silver Medal / Token

    Est: $1 - $5,000

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) 1 oz .999 Silver Medal / Token

    Richard L. Edwards Auctioneer
  • Leonardo Da Vinci Madrid Codices
    Aug. 25, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci Madrid Codices

    Est: $900 - $1,000

    The Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci. Published by McGraw-Hill, 1974. 5 volumes in slipcase. Very good condition. 1) Codex Madrid I. Original Spanish title: Tratado de est tica y mec nica en italiano. 2) Codex Madrid II. Original Spanish title: Tratados varios de fortificaci¢n, est tica y geometr¡a escritos en italiano. 3) Commentary by Reti. 4) Transcription and translation of Codex Madrid I, by Reti. 5) Transcription and translation of Codex Madrid II by Reti. Colour facsimile of the handwritten journal.

    Sydney Rare Book Auctions
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
    Aug. 01, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Est: $10 - $1,000

    By: Kenneth Clark - Published By: Penguin Books - Copyright: 1939 - Paperback Dimensions: 9 5/8" X 7 1/2" See Photos

    Berner's Auction Gallery
    Jul. 17, 2024


    Est: €100 - €200

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452 - 1519) Leonardo da Vinci - The design of the world 2015 Illustrated monografic catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition held at Palazzo Reale, Milan (April 16th - July 19th, 2015) 31 x 24,5 cm Edition Skira Pages 613 Defects

  • After Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519). A Half-portrait of Considerable Age after Da Vinci's 'Portrait of a Woman (La Belle Ferroniere)'. The Original Currently housed in the Louvre Museum. Oil on Canvas, Size incl. frame, Height: 63cm Width: 53cm.
    Jul. 13, 2024

    After Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519). A Half-portrait of Considerable Age after Da Vinci's 'Portrait of a Woman (La Belle Ferroniere)'. The Original Currently housed in the Louvre Museum. Oil on Canvas, Size incl. frame, Height: 63cm Width: 53cm.

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    After Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519). A Half-portrait of Considerable Age after Da Vinci's 'Portrait of a Woman (La Belle Ferroniere)'. The Original Currently housed in the Louvre Museum. Oil on Canvas, Size incl. frame, Height: 63cm Width: 53cm. This lot can be shipped at the buyers risk, insurance isn't available on this lot.

    Potteries Auctions
  • Please note: the original on which this drawing is based is not in fact lost as previously thought. It was recorded in the catalogue ‘Leonardo da Vinci: Master Draftsman’, Metropolitan Museum, p. 454,
    Jul. 09, 2024

    Please note: the original on which this drawing is based is not in fact lost as previously thought. It was recorded in the catalogue ‘Leonardo da Vinci: Master Draftsman’, Metropolitan Museum, p. 454,

    Est: £400 - £600

    Please note: the original on which this drawing is based is not in fact lost as previously thought. It was recorded in the catalogue ‘Leonardo da Vinci: Master Draftsman’, Metropolitan Museum, p. 454, no. 70 (illustrated) After Leonardo da Vinci,  Italian 1452-1519-  Grotesque portrait of a woman in profile;  pen and brown ink on laid paper, inscribed 'Leonardo da Vinci' (lower left), 8.4 x 6 cm. (unframed).  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The original version of this sketch no longer survives, but it is known from many other copies, including a sheet of copies in the Royal Collection [RCIN 912493], and in the Spencer Album in the New York Public Library. 

  • Leonardo: Five Grotesque Heads Framed Print – Rare Art Print By Da Vinci
    Jun. 26, 2024

    Leonardo: Five Grotesque Heads Framed Print – Rare Art Print By Da Vinci

    Est: -

    Framed Artwork - Five Grotesque Heads. Leonardo Da Vinci Reproduction In A Gold Speckled Frame. Captivating, Expressive Sketches That Will Elevate Any Art Collection. Pickup on Thursday, Jun 27, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm All items are sold as-is. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. The pickup address will be released on your invoice. Invoices are sent after the entire auction has ended. Be sure to bring boxes and packing material to pickup. If you purchase a large item, be sure to bring moving help. Shipping is NOT AVAILABLE. Items not picked up by the pickup deadline will be forfeited and you will still be charged. Items cannot be held after the pickup date. Items not picked up will be automatically charged to the card on file.

    Aether Auctions
    Jun. 18, 2024


    Est: $450 - $650

    Artist: Leonardo da Vinci, After, Italian (1452 - 1519) Title: Standing Man Year: of Original: 1651 Medium: Etching Size: 5 x 3 in. (12.7 x 7.62 cm) Frame Size: 24 x 22 in. (60.96 x 55.88 cm)

  • Leonard DE VINCI - Isabelle d'Este
    Jun. 16, 2024

    Leonard DE VINCI - Isabelle d'Este

    Est: CHF150 - CHF200

    This description has been translated automatically: Leonardo DA VINCI (1452-1519) Isabelle d'Este Lithograph enhanced with stencil (Jacomet workshop) Unsigned On vellum 48.5 x 38 cm INFORMATION: Authenticated by the dry stamp of the publisher Daniel Jacomet. Excellent condition We can provide shipping quote and service under demand ORIGINAL CONTENT : Leonard DE VINCI (1452-1519) Isabelle d'Este Lithographie rehaussée au pochoir (atelier Jacomet) Non signée Sur vélin 48.5 x 38 cm INFORMATION : Authentifiée par le cachet sec de l'éditeur Daniel Jacomet. Excellent état Sur simple demande, nous pouvons fournir un devis d'expédition et vous envoyer vos acquisitions de façon sécurisée.

    TGP Auction
  • 18th Century Italian School Follower of Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452-1519), MONA LISA
    Jun. 13, 2024

    18th Century Italian School Follower of Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452-1519), MONA LISA

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    18th Century Italian School Follower of Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452-1519) MONA LISA oil on linen laid down on board, unsigned Estimate: $1,000—1,500 CAD

  • Leonardo Da Vinci Bombarda Cannon Model
    Jun. 09, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci Bombarda Cannon Model

    Est: $150 - $200

    8 7/8" by 7 1/2" by 7".

    Davis Brothers Auction
  • Leonardo Da Vinci "The Virgin of the Rocks, 1480-1508" Painting
    May. 26, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci "The Virgin of the Rocks, 1480-1508" Painting

    Est: $200 - $400

    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian Renaissance polymath, renowned for his extraordinary achievements in vario fields including art, science, anatomy, engineering, and more. Born in Vinci, Italy, his insatiable curiosity and unparalleled intellect made him one of the most influential figures in human history.Leonardo's artistry is perhaps best epitomized by his iconic paintings, including the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper." He revolutionized the techniques of sfumato and chiaroscuro, bringing a lifelike quality to his subjects through the subtle blending of colors and the mastery of light and shadow.However, his talents extended far beyond art. Leonardo was a brilliant scientist, anatomist, and inventor. He filled notebooks with detailed sketches, observations, and inventions that were centuries ahead of his time. His studies of anatomy provided insights that significantly advanced our understanding of the human body.Among his many achievements were designs for flying machines, submarines, and vario engineering feats. His fascination with the natural world led to pioneering work in botany, geology, and paleontology.Leonardo's legacy is defined by his ability to seamlessly bridge the realms of art and science. His curiosity knew no bounds, and he continuoly sought to unravel the mysteries of the universe. His diverse contributions continue to inspire generations of artists, scientists, and thinkers, and his name remains synonymo with the Renaissance spirit of innovation and creativity. Measures 20 x 24 (image), 32 x 28 (framed). Sold "after" Da Vinci. Oil on canvas.

    Morgan Auctions
  • Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper - 1998 Offset Lithograph 16" x 20"
    May. 14, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper - 1998 Offset Lithograph 16" x 20"

    Est: $50 - $75

    "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1998 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 16 x 20 inches, with an image size of 9.5 x 15 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," completed in 1498, is a masterpiece of Renaissance art and one of the most iconic and widely recognized paintings in the world. The mural depicts the dramatic moment described in the New Testament where Jesus announces that one of his disciples will betray him during their final meal together before his crucifixion. Da Vinci's composition is rich with symbolism and emotion, as he captures the reactions of the disciples to Jesus' revelation, each displaying distinct expressions and gestures that convey their shock, disbelief, and anguish. Through meticulous attention to detail and innovative techniques, such as his use of linear perspective and naturalistic lighting, da Vinci creates a sense of depth and realism that draws viewers into the scene, allowing them to witness the profound significance of this pivotal moment in Christian history.

    DUMBO Auctions
  • Leonardo's Notebooks (Da Vinci)
    Apr. 26, 2024

    Leonardo's Notebooks (Da Vinci)

    Est: $20 - $40

    Leonardo's Notebooks (Da Vinci)

    Apr. 23, 2024


    Est: CHF190 - CHF290

    The Virgin of the Rocks (detail of Saint John the Baptist) c.1508, Impression d'art, Papier numérique de conservation Matt 250g/m2, Dimensions 60x44cm The Virgin of the Rocks (detail of Saint John the Baptist) c.1508, Art Print, Matt 250gsm conservation digital paper, Size 60x44cm

    TGP Auction
    Apr. 23, 2024


    Est: CHF190 - CHF290

    Mona Lisa, c.1503, Impression d'art, Papier numérique de conservation Matt 250g/m2, Dimensions 60x44cm Mona Lisa, c.1503, Art Print, Matt 250gsm conservation digital paper, Size 60x44cm

    TGP Auction
    Apr. 23, 2024


    Est: CHF190 - CHF290

    Vitruvian Man, Impression d'art, Dimensions 36x28 cm Vitruvian Man, Art Print, Size 36x28 cm

    TGP Auction
  • Leonardo da Vinci Drawing on antique handmade paper signed
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci Drawing on antique handmade paper signed

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Leonardo da Vinci , Drawing atributted handmade and hand signed. Measurements: 29 cm x 21 cm, Framed .Without documentation

  • Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Medaglia coniata 1939 Minister…
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Medaglia coniata 1939 Minister…

    Est: -

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Medaglia coniata 1939 Ministero delle Finanze, Mostra di Leonardo e delle Invenzioni Italiane - Opus: A. Motti, Roma AG (g. 100 - Ø 60 mm) RRR Z coronata. Colpetti al bordo.

    Nomisma S.p.a
  • Leonardo De Vinci - Deformed Heads, By Wenceslaus Hollar
    Apr. 18, 2024

    Leonardo De Vinci - Deformed Heads, By Wenceslaus Hollar

    Est: €380 - €460

    The Leonardo da Vinci studies of deformed heads are famous. Here an old couple with deformed faces facing each other, the man at left with protruding chin and few teeth, wearing a cap, the woman at right with deformed mouth, her hair pleated and gathered in a ponytail. Etching after Leonardo da Vinci. Signed bottom middle 'Leonardo da Vinci invenit.' From a rare series previously attributed to Wenceslaus Hollar, but the attribution was rejected by Pennington and New Hollstein. See New Hollstein (Hollar) R118-122 for the series of deformed heads, about which little is known. They are very very close in technique and execution to the series etched by Wenceslaus Hollar Varie Figuræ et Probæ (New Hollstein, Hollar 737-750) but seem to differ when focusing more close by on the line style. These are not copies, no original by Hollar is known for this pair of figures. Rare.

    Old Master Print
  • Leonardo Da Vinci - Mona Lisa - Offset Lithograph 54" x 38.75"
    Mar. 19, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci - Mona Lisa - Offset Lithograph 54" x 38.75"

    Est: $300 - $400

    "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo Da Vinci, Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 54 x 38.75 inches, with an image size of 54 x 38.75 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Very large format poster published by the Louvre. Printed in France, Copyright R.M.N Paris, 1989 on verso.

    DUMBO Auctions
    Feb. 24, 2024


    Est: $250 - $350

    Artist: Leonardo da Vinci, After, Italian (1452 - 1519) Title: Knoedler Gallery Exhibition Year: 1979 Medium: Poster Size: 34 x 22 in. (86.36 x 55.88 cm) Description: This poster was created for Knoedler Gallery's Italian Rennaisance exhibition in 1979. This poster portrays the painting "Madonna Benois" by Leonardo Davinci.

  • Leonardo da Vinci.
    Feb. 14, 2024

    Leonardo da Vinci.

    Est: €120 - €180

    The Codex on the Flight of Birds. Edited by Augusto Marinoni. Foreword by Carlo Pedretti. New York, Johnson Reprint 1982. 4°. 89 S., 1 Bl. u. 18 Bl. Faksim. (in hint. Deckeltasche). Oldr. in Schuber. - Faksim. des Ex. in der Royal Library Turin. - Neuwertiges Ex.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Jan. 30, 2024


    Est: $350,000 - $500,000

    CIRCLE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI (NEAR VINCI, 1452-1519, AMBOISE), NORTHERN ITALY, TROTTING HORSE bronze 6 ¼ in. (16 cm.) high; 7 1⁄8 in. (18.1 cm.) long, the bronze

  • Leonardo Da Vinci Vitruvian Man Wall Sculpture
    Jan. 13, 2024

    Leonardo Da Vinci Vitruvian Man Wall Sculpture

    Est: $6 - $1,000

    This is an Awesome Rendition from the Original Works of Leonardo Da Vinci is Highly Detailed. It was Cast in a high-quality designer resin with bas-relief work finished in antique stone and set atop a black mount. It Measures Approximately 16 Inches High by 14 Inches Wide and Weighs Between 8 and 9 Pounds. It has never been on Display. This was Consigned to us by a Store that was supposed to open the year the pandemic hit and never did. It has been sitting in a climate-controlled storage facility for 2 years along with many other things we will be featuring in our upcoming Auctions.

    South Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services
  • Leonardo da Vinci Trattato della pittura.
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Leonardo da Vinci Trattato della pittura.

    Est: €520 - €600

    Leonardo da Vinci. Trattato della pittura. Bologna, Istituto delle Scienze, 1786. In 2° (367 x 235 mm); xxiii, [1], 202, [2] pagine. Grande vignetta incisa al frontespizio, 19 tavole incise fuori testo, vignette nel testo (qualche fioritura e brunitura, tavole leggermente più corte.) Legatura coeva in mezza bazzana con fregi e titolo in oro su tassello al dorso, tagli rossi (difetti e mancanze alle cuffie). Esemplare parzialmente in barbe di questa seconda edizione stampata in Italia, famosa perché fu usata anche da Goethe!

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Leonardo da Vinci.
    Dec. 12, 2023

    Leonardo da Vinci.

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Atlas der anatomischen Studien in der Sammlung ihrer Majestät Queen Elizabeth II in Windsor Castle. 3 Bände (2 Textbände u. Tafelband). Gütersloh, Prisma Verlag 1980. Imperial-Folio (48 x 33 cm.). 474 S.; 1032 S. mit 797 Abb.; 400 farb. Lichtdruck-Tafeln. Dunkelblaue OHldr. mit goldgepr. Rückentiteln u. Goldschnitt sowie dunkelblaue OHldr.-Buchkassette. Eines von 300 num. Exemplaren. - Oppulent ausgestattete Prachtpublikation. - Mit ausführlichen Kommentaren von Kenneth D. Keele und Carlo Pedretti. - Einbände mit leichten Gebrauchssp., sehr gutes Exemplar.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Nov. 24, 2023


    Est: $550 - $650

    Artist: Leonardo da Vinci, After, Italian (1452 - 1519) Title: Standing Man Year: of Original: 1651 Medium: Etching Size: 5 x 3 in. (12.7 x 7.62 cm) Frame Size: 24 x 22 in. (60.96 x 55.88 cm)

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Auction Houses Selling Works by Leonardo da Vinci