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Maria Sibylla Merian Sold at Auction Prices

Bird painter, Painter, copperplate engraver, Miniaturist, Flower painter, Etcher, Water colorist, b. 1647 - d. 1717

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  • Merian, Maria Sibylla
    Dec. 06, 2024

    Merian, Maria Sibylla

    Est: €120 - €180

    (1647-1717). 2 Bl. mit Puppe, Raupe u. Schmetterling auf ihren Wirtspflanzen. Kolor. Kupferstich auf Bütten mit WZ v. P.Sluyter, um 1740. Blgr. 44,8 x 32,8 bzw. 47,5 x 34,5 cm. Mit dem Namenszug v. Sluyter, Nr. 45 u. Bez. "Crête de Paon" bzw. 53 u. Bez. "Netflier" i.d. Platte. - Tls. gebr. u. stockfl. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla: Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Merian, Maria Sibylla: Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium

    Est: €360 - €450

    Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium. 3 Kupferstiche, zeitgenössisch koloriert. 33,1 x 21,2 cm bzw. 37,7 x 27,3 cm (Plattenkante); 49,2 x 31,6 cm (Blattgröße). (1705). Tafel 5, 25 und 50 der Publikation. Ganz ausgezeichnete Drucke mit farbfrischem Kolorit und breitem bzw. schmalem Rand. Leicht gebräunt, etwas angestaubt, vereinzelte Fleckchen, Stockfleckchen, Tafel 5 zudem mit diagonaler Knickspur, sonst schön erhalten. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla: Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Merian, Maria Sibylla: Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium

    Est: €300 - €400

    Drei Darstellungen aus Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium. 3 Kupferstiche, zeitgenössisch koloriert. 33,1 x 21,2 cm bzw. 37,7 x 27,3 cm (Plattenkante); 49,2 x 31,6 cm (Blattgröße). (1705). Wz. Fleur-de-Lis im bekrönten Wappen. Tafel 22, 30 und 53 der Publikation. Ganz ausgezeichnete, wenngleich etwas spätere Abzüge mit breitem bzw. schmalem Rand. Leicht gebräunt, etwas angestaubt sowie vereinzelte Fleckchen, dünne Papierstellen, Tafel 30 unten im weißen Rand kleines Rostfleckchen mit Löchlein, Tafel 53 oben kleiner geschlossener Randeinriss, Tafel 22 rechts kleiner Randeinriss, sonst schön erhalten. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). Dissertation sur la génération et les tr
    Oct. 29, 2024

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). Dissertation sur la génération et les tr

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). Dissertation sur la génération et les transformations des insectes de....

  • Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 in Frankfurt a. M. - 1717 in Amsterdam), 'Blumenbouquet' / 'Flower bouquet'
    Oct. 19, 2024

    Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 in Frankfurt a. M. - 1717 in Amsterdam), 'Blumenbouquet' / 'Flower bouquet'

    Est: €300 - €600

    Technik: Kupferstich auf gebräuntem Papier, koloriert, hinter Passepartout und Glas, gerahmt, Signatur: unten links in Bleistift bezeichnet 'Maria Merian', Maße: Sichtmaß 31 x 24 cm, Zustand: altersbedingt gut

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Merian (Maria Sibylla) The Surinam Album, 2 vol., one of 1000 numbered copies, Folio Society, 2006.
    Oct. 10, 2024

    Merian (Maria Sibylla) The Surinam Album, 2 vol., one of 1000 numbered copies, Folio Society, 2006.

    Est: £200 - £300

    Merian (Maria Sibylla) The Surinam Album, 2 vol., one of 1000 numbered copies, commentary text by Julie Harvey, 91 tipped-in colour plates, plate vol. original morocco-backed pictorial cloth, commentary vol. original cloth, with 3 loose duplicate plates housed within paper sleeve as issued, all housed together within original cloth drop-back box, folio, Folio Society, 2006.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla: Sammlung von 4 frühen, kolorierten Drucken aus der "Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium"
    Oct. 09, 2024

    Merian, Maria Sibylla: Sammlung von 4 frühen, kolorierten Drucken aus der "Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium"

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Merian, Maria Sibylla. Sammlung von 4 frühen, kolorierten Drucken aus der "Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium". 33 x 26 bis 39 x 29 cm (Plattenrand). Lose. Amsterdam, Valk und Osterwyk, 1705-1719. -- Nissen 1341. Landwehr 136. – Vier Blätter aus einem der prächtigsten, am üppigsten illustrierten und grandios kolorierten Blumen- und Schmetterlingsbüchern der Kupferstecherin und Blumenmalerin Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), die Tafeln 20 und 43 aus der ersten Ausgabe von 1705 bei Gerard Valck in Amsterdam, die Tafeln 5 und 8 aus der ersten postum erschienen von Johannes Oosterwyk verlegten "Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium" Ausgabe 1719. -- -- Maria Sibylla Merian war die Tochter des berühmten Topographen Matthäus Merian. Schon im Kindesalter war sie als begabte Zeichnerin von Pflanzen und Insekten aufgefallen, studierte dann in den Naturalienkabinetten in Amsterdam die Sammlungen und entschloss sich 1699, eine große Reise nach Südamerika in die niederländische Kolonie Surinam (Niederländisch-Guayana) anzutreten. Ihre Forschungen über die Verwandlungen (Metamorphosen) der Raupen zu Larven und Schmetterlingen beschreibt sie in ihrem großen Werk. Die Künstlerin legte sogar eigene Zuchtstöcke für Raupen an, um deren Verwandlungen genau zu untersuchen und zu dokumentieren. Die Früchte ihrer Arbeit plante sie in einem Prachtwerk niederzulegen, dessen Konzeption sie 1702 abschloss. – Etwas fleckig, kleinere Läsuren, teils Bräunungen an den Rändern und verso Montageresten. Breitrandig gedruckte, gute Exemplare. – Beiliegt: Dieselbe. Drei Kupferstiche der Künstlerin. I. De Europische insecten, naauwkeurig onderzogt. Amsterdam Jean Frédéric Bernard 1730. - Tafel XVII. - II. Histoire des Insectes de l’Europe. Ebenda 1730. - Tafel CXL. - III. Der rupsen Begin, voedsel, en wonderbaare verandering. Wohl Amsterdam, Valck, 1713. - Tafel No 2. I. - Alle mit Montageresten verso, kaum Gebrauchsspuren.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Maria S. Merian (1647-1717) German, Archival Pr
    Jun. 08, 2024

    Maria S. Merian (1647-1717) German, Archival Pr

    Est: $100 - $200

    Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) German, Archival Print. 18th-century illustration of a sea crab, possibly a rubble crab (Daldorfia horrida). Artwork by German-born naturalist Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) from 'D'Amboinische Rariteikamer' (1705) by Georg Eberhard Rumphius. Size: 19 x 13 in. #1916 Location Box 10

    Sarasota Estate Auction
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). (Flowers and insects).
    May. 17, 2024

    Merian, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). (Flowers and insects).

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Merian, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). (Flowers and insects). Lot of 62 engravings on 16 folio leaves from MARIA SIBYLLA MERIAN, De Europische Insecten, Naauwkeurig onderzogt (...) (Amst., 1730). = Fourteen leaves with 4 engravings and 2 with 3 engravings. Nissen, BBI 1342; Horn-Schenkling III, 14993; Hagen I, 536; Pfeiffer A9.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings
    Apr. 27, 2024

    Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $400 - $800

    This charming, hand-colored entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's De Europische Insecten. This first Dutch edition of the work was published in Amsterdam by Jean Frederic Bernard in 1730. It was originally entitled Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung und sonderbare Blumennahrung when published in Nuremberg. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
    Apr. 06, 2024


    Est: $120,000 - $160,000

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (German, 1647-1717). Study of a tulip, two marigolds, and two shells [possibly an African Marigold on the left and French marigold on the right]. Black lead, pen and black ink, watercolor and bodycolor with brown ink framing lines, on vellum. Faded and abraded inscription appearing to be in Agneta Block’s hand. Likely commissioned by Agneta Block. 13 1/2" x 9 5/8" vellum, 23 3/8" x 20 3/8". Provenance: Private collection of Albert Kennedy-Hall, San Francisco. Sold at Christies 1994 to Arader Galleries. Tagetes erecta, the Aztec marigold, Mexican marigold Despite being native to the Americas, it is often called the African marigold. In Mexico, this plant is found in the wild in México, Michoacán, Puebla, and Veracruz. The present shells are in the process of being identified.

    Arader Galleries
    Apr. 06, 2024


    Est: $150,000 - $175,000

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (German, 1647-1717). Study of a tulip, two crocus and two insects. Black lead, pen and black ink, watercolor and bodycolor with gilt framing lines, on vellum. Faded and abraded inscription bottom center appearing to be in Agneta Block’s hand, and lettered specimen plants and shells throughout Likely commissioned by Agneta Block. 13 x 9 1/4" vellum, 23 3/4" x 20 1/2" framed. Merian was thoughtful in her selection of materials used for each composition. Her choice of metallic paints was not simply an enhancement for wealthy collectors; she chose it to highlight the features of a species. Here, we see two insects that would have greatly interested this curious entomologist. On the left, Euchroma giganteum, the Metallic Wood Boring Beetle, or Giant Metallic Ceiba Borer, is one of the largest buprestid beetles. Merian diligent- ly painted the distinctive wrinkled surface and metallic green color with reddish-purplish tinges. Native to Central and South America. On the right is Buprestis fasciata, a metallic wood-boring beetle native to the Caribbean and North America. Both beetles would have been featured exotic in a cabinet of curiosities.

    Arader Galleries
  • Maria Sibylla Merian 1647-1717
    Mar. 19, 2024

    Maria Sibylla Merian 1647-1717

    Est: $500 - $800

    A book "The Surinam Album" Numbered, Limited Edition 57/1000 Published by The Folio Society, 2006. Two volume hardcover in clamshell case. First volume is an elephant folio containing 91 facsimile plates by Maria Sibylla Merian. Book quarter bound in green goatskin leather with a gilt-printed black leather label and cloth sides foil-blocked with a design by David Eccles. Volume 2 is a Commentary by Julie Harvey, 87 pages, bound in green cloth and fits neatly into a compartment in the slipcase. Maria Sibylla Merian was one of the 17th and 18th centuries great painters of plants and animals. The largest collection of the Surinam work is held in the British Museum which holds 91 works. The Folio facsimile has accurately reproduced the complicated effects employed by Merian such as the use of black chalk to build up and emphasise the thickness of the leaves and the application of silver and gold to imitate the iridescent wings of butterflies or the shiny carapace of beetles. The paintings are printed on Furioso paper to give the closest look and feel to the original vellum and provides superb colour and print quality. Condition: Fine.

    McKenzies Auctioneers
  • Maria Sybilla Merian (1627 - 1717) Plaat no. 1 uit "Der Rupsen Begin"
    Mar. 18, 2024

    Maria Sybilla Merian (1627 - 1717) Plaat no. 1 uit "Der Rupsen Begin"

    Est: €150 - €250

    Handgekleurde gravure. B+ 17.5 x 13.5 cm / 29.7 x 25.4 cm

    Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
  • Two: Maria Sibylla Merian (German 1647-1717), Hand Colored etchings to include, "Narcissus" plate XXXVII, "Tulipa Variegata, Iris Coerulea Dod" plate XXXV, each in hand painted gilt frame, 9 1/4" x 6 1/2", Provenance:...
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Two: Maria Sibylla Merian (German 1647-1717), Hand Colored etchings to include, "Narcissus" plate XXXVII, "Tulipa Variegata, Iris Coerulea Dod" plate XXXV, each in hand painted gilt frame, 9 1/4" x 6 1/2", Provenance:...

    Est: $200 - $400

    Two: Maria Sibylla Merian (German 1647-1717) Hand Colored etchings to include "Narcissus" plate XXXVII "Tulipa Variegata, Iris Coerulea Dod" plate XXXV each in hand painted gilt frame 9 1/4" x 6 1/2" Provenance: The Gould Estate, Sutton Place, New York

    Nadeau's Auction Gallery
  • Maria Sybilla Merian, 1647-1717, engraving, 1705, comes
    Dec. 29, 2023

    Maria Sybilla Merian, 1647-1717, engraving, 1705, comes

    Est: €300 - €600

    Maria Sybilla Merian, 1647-1717, engraving, 1705, comes from the copperplate engraving Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium#', approx. 40x30 cm . German Description: Maria Sybilla Merian, 1647-1717, Kupferstich, 1705, stammt aus dem Kupferstichwerk Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium', ca. 40x30 cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Dec. 09, 2023


    Est: $225,000 - $275,000

    MARIA SIBYLLA MERIAN (German, 1647-1717) Flowers in a Chinese vase. Opaque watercolor on sized parchment. Signed lower right: "Pinxit Maria S. Merian". 14 5/8" x 11 3/4" vellum, 19 1/8" x 17" framed. Provenance: Gallery Rafael Valls, catalogue Pictura, Maastricht 1983, p. 40, illustrated. Private collection, Germany: on loan and exhibited in the Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Exhibitions: ‘De Tulp en de Kunst’, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam 1994, no. T43, illustrated; ‘Maria Sibylla Merian - Artist and naturalist 1647-1717’, Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main & Teyler Museum, Haarlem 1998, no. 110, illustrated. Charlotte Jacob-Hanson, ‘Martia Sibylla Merian - artist - naturalist’, ‘The Magazine Antiques’, August 2000, p. 175 with pl. II and illustrated on cover. ---------------------- Maria Sibylla Merian’s paintings reflect the classic combination of objects found in a cabinet of curiosities. Eager to acquire the latest discoveries, wealthy collectors employed artists to record their rare cabinet collections. In several of Merian works here offered, the tulip is placed at the center of the arrangement, reflecting its relative rarity and high value during the seventeenth century. The demand for tulips reached such a height that they became prized items in collections of exotic treasures. The ‘broken’ flowers were more highly prized than the plain-colored and yet out of one thousand only one or two would appear ‘feathered’ or ‘flamed’. The secret of how this happened was not fully understood until the 1920s when it was discovered that a virus caused the change. Merian not only concentrated upon the beauty of flowers but in the majority of her compositions included insects, an unusual consideration for a woman of the seventeenth century. In her publication, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium, Maria Sibylla Merian was to confess: “From my youth onward I have been concerned with the study of insects. I began with silkworms in my native city, Frankfurt am Main; then I observed the far more beautiful butterflies and moths that developed from other kinds of caterpillars.” Maria Sibylla was born in Frankfurt, Germany on April 2, 1647, to the famous publisher, Matthias Merian (1593-1650), and his second wife, Johanna Sibylla Heim. At the age of three, her father died and one year later her mother married the Dutch painter, Jacob Marrell (1613-1681), also a resident of Frankfurt. He provided her with early artistic training and introduced her to natural history illustration. At the age of eighteen, Maria Sibylla married Johann Graffe, a former apprentice of her stepfather, and moved to Nuremberg. She gave birth to two daughters, Johanna Helena and Dorothea Maria, and during this time painted watercolors on vellum for sale. Apart from the work of her stepfather, Merian was also acquainted with the work of other painters, such as Nicolas Robert (1614-1685), painter to the French Crown and a significant contributor to the Velins du Roi. Her skill was immeasurable and in execution somewhat influenced by the work of not only her stepfather but also Robert. In 1685, Maria Sibylla left her husband and with her daughters and mother joined a spiritual community established by the Labadist sect. After five years, she withdrew from the commune and moved to Amsterdam. Fourteen years later she embarked, with her daughter Dorothea, upon a voyage to Surinam (now Guyana) to record the natural life of the Dutch colony.

    Arader Galleries
  • Maria Sibylla Merian Handcolored Insect Engraving
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Maria Sibylla Merian Handcolored Insect Engraving

    Est: $500 - $800

    Merian, after Maria Sibylla, Plate 56 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium showing a water-hyacinth, the life cycle of a frog, a water scorpion and winged bug, from one of the early 18th century editions, engraving on laid paper with slightly later hand coloring, impression size 15.25 x 10.75 inches, full sheet 19 x 13.5 inches.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • [Flowers and fruit]. Merian, Maria Sybilla (1647-1717) (after). "Maccai".
    Nov. 24, 2023

    [Flowers and fruit]. Merian, Maria Sybilla (1647-1717) (after). "Maccai".

    Est: €300 - €500

    [Flowers and fruit]. Merian, Maria Sybilla (1647-1717) (after). "Maccai". Contemp. handcol. engraving by Joseph MULDER, 38x28 cm., w. "J. Mulder Sculp." and "24" engr. in the plate, from M.S. MERIAN, Over de Voortteeling en Wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche Insecten, 1730. - Fine. = Nissen, BBI 1341. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CI. AND 4 handcol. steelengravings of insects from C. D'ORBIGNY, Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle, 1849 (Nissen, ZBI 4617).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717): Flower with Butterfly
    Nov. 09, 2023

    Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717): Flower with Butterfly

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Watercolor on vellum, variously inscribed in another hand on the reverse.   11 x 8 in. (sheet), unframed. 

  • Merian, Maria Sybylla
    Nov. 04, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sybylla

    Est: -

    Merian, Maria Sybylla 1647 Frankfurt a. M. - 1717 Amsterdam Transgressio, Satisfactio, Reperatio. Signiert. Datiert: Frankfurt 1671. Aquarell auf Pergament. 18,5 x 24,5 cm. Umrandung von Sibylla Merian. Zentrales Motiv von einem noch nicht identifizierten Meister.

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla: Leningrader Aquarelle
    Oct. 10, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sibylla: Leningrader Aquarelle

    Est: €150 - €220

    Merian, Maria Sibylla. Leningrader Aquarelle. 50 faksimilierte lose Tafeln in Umschlägen in Kassette und Tafelübersicht (OBroschur). 45 x 35 cm. OHalbpergament in OPappschuber. Leipzig 1974. -- Numeriertes Exemplar einer kleinen Auflage. Faksimile von 50 Aquarellen der Maria Sibylla Merian aus dem Besitz der Leningrader Akademie der Wissenschaften mit Schmetterlingen, Käfern und anderen Insekten. – Nahezu verlagsfrisch. - Ohne Kommentarband.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Maria Sibylla Merian, Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium
    Oct. 07, 2023

    Maria Sibylla Merian, Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium

    Est: $175,000 - $225,000

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717). Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium...Dissertation sur la Generation et les Transformations des Insectes de Surinam. The Hague: Pieter Gosse, 1726. French translation by Rousset. Comparables: Christie's, 2019 - $225,000; Sotheby's, 2004 - 128,800 GBP (Macclesfield Library Copy). Folio (510 x 350mm). Text in French and Latin, title vignettes handcolored and heightened with gold, as is the dedication leaf. 72 engraved plates by J. Mulder, P. Sluyter and D. Stopendaal, all with contemporary full handcoloring and heightening in gold to some plates; plate 34 cut to just outside the image plate area and mounted to size at the time of binding, seven plates with minor smudging to the coloring, one plate with spotting, mostly marginal. Sumptuously bound in contemporary French red morocco gilt, sides with wide gilt foliate borders within double fillets and fleur-de-lys, center of covers with the arms of the Duke of Newcastle added later, with raised bands, citron morocco lettering-piece and a blue/green morocco label bearing the Newcastle crest, marbled endpapers, gilt edges; some minor rubbing to extremities and raised bands. The magnificent Duke of Newcastle-Abbey Copy of Merian's classic study on tropical insects. Maria Sibylla was the daughter of the well-known Swiss engraver and publisher Matthaus Merian. On her father's death, her Dutch mother married the flower painter Jacob Marrell. It was one of his pupils, Johann Graff of Nuremberg, who first taught Maria to paint, and they later married. Her chief interest was in entomology, and her first book on the insects of Europe, with fine colored plates of insects and flowers, was published in 1679. It was a work of careful scientific study as well as great artistic merit. When the Dutch West Indies Company returned with tropical insect specimens, Maria decided to visit the Dutch colony of Surinam, along with her daughter Dorothea, to study and paint insect life there. Arriving in September 1699, they stayed for nearly two years studying and recording plants and insects. Her elder daughter Johanna travelled to Surinam to complete her mother's work. The latter died in 1717 before the final twelve plates were published, completing the edition of 1705 that was issued with 60 plates. " ...her artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr, Studies in Dutch Books with Coloured Plates p.28). Peter Dance writes of the work, that it "was easily the most magnificent work on insects so far produced ... [combining] science and art in unequal proportions, meeting the demands of art at the expense, when necessary, of science. Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book." He adds that if Gould and Audubon have "a spiritual ancestor, then it is difficult to think of a more worthy claimant to the title than Maria Sibylla Merian" (S. Peter Dance, The Art of Natural History pp. 50-51). PROVENANCE: Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne (1720-1794, binding) — Major J.R. Abbey (collection number 'JA 1608' and date '26:11:37' on rear free endpaper — Christie's, 17 March 1999, lot 63 (undesignated consignor); The John Golden Library: Book Illustration in the Age of Scientific Discovery, Sotheby's November 22, 2022 - Lot 35 - $88,000.

    Arader Galleries
    Sep. 10, 2023


    Est: $300 - $500

    "Citrus Fruit and Harlequin Beetle". Hand colored etching after Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717). Engraved by Joseph Mulder (1648-1742). Appears in good condition with expected signs of age; not examined out of custom painted wood frame with silk mat. Mat opening 17" x 12". Frame 24.5" x 18.5".

    District Auction
  • Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings
    Aug. 26, 2023

    Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $300 - $600

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Maria Sibylla Merian, nach, Pflanzendarstellungen
    Aug. 26, 2023

    Maria Sibylla Merian, nach, Pflanzendarstellungen

    Est: -

    Maria Sibylla Merian, nach, Pflanzendarstellungen zwei detailreiche Darstellungen von Pflanzen mit Schmetterlingen und Raupen sowie verpuppten Raupen, wohl aus "Histoire générale des insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe", kolorierter Kupferstich, Anfang, 18. Jh., stärker gebräunt und ein Blatt mit hinterlegtem Einriss, unter Passepartout montiert, Blattmaße ca. 25,5 x 19,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Malerin und Enthomologin (1647 Frankfurt/Main bis 1717 Amsterdam), jüngstes Kind von Matthäus Merian dem Älteren, lernte schon im Kindesalter die verschiedenen Drucktechniken im Betrieb des Vaters kennen, ihr Stiefvater Jacob Marell weckte bei ihr das Interesse an der Blumenmalerei, 1675/80 veröffentlichte sie ihr dreibändiges „Neues Blumenbuch“, 1679 erschien ebenfalls in Nürnberg “Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandlung“, seit 1691 in Amsterdam ansässig, ab 1699 zweijährige Forschungsreise nach Surinam, als Ergebnis ihrer Forschung erschien „Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium“, eines der bedeutendsten Werke der frühen Naturwissenschaft, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Wikipedia und Internet. Maria Sibylla Merian, after, depictions of plants Two detailed depictions of plants with butterflies and caterpillars as well as pupated caterpillars, probably from "Histoire générale des insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe", coloured copper engraving, early, 18th century, more strongly browned and one sheet with backed tear, mounted under passepartout, sheet dimensions approx. 25.5 x 19.5 cm. Artist's info: Germ. Painter and entomologist (1647 Frankfurt/Main to 1717 Amsterdam), youngest child of Matthäus Merian the Elder, already in her childhood she got to know the different printing techniques in her father's business, her stepfather Jacob Marell awakened her interest in flower painting, 1675/80 she published her three-volume "Neues Blumenbuch", In 1679, "Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandlung" (The Caterpillar's Miraculous Metamorphosis) was also published in Nuremberg, since 1691 resident in Amsterdam, from 1699 two-year research trip to Surinam, as a result of her research "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium" was published, one of the most important works of early natural science , source: Thieme-Becker, Wikipedia and Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • MARIA SYBILLA MERIAN, GERMAN 1647-1717, MUSA SERAPONIS, Hand colored engraving, Sheet: 17 x 14 in. (43.2 x 35.6 cm.)
    Jul. 27, 2023

    MARIA SYBILLA MERIAN, GERMAN 1647-1717, MUSA SERAPONIS, Hand colored engraving, Sheet: 17 x 14 in. (43.2 x 35.6 cm.)

    Est: $400 - $600

    MARIA SYBILLA MERIAN GERMAN, 1647-1717 MUSA SERAPONIS Hand colored engraving

    Potomack Company
  • MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717) De Europische Insecten, Naauwkeurig onder
    Jul. 14, 2023

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717) De Europische Insecten, Naauwkeurig onder

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717) De Europische Insecten, Naauwkeurig onderzogt, na 't leven geschildert, en...

  • Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717) , nach
    Jun. 22, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717) , nach

    Est: €170 - €204

    Drei Pflanzen- und Insektenstiche (19./20. Jh.) Drei kol. Stiche nach "Metamorphoris Insectorum Surinamensium". {a + b)} Taf. 10 mit Eindruck "Cotonier" (Baumwollpflanze) und Nummerierung als römische und arabische Zahl und P. Sluyter sculp. Blatt 28 mit dem Titeleindruck "Senna Occidentalis" (Johannisbaumgewächs) sowie "P. Sluyter sculp., P. V 28". Die Bildformate jew. ca. 35×25 cm (aufgezogen u. verklebt unter Passepartout, fleckig). {c)} Tafel 6 - Diestelgewächs mit roten Beeren u. Faltern. J. Wulder sculp. u. "6". Bildformat ca. 35×28 cm (stark gebräunt, Spannungsriss auf li. Plattenrand. 3x gerahmt. (60268)

    Leo Spik
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717)
    Jun. 22, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717)

    Est: €300 - €360

    Metamorphoris Insectorum Surinamensium - Tafel 49 und 52 Zwei kol. Kupferstiche. Tafel 49 "Grenadier" u. Tafel 52 "Oranger", jeweils mit Namenseindruck und der Nummerierung sowohl in römischen wie arabischen Zahlen. Die Bildformate 33×24 / 37×26 auf Bütten 50×32 cm. Das Wasserzeichen als rundes Medaillon (Papierseitenkanten beschn., fleckig). Wohl aus einer Ausgabe des 18./19. Jh. R. (60268)

    Leo Spik
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717)
    Jun. 22, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sibylla (Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam 1647-1717)

    Est: €300 - €360

    Metamorphoris Insectorum Surinamensium - Tafel 46 Um 1705/26 Pflanze mit gefiedertem Blatt und weißen Blüten, ein Falter, auch als Puppe und Raupe, am Boden eine eingerollte Schlange. Kol. Kupferstich, gestochen von P. Sluyter. Platte ca. 35×25 auf Bütten 50×35 cm. Wasserzeichen als bekröntes Lilienwappen mit Anhang "W" (leicht gebräunt u. fleckig). Nach rückseitigem Rahmenetikett aus der Ausgabe v. 1726. R. (60268)

    Leo Spik
    Jun. 22, 2023


    Est: -

    MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (nach)(1647 Frankfurt am Main - 1717 Amsterdam) 3 botanische Illustrationen 3 kolorierte Kupferstiche. Je in der Platte signiert, je mit Ligatur "HL". Passepartoutausschnitt je: 37,5 x 28 cm. Gerahmt & hinter GlasJe 55 x 41,5 cm. Drei Pflanzendarstellungen mit Faltern und Insekten aus Surinam nach Maria Sibylla Merian; aus "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium" (1705 - 1716), gestochen von Jan Pieter Sluyter (wohl 1675 - 1713) und Joseph Mulder (wohl 1658 - 1728) Je etwas stockfleckig. Bedeutende Naturkundlerin, Forschungsreisende, Blumen- und Insektenmalerin und Kupferstecherin aus der berühmten Familie Merian. Sie gehörte zu den ersten Frauen, die Insekten systematisch erforschten. MERIAN, Maria Sibylla (after)(1647 Frankfurt am Main - 1717 Amsterdam) 3 botanical illustrations 3 colored copper engravings. Each signed in the plate, each with ligature "HL". Passepartout cutout each: 37.5 x 28 cm. Framed & behind glassEach 55 x 41.5 cm. Three depictions of plants with moths and insects from Suriname after Maria Sibylla Merian; from "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium" (1705 - 1716), engraved by Jan Pieter Sluyter (probably 1675 - 1713) and Joseph Mulder (probably 1658 - 1728) Each somewhat foxed. Important naturalist, explorer, flower and insect painter and engraver from the famous Merian family. She was among the first women to systematically study insects. *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
    Jun. 20, 2023


    Est: €250 - €500

    2 finely contemp. handcol. engr., 36/ 38.5 x 29 cm (plate mark, leaf size 46.5 x 32 cm), numb. VI and XIV and 6 and 14 in the plate in upper/ lower right corners. "Maccai" signed "J. Mulder Sculp." in the plate. From an unknown 18th cent. ed. of "Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium". Good impressions on heavy laid paper. Both sl. browned/ foxed as usual, esp. in margins from former passepartout, minor other imperfections.

    Zwiggelaar Auctions
  • Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings
    May. 20, 2023

    Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming, hand-colored entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis. The work was published by Johanes Oosterwijk in Amsterdam circa 1718. This is the first Latin edition Merian's important work on European entomology. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
    Apr. 27, 2023


    Est: $200 - $300

    [Botanical] Maris Sibylla Merian. Leningrad Watercolors. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book, Harcourt Brace, New York, 1974. Number 307 of 1750 copies. 2 volumes. Folio. Loose as issued in clamshell cases. Text in Russian, English, French and German. 50 fine colour facsimiles of original watercolors in Peter the Great's collection, including many superb botanicals by Merian, housed in the Archives and Library of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in Leningrad. With Maria Sibylla Merians Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium. Insel Verlag, Leipzig, 1975. Condition: Minor wear to slipcase. One slipcase panel lacking. Provenance: From the library of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy III, godfather of biodiversity.

    Quinn's Auction Galleries
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla: Sammlung von 4 handkolorierten Kupferstichen
    Apr. 18, 2023

    Merian, Maria Sibylla: Sammlung von 4 handkolorierten Kupferstichen

    Est: €180 - €240

    Merian, Maria Sibylla. Sammlung von 4 handkolorierten, nummerierten Kupferstichen aus "Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandlung und sonderbare Blumennahrung". 14,5 x 11 cm. Mit Passepartout unter Glas in vergoldetem Holzprofilrahmen. (Nürnberg, Johannes Andreas Graff, 1679). -- Nissen, BBI 1342. Horn-Schenkling III, 14993. Hagen I, 536. Pfeiffer A9. Dunthorne 205. Great Flower Books 67. Hunt 467 (1726 edition). Landwehr 131. – Farbenfrohe Darstellungen verschiedener Pflanzen und Insekten in unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstadien von der Botanikerin und Künstlerin Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717). Die detaillierten Illustrationen zeugen von einer genauen Naturbeobachtung und stammen aus dem Werk Merians über europäische Tier- und Pflanzenkunde. Blauer Holunder (Sambucus caerulea), Süßer Hahnenfuß (Ranunculus dulcis), Wilder Hahnenfuß (Ranunculus pratensis) und Pflaumenblüte (Prunus florens) werden als Nahrungsquelle für Fluginsekten wie Falter, Schmetterlinge und Bienen abgebildet. – Wohlerhalten. Versand nur ohne Rahmen.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Merian - Rose, Moth Metamorphosis & Insect. 45
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Rose, Moth Metamorphosis & Insect. 45

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Carnation & Moth Metamorphosis. 26
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Carnation & Moth Metamorphosis. 26

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Moth Metamorphosis & Flower. 23
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Moth Metamorphosis & Flower. 23

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Cherries, Bee, Insect, & Moth Metamorphosis. 34
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Cherries, Bee, Insect, & Moth Metamorphosis. 34

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Moth Metamorphosis, Bee, & Flower. 22
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Moth Metamorphosis, Bee, & Flower. 22

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Dandelion & Moth Metamorphosis. 19
    Apr. 08, 2023

    Merian - Dandelion & Moth Metamorphosis. 19

    Est: $200 - $500

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - 6 Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 25, 2023

    Merian - 6 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $400 - $800

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - 6 Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 25, 2023

    Merian - 6 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $400 - $800

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 18, 2023

    Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings

    Est: $300 - $600

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 18, 2023

    Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings

    Est: $300 - $600

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 18, 2023

    Merian - Pair of Entomology Engravings

    Est: $300 - $600

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings
    Mar. 18, 2023

    Merian - 3 Entomology Engravings

    Est: $300 - $600

    This charming entomology engraving is from Maria Sibylla Merian's Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. The work was published in Paris by chez L. C. Desnos in 1771. Each engraving features exceptional hand-coloring. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist and artist. Her contributions to entomology were nevery truly acknowledged in her lifetime, but she is considered a groundbreaker in the fields of botany and zoology. She made detailed observations of live specimens, which was a departure from previous studies that used preserved specimens. She focused great detail on the processes of metamorphosis which had not been studied so comprehensively before her work. "Her portrayals of living insects and other animals were imbued with a charm, a minuteness of observation and an artistic sensibility that had not previously been seen in a natural history book". Merian's "artistic groupings of the insects amidst the tropical flora makes this book one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole range of natural history" (Landwehr Dutch Books with Coloured Plates, p.28).

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
Lots Per Page: