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Afanasij Scheloumoff Sold at Auction Prices

Horse painter, Painter

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  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983, Galloping
    Jan. 27, 2024

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983, Galloping

    Est: €400 - €800

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983, Galloping Wild Horses, oil/canvas, signed lower right, approx. 50x70cm, frame approx. 66x86cm . German Description: Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983, Galoppierende Wildpferde, Öl/Lwd, rechts unten signiert, ca. 50x70cm, R. ca. 66x86cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Nov. 09, 2023


    Est: €500 - €1,000

    AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenetz-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg WOLF ATTACK ON A TROIKA Oil on canvas. 60 x 81 cm (F.78 x 99 cm). Frame. Signed lower right. AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenetz-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg WOLFSANGRIFF AUF EINE TROIKA Öl auf Leinwand. 60 x 81 (R. 78 x 99 cm). Rahmen. Signiert unten rechts.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    Nov. 09, 2023


    Est: €800 - €1,600

    AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenets-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg ATTACK OF THE COSSACKS Oil on canvas. 45 x 80 cm (F. 57 x 93 cm). Frame. Double signed lower right. Part. min. soiled. AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenetz-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg ANGRIFF DER KOSAKEN Öl auf Leinwand. 45 x 80 cm (R. 57 x 93 cm). Rahmen. Doppelt signiert unten rechts. Part. min. verschm.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Afranasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Kosaken zu Pferd
    Feb. 25, 2023

    Afranasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Kosaken zu Pferd

    Est: -

    Afranasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Kosaken zu Pferd drei reitende Kosaken in sommerlicher felsiger Landschaft, wenig pastose Malerei, Öl auf Hartfaserplatte, rechts unten signiert "A. Schel.", wohl Mitte 20. Jh., etwas reinigungsbedürftig, schön in Goldstuckrahmen gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 14,5 x 18 cm, Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Athanas Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, auch Sheloumov, kyrillisch: Афанасий Иванович Шелоумов, ukrainischer Historien-, Schlachten- und Genremaler sowie Kopist (1892 Kamjanez-Podilskyj [Каменец-Подольский] bis 1983 Starnberg bei München), ab 1900 Kindheit in Balta, 1904-08 privater Zeichenunterricht, 1908-12 Studium an der Kunstschule Odessa und an der Akademie St. Petersburg bei Nikolai Semenovich Samokish [Николай Семёнович Самокиш], unternahm in der Folge zahlreiche Studienreisen in ländliche Gebiete der Ukraine, ab 1914 Kriegsdienst als Freiwilliger im 1. Weltkrieg, in der Oktoberrevolution 1917 Anschluss an die Weiße Armee, 1920 Flucht über die Krim nach Jugoslawien, hier in Bechkerek zeitweise als Färber und Arbeiter in Eisenbahnwerkstätten tätig, parallel entstanden seine Kopien bedeutender Kunstwerke und eigene Bildfindungen, Teilnahme mit der serbischen Armee als Vasall Deutschlands am 2. Weltkrieg, 1945 Flucht vor der Roten Armee über Österreich nach Starnberg bei München, beschickte Ausstellungen in München, Starnberg, Stuttgart, Belgrad und Bolshiye-Becekerek, 1982 zum Ehrenbürger von Starnberg ernannt, Quelle: russische Wikipedia, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh." und Internet. Afranasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Cossacks on Horseback Three Cossacks on horseback in a summery, rocky landscape, little impasto painting, oil on hardboard, signed "A. Schel." lower right, probably mid-20th cent, somewhat in need of cleaning, beautifully framed in a gold stucco frame, folding dimensions approx. 14,5 x 18 cm, artist info: actually Athanas Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, also Sheloumov, Cyrillic: Афанасий Иванович Шелоумов, Ukrainian history, battle and genre painter and copyist (1892 Kamjanez-Podilskyj [Каменец-Подольский] until 1983 Starnberg near Munich), from 1900 childhood in Balta, 1904-08 private drawing lessons, 1908-12 studies at the Odessa Art School and the St. Petersburg with Nikolai Semenovich Samokish [Николай Семёнович Самокиш], subsequently undertook numerous study trips to rural areas of the Ukraine, from 1914 war service as a volunteer in WW1. In 1920 he fled via the Crimea to Yugoslavia, here in Bechkerek he worked for a time as a dyer and as a worker in railway workshops, at the same time he made copies of important works of art and created his own pictures, he took part in the Second World War with the Serbian army as a vassal of Germany. In 1945 he fled from the Red Army via Austria to Starnberg near Munich, exhibited his work in Munich, Starnberg, Stuttgart, Belgrade and Bolshiye-Becekerek, in 1982 he was made an honorary citizen of Starnberg, source: Russian Wikipedia, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh." and Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 Kamenez, Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg)
    May. 28, 2022

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 Kamenez, Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg)

    Est: €650 -

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 Kamenez, Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg) Wolfsangriff auf eine Troika, Öl auf Leinwand, 60,5 cm x 80 cm, signiert reinigungsbedürftig Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 Kamenez, Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg) Sleighride with horses, oil on canvas, 60.5 cm x 80 cm, signed, in need of cleaning

  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting
    May. 08, 2022

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $525 - $675

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russian, German, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Troika Ride MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Very good. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor damages to frame. SIGHT SIZE: 7 x 9 inches / 17 x 22 cm FRAME SIZE: 12 x 14 inches / 30 x 35 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 120691 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Afanasy Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff was born in 1892 in Kamieniec Podolski. He became a battle painter. From 1900 Scheloumoff lived in Balta. From 1908 he studied at the Odessa Art School, and then from 1914 at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg under the painter-battalist NS Samokisz. He quit his studies due to the outbreak of World War I. He took part in hostilities in the 1st volunteer corps under the command of General A. Kutiepov. In 1920, he was evacuated to Gallipoli with White Army units. In 1930 he took part in the Great Exhibition of Russian Art in Belgrade. In 1945 he settled in Starnberg near Munich. Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff's paintings were exhibited at individual exhibitions in Munich, Stuttgart and Venezuela. Currently, they are found in museums in Serbia, America and Germany.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    Apr. 20, 2022


    Est: €300 - €600

    AFANASY IVANOVITCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamentz-Podolski/ Ukraine - Starnberg 1983 Zwei Troika im Winter Two troika in winter Öl auf Leinwand. 60 cm x 80 cm (R. 82 cm x 101 cm). Rahmen. Unten rechts 'A. Scheloumoff'. Oil on canvas, 60 by 80 cm (F. 82 by 101 cm), lower right signed 'A. Scheloumoff'', min. losses of the paint, framed. AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenetz-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg Zwei Troika im Winter Öl auf Leinwand. 60 cm x 80 cm (R. 82 cm x 101 cm). Rahmen. Unten rechts 'A. Scheloumoff'. Min. Farbverluste.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892 - 1983 Poland
    Feb. 26, 2022

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892 - 1983 Poland

    Est: €200 - €400

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892 - 1983 Poland, galloping wild horses, oil / canvas, signed lower right, approx. 60 x 80 cm, frame partly damaged . German Description: Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892 - 1983 Polen, galoppierende Wildpferde, Öl/Lwd, re. u. signiert, ca. 60 x 80 cm, Rahmen z.T. besch.

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892-1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century
    Nov. 25, 2021

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892-1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century

    Est: -

    Öl auf Karton. Regimentskolonne auf einer Landstraße vor einer weiten, ebenen Landschaft, unten rechts signiert. In vergoldetem Passepartout und farbig gefasstem, teils vergoldetem, verglastem Profilrahmen (stellenweise bestoßen). Maße gerahmt 50 x 39 cm. Condition: II

    Hermann Historica GmbH
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting
    Nov. 14, 2021

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $1,500 - $1,900

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russian, German, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Ukrainian Cossacks MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Very good. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 31 inches / 58 x 78 cm FRAME SIZE: 29 x 37 inches / 73 x 93 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 118612 US Shipping $120 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Afanasy Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff was born in 1892 in Kamieniec Podolski. He became a battle painter. From 1900 Scheloumoff lived in Balta. From 1908 he studied at the Odessa Art School, and then from 1914 at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg under the painter-battalist NS Samokisz. He quit his studies due to the outbreak of World War I. He took part in hostilities in the 1st volunteer corps under the command of General A. Kutiepov. In 1920, he was evacuated to Gallipoli with White Army units. In 1930 he took part in the Great Exhibition of Russian Art in Belgrade. In 1945 he settled in Starnberg near Munich. Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff's paintings were exhibited at individual exhibitions in Munich, Stuttgart and Venezuela. Currently, they are found in museums in Serbia, America and Germany.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting
    Aug. 07, 2021

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $1,500 - $1,900

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russian, German, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Ukrainian Cossacks MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Very good. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 31 inches / 58 x 78 cm FRAME SIZE: 29 x 37 inches / 73 x 93 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 118612 US Shipping $120 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Afanasy Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff was born in 1892 in Kamieniec Podolski. He became a battle painter. From 1900 Scheloumoff lived in Balta. From 1908 he studied at the Odessa Art School, and then from 1914 at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg under the painter-battalist NS Samokisz. He quit his studies due to the outbreak of World War I. He took part in hostilities in the 1st volunteer corps under the command of General A. Kutiepov. In 1920, he was evacuated to Gallipoli with White Army units. In 1930 he took part in the Great Exhibition of Russian Art in Belgrade. In 1945 he settled in Starnberg near Munich. Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff's paintings were exhibited at individual exhibitions in Munich, Stuttgart and Venezuela. Currently, they are found in museums in Serbia, America and Germany.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983 Poland
    Jul. 31, 2021

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983 Poland

    Est: €350 - €700

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983 Poland, here: coursing with rich figure staffage, in the foreground rider falls from ahorse, oil / painting board, signed lower right A. Scheloumoff, approx. 25x33cm / 36x45cm, frame . German Description: Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, 1892-1983 Polen, hier: Parforcejagd mit reicher Figurenstaffage, im Vordergrund Reiter fällt von einem Pferd, Öl/Platte, rechts unten signiert A. Scheloumoff, ca. 25x33cm/36x45cm, Rahmen

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892-1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century
    Jun. 01, 2021

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892-1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century

    Est: -

    Öl auf Karton. Regimentskolonne auf einer Landstraße vor einer weiten, ebenen Landschaft, unten rechts signiert. In vergoldetem Passepartout und farbig gefasstem, teils vergoldetem, verglastem Profilrahmen (stellenweise bestoßen). Maße gerahmt 50 x 39 cm. Condition: II

    Hermann Historica GmbH
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting
    May. 09, 2021

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia,Germany,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $1,800 - $2,300

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russian, German, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Russian Troyka Race MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Very good. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor damages to frame. SIGHT SIZE: 24 x 31 inches / 60 x 78 cm FRAME SIZE: 29 x 37 inches / 73 x 93 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 118010 US Shipping $120 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Afanasy Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff was born in 1892 in Kamieniec Podolski. He became a battle painter. From 1900 Scheloumoff lived in Balta. From 1908 he studied at the Odessa Art School, and then from 1914 at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg under the painter-battalist NS Samokisz. He quit his studies due to the outbreak of World War I. He took part in hostilities in the 1st volunteer corps under the command of General A. Kutiepov. In 1920, he was evacuated to Gallipoli with White Army units. In 1930 he took part in the Great Exhibition of Russian Art in Belgrade. In 1945 he settled in Starnberg near Munich. Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff's paintings were exhibited at individual exhibitions in Munich, Stuttgart and Venezuela. Currently, they are found in museums in Serbia, America and Germany.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Pferdeschlitten vorm Lokal
    Feb. 25, 2021

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Pferdeschlitten vorm Lokal

    Est: -

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, Pferdeschlitten vorm Lokal nächtliche russische Straßenszene in tief verschneiter Stadt mit Passanten und wartendem Pferdeschlitten unter leuchtender Laterne vorm Restaurant "С. Р. Петров [dt.: S. R. Petrov]", stimmungsvolle Genremalerei, Öl auf Karton, um 1940, rechts unten kyrillisch signiert "А. Шелоумов", in Goldleiste gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 26,5 x 33 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Athanas Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff, auch Sheloumov, kyrillisch: Афанасий Иванович Шелоумов, ukrainischer Historien-, Schlachten- und Genremaler sowie Kopist (1892 Kamjanez-Podilskyj [Каменец-Подольский] bis 1983 Starnberg bei München), ab 1900 Kindheit in Balta, 1904–08 privater Zeichenunterricht, 1908–12 Studium an der Kunstschule Odessa und der Akademie St. Petersburg bei Nikolai Semenovich Samokish [Николай Семёнович Самокиш], unternahm in der Folge zahlreiche Studienreisen in ländliche Gebiete der Ukraine, ab 1914 Kriegsdienst als Freiwilliger im 1. Weltkrieg, in der Oktoberrevolution 1917 Anschluss an die Weiße Armee, 1920 Flucht über die Krim nach Jugoslawien, hier in Bechkerek zeitweise als Färber und Arbeiter in Eisenbahnwerkstätten tätig, parallel entstanden seine Kopien bedeutender Kunstwerke und eigene Bildfindungen, Teilnahme mit der serbischen Armee als Vasall Deutschlands am 2. Weltkrieg, 1945 Flucht vor der Roten Armee über Österreich nach Starnberg bei München, beschickte Ausstellungen in München, Starnberg, Stuttgart, Belgrad und Bolshiye-Becekerek, 1982 zum Ehrenbürger von Starnberg ernannt, Quelle: russische Wikipedia und Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic (1892 - 1983), ''Troika von Wölfen angegriffen'', Öl auf Leinwand, signiert unten rechts A. Scheloumoff, 80 x 70 cm
    Feb. 20, 2021

    Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic (1892 - 1983), ''Troika von Wölfen angegriffen'', Öl auf Leinwand, signiert unten rechts A. Scheloumoff, 80 x 70 cm

    Est: -

    Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic (1892 Kamenetz-Podolsk - 1983 Starnberg, Landschafts- und Genremaler), ''Troika von Wölfen angegriffen'', Öl auf Leinwand, signiert unten rechts A. Scheloumoff, 80 x 70 cm

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • A Scheloumoff Russian Race Original Oil Painting
    Jan. 23, 2021

    A Scheloumoff Russian Race Original Oil Painting

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Featured in this lot is an original, framed, A. Scheloumoff oil painting titled "Russian Race". Athanas Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892-1983) was a Russian painter known for his depictions of Russian horse races. This painting depicts three teams of horses and sleds racing across a snow covered field. Each of the sleds is pulled by a team of three horses with two to three drivers. The racers are shown sledding through the center of a town. The piece is signed in the bottom right-hand corner, reading "A Scheloumoff". The painting is set into a gilt gold, ornate frame. The piece shows good condition overall, with some light wear. The frame measures 37" wide by 29 1/4" tall with the art measuring 31" wide by 23 1/2" tall.

    North American Auction Company
  • Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic
    Nov. 21, 2020

    Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic

    Est: -

    Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic 1892 Kamianets-Podilskyi - 1983 Starnberg. «Wolfsüberfall (wolf attack)». Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. Verso titled and inscribed «A. Scheloumoff» probably by a different hand. Verso on the back of the frame on a printed label inscribed with the artist’s data. H 60, W 100 cm . Deutsche Version: Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic 1892 Kamjanez-Podilskyj - 1983 Starnberg. «Wolfsüberfall». Öl auf Leinwand. U.r. sign. Verso wohl von fremder Hand bet. und bez. «A. Scheloumoff». Verso auf der Rahmenrückseite auf einem gedruckten Etikett bez. mit den Angaben zum Künstler. H. 60, B. 100 cm.

    Auktionshaus Kaupp GmbH
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century
    Oct. 22, 2020

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century

    Est: -

    Öl auf Karton. Regimentskolonne auf einer Landstraße vor einer weiten, ebenen Landschaft, unten rechts signiert. In vergoldetem Passepartout und farbig gefasstem, teils vergoldetem, verglastem Profilrahmen (stellenweise bestoßen). Maße gerahmt 50 x 39 cm. Condition: II

    Hermann Historica GmbH
    Sep. 08, 2020


    Est: $400 - $600

    Known for his horse scenes . Artist is a known Russian painter of battle scenes and can be seen at the Yugoslavian Museum of Military History, and the Russian Cavalry Museum in New York. This is an extraordinary19th century painting on wood of a horse race scene coming down the stretch. Measures 12" X 16" plus what appears to be original frame. signed lower right. Great piece for any horse racing enthisiast. Third party shipping required

    Elite Auctioneers, LLC
  • Scheloumoff, Athanas Ivanovic, Pferde vor einem Gutshof
    Jul. 25, 2020

    Scheloumoff, Athanas Ivanovic, Pferde vor einem Gutshof

    Est: -

    Sheloumoff, Athanas Ivanovic — Horses in front of a farm (Kamenetz-Podolsk 1892-1983 Starnberg) Oil on Masonite. Lower right signed. 30 x 40 cm. / Scheloumoff, Athanas Ivanovic Pferde vor einem Gutshof (Kamenetz-Podolsk 1892-1983 Starnberg) Öl/Hartfaserplatte. Rechts unten sign. 30 x 40 cm.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century
    May. 28, 2020

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983) - a lancer regiment on the march, 20th century

    Est: -

    Öl auf Karton. Regimentskolonne auf einer Landstraße vor einer weiten, ebenen Landschaft, unten rechts signiert. In vergoldetem Passepartout und farbig gefasstem, teils vergoldetem, verglastem Profilrahmen (stellenweise bestoßen). Maße gerahmt 50 x 39 cm. Condition: II

    Hermann Historica GmbH
    Apr. 07, 2020


    Est: $400 - $600

    Known for his horse scenes . Artist is a known Russian painter of battle scenes and can be seen at the Yugoslavian Museum of Military History, and the Russian Cavalry Museum in New York. This is an extraordinary19th century painting on wood of a horse race scene coming down the stretch. Measures 12" X 16" plus what appears to be original frame. signed lower right. Great piece for any horse racing enthisiast. Third party shipping required

    Elite Auctioneers, LLC
    Mar. 10, 2020


    Est: $400 - $600

    Known for his horse scenes . Artist is a known Russian painter of battle scenes and can be seen at the Yugoslavian Museum of Military History, and the Russian Cavalry Museum in New York. This is an extraordinary19th century painting on wood of a horse race scene coming down the stretch. Measures 12" X 16" plus what appears to be original frame. signed lower right. Great piece for any horse racing enthisiast. Third party shipping required

    Elite Auctioneers, LLC
  • Afanasij Sheloumoff painting
    Mar. 05, 2020

    Afanasij Sheloumoff painting

    Est: $200 - $300

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russia, 1892 - 1983) oil on board in a white-washed oak frame - a dramatic scene of an impressive horse team pulling a sled through the snow - good condition but a little dirty

    New Braunfels Auction Co., LLC
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting
    Jan. 05, 2020

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $1,150 - $1,300

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russia, Germany, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Battle MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some craquelure. Some paint losses to edges and corners. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 24 x 32 inches / 60 x 80 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed SIGNATURE: Lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting SKU#: 115535 WARRANTY: 7 days returns accepted if item doesn't match description US Shipping $90 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamanez-1983 Starnberg
    Dec. 28, 2019

    Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamanez-1983 Starnberg

    Est: €350 - €700

    Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamanez-1983 Starnberg, studied at the Art School Odessa and the St. Petersburg Academy, left the Soviet Union in 1920 and lived since 1945 in Starnberg, here: Wolf hunt with troika sled, oil / canvas, signed, ca. 50x100cm / 67x117cm . German Description: Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamanez-1983 Starnberg, Studium an der Kunstschule Odessa und der Akademie St. Petersburg, verliess 1920 die Sowjetunion und lebte seit 1945 in Starnberg, hier: Wolfsjagd mit dem Troika- Schlitten, Öl/Lwd, signiert, ca. 50x100cm/ 67x117cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Nov. 21, 2019


    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Troika Signed (lower right) Oil on canvas 30 х 40 cm АФАНАСИЙ ИВАНОВИЧ ШЕЛОУМОВ (1892- 1983) Тройка Подпись (справа внизу) Холст, масло 30 х 40 см

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting
    Oct. 13, 2019

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $1,150 - $1,300

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russia, Germany, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Battle MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some craquelure. Some paint losses to edges and corners. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 24 x 32 inches / 60 x 80 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed SIGNATURE: Lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting SKU#: 115535 WARRANTY: 7 days returns accepted if item doesn't match description US Shipping $110 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasii Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983), Troika
    Jul. 05, 2019

    Afanasii Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983), Troika

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Afanasii Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983), Troika signed (lower right) Oil on canvas 30 х 40 cm АФАНАСИЙ ИВАНОВИЧ ШЕЛОУМОВ (1892 - 1983) Тройка Холст, масло 30 х 40 см,

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • A.SCHELOUMOFF Oil Painting Russian Art
    Jun. 12, 2019

    A.SCHELOUMOFF Oil Painting Russian Art

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    AFANASIY SCHELOUMOFF 1892-1983 (Russian) Title: Winter Ride Technique: Original Signed Oil Painting on canvas size: 32 x 40 cm / 12.6 x 15.7 in Additional Information: The Painting is Signed by the artist "A. Scheloumoff" in the lower right corner. Condition: Good condition.

    Gilden's Art Gallery
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting
    Apr. 14, 2019

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian,German,1892-1983) oil painting

    Est: $875 - $975

    ARTIST: Athanasei Iwanowitch Scheloumov (Russia, Germany, 1892 - 1983) NAME: Ukrainian Cossacks MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Excellent. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 24 x 32 inches / 60 x 80 cm FRAME SIZE: 29 x 37 inches / 73 x 93 cm SIGNATURE: Lower right NAME VARIANTS: Athanas Afanasy Afanassij Ivanovic Iwanowitsch Schelumoff Seloumov SIMILAR ARTISTS: Franz Alexeevich Roubaud, Eugene Galien-Laloue, August Karl Splitgerber, Frank Myers Boggs, Ludwig Willroider, Karl Heffner, Fritz Halberg-Krauss, Hans Zatzka, Julius Yulevich Von Klever, Eugen Kampf, David Davidovich Burliuk, Georg Fischhof, Otto Scheuerer, Johann Jungblut CATEGORY: antique vintage painting SKU#: 114966 WARRANTY: 7 days returns accepted if item doesn't match description US Shipping $130 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff. Two Troika oils
    Jan. 24, 2019

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff. Two Troika oils

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    (Russian, 1892-1983). Wolf Attack, oil on canvas, signed "A. Scheloumoff" lr, 10 x 24 in., framed 2.) Dangerous Encounter, oil on panel, signed "A. Scheloumoff" lr, 10 x 12 in., framed

    Alex Cooper
  • Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff (1892-1983)
    Jan. 01, 2019

    Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff (1892-1983)

    Est: $300 - $400

    Athanasei Iwanowitsch Scheloumoff (1892-1983), hunt subject, oil on canvas. Signed LRC. 24" x 31 1/2".

    Copake Auction Inc.
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff. Two Troika oils
    Nov. 10, 2018

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff. Two Troika oils

    Est: $700 - $900

    (Russian, 1892-1983). Wolf Attack, oil on canvas, signed "A. Scheloumoff" lr, 10 x 24 in., framed 2.) Dangerous Encounter, oil on panel, signed "A. Scheloumoff" lr, 10 x 12 in., framed

    Alex Cooper
    Aug. 28, 2018


    Est: $700 - $900


    Echoes Antiques & Auction Gallery
    Aug. 28, 2018


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500


    Echoes Antiques & Auction Gallery
  • Athanas Scheloumoff, (1892 - 1983 Ukrainian), Fox hunting scene, Oil on canvas, 31.5" H x 27.5" W
    May. 22, 2018

    Athanas Scheloumoff, (1892 - 1983 Ukrainian), Fox hunting scene, Oil on canvas, 31.5" H x 27.5" W

    Est: $700 - $900

    Athanas Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983 Ukrainian) Fox hunting scene Oil on canvas Signed lower right: A. Scheloumoff 31.5" H x 27.5" W Provenance: Private Collection, Los Angeles, CA.

    John Moran Auctioneers
    Jan. 13, 2018


    Est: $100 - $200

    HUNT SCENE BY ATHANASEI SCHELOUMOFF (RUSSIA, 1892-1983). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Hunters on horseback. 12"h. 15.75"w., framed, 15"h. 19"w.

    Garth's Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • Scheloumoff, A. (W- Ukraine 1892-1983) "Riders in combat",
    Dec. 13, 2017

    Scheloumoff, A. (W- Ukraine 1892-1983) "Riders in combat",

    Est: €100 - €150

    Scheloumoff, A. (W- Ukraine 1892-1983) "Riders in combat", signed lr, oil / cardboard, h 22 x 11 cm.

    Veilinghuis Omnia
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian, 1892-1983)
    Nov. 16, 2017

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian, 1892-1983)

    Est: $400 - $600

    Afanasij Scheloumoff (Russian, 1892-1983), Troika in the snow, oil on canvas, 58X88 cm, signed.

    Ishtar Auctions Ltd
  • Afanasij Scheloumoff
    Jan. 28, 2017

    Afanasij Scheloumoff

    Est: €280 - €560

    Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamenez-Podolsk (Ukraine) -1983 Starnberg, studied at the Odessa Art School and the imperial academy in St.Petersburg, had to leave the Soviet Union in 1920, lived in Yugoslavia and since 1945 inStarnberg, paintings in several museums, amongothers In New York and Belgrade, here: two cerkessian riders, oil / masonite, signed lower right. Approx. 24x18cm, frame . German Description: Afanasij Scheloumoff, 1892 Kamenez-Podolsk (Ukraine)-1983 Starnberg, studierte an der Kunstschule Odessa und an der kaiserlichen Akademie in St.Petersburg, musste 1920 die Sowjetunion verlassen, lebte in Jugoslawien und seit 1945 in Starnberg, bekannter Pferdemaler, Werke in mehreren Museen u.a. in New York und Belgrad, hier: zwei Tscherkessenreiter, Öl/Hartfaser, rechts unten signiert. ca. 24x18cm, Rahmen

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Attr. to Athanas Scheloumoff (Russian 1892-1983)
    Dec. 17, 2016

    Attr. to Athanas Scheloumoff (Russian 1892-1983)

    Est: $400 - $600

    Sleigh Scene. Oil on board, 19th/20th century. Signed 'A. Schel-' (LR). Board size 8 x 10 inches. Framed. Notice to bidders: Condition reports and additional photographs are provided by request as a courtesy to our clients, as such any condition report is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, restoration, wear and tear, or the effects of aging. Capo Auction shall have no responsibility for any error or omission, additionally all lots are sold 'As Is' and in accordance with the conditions of sale.

    Capo Auction
  • Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff
    Nov. 26, 2016

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Afanasij Ivanovic Scheloumoff. 1892 Kamenez-P./Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg - 'Wolfsüberfall' - Öl/Lwd. 60 x 80 cm. Sign. r. u.: A. Scheloumoff. Rückseitig bez. und betit.: A. Scheloumoff / Wolfsüberfall. Rahmen. Sein Kunststudium absolvierte er in Odessa und an der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Künste in Petersburg bei N.S. Samokish. Seine Werke wurden in Belgrad. New York sowie München ausgestellt. Zum Schluss ließ er sich in Starnberg nieder.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Troika and Wolves
    Sep. 24, 2016

    Troika and Wolves

    Est: -

    Afanasij Kamenec-Podolskij/Ukraine 1892 - Starnberg 1983 Troika and Wolves Oil/canvas, 40, 5 x 50 cm, lo. ri. sign. A. Scheloumoff.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): Anfahrt zur Schlacht, wohl aus frz. Koalitionszügen, 19./20. Jh.,
    Sep. 17, 2016

    SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): Anfahrt zur Schlacht, wohl aus frz. Koalitionszügen, 19./20. Jh.,

    Est: -

    Öl/Lwd.(min. fleckig), 50x35 cm, sign. u.r., Rahmen (min. besch.), Altersspuren.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
  • SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): wohl russische Offiziere in Lagebeobachtung, 19./20. Jh.,
    Sep. 17, 2016

    SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): wohl russische Offiziere in Lagebeobachtung, 19./20. Jh.,

    Est: -

    Öl/Papier auf Karton, 22x29 cm, sign. u.r., Rahmen (min. besch.), Altersspuren.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
  • SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): Galoppierende Ulanen im Gefecht, 19./20. Jh.,
    Sep. 17, 2016

    SCHELOUMOFF, AFANASIJ IVANOVIC (1892-1983): Galoppierende Ulanen im Gefecht, 19./20. Jh.,

    Est: -

    Öl/Karton (?), 16,5x28,5 cm, sign. u.r., unter Glas gerahmt, Rahmen (min. besch.), Alterssspuren.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
Lots Per Page:

Auction Houses Selling Works by Afanasij Scheloumoff