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Ventura Salimbene Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, b. 1567 - d. 1613

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  • Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian 1568-1613), Pietà with Two Angels, Oil on canvas, 21 x 17 in (53.3 x 43.2 cm)
    Dec. 13, 2024

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian 1568-1613), Pietà with Two Angels, Oil on canvas, 21 x 17 in (53.3 x 43.2 cm)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568-1613) Pietà with Two Angels Oil on canvas Unsigned, Circa 1604 Property from a European Collection Provenance: Clars Auction Gallery, Oakland, CA, September 17, 2017, lot 7197

    Sep. 26, 2024


    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    MARIA MAGDALENA IN BETRACHTUNG DES KREUZES Öl auf Leinwand. 80 x 65 cm. Die Heilige wird in einem Renaissance-Innenraum gezeigt, mit Nischenfiguren, zentraler Fensteröffnung und Blick in eine Landschaft. Maria Magdalena ist betont jugendlich dargestellt, ihr blauer Mantel über rotem Kleid stellt einen farbikonografischen Bezug von ihrem Namen Maria zur Mutter Jesu her. Als Büßerin barfüßig dargestellt, gilt ihr nachdenklicher Blick dem Corpus Christi auf einem Holzkreuz, das auf dem Tisch liegt. Ihr linker Arm zeigt eine abweisende Geste - wohl gegen ihr früheres sündhaftes Leben. Der Maler hat den für das Thema üblichen Totenschädel bewusst vermieden, um dem Bild die Härte solcher Anschauung zu nehmen und um Ästhetik und die Anmut der Mädchengestalt in der Epoche des Humanismus umso wirkungsvoller zur Geltung zu bringen. Als Maler ist aus stilistischen Gründen Salimbeni zu nennen, der von Papst Sixtus V nach Rom berufen wurde und später zusammen mit Alessandro Casolani in der Chiesa dei Santi Quirico e Giulitta in Siena gearbeitet hat. Auch in Montalcino und Perugia führte er Altarbilder aus, wonach er zum Ritter des Goldenen Sporns erhoben wurde und sich fortan Cavaliere Ventura Salimbeni Bevilacqua nennen durfte. Das Gemälde zeigt bereits die stilistischen Charakteristika der Hochrenaissance und des Manierismus, dürfte also um oder kurz nach 1600 entstanden sein. A.R. (1410936) (1) (11)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Ventura Salimbeni, auch genannt „Cavaliere Bevilacqua“, 1568 – 1613, zug.
    Jun. 27, 2024

    Ventura Salimbeni, auch genannt „Cavaliere Bevilacqua“, 1568 – 1613, zug.

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    MARIA MAGDALENA IN BETRACHTUNG DES KREUZES Öl auf Leinwand. 80 x 65 cm. Die Heilige wird in einem Renaissance-Innenraum gezeigt, mit Nischenfiguren, zentraler Fensteröffnung und Blick in eine Landschaft. Maria Magdalena ist betont jugendlich dargestellt, ihr blauer Mantel über rotem Kleid stellt einen farbikonografischen Bezug von ihrem Namen Maria zur Mutter Jesu her. Als Büßerin barfüßig dargestellt, gilt ihr nachdenklicher Blick dem Corpus Christi auf einem Holzkreuz, das auf dem Tisch liegt. Ihr linker Arm zeigt eine abweisende Geste – wohl gegen ihr früheres sündhaftes Leben. Der Maler hat den für das Thema üblichen Totenschädel bewusst vermieden, um dem Bild die Härte solcher Anschauung zu nehmen und um Ästhetik und die Anmut der Mädchengestalt in der Epoche des Humanismus umso wirkungsvoller zur Geltung zu bringen. Als Maler ist aus stilistischen Gründen Salimbeni zu nennen, der von Papst Sixtus V nach Rom berufen wurde und später zusammen mit Alessandro Casolani in der Chiesa dei Santi Quirico e Giulitta in Siena gearbeitet hat. Auch in Montalcino und Perugia führte er Altarbilder aus, wonach er zum Ritter des Goldenen Sporns erhoben wurde und sich fortan Cavaliere Ventura Salimbeni Bevilacqua nennen durfte. Das Gemälde zeigt bereits die stilistischen Charakteristika der Hochrenaissance und des Manierismus, dürfte also um oder kurz nach 1600 entstanden sein. A.R. (14011910) (1) (11)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI, dit Il cavaliere Bevilacqua Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Etude d'homme Crayon noir sur papier bleu
    Feb. 06, 2024

    Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI, dit Il cavaliere Bevilacqua Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Etude d'homme Crayon noir sur papier bleu

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI, dit Il cavaliere Bevilacqua Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Etude d'homme Crayon noir sur papier bleu Sans cadre h: 27,50 w: 21 cm Provenance : Collection particulière européenne Commentaire : Plusieurs dessins de l'artiste sur papier bleu et accordant une attention particulière aux drapés constituent des études pour les fresques qu'il exécuta pour la cathédrale de Sienne en 1609-1610. Rapport de condition : Restaurations à l'angle supérieur droit Légères pliures Piqûres Taches Trace d'ancienne colle sur le pourtour Papier vergé Estimation 700 - 1 000 €

  • Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni (ambito di) (Siena, 1568 - Siena, 1613) Madonna con il Bambino olio su tela cm 60x51; con cornice cm 67x58
    Dec. 20, 2023

    Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni (ambito di) (Siena, 1568 - Siena, 1613) Madonna con il Bambino olio su tela cm 60x51; con cornice cm 67x58

    Est: -

    Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni (ambito di) (Siena, 1568 - Siena, 1613) Madonna con il Bambino olio su tela cm 60x51; con cornice cm 67x58

    Gliubich Casa d'Aste
  • Salimbeni, Ventura (auch Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, gen.
    May. 25, 2023

    Salimbeni, Ventura (auch Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, gen.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Bevilacqua, 1568 Siena 1613). Verkündigung Maria. Radierung auf Bütten, 1594. 28,8 x 16,4 cm. Unten links in d. Darst. "Ventura Salimbensenenis Inventor, fecit, Roma 1594". Auf Einfassungslinie teilw. mit winzigem Rändchen beschnitten, oben gerundet. Bartsch u. Nagler 4. - Seitenränder u. teilw. oben unterlegt oder mit Montierresten, geglätt. Falz. Besitzverm. u. Stempel "Hillinger" (Lugt 4334) verso. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Ventura Salimbeni, il Cavaliere Bevilacqua
    May. 03, 2023

    Ventura Salimbeni, il Cavaliere Bevilacqua

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    (Siena 1568–1613) Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, oil on canvas, 63.5 x 50.8 cm, framed We are grateful to Marco Ciampolini for endorsing the attribution. His written analysis accompanies the present painting. This painting was hitherto unknown and its rediscovery constitutes a significant addition to the artist’s known oeuvre. It is consistent with works from Salimbeni’s mature and late period and can be dated probably to circa 1610. The distinctive pallette, reminiscent of the colouring of his compatriot Domenico Beccafumi, can be compared to the artist’s painting of Saint Michael overcoming Satan, signed and dated 1603, whilst the enduring influence of Cavalier d’Arpino can be detected in the figure types. The soft physiognomy of the Child, is stylistically very close to the figure of an angel in Salimbeni’s Santa Canterina da Siena tra santi e beati senesi in the choir of Siena Cathedral, signed and dated 1611. According to Ciampolini, the similarities of the two figures are such as to suppose that the painter has used the same live model. In both works, Salimbeni’s interest in the last years of his life, in the realism and innovations of the early seventeenth century can be clearly observed: in the present Madonna, for instance a precise light source accentuates the softness of the skin and the material quality of the silky hair. The present composition belongs to a group of similar paintings, all medium sized in format and with a strong pyramidal or diagonal composition, such as the Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Siena offered at Sotheby’s New York, 13 November 1968 as lot 119, later Colnaghi, London, or the Madonna and Child offered at Christies’s, London, 9 July 2003 as lot 92. A compositionally similar work by Salimbeni is the Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist sold Sotheby’s, London, on 6 April 2001 as lot 15. Among the last representatives of the Sienese Mannerist School, Salimbeni was apprenticed in his father, Arcangelo’s studio. He possibly spent some time in Northern Italy and then moved to Rome in 1588 to work, together with others, on the fresco painting of the Vatican Library under Pope Sixtus V. During 1590–91, he received a commission from Cardinal Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini for paintings in the Roman Jesuit Church of Il Gesù and the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. These paintings show the influence of Cavalier D’Arpino and the Counter-Mannerist Barocci pupil, Andrea Lilio. Returning to Siena in 1595, he worked on many pictorial cycles, including scenes from the life of San Giacinto in Santo Spirito (1600), painted with his older half-brother, Francesco Vanni. Salimbeni had the lighter spirit and the more delicate touch, at times suggesting the quality of Barocci, such as in the present work. His fame earned him commissions in many Tuscan centres for the frescoed decoration of churches, among which the San Lorenzo paintings in San Pietro in Montalcino are distinguished by the richness of colour and the scenographic depiction.

  • Salimbene, Ventura di Arcangelo Umkreis
    Apr. 28, 2023

    Salimbene, Ventura di Arcangelo Umkreis

    Est: -

    1568 Siena - 1613 ebd. Kohlezeichnung, aufmontiert. Samsons Kampf mit dem Löwen. Unter dem Blatt bez.: 'Ventura Salimbene-Siena 1557'. 35 x 25 cm.

    Peege Auktionshaus
  • Salimbeni, Ventura (auch Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, gen.
    Feb. 18, 2023

    Salimbeni, Ventura (auch Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, gen.

    Est: €400 - €600

    Bevilacqua, 1568 Siena 1613). Verkündigung Maria. Radierung auf Bütten, 1594. 28,8 x 16,4 cm. Unten links in d. Darst. "Ventura Salimbensenenis Inventor, fecit, Roma 1594". Auf Einfassungslinie teilw. mit winzigem Rändchen beschnitten, oben gerundet. Bartsch u. Nagler 4. - Seitenränder u. teilw. oben unterlegt oder mit Montierresten, geglätt. Falz. Besitzverm. u. Stempel "Hillinger" (Lugt 4334) verso. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Nov. 29, 2022


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Siena, 1568 - 1613) Sacra Famiglia Olio su tela, cm 61X54 Esponente di spicco della cultura pittorica tardo cinquecentesca senese, Ventura Salimbeni apprese l'arte nella bottega di famiglia e nel 1588 si trasferì a Roma beneficiando delle committenze di Sisto V e del Cardinale Aldobrandini, lavorando alla decorazione della Biblioteca Vaticana e nella Chiesa del Gesù. Il suo ritorno a Siena è documentato al 1595 e, in virtù delle esperienze romane, ottenne commissioni in tutta la Toscana, senza dimenticare il soggiorno genovese avvenuto secondo il Soprani nel 1610 in compagnia di Agostino Tassi. In loco l'artista dipinse una stanza nel palazzo dei signori Adorni situato lungo la via Lomellina e affreschi nelle chiese dei PP. Di San Francesco da Paola e del Divin Salvatore nel Pian di Sarzano (R. Soprani, C. G. Ratti, Delle vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti genovesi, I, Genova 1768, pp. 454-456). La tela in esame è quindi un elegante dipinto destinato alla devozione domestica ma non privo di quella raffinata eleganza desunta dagli esempi della migliore Maniera. Si comprende così l'importantissimo ruolo che l'artista ricoprì nei decenni finali del secolo e negli anni successivi, mentore per la successiva generazione e depositario della migliore tradizione toscana. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. Ciampolini, Pittori senesi del Seicento, Poggibonsi 2010, pp. 727-807

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, called Bevilacqua (1568-1613): A Study of Putti for a Ceiling Design
    Nov. 16, 2022

    Attributed to Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni, called Bevilacqua (1568-1613): A Study of Putti for a Ceiling Design

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Sanguine on blue paper, signed with initials 'V.S.' lower left. 7 5/8 x 9 7/8 in. (sheet), 16 3/4 x 20 3/4 in. (frame). Property from the Collection of Joan Didion

  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) attribuito
    Sep. 20, 2022

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) attribuito

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) attribuito San Bernardino da Siena che risana un bambino ferito da un toro Inchiostro e tracce di matita nera su carta controplaccata 201 x 363 mm Il disegno è in relazione con una lunetta affrescata da Ventura Salimbeni nell'Oratorio inferiore di San Bernardino a Siena. Un disegno analogo è conservato presso il Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe delle Gallerie degli Uffizi al numero inv: 833 E. Un disegno preparatorio per la parte sinistra è conservato presso l'Art Institute di Chicago. Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) attributed St. Bernardine from Siena healing a child wounded by a bull Ink and traces of black pencil on counterplated paper 201 x 363 mm The drawing is related to a lunette frescoed by Ventura Salimbeni in the Lower Oratory of San Bernardino, in Siena. A similar drawing is kept in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the Uffizi Galleries under the inventory number 833 E. A preparatory drawing for the left side is kept at the Art Institute of Chicago.

    Lucas Aste
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI (Siena, 1568 - 1613)
    May. 13, 2022

    VENTURA SALIMBENI (Siena, 1568 - 1613)

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Jesus in front of Martha and Magdalene Oil on canvas, cm. 85,5x65,5. Framed The painting is accompanied by the expertise by Prof. Marco Ciampolini and the Export Licence

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Attribuito a Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) - Santa Cecilia
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Attribuito a Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568 - 1613) - Santa Cecilia

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    oil on canvas inscription. SANCTA CAECILIAE VIRGINIS ET MART.

  • VENTURA SALIMBENI (1568-1613) - The Annunciation
    Jan. 28, 2021

    VENTURA SALIMBENI (1568-1613) - The Annunciation

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    VENTURA SALIMBENI (1568-1613) The Annunciation etching, 1594, on laid paper, without watermark, a very good impression of this rare print, first state (of three), printing with much plate tone on the...

    Sep. 22, 2020


    Est: -

    Oil on original canvas.  53.15 x 40.94 in. Signed and dated on the left on the stone 'VENTURA SALIM.I / PITT. E FECIT. / 1610'. Inscribed in red pencil on the frame's reverse 'Rest [aur]ò 1851 / Mellini Ventura Salimbeni f. 1610'.  Artwork declared of National cultural importance by Italian Authority, 4 October 2013.  TAGS: Paintings

    Aste Bolaffi
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) - A kneeling saint with his arms outspread
    Jul. 27, 2020

    VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) - A kneeling saint with his arms outspread

    Est: £1,500 - £2,500

    VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) A kneeling saint with his arms outspread black chalk, touches of white chalk, on blue paper 91⁄8 x 65⁄8 in. (23.3 x 17.4 cm)

  • Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni Bevilacqua, 1568 – 1613
    Apr. 02, 2020

    Ventura di Arcangelo Salimbeni Bevilacqua, 1568 – 1613

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    VERKÜNDIGUNgSSZENE Öl auf Kupfer. 27,5 x 21 cm. In altem, reich beschnitztem und durch Blattvoluten bekröntem Rahmen. Beiligend in Kopie ein Gutachten von Alessandro Delpriori, o.J., der die Entstehung des Gemäldes zwischen 1580 und 1585 verortet. Darstellung der am Betpult knienden Maria, die sich dem Verkündigungsengel zuwendet. Darüber Heiliggeisttaube zwischen Wolken mit anbetenden Engeln. Nächst verwandt mit dem 1606 geschaffenen Verkündigungsbild von Salimbeni Bevilacqua. (12205618) (11)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Jan. 22, 2020


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    VENTURA SALIMBENI, att. to (Siena 1568 - 1613) Holy Family with Mary Magdalene Oil on canvas, cm. 88 x 68 provenance Illustrious Roman family Conditions of the painting Late nineteenth century rintelo. Small supplementary restoration points on the baby's complexions. The painting is in good condition VENTURA SALIMBENI, att. a (Siena 1568 - 1613) Sacra Famiglia con Maria Maddalena Olio su tela, cm. 88 x 68 Provenienza Illustre famiglia romana Condizioni del dipinto Rintelo tardo ottocentesco. Piccoli punti integrativi di restauro sugli incarnati del Bambino. Il dipinto è in buono stato di conservazione

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Ventura di Arcangelo SALIMBENI BEVILACQUA (1568 – 1613)
    Nov. 27, 2019

    Ventura di Arcangelo SALIMBENI BEVILACQUA (1568 – 1613)

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ventura di Arcangelo SALIMBENI BEVILACQUA (1568 – 1613) La destination de la Sainte Vierge Eau-forte. Très belle épreuve coupée sur le cuivre, très légèrement jaunie (Bartsch 3) 19,3 x 15, 7 cm 200/ 300 €

    Marie-Saint Germain
  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1569-1613) - The three Graces with Cupid sleeping
    Oct. 29, 2019

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1569-1613) - The three Graces with Cupid sleeping

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1569-1613) The three Graces with Cupid sleeping oil on canvas 10 5/8 x 13 5/8 in. (27 x 34.7 cm.)

  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) BEATO  AMBROGIO SANSEDONI CO
    Oct. 02, 2019

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) BEATO  AMBROGIO SANSEDONI CO

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) BEATO  AMBROGIO SANSEDONI CON IL MODELLO DELLA CITTA' DI SIENA olio su tavola, cm 29x17,5   AMBROGIO SANSEDONI WITH THE MODEL OF SIENA oil on panel, cm 29x17,5   Sul retro è presente un'antica iscrizione che riportiamo integralmente: "Immagine del Beato Antonio Sansedoni de Grandi di Siena Religioso Domeniccino morì il 20 di marzo........Questa tavola è stata dipinta da Ventura Salimbeni Pittor Senese ed era una parte del gradino esistente nella Sacrestia che serviva d'Armario per l'Arredi Sacri della Madonna sotto le volte dello spedale grande detto dei  .......ora soppressa e ridotta a Magazzino per servizio ed uso di detto Spedale."

    Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) - Study for a cardinal, full length
    Jan. 31, 2019

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) - Study for a cardinal, full length

    Est: $3,500 - $4,500

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) Study for a cardinal, full length black chalk on blue paper 8 ½ x 6 in. (21.5 x 15.2 cm)

  • Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568-1613), "Study of a Woman's Head and a Male Nude" , chalk on laid paper, framed 17-3/...
    Dec. 08, 2018

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568-1613), "Study of a Woman's Head and a Male Nude" , chalk on laid paper, framed 17-3/...

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568-1613) "Study of a Woman's Head and a Male Nude" chalk on laid paper ink-signed lower margin, later inscribed "Federico Barocci", 6-5/8" x 5-3/4"; together with two 19th-century studies after Old Master drawings, including two seated male nude studies, sanguine chalk, recto with figure with outstretched arm, verso (half folio) with a smaller study with outstretched arm, 17-1/2" x 14-1/2"; and two male figures wrestling, verso with additional studies of male and female heads, sepia ink, 7-3/4" x 7-1/4". Each glazed, matted and frame. framed 17-3/4" x 16-1/2"; 28" x 22-3/4" and 17-1/2" x 16-1/2", respectively Provenance: Estate of Richard Anthony Goula, proceeds to benefit the Thistlewood Foundation, Lafayette, Louisiana.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, three etchings, [circa 1590-1594] (3).
    Aug. 23, 2018

    Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, three etchings, [circa 1590-1594] (3).

    Est: £200 - £300

    Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, a group of three works, etchings, the last mentioned with watermark of the letters 'PDC' within rectangle border, the former sheet 294 x 167 mm. (11 1/2 x 6 1/2 in), the latter two each approx. 205 x 155 mm. (8 1/8 x 6 in), all trimmed just within platemarks, some areas of old restoration to loss at extremities, all inset at edges onto paper support, the last mentioned with later ink inscription in French within image, all unframed, the first mentioned published by Nicolas van Aelst, [1590-1594] (3). Literature: Bartsch 4, 2, and 1, respectively

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, three etchings, [circa 1590-1594] (3).
    Jul. 12, 2018

    Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, three etchings, [circa 1590-1594] (3).

    Est: £300 - £500

    Salimbeni (Ventura, 1568-1613) The Annunciation; The betrothal of the Virgin; St Anne and Joachim connected by vine tendrils to the Virgin, a group of three works, etchings, the last mentioned with watermark of the letters 'PDC' within rectangle border, the former sheet 294 x 167 mm. (11 1/2 x 6 1/2 in), the latter two each approx. 205 x 155 mm. (8 1/8 x 6 in), all trimmed just within platemarks, some areas of old restoration to loss at extremities, all inset at edges onto paper support, the last mentioned with later ink inscription in French within image, all unframed, the first mentioned published by Nicolas van Aelst, [1590-1594] (3). Literature: Bartsch 4, 2, and 1, respectively

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI | Study of a Monk
    Jul. 04, 2018

    VENTURA SALIMBENI | Study of a Monk

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Red chalk

  • ATTRIBUTED TO VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) The head and shoulders of a man red
    Jul. 03, 2018

    ATTRIBUTED TO VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) The head and shoulders of a man red

    Est: £2,000 - £4,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO VENTURA SALIMBENI (SIENA 1568-1613) The head and shoulders of a man red chalk 7 3/8 x 8 1/8 in. (18.7 x 20.7 cm)

    Feb. 01, 2018


    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    oil on canvas, laid down on board, backed by canvas, unframed

  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A reclining youth
    Jan. 30, 2018

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A reclining youth

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A reclining youth black and white chalk, squared in red chalk, on blue paper 10 ½ x 11 5/8 in. (27.9 x 33.5 cm)

  • Print, Ventura Salimbeni
    Oct. 14, 2017

    Print, Ventura Salimbeni

    Est: $50 - $100

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568-1613), The Annunciation, engraving, overall (with frame): 22.25"h x 17.5"w

    Clars Auctions
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI | Christ exchanging his heart with Saint Catherine
    Jul. 06, 2017

    VENTURA SALIMBENI | Christ exchanging his heart with Saint Catherine

    Est: £30,000 - £40,000

    oil on canvas, unlined

  • Salimbeni Bevilacqua, Ventura di Arcangelo (1568-1613) (attrib.). (Saint Agatha kneeling to the left
    May. 26, 2016

    Salimbeni Bevilacqua, Ventura di Arcangelo (1568-1613) (attrib.). (Saint Agatha kneeling to the left

    Est: €300 - €400

    Salimbeni Bevilacqua, Ventura di Arcangelo (1568-1613) (attrib.). (Saint Agatha kneeling to the left). Drawing, bistre and blue-grey wash, 17,5x11,1 cm., inscribed "Ventura Salimbeni" in lower margin. - Sl. surface dam. (silverfish?), some brown stains/ dustsoiling. WITH on verso 2 other sketches attrib. to the same, (A kneeling Saint holding a cross) (bistre) and (Saint Agatha) (light graphite).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Salimbeni, Ventura: Die Verlobung der Jungfrau
    Nov. 26, 2015

    Salimbeni, Ventura: Die Verlobung der Jungfrau

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Die Verlobung der Jungfrau. Radierung. 20,9 x 14,8 cm. 1590. B. XVII, 191, 2. Ventura Salimbeni schuf als versierter Radierer ein kleines überschaubares Œuvre von insgesamt sieben Blatt. Salimbeni entwickelte zwischen 1590-94 eine eigenständige Stilsprache, die von Leichtigkeit und manieristischer Eleganz gekennzeichnet ist und vor allem auf nordische Künstler, wie Bellange, Callot oder Vignon eine starke Wirkung ausübte. - Im unteren Rand trägt das Blatt das Monogramm des Johannes Statius oder Staet, eines niederländischen Verlegers, der im späten 16. Jahrhundert in Rom tätig war. Ausgezeichneter, gleichmäßiger und gegensatzreicher Druck mit feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante, im Gegensatz zu dem im Illustrated Bartsch abgebildeten Exemplar des Metropolitan Museum, New York, mit dem vollständigen Schriftrand. Geringfügig fleckig, winzige Ausbesserung in der linken unteren Ecke, schwache Altersspuren, im Gesamteindruck jedoch sehr schön und harmonisch.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (1568-1613) - Studies of the heads of putti and cherubim
    Jul. 08, 2015

    Attributed to Ventura Salimbeni (1568-1613) - Studies of the heads of putti and cherubim

    Est: £500 - £700

    Black chalk, on laid paper, watermarked with [?]wolf carrying flag 17.5 x 17.5 cm. (6 3/4 x 6 3/4 in)

    Dreweatts 1759
  • Ventura SALIMBENI (Sienne 1568-1613) Le Paradis des Vierges Plume et encre brune, lavis brun 19 x 27 cm cintré dans le haut. Annoté ...
    Feb. 12, 2015

    Ventura SALIMBENI (Sienne 1568-1613) Le Paradis des Vierges Plume et encre brune, lavis brun 19 x 27 cm cintré dans le haut. Annoté ...

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Ventura SALIMBENI (Sienne 1568-1613) Le Paradis des Vierges Plume et encre brune, lavis brun 19 x 27 cm cintré dans le haut. Annoté en bas à gauche "Salimbeni" Quelques épidermures et pliures Collé en plein.

  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A saint giving alms to the poor: design
    Jan. 29, 2015

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A saint giving alms to the poor: design

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-1613) A saint giving alms to the poor: design for a lunette black chalk, pen and brown ink, two shades of brown wash, arched top 5 3/8 x 12½ in. (13.7 x 31.7 cm.)

  • VENTURA SALIMBENI, Siena 1568-1613 Siena, Stehende Frauenfigur
    Nov. 26, 2014

    VENTURA SALIMBENI, Siena 1568-1613 Siena, Stehende Frauenfigur

    Est: CHF300 - CHF400

    VENTURA SALIMBENI, Siena 1568-1613 Siena, Stehende Frauenfigur, Lavierte Sepia-Tuschfeder auf Papier, BG 20,2 x 12 cm,

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
  • SALIMBENI, VENTURA(1568 Siena 1613)The
    Sep. 19, 2014

    SALIMBENI, VENTURA(1568 Siena 1613)The

    Est: CHF6,000 - CHF9,000

    SALIMBENI, VENTURA (1568 Siena 1613) The Annunciation. Oil on copper. 20.7 x 16.7 cm. SALIMBENI, VENTURA (1568 Siena 1613) Verkündigung. Öl auf Kupfer. 20,7 x 16,7 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI (1568 - 1613) "Etude
    Apr. 10, 2013

    Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI (1568 - 1613) "Etude

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Attribué à Ventura SALIMBENI (1568 - 1613) "Etude de deux figures d'hommes Plume et encre brune, lavis brun. Porte une inscription en bas à gauche Salimbeni 15,2 x 13 cm "

    Thierry de Maigret
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI - Siena 1568-1613 Siena - Wahr - Madonna
    Nov. 21, 2012

    VENTURA SALIMBENI - Siena 1568-1613 Siena - Wahr - Madonna

    Est: CHF1,800 - CHF2,200

    VENTURA SALIMBENI Siena 1568-1613 Siena Wahr Madonna Öl auf Lwd., doubliert, 45 x 37 cm

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
  • Attribué à Ventura Salimbeni Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Vierge à l'Enfant avec saint Antoine et sainte Catherine de Sienne Plume et encre b..
    Mar. 30, 2011

    Attribué à Ventura Salimbeni Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Vierge à l'Enfant avec saint Antoine et sainte Catherine de Sienne Plume et encre b..

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Attribué à Ventura Salimbeni Sienne, 1568 - 1613 Vierge à l'Enfant avec saint Antoine et sainte Catherine de Sienne Plume et encre brune, lavis brun, sur trait de crayon noir, cintré dans le haut Annoté 'Dionysos Calvaert' en haut à droite 'THE MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINT ANTHONY AND SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA', PEN AND BROWN INK, BROWN WASH, BLACK CHALK, INSCRIBED, ATTRIBUTED TO VENTURA SALIMBENI h: 11,20 w: 16,30 cm

  • Salimbeni, Ventura: Die Madonna mit dem Kind
    Nov. 25, 2010

    Salimbeni, Ventura: Die Madonna mit dem Kind

    Est: €600 - €800

    Die Madonna mit dem Kind. Radierung nach Guido Reni. 17,7 x 13,4 cm. B. 6. Ausgezeichneter, kräftiger Druck mit gleichmäßigem, schmalem Rändchen. Kleine dünne Stelle, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar.

    Galerie Bassenge
  • VENTURA SALIMBENI Sienaskolan, 1567-1613, hans
    Jun. 03, 2010

    VENTURA SALIMBENI Sienaskolan, 1567-1613, hans

    Est: kr40,000 - kr60,000

    VENTURA SALIMBENI Sienaskolan, 1567-1613, hans krets Sankta Katarinas mystiska bröllop Olja på duk, 80 x 66 cm. Circle of. Oil on canvas. EXPERTIS: Cabinet Turquin, Stéphane Pinta, Paris

    Stockholms Auktionsverket
  • Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568 - 1613),
    Jun. 13, 2009

    Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568 - 1613),

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Ventura Salimbeni (Italian, 1568 - 1613),: "God the Father With the Seven Angels of the Apocalypse," drawing with ink, grey wash over black chalk on paper, professionally matted in gilt composition frame under archival glass. Not examined out of frame. SS 15"x 10.25"; DOA 20"x 24.75", Trimmed as semi-circle. Sotheby's London, Sale LN7410, July 2, 1997, lot 18 (catalog included here); Private Raleigh Estate.

    Leland Little Auctions
  • Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-before 1613)
    Apr. 24, 2009

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-before 1613)

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-before 1613) The Lamentation oil on panel 12¾ x 9¾ in. (32.4 x 24.8 cm.)

  • Ventura Salimbeni , Siena 1568 - before 1613 study of a kneeling monk seen from behind Black chalk heightened with white chalk, on blue paper
    Jan. 28, 2009

    Ventura Salimbeni , Siena 1568 - before 1613 study of a kneeling monk seen from behind Black chalk heightened with white chalk, on blue paper

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Black chalk heightened with white chalk, on blue paper

  • The Lamentation
    Jul. 09, 2008

    The Lamentation

    Est: £50,000 - £80,000

    Ventura Salimbeni (Siena 1568-163) The Lamentation oil on panel 12¾ x 9¾ in. (32.4 x 24.8 cm.)

Lots Per Page: