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Basile Loose Sold at Auction Prices

Genre Painter, Portrait painter

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      • Tableaux DE LOOSE Basile (1809 - 1885)
        Sep. 10, 2024

        Tableaux DE LOOSE Basile (1809 - 1885)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Huile sur toile "Portrait d'une dame de qualité accompagnée de sa fille". Signé en bas à gauche B. de Loose et daté 1841. Ecole belge. Dim.:+/-118x99,5cm.

      • BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886)
        Jun. 19, 2024

        BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886)

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        Grandparents visiting. Oil on panel (mahogany). Provenance: Private collection, Antwerp Description FR Visite des grands-parents. Huile sur panneau (acajou). Provenance: Collection privée, Anvers Beschrijving NL Grootouders op bezoek. Olie op paneel (mahonie). Herkomst: Privé-verzameling, Antwerpen

        Bernaerts Auctioneers
        Mar. 28, 2024


        Est: €500 - €1,000

        Work: 58,5 x 47,5 cm Frame: 71,5 x 61 cm

        Coronari Auctions
        Mar. 22, 2024


        Est: CHF70,000 - CHF90,000

        BASILE DE LOOSE (Zeele 1809–1885 Brussels) Ten everyday scenes from 19th century Belgium. The group of works presented here by the Flemish painter Basile de Loose from the Rademakers Collection comprises ten genre scenes that provide an outstanding insight into 19th century Belgian interior painting. All manner of scenes from bourgeois life are depicted here. In paintings such as ‘The Peep Box’ or ‘The Firstborn’, de Loose presents with great sensitivity such moments of domestic felicity in the lives of ordinary people through his depiction of the great and small pleasures of human existence. De Loose anchors this scenes of peaceful family life in his own time by depicting the figures in the style of the 19th century, but at the same time refers to 17th century models through the birdcage and the portrait on the wall in the background, as well as the wooden beamed ceiling. In fact, these references to 17th century genre painting, which reached its zenith at the time with such artists as David Teniers (1610–1690), Adriaen Brouwer (1605–1638) and Jan Vermeer (1632–1675), are among the main elements of the paintings by Basile de Loose on offer here. In the painting ‘The Lacemaker’s Pattern Book’, we see another recurring feature in de Loose's paintings, which is in the tradition of 17th century interior painting: the view of the room through an open door. In addition, the production of lace, of which Bruges, where de Loose worked, was one of the centres, is a frequent subject in his oeuvre. The painting ‘A Visit to the Lacemaker’, for example, shows us a high-ranking lady with her daughter visiting the sparsely furnished rooms of a lace workshop and critically examining a lace border. The clothing of the people depicted and the poorly furnished room emphasise the differences in status of the protagonists, without de Loose, himself of noble birth, taking sides. What is also interesting about this painting and typical of de Loose, is that the main elements of his pictures are repeated, as can be seen with the rococo furniture that serves as the lace-making table in both ‘A Visit to the Lacemaker’ and ‘The Lacemaker’s Pattern Book’. Subtle humour also plays a recurring role in de Loose's genre painting, as can be clearly seen in the paintings ‘The Card Players’ and ‘The Old Lothario’. Seen as a whole, the ten paintings by Basile de Loose offered here for sale clearly demonstrate the homogeneity of this Belgian artist's genre painting through distinctive pictorial elements, motifs and narratives. De Loose succeeds in shedding new light on Flemish genre painting of the 19th century by skilfully taking up the traditions of this pictorial genre, which originated in the 17th century, developing them further and leading them to a new aesthetic. With his paintings, de Loose created his very own variant of the Biedermeier, which is unique in 19th century genre painting in the Belgian-Dutch region. Provenance: Rademakers Collection. Exhibited: Luxemburg 2014, Musée national d'histoire at d'art, Eine Romantische Reise. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Rademakers, 3.4.–14.9.2014. Literature: Maison d'édition Lecturis (ed.): Eine Romantische Reise. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Rademakers. Eindhoven 2014, pp. 195–206. 1. The Peep Box. 1836. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower right: B. DE LOOSE. F 1836. 46.2 × 38.8 cm. 2. Ash Wednesday. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: B. De Loose. 22.1 × 24.5 cm. 3. The Happy Family. 1856. Oil on canvas. Signed, inscribed and dated lower centre: B de Loose Bruxelles. 1856. 85 × 70.5 cm. 4. The Firstborn. 1844. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower left: B. DE LOOSE. 1844. 58.8 × 72.2 cm. 5. The Music Lesson. 1854. Oil on panel. Signed, inscribed and dated upper right: B. de Loose BRUXELLES. 1854. 34.5 × 27.2 cm. 6. The Card Players. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right: B De Loose. 77 × 91 cm. 7. A Visit to the Lacemaker. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: B. DE LOOSE. 58.2 × 77.8 cm. 8. The Old Lothario. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: B. De Loose f. 32.8 × 26 cm. 9. Making Waffles. 1853. Oil on canvas. Signed, inscribed and dated lower right: B. DE LOOSE. BRUXELLES. 1853. 83 × 71 cm. 10. The Lacemaker’s Pattern Book. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right: B. DE LOOSE. 57.4 × 45.4 cm. --------------- BASILE DE LOOSE (Zeele 1809–1885 Brüssel) 10 Alltagsszenen aus dem Belgien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Der hier zur Auktion kommende Werkkorpus des flämischen Malers Basile de Loose aus der Sammlung Rademakers umfasst zehn Genreszenen, die auf hervorragende Weise die belgische Interieurmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts widerspiegeln. Gezeigt werden allerlei Szenen des bürgerlichen Lebens. So skizziert uns de Loose in Gemälden wie "Der Guckkasten" oder "Der Erstgeborene" durch seine Darstellungen der kleineren und grösseren Freuden des menschlichen Daseins auf einfühlsame Weise ein häusliches Glück im Leben des einfachen Volkes. Diese Szenen des friedlichen Familienlebens verankert de Loose durch die Darstellungsweise der Figuren im Stile des 19. Jahrhunderts in seine Zeit, verweist gleichzeitig jedoch durch den Vogelkäfig und das Porträt an der Wand im Hintergrund sowie durch die Holzbalkendecke auf Vorbilder aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Tatsächlich sind diese Verweise auf die Genremalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts, die zu jener Zeit durch Vertreter wie David Teniers (1610–1690), Adriaen Brouwer (1605–1638) oder Jan Vermeer (1632–1675) zu ihrem Höhepunkt gelangte, eines der Hauptelemente der hier angebotenen Gemälde von Basile de Loose. Im Gemälde "Das Musterheft der Spitzenklöpplerin" kommt ein weiterer, in den Gemälden de Looses wiederkehrender Aspekt, der in der Tradition der Interieurmalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts steht, deutlich zur Geltung: der Raumdurchblick durch eine offene Türe. Zudem ist auch die Spitzenherstellung, die unter anderem in de Looses Wirkungsstätte Brügge ihr Zentrum hatte, ein häufiges Sujet in seinem Œuvre. So zeigt uns das Gemälde "Besuch im Klöppelatelier" den Besuch einer Dame von hohem Stand, die gemeinsam mit ihrer Tochter das karg eingerichtete Atelier einer Klöppelwerkstatt besucht und kritisch eine Spitzenborte beäugt. Durch die Kleidung der dargestellten Personen und den ärmlich eingerichteten Raum werden die Standesunterschiede der gezeigten Protagonisten deutlich, ohne dass de Loose, selbst von adeligem Geschlecht, Partei für die eine oder andere Seite ergreift. Interessant bei diesem Gemälde und typisch für de Loose ist auch, dass sich Hauptelemente seiner Bilder wiederholen, erkennbar an dem Rokokomöbel, welches sowohl in "Besuch im Klöppelatelier" als auch in "Das Musterheft der Spitzenklöpplerin" als Klöppeltisch dient. Auch subtiler Humor spielt in de Looses Genremalerei eine wichtige Rolle, wie in den Gemälden "Die Kartenspieler" und "Der alte Schürzenjäger" gut zu erkennen ist. In der Gesamtheit der zehn Gemälde von Basile de Loose, die hier zum Verkauf angeboten werden, zeigt sich deutlich, wie homogen die Genremalerei des Belgiers durch charakteristische Bildelemente, Motive und Botschaften ist. De Loose gelingt es, die flämische Genremalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts in ein neues Licht zu rücken, indem er gekonnt die, dem 17. Jahrhundert entstammenden Traditionen dieser Bildgattung aufgreift, weiterentwickelt und zu einer neuen Ästhetik führt. Durch seine Gemälde schafft de Loose eine ganz eigene Variante des Biedermeier, die in der Genremalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts im belgisch-niederländischen Raum einzigartig ist. Provenienz: Sammlung Rademakers. Ausstellung: Luxemburg 2014, Musée national d'histoire at d'art, Eine Romantische Reise. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Rademakers, 3.4.–14.9.2014. Literatur: Maison d'édition Lecturis (Hrsg.): Eine Romantische Reise. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Rademakers. Eindhoven 2014, S. 195–206. 1. Der Guckkasten. 1836. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: B. DE LOOSE. F 1836. 46,2 × 38,8 cm. 2. Aschermittwoch. Öl auf Holz. Unten rechts signiert: B. De Loose. 22,1 × 24,5 cm. 3. Die glückliche Familie. 1856. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten mittig signiert, bezeichnet und datiert: B de Loose Bruxelles. 1856. 85 × 70,5 cm. 4. Der Erstgeborene. 1844. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten links signiert und datiert: B. DE LOOSE. 1844. 58,8 × 72,2 cm. 5. Die Musikstunde. 1854. Öl auf Holz. Oben rechts signiert, bezeichnet und datiert: B. de Loose BRUXELLES. 1854. 34,5 × 27,2 cm. 6. Die Kartenspieler. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts signiert: B De Loose. 77 × 91 cm. 7. Besuch im Klöppelatelier. Öl auf Holz. Unten rechts signiert: B. DE LOOSE. 58,2 × 77,8 cm. 8. Der alte Schürzenjäger. Öl auf Holz. Unten rechts signiert: B. De Loose f. 32,8 × 26 cm. 9. Waffeln backen. 1853. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts signiert, bezeichnet und datiert: B. DE LOOSE. BRUXELLES. 1853. 83 × 71 cm. 10. Das Musterheft für Spitzenklöpplerinnen. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts signiert: B. DE LOOSE. 57,4 × 45,4 cm. ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Oil on Canvas B,De Loose (1809-1885) 19th Century
        Mar. 18, 2024

        Oil on Canvas B,De Loose (1809-1885) 19th Century

        Est: €250 - €300

        Oil on Canvas B,De Loose 19th century (1809 - 1885) Dim: Canvas 17,5 x 15 cm Framed 30,5 x 28 cm.

        Auctions & Collections
      • Basile DE LOOSE [1809-1885]
        Aug. 08, 2023

        Basile DE LOOSE [1809-1885]

        Est: €300 - €500

        Painting oil on mahogany panel signed Basile DE LOOSE [1809-1885] "Mother with children in interior" dim. 50 x 38 cm. with frame 66 x 54 cm.

        Cnock Auctions
      • Basile De Loose: painting (o/p) 'the teacher' (58x…
        Jun. 06, 2023

        Basile De Loose: painting (o/p) 'the teacher' (58x…

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Basile De Loose: painting (o/p) 'the teacher' (58x78cm) (*)

        Veilinghuis Loeckx
      • Basile de Loose. Belgian. Large lively interior school classroom genre scene. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed and dated lower left. 1865. Craquelure. Tear lower right. Sight: 27.25 x 32in. Overall: 41.25 x 46in.
        Apr. 30, 2023

        Basile de Loose. Belgian. Large lively interior school classroom genre scene. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed and dated lower left. 1865. Craquelure. Tear lower right. Sight: 27.25 x 32in. Overall: 41.25 x 46in.

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        Basile de Loose. Belgian. Large lively interior school classroom genre scene. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed and dated lower left. 1865. Craquelure. Tear lower right. Sight: 27.25 x 32in. Overall: 41.25 x 46in.

        Tremont Auctions
      • Basile de Loose (1809-1885)
        Nov. 26, 2022

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885)

        Est: €400 - €600

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885) Portrait Jean Jozef de Loose, oil on canvas, signed. Portret Jean Jozef de Loose, olie op doek, getekend.

        Maison Jules Veilinghuis
      • De Loose Basile - Landscape painter in his studio (1839)
        Oct. 22, 2022

        De Loose Basile - Landscape painter in his studio (1839)

        Est: €3,600 - €5,500

        Oil on panel - Sig. "B. De Loose 1893" - Exhibition labels on the reverse

        De Vuyst
      • De Loose Basile - Winter fun (1885)
        Mar. 12, 2022

        De Loose Basile - Winter fun (1885)

        Est: €7,000 - €10,000

        Oil on canvas - Sig. - Exhibition label on the reverse

        De Vuyst
      • Basile de LOOSE (?), 1809 - Bruxelles, 1885 "La nourrice russe" Huile sur toile (Toile d'origine),
        Feb. 22, 2022

        Basile de LOOSE (?), 1809 - Bruxelles, 1885 "La nourrice russe" Huile sur toile (Toile d'origine),

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Basile de LOOSE (?), 1809 - Bruxelles, 1885 "La nourrice russe" Huile sur toile (Toile d'origine), titrée, signée et datée 'NOURRICE RUSSE. / PAR B. DELOOSE. 1882.' en bas à droite h: 91,50 w: 76 cm Estimation 3 000 - 4 000 €

      • Basile de Loose (Belgian, 1809–1885), , Venetian Boating Party
        Feb. 25, 2021

        Basile de Loose (Belgian, 1809–1885), , Venetian Boating Party

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Basile de Loose (Belgian, 1809–1885) Venetian Boating Party Signed 'B de LOOSE' on tree trunk bottom right, oil on canvas 28 1/4 x 39 1/2 in. (71.8 x 100.3cm) provenance: Collection of Dr. Morris V. Shelanski, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

        Freeman's | Hindman
      • BASILE DE LOOSE (BELGIAN 1809-1885)
        May. 18, 2019

        BASILE DE LOOSE (BELGIAN 1809-1885)

        Est: $2,200 - $2,700

        BASILE DE LOOSE (BELGIAN 1809-1885) The Revolutionary, oil on canvas 56 x 47.5 cm (22 x 18 3/4 in.) signed lower right PROVENANCE Doyle, New York, New York, January 30, 2019, lot 92

        Shapiro Auctions LLC
      • Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 The Revolutionary
        Jan. 30, 2019

        Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 The Revolutionary

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 The Revolutionary Signed B. De Loose (lr) Oil on canvas 18 3/4 x 22 inches (47.7 x 56 cm) Here a gathering of French citizens examines a sheet of royalist propaganda featuring an equestrian portrait of Louis XVI, among them a cavalry officer raising his fist in outrage. He wears the uniform of the Hussards de la Mort (Death Hussars), a squadron of volunteer cavalry created by the French National Assembly in June 1792 in response to threats of an allied foreign invasion to depose the Revolutionary government. Composed of young men able to provide their own uniforms and military equipment, the Hussars were supplied with horses from the royal stables and placed under the command of General Francois Kellerman. They fought with distinction in the Battle of Valmy (September 20, 1792), the first military victory of revolutionary France. C 

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
        Sep. 28, 2018


        Est: CHF7,000 - CHF10,000

        LOOSE, BASILE DE (Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brussels) Family in an interior. 1842. Oil on panel . Signed and dated lower left: B. de Loose, 1842. 51.5 x 42.5 cm Provenance: - European private collection - Koller, Zürich, 20.9.2013, Lot 3242. - Swiss private collection. Our thanks to the RKD, the Hague for confirming the authenticity of this work on the basis of a photograph. --------------- LOOSE, BASILE DE (Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brüssel) Interieur mit Familie. 1842. Öl auf Holz. Unten links signiert und datiert: B. de Loose, 1842. 51,5 x 42,5 cm. Provenienz: - Europäischer Privatbesitz. - Auktion Koller, Zürich, 20.9.2013, Los 3242. - Schweizer Privatsammlung. Das Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), Den Haag, bestätigt die Eigenhändigkeit anhand einer Fotografie, wofür wir danken.

        Koller Auctions
      • BASILE DE LOOSE 1809-1885 (The Day's Catch) 1881 oil on canvas 76 x 91.5 cm
        Aug. 16, 2017

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809-1885 (The Day's Catch) 1881 oil on canvas 76 x 91.5 cm

        Est: $18,000 - $22,000

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809-1885 (The Day's Catch) 1881 oil on canvas signed and dated 'B. DE LOOSE. 1881.' lower right 76 x 91.5 cm PROVENANCE Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 1st Earl of Northbrook, Baron Northbrook of Stratton Anthony H. Baring, Sydney, by descent from the above Australian and International Art, Sotheby's Australia, Melbourne, 21 November 2006, lot 254, illustrated Savill Galleries, Sydney (stock 206212), acquired from the above

        Smith & Singer
      • 19th Cent. oil on panel with a romantic theme with 9 persons - signed
        Apr. 01, 2017

        19th Cent. oil on panel with a romantic theme with 9 persons - signed

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        19th Cent. oil on panel with a romantic theme with 9 persons - signed DE LOOSE BASILE 1809 - 1885) olieverfschilderij op paneel (geparqueteerd) met een sterk geanimeerd interieurzicht met negen personages : "Gezellig samenzijn" - 60 5 x 86 5 getekend

      • DE LOOSE Basile (1809 - 1885) Huile sur toile "Jeune fille à la lettr
        Mar. 22, 2017

        DE LOOSE Basile (1809 - 1885) Huile sur toile "Jeune fille à la lettr

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        DE LOOSE Basile (1809 - 1885) Huile sur toile "Jeune fille à la lettre". Signé en bas à droite B. De Loose. Ecole belge. Dim.:56x43cm.

      • *BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886)
        Dec. 13, 2016

        *BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886)

        Est: €2,500 - €3,750

        *BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Domestic bliss. Panel (mahogany). Signed and dated 'B.De Loose./1878'. Certificate of authenticity handwritten, but illegible, by the artist in the reverse. 52 x 42 *BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Familiegeluk. Paneel (mahonie). Getekend en gedateerd 'B.De Loose./1878'. Onleesbaar handgeschreven echtheidscertificaat van de kunstenaar op verso. Herkomst: Antwerpen, Guillaume Campo, z.d. (resten van etiket op verso) 52 x 42 *BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Bonheur de famille. Panneau (acajou). Signé et daté 'B.De Loose./1878'. Certificat manuscrit (illisible) de l'artiste au revers du panneau. Provenance: Anvers, Guillaume Campo, s.d. (traces d'une étiquette au revers) 52 x 42

        Bernaerts Auctioneers
      • BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Bourgeois interior with boy on a chair, s
        May. 04, 2016

        BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Bourgeois interior with boy on a chair, s

        Est: €600 - €800

        BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Bourgeois interior with boy on a chair, sleeping. Panel (mahogany). Signed 'B.De Loose'. 23 x 18 Dutch Text: BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Burgerlijk interieur met jongetje op stoel, in slaap gevallen. Paneel (mahonie). Getekend 'B.De Loose'. 23 x 18 French Text: BASILE DE LOOSE (1809-1886) Petit garçon somnolant. Panneau (acajou). Signé 'B.De Loose'. 23 x 18

        Bernaerts Auctioneers
      • Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 Playing with Baby, 1836
        Feb. 10, 2016

        Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 Playing with Baby, 1836

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 Playing with Baby, 1836 Signed B. De Loose. and dated 1836. (ll) Oil on canvas 26 1/4 x 22 3/8 inches Provenance: Hammer Galleries, New York Private collection C 

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
      • BASILE DE LOOSE | By Candlelight
        Jan. 30, 2016

        BASILE DE LOOSE | By Candlelight

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        oil on panel

      • Basile de Loose, (Belgian, 1809-1885), Early to Bed, 1865
        Oct. 20, 2015

        Basile de Loose, (Belgian, 1809-1885), Early to Bed, 1865

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Basile de Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) Early to Bed, 1865 oil on canvas signed B. De Loose and dated (lower left) 26 3/4 x 30 1/2 inches.

      • Basile de Loose, Pleasant News
        May. 16, 2015

        Basile de Loose, Pleasant News

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        Signed and dated lower right: B. de Loose 1846 - 47 Basile de Loose

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Basil de Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885)
        Apr. 26, 2015

        Basil de Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885)

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Basil de Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885), "Young Girl Reading to Her Grandmother", 1881, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left, verso with a "Stedeljik Museum Sint-Niklaas, Belgium" label, 17-5/8" x 14-3/4". Framed.

        New Orleans Auction Galleries
        Mar. 22, 2015


        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        Oil on panel, 21 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches. Signed "B. DE LOOSE" and dated 1835, l.l. The reverse with label for W.D. Wilkerson, London.

        Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians
      • Basile de Loose (1809-1885) 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.
        Dec. 04, 2014

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885) 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885) oil on wooden panel, 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.

        Nov. 16, 2014


        Est: $2,500 - $3,500

        Oil on panel, 21 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches. Signed "B. DE LOOSE" and dated 1835, l.l. The reverse with label for W.D. Wilkerson, London.

        Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians
      • Basile de Loose (1809-1885) 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.
        Oct. 23, 2014

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885) 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        Basile de Loose (1809-1885) oil on wooden panel, 'The Music Lesson', 19 x 16in.

      • Basile de Loose (BELGIAN, 1809-1885), oil on canvas, interior scene, 17 3/4" x 18 3/4"
        Jun. 17, 2014

        Basile de Loose (BELGIAN, 1809-1885), oil on canvas, interior scene, 17 3/4" x 18 3/4"

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Basile de Loose (BELGIAN, 1809-1885), oil on canvas, interior scene, 17 3/4" x 18 3/4"

        Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
      • LOOSE, BASILE DE(Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brussels)Family
        Sep. 20, 2013

        LOOSE, BASILE DE(Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brussels)Family

        Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

        LOOSE, BASILE DE (Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brussels) Family in an interior. 1842. Oil on panel . Signed and dated lower left: B. de Loose, 1842. 51.5 x 42.5 cm Our thanks to the RKD, the Hague for confirming the authenticity of this work on the basis of a photograph. LOOSE, BASILE DE (Zeele 1809 - 1885 Brüssel) Interieur mit Familie. 1842. Öl auf Holz. Unten links signiert und datiert: B. de Loose, 1842. 51,5 x 42,5 cm. Das Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), Den Haag, bestätigt die Eigenhändigkeit anhand einer Fotografie, wofür wir danken.

        Koller Auctions
      • De Loose Basile (1809-1885) Le vendeur de poteries - The potterie seller (1884)
        Mar. 10, 2012

        De Loose Basile (1809-1885) Le vendeur de poteries - The potterie seller (1884)

        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        De Loose Basile (1809-1885) Le vendeur de poteries - The potterie seller (1884) Dimensions 62 x 81 cm Medium : Canvas Signature/Inscription : Sig. 1884 Authors School: Belgium Notes: Label remains on the reverse

        De Vuyst
        Nov. 29, 2011


        Est: €18,000 - €24,000

        DE LOOSE BASILE 1809 1885 De wafelbak La cuisson des gaufres Olie op doek. Huile sur toile Get. Sig. 1864 62 x 80

        Campo & Campo
      • Basile de Loose (Belgium, 1809-1885) The Lacemaker
        Nov. 29, 2011

        Basile de Loose (Belgium, 1809-1885) The Lacemaker

        Est: £1,200 - £1,800

        The Lacemaker signed 'B.D.LOOSE' (lower centre), oil on panel 56 x 45cm (22 1/16 x 17 11/16in).

      • Basile De Loose (1809-1885). Dimensions: 0m22 x
        Apr. 05, 2011

        Basile De Loose (1809-1885). Dimensions: 0m22 x

        Est: €300 - €400

        Basile De Loose (1809-1885). Dimensions: 0m22 x 0m18

        Galerie Moderne
      • Old Master Painting: BASILE DE LOOSE (Zele 1809 -
        Jun. 21, 2010

        Old Master Painting: BASILE DE LOOSE (Zele 1809 -

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Old Master Painting: BASILE DE LOOSE (Zele 1809 - Bruxelles 1885) L'HEUREUSE FAMILLE DANS UN INTÉRIEUR Toile 58,5 X 72,5 CM Signée et datée en bas à gauc...

      • DE LOOSE BASILE (1809 - 1885) Grootmoeder en kind
        Mar. 23, 2010

        DE LOOSE BASILE (1809 - 1885) Grootmoeder en kind

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        DE LOOSE BASILE (1809 - 1885) Grootmoeder en kind met pop. Grand-mère et enfant avec poupée Olie op doek. Huile sur toile. .Get. Sig.. . 64 x 50 cm

        Campo & Campo
      • Basile de Loose 1809-1885 , Mischievous Boys oil on canvas
        Jun. 06, 2008

        Basile de Loose 1809-1885 , Mischievous Boys oil on canvas

        Est: $12,000 - $18,000

        signed B. De Loose and dated 1865 center right oil on canvas

      • Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) , "A Mother
        May. 04, 2008

        Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) , "A Mother

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) , "A Mother Feeding Her Child by the Kitchen Fire", oil on panel, signed and dated "1847" lower left, 11 1/2 in. x 8 1/2 in., in a period giltwood frame. * NO RETURNS ARE ACCEPTED ON THE BASIS OF CONDITION * PLEASE REA

        Neal Auction Company
      • At the dressmakers
        Apr. 15, 2008

        At the dressmakers

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) At the dressmakers signed and dated 'B De Loose/1842' (lower left) oil on panel 65.5 x 51.5 cm.

      • CIRCLE OF BASILE DE LOOSE (Dutch 1809-1889) Interior genre scene of family, oil on canvas, signed lower right B. De Loose and dated 1863. Contained in a 19th c. gilt and gesso molded frame. Condition: two patches near head and shoulder of older man,
        Mar. 08, 2008

        CIRCLE OF BASILE DE LOOSE (Dutch 1809-1889) Interior genre scene of family, oil on canvas, signed lower right B. De Loose and dated 1863. Contained in a 19th c. gilt and gesso molded frame. Condition: two patches near head and shoulder of older man,

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        CIRCLE OF BASILE DE LOOSE (Dutch 1809-1889) Interior genre scene of family, oil on canvas, signed lower right B. De Loose and dated 1863. Contained in a 19th c. gilt and gesso molded frame. Condition: two patches near head and shoulder of older man, signature and date added at a later date, small area of overpaint to chimney. Dimensions: 32 1/2'' X 28 1/4'', frame 40'' X 36 5/8''.

        Dargate Auction Galleries
      • BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE
        Dec. 08, 2007

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE VISIT Panel Signed - 59 x 85 cm

        De Vuyst
      • BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE
        Dec. 08, 2007

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE

        Est: €30,000 - €35,000

        BASILE DE LOOSE 1809 - 1885 Belgian School THE LETTER (1860) Panel Signed B. DE LOOSE./BRs 1860 - 83 x 68 cm

        De Vuyst
      • Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885), "A Mother
        Dec. 01, 2007

        Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885), "A Mother

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Basile De Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885), "A Mother Feeding Her Child by the Kitchen Fire", oil on panel, signed and dated "1847" lower left, 11 1/2 in. x 8 1/2 in., in a period giltwood frame.

        Neal Auction Company
      • f - Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 , The Schoolroom oil on canvas
        Nov. 14, 2007

        f - Basile de Loose Belgian, 1809-1885 , The Schoolroom oil on canvas

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        signed, inscribed and dated B. DE LOOSE. / BRUXELLES 1861 l.r. oil on canvas

      • The red dress
        Sep. 12, 2007

        The red dress

        Est: £4,500 - £5,500

        Basile de Loose (Belgian, 1809-1885) The red dress signed 'DELOOSE' (lower left) oil on canvas 25 3/8 x 20 in. (64.5 x 50.8 cm.)

      • Basile de Loose (Belgium, 1809-1885)
        Jun. 28, 2007

        Basile de Loose (Belgium, 1809-1885)

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        War Stories signed 'B.dLoose' (lower right) oil on canvas 18 3/4 x 22 1/4in (47.6 x 56.5cm)

      Lots Per Page: