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Andrew Plimer Sold at Auction Prices

Figure painter, Portrait painter, Painter, Miniature painter

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  • Plimer Andrew
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,000

    Portrait einer Dame mit einem Turban Ausführung um 1805. Goldrahmen 585, verso mit Haararbeit. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Kunsthandel Edwin Bucher, 6 March 1980 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:38

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Andrew Plimer, Britain 1763-1837, Oval Miniature of a Duchess
    Nov. 16, 2024

    Andrew Plimer, Britain 1763-1837, Oval Miniature of a Duchess

    Est: $600 - $800

    Andrew Plimer Britain, 1763-1837 Oval Miniature of a Duchess Inscribed on verso: 'Dutchess of *illegible* A Pilmer' Approximate Size: 2.25" H x 2.25" W Oval Hand Painted French Miniature in a folding travel case that is in need of repair. Approximate Size: 2.5" x 2"

    La Belle Epoque Auction House
  • Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-length, facin
    Jul. 09, 2024

    Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-length, facin

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-length, facing left, wearing a white dress and bandeau, the hair powdered;  watercolour on ivory, oval, 6.9 x 5.5 cm. Ivory submission reference: E8XDPPTU.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  After briefly training as a clockmaker, Andrew Plimer took a position in the household of the artist Richard Cosway (1742-1821), who trained him in the art of miniature painting. The present lot is a typical example of Plimer’s soft, romantic portraiture. Similar portraits of ladies by Plimer are held in the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London [813-1877] and the Yale Center for British Art [B1974.2.78]. 

  • Follower of Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-l
    Jul. 09, 2024

    Follower of Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-l

    Est: £200 - £300

    Follower of Andrew Plimer,  British 1763-1837-  Portrait of a lady, bust-length, wearing a white dress and frilled bonnet;  watercolour on ivory, oval, 7.2 x 5.8 cm. Ivory submission reference: FBCL7FGU.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK. 

  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF640 - CHF800

    Portrait eines Knaben mit braunem Mantel Monogrammiert und datiert 1787. Rahmen Gold 585. Verso mit Haararbeit Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 27 November 1985, lot 197 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:09

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF480 - CHF600

    Portrait einer Dame in weissem Kleid Ausführung um 1795. Rahmen Gold 585. Verso mit Haararbeit Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Sotheby's, London, 4 December 1985, lot 233 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:09

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,000

    Portrait Mrs. Bracy Signiert und datiert 1785. Rahmen Gold mit Perldekor. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 27 November 1984, lot 134 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:08

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,000

    Portrait eines Kindes mit schwarzem Hut, Trommel spielend Monogrammiert und datiert 1797. Rahmen Gold 585. Glas auf der Rückseite mit Sprung Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Sotheby's, Geneva, 11 November 1981, lot 191 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:07

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF640 - CHF800

    Portrait Walter George Stirling als Kind Ausführung um 1800. Rahmen Gold 585. Verso mit Haararbeit. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 19 March 1980, lot 11 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:06

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF640 - CHF800

    Portrait eines Edelmannes, genannt Mr. Carter Edgecote Ausführung um 1790. Vergoldeter Metallrahmen mit Perlenentourage. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Bonhams, London, 8 March 1993, lot 90 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:06

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Plimer Andrew
    May. 31, 2024

    Plimer Andrew

    Est: CHF640 - CHF800

    Portrait eines Edelmannes in braunem Mantel und weisser Weste Ausführung um 1790. Rahmen Gold 585. Verso mit Haararbeit. In Schachtel. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Sotheby's, London, 14 December 1981, lot 96 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:05

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Manner of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Portrait Miniature, Male wearing a dark blue overcoat, yellow metal casing. mourning hair to reverse. 9 cm x 5.5 cm. Reference Number: AN2QEZ2J.
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Manner of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Portrait Miniature, Male wearing a dark blue overcoat, yellow metal casing. mourning hair to reverse. 9 cm x 5.5 cm. Reference Number: AN2QEZ2J.

    Est: £100 - £150

    Manner of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Portrait Miniature, Male wearing a dark blue overcoat, yellow metal casing. mourning hair to reverse. 9 cm x 5.5 cm. Reference Number: AN2QEZ2J.

    Hannam's Auctioneers
  • Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait eines Mädchens genannt Caroline Sanford in dunkelgrauem Kleid mit weißem Spitzenbesatz
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait eines Mädchens genannt Caroline Sanford in dunkelgrauem Kleid mit weißem Spitzenbesatz

    Est: €640 - €700

    Miniatur Portrait eines Mädchens genannt Caroline Sanford (1779 - 1851) mit kurzer brauner Lockenfrisur, in dunkelgrauem Kleid mit weißem Spitzenbesatz; vor Wolkenhimmel. Aquarell und Gummiarabikum auf Elfenbein. 8,3 x 6,6 cm (oval). Auf dem Deckpapier alte Beschriftung "Caroline - / Daughter of / H W Sanford Esqre / of Walford / Somerset / 1813". In vergoldeter Metallfassung. -- -- Caroline Sanford, geboren in West Monkton, Somerset, war die jüngere Tochter des Henry William Sanford (1746 - 1806) aus Walford, Somerset, und seiner Gattin Wilhelmina Spencer (1758 - 1780). -- -- - Provenienz: London, Sotheby's, Auktion "Silhouettes and Fine English and Continental Portrait Miniatures" am 28. April 1981, Los 209 mit Abb., Zuschlag 780 GBP plus 10 % Aufgeld. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait eines langhaarigen jungen Mannes in blauer Jacke; vor Himmmelhintergrund
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait eines langhaarigen jungen Mannes in blauer Jacke; vor Himmmelhintergrund

    Est: €380 - €400

    Miniatur Portrait eines langhaarigen jungen Mannes in blauer Jacke und gelber Weste mit weißem Rüschenjabot; vor Himmelhintergrund. Aquarell und Gummiarabikum auf Elfenbein. 4,9 x 3,9 cm (oval). In vergoldetem Kupferrahmen mit gravierter Bordüre, rückseitig Brokat unter Glas. Um 1790. -- -- -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait einer Frau mit weißem Turban in der grau gepuderten Frisur; vor Himmmelhintergrund
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Plimer, Andrew: Miniatur Portrait einer Frau mit weißem Turban in der grau gepuderten Frisur; vor Himmmelhintergrund

    Est: €540 - €600

    Miniatur Portrait einer Frau mit weißem Turban in der grau gepuderten Frisur, in weißem Kleid und Fichu mit Rüschenrand; vor Himmelhintergrund. Aquarell und Gummiarabikum auf Elfenbein. 7,3 x 5,8 cm (oval). In vergoldetem Kupferrahmen, rückseitig grüne Seide unter Glas. Um 1795/1800. -- -- -- -- - Provenienz: London, Christie's, Auktion "Fine Portrait Miniatures" am 23. Oktober 1989, Los 94 mit Abb., Zuschlag 950 GBP plus 15 % Aufgeld. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837)
    Sep. 26, 2023

    Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a white lace dress and white headscarf miniature on ivory, oval 5.2 x 4.2cm, in a gilt-metal frame with blue enamel border IMPORTANT NOTE This lot contains elephant ivory material. Please be advised that several countries, including those in the EU and the USA, now prohibit the importation of ivory items unless under specific conditions. Accordingly, prospective buyers should familiarise themselves with the relevant customs regulations of their country and ensure they are able to import this item prior to bidding. This item has been registered as exempt from the UK Ivory Act 2018. Ivory declaration submission reference: Q1ZYLQZK.

  • Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat, white stock and cravat, his hair powdered and tied with black ribbon
    Sep. 13, 2023

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat, white stock and cravat, his hair powdered and tied with black ribbon

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat, white stock and cravat, his hair powdered and tied with black ribbon. Watercolour on ivory, gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited hair. Oval, 78mm ( 3 1/16in) high

  • Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) A portrait miniature of a lady called, Jenny Piggot, wearing a white dress with frilled trim and a blue bandeau in her powdered hair
    Sep. 13, 2023

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) A portrait miniature of a lady called, Jenny Piggot, wearing a white dress with frilled trim and a blue bandeau in her powdered hair

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) A portrait miniature of a lady called, Jenny Piggot, wearing a white dress with frilled trim and a blue bandeau in her powdered hair. Watercolour on ivory, gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal the gilt initial 'P' over a blue glass ground, within a surround of plaited hair. Oval, 58mm ( 2 5/16in) high

  • Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) Two portrait miniatures depicting Lieutenant Colonel Edward and Charlotte Archer of Trelaske, Cornwall: she wearing a white dress and a blue stole, her hair upswept and dressed with flowers beneath her bonnet, he...
    Sep. 13, 2023

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) Two portrait miniatures depicting Lieutenant Colonel Edward and Charlotte Archer of Trelaske, Cornwall: she wearing a white dress and a blue stole, her hair upswept and dressed with flowers beneath her bonnet, he...

    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) Two portrait miniatures depicting Lieutenant Colonel Edward and Charlotte Archer of Trelaske, Cornwall: she wearing a white dress and a blue stole, her hair upswept and dressed with flowers beneath her bonnet, he wearing a dark blue coat with a black collar, a white waistcoat, a frilled chemise and stock. Watercolour on ivory, gold frames, the reverse of each set with a glazed plaited hair compartment within a blue glass surround. Oval, 78mm ( 3 1/16in) high (2)

  • Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a lady wearing white dress with pearl trim, her hair powdered
    Jun. 28, 2023

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a lady wearing white dress with pearl trim, her hair powdered

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of a lady wearing white dress with pearl trim, her hair powdered. watercolour on ivory, gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited hair. Oval, 63mm ( 2 1/2in) high

  • ÉCOLE ANGLAISE, ATTRIBUÉ À ANDREW PLIMER (Wellington, 1763 - Brighton, 1837)
    Jun. 21, 2023

    ÉCOLE ANGLAISE, ATTRIBUÉ À ANDREW PLIMER (Wellington, 1763 - Brighton, 1837)

    Est: €400 - €600

    ÉCOLE ANGLAISE, ATTRIBUÉ À ANDREW PLIMER (Wellington, 1763 - Brighton, 1837) JEUNE FEMME À MI-CORPS EN ROBE BLANCHE À CEINTURE NOIRE Miniature sur ivoire ovale (7,9 x 6,6 CM) Début XIXe siècle. Dans un médaillon en métal doré Poids total : 0,072 kg British school, att. to Andrew Plimer, Half length portrait of a young woman in a white dress, oval miniature, in a gilt metal locket

  • Studio of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837), a l
    Apr. 28, 2023

    Studio of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837), a l

    Est: £200 - £300

    Studio of Andrew Plimer (1763-1837), a late Georgian portrait miniature, circa 1805, watercolour on ivory, painted to depict a young boy wearing a brown jacket with a cream shirt, within an oval gilt frame with vacant glazed reverse, length including surmount 7.2cm, total weight 29.7g, Ivory Act Exemption Certificate Number 5QU6BF1X

    Kinghams Auctioneers
  • Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of an officer, wearing red coat, cream collar, facings and epaulettes over his white frilled chemise and black stock, his hair powdered
    Apr. 04, 2023

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of an officer, wearing red coat, cream collar, facings and epaulettes over his white frilled chemise and black stock, his hair powdered

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Andrew Plimer (Devon 1763-1837 London) A portrait miniature of an officer, wearing red coat, cream collar, facings and epaulettes over his white frilled chemise and black stock, his hair powdered. Watercolour on ivory, gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal an oval blue glass plaque within a surround of plaited hair. Oval, 78mm ( 3 1/16in) high

  • Porträtminiatur Lady Harriet Cockerell, später Rushout / An miniature portrait of Harriet Cockerell, née Rushout, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.
    Jan. 05, 2023

    Porträtminiatur Lady Harriet Cockerell, später Rushout / An miniature portrait of Harriet Cockerell, née Rushout, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.

    Est: €280 - €560

    Material: Gouache, hinter Glas, Holzrahmen, Signatur: links unten signiert in Schwarz 'Benner', nach einem Gemälde von Andrew Plimer (1763 - 1837), Darstellung: Porträt der jungen Lady Cockerell (1812 - 1851) in einem weißem Kleid und mit einem weißen Haarband in ihrem gepudertem Haar, Maße: Holzrahmen 13 x 12 cm, Bronzerahmen 9,5 x 8,5 cm, Zustand: gut + Material: watercolour, behind glass, wooden frame, Signature: on the left side signed in black 'Benner', after a painting of Andrew Plimer (1763 - 1837), Depiction: fine portrait of the young Lady Cockerell (1812 -1851), wearing a white dress and a bandeau in her powdered hair, Dimensions: wooden frame 13 x 12 cm / 5.52 x 4.72', bonze frame 9.5 x 8.5 cm / 3.74 x 3.35', Condition: good

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Portrait of a gentleman, circa 1800
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Portrait of a gentleman, circa 1800

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Andrew Plimer British Wellington 1763 - 1837 Brighton Portrait of a gentleman, circa 1800  Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gold frame, blue glazed, seed pearl and hair reserve 7.1 by 5.9 cm.; 2¾by 2¼in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • Portrait of a young child, possibly the artist's son, circa 1805
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Portrait of a young child, possibly the artist's son, circa 1805

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    Andrew Plimer Wellington 1763 - Brighton 1837 Portrait of a young child, possibly the artist's son, circa 1805  Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gold frame 7.6 by 5.9 cm; 3 by 2¼in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837), Miniature portrait of the Countess of Clare, watercolour on ivory, 8.5 x 6.75cm
    Sep. 27, 2022

    Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837), Miniature portrait of the Countess of Clare, watercolour on ivory, 8.5 x 6.75cm

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837) Miniature portrait of the Countess of Clare watercolour on ivory label verso, Ivory submission reference: 8UDZY2LU

  • Porträtminiatur Lady Harriet Cockerell, später Rushout / An miniature portrait of Harriet Cockerell, née Rushout, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.
    Sep. 26, 2022

    Porträtminiatur Lady Harriet Cockerell, später Rushout / An miniature portrait of Harriet Cockerell, née Rushout, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.

    Est: €280 - €560

    Material: Gouache, hinter Glas, Holzrahmen, Signatur: links unten signiert in Schwarz 'Benner', nach einem Gemälde von Andrew Plimer (1763 - 1837), Darstellung: Porträt der jungen Lady Cockerell (1812 - 1851) in einem weißem Kleid und mit einem weißen Haarband in ihrem gepudertem Haar, Maße: Holzrahmen 13 x 12 cm, Bronzerahmen 9,5 x 8,5 cm, Zustand: gut + Material: watercolour, behind glass, wooden frame, Signature: on the left side signed in black 'Benner', after a painting of Andrew Plimer (1763 - 1837), Depiction: fine portrait of the young Lady Cockerell (1812 -1851), wearing a white dress and a bandeau in her powdered hair, Dimensions: wooden frame 13 x 12 cm / 5.52 x 4.72', bonze frame 9.5 x 8.5 cm / 3.74 x 3.35', Condition: good

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Andrew Plimer (ATT) Portrait Miniature of a Woman
    Jun. 12, 2022

    Andrew Plimer (ATT) Portrait Miniature of a Woman

    Est: $300 - $500

    Circa late 18th C. portrait miniature of a woman in simple white dress with blue ribbon in her flowing hair. Signed A Plimer lower left. Reverse with painting of two doves over ribbon inscribed "SOUVENIR J'AMITIE". Both sides under curved glass set within frame with gilded metal trim and stem hanging ring. Very good condition; age drying / shrinkage crack to each site of frame. 3 3/8" dia. approx.

    District Auction
  • * Plimer (Andrew, 1763-1837, attributed to). Portrait miniature of a young lady
    Mar. 09, 2022

    * Plimer (Andrew, 1763-1837, attributed to). Portrait miniature of a young lady

    Est: £400 - £600

    * Plimer (Andrew, 1763-1837, attributed to). Portrait miniature of a young lady Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Portrait of a young lady, miniature watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, a head and shoulders portrait, half profile to left, of a young lady wearing a white muslin dress with high frilled neck, with pearls in her grey-powdered curls and at her neck, 65 x 53mm (2.5 x 2ins), oval yellow metal frame with hanging loop set with faux seed pearls (92 x 64mm), the reverse with glazed aperture containing a lock of hair on opalescent glass, with beaded blue glass oval panel set with the initials 'WCG', some displacement of decoration Qty: (1) Footnote: Andrew Plimer had the good fortune to be apprenticed to miniature portraitist Richard Cosway (1742-1821) after running away from home with his brother and spending two years travelling with a group of gypsies.

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • 2 Portrait Miniatures incl. Lady attrib. Andrew Plimer
    Jan. 29, 2022

    2 Portrait Miniatures incl. Lady attrib. Andrew Plimer

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    2 English Portrait miniatures including one of a lady attributed to Andrew Plimer. 1st item: Attributed to Andrew Plimer (English, 1763-1837) miniature watercolor portrait depicting a young woman attired in a white dress and coral beaded necklace, signed with monogram AP and dated 1786 lower right. Housed in an ebonized wood frame with gilt liner. Sight: 2 5/8" H x 2 1/4" W. Framed: 5" H x 4 1/4" W. Note: An inscription en verso appears to identify the subject as Emma Hart, Lady Hamilton, but this image does not appear to be the likeness of the woman best known as Lord Nelson's mistress. 2nd item: English School, early 19th century, "Portrait of William Selwyn," miniature watercolor portrait depicting a young man with blonde hair standing with his left hand in his coat and his right hand resting on a book titled "Arts". Green drapery and a landscape partially visible through a window in the background. Hand written inscription en verso reads "Portrait of William Selwyn /Miniature painter /Born Oct 22, 1801/Ledberry Hamfordshire". Portrait is backed by vellum and housed in an ebonized wood frame with gilt wood liner. Sight: 3 3/8" H x 2 1/2" W. Framed: 6" H x 5" W.

    Case Antiques, Inc. Auctions & Appraisals
  • ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) - Colonel J.W Childers de Cantley. Lieutenant Co
    Dec. 18, 2021

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) - Colonel J.W Childers de Cantley. Lieutenant Co

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) - Colonel J.W Childers de Cantley. Lieutenant Colonel du 11e regiment de dragons légers britannique (1793-1802) - Honorable Selena fille de Lord Eardley et épouse du Colonel Childers Paire de miniatures ovales 75 x 64 mm Revers décoré de tressages de cheveux châtains. Cadres dorés à suspendre sous verre biface B.E. John Walbanbe Childers (mort en 1812 fut colonel du 11e dragons de 1793 à 1802 poste qu’occupera son demi frère Michael Childers à la fin du 1er Empire. Sa femme Selena (née en 1772) était la fille de Sir Sampson Gideon baron de Eardley (1744-1824) Son fils ainé et homonyme sera politicien.

  • * Plimer (Andrew, 1763-1837, attributed to). Portrait miniature of a young lady
    Oct. 13, 2021

    * Plimer (Andrew, 1763-1837, attributed to). Portrait miniature of a young lady

    Est: £700 - £1,000

    * Attributed to Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Portrait of a young lady, miniature watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, a head and shoulders portrait, half profile to left, of a young lady wearing a white muslin dress with high frilled neck, with pearls in her grey-powdered curls and at her neck, 65 x 53mm (2.5 x 2ins), oval yellow metal frame with hanging loop set with faux seed pearls (92 x 64mm), the reverse with glazed aperture containing a lock of hair on opalescent glass, with beaded blue glass oval panel set with the initials 'WCG', some displacement of decoration Qty: (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) Oval, 61 mm. high, in gilt-metal mounted ebonis
    Jun. 08, 2021

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) Oval, 61 mm. high, in gilt-metal mounted ebonis

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763-1837) Oval, 61 mm. high, in gilt-metal mounted ebonised wood frame

  • Miniatur Portrait um 1830
    Jan. 15, 2021

    Miniatur Portrait um 1830

    Est: -

    Gouache auf Elfenbein, umseitig bezeichnet Andrew Plimer (*1763 Wellington, †1837 Brighton), ließ sich 1781 in London nieder wo er seine Arbeit als Diener von Richard Cosway aufnahm, der ihn später in Portraitmalerei ausbildete, Brustbild einer jungen Dame, ca. 60 x 75 mm, hinter Glas (links oben etwas beschädigt) im vergoldeten Messingrahmen, Länge mit Trageöse ca. 9 cm

    Auktionshaus Bossard
  • Andrew Plimer "Portrait of a lady in a landscape" miniature on ivory (cm 9x7) Inscribed on the back. Framed (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries...
    Oct. 14, 2020

    Andrew Plimer "Portrait of a lady in a landscape" miniature on ivory (cm 9x7) Inscribed on the back. Framed (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries...

    Est: €400 - €500

    (Wellington 1736 - Brighton 1837) "Portrait of a lady in a landscape" miniature on ivory (cm 9x7) Inscribed on the back. Framed (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries IT "Ritratto di fanciulla in un paesaggio" miniatura su avorio (cm 9x7) Inscritta al retro. In cornice (difetti) Il presente lotto potrebbe essere soggetto a restrizioni di Importazione ed Esportazione a seguito della regolamentazione CITES di alcuni Paesi extra UE

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) miniature portrait of young girl, watercolor, signed "Plimer", 3-1/2" x 2-3/4", framed 5-7/8" x 5...
    Sep. 29, 2020

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) miniature portrait of young girl, watercolor, signed "Plimer", 3-1/2" x 2-3/4", framed 5-7/8" x 5...

    Est: $300 - $600

    Andrew Plimer (British, 1763-1837) miniature portrait of young girl, watercolor, signed "Plimer", 3-1/2" x 2-3/4", framed 5-7/8" x 5-1/8", very good condition

    William Bunch Auctions & Appraisals
  • Miniatur Portrait um 1830
    Sep. 04, 2020

    Miniatur Portrait um 1830

    Est: -

    Gouache auf Elfenbein, umseitig bezeichnet Andrew Plimer (*1763 Wellington, †1837 Brighton), ließ sich 1781 in London nieder wo er seine Arbeit als Diener von Richard Cosway aufnahm, der ihn später in Portraitmalerei ausbildete, Brustbild einer jungen Dame, ca. 60 x 75 mm, hinter Glas (links oben etwas beschädigt) im vergoldeten Messingrahmen, Länge mit Trageöse ca. 9 cm

    Auktionshaus Bossard
  • Plimer, Andrew (Wellington, Brighton 1763-1837)
    Mar. 27, 2020

    Plimer, Andrew (Wellington, Brighton 1763-1837)

    Est: €850 - €1,020

    Dicklicher Gentleman in blauem Rock mit Goldknöpfen und halblangem, graugepudertem Haar vor wolkigem Hintergrund. Monogr. A. P. u. dat. 178 wohl 6. Oval a. Elfenbein. 5,3×4,4 cm. (Blauer Rock etwas fleckig). R. (58776)

    Leo Spik
  • ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of Louisa Plimer (1801-1864) later Mrs. John Scott, the artist's daughter, circa 1815, wearing a lace bordered sprigged white dress, pearl bordered brooch at corsage, blue stole and fur-bordered b
    Mar. 25, 2020

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of Louisa Plimer (1801-1864) later Mrs. John Scott, the artist's daughter, circa 1815, wearing a lace bordered sprigged white dress, pearl bordered brooch at corsage, blue stole and fur-bordered b

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of Louisa Plimer (1801-1864) later Mrs. John Scott, the artist's daughter, circa 1815, wearing a lace bordered sprigged white dress, pearl bordered brooch at corsage, blue stole and fur-bordered brown shawl  Inscribed verso, Louise Plimer/ Daughter of Artist/ No 13/ afterwards/ Mrs Scott Watercolour on ivory  Rectangular gilt moulded frame Rectangular, 11.1 cm (4 1/2 in) high Provenance: Plimer Family Collection; Thence by descent, Miss Frances Dakers;  Sotheby's, London 27th January 1964, lot 79;  Christie's, London 21st November 2000 Literature: G.C. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer, Miniature Painters, Their lives and Their Works, London, 1903, illustrated.  D. Foskett, Collecting Miniatures, Woodbridge, 1979, p. 384, illustrated pl. IIIA (described as charming).

    Chiswick Auctions
  • ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an attractive young lady with long brown hair wearing a fawn coloured dress with white underslip, a matching bonnet over a white lace cap  Watercolour on ivory Gold frame, the reverse glazed to
    Mar. 25, 2020

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an attractive young lady with long brown hair wearing a fawn coloured dress with white underslip, a matching bonnet over a white lace cap  Watercolour on ivory Gold frame, the reverse glazed to

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an attractive young lady with long brown hair wearing a fawn coloured dress with white underslip, a matching bonnet over a white lace cap  Watercolour on ivory Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal varicolored plaited blonde hair  Oval, 56mm high (2 1/4in)  Exhibited: Comerford Collection at the Irish Architectural Archives, Dublin, 2009  Literature: The Comerford Collection: Portrait Miniatures, (privately published, Dublin, 2009) pp 11, 62, (#279)

    Chiswick Auctions
  • ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an unknown Gentleman, wearing brown coat, white waistcoat and frilled cravat, his powdered hair worn en queue   Signed with the initials AP and dated 1786 on the obverse  Watercolour on ivory 
    Mar. 25, 2020

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an unknown Gentleman, wearing brown coat, white waistcoat and frilled cravat, his powdered hair worn en queue   Signed with the initials AP and dated 1786 on the obverse  Watercolour on ivory 

    Est: £300 - £500

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of an unknown Gentleman, wearing brown coat, white waistcoat and frilled cravat, his powdered hair worn en queue   Signed with the initials AP and dated 1786 on the obverse  Watercolour on ivory  Set in later 9ct gold frame Birmingham 1950  Oval 40mm (13/4 in)  Exhibitions: Comerford Collection at the Irish Architectural Archives, Dublin, 2009  Literature: The Comerford Collection: Portrait Miniatures, (privately published, Dublin, 2009) pp 11, 62, (#279) This miniature falls into Plimer's early works, which up to circa 1789 were signed and dated, after that time he ceased to sign or date

    Chiswick Auctions
  • ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of a young Lady wearing a low cut white dress, her brown curling hair adorned with strands of pearls Watercolour on ivory  Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited brown hair  Oval, 76mm (
    Mar. 25, 2020

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of a young Lady wearing a low cut white dress, her brown curling hair adorned with strands of pearls Watercolour on ivory  Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited brown hair  Oval, 76mm (

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    ANDREW PLIMER (BRITISH 1763-1837) Portrait miniature of a young Lady wearing a low cut white dress, her brown curling hair adorned with strands of pearls Watercolour on ivory  Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited brown hair  Oval, 76mm (3in) high Exhibited: Comerford Collection at the Irish Architectural Archives, Dublin, 2009  Literature: The Comerford Collection: Portrait Miniatures, (privately published, Dublin, 2009) pp 11, 62, (#277) This is an elegant example by the well known miniaturist Andrew Plimer whose brother Nathaniel also painted miniatures.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • miniature painting, ascription Andrew Plimer, Wellington
    Feb. 29, 2020

    miniature painting, ascription Andrew Plimer, Wellington

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    miniature painting, ascription Andrew Plimer, Wellington 1763 - 1837 Brighton, young woman in white dress, matching frame of the 19th c.,metal gilt with blue enameling, fine pastel painting on oval Ivory platter, approx. 7 cm, shipping only inside the EU possible . German Description: Miniaturmalerei, Zuschreibung Andrew Plimer, Wellington 1763 - 1837 Brighton, junge Frau im weißen Kleid, passender Rahmen aus dem 19. Jh., Metall vergoldet mit blauer Emaillierung, feine pastellhafte Malerei auf ovaler Elfenbeinplatte, ca. 7 cm, Versand nur innerhalb der EU möglich

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Feb. 05, 2020


    Est: £200 - £300

    oval, watercolour on ivory, the subject with fair hair in a bandeau, wearing an Empire waist dress, with initials AP and dated 1798, in a gilt metal frame, with woven hair verso and applied seed pearl monogram MD. (Dimensions: 6.5cm high)

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • Portrait of a Lady
    Dec. 12, 2019

    Portrait of a Lady

    Est: €500 - €800

    Miniature on ivory 14 kt gold frame With plaited hair on the reverse

    Veritas Art Auctioneers
  • ANDREW PLIMER (1763 - 1837) A FINE OVAL PORTRAIT OF LADY GRAHAM, wearing a white headband and white dress in and oval gold frame, the reverse with plaited hair. 7.5cm x 6cm, in a folding leather travelling case.
    Nov. 21, 2019

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763 - 1837) A FINE OVAL PORTRAIT OF LADY GRAHAM, wearing a white headband and white dress in and oval gold frame, the reverse with plaited hair. 7.5cm x 6cm, in a folding leather travelling case.

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    ANDREW PLIMER (1763 - 1837) A FINE OVAL PORTRAIT OF LADY GRAHAM, wearing a white headband and white dress in and oval gold frame, the reverse with plaited hair. 7.5cm x 6cm, in a folding leather travelling case.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    Nov. 20, 2019


    Est: £300 - £500

    oval, watercolour on ivory, the subject with fair hair in a bandeau, wearing an Empire waist dress, with initials AP and dated 1798, in a gilt metal frame, with woven hair verso and applied seed pearl monogram MD. (Dimensions: 6.5cm high) (6.5cm high)

    Lyon & Turnbull
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