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Marcantonio Raimondi Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver

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  • Raimondi, Marcantonio
    Sep. 27, 2024

    Raimondi, Marcantonio

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1475 Agini - Bologna 1534). Tanz der Amoretten. Radierung um 1520. 11,5 x 16,8 cm. Auf dünnem Karton montiert. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Raimondi, Marcantonio
    Sep. 27, 2024

    Raimondi, Marcantonio

    Est: €50 - €75

    (1475 Agini - Bologna 1534) Kopie nach. Christus am Kreuz. Aus der Folge "Piccoli Santi" (Kleine Heilige). Kupferstich auf Bütten mit WZ (?) um 1520. Blgr. 8,4 x 5 cm. Ohne das Monogr. "MAF" re. vom Sockel des Kreuzes. Auf Karton mont. Vgl. Albertina DG1970/357DG1970/357. - Geringe Gebrauchssp. Verso 2 Sammlerstempel.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • mogelijk Marcantonio Raimondi (1470 - 1527) Dansende putti, naar Raphael
    Jun. 17, 2024

    mogelijk Marcantonio Raimondi (1470 - 1527) Dansende putti, naar Raphael

    Est: €80 - €120

    Ets - met stuk tape aan passe-partout vastgeplakt. B 11 x 16.6 / 11.5 x 17.2 / 17.5 x 22 cm / niet ingelijst

    Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
  • Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-1534). Young and Old Bacchant
    Apr. 19, 2024

    Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-1534). Young and Old Bacchant

    Est: €200 - €300

    after Raphael. Engraving, 185 x 142 mm. Single state. Bartsch XIV.294. Delaborde 135. 18th century edition. Sharp impression on laid paper. Proof with small margins, in very good condition.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-1534). Joseph and Putiphar's wife
    Apr. 19, 2024

    Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-1534). Joseph and Putiphar's wife

    Est: €500 - €700

    Engraving, 204 x 243 mm. II state of 2, with Nicolas Van Aelst's address. Bartsch XIV.9,  Delaborde 4.   Clear impression on laid paper. Trimmed copy, with small margins. In very good condition.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Marcantonio Raimondi (attribuited to) (c. 1480-1534). Tha Abduction of Helen
    Apr. 19, 2024

    Marcantonio Raimondi (attribuited to) (c. 1480-1534). Tha Abduction of Helen

    Est: €500 - €700

    after Raphael. Engraving, 419 x 219 mm. Bartsch XIV.209, Delaborde (copy after Marcantonio Raimondi?). Edition with Giacomo de Rossi's address.   Printed on laid paper with sheet trimmed as usual. Defects along the edges and missing corners.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI AND CIRCLE (AFTER RAPHAEL) Joseph Interpreting his Dreams to his Brothers.
    Apr. 18, 2024

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI AND CIRCLE (AFTER RAPHAEL) Joseph Interpreting his Dreams to his Brothers.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI AND CIRCLE (AFTER RAPHAEL) Joseph Interpreting his Dreams to his Brothers. Engraving, circa 1520. 245x360 mm; 9¾x14¼ inches. A superb, dark, early impression with very strong contrasts and little to no sign of wear. Trimmed on or just inside the plate mark. Provenance: Peter Vischer, Basel, with the ink stamps on the mount (Lugt 2115 and 2116); Dr. Gustav Seeligmann, New York, with the ink stamp on the mount (Lugt with the ink stamp on the mount (Lugt 1215). Bartsch 5.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Marcantonio Raimondi (1470 - 1527) Vrouw als personificatie van Liefde (Caritas) met twee kinderen staand in nis, naar Rafaël
    Dec. 18, 2023

    Marcantonio Raimondi (1470 - 1527) Vrouw als personificatie van Liefde (Caritas) met twee kinderen staand in nis, naar Rafaël

    Est: €80 - €120

    Gravure - niet ingelijst. B 21.6 x 11.1 cm

    Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
  • Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs

    Est: €325 - €475

    NOTRE DAME A L'ESCALIER - Ca. 1525 Martha leading Mary Magdalene up a set of stairs to Christ who is seated at right between two columns at the entrance of a temple, so called 'Notre dame à l'escalier'; after Giulio Romano. c.1520-25 Engraving Engraving by: Marcantonio Raimondi (1470/1482-1527/1634) Design by: Guillio Romano Published by: Antonio Salamanca (1478-1563) A good early impression with the publishers address 'Ant.Sal.exc' bottom right.

    Old Master Print
  • Raimondi, Marcantonio
    May. 25, 2023

    Raimondi, Marcantonio

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (ca. 1480 Argini - ca. 1530 Bologna). Das Marienleben. Kupferstiche nach den Holzschnitten von A. Dürer. Folge von 15 (von 17) Blatt. Alle Bll. mit Monogramm AD, 33 x 21,5 cm. Bartsch 621-632,635-37. - Die Nachstiche Marcantonio Raimondis basieren auf den 17 Holzschnitten Dürers zum Marienleben, die vor seiner zweiten Italienreise im Spätsommer 1505 entstanden sind. (Anna Scherbaum: Das Marienleben, in: Albrecht Dürer. Das druckgraphische Werk, Band 2, bearbeitet von R. Schoch, M. Mende u. A. Scherbaum, München u.a. 2002, S. 216.). - Gute Abdrucke mit Nr., breitrandig. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • MARCANTINO RAIMONDI Allegory of a Young Man with a Torch.
    May. 11, 2023

    MARCANTINO RAIMONDI Allegory of a Young Man with a Torch.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    MARCANTINO RAIMONDI Allegory of a Young Man with a Torch. Engraving, circa 1515. 276x375 mm; 10 7/8x14 3/4 inches. With thread margins or trimmed on the plate mark. A very good, well-inked impression of this extremely scarce, early engraving with strong contrasts and little to no sign of wear. We have found only two other impressions at auction in the past 30 years. Provenance: François Debois, Paris, initials in ink verso (Lugt 985); Alfred Morrison, London, ink stamp verso (Lugt 151); Jerome M. Eisenberg, PhD, New York. Bartsch 360.

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Feb. 28, 2023


    Est: $1,200 - $1,400

    Artist: Marcantonio Raimondi, After by Amand Durand, Italian (1480 - 1534) Title: Adam et Eve Year: 1875 Medium: Heliogravure on laid paper Size: 10 x 7 in. (25.4 x 17.78 cm)

  • Marcantonio Raimondi, Sacra Famiglia con san Giovannino (La Vergine dalla coscia lunga). 1520-1525.
    Nov. 29, 2022

    Marcantonio Raimondi, Sacra Famiglia con san Giovannino (La Vergine dalla coscia lunga). 1520-1525.

    Est: €280 - €560

    Bulino. mm 388x273. Bartsch,XIV,57. Shoemaker, 59. Raphael invenit (Madonne), XXXVIII, p. 207, 1. Soggetto in relazione a disegni eseguiti da Raffaello tra il 1518 e il 1519 sul tema della Sacra Famiglia, e forse uno degli ultimi lavori di Marcantonio sotto la guida del maestro. Ottima impressione riccamente inchiostrata nell'unico stato censito, su carta vergellata con filigrana "ancora con anello in cerchio singolo" (Briquet, 460 / Venezia, 1472/1490). In basso al verso a penna e inchiostro bruno nota di possesso di Johann Sigmund Bermann (Oesdorf, 1794-Vienna, 1846) mercante di stampe a Vienna (Lugt, 235).

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO, Kopie - Copy: "Venus nach dem Bade".
    Nov. 03, 2022

    RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO, Kopie - Copy: "Venus nach dem Bade".

    Est: CHF150 - CHF300

    RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO (Agini um 1475 - um 1534 Bologna (?)); Kopie - Copy : "Venus nach dem Bade"; Kupferstich; 20x16,2 cm (BG); i.d. Platte mgr. "AD"

    Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
    May. 03, 2022


    Est: €150 - €200

    MARC-ANTOINE RAIMONDI (VERS 1480-1527/34) ANGES - LA CASSOLETTE Burin sur papier Belles épreuves coupées au sujet (un peu incomplètes), en tirage tardif, collées; plis, accidents, et manques Chisel on paper; trimmed just outside the borderline SUJETS : 31 X 20,7 CM ; 28,7 X 16,1 CM • IMAGES : 12 1/4 X 8 1/8 IN. ; 11 1/4 X 6 3/8 IN.

  • Marcantonio Raimondi, Temperance
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Marcantonio Raimondi, Temperance

    Est: €225 - €350

    Temperantia, Temperance engraving made by Marcantonio Raimondi (1470-1534) ca 1515-1525. After Raphael. In Good condition, good grey impression on thin laid paper with narrow margins. Some wear in the right lower corner. Otherwise excellent.

    Old Master Print
  • Marcantonio Raimondi, Quattro incisioni di, e da Marcatonio Raimondi. 1520 ca.
    Oct. 26, 2021

    Marcantonio Raimondi, Quattro incisioni di, e da Marcatonio Raimondi. 1520 ca.

    Est: €480 - €960

    1) Marco Dente (Ravenna 1493 ca.-Roma 1527) [attribuito a]. Il massacro degli innocenti. 1510-1514. Bulino. mm 276x428. Bartsch,XIV,20. Massari (raphael invenit), p. 172, VI, 2. Sul piedistallo a sinistra "RAPHA / URBI / INVEN/ MAF". Versione della celebre stampa di Marcantonio senza l'albero di conifera ("felcetta") in alto a destra, già assegnata a Marco Dente dal Bartsch, attribuzione sulla quale a tuttoggi la critica non concorda. Bellissima impressione stampata con inchiostrazione uniforme e brillante su carta vergellata con filigrana non identificabile. 2) Anonimo del XVI secolo. I cinque santi. Bulino. mm 408x273. Bartsch,XIV, 113A. Massari (Raphael invenit), p. 221,2b. Sulla lastra in basso a destra "Antonius Carenzanus formis Romae.1610.Super.m permissu". Prima traduzione nello stesso verso dell'incisione reallizzata da Marcantonio Raimondi tra il 1520 e il1525 e tratta da un disegno di Giulio Romano o del Penni per il dipinto analogo oggi alla Galleria Nazionale di Parma. Ottima prova nel II stato di 3 (non censito dal Bartsch) con l'indirizzo dell'editore Antonio Carenzano (attivo tra il 1591 e il 1614). Carta vergellata sottile con filigrana "fiore di giglio in cerchio singolo sormontato da corona", (simile a Woodward, 105. 1590). 3) Agostino Veneziano (Venezia 1490 ca.-Roma 1540). L'imperatore Adriano libera Androcle. 1516-1517 ca. Bulino. mm 404x267. Bartsch,XIV,196. massari (raphael invenit), p. 235, V,1a. Con la tavoletta in basso a destra. Incisione assegnata non unanimemente ad Agostino che l'avrebbe eseguita in collaborazione con Marcantonio, tratta da uno studio conservato al Metropolitan Museum e già attribuito al Penni. Ottima prova nel I stato di 2 senza le iniziali "AV" sulla pietra in basso a sinistra. Carta vergellata con grande filigrana "cartiglio". 4) Marcantonio Raimondi. L'arcangelo Gabriele annuncia a Gioacchino la maternità di Anna. 1510-1515. Bulino. mm 290x205. Bartsch,XIV,622. Con il monogramma di Dürer in tabella e il numero "2" sulla lastra in basso a sinistra. Da La vita della Vergine, serie di venti xilografie intagliate da Albrecht Dürer tra il 1504 e il 1505 e dalle quali Marcantonio Raimondi eseguì solo diciassette copie a bulino. Ottima prova su carta vergellata spessa apparentementee priva di filigrana. (4)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marcantonio Raimondi [da], Martirio di San Lorenzo. Post 1525.
    Oct. 26, 2021

    Marcantonio Raimondi [da], Martirio di San Lorenzo. Post 1525.

    Est: €280 - €560

    Bulino. mm 435x580. Bartsch (Raimondi), 104 (copia B). Sulla lastra in basso al centro sotto il piede sinistro di San Lorenzo, il monogramma "MF" e tabella con "baccius / Brandin / in ven". Copia di anonimo incisore della metà del XVI secolo, nello stesso verso dell'originale, dal bulino che Marcantonio incise attorno al 1525 da un disegno di Baccio Bandinelli. Grande incisione su due fogli uniti al centro, ottimamente impressa con bella evidenza di segno. SI AGGIUNGONO: 2) Giulio Sanuto (Venezia 1540 ca. 1588). La favola di Apollo e Marsia (Foglio di sinistra). 1562 ca. Bulino. mm 515x420. Passavant, 10. Bury (Sanuto), 1. All'angolo in basso a sinistra "Apollinis et Marsiae/Fabula ex clariss/Pictoris Antonii/de Corregio Pictura". Da un grande trittico inciso tratto da un dipinto di identico soggetto di Agnolo Bronzino, a lungo ed erroneamente ritenuto del Correggio. Sullo sfondo di una veduta di Venezia, al centro si osserva la scena con Apollo che a forza mette le orecchie d'asino a Mida e sul primo piano il servitore che urla il segreto del re in un foro del terreno. Bella prova su carta vergellata sottile con filigrana "sirena in cerchio singolo sormontato da stella a sei punte" (Woodward, 91. 1557-1570). 3) Annibale Carracci (Bologna 1560-Roma 1609)[da]. Elemosina di San Rocco. Bulino. mm 303x450. Foglio: mm 323x467. Borea/Mariani, 4. Copia di autore non identificato e nello stesso verso del dipinto di Annibale oggi a Dresda. Si segnala altro esemplare presso Istituto centrale per la grafica (Fondo Corsini inv. S-FC73189). Bibliografia: E. Borea, G. Mariani (a cura di), Annibale Carracci e i suoi incisori, catalogo della mostra, Roma 4 ottobre-30 novembre 1986 (3)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marcantonio Raimondi, Due baccanti. 1520-1527.
    Oct. 26, 2021

    Marcantonio Raimondi, Due baccanti. 1520-1527.

    Est: €140 - €280

    Bulino. mm 178x135. Foglio: mm 185x143. Bartsch, 294. Con il monogramma "MAF" in basso a sinistra sotto il piede del baccante anziano. (1)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marcantonio Raimondi [da], Venere al bagno. 1520-1530.
    Oct. 26, 2021

    Marcantonio Raimondi [da], Venere al bagno. 1520-1530.

    Est: €240 - €480

    Bulino. mm 203x165. Bartsch, 297 (copia D). Delaborde,115 (copia 5). Massari (Raphael invenit), p. 63, VII, 4. Copia in controparte rispetto all'originale di Marcantonio, opera verosimilmente di artista nordico come pare suggerire il paesaggio di pura invenzione sullo sfondo. Ottima prova nel II stato su 2 dopo alcuni ritocchi e l'abrasione del monogramma di Dürer in basso a destra, su carta evrgellata con filigrana "cerchio singolo sormontato da trifoglio". (1)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi: Die Muse, nach Raphael
    Sep. 17, 2021

    Marc Antonio Raimondi: Die Muse, nach Raphael

    Est: CHF999 - CHF1,000

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (Argini bei Bologna um 1480 - um 1530 Bologna) Die Muse, nach Raphael Kupferstich / Engraving Um 1515 13x8,2 cm, Blattgrösse / 13x8,2 cm, sheet size Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné Illustrated Bartsch, Bd. 26, Nr. 265 Provenienz / Provenance Slg. Paul Davidsohn, Berlin, 1839-1931, Lugt 624, im Katalog seiner Sammlung bei C.G. Boerner in Leipzig am 22. November 1920 unter der Kat. Nr. 2162 mit "vorzüglicher Abdruck" Slg. Dr. Friedrich Andreas Lieberg, Kassel und Buenos Aires, 1898-1977, Lugt 1681bis Slg. Dr. Albert W. Blum, Short Hills und Zürich, 1882-1952, Lugt 79b Coll. Paul Davidsohn, Berlin, 1839-1931, Lugt 624, in the catalog of his collection at C.G. Boerner in Leipzig on November 22, 1920 under cat. no. 2162 with "excellent impression" Coll. Dr. Friedrich Andreas Lieberg, Kassel and Buenos Aires, 1898-1977, Lugt 1681bis Coll. Dr. Albert W. Blum, Short Hills and Zurich, 1882-1952, Lugt 79b Zustand / Condition Ausgezeichneter, kompletter Druck, sauber in der Erhaltung, mit hervorragender Provenienz. Eckchen oben links fehlt Excellent complete print, clean in condition, with outstanding provenance. Corner missing at upper left Erläuterungen / Comments Ein Blatt der Folge von gesamthaft 9 Blättern "Die Musen" One sheet of the series of 9 sheets "Die Musen" Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 17. September 2021; 11:05 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi: Scipio Africanus
    Sep. 17, 2021

    Marc Antonio Raimondi: Scipio Africanus

    Est: CHF599 - CHF600

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (Argini bei Bologna um 1480 - um 1530 Bologna) Scipio Africanus Kupferstich / Engraving Um 1500–1534 17,5x12 cm, Plattenkante - 19,2x13,4 cm, Blattgrösse / 17,5x12 cm, plate mark - 19,2x13,4 cm, sheet size Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné Illustrated Bartsch, Bd. 26, Nr. 189/II Zustand / Condition Sehr schöner Druck, gut in der Erhaltung, mit Papierrand um die Plattenkante Very nice impression, good condition, with paper margin around the platemark MWST / VAT Mehrwertsteuer auf dem Zuschalgspreis plus Aufgeld / VAT on hammer price plus buyer's premium Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 17. September 2021; 11:05 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi: Didon, nach Raphael
    Sep. 17, 2021

    Marc Antonio Raimondi: Didon, nach Raphael

    Est: CHF1,499 - CHF1,500

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (Argini bei Bologna um 1480 - um 1530 Bologna) Didon, nach Raphael Kupferstich / Engraving Um 1520 15,9x12,4 cm, Blattgrösse / 15,9x12,4 cm, sheet size Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné Illustrated Bartsch, Bd. 26, Nr. 187 Zustand / Condition Schöner Frühdruck, rechts knapp. Sauber in der Erhaltung, auf Papier mit Wasserzeichen "Rad mit Kreuz" Nice early print, scarce on the right. Clean in condition, on paper with watermark "Rad mit Kreuz" Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 17. September 2021; 11:05 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi: Die hl. Caecilia. - Die Muse, nach Raphael. - Der gerundete Stab
    Sep. 17, 2021

    Marc Antonio Raimondi: Die hl. Caecilia. - Die Muse, nach Raphael. - Der gerundete Stab

    Est: CHF1,999 - CHF2,000

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (Argini bei Bologna um 1480 - um 1530 Bologna) Die hl. Caecilia. - Die Muse, nach Raphael. - Der gerundete Stab 3 Blatt Kupferstiche / Engravings, 3 sheets Um 1515 8,6x5 cm - 12,8x7,8 cm - 8,5x8,2 cm, jeweils Blattgrösse / 8,6x5 cm - 12,8x7,8 cm - 8,5x8,2 cm, respectively sheet size Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné Illustrated Bartsch, Bd. 26, Nrn. 177 und 265 - Bd. 27, Nr. 369 Provenienz / Provenance Alle 3 Blätter aus Slg. Dr. Albert W. Blum, Short Hills und Zürich, 1882-1952, Lugt 79b All 3 sheets from the collection of Dr. Albert W. Blum, Short Hills and Zurich, 1882-1952, Lugt 79b Zustand / Condition Alle 3 Blätter in guter Druckqualität und Erhaltung All 3 sheets in good print quality and condition Konvolut / Group lot Zus. 3 Blatt Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 17. September 2021; 11:05 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi: Das Marienleben
    Sep. 17, 2021

    Marc Antonio Raimondi: Das Marienleben

    Est: CHF3,999 - CHF4,000

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (Argini bei Bologna um 1480 - um 1530 Bologna) Das Marienleben Folge von 17 Blatt Kupferstichen, Kopien nach den Holzschnitten von Albrecht Dürer / Series of 17 copperplate engravings, copies after the woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer Nach 1505 Alle Blätter 29,3x21,4 cm, Darstellung und Blattgrösse / All sheets 29,3x21,4 cm, image and sheet size Signatur / Signature Vorhanden sind: 1. Joachims Opfer wird vom Hohepriester zurückgewiesen. Ill. B. 621 2. Joachim auf dem Felde. Ill. B. 622 3. Joachim und Anna unter der goldenen Pforte. Ill. B. 623 4. Die Geburt Mariens. Ill. B. 624 5. Mariens Tempelgang. Ill. B. 625 6. Die Verlobung Mariens. Ill. B. 626 7. Mariae Verkündigung. Ill. B. 627 8. Die Heimsuchung. Ill. B. 628 9. Die Geburt Christi - Anbetung der Hirten. Ill. B. 629 10. Die Anbetung der Könige. Ill. B. 630 11. Die Darstellung im Tempel. Ill. B. 631 12. Die Beschneidung. Ill. B. 632 13. Ruhe auf der Flucht nach Ägypten. Ill. B. 633 14. Die Flucht nach Ägypten. Ill. B. 634 15. Der zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel. Ill. B. 635 16. Christus nimmt Abschied von seiner Mutter. Ill. B. 636 17. Mariens Verehrung. Ill. B. 637 Present are: 1. Joachims Opfer wird vom Hohepriester zurückgewiesen. Ill. B. 621 2. Joachim auf dem Felde. Ill. B. 622 3. Joachim und Anna unter der goldenen Pforte. Ill. B. 623 4. Die Geburt Mariens. Ill. B. 624 5. Mariens Tempelgang. Ill. B. 625 6. Die Verlobung Mariens. Ill. B. 626 7. Mariae Verkündigung. Ill. B. 627 8. Die Heimsuchung. Ill. B. 628 9. Die Geburt Christi - Anbetung der Hirten. Ill. B. 629 10. Die Anbetung der Könige. Ill. B. 630 11. Die Darstellung im Tempel. Ill. B. 631 12. Die Beschneidung. Ill. B. 632 13. Ruhe auf der Flucht nach Ägypten. Ill. B. 633 14. Die Flucht nach Ägypten. Ill. B. 634 15. Der zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel. Ill. B. 635 16. Christus nimmt Abschied von seiner Mutter. Ill. B. 636 17. Mariens Verehrung. Ill. B. 637 Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné Illustrated Bartsch, Bd. 27, Nr. 621-637 Zustand / Condition Alle Blätter in einheitlich guter Erhaltung, alle mit voll sichtbaren Einfassungslinien und schmalem Papierrändchen All sheets in uniformly good condition, all with fully visible border lines and narrow paper margin Erläuterungen / Comments Um 1503 begann Dürer seine 1511 publizierte Folge "Das Marienleben" und schuf bis 1505 das Gros der letztlich mit Titelblatt 20 Blatt umfassenden Folge. Als er 1505 zu seiner Reise nach Venedig aufbrach, nahm er Teile seiner graphischen Werke, Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte, als Beweis seines künstlerischen Schaffens mit in sein Reisegepäck, u.a. auch 17 Probedrucke der geplanten Folge. In Venedig traf er den Künstlerkollegen Marc Antonio Raimondi aus Bologna und Rom. Raimondi war von den Graphikblättern Dürers begeistert und kopierte u.a. auch die 17 Holzschnitte in Kupferstich, nahezu in Originalgrösse. Er beliess auf allen Blättern das Monogramm "AD" und versah die Blätter mit kleinen Ziffern von "1" bis "17", was beweist, dass er die Vorlagen als Folge ansah. Komplette Folgen der Kopien, frühe Zeugnisse einer künstlerischen Zusammenarbeit, sind sehr selten Around 1503, Dürer began his series "Das Marienleben", published in 1511, and by 1505 had created the bulk of the series, which ultimately comprised 20 sheets including the title page. When he set off on his journey to Venice in 1505, he took some of his graphic works, engravings and woodcuts, with him as proof of his artistic creativity, including 17 proofs of the planned series. In Venice, he met fellow artist Marc Antonio Raimondi from Bologna and Rome. Raimondi was enthusiastic about Dürer's prints and copied, among others, the 17 woodcuts in engraving, almost in original size. He left the monogram "AD" on all the sheets and added small numbers from "1" to "17", which proves that he regarded the originals as a sequence. Complete sets of copies, early evidence of an artistic collaboration, are very rare MWST / VAT Mehrwertsteuer auf dem Zuschalgspreis plus Aufgeld / VAT on hammer price plus buyer's premium Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 17. September 2021; 10:45 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

    Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
  • Three engravings by Marcantonio Raimondi and a pair of architectural engravings of the Palazzo Farnese, 10,5 x 18 - 35,4 x 62,7 cm
    May. 20, 2021

    Three engravings by Marcantonio Raimondi and a pair of architectural engravings of the Palazzo Farnese, 10,5 x 18 - 35,4 x 62,7 cm

    Est: €300 - €500

    Three engravings by Marcantonio Raimondi and a pair of architectural engravings of the Palazzo Farnese, 10,5 x 18 - 35,4 x 62,7 cm Three copper engravings by Marcantonio Raimondi (1470-1534), depicting Prudentia & Justice (two of the seven Virtues), and Apollo, the first half of the 16thC, 10,5 x 18 - 10,7 x 21,8 cm A pair of architectural engravings of the interior of the Palazzo Farnese in Rome, engraved by Petrus Aquila after Annibale Carracci, 17thC, 35,4 x 62,7 cm

    Carlo Bonte Auctions
  • Marc Antonio Raimondi (1480-1534)-follower
    Oct. 20, 2020

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (1480-1534)-follower

    Est: €120 - €240

    Marc Antonio Raimondi (1480-1534)-follower, The banquet of Armor and Psiche; black ink on paper; see Loggia di Amore e Psiche, Villa Farnesina.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs
    Jun. 09, 2020

    Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs

    Est: €325 - €475

    NOTRE DAME A L'ESCALIER - Ca. 1525 Martha leading Mary Magdalene up a set of stairs to Christ who is seated at right between two columns at the entrance of a temple, so called 'Notre dame à l'escalier'; after Giulio Romano. c.1520-25 Engraving Engraving by: Marcantonio Raimondi (1470/1482-1527/1634) Design by: Guillio Romano Published by: Antonio Salamanca (1478-1563) A good early impression with the publishers address 'Ant.Sal.exc' bottom right.

    Old Master Print
  • Raimondi Marcantonio, La Prudenza. 1516-1518.
    May. 26, 2020

    Raimondi Marcantonio, La Prudenza. 1516-1518.

    Est: €100 - €200

    Bulino. mm 218x108. Bartsch, 392. Raphael invenit, pp. 262-263, 7.Con il monogramma "MAF" in basso a destra e il numero "7" a sinistra. Settima tavola da Le Virtù serie in sette fogli raffiguranti le tre virtù teologali e le quattro cardinali collocate all'interno di nicchie. Da originali un tempo attribuiti a Raffaello ma più plausibilmente da restituire ad artista della sua stretta cerchia, databile agli anni 1516-18. Ottima prova nel II stato 2 dopo la numerazione, su carta vergellata apparentemente priva di filigrana.

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Raimondi Marcantonio, San Paolo predica nell'Aeropago di Atene. 1517-1520
    May. 26, 2020

    Raimondi Marcantonio, San Paolo predica nell'Aeropago di Atene. 1517-1520

    Est: €300 - €600

    Bulino. mm 265x357. Bartsch, 44. L'incisione riproduce un soggetto di Raffaello per uno dei dieci arazzi con Storie di San Pietro e di San Paolo, commissionati da Leone X verso il 1513-1514 per la Cappella Sistina, e tessuti a Bruxelles fra il 1516 ed il 1521 nei laboratori di Pieter van Aelst. Ottima impressione su carta vergellata sottile con filigrana "piccolo scudo sormontato da corona". In basso a sinistra marchio della collezione di Carl Julius Kollmann a Dresda (Lugt 1584).

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs
    May. 19, 2020

    Marcantonio - The Holy Mother at the Stairs

    Est: €325 - €475

    NOTRE DAME A L'ESCALIER - Ca. 1525 Martha leading Mary Magdalene up a set of stairs to Christ who is seated at right between two columns at the entrance of a temple, so called 'Notre dame à l'escalier'; after Giulio Romano. c.1520-25 Engraving Engraving by: Marcantonio Raimondi (1470/1482-1527/1634) Design by: Guillio Romano Published by: Antonio Salamanca (1478-1563) A good early impression with the publishers address 'Ant.Sal.exc' bottom right.

    Old Master Print
  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470-82 - 1527/34) AFTER RAPHAEL (1483-1520) Two Women with the Zodiac Sheet 284 x 198 mm.
    Dec. 10, 2019

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470-82 - 1527/34) AFTER RAPHAEL (1483-1520) Two Women with the Zodiac Sheet 284 x 198 mm.

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470-82 - 1527/34) AFTER RAPHAEL (1483-1520) Two Women with the Zodiac engraving, circa 1517-20, on laid paper, watermark Cardinal's Hat with Flower (similar to Briquet 3483, Vicenza 1535, but with Cinquefoil), a fine impression of this rare print, trimmed to or just outside the subject, in very good condition Sheet 284 x 198 mm.

  • Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1470-1534) The Promenade, after Albrecht Dürer
    Jun. 26, 2019

    Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1470-1534) The Promenade, after Albrecht Dürer

    Est: £300 - £500

    Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1470-1534) The Promenade, after Albrecht Dürer Engraving, circa 1500-1515, on laid paper without watermark, sheet 198 x 122 mm (7 3/4 x 4 3/4 in) (unframed) Literature: Bartsch 652

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI | Recto: A male nude seen from behind with a small bear Verso: Various studies: putto, a fantastical creature, study of a old man, a head in profile and study of legs
    Jan. 31, 2018

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI | Recto: A male nude seen from behind with a small bear Verso: Various studies: putto, a fantastical creature, study of a old man, a head in profile and study of legs

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    Pen and brown ink ( recto and verso); inscribed in pen and brown ink, upper centre:  Amanti

  • Marcantonio Raimondi, Lotto di 2 fogli dalla serie Le virtù. 1520 ca.
    Oct. 09, 2017

    Marcantonio Raimondi, Lotto di 2 fogli dalla serie Le virtù. 1520 ca.

    Est: €220 - €440

    1) La Fede. Bulino. mm 219x106. Bartsch, 387. 2) La Prudenza. Bulino. mm 222x107. Bartsch, 392. (2)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Marcantonio Raimondi, La Vierge assise sur les Nues II, Heliogravure
    Sep. 13, 2017

    Marcantonio Raimondi, La Vierge assise sur les Nues II, Heliogravure

    Est: $1,500 - $1,800

    Artist: Marcantonio Raimondi, After by Amand Durand, Italian (1480 - 1534) Title: La Vierge assise sur les Nues II Year: 1875 Medium: Heliogravure Size: 8 x 6 in. (20.32 x 15.24 cm)

  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Trajan Entering Rome in Victory.
    May. 02, 2017

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Trajan Entering Rome in Victory.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Trajan Entering Rome in Victory. Engraving, 1520-25. 290x440 mm; 11 1/2x17 3/8 inches. Ex-collection unknown collector, indiscernible ink stamps verso. Trimmed on the plate mark. A very good, strong impression. Based on a Roman bas-relief on the Arch of Constantine. Bartsch 361. With--MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (school of). Scipio and Hannibal, engraving, 1541. 387x555 mm; 15 1/4x23 inches, narrow to thread margins. A very good impression of this large engraving.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - Two Satyrs punishing a Nymph
    Jan. 25, 2017

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - Two Satyrs punishing a Nymph

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - Two Satyrs punishing a Nymph Sheet 186 x 134 mm.

  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - The Climbers
    Jan. 25, 2017

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - The Climbers

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (CIRCA 1470/82 - The Climbers Sheet 267 x 216 mm.

  • MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (after Raphael) The Judgment of Paris
    Nov. 04, 2015

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (after Raphael) The Judgment of Paris

    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (after Raphael) The Judgment of Paris. Engraving, circa 1510-20. 292x434 mm; 11 1/2x17 inches, thread margins. First state (of 2), before the address of Salamanca, lower right. A very good, dark and well-inked impression of this important Renaissance engraving. Of the nearly 250 engravings created by Raimondi (circa 1480-circa 1534), approximately 50 are known to be based on designs by the famous Renaissance artist Raphael (1483-1520). The 16th century Florentine artist and chronicler Giorgio Vasari credited Raimondi and Raphael with inventing "reproductive printmaking" and thereby the market for prints made after famous paintings and sculpture, which is still thriving to this day. Vasari claimed that Raimondi's engravings were produced after paintings and frescoes by Raphael and that Raphael had a significant role in the production and marketing of these engravings, though recent scholarship has shown that for the most part Raimondi (and his "school" or workshop, including Agostino Veneziano, see lot 225) worked from drawings by Raphael and that the engraver took the lead in popularizing these prints. Nevertheless, Raphael and Raimondi were clearly close collaborators. Raimondi was depicted as a sediario in Raphael's fresco in the Stanza di Eliodoro, 1511, of the famous Vatican Stanze; he acted as a witness in Raphael's purchase of two houses in Rome in 1515; and Raimondi engraved an intimate portrait of Raphael around 1518 (Bartsch 496). The Judgment of Paris is based on a small grisaille painting by a member of Raphael's school in the Stanza della Segnatura of the Vatican Stanze and the existence of several copies of lost drawings of this composition indicate more direct ties to Raphael himself. This famous composition has been appropriated, in whole and parts, by many artists over the centuries, most notably by Édouard Manet in Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1862-63, now in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris. Bartsch 245.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO (Argini/Bologna, 1470/82 - 1527/34 Bologna).
    Mar. 27, 2015

    RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO (Argini/Bologna, 1470/82 - 1527/34 Bologna).

    Est: CHF500 - CHF700

    RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO (Argini/Bologna, 1470/82 - 1527/34 Bologna).After Raphael. Mann mit einer Flagge (Man with a flag). Copper engraving, 24.2 x 18 cm. On firm laid paper with watermark (fragmentary). Monogrammed lower right on small plate: AV (Agostino Venetiano). Verso attribution written in pencil to Agostino Venetiano. - Even, probably somewhat later impression with margin (ca. 2 - 3 cm) around the plate edge. Very good condition. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO (Argini/Bologna, 1470/82 - 1527/34 Bologna). Nach Raffael. Mann mit einer Flagge. Kupferstich, 24,2 x 18 cm. Auf festem Bütten mit Wz. (fragmentiert). Unten rechts auf kleinem Täfelchen monogrammiert: AV (Agostino Venetiano). Verso mit Bleistift zugeschrieben an Agostino Venetiano. - Gleichmässiger, wohl etwas späterer Druck mit Rand (ca. 2 bis 3 cm) um die Plattenkante. Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand.

    Koller Auctions
  • ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY. Marcantonio Raimondi (circa 1475 - circa 1
    Mar. 27, 2015

    ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY. Marcantonio Raimondi (circa 1475 - circa 1

    Est: CHF300 - CHF400

    ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY.Marcantonio Raimondi (circa 1475 - circa 1534)? Lion resting in a broad landscape with pyramids. Etching, 17 x 21.8 cm. Numbered on lower right corner: 5. - Strong, deep black impression with fine margin around the plate edge. With scattered small defects in the margins. Overall good condition. ITALIENISCH, 16. JAHRHUNDERT. Marcantonio Raimondi (um 1475 - um 1534)? Ruhender Löwe in weiter Landschaft mit Pyramide. Radierung, 17 x 21,8 cm. An der unteren rechten Ecke nummeriert: 5. - Kräftiger, tiefschwarzer Druck mit feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante. Mit einzelnen kleinen Läsuren. in den Rändern. Insgesamt in guter Erhaltung.

    Koller Auctions
  • Marcantonio RAIMONDI (Argius 1470-1527/34 Une femme, marchant vers la droit
    Mar. 25, 2015

    Marcantonio RAIMONDI (Argius 1470-1527/34 Une femme, marchant vers la droit

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Marcantonio RAIMONDI (Argius 1470-1527/34 Une femme, marchant vers la droite, le bras gauche levé plume et encre brune 7.4 x 6.3 cm.

  • Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, 1470-1534) Massacre
    Jun. 04, 2014

    Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, 1470-1534) Massacre

    Est: £600 - £800

    Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, 1470-1534) Massacre of the Innocents

  • Raimondi, Marcantonio: Il Morbetto - Die phrygische Pest
    May. 29, 2014

    Raimondi, Marcantonio: Il Morbetto - Die phrygische Pest

    Est: €500 - €750

    Il Morbetto - Die phrygische Pest. Kupferstich nach Raffael. 19,9 x 25,4 cm. Um 1515/16. B. 417. Eines der seltensten Blätter Raimondis in einem prachtvollen, feinzeichnenden Druck, mit Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie. Dargestellt ist eine Szene aus der Aenäis (Gesang III, Vers 140ff) in der die Trojaner auf ihrer Flucht in Kreta von der Pest befallen werden und Aeneas in einem Traum seine Bestimmung erkennt, mit seinem Volk nach Italien zu ziehen. Recto unsichtbare, geglättete Falten, einige vereinzelte, ganz winzige Löchlein und dünne Stellen, im linken Rand säuberliche hinterfaserte, fachmännische Ausbesserungen, links oben leichte Bereibung (Spur einer alten Falz?), vereinzelt leichte Altersspuren, sonst noch sehr gut erhalten. Selten.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Raimondi, Marcantonio: Mars und Venus mit Amor
    May. 29, 2014

    Raimondi, Marcantonio: Mars und Venus mit Amor

    Est: €500 - €750

    Mars und Venus mit Amor. Kupferstich. 29,6 x 20,9 cm. 1508. B. 345 II. Wz. Fleur-de-lis im Doppelkreis. Mit der vollendeten Insellandschaft im Hintergrund und dem Medusenhaupt auf dem Schild. Ganz ausgezeichneter Druck auf die Einfassungslinie geschnitten, teils minimal knapp. Einzelne horizontale Quetschspuren vom Druck, geringe Montierungsreste verso, sonst schönes Exemplar.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Raimondi, Marcantonio: Madonna mit dem Kind auf einem Thron
    May. 29, 2014

    Raimondi, Marcantonio: Madonna mit dem Kind auf einem Thron

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Madonna mit dem Kind auf einem Thron. Kupferstich nach Raffael. 19,1 x 13,4 cm. B. XIV, S. 52, 46. Ganz ausgezeichneter Abzug des unvollendet gebliebenen Sujets, das nach einer Zeichnung Raffaels entstand. Mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie, oben partielle Spuren der Plattenkante, unten bis an den weißen Schriftrand geschnitten. Minimal fleckig, sonst tadellos. Selten. Aus der Sammlung Luciana Simonetti (Lugt 3616).

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian c. 1480-1527)
    Jan. 28, 2014

    Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian c. 1480-1527)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    THE ANNUNCIATION TO JOACHIM (after Albrecht Durer's Life of the Virgin series) Engraving Image: 11 1/4" x 8" (28.7cm x 20.7cm)Framed: 22 1/2" x 18 1/2" (57cm x 47cm) This engraving appears in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harvard Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

    A. H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals
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