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Václav Radimsky Sold at Auction Prices

Landscape painter

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  • VACLAV RADIMSKY (Czech / Bohemian 1867 - 1946) - Landscape with water lilies
    Nov. 25, 2024

    VACLAV RADIMSKY (Czech / Bohemian 1867 - 1946) - Landscape with water lilies

    Est: -

    technique: oil on cardboard | 69 x 98 cm | signature: bottom left | condtion: damaged frame | framed Lot description Vaclav Radimsky, an important Czech painter, known primarily for his work in France, is one of the key representatives of Impressionism in Central Europe. His work "Landscape with Water Lilies" shows strong inspiration from French landscape painting, especially the work of Claude Monet, whose influence is evident both in the motif and in the technique itself. Radimsky, like Monet, captures the atmosphere of natural scenery using subtle color tones and an emphasis on lighting conditions. Analogous to Monet's "Water Lilies", in this painting too, Radimsky excels in capturing the play of light on the water surface and in presenting the fluidity and translucence of the water. This painting, unlike the direct copying of motifs, reflects the painter's unique approach and his ability to combine Eastern European painting tradition with modern impressionist principles.

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Flowering Bush, around 1902
    Nov. 10, 2024

    Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Flowering Bush, around 1902

    Est: -

    oil on canvas 54.5 x 75.5 cm signed lower left: VRadimsky Expertise by Dr Nadezda Blazickova-Horova, dated 31. 3. 2021, enclosed. Further consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Landscape from the Labe Valley
    Nov. 10, 2024

    Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Landscape from the Labe Valley

    Est: -

    oil on cardboard 49.5 x 68.5 cm signed lower right: VRadimsky Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes. Authenticity certificate enclosed

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Vaclav Radimsky, Oil on Canvas, Landscape
    Aug. 20, 2024

    Vaclav Radimsky, Oil on Canvas, Landscape

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Oil on canvas painting by Vaclav Radimsky (Czech 1867-1946). Signed lower left. Large landscape featuring "Haystacks". Image size seen approx. 28-1/2" x 21", overall frame size approx. 36-1/2" x 29". Canvas has a few light in-painting spots. Housed in a large frame under glass. NOTE: This is a large framed piece, please inquire about shipping prior to bidding.

    Weiss Auctions
    Jun. 19, 2024


    Est: €7,000 - €14,000

    Václav Radimský Village motif oil on canvas; framed 65.5 x 91.5 cm signed on the lower left: VRadimský inscribed on the reverse on the stretcher private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
    Jun. 06, 2024


    Est: -

    From the opinion of PhDr. Nadězda Blažíčková-Horová: "The presented work is undoubtedly a typical work of the landscape painter Václav Radimský painted between 1925 and 1930. Radimský left France at the beginning of 1918 and settled with his brothers in his native house in Pašince near Kolín. Even after his return to the Czech Republic, water was his constant inspiration, but the Seine was replaced by the Elbe. Radimský was incredibly diligent and was always creating works for exhibitions and for those interested in buying his works. In the present painting of the Elbe near Starý Kolín, he captured with masterly conviction - against a background of several houses and a grassy area - the flow of the Elbe flowing through the centre and its bank framed by tall trees reflecting on the silver water surface. In this subject he was absolutely unsurpassed." Technique: oil on cardboard, Signed: sign. lower right: VRadimský

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)- attributed
    Jun. 29, 2023

    Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)- attributed

    Est: €220 - €440

    Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)- attributed, Landscape , oil on canvas, signed bottom right, framed. 52X35 cm

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Václav Radimský: Summer Lanscape
    May. 15, 2023

    Václav Radimský: Summer Lanscape

    Est: €25,000 - €30,000

    RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV Kolin 1867 - 1946 Title: Summer Lanscape. Fruit trees by the creek. Technique: Oil on card. Measurement: 72 x 97,5cm. Notation: Signed lower right: Radimsky. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Slovenia, since 1915. Václav Radimský brought Impressionism to Bohemia and the Czech Republic. This simple phrase sums up the importance of this painter - and yet it does not capture the enthusiasm that this artist received from his contemporaries in his homeland and in his adopted country. Born in Kolin, he turned to painting directly after his secondary school years and, via a few detours in Munich and Vienna, very quickly found his way to the Ecole de Barbizon - and ultimately to the great Impressionists surrounding Pissarro and Monet. He developed an artistic and personal friendship with the latter in particular, so that he purchased a mill with a studio very close to the master near Giverny. Radimský did not imitate Claude Monet's style, but rather orientated himself on him and his conception of nature and light and thus found his very own pictorial language, to which he remained true throughout his life. He often wandered in nature and played with the effect of the incidence of light at different times of day or with the manifold reflections on the surface of water. His unique style of Impressionism soon made him famous and highly regarded, not only in his homeland, where he sends many of his works, but also in Paris, the whole of France and the European art centres, where he finds numerous enthusiastic buyers. The first 13 years of the new century were certainly his artistic and economic peak - but this was abruptly ended by the outbreak of the First World War. Radimský has to serve in the Austro-Hungarian army, the wartime enemies of his adopted French homeland. He is arrested and only released after the intervention of the French Prime Minister. He then returns to his home in Kolin, where he remains until his death - disillusioned, but still very productive: he explores and paints the Elbe meadows there and is once again able to achieve some prosperity and success. In 2011, an exhibition in Prague on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of his death honoured his life's work and brought him back into focus. Since then at the latest, Radimský's masterful and colourful landscapes in the Czech Impressionist style have been sought after internationally. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Vaclav RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Roseaux, joncs et nénuphars au bord de la Seine près de Giverny, circa 1898-1902 Huile sur toile (d’origine) signée en bas à droite Quelques craquelures dans la partie supérieure, un infime manque de matière picturale en b
    May. 13, 2023

    Vaclav RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Roseaux, joncs et nénuphars au bord de la Seine près de Giverny, circa 1898-1902 Huile sur toile (d’origine) signée en bas à droite Quelques craquelures dans la partie supérieure, un infime manque de matière picturale en b

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    Vaclav RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Roseaux, joncs et nénuphars au bord de la Seine près de Giverny, circa 1898-1902 Huile sur toile (d’origine) signée en bas à droite Quelques craquelures dans la partie supérieure, un infime manque de matière picturale en bas vers la droite 65 x 92 cm Provenance : collection particulière (Eure) Expert : Expertises Tellier, Paris / Marc-Henri TELLIER, membre de la CEFA Václav Radimský naît le 6 octobre 1867 à Kolín (Empire austro-hongrois) et décède le 31 janvier 1946 à Pašinka (Tchécoslovaquie). Il est issu d'une famille d'avocats de Kolín, qui seront plus tard propriétaires terriens à Pašinka. Après le lycée, il part étudier à Vienne où il a pour professeur Eduard Peithner von Lichtenfels puis à Munich avec Eduard Schleich. En 1890, Radimský se rend à Paris où il est accueilli par la peintre tchèque Zdenka Braunerová qui lui présente de nombreux jeunes artistes français. Il découvre Barbizon et y rencontre les peintres impressionnistes, notamment Cezanne et Monet et est rapidement reconnu en France. Ainsi, il expose en 1893 à la 33e Exposition municipale de beaux-arts de Rouen avec deux toiles intitulées Blés mûrissants et Blés mûrs, sous les numéros 684 et 685. Le peintre vit à cette date à Rosny-sur-Seine. En 1894, Cezanne, avec qui Radimský partage un atelier à Paris, le recommande auprès de Monet. Il se joint alors au groupe de peintres qui se réunissent à l’hôtel Baudy, à Giverny près de la maison du Maître. Des centaines d’artistes fréquentent la commune, espérant pouvoir le rencontrer et peut-être apprendre de lui. Comme pianiste, Radimský compte au nombre des animateurs des soirées avec les artistes présents. C’est là qu’il fait connaissance de sa future épouse, Louise Fromont, une Vernonnaise, modèle pour les peintres de Giverny, qu’il épouse en 1907, avec laquelle il a une fille unique qui meurt de la scarlatine quelques mois après sa naissance.. En 1895, il obtient une médaille d’or au Salon de Rouen. Il expose plusieurs toiles au Salon des Artistes Français en 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899 et 1900 et est récompensé cette année-là par une médaille de bronze à l’Exposition universelle de Paris. Après Rosny-sur-Seine, Radimský vit à Paris au 62 boulevard de Clichy, puis à Giverny à partir de 1898. En 1899, a lieu sa première exposition à Prague qui rassemble 88 tableaux. Notre tableau a été exécuté dans les environs de Giverny, vers 1898-1902. Au premier plan, le peintre représente une panicule de roseaux et de joncs légèrement couchés, accompagnés de nénuphars chers à Monet. Au second plan, l’on voit la Seine avec des reflets sur l’eau provoquant ainsi un effet de miroir ; et à l’arrière-plan des maisons sur les berges du fleuve dominées par des collines. Le ciel est réduit au quart de la hauteur de la toile. La palette est composée des couleurs suivantes : blanc, vert, jaune, ocre, gris, bleu, rose et violet. Comme chez les impressionnistes, Radimský capte les conditions atmosphériques, mais sa touche est plus virevoltante que celle de ses confrères français. La nature est immuable et aucune présence humaine n’est décelable. Plusieurs œuvres de l’artiste reproduites dans l’ouvrage de Nadèžda Blažíčková-Horová peuvent se rapprocher de notre tableau qui figure assurément parmi ses chefs-d’œuvre. Radimský revient régulièrement rendre visite à sa famille et expose des peintures en Bohême. A part Paris et Prague, il montre ses œuvres à Londres, à Vienne et à Varsovie. Radimský acquiert un vieux moulin appelé "La Bergamotte" dans le hameau du Goulet, près de Giverny. Il y installe sa maison et son atelier sur la Seine. Comme son ami Monet, il fait également construire un "atelier flottant" pour pouvoir peindre sur le fleuve qu’il affectionne particulièrement. Avant 1914, il fonde, avec l’un de ses frères, une usine de conserves alimentaires nommée Bohemia. Arrêté après le déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale, en tant que citoyen d'un pays ennemi, il est emprisonné mais libéré grâce à l'intervention d'amis influents, dont Georges Clemenceau, homme politique et collectionneur des impressionnistes, qui possède l’une de ses œuvres. Désenchanté par cette attitude, Radimský quitte la France en 1918 avec sa compagne et retourne en Bohême, à Kolín, pour peindre la vallée de l'Elbe jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Expert : Expertises Tellier, Paris / Marc-Henri TELLIER, membre de la CEFA Vaclav RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Reeds, rushes and water lilies by the Seine near Giverny, circa 1898-1902 Oil on canvas (original) signed lower right A few cracks in the upper part, a tiny lack of pictorial material in the lower right corner 65 x 92 cm Provenance : private collection (Eure) Expert : Expertises Tellier, Paris / Marc-Henri TELLIER, member of the CEFA Václav Radimský was born on October 6th 1867 in Kolín (Austro-Hungarian Empire) and died on January 31st 1946 in Pašinka (Czechoslovakia). He came from a family of lawyers from Kolín, who later became landowners in Pašinka. After high school, he went to Vienna to study with Eduard Peithner von Lichtenfels, and then to Munich with Eduard Schleich. In 1890, Radimský went to Paris where he was welcomed by the Czech painter Zdenka Braunerová who introduced him to many young French artists. He discovered Barbizon and met the impressionist painters, notably Cezanne and Monet, and was quickly recognised in France. In 1893 he exhibited at the 33rd Municipal Fine Arts Exhibition in Rouen with two paintings entitled Blés mûrissants and Blés mûrs, under numbers 684 and 685. The painter was living at that time in Rosny-sur-Seine. In 1894, Cezanne, with whom Radimsky shared a studio in Paris, recommended him to Monet. He then joined the group of painters who met at the Hotel Baudy in Giverny near the Master's house. Hundreds of artists frequented the commune, hoping to meet him and perhaps learn from him. As a pianist, Radimsky was one of the hosts of the evenings with the artists present. It was there that he met his future wife, Louise Fromont, a Vernonnaise, a model for the Giverny painters, whom he married in 1907, with whom he had an only daughter who died of scarlet fever a few months after her birth. In 1895, he won a gold medal at the Rouen Salon. He exhibited several paintings at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900 and was awarded a bronze medal at the Paris Universal Exhibition that year. After Rosny-sur-Seine, Radimský lived in Paris at 62 boulevard de Clichy, then in Giverny from 1898. In 1899, he held his first exhibition in Prague, with 88 paintings. Our painting was executed in the vicinity of Giverny, around 1898-1902. In the foreground, the painter depicts a panicle of reeds and rushes lying slightly down, accompanied by the water lilies that Monet loved. In the background we see the Seine with reflections on the water, thus creating a mirror effect; and in the background houses on the banks of the river dominated by hills. The sky is reduced to a quarter of the height of the canvas. The palette consists of the following colours: white, green, yellow, ochre, grey, blue, pink and violet. As with the impressionists, Radimský captures the atmospheric conditions, but his touch is more swirling than that of his French colleagues. Nature is unchanging and no human presence is detectable. Several of the artist's works reproduced in Nadèžda Blažíčková-Horová's book can be compared to our painting, which is certainly one of his masterpieces. Radimský regularly visited his family and exhibited paintings in Bohemia. Apart from Paris and Prague, he showed his works in London, Vienna and Warsaw. Radimský acquires an old mill called "La Bergamotte" in the hamlet of Goulet, near Giverny. He set up his house and studio there on the Seine. Like his friend Monet, he also had a "floating studio" built so that he could paint on the river, which he particularly liked. Before 1914, he founded, with one of his brothers, a food canning factory called Bohemia. After the outbreak of the First World War, he was arrested as a citizen of an enemy country and imprisoned, but was released thanks to the intervention of influential friends, including Georges Clemenceau, a politician and collector of Impressionists, who owned one of his works. Disillusioned by this attitude, Radimský left France in 1918 with his partner and returned to Bohemia, to Kolín, to paint the Elbe Valley for the rest of his life. Václav RADIMSKÝ (1867-1946) Rákosí, rákosí a lekníny u Seiny poblíž Giverny, asi 1898-1902 Olej na plátně (originál), signováno vpravo dole V horní části několik prasklin, v pravém dolním rohu drobný nedostatek malířského materiálu. 65 x 92 cm Provenience: soukromá sbírka (Eure) Znalec : Expertises Tellier, Paříž / Marc-Henri TELLIER, člen CEFA Václav Radimský se narodil 6. října 1867 v Kolíně (Rakousko-Uhersko) a zemřel 31. ledna 1946 v Pašince (Československo). Pocházel z rodiny kolínských právníků, kteří se později stali statkáři v Pašince. Po gymnáziu odešel studovat do Vídně k Eduardu Peithnerovi von Lichtenfels a poté do Mnichova k Eduardu Schleichovi. V roce 1890 odjel Radimský do Paříže, kde ho přivítala česká malířka Zdenka Braunerová, která ho seznámila s mnoha mladými francouzskými umělci. Objevil Barbizon a seznámil se s impresionistickými malíři, zejména s Cézannem a Monetem, a ve Francii si rychle získal uznání. V roce 1893 vystavoval na 33. městské výstavě výtvarného umění v Rouenu dva obrazy s názvy Blés mûrissants a Blés mûrs pod čísly 684 a 685. Malíř v té době žil v Rosny-sur-Seine. V roce 1894 ho Cézanne, s nímž Radimský sdílel ateliér v Paříži, doporučil Monetovi. Připojil se pak ke skupině malířů, kteří se scházeli v hotelu Baudy v Giverny poblíž Mistrova domu. Komunu navštěvovaly stovky umělců, kteří doufali, že se s ním setkají a možná se od něj budou učit. Jako klavírista byl Radimsky jedním z hostitelů večerů s přítomnými umělci. Právě tam se seznámil se svou budoucí ženou Louisou Fromontovou, Vernonézankou, modelkou givernských malířů, kterou si vzal v roce 1907 a s níž měl jedinou dceru, jež zemřela několik měsíců po narození na spálu. V roce 1895 získal zlatou medaili na Rouenském salonu. V letech 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899 a 1900 vystavoval několik obrazů na Salonu francouzských umělců a v témže roce získal bronzovou medaili na pařížské Všeobecné výstavě. Po Rosny-sur-Seine žil Radimský v Paříži na boulevard de Clichy 62, od roku 1898 pak v Giverny. V roce 1899 uspořádal v Praze svou první výstavu, na které vystavil 88 obrazů. Náš obraz byl namalován v okolí Giverny v letech 1898-1902. V popředí malíř zobrazuje mírně skloněný trs rákosu a rákosin, doprovázený lekníny, které Monet miloval. V pozadí vidíme Seinu s odrazy na vodě, které vytvářejí zrcadlový efekt, a v pozadí domy na březích řeky, jimž dominují kopce. Obloha je zmenšena na čtvrtinu výšky plátna. Paletu tvoří tyto barvy: bílá, zelená, žlutá, okrová, šedá, modrá, růžová a fialová. Stejně jako impresionisté i Radimský zachycuje atmosférické podmínky, jeho dotek je však víc vířivý než u francouzských kolegů. Příroda je neměnná a není v ní patrná přítomnost člověka. Několik umělcových děl reprodukovaných v knize Naděždy Blažíčkové-Horové lze přirovnat k našemu obrazu, který jistě patří k jeho mistrovským dílům. Radimský pravidelně navštěvoval svou rodinu a vystavoval obrazy v Čechách. Kromě Paříže a Prahy vystavoval svá díla také v Londýně, Vídni a Varšavě. Radimský získává starý mlýn zvaný "La Bergamotte" ve vesničce Goulet nedaleko Giverny. Tam si na břehu Seiny zřídil dům a ateliér. Stejně jako jeho přítel Monet si nechal postavit "plovoucí ateliér", aby mohl malovat na řece, což se mu obzvlášť líbilo. Před rokem 1914 založil s jedním ze svých bratrů továrnu na výrobu potravinových konzerv s názvem Bohemia. Po vypuknutí první světové války byl jako občan nepřátelské země zatčen a uvězněn, ale díky intervenci vlivných přátel, mezi nimiž byl i Georges Clemenceau, politik a sběratel impresionistů, který vlastnil jedno z jeho děl, byl propuštěn. Rozčarován tímto postojem opustil Radimský v roce 1918 Francii i se svým partnerem a vrátil se do Čech, do Kolína, aby až do konce života maloval labské údolí. Znalec : Expertises Tellier, Paříž / Marc-Henri TELLIER, člen CEFA

    Les Andelys Enchères
  • Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946)
    Dec. 10, 2022

    Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946)

    Est: €6,198 -

    A CALM RIVER Oil on cardboard, 70x100 cm, unmarked, undated. With an expert opinion by PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař from 2022. Condition A. Framed, glazed.

    Auction House Zezula
    Dec. 08, 2022


    Est: -

    From the expert opinion of PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková Horová: "The presented painting was created between 1908 - 1910, i.e. in the peak period of Radimský's work. At that time, Radimský was already living in Giverny, in Goulet near Vernon, where he bought the old La Bergamotte mill and had it rebuilt according to his ideas and wishes , he set up a studio there, he had a boat moored on the Seine, which he used as a floating studio and in which, according to family tradition, he sometimes painted together with Monet. In Giverny, Radimský created a large collection of shots of the Seine River in different seasons. Presented natural the shot proves how Radimský was able to impress a simple landscape subject with an impressive atmosphere, in a brilliant way and basically with only three colors." Technique: Oil on cardboard, Signed: Lower right "V Radimský"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Spring Mood (They came by the river to the old town)
    Nov. 29, 2022

    Spring Mood (They came by the river to the old town)

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Property from an American Private Collection Václav Radimsky Czech 1867 - 1946 Spring Mood (They came by the river to the old town) signed V Radimsky lower right oil on cardboard Unframed: 71 by 72.5cm., 28 by 28½in. Framed: 89 by 90.5cm., 35 by 35½in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • Václav Radimský: Summer Landscape in France
    Nov. 17, 2022

    Václav Radimský: Summer Landscape in France

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV Kolin 1867 - 1946 attributed Title: Summer Landscape in France. Technique: Watercolour on paper. Measurement: 33,5 x 49,5cm. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Václav Radimský: Summer Shore
    Nov. 17, 2022

    Václav Radimský: Summer Shore

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV Kolin 1867 - 1946 Title: Summer Shore. Technique: Oil on card. Measurement: 67 x 98cm. Notation: Signed lower right: V. Radimsky. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. Václav Radimský is regarded as one of the first Eastern European artists to establish a lasting presence in France. Radimský studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and Vienna, moved to France for a study visit in the early 1890s and became acquainted with en plein air painting at the Barbizon School. In the main residence of the French Impressionists - Giverny - it joined a group of artists that included Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro. The friendship and collaboration with the leading figures had a lasting influence on the genesis of his style, which was so unique and captivating. Like the other Impressionists, Radimský worked outdoors in nature, devoting himself entirely to the landscape and all its wonders. En plein air painting is considered the most important attribute of the artistic movement. Characteristic of his oeuvre are untouched river landscapes, wide meadows and fairytale gardens. The strong influence of Monet and Pissarro is not only evident in form and style. Similar to his friend Monet, he often devoted himself to the same motifs at different times of the day and year. He never grew tired of them - on the contrary: the different effects expressed by the chosen scenes seemed infinitely fathomable. His paintings thereby reveal one of his great fascinations: The effect of natural light in combination with water surfaces and the reflections it transmits. The present painting is one of Radimský's characteristic river landscapes. It testifies to this special interest in the rendering of an atmospheric depiction of nature, which is captivating in its purity and unspoiltness. The airy, loose application of paint lends the painting a dazzling and breathtaking character. It reflects the boundless experimental exploration of colour, shadow and light in trialogue. As a result, it has much in common with Claude Monet's prominent depiction of the "Japanese Bridge", now in the National Gallery in London. Committed to international Impressionism, Radmiský shows what lies between the object and the artist: namely, the colourful stillness of such pristine beauty - that of the atmosphere. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    Jun. 14, 2022


    Est: -

    The landscape with a river is one of the representative works of Václav Radimský from the period after 1910, ie from his very valued period. His main inspiration was the water surface in all its forms. At first she had the river Seine, especially at Giverna near Vernon, where Radimský lived. Later, when he returned to his homeland, he painted the turbulent water levels in the Elbe. The impressive composition and impressive color composition in scales of green, blue and brown valeurs and bright orange tones proves that this is an extraordinarily mature work with a beautiful atmosphere. The reflection of the clear blue sky of the summer day on the water is complemented by willow and alder crowns with a touch of impression and rippling grass in the meadow in the background. Expert opinion of PhDr. N. Blažíčková-Horová attached. Technique: Oil on cardboard, Signed: Lower left "V Radimský"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Václav Radimský
    May. 08, 2022

    Václav Radimský

    Est: €1,200 - €2,400

    Václav Radimský (1867 Kolín/Böhmen/Tschechien - 1946 Gut Pasinka bei Kolín) Auenlandschaft in der Normandie Pastelltonig gemalte, frühe Landschaftsimpression. Der an den Akademien in München und Wien ausgebildete Radimský ging 1889 nach Frankreich. Um 1891 zog er über Barbizon nach Giverny, wo er sich der Künstlergruppe um Monet und Pissarro anschloss, die ihn nachhaltig beeinflussten. In der Nähe von Giverny und dem Wohnsitz Monets erwarb Radimský eine alte Mühle und richtete sich dort ein Atelier ein. Zu Hauptmotiven seiner Bilder wurden Flusslandschaften, Gärten, Wiesen und Seerosen, bei denen er die Wirkungen des Lichts in Verbindung mit Wasserflächen schilderte. Ab 1892 stellte er regelmäßig im Pariser Salon aus, es folgten erfolgreiche Ausstellungen in Prag, Wien, Berlin, Düsseldorf und Leipzig, 1900 seine Teilnahme an der Weltausstellung. Öl/Lwd.; L. u. sign. u. dat. (18)92. Verso Malwarenstempel von A. Bouché, Rue de Rennes 133, Paris. 32,5 cm x 46 cm. Rahmen. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (18)92. Artist supplier's stamp on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    Mar. 29, 2022


    Est: $8,000 - $10,000

    VACLAV RADIMSKY (France/Czech Republic, 1867-1946) oil on board, river landscape with a row of houses and footbridge. Signed lower left. Image measures 27" x 37.5".

    Dec. 14, 2021


    Est: -

    At the time of the work, Radimský lived again in Bohemia, in his native house in Pašinka near Kolín, and his constant inspiration was the river Elbe and its surroundings. Over and over again he recorded the shiny water surface in a tangle of reeds and water lilies, giving the reflection on the water surface with conviction, as well as the reflections of the branches of the surrounding trees, most often alders or old willows. He was absolutely insurmountable in this respect. Also on the presented landscape from Starý Kolín, the painter convincingly captured the rippling surface of the Elbe and its banks framed by a tree reflected on the water surface. The sun and shadow play a major role here, and the shot has an intense light characteristic of the painter. The landscape is remarkably executed, it belongs to the works of Václav Radimský as it was and is still a sought-after collector's item. Technique: Oil on canvas on cardboard, Signed: Lower right "V Radimský"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Václav Radimsky – Waldweg am Wasser (Forest path on the water)
    Jul. 14, 2021

    Václav Radimsky – Waldweg am Wasser (Forest path on the water)

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    Tempera on cardboard. (1905). 49.5 x 69.5 cm. Signed lower right.

    Karl & Faber
  • Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Bay with Water Lilies
    Apr. 18, 2021

    Vaclav Radimsky, (1867 – 1946), Bay with Water Lilies

    Est: Kč800,000 - Kč1,200,000

    oil on cardboard 72 x 100,5 cm signed lower left: "V Radimsky" Provenance: private collection Vienna Consulted with Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Karel Srp, Dr Jiri Machalicky, Aneta Kopecka and Vladimir Lekes. Confirmation of authenticity attached.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Václav Radimský; Landscape with lily pond
    Dec. 17, 2020

    Václav Radimský; Landscape with lily pond

    Est: €7,000 - €14,000

    Václav Radimský (Kolin 1867-1946 Pasinka) Landscape with lily pond oil on cardboard; 72 x 100 cm signed on the lower left: VRadimsky Provenance private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Václav Radimský; Riverscape
    Dec. 17, 2020

    Václav Radimský; Riverscape

    Est: €8,000 - €15,000

    Václav Radimský (Kolin 1867-1946 Pasinka) Riverscape oil on canvas; 60 x 81 cm signed on the lower right: Radimsky Provenance Gallery Tony Subal, Vienna; acquired there in the early 1990s, since then private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)-attributed
    Dec. 10, 2020

    Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)-attributed

    Est: €400 - €800

    Vaclav Radimsky (1867-1946)-attributed, Landscape by a river, signed bottom left, oil on canvas, framed.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Vaclav Radimsky (Czech, 1867 - 1946)
    Dec. 06, 2020

    Vaclav Radimsky (Czech, 1867 - 1946)

    Est: €45,000 - €55,000

    Vaclav Radimsky (1867 - 1946) Title: Summer day Date: circa 1910 Technique: oil on cardboard Signed: lower right V. Radimsky Painting dimensions: 68.5 x 97.5 cm Expert report: PhDr. Nadezda Blazickova-Horova The presented painting Summer Day is an undoubted and high-quality work of the landscape painter Vaclav Radimsky. It was probably created circa 1910, it shows motif in the landscape around the river Seine. It captures a river surrounded by tall trees on the horizon and on the right bank, shrubs predominate on the left bank and several buildings are hidden between them. The shot is from a late afternoon, from the time when the day is slowly ending and the setting sun is illuminating only a part of the rippled water surface and the tops of the trees on the horizon. The presented natural painting proves how Radimsky perfectly managed to impress an impressive atmosphere on a simple landscape theme, to capture in a brilliant way the mood of a certain moment of the day in the season, in our case at the end of summer in the late afternoon. The presented painting Summer Day, in my opinion, belongs to the primary works of Vaclav Radimsky. The originality of the painting was consulted and confirmed by PhDr. Michael Zachar.

    Galerie Ustar
  • RADIMSKY Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946), River Scene with Water Lilies, Oil on Canvas, 66x95cm
    Aug. 16, 2020

    RADIMSKY Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946), River Scene with Water Lilies, Oil on Canvas, 66x95cm

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    RADIMSKY, Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946) River Scene with Water Lilies Signed lower right. Provenance: George Halla, Czech Republic consul to New South Wales, 1948; thence by descent, private collection, Sydney. Oil on Canvas 66x95cm

    Davidson Auctions
  • RADIMSKY Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946), 'Ruis[s]eau dans le Bois', Oil on Board, 67x98cm
    Aug. 16, 2020

    RADIMSKY Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946), 'Ruis[s]eau dans le Bois', Oil on Board, 67x98cm

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    RADIMSKY, Vaclav (Czech 1867-1946) 'Ruis[s]eau dans le Bois' Signed lower right; & inscribed verso in pencil. Provenance: George Halla, Czech Republic consul to New South Wales, 1948; thence by descent, private collection, Sydney. Oil on Board 67x98cm

    Davidson Auctions
    Jul. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    Alley of willows lining the left bank of the river, on the right bank of which cows graze, are depicted on one of the supreme works of Václav Radimský from the period after 1900, ie from his peak period. He was inspired by the river Seine, Radimský lived in Giverny near Vernon and painted willows repeatedly. The impressive composition and impressive color composition in scales of green, blue and brown valleurs and brightening tones of orange proves that this is an unusually mature work with a beautiful atmosphere. The expert assesment written by PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová. Technique: Oil on cardboard, Signed: Lower left "V.Radimský"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Wenzel (Vaclav) Radimsky (-)
    Jun. 23, 2020

    Wenzel (Vaclav) Radimsky (-)

    Est: €12,000 - €14,000

    - The lot is subject to full taxation (13%) Please note the exact Buyer’s Premium charges which can be found in the Conditions of Sale in the Terms below. (Kolin 1867–1946 Pasinka) Forest Path, signed Radimsky, tempera, gouache on cardboard, 49.5 x 69.5 cm, framed Provenance: European Private Collection

  • Vaclav RADIMSKY (1887-1946) - Epte - Oil on canvas signed lower left - 54 x
    Feb. 26, 2020

    Vaclav RADIMSKY (1887-1946) - Epte - Oil on canvas signed lower left - 54 x

    Est: €28,000 - €50,000

    Vaclav RADIMSKY (1887-1946) - Epte - Oil on canvas signed lower left and dedicated- 54 x 81 cm - Provenance : French estate, Giverny area- Václav Radimský spent twenty-eight years of his life in France. Friend of Claude Monet, he lived and worked near Giverny, charmed, like countless French and foreign painters, by this place. With the same passion for nature, water, colour, light and the transience of the moment lived in the open air, Václav Radimský also painted his native region, the Elbe river area.

    Expertisez Enchères
  • VACLAV RADIMSKY (1867-1946)
    Jan. 13, 2020

    VACLAV RADIMSKY (1867-1946)

    Est: £80 - £120

    VACLAV RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Winter Landscape  Signed Radimsky (lower left) oil on card  59.5 x 71 cm

    Chiswick Auctions
    Dec. 10, 2019


    Est: -

    Václav Radimský’s enchanting subject shows a meandering brook with flickering reflections of trees on the surface of the water. The vegetation is covered with a veil of soft light that evokes the rising sin, and the scenery takes on a touch of dreaminess and Impressionism. The mood of the landscape exudes a sense of calm, and the reflection in the water connects the trees and brook into a harmonious whole. Radimský was a Czech landscape painter who briefly lived in Munich, were he studied at Eduard von Lichtenfels’s private landscape painting school, and in Vienna before travelling to France in 1892. Encouraged by painter Zdenka Braunerová, that same year he settled in Barbizon, where he was able to become acquainted with French Impressionist painting first-hand, especially the work of Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro, who became his role models and influenced his work. An expert assessment of the work has been prepared by PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946)
    Dec. 07, 2019

    Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946)

    Est: Kč490,000 - Kč980,000

    HOMESTEAD NEAR A RIVER 1910`s Oil on board, 65x95 cm, signed lower right "V Radimský". Framed, glazed. Painter's typical motif of a river landscape. Impressive work with using pastel colors and an eye for detail is a characteristic feature of Radimský's work. The painting depicts the spring mood of a river landscape, which was the most frequent source of artist's inspiration, influenced by his stay in France, where he became familiar with famous works by the Impressionists. Exeptionally high quality work with an expert opinion by PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová ŘÍČNÍ KRAJINA 10. léta 20. stol. Olej na kartonu, 65x95 cm, sign. vpravo dole "V Radimský". Rámováno, zaskleno. Malířův typický námět říční krajiny. Pozoruhodná umělecká práce s využitím pastelových barev se smyslem pro detail je pro Radimského charakteristickým rysem tvorby. Na obraze je zachycena jarní nálada říční krajiny, která byla nejčastějším autorovým inspiračním zdrojem ovlivněným pobytem ve Francii, kde se seznámil s pracemi nejznámějších impresionistů. Výjimečně kvalitní autorovo dílo posoudila a posudkem opatřila PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová. Stav A. Jan E. V. Radimský – studia malby započal ve Vídni, odkud odešel roku 1890 do Paříže. O rok později se seznámil s malíři v Barbizonu, což ovlivnilo celé jeho dílo. Roku 1894 získal cenu na pařížském Salonu. Po první světové válce se trvale usadil v Čechách a věnoval se krajinným scenériím Polabí. Mezi jeho nejoblíbenější náměty patřily krajiny s řekami. ELBELÄNDLICHES GEHÖFT 1910s Öl auf Karton, 65x95 cm, signiert rechts unten "V Radimský". Gerahmt, verglast. Ein typisches Flusslandschaft-Thema des Malers. Bemerkenswertes Kunstwerk mit Sinn für Details und Nutzen von Pastellfarben ist ein charakteristisches Merkmal seines Schaffens. Frühlingslaune der Flusslandschaft war die häufigste Inspirationsquelle des Autors, durch sein Aufenthalt in Frankreich beeinflusst, wo er die Werke der bekanntesten Impressionisten kennen lernte. Außergewöhnlich hochwertige Arbeit des Küstlers bewertete und mit Gutachten begleitete PhDr. Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová

    Auction House Zezula
  • Radimský - Coast in Normandy
    Dec. 01, 2019

    Radimský - Coast in Normandy

    Est: Kč2,000,000 - Kč2,500,000

    oil on canvas, dated 1900

    Galerie KODL
  • Radimský - Blooming poppies in Normandy
    Dec. 01, 2019

    Radimský - Blooming poppies in Normandy

    Est: Kč1,700,000 - Kč2,300,000

    oil on canvas, dated around 1900

    Galerie KODL
  • Václav Radimský - Windy afternoon
    May. 26, 2019

    Václav Radimský - Windy afternoon

    Est: Kč1,600,000 - Kč2,400,000

    oil on canvas, dated 1900 - 1905, 74 x 100 cm

    Galerie KODL
  • Václav Radimský - River arm
    May. 26, 2019

    Václav Radimský - River arm

    Est: Kč800,000 - Kč1,000,000

    oil on cardboard, dated 1920-1925, 70 x 100 cm

    Galerie KODL
  • Václav Radimský - Landscape in Giverny
    May. 26, 2019

    Václav Radimský - Landscape in Giverny

    Est: Kč1,800,000 - Kč2,200,000

    oil on canvas, dated 1897, 75 x 56 cm

    Galerie KODL
  • Václav Radimský - Winter at Brolles
    May. 26, 2019

    Václav Radimský - Winter at Brolles

    Est: Kč900,000 - Kč1,100,000

    oil on canvas, dated 1891, 46 x 55 cm

    Galerie KODL
    Dec. 06, 2018


    Est: -

    Around 1920 63 x 79.5 cm (h x w) Oil on cardboard. Signed lower left: "Radimsky". Landscape of the Elbe River Valley is a grand work by landscape artist Václav Radimsky, painted probably around 1920, as suggested in the expert opinion prepared by PhDr. Nadezda Blazicková-Horová: “... compared to other works from this period, because Radimsky only rarely dated his paintings. At the time it was created, Radimsky was back in Bohemia, living in his ancestral home in Pasinka (Kolin), and he was continuously inspired by the Elbe River and the area. Again and again he took note of the shiny waters amidst the reeds and water lilies; he convincingly mirrored the surroundings in the water, reflecting the branches of nearby trees – usually alder trees and old willows. He was simply unrivaled in this subject. Also in Landscape of the Elbe River Valley the painter uses blotches of color to capture the rippling surface of the Elbe, with its water plants and shores framed with trees reflected in the surface. The main role here is played by the sun and shadows, with the scene featuring the painter’s characteristically intense light and bright colors. The landscape is remarkably executed and is a Václav Radimsky work that has been and remains a highly sought-after collector’s item.” Starting price: 360 000 CZK (14 118 EUR)

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Radimský Václav (1867 - 1946)
    Mar. 26, 2017

    Radimský Václav (1867 - 1946)

    Est: Kč1,000,000 - Kč1,200,000

    Summer day, after 1910, oil on cardboard, 69 x 97.5 cm, signed lower right V. Radimský, original frame, glass. PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař has confirmed the authenticity of the work. Tentative estimated price (EUR): 40 000 - 48 000 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 20 000

    Galerie Ustar
  • Václav Radimský (Czech, 1867 - 1946)
    Mar. 26, 2017

    Václav Radimský (Czech, 1867 - 1946)

    Est: Kč500,000 - Kč650,000

    Title of the work: Bank at the river Datace: after 1910 Technique: oil on canvas Dimensions: 47 x 56,5 cm Signatura: bottom right V. Radimský Condition: painting in very good condition, old frame Expert´s report: PhDr. NaděždaBlažíčková-Horová PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachařhas confirmed the authenticity of the work. Tentative estimated price (EUR): 20 000 - 26 000 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 10 000

    Galerie Ustar
  • Václav Radimsky, Riverscape, Painting, 1st Half 20th C.
    Nov. 27, 2015

    Václav Radimsky, Riverscape, Painting, 1st Half 20th C.

    Est: €10,000 - €13,000

    Oil on cardboard Czechia, 1st half of the 20th century Václav Radimsky (1867-1946) – Czech landscape painter, important representative of Czech Impressionism Signed ‘V Radimsky’ lower left Dimensions: 73 x 100 cm Framed: 90 x 117 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Austria In bright colors and loose ductus typical impressionistic captured riverscape, a favorite motif of the Czech artist; comparable paintings fetch up to €55,000 at international auctions Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 20,000 Euro Condition: The painting on cardboard is relined with a second cardboard and curves slightly. The edges bear small defects and remains of a circumferential paper tape. Touch-ups are visible in the right corners and in the area of the upper edge. The overall condition is good consistent with age. The frame is in good condition, too, with only slight signs of age and use. The painting measures 73 x 100 cm. The framed dimensions are 90 x 117 cm. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Vaclav Radimsky (Czech, 1867-1946) Mid-day sunshine in the park
    May. 06, 2015

    Vaclav Radimsky (Czech, 1867-1946) Mid-day sunshine in the park

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    Vaclav Radimsky (Czech, 1867-1946) Mid-day sunshine in the park 26 3/4 x 28 1/2in (68 x 72.3cm)

  • VACLAO RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Bord de rivière
    Nov. 29, 2014

    VACLAO RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Bord de rivière

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    VACLAO RADIMSKY (1867-1946) Bord de rivière Huile sur carton Signée en bas à gauche 70 x 80 cm

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
  • RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV - 1867 Kolin - 1946 Pasinka (Kolin) Autumn Lake Landscape.
    Nov. 14, 2014

    RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV - 1867 Kolin - 1946 Pasinka (Kolin) Autumn Lake Landscape.

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    RADIMSKÝ, VÁCLAV 1867 Kolin - 1946 Pasinka (Kolin) Autumn Lake Landscape. Oil on cardboard. 69 x 98cm. Signed lower left: \ Radimsky. Framed. Verso: One stamp "Galerie Umeni ..."

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946) RIVER
    Nov. 09, 2013

    Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946) RIVER

    Est: Kč150,000 - Kč300,000

    Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946) RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH A VILLAGE. Oil on cardboard, 68x98 cm (inside frame measurements), bottom right corner signed „V Radimský". Framed, glassed. Condition B. Jan E. V. Radimský - started to study painting in Vienna where he left from in 1890 and headed to Paris. A year later met Barbizoa which influenced his works for the rest of his life. In 1894 was awarded a price at Parisian Salon. After the First World War he moved permanently to Czech lands and painted Labe area. His favorite topics were river landscapes. Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946) ŘÍČNÍ KRAJINA S VESNICÍ. Olej na lepence, 68x98 cm (výřez rámu), sign. vpravo dole „V Radimský". Rámováno, zaskleno. Stav B. Jan E. V. Radimský - studia malby započal ve Vídni, odkud odešel roku 1890 do Paříže. O rok později se seznámil s malíři v Barbizonu, což ovlivnilo celé jeho dílo. Roku 1894 získal cenu na pařížském Salonu. Po první světové válce se trvale usadil v Čechách a věnoval se krajinným scenériím Polabí. Mezi jeho nejoblíbenější náměty patřily krajiny s řekami. Jan Emanuel Václav Radimský (1867-1946) FLUSSLANDSCHAFT MIT DORF. Öl auf Pappe, 68x98 cm (Maße unter Rahmen), rechts unten sign. „V Radimský". Gerahmt, verglast. Zustand B. Jan E. V. Radimský begann sein Studium in Wien, 1890 ging er aber nach Paris, wo er die Maler in Barbizon kennenlernte. Diese Begegnung beeinflusste sein ganzes Schaffen. 1894 bekam er einen Preis in Pariser Salon und nach dem ersten Weltkrieg siedelte er nach Böhmen um. Hier malte er vor allem Landschaften aus der Umgebung der Elbe. Zu seinen beliebtesten Motiven gehörten Flusslandschaften.

    Auction House Zezula
    Jun. 13, 2013


    Est: Kč80,000 - Kč128,000

    VÁCLAV RADIMSKÝ (1867-1946) STILL LIFE WITH PEACOCK FEATHERS 1889, Bohemia, 57.5×39.7cm. Watercolor, a rare example of Radimský's early work, signed and dated on bottom left Radimský V. 1889, assessment by PhDr. N. Blažíčková-Horská

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Vaclav Radimsky Czech Republic 1867-1946 Landscape
    May. 28, 2013

    Vaclav Radimsky Czech Republic 1867-1946 Landscape

    Est: kr80,000 - kr100,000

    Vaclav Radimsky Czech Republic 1867-1946 Landscape by the Elbe (Labe) valley. (d) Signed V. Radimsky. Oil on paper-panel 70.5 x 100.5 cm.

Lots Per Page: