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Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1867 - d. 1954

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    Jan. 19, 2025


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    SCHMIDT-CASSEL, Gustav, (German, 1867-1954): "Eastern Dancer", Deco Bronze in the Style and Flavor of Chiparus, Patinated Bronze, approximately 10.5" in height, 13" in height overall with beveled and stepped marble plinth, signed on the bronze platform.

    Burchard Galleries Inc
    Sep. 14, 2024


    Est: €800 - €1,600

    GUSTAV SCHMIDT-CASSEL 1867 Kassel - 1954 Berlin STANDING WARRIOR AND EAGLE Bronze, dark patina, on naturalistic plinth and pedestal marble base (h. 9 cm). Overall h. 51.5, w. 24, d. 14 cm, weight approx. 8.32 kg. Signed 'Schmidt ssel' on the reverse of the plinth. Part. Loss of patina and rubbed, figure somewhat loose. GUSTAV SCHMIDT-CASSEL 1867 Kassel - 1954 Berlin STEHENDER KRIEGER UND ADLER Bronze, dunkel patiniert, auf naturalistischer Plinthe und Podestmarmorsockel (H. 9 cm). Ges.-H. 51,5, B. 24, T. 14 cm, Gew. ca. 8,32 kg. Rückseitig auf der Plinthe signiert 'Schmidt ssel'. Part. Verlust der Patina und ber., Figur etwas lose.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    Jan. 26, 2024


    Est: -

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954), Dancing Salome, patinated bronze on serpentine base, signed in the stand, overall h. 33.5 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867 Kassel - Berlin 1954)
    Dec. 09, 2023

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867 Kassel - Berlin 1954)

    Est: €200 - €240

    Krinolinendame mit Mandoline. Holz, vollplastisch geschnitzt (Spannungsrisse). Sockel seitlich sign. H. 45 cm.

  • Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867 Kassel - Berlin 1954)
    Sep. 23, 2023

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867 Kassel - Berlin 1954)

    Est: €400 - €480

    Krinolinendame mit Mandoline. Holz, vollplastisch geschnitzt (Spannungsrisse). Sockel seitlich sign. H. 45 cm.

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel
    Jun. 17, 2023

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel

    Est: €6,000 - €8,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel 1867 Kassel - 1954 Berlin - Tänzerin des Art Déco - Bronze. Goldbraun, braun u. grün patiniert. Elfenbein. Emaillie. Grüner Marmorsockel. H. o./m. Sockel: 29/37 cm. Rückseitig auf dem Sockel sign.: Schmidt cassel. fec. - Gutachten Nr. 2023/06 von Günther Heckmann, Hollenstedt und CITES-Bescheinigungen und Vermarktungsgenehmigung für Europäische Union Nr. 739/2023 liegen vor. Hochstilisierte Figur des Art Décos. Schmidt-Cassel studierte an der Berliner Akademie. 1920er Jahre, Art Déco, Bronze, dancer, Tänzerin

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav
    May. 12, 2023

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav

    Est: -

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav 1867 Kassel - 1954 Berlin Indonesische Tänzerin. Bronze auf Marmorsockel. Signiert. H 36 cm.

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954),
    Jan. 19, 2023

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954),

    Est: -

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954), youth dressed in loincloth and helmet, proudly holding up a hunted eagle, patinated bronze, signed on stand, on marble base, h.m. 53 cm

    Historia Auctionata
    Dec. 07, 2022


    Est: €1,200 - €2,400

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Dancing female bronze, patinated dark; marble base; signed on top of the plinth "G. Schmidt-Cassel" h. 36 cm (incl. base)

    Im Kinsky
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Columbine Tänzerin
    May. 21, 2022

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Columbine Tänzerin

    Est: -

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Columbine Tänzerin um 1920, unsigniert, Bronze dunkel patiniert, stilisierte Tänzerin im Art decó-Stil, in fließenden Gewändern mit Häubchen und Schnabelschuhen, auf gewölbtem ovalen Sockel, auf mehrteiligem schwarzen Onyxsockel mit heller Äderung, gute altersgemäße Erhaltung, H Bronze ca. 29 cm, H gesamt 36 cm. Künstlerinfo: Berliner Bildhauer (1867 Kassel bis 1954 Berlin), studierte an der Akademie der Künste unter Ernst Herter, bereiste Italien, Paris und Russland, war Mitglied im Reichsverband bildender Künstler Deutschlands sowie im Verein Berliner Künstler. Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    Feb. 17, 2022


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    bronze; signed to base; mounted on a black marble plinth; Condition: damage to each hand (broken pieces not retained); Provenance: Chuck Fries, Godfather of the Television Movie, and Ava Fries Estate, Beverly Hills; 17 1/2 inches high

    Abell Auction
  • Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867-1954)
    Dec. 11, 2021

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867-1954)

    Est: €80 - €96

    Mädchenakt mit zwei Eimern. Braun patinierte Bronze (re. Hangelenk mit Bruch). Auf Sockel sign. Marmorsockel (best.). H. 16,5 bzw. 20,5 cm.

  • Chryséléphantine vers 1940/1950 de style art déco représentant une danseuse., Dans le goût de Gustav Schmidt-Cassel., Non signée., Socle en marbre vert et noir., Porte une ancienne étiquette (années 40/50) de la bijou...
    Nov. 21, 2021

    Chryséléphantine vers 1940/1950 de style art déco représentant une danseuse., Dans le goût de Gustav Schmidt-Cassel., Non signée., Socle en marbre vert et noir., Porte une ancienne étiquette (années 40/50) de la bijou...

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Chryséléphantine vers 1940/1950 de style art déco représentant une danseuse. Dans le goût de Gustav Schmidt-Cassel. Non signée. Socle en marbre vert et noir. Porte une ancienne étiquette (années 40/50) de la bijouterie Torres Boix à Valencia, Espagne. Provenance : collection privée espagnole. Ht totale: 29 cm. Chryselephantine around 1940/1950 of art deco style representing a dancer. In the taste of Gustav Schmidt-Cassel. Not signed. Green and black marble base. Bears an old label (40s/50s) of the Torres Boix jewellers in Valencia, Spain. Provenance: Spanish private collection. Total height: 29 cm.

    MJV Soudant
  • Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867-1954)
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Schmidt-Cassel, Gustav (1867-1954)

    Est: €100 - €120

    Mädchenakt mit zwei Eimern. Braun patinierte Bronze (re. Hangelenk mit Bruch). Auf Sockel sign. Marmorsockel (best.). H. 16,5 bzw. 20,5 cm.

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Sep. 07, 2021

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Adam und Eva
    Aug. 28, 2021

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Adam und Eva

    Est: -

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, Adam und Eva um 1930, rückseitig altes Ausstellungsetikett im Haus der Deutschen Kunst 1938 sowie handschriftliche ungeprüfte Annotation zu Urheber und Erwerb, Laubholz geschnitzt und braun gebeizt, das Relief zeigt Adam und Eva als Aktfiguren beim Verlassenen des Paradiesgartens, Eva leidvoll zusammengesunken, anlässlich ihres eigenen Frevels, geht voran, Adam folgt ihr, nicht ohne jedoch noch einen wehmütigen Blick zurück zu werfen, gute Erhaltung, Maße 90 x 75 x 17 cm. Künstlerinfo: Berliner Bildhauer (1867 Kassel bis 1954 Berlin), studierte an der Akademie der Künste unter Ernst Herter, bereiste Italien, Paris und Russland, war Mitglied im Reichsverband bildender Künstler Deutschlands sowie im Verein Berliner Künstler. Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jul. 20, 2021

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet D
    Nov. 03, 2020

    Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet D

    Est: £200 - £300

    Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet Dancer', c.1900, signed Schmidt-Cassel Modelled and cast as a bare-breasted dancer with castanets in her hands, marble plinth 32 cm high A few scratches on her outstretched arm and some marks and abrasions on her back, arm and chest. Some small nick and abrasions to base.

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Apr. 07, 2020

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet Dancer', c.1900, signed Schmidt-Cassel Modelled and cast as a bare-breasted dancer with castanets in her hands, marble plinth 32 cm high
    Mar. 03, 2020

    Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet Dancer', c.1900, signed Schmidt-Cassel Modelled and cast as a bare-breasted dancer with castanets in her hands, marble plinth 32 cm high

    Est: £300 - £500

    Gustav Schmidt Cassel (1867-1954), a patinated bronze figure 'Castanet Dancer', c.1900, signed Schmidt-Cassel Modelled and cast as a bare-breasted dancer with castanets in her hands, marble plinth 32 cm high

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Dec. 10, 2019

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $30,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Aug. 06, 2019

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Dec. 04, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Apr. 22, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Apr. 17, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Apr. 15, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Apr. 08, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Mar. 31, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Mar. 25, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Mar. 18, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure
    Mar. 11, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel Bronze Polychrome Inset Figure. 15 1/2" in total height (2 1/4" marble base). Signed "Schmidtcassel" on base.

    Bruce Kodner Galleries
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jan. 09, 2018

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954)
    Nov. 17, 2017

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (1867-1954)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    A bronze sculpture of a standing nude with a drapery and a bowl in her left hand, on a white marble base. First quarter 20th century, signed and marked Schuhmacher. H 50 cm.

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • GUSTAV SCHMIDT-CASSEL (1867-1954) 'COY DANCER', CIRCA 1925 13 ½ in. (34.3 c
    Oct. 18, 2017

    GUSTAV SCHMIDT-CASSEL (1867-1954) 'COY DANCER', CIRCA 1925 13 ½ in. (34.3 c

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    GUSTAV SCHMIDT-CASSEL (1867-1954) 'COY DANCER', CIRCA 1925 13 ½ in. (34.3 cm.) high

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Oct. 03, 2017

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
    Mar. 04, 2017


    Est: $150 - $200

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel (German, b. 1867) bronze sculpture depicting a woman holding a young boy. Signed to side of bronze base. Measures 6 1/2" (16.5cm) + 3" (7.5cm) marble base.

    Antiques & Modern Auction Gallery
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Nov. 01, 2016

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jul. 31, 2016

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • SCHMIDT-CASSEL, Gustav (1867-1954)
    Jun. 19, 2016

    SCHMIDT-CASSEL, Gustav (1867-1954)

    Est: €2,600 - €2,800

    SCHMIDT-CASSEL, Gustav (1867-1954) " Jeune fille" Chryséléphantine, Bronze à patine dorée et ivoire. Signée sur la base. Repose sur un socle en onyx. Petit manque dans la main droite (papillon ou rose ou petite coupe) H.totale : 44 cm

  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Mar. 14, 2016

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jul. 27, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jun. 15, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    May. 18, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Mar. 04, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4".

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jan. 14, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4"._x000D_

    Antique Place
  • Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).
    Jan. 07, 2015

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954).

    Est: $15,000 - $22,500

    Gustav Schmidt-Cassel, German (1867-1954). Bronze figure of an Art Deco performer Signed Schmidt-Cassel Frc. in the bronze. Height of figure 11 1/4". Overall height with base 13 1/4"._x000D_

    Antique Place
Lots Per Page:

Auction Houses Selling Works by Gustav Schmidt-Cassel