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Edward Quinn Sold at Auction Prices

Photographer, b. 1920 - d. 1997

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  • Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). (Pablo Picasso's atelier).
    Nov. 21, 2024

    Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). (Pablo Picasso's atelier).

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). (Pablo Picasso's atelier). Bromoil gelatin silverprint on photogr. paper, 44x59 cm., signed "Edward Quinn" in pen and ink, framed. = Provenance: Galerie Kornfeld, Bern (2011).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Aug. 07, 2024

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £150 - £250

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) Edward Quinn (1920-1997) SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL, LADY CLEMENTINE, AND RANDOLPH CHURCHILL'S DAUGHTER ARABELLA, CELEBRATING THE CHURCHILL'S GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, MONTE CARLO, 1958. Vintage silver gelatin press print, image/sheet size 182 x 240mm, with Quinn's copyright stamp and two international photo service stamps verso. Together with second vintage press print by Quinn, depicting Kim Novak, image/sheet size 182 x 240mm, with Quinn's copyright stamp.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997). Sylvette David, 1954. stamped photographer's cred
    Jul. 01, 2024

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997). Sylvette David, 1954. stamped photographer's cred

    Est: £400 - £600

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997). Sylvette David, 1954. stamped photographer's credit (verso) image: 9 x 7 in. (23 x 17.7 cm.) sheet: 9 ½ x 7 ¼ in. (24.1 x 18.4 cm.).

  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) Edward Quinn (1920-1997) PABLO PICASSO AT THE DOOR OF HIS SCULPTURE STUDIO LE FOURNAS, VALLAURIS, 1953. Silver gelatin print, printed 2004 by Gret Quin, image size 300 x 245mm, sheet size 395 x 300mm with Edward Quinn Archive stamp verso, hand-annotated in pencil with Quin's signature and print date.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • § Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Nov. 30, 2023

    § Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £400 - £600

    § Edward Quinn (1920-1997) Edward Quinn (1920-1997) VIEW FROM SOPHIA LOREN'S HOTEL ROOM, CANNES, 1955. Silver gelatin print, printed 2005 by Gret Quin, image size 345 x350mm, sheet size 498 x 401mm, with Edward Quinn Archive stamp verso, hand-annotated in pencil with Quin's signature and print date. Framed, frame size 600 x 487mm.

    Chiswick Auctions
    Jul. 30, 2023


    Est: ¥50,000 - ¥80,000

    gelatin silver print, sheet size : 24.0×18.3 cm image size : 18.0×18.3 cm

    New Art Est-Ouest Auctions
  • QUINN (Edward).
    Nov. 29, 2022

    QUINN (Edward).

    Est: €300 - €400

    Picasso à l'œuvre. Zurich, Manesse-Verlag, Conzett & Huber, 1965. In-4, broché, rhodoïd et bandeau d'éditeur. Édition originale illustrée de 282 clichés et reproductions d'œuvres de Pablo Picasso dont 52 en couleurs. Superbe envoi autographe signé de l'artiste à Monsieur et Madame Borsi. Petits manques au rhodoïd.

  • Attributed to Edward Quinn (Irish, 1920-1997); La Villa la Californie, Cannes; Vallauris (a group of two);
    Jul. 12, 2022

    Attributed to Edward Quinn (Irish, 1920-1997); La Villa la Californie, Cannes; Vallauris (a group of two);

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Attributed to Edward Quinn (Irish, 1920-1997) La Villa la Californie, Cannes; Vallauris (a group of two), unsigned each gelatin silver prints sight 8 3/4 x 6 3/8in (22.2 x 16.2cm); sight 9 x 8 1/2in (22.9 x 21.6cm), respectively For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Serge Robert, Picasso et Suzanne Gaymard à Saint Tropez en 1961 Photographie
    Jun. 14, 2022

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Serge Robert, Picasso et Suzanne Gaymard à Saint Tropez en 1961 Photographie

    Est: €60 - €80

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Serge Robert, Picasso et Suzanne Gaymard à Saint Tropez en 1961 Photographie. Tirage argentique Cachet du photographe et signé “Salut & Baisers J” (Jacqueline) au dos 18 x 24 cm On y joint deux photographies figurant le buste et le masque de Picasso par Serge Robert (14 x 9 cm et 11,5 x 9 cm)

    Cannes Enchères
  • EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997) Kim Novak and Rupert Allan of Look Magazine in the
    May. 24, 2022

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997) Kim Novak and Rupert Allan of Look Magazine in the

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997) Kim Novak and Rupert Allan of Look Magazine in the lift of the Carlton Hotel,... signé au crayon et cachet de copyright du photographe (verso) image : 41,3 x 27,8 cm. (16 1/4 x 11 in.) feuille : 49,8 x 40,4 cm. (19 5/8 x 15 7/8 in.)

  • Edward Quinn: Pablo Picasso with a Ripolin color can behind him
    Oct. 07, 2021

    Edward Quinn: Pablo Picasso with a Ripolin color can behind him

    Est: CHF1,300 - CHF1,750

    Edward Quinn (Dublin 1920 - 1997 Altendorf) Pablo Picasso with a Ripolin color can behind him Silbergelatineabzug / 1961 18x24 cm / Signatur / Signature Rückseitig mit dem Copyright-Stempel des Ateliers von Edward Quinn in Nizza Zustand / Condition In guter Erhaltung, mit einem leichten Knick in der oberen rechten Ecke, ein minimer Knitter an der linken oberen Seite Konvolut / Group lot Dabei: ACME. Errol Flynn Receives a Trophy from Eleanor Roosevelt. Fotografie. 23x18 cm. Aufnahme vom 25. Januar 1939, Abzug vom 9. Februar 1939. Rückseitig mit dem Copyright-Stempel von ACME NEWSPICTURES, INC., New York, dem Archiv-Stempel von PARIS-SOIR sowie dem Autogramm des Dargestellten "Erroll [sic] Flynn". Szene anlässlich einer Benefizveranstaltung in Fort Myer, VA, in der australische Schauspieler einen Pokal von Eleanor Roosevelt erhält. Mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, die linke obere Ecke mit einem kleinen Schaden. - Zus. 2 Blatt Erläuterungen / Comments Das Foto entstand in Picassos Villa "La Californie" in Cannes. 1951 traf und fotografierte Edward Quinn den Künstler zum ersten Mal, ihre Freundschaft dauerte bis zu Picassos Tod im Jahr 1973 an For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Quinn, Edward - Picasso in seinem Keramikatelier in Vallauris. Original-Pho...
    May. 15, 2021

    Quinn, Edward - Picasso in seinem Keramikatelier in Vallauris. Original-Pho...

    Est: €900 -

    Quinn, Edward Picasso in seinem Keramikatelier in Vallauris. Original-Photographie. Vintage. Silbergelatine. 1953. Format: 40 x 50 cm. Auf Platte montiert. Der irische Photograph Edward Quinn (1920-1997 lebte seit den 1950er Jahren an der Côte d'Azur und photographierte die dort versammelten Stars der Zeit. Mit Picasso verband ihn eine 20 Jahre währende Freundschaft, der auch ein umfangreiches photographisches Werk über den Künstler erwuchs. - Gering fleckig, sonst gut erhalten. VAT: #

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Edward Quinn, 1920-1997
    Mar. 16, 2021

    Edward Quinn, 1920-1997

    Est: €700 - €1,200

    Edward Quinn, 1920-1997 Max Ernst im Atelier, 1965, späterer Abzug Verso signiert sowie Studiostempel 21,1:32,4 (30,5:40,5) cm

  • Edward QUINN (1920-1997) - DANS LA SALLE A MANGER
    Dec. 15, 2020

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) - DANS LA SALLE A MANGER

    Est: €100 - €200

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) DANS LA SALLE A MANGER DE LA VILLA CALIFORNIE Tirage argentique Cachet du photographe au dos Titré au dos au stylo-bille « Dans la salle à manger de la villa Californie/ Jacqueline Roque/Picasso » 18 x 24 cm - 7.0 x 9.4 in. Gelatine-silver print Photographer’s stamp on the back, Titled on the back with ballpoint pen, Gelatine-silver print Nous remercions les Archives Edward Quinn de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
    Dec. 15, 2020


    Est: €100 - €200

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) PICASSO DANS SON SALON ATELIER DE LA VILLA CALIFORNIE Tirage argentique Cachet du photographe au dos Titré au dos au stylo-bille « Picasso dans son salon atelier de la villa californie avec la petite chèvre offerte au peintre par sa compagne Jacqueline Roque » 18 x 24 cm - 7.0 x 9.4 in. Photographer’s stamp on the back,titled on the back with ballpoint pen, Gelatine-silver print. Nous remercions les Archives Edward Quinn de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
    Dec. 15, 2020


    Est: €100 - €200

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) PICASSO ET LA CHÈVRE QUE LUI A OFFERTE SA COMPAGNE JACQUELINE ROQUE Tirage argentique Cachet du photographe au dos Titré au dos au stylo-bille « Picasso et la chèvre que lui a offerte sa compagne Jacqueline Roque » 18 x 24 cm - 7.0 x 9.4 in. Photographer’s stamp on the back, titled on the back with ballpoint pen, Gelatine-silver print. Nous remercions les Archives Edward Quinn de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
    Dec. 15, 2020


    Est: €100 - €200

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) PICASSO ET SA CHÈVRE, CALIFORNIE Titré au dos au stylo-bille « Dans le jardin de la Californie la chèvre que Jacqueline Roque a offerte à Picasso pour le nouvel an » 18 x 24 cm - 7.0 x 9.4 in. Gelatine-silver print Photographer’s stamp on the back titled on the back, Gelatine-silver print. Nous remercions les Archives Edward Quinn de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
  • § Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Apr. 29, 2020

    § Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) PICASSO BY DOOR, silver gelatin print, image size 300 x 240mm, with the photographers archival stamp and signed 'Gret Quinn' in pencil with the negative number verso

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Nov. 14, 2019

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £600 - £800

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) PICASSO BY DOOR, silver gelatin print, image size 406mm x 508mm,  with the photographers archival stamp and signed 'Gret Quinn' in pencil with the negative number verso

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Nov. 14, 2019

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £600 - £800

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) ALAIN DELON AND JANE FONDA IN A FERRARI 250GT SPIDER CALIFORNIA ON THE SET OF "JOY HOUSE", ANTIBES, 1964, silver gelatin print, printed 2009, image size 440mm x 350mm, signed by Gret Quinn in pencil on the verso, and with the photographers archival copyright stamp

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997)
    Nov. 14, 2019

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997)

    Est: £600 - £800

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) SOPHIA LOREN LEANING OUT OVER BALCONY AT THE CARLTON HOTEL, CANNES, 1955, posthumous silver gelatin print, paper size 406mm x 508mm, Edward Quinn estate stamp on the verso

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997),
    Nov. 13, 2019

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997),

    Est: €200 - €300

    cm 17,7x23,9 Timbro del fotografo al retro

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997), Pablo Picasso
    Jun. 06, 2019

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997), Pablo Picasso

    Est: €300 - €400

    stampa in bianco e nero, cm 16,5x24 Timbro del fotografo al retro

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • after EDWARD QUINN (Irish 1920-1997) A PHOTOGRAPH OF PABLO PICASSO, "The Artist in Le Fournas Studio, Vaillauris, 1953,"
    May. 19, 2019

    after EDWARD QUINN (Irish 1920-1997) A PHOTOGRAPH OF PABLO PICASSO, "The Artist in Le Fournas Studio, Vaillauris, 1953,"

    Est: $150 - $250

    after EDWARD QUINN (Irish 1920-1997) A PHOTOGRAPH OF PABLO PICASSO, "The Artist in Le Fournas Studio, Vaillauris, 1953," ink on paper, verso a red stamp, "LES FILMS DU CENTAURE... CHAMPS-?LYS?ES, PARIS...," with pencil and ink inscriptions. 6.50" x 6.50"

    Simpson Galleries, LLC
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997, Picasso at the Printing of the Sheet "Rencontre: Faune, Centaure et Homme aux Oreilles Pointures" in La Californie
    Nov. 21, 2018

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997, Picasso at the Printing of the Sheet "Rencontre: Faune, Centaure et Homme aux Oreilles Pointures" in La Californie

    Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,500

    Gelatin silver bromide print. Verso copyright stamp: Photograph Copyright Edward Quinn, (...), Nice.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997, Picasso
    Nov. 21, 2018

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997, Picasso

    Est: CHF1,400 - CHF1,800

    Gelatin silver print. Signed lower right: Edward Quinn. Verso copyright stamp. (Frame).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE
    Jul. 07, 2018

    Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE

    Est: €30 - €50

    Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE Photographie par Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Carton d’invitation de la Galerie Madoura signée par Alain Ramié 22 x 15 cm

    Carvajal SVV
  • Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE
    May. 05, 2018

    Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE

    Est: €30 - €50

    Pablo PICASSO - Alain RAMIE Photographie par Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Carton d’invitation de la Galerie Madoura signée par Alain Ramié 22 x 15 cm

    Carvajal SVV
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) Zeichenstunde für Claude und Paloma
    Nov. 21, 2017

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) Zeichenstunde für Claude und Paloma

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    Later gelatin silver print. (Frame). Verso signed: Edward Quinn.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso bei der Arbeit in der Kapelle in Vallauris 1953; Picasso in der Villa La Californie bei Cannes
    Nov. 21, 2017

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso bei der Arbeit in der Kapelle in Vallauris 1953; Picasso in der Villa La Californie bei Cannes

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    Gelatin silver prints. (Both in frame). Verso copyright stamp. (2).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso bei der Arbeit in der Kapelle in Vallauris 1953; Picasso mit Vase
    Nov. 21, 2017

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso bei der Arbeit in der Kapelle in Vallauris 1953; Picasso mit Vase

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    Gelatin silver prints. (Both in frame). Verso copyright stamp.(2).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso mit seinem Dalmatiner; Picassos Atelier in der Villa La Californie bei Cannes
    Nov. 21, 2017

    Quinn Edward, 1920-1997 (IRL) 2 photographs: Picasso mit seinem Dalmatiner; Picassos Atelier in der Villa La Californie bei Cannes

    Est: CHF400 - CHF600

    Gelatin silver prints. (Both in frame). Verso copyright stamp. (2).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
    Jul. 01, 2017


    Est: CHF300 - CHF500

    QUINN, EDWARD (1920-1997). Aga Khan III. in seiner Vila “Yakymour” in Le Cannet bei Cannes, 1953. Original-Photographie. Silbergelatine-Abzug. Vintage. 18,1 x 23,8 cm. Verso Photographenstempel.

    Koller Auctions
    Jul. 01, 2017


    Est: CHF500 - CHF800

    QUINN, EDWARD (1920-1997). Pablo Picasso in seiner Villa "La Californie", Cannes 1961. Original-Photographie. Silbergelatine-Abzug. Vintage. 17,9 x 23,8 cm. Verso Photographenstempel

    Koller Auctions
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Brigitte Bardot Filming 'The Night Heaven Fell', 1957; Sophia Loren,Carlton Hotel, Cannes, 1955
    May. 18, 2017

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Brigitte Bardot Filming 'The Night Heaven Fell', 1957; Sophia Loren,Carlton Hotel, Cannes, 1955

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Two gelatin silver prints, each printed ca.1957, each signed, titled and dated in pencil by Gret Quinn with photographer's stamp verso, 13.2 x 17.8cm (5 1/4 x 7in); 18.3 x 24cm (7 1/4 x 9 1/2in) Provenance: Michael Hoppen, London IMPORTANT: This lot is sold subject to Artists Resale Rights, details of which can be found in our Terms and Conditions.

    Dreweatts 1759
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Grace Kelly During a Press Cocktail Party at The Carlton Hotel, Cannes, 1954
    May. 18, 2017

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Grace Kelly During a Press Cocktail Party at The Carlton Hotel, Cannes, 1954

    Est: £1,200 - £1,500

    Gelatin silver print, signed and dated in pencil with photographer's stamp verso, 21.9 x 26.3cm (8 5/8 x 10 3/8in) This lot also includes a posthumous print of 'Grace Kelly, Carlton, Cannes, 1955' by the photographer with ' Edward Quinn Archive' stamp verso, 50 x 60cm (19 3/4 x 23 1/2in) IMPORTANT: This lot is sold subject to Artists Resale Rights, details of which can be found in our Terms and Conditions.

    Dreweatts 1759
  • EDWARD QUINN (IRISH 1920-97) Picasso gelatin silver print
    May. 26, 2016

    EDWARD QUINN (IRISH 1920-97) Picasso gelatin silver print

    Est: $400 - $600

    EDWARD QUINN (IRISH 1920-97) Picasso gelatin silver print 18 x 24cm

    Leonard Joel
    Apr. 14, 2016


    Est: -

    EDWARD QUINN 1955 EDWARD QUINN 1955 (Irlanda, 1920-1997). Conjunto de 10 fotografías del artista Graham Sutherland. Varios tamaños. Sello estampillado del fotógrafo en el reverso de cada una de ellas.

    Sala de Ventas
  • EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997)
    Dec. 12, 2015

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997)

    Est: €400 - €600

    EDWARD QUINN (1920-1997) PICASSO DEVANT L’ATELIER DE POTERIE MADOURA, VALLAURIS, 1953 Tirage argentique d’époque sur papier baryté Annoté « Picasso de Draeger non utilisé » au dos 20,7 x 19,8 cm

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
  • Edward QUINN (1920-1997)
    May. 02, 2015

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997)

    Est: €400 - €500

    Edward QUINN (1920-1997) Pablo Picasso au travail Tirage d'époque sur papier argentique Tampon « COPYRIGHT, EDWARD QUINN » au dos 24 x 18 cm

    Carvajal SVV
  • Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). Kleines Archiv mit 21 Aufnahmen von Pablo Picass
    Mar. 28, 2015

    Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). Kleines Archiv mit 21 Aufnahmen von Pablo Picass

    Est: CHF5,000 - CHF8,000

    Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). Kleines Archiv mit 21 Aufnahmen von Pablo Picasso. Original-Photographien. Silbergelatineabzüge. Nizza, ca. 1959-1968. Ca. 20,5 x 18 - 24 x 18 cm (hoch u. quer). Photographenstempel verso. Teils dat. u. hs. bez. Die Aufnahmen zeigen Werke Picassos auf Öl, Papier, Gips und Keramik, sowie zahlreiche Porträts des Künstlers und seiner Familie aus dem Privatleben und auf offiziellen Anlässen, Picasso mit seinen Kindern spielend, mit seiner Ziege Esmeralda, in der Stierkampf-Arena, auf Gala-Abenden oder dem Filmfestival in Cannes (1967). - Teils leichte Faltung und kaum merkliche Papierabriebe an den Ecken, minimal kratzspurig, insgesamt aber in guter Erhaltung.

    Koller Auctions
  • Max Ernst
    Oct. 23, 2014

    Max Ernst

    Est: $120 - $180

    444 pp. Profusely illustrated, including original lithograph, folding, as frontispiece. 31x29 cm. (12¬x11«"), cloth, jacket. First U.S. Edition.

    PBA Galleries Auctions & Appraisers
  • Picasso, Pablo - Quinn, Edward (1920-1997).
    Sep. 20, 2014

    Picasso, Pablo - Quinn, Edward (1920-1997).

    Est: CHF140 - CHF200

    Picasso, Pablo - Quinn, Edward (1920-1997). Original-Photographie. Silbergelatineabzug. Nizza, um 1965. 24 x 18,2 cm. Photographenstempel verso. Der Künstler mit seinem Hund Lumpin im Atelier. - Am unt. Rand minimaler Papierabrieb, leicht bestossen, kaum merklich kratzspurig.

    Koller Auctions
  • Max Ernst
    Aug. 28, 2014

    Max Ernst

    Est: $200 - $300

    <p> 444 pp. Profusely illustrated, including original lithograph, folding, as frontispiece. 31x29 cm. (12¼x11½"), cloth, jacket. First U.S. Edition.</p>

    PBA Galleries Auctions & Appraisers
  • Edward QUINN 1920-1997 Pablo Picasso au travail
    Jul. 13, 2014

    Edward QUINN 1920-1997 Pablo Picasso au travail

    Est: €300 - €400

    Edward QUINN 1920-1997 Pablo Picasso au travail Tirage d'époque sur papier argentique Tampon « COPYRIGHT, EDWARD QUINN » au dos 18 x 24

    Besch Cannes Auction
  • Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Grace Kelly, Cannes, 1954
    Feb. 28, 2014

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Grace Kelly, Cannes, 1954

    Est: £500 - £700

    Edward Quinn (1920-1997) - Grace Kelly, Cannes, 1954 Gelatin silver print, printed 2006, signed and dated in pencil by the photographer's wife Gret Quinn with archive stamp verso, 36.5 x 24cm (14 1/4 x 9 1/2in) IMPORTANT: This lot is sold subject to Artists Resale Rights, details of which can be found in our Terms and Conditions.

    Dreweatts 1759
  • Quinn, Edward: Georg Baselitz in his studio
    Dec. 04, 2013

    Quinn, Edward: Georg Baselitz in his studio

    Est: €200 - €400

    Georg Baselitz in his studio. 1980s. Chromogenic print on Kodak Professional paper. 17 x 25 cm (30 x 28,5 cm). Signed by the photographer in black marker in lower margin. A few light handling marks, otherwise in good condition.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Edouard QUINN (1920-1997) Cannes, circa 1960. 2 tirages argentiques d'époque, annotations au dos. 24 x 30.4 cm. ; 30 x 24 cm.
    Sep. 22, 2012

    Edouard QUINN (1920-1997) Cannes, circa 1960. 2 tirages argentiques d'époque, annotations au dos. 24 x 30.4 cm. ; 30 x 24 cm.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Edouard QUINN (1920-1997) Cannes, circa 1960. 2 tirages argentiques d'époque, annotations au dos. 24 x 30.4 cm. ; 30 x 24 cm.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
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