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Han Meilin Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1936 -

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  • HAN MEILIN 韓美林 ( B.1936-): 'HORSE', INK ON PAPER
    Dec. 19, 2024

    HAN MEILIN 韓美林 ( B.1936-): 'HORSE', INK ON PAPER

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    Han Meilin 韓美林 ( b.1936-): 'Horse', ink on paper Dim.: 41 x 51 cm (the frame) Dim.: 36 x 39 cm (the work)

    Rob Michiels Auctions
  • FOLLOWER OF HAN MEILIN (1936 - ) - Rooster c.1990 ink on paper 30 x 30 cm (32 x 32 cm)
    Dec. 19, 2024

    FOLLOWER OF HAN MEILIN (1936 - ) - Rooster c.1990 ink on paper 30 x 30 cm (32 x 32 cm)

    Est: $300 - $500

    FOLLOWER OF HAN MEILIN (1936 - ) Rooster c.1990 ink on paper 30 x 30 cm (32 x 32 cm) signed lower right

  • HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936)
    Nov. 08, 2024

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936)

    Est: £3,500 - £4,500

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) INK PAINTING OF TWO FISH, DATED TO 1978 韓美林(1936- ) 雙鱖魚圖 水墨紙本設色識文: 鱖/戊午年二月/學新(月/日)志正文?鈐印: 美林ink and colour on paper, painted with two mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) in ink and brown shades, dated to the cyclical Wu Wu year (1978), signed and one seals of the artist, unframed 60.5cm x 56cm  Private collection, London; the artist gave the painting to his friend, who was a professor in an Art Academy in Anhui, when he was teaching in Anhui Academy of Painting (1979-1985), thence by descent (by repute)倫敦私人收藏;韓美林於1979-85年間在安徽畫院任教時,贈送給藝校教授的好友,後由家族遞藏(據傳) Han Meilin (b. 1936) is a celebrated Chinese painter, known for his ink paintings of charming and loveable animals, and most recognised today for his creation of the Fuwa dolls for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Siniperca chuatsi, the mandarin fish (Chinese: 鱖魚), is a species of freshwater ray-finned fish from the family Sinipercidae, and found in lowland freshwater habitats throughout continental East Asia. Like his other animal paintings, this fish painting seeks to visualize the essence of its subject using simple forms and a minimal colour palette. 韓美林,1936年生於中國山東濟南。創作涉及廣泛,包括繪畫、書法、雕塑、陶瓷、設計以及寫作等方面。藝術風格獨到,致力於從中國文化傳統和大眾藝術中汲取精髓,並轉化為體現當代審美理念的藝術作品。2008申奧會徽、2008北京奧運吉祥物福娃出其妙筆,深得民心。韓美林筆下的鱖魚像他其他動物畫,試圖以簡易的輪廓及形式和極簡的色調來形象化其主題的本質。

    Lyon & Turnbull
    Sep. 30, 2024


    Est: $2,500 - $3,500


    China Arts Auction
  • Han Meilin(B.1936)
    Sep. 22, 2024

    Han Meilin(B.1936)

    Est: $4,000 - $8,000

    Han Meilin(B.1936) Ink And Color On Paper, Mounted, Signed And Seals 137.5 cm X 69 cm 韓美林 (B.1936) 雙馬圖 鏡心:設色紙本 款識:乙酉年春三月十八日於下城齋魯海右美林 鈐印:韓美林印 Provenance 來源:溫哥華華僑藏品 韓美林(1936 年 12 月 26 日—),男,山東濟南人, 中國書畫家、美術家,第 29 屆奧運會的吉祥物福娃 的設計者之一。 1955 年考入中央工藝美術學院。聯合國教科文組織“和平藝術家”,清華大學文科資深教授,被威尼斯大學授予“榮譽院士”稱號。 2018年榮獲國際奧委會「顧拜旦」獎章、「韓國文化勳章」。 2019 年,榮獲「影響世界華人大獎終身成就獎」。他是一位在繪畫、書法、雕塑、設計、公共美術等領域孜孜不倦的開拓者,同時也是陶瓷、民間美術等為代表的中國文化傳統傳承與創新的代表人物。其作品氣勢磅礡又洞察精微,藝術風格獨到而個性特徵鮮明。 $4,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
    Aug. 22, 2024


    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    HAN MEILIN, ATTRIBUTED TO, RAFTING.Mounted and unframed, ink on paper.33×139cm

    China Arts Auction
    Jun. 22, 2024


    Est: $100 - $150

    Color print on paper, a reproduction of a watercolor and ink painting by Han Meilin, born 1936, a Chinese artist most recognized today for his creation of the Fuwa dolls for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The artwork depicts an owl. Inscriptions in Chinese in the lower left, artists seal in the upper right and lower left. Ca. 1980s to 1990s. Blue mat, black frame. Collectible Oriental Graphic Art Prints, Animialia.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • HAN Meilin (1936)
    Apr. 28, 2024

    HAN Meilin (1936)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Chien assis Encre sur papier H. 39 cm - L. 36,5 cm Légères pliures en bordure

  • Great Sage Picture, Han Meilin 大聖圖 韓美林
    Apr. 28, 2024

    Great Sage Picture, Han Meilin 大聖圖 韓美林

    Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000


    Johhan Auction
  • Han Meilin(B.1936)
    Mar. 23, 2024

    Han Meilin(B.1936)

    Est: $5,000 - $10,000

    Han Meilin(B.1936) Ink And Color On Paper, Inscription, Seals 65 cm X 42 cm 韓美林 (B..1936) 鏡心:設色紙本 款識:一九七九年年 12 月 30 日,美林鈐印:大悟成佛 , 美林之印 Provenance 來源:舊金山東灣藏家 韓美林(B.1936) 男,山東濟南人,中國書畫家、美術家 . $5,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • Han Meilin(B.1936)
    Mar. 23, 2024

    Han Meilin(B.1936)

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Han Meilin(B.1936) Ink On Thick Paper, Signe M.L Han And Seal 66 cm X 51 cm 韓美林 (B.1936) 鏡心:水墨有胶紙款識:M.L. HAN, 鈐印:韓美林 Provenance 來源:舊金山東灣藏家 韓美林(B.1936) 男, 山東濟南人, 中國書畫家、美術家 . $1,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Cat
    Mar. 19, 2024

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Cat

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Cat Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist, and signed Meilin, with two of his seals. 14 x 15in (35.5 x 38.2cm)

  • HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Black Swan, 1980
    Mar. 19, 2024

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Black Swan, 1980

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Black Swan, 1980 Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist, dated gengshen and signed Meilin, with two of his seals, a second inscription in pencil, reading 'M.L. Han'. 13 7/8 x 15in (35.2 x 38.2cm)

  • HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Grebe, 1979
    Mar. 19, 2024

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Grebe, 1979

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Grebe, 1979 Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist, dated 1979 and signed Meilin, with two of his seals, with a second inscription in pencil reading 'M.L. Han'. 13 x 15in (33 x 38.2cm)

  • A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)
    Mar. 17, 2024

    A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A Chinese 'horse' painting by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936) With inscription, signature, and three seals; framed. H: 26 1/4, W: 25 3/4 in. H: 66.68, W: 65.41 cm. (sight) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)
    Mar. 17, 2024

    A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A Chinese 'horse' painting by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936) With inscription, signature, and three seals; framed. H: 26 3/8, W: 26 5/8 in. H: 66.99, W: 67.63 cm. (sight) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)
    Mar. 17, 2024

    A Chinese 'horse' painting, by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A Chinese 'horse' painting by Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936) With inscription, signature, and three seals; framed. H: 25 7/8, W: 26 in. H: 65.72, W: 66.04 cm. (sight) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
    Jan. 18, 2024


    Est: $500 - $800

    HAN MEILIN, ATTRIBUTED TO, CALLIGRAPHY . Mounted and unframed, ink on paper. 33x139cm. Condition:There are creases and stains on the frame and painting.

    China Arts Auction
  • CHENG SHIFA (1921-2007), HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) AND OTHERS - Various Subjects
    Dec. 01, 2023

    CHENG SHIFA (1921-2007), HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) AND OTHERS - Various Subjects

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    CHENG SHIFA (1921-2007), HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) AND OTHERS Various Subjects Album of six leaves, ink/ink and colour on paper Each leaf measures 37.5 x 54 cm. (14 ¾ x 21 ¼ in.)

    Nov. 28, 2023


    Est: $2,000 - $2,500


    China Arts Auction
  • HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse 馬
    Nov. 06, 2023

    HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse 馬

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse Ink and colour on paper, unmounted Artist's colophon and four red seals approx. 69cm high, 137.5cm wide 韓美林 馬 水墨紙本 未裝裱 款識:此馬非凡馬,房星本是星。向前敲獸骨,猶自帶銅聲。乙酉大吉之年中秋節下寫長吉句,齊魯海右人美林客次西子湖。 鈐印:肖形印、「世事未知」、「美林畫馬」 、年份章 - PROVENANCE: Property of a Lady, UK Private Collection 來源: 女士珍藏,私人英國收藏 - Han Meilin is a contemporary Chinese artist known for both his paintings and sculptures of animals. Han notably created the Fuwa (good-luck dolls) mascots for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. 'The flower of my art is rooted in Chinese soil,' he explained, 'but it is nurtured by rain, sunshine and dew from other countries.' Born in 1936 in Jinan, China, he studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Design in Beijing, graduating in 1960. During the Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s, the artist was arrested for befriending foreigners and spent nearly five years imprisoned. After his release in 1972, Han devoted himself to producing beautiful objects devoted to animals. He currently lives and works in Beijing, China. -

    Chiswick Auctions
    Nov. 03, 2023


    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    HAN MEILIN (b. 1936- ) INK PAINTING OF A HORSE ????1936- ? ??? ???? ink and colour on paper, dated to the cyclical Wu Yin year, signed and three seals of the artist, unframed (71cm x 138cm) Qty: (1) Provenance: Private collection, Bath; Acquired directly from the artist (by repute) Note: Han Meilin (b. 1936) is a celebrated Chinese painter, known for his ink paintings of charming and loveable animals, and most recognised today for his creation of the Fuwa dolls for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The horse has been an independent genre of Chinese painting since the Tang dynasty (608-917). Han Meilin's bold and playful interpretation of the genre is imbued with the vigorous spirit of the ancient rock painting found in Helan Mountain, Yinchuan, Ningxia. This artistic repertoire has inspired the artist since his first visit in the 1980s. The contour of the horse's robust torso is accentuated by thick ink lines, while the flying-white brushstrokes capture its galloping speed. Like his other animal paintings, the horse painting seeks to visualize the essence of its subject using simple forms and a minimal colour palette.

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Cat / Dog Two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and col
    Aug. 29, 2023

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Cat / Dog Two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and col

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Cat / Dog Two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 1. Cat 34 x 37 cm. (13 3/8 x 14 5/8 in) (2)

  • HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Crested Ibis / Two Donkeys Two scrolls, mounted and fr
    Aug. 29, 2023

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Crested Ibis / Two Donkeys Two scrolls, mounted and fr

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Crested Ibis / Two Donkeys Two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 1. Crested Ibis 34 x 37 cm. (13 3/8 x 14 5/8 in) (2)

    Aug. 01, 2023


    Est: $500 - $800


    China Arts Auction
    Jul. 20, 2023


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    HAN MEILIN, ATTRIBUTED TO, COW. 52x67cm, Ink on paper

    China Arts Auction
  • HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Owl / Bear A Set of two scrolls, mounted and framed, i
    Jun. 02, 2023

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Owl / Bear A Set of two scrolls, mounted and framed, i

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    HAN MEILIN (B. 1936) Owl / Bear A Set of two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper Owl measures 34.7 x 37.5 cm. (13 5/8 x 14 3/4 in.) (2)

  • HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse 馬
    May. 19, 2023

    HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse 馬

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    HAN MEILIN 韓美林 (Jinan, China, b. 1936) Horse Ink and colour on paper, unmounted Artist's colophon and four red seals approx. 69cm high, 137.5cm wide 韓美林 馬 水墨紙本 未裝裱 款識:此馬非凡馬,房星本是星。向前敲獸骨,猶自帶銅聲。乙酉大吉之年中秋節下寫長吉句,齊魯海右人美林客次西子湖。 鈐印:肖形印、「世事未知」、「美林畫馬」 、年份章 - PROVENANCE: Property of a Lady, UK Private Collection 來源: 女士珍藏,私人英國收藏 - Han Meilin is a contemporary Chinese artist known for both his paintings and sculptures of animals. Han notably created the Fuwa (good-luck dolls) mascots for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. 'The flower of my art is rooted in Chinese soil,' he explained, 'but it is nurtured by rain, sunshine and dew from other countries.' Born in 1936 in Jinan, China, he studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Design in Beijing, graduating in 1960. During the Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s, the artist was arrested for befriending foreigners and spent nearly five years imprisoned. After his release in 1972, Han devoted himself to producing beautiful objects devoted to animals. He currently lives and works in Beijing, China. -

    Chiswick Auctions
  • HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Horse, 1996
    Mar. 21, 2023

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Horse, 1996

    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    HAN MEILIN (BORN 1936) Horse, 1996 Framed and glazed, ink and color on paper, dated bingzi, inscribed and signed by the artist, with three artist's seals, one reading Han Meilin yin, and two of pictorial form. 23 1/4 x 38in (59 x 96.5cm)

  • A Chinese painting of a dog, signed Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)
    Mar. 18, 2023

    A Chinese painting of a dog, signed Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936)

    Est: $600 - $1,000

    A Chinese painting of a dog signed Han Meilin (Chinese, b. 1936) With inscription, signature, and two seals, dated 1979. H: 14 1/8, W: 15 1/8 in. H: 35.88, W: 38.42 cm. Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Tiger, July 1979
    Oct. 06, 2022

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Tiger, July 1979

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Tiger, July 1979 Ink and color on paper, matted for framing, inscribed by the artist and dated jiwei and signed Meilin with two artist's seals. 14 x 15 1/4in (35.6 x 38.7cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Donkey, 1979
    Oct. 06, 2022

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Donkey, 1979

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Donkey, 1979 Ink and color on paper, matted for framing, inscribed by the artist and dated jiwei and signed Meilin with two artist's seals. 14 x 15 1/4in (35.6 x 38.7cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Lion
    Oct. 06, 2022

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Lion

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, born 1936) Lion Ink and color on paper, matted for framing, signed Lin with an artist's seal. 14 x 15 1/4in (35.6 x 38.7cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Meilin Han, China (b. 1936), Giant Panda, 1985, ink on watercolor, with commemorative stamp and medallion, 13 5/8"H x 14 1/8"W (sight), 20"H x 20 7/8"W (frame)
    Sep. 24, 2022

    Meilin Han, China (b. 1936), Giant Panda, 1985, ink on watercolor, with commemorative stamp and medallion, 13 5/8"H x 14 1/8"W (sight), 20"H x 20 7/8"W (frame)

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    Meilin Han China, (b. 1936) Giant Panda, 1985 ink on watercolor, with commemorative stamp and medallion with artist's stamp. Includes two booklets with commemorative Giant Panda Stamp Replicas and one gold metal rectangular stamp medallion. Han Meilin was born in 1936 in Jinan, Shandong. He was admitted to the Central Academy of Arts and Design in 1955. He has had a prolific artistic career of painting and sculpture. He was commissioned to create the 10 meter high Five Dragon Clock Tower for the 26th Olympic Games held in Atlanta in 1996. Other monumental sculptures include ‘Tigers' for Dalian in Liaoning Province, ‘The Bull' for Jinan, ‘Cock Crows to Herald the Break of Day' for Zibo in Shandong Province, and ‘Sacred Bull' for Shekou. Han Meilin also created the Fuwa doll mascots for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    Ripley Auctions
  • HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Eagle
    Sep. 20, 2022

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Eagle

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Eagle Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, signed by the artist, with two artist's seals Han Meilin hua and a pictorial seal. 14 1/8 x 15 1/4in (35.9 x 38.7cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Bear, 1979
    Sep. 20, 2022

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Bear, 1979

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Bear, 1979 Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, dated 1979, signed by the artist, with two artist's seals Han Meilin hua and a pictorial seal. 14 1/8 x 15 1/4in (35.9 x 38.7cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Rooster, 1979
    Sep. 20, 2022

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Rooster, 1979

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Rooster, 1979 Mounted for framing, ink and color on paper, dated, inscribed and signed by the artist, with two artist's seals Han Meilin hua and a pictorial seal. 14 x 15 1/8in (35.5 x 38.5cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Deer, 1979
    Sep. 20, 2022

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Deer, 1979

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    HAN MEILIN (born 1936) Deer, 1979 Framed and glazed, ink and light color on paper, dated jiwei, inscribed and signed by the artist, with two artist's seals Meilin kuaiyi and Ermu changle. 12 5/8 x 14in (32 x 35.6cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    May. 29, 2021


    Est: $1,200 - $1,600


    Mega International Auction
  • Han Meilin(1936-)Horse Ink & Color on Paper
    Nov. 18, 2020

    Han Meilin(1936-)Horse Ink & Color on Paper

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Color on paper,Inscribed and signed Meilin,with 3 artist sealsH:69cm W:88 cm Provenance: From Sun Jin and Kong Yong Xiao couples, Ms. Kong Yong Xiao was the directorat BeiJing Film Studio. 韓美林 (1936- ) 馬 設色紙本 鏡心 來源:孔詠霄老師、孫錦老師伉儷為北京電影學院導演系第一屆畢業生,中國著名導演,曾在北京電影製片廠工作多年,後移民多倫多,至今活躍在中加兩國文藝界,並同眾多畫家建立了深厚友情,此次上拍的趙朴初、溥傑、韓美林、古幹、劉漢的作品,均為藝術家親贈的力作。 Click Here For Natural Light Images

    Stunning Arts Auction & Appraisal
  • Han Meilin (1936- ) Silver Horse
    Nov. 18, 2020

    Han Meilin (1936- ) Silver Horse

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Silver color on black paper, Inscribed and signed Meilin, with 2 artist seals, 38cm x 51cm Provenance: From Sun Jin and Kong Yong Xiaocouples, Ms. Kong Yong Xiao was the director at BeiJing Film Studio. 韓美林 (1936- )銀馬圖 鏡框 來源:孔詠霄老師、孫錦老師伉儷為北京電影學院導演系第一屆畢業生,中國著名導演,曾在北京電影製片廠工作多年,後移民多倫多,至今活躍在中加兩國文藝界,並同眾多畫家建立了深厚友情,此次上拍的趙朴初、溥傑、韓美林、古幹、劉漢的作品,均為藝術家親贈的力作。 Click Here For Natural Light Images

    Stunning Arts Auction & Appraisal
  • Han Meilin (1936- ) Gold Ox
    Nov. 18, 2020

    Han Meilin (1936- ) Gold Ox

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Golden color on black paper, Inscribed and signed Meilin,with 2 artist seals, 37cm x 49.5cm Provenance: From Sun Jin and Kong Yong Xiaocouples, Ms. Kong Yong Xiao was the director at BeiJing Film Studio. 韓美林 (1936- )金牛圖 鏡框 來源:孔詠霄老師、孫錦老師伉儷為北京電影學院導演系第一屆畢業生,中國著名導演,曾在北京電影製片廠工作多年,後移民多倫多,至今活躍在中加兩國文藝界,並同眾多畫家建立了深厚友情,此次上拍的趙朴初、溥傑、韓美林、古幹、劉漢的作品,均為藝術家親贈的力作。 Click Here For Natural Light Images

    Stunning Arts Auction & Appraisal
  • 韩美林 (b. 1936) Han Meilin Horse
    Oct. 11, 2020

    韩美林 (b. 1936) Han Meilin Horse

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    韩美林 (b. 1936) 马 设色水墨纸本立轴 2005年作 款识:2005年三月海右人美林写 钤印:(韩美林印)(佛果)(肖形印)( 肖形印(白文) Han Meilin Horse Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2005 Inscribed and signed Meilin, with four artist seals

    Gianguan Auctions
  • Han Meilin (b.1936) Galloping Horse
    Jul. 07, 2020

    Han Meilin (b.1936) Galloping Horse

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Han Meilin (b.1936) Galloping Horse Ink and colour on paper, framed Signed Meilin, with a dedication and three seals of the artist Dated 1986 36 x 47.5cm (14⅛ x 18¾in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Horse"
    Apr. 05, 2020

    Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Horse"

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, B. 1936) "Horse" Signed and dated lower left. Original Watercolor/ Ink painting on Paper. Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008), Founder of Unicover Corporation. The horse has a been a favorite subject of artists for centuries. Man's first attempt to portray the horse in art was probably in prehistoric times when they were drawn on cave walls. As world cultures developed, horses were depicted in pottery, sculpture, painting, mosaics and other art forms. An inspiring symbol of strength, freedom, power and beauty, the horse was vital in agrarian economies before the Industrial Revolution. Farmers used them to clear land and plow fields. Cowboys and shepherds used them to herd cattle and sheep, while city folk depended on them for delivering goods. Artists also portrayed horses in scenes of leisure like horse racing, polo or simply romping in a scenic pasture. Image Diameter: 13 in. Overall Size: 20.75 x 20.75 in. Unframed. (B08376)

    Helmuth Stone
  • Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Swans"
    Apr. 05, 2020

    Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Swans"

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, B. 1936) "Swans" Signed and stamped lower right. Original Watercolor/ Ink painting on Paper. Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008), Founder of Unicover Corporation. Silently it glides through the waters of a still country pond. Pausing now and again, it dips its head into the water to find succulent aquatic plants. Arching its head skyward, the mature swan spreads powerful wings and leaps into the air, flying faster than any other waterbird. But the beautiful swan was not always so. As a "cygnet," the youthful swan was clumsy and awkward, deserving the epithet "Ugly Duckling." For a bird so striking as an adult, the eggs are surprisingly nondescript as well, generally half a dozen or so pale, unmarked orbs in a nest constructed of rotting vegetation. But the eggs' plainness bellies the end result of two years of growth. Image Diameter: 13 in. Overall Size: 20.75 x 20.75 in. Unframed. (B08382)

    Helmuth Stone
  • Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Bull"
    Apr. 05, 2020

    Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Bull"

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, B. 1936) "Bull" Signed and dated lower left. Original Watercolor/Ink on Paper. Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008), Founder of Unicover Corporation. Yellow Cattle are found almost everywhere in China. In fact, they are raised in every province, with their greatest numbers in Inner Mongolia and the northeast. But wherever they live, they have adapted to survive in the unique climate and terrain of that region. Yellow Cattle of Mongolia's grassland graze year round in severe weather and under unfavorable feedings conditions. They consume their body reserves in winter, which leaves them weak and poor. But, they fatten quickly once the new grass of Spring arrives. Although these Cattle are raised as a triple-purpose breed for meat, milk and work, their milk producing abilities are limited due to their small size. Cattle of the agricultural area in the lower basin of the Yellow River are entirely different from those of the pastoral area. Since agriculture is well developed in the basin, ranchers use many different agricultural by-products to the feed the Cattle. These Cattle are well-managed and all have housing. They are the main draft power for farming and are both beasts of burden and source of meat for the local people. Because they do not face the hardships endured by the Mongolian Cattle, they grow to a large size and are very muscular from working on the farm. In tropical and subtropical areas the Cattle graze year round and must withstand harsh feeding conditions. Thus, they have a small body size and slender hooves. They are well adapted to mountain grazing. Image Diameter: 13 in. Overall Size: 20.75 x 20.75 in. Unframed. (B08383)

    Helmuth Stone
  • Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Rooster"
    Mar. 01, 2020

    Han Meilin (B. 1936) "Rooster"

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Han Meilin (Chinese, B. 1936) "Rooster" original ink on paper painting. Signed lower left. Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008), Founder of Unicover Corporation. Two thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, Babylonians and Assyrians celebrated their new year -- Akitu -- during new moons nearest the spring and autumn equinoxes. The ancient Greeks observed the new year with the winter solstice in December, the Romans on March 1. In 154 B.C., Roman festivities were moved to January 1, a date confirmed more than a century later with the adoption of the Julian calendar -- named for Julius Caesar. Judaic new year customs have altered little over the centuries. Since ancient times, the first day of the month of Tishri -- around our September 5 -- has marked the beginning of the Jewish new year and the religious holiday, Rosh Hashana. In parts of India, religious pilgrimages and worship of the Ganges River are typical new year activities. Japan celebrates this holiday on January 1-3 with household decorations of sacred rope to ward off evil spirits, and special foods to ensure prosperity and good health. In China, people welcome the new year by exorcising demons from their homes and offering appeasing gifts to both the spirits of ancestors and the gods of home and fortune. The Chinese new year festivities, commencing in late January or early February, last an entire month. The Chinese lunar calendar is aligned in repeating 12-year cycles represented by 12 animals -- the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. 1993 marked yet another Year of the Rooster. Image Diameter: 13 in. Overall Size: 20.75 x 20.75 in. Unframed. (B08380)

    Helmuth Stone
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