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Arnold Schönberg Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1874 - d. 1951

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  • Arnold Schoenberg. Dau al Set, 1951
    Jan. 29, 2025

    Arnold Schoenberg. Dau al Set, 1951

    Est: -

    "ARNOLD SCHOENBERG.- (1874-1951) In memoriam" Dau al Set, September 1951. 25 x 17 cm., cover. Text by Juan Eduardo Cirlot, portrait by Joan Ponç and a plate by Joan Josep Tharrats.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Autograph letter signed ('Arnold Schönberg')
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Autograph letter signed ('Arnold Schönberg')

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Autograph letter signed ('Arnold Schönberg') to the senior typesetter....

  • SCHÖNBERG ARNOLD (1874 - 1951) - 20th Cent. mixed
    May. 05, 2024

    SCHÖNBERG ARNOLD (1874 - 1951) - 20th Cent. mixed

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    20th Cent. mixed media with tempera and pastel) on paper (on board) - with AS" monogram attributed to Arnold Schönberg and with the mention of the name "Mathilde" Schönberg was the inventor of the "Zwölfton Musik" or "Dodécaphonism", but also painted portraits in this - bizarre - style SCHÖNBERG ARNOLD (1874 - 1951) werk in gemengde techniek (met tempera en pastel) op papier (op karton) : "Portret van Mathilde" - 64,7 x 50 gemonogrammeerd "AS" / toegeschreven aan met vermelding (rechtsonder) "Mathilde" Schönberg was de uitvinder van de "Zwölfton Musik" of "Dodécafonisme", maar schilderde ook portretten in deze - bizarre - stijl

  • Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Autograph manuscript signed ('Arnold Schoenb
    Nov. 08, 2023

    Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Autograph manuscript signed ('Arnold Schoenb

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Autograph manuscript signed ('Arnold Schoenberg'), the first nine bars of...

  • Gruner, Erich: Arnold Schönberg. Gurre-Lieder
    Oct. 11, 2023

    Gruner, Erich: Arnold Schönberg. Gurre-Lieder

    Est: €750 - €900

    Gruner, Erich. Arnold Schönberg. Gurre-Lieder. Ein großes Orchester Chor und Soli unter Leitung des Komponisten. Farblithographie. 89,5 x 60 cm. Leipzig, Meissner & Buch, 1914. -- Nicht bei DfP. – Werbeplakate für das dreiteilige Oratorium von Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951), etwa ein Jahr nach der Uraufführung in Wien. – Am linken Rand zwei große Braunflecken und Randläsuren, zwei Ecken mit Knicken. Verso sowie recto ein Lizenzstempel, ordentliches Exemplar.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Nono-Schönberg (Hrsg.), Nuria Arnold Schönberg 1874-1951. Lebensgeschichte in Begegnungen. Klagenfurt, Ritter, 1992. Mit zahlreichen tls. farbigen Abbildungen. 467 S. 4°. Vorzugsausgabe in blauem OLed
    Mar. 31, 2023

    Nono-Schönberg (Hrsg.), Nuria Arnold Schönberg 1874-1951. Lebensgeschichte in Begegnungen. Klagenfurt, Ritter, 1992. Mit zahlreichen tls. farbigen Abbildungen. 467 S. 4°. Vorzugsausgabe in blauem OLed

    Est: €200 - €300

    Musik Nono-Schönberg (Hrsg.), Nuria Arnold Schönberg 1874-1951. Lebensgeschichte in Begegnungen. Klagenfurt, Ritter, 1992. Mit zahlreichen tls. farbigen Abbildungen. 467 S. 4°. Vorzugsausgabe in blauem OLeder mit gelb gepr. DTitel und Titel u. dreiseitig gelb gefärbten Schnitt in OPp. Schuber (dieser etw. beschabt u. bestoßen). Eines von 96 nummerierten u. signierten Exemplaren der Vorzugausgabe in Ganzleder gebunden. - Mit eingelegtem Zertifikat. - Sehr schönes, nahezu verlagsfrisches Exemplar, herausgegeben von der Tochter des Komponisten Nuria Nono-Schönberg. Music - With numerous illustrations, some in colour. - Special edition in full blue leather binding with yellow stamped title on cover and spine and yellow coloured edges on three sides in original cardboard slipcase (this somewhat scuffed and bumped). - One of 96 numbered and signed copies of the special edition bound in full leather. - With inserted certificate. - Very fine, near mint copy, published by the daughter of the composer Nuria Nono-Schönberg. * Dieses Werk ist regelbesteuert. Auf den Zuschlagspreis fallen 22,95% Aufgeld sowie auf den Rechnungsendbetrag 7% bzw. 19% Mehrwertsteuer in der Europäischen Union an. This work is subject to the regular margin scheme. There is a 22.95% buyer's premium on the hammer price and 7% or 19% VAT on the final invoice amount in the European Union."

    Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
  • SCHÖNBERG, Arnold, 1874–1951.
    Mar. 28, 2023

    SCHÖNBERG, Arnold, 1874–1951.

    Est: €2,250 - €3,000

    SCHÖNBERG, Arnold, 1874–1951. E.Br.m.U. Wien o.D. (1911?). 2 S. 8°. Mit Absenderstempel am Kopf. An Karl Kraus, der ihn für einen Beitrag für “Die Fackel” gewinnen wollte. “… meine Absicht … einen Aufsatz über Mahler zu schreiben, kann ich leider nicht ausführen. Vor Allem bin ich augenblicklich durch viele Enttäuschungen und viel anderes Unangenehme so deprimiert, daß ich zu gar nichts Lust habe … Und dann, es ist so schrecklich schwer über Mahler einen kurzen Aufsatz zu schreiben. Ein Buch, das gienge ja … aber ich weiß nicht wo ich anfangen soll aufzuhören. Ich kann den Stoff nicht disponieren und verstehe es nicht ihn zu begrenzen. Ich hoffe aber bestimmt später einmal dazu zu gelangen, dass ich das schreibe. Und vielleicht sind Sie dann auch noch so liebenswürdig, mich anzunehmen. Ich hätte Sie so gerne aufgesucht, aber es geht wirklich nicht. Und ich bin wirklich auch augenblicklich zu zerfahren …”

    Stargardt Autographenhandlung
  • Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) and his school by René Leibowitz
    Feb. 25, 2021

    Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) and his school by René Leibowitz

    Est: €50 - €100

    Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) and his school by René Leibowitz – the contemporary stage of music, philosophical library new york 1849, translated in french by Dika Nevelin, 305 pages in original hardcover

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Artiste Arnold SCHOENBERG (1974-1951) Exposition musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris. 1995. 1
    Sep. 03, 2020

    Artiste Arnold SCHOENBERG (1974-1951) Exposition musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris. 1995. 1

    Est: €80 - €100

    Artiste Arnold SCHOENBERG (1974-1951) Exposition musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris. 1995. 171,5x115cm / 67,5x45,2in. Imp FranceAffiches. Affiche originale, offset. Cond A. très belle affiche composée à partir du tableau « Le regard rouge » 1910, provenant de la collection Lawrence Schoenberg. Le graphisme a été réalisé par Ibach. Chaque affiche est envoyée dans un tube. Original poster, offset. Cond A. very nice poster composed from the painting "Le regard rouge" 1910, from the Lawrence Schoenberg collection. The graphics were created by Ibach. Each poster is sent in its tube.

    Limoges Encheres
  • SCHOENBURG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951. Typed Letter Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg") to Clifford Odets, 1 p, 4to, Los Angeles, October 3, 1944, with autograph name of addressee at top and postscript at bottom "Thank you also for your plays,"
    Dec. 05, 2018

    SCHOENBURG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951. Typed Letter Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg") to Clifford Odets, 1 p, 4to, Los Angeles, October 3, 1944, with autograph name of addressee at top and postscript at bottom "Thank you also for your plays,"

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    SCHOENBURG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951. Typed Letter Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg") to Clifford Odets, 1 p, 4to, Los Angeles, October 3, 1944, with autograph name of addressee at top and postscript at bottom "Thank you also for your plays," Together with the original mailing envelope and a portrait photo of Schoenburg. Elaborately matted, framed and glazed, with guarantee labels of Scriptorium and Memorabilia, Ltd. in California on back of frame.Schoenburg was a groundbreaking composer and music theorist, whose innovative, atonal compositions led his work to be denounced by the Nazis as "degenerate." He left his native Austria for Berlin in 1901, but after the Nazis came to power he fled to the United States. Here, he writes to playwright and screenwriter Clifford Odets, thanking him for sending his congratulations on the occasion of Shoenburg's 70th birthday.

  • Rare Schoenberg Musical Quotation from his Chamber Symphony No. 1
    Oct. 26, 2016

    Rare Schoenberg Musical Quotation from his Chamber Symphony No. 1

    Est: $1,800 - $2,500

    SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. (1874-1951). Austrian composer and creator of the revolutionary twelve-tone school of composition which abandoned fixed tonality. AMusQS. (“Arnold Schoenberg”). 1p. 16mo. N.p., February 1, 1934. Two measures from Schoenberg’s Chamber Symphony No. 1, op. 9. ********** Although he began his career by writing works in the Romantic tradition, Schoenberg soon turned toward atonal compositions through which he became a leading force in 20th-century music. During the 1920s, he developed his famous twelve-tone system, which he employed in such compositions as Variations for Orchestra, op. 31. He also taught music theory and composition, instilling his technique in many students including his two most famous pupils, Anton Webern and Alban Berg. In 1934, shortly after the Nazis labeled Schoenberg’s music degenerate, he immigrated to the United States and joined the faculty of UCLA two years later. There he continued to influence such students as John Cage, Lou Harrison and Leon Kirchner, composing groundbreaking works like A Survivor from Warsaw, op. 46. ********** Our quotation is from one of Schoenberg’s early works, Chamber Symphony No. 1, op. 9, composed in 1906. It premiered in Vienna in 1907 and its first London performance was in 1921. Schoenberg is known for penning anomalous quotations for autograph seekers, sometimes asking his students to complete the phrase from memory. ********** Neatly penned on a diagonal on a small card with a blind-embossed border. Very light dust staining. Mounting traces on the verso. Fine.

    Lion Heart Autographs
  • [Portrait photographique dédicacé d'Arnold Schoenberg]
    May. 31, 2016

    [Portrait photographique dédicacé d'Arnold Schoenberg]

    Est: €600 - €800

    [Portrait photographique dédicacé d'Arnold Schoenberg] [Vers 1920] 227 x 170 mm, contrecollé, sous verre, baguette de bois noire. Tirage argentique d'époque d'un beau portrait photographique anonyme du compositeur et peintre autrichien Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Un exemplaire du même tirage fut présenté au Centre Georges Pompidou dans l'exposition " Paris-New York " (juin-septembre 1977). DEDICACE AUTOGRAPHE SIGNEE D'ARNOLD SCHOENBERG, en allemand?: " Pour Marcel Blanc avec toute mon admiration et ma reconnaissance ". Déchirure sans manque dans le coin supérieur droit et quelques rayures. Provenance : Portraits de musiciens. Collection Isabelle Prouvost (vente du 7 décembre 1992, n° 28)

  • Arnold Schoenberg's own copy of Giraud's "Pierrot Lunaire," with his ownership signature and in a slipcase likely designed and constructed by him
    Sep. 30, 2015

    Arnold Schoenberg's own copy of Giraud's "Pierrot Lunaire," with his ownership signature and in a slipcase likely designed and constructed by him

    Est: $1,800 - $2,500

    Arnold Schoenberg’s Copy of Giraud’s “Pierrot Lunaire” ********** SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. (1874-1951). Austrian composer and creator of the revolutionary twelve-tone school of composition, which abandoned fixed tonality. Signed book. (“Arnold Schonberg”). 50pp. Small 4to. N.p., January 11, 1912. Schoenberg’s personal copy (or Handexemplar) of the first German trade edition of Otto Erich Hartleben’s German translation of Albert Giraud’s Pierrot Lunaire (Berlin: Der Verlag Deutscher Phantasten, 1893), signed by Schoenberg on the front free endpaper and contained in a slipcase likely designed and constructed by him. ********** In 1912, Schoenberg composed the innovative Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21, a cycle of 21 poems arranged for speaker and chamber ensemble in which Schoenberg made systematic use of “Sprechgesang,” or “a type of vocal enunciation between speech and song... The preface of Pierrot is Schoenberg’s most explicit statement on Sprechgesang... the performer is also instructed that Sprechgesang should neither resemble natural speech nor recall true singing,” (The New Grove Dictionary). This seminal work was based on Hartleben’s translation of Albert Giraud’s Pierrot lunaire: rondels bergamasques. The poems, featuring the comic pantomime and Commedia dell’Arte figure Pierrot, became a favorite subject of the Symbolists and Decadents around the turn of the 19th century, but Schoenberg’s composition is the most famous and one of the composer’s most significant works. ********** Despite his influence as a 20th-century composer, teacher (Alban Berg and Anton von Webern were just two of his many students), and cultural icon (see the character of Leverkuehn in Thomas Mann’s Dr. Faustus), Schoenberg indulged himself in other, simpler diversions. In January 1915, he wrote to conductor and brother-in-law Alexander Zemlinksy, “I occupy myself with hobbies: carpentry, wallpapering, book-binding, putting things in order. I’ve produced many useful things and in that way I kill some time productively,” (A Schoenberg Reader: Documents of a Life, Auner). Our volume is contained within a handmade clamshell slipcase bound with paper in a red, white and black “harlequin” pattern (a most appropriate design for a Pierrot subject!) with a vellum spine bearing a gold stamped title and crescent moon and stars referring, again, to Pierrot Lunaire, or “Moonstruck Pierrot.” ********** Our first German trade edition followed a small run of 60 copies signed by Hartleben published in 1892. With the original browned wrappers, the front cover of which is partially separated along the spine, and some paper loss at the edges. The box is slightly warped, but in overall good condition. A remarkable association copy: think Beethoven’s copy of Schiller’s “Ode to Joy!”

    Lion Heart Autographs
  • Anna Mahler, Kopf Arnold Schönberg, 1951
    May. 30, 2014

    Anna Mahler, Kopf Arnold Schönberg, 1951

    Est: €7,000 - €8,000

    One of three known casts.Anna Mahler was the daughter of the renowned composer Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) and his charismatic wife Alma Mahler-Werfel (1879-1964). In Rome, Anna Mahler first studied painting with Giorgio de Chirico and later sculpture with Fritz Wotruba. Shortly before her emigration to Los Angeles, she was awarded the "Grand Prix" at the World Fair in Paris in 1937. In Los Angeles, Anna Mahler drew portraits and cast the masks of famous deceased people, among them Alban Berg and Lion Feuchtwanger. "In February 1951, she formed the portrait of Schönberg; it is one of her most successful." (Weidle/Seeber, op.cit., p.135). Arnold Schönberg, portrayed at the end of his illness, belonged to the outstanding, progressive Viennese composers, as did Gustav Mahler, between Romantic, fin-de-siècle and expressionism. The emphatic and expressive portrait manifests the elementary sentiments of the artist towards this friend. The vividly moulded surface intensifies the expression even more.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Arnold Schoenberg
    Apr. 16, 2014

    Arnold Schoenberg

    Est: $100 - $1,500

    Austrian-born composer (1874-1951) whose development of the 'twelve-tone' system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of 20th century music. Rare 3.25 x 5.25 German postcard photo of the composer in a three-piece suit, signed in the lower border in black ink. In fine condition.

    RR Auction
    Jun. 05, 2013


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    PIERROT  LUNAIRE,  VIENNA  AND  LEIPZIG:  UNIVERSAL-EDITION,  1914, first  edition,  signed  by  the  composer  on  the  fly-leaf,  78  pages,  folio,  no.  14  of  a  limited  edition,  printed  wrappers  gilt,  damp-staining  to  covers together  with:  Gurre-Lieder  [score],  Universal-Edition,  1912,  ownership  inscription--Gurre-Lieder  [vocal  score],  Universal-Edition,  1912--Serenade,  Op.24,  Copenhagen:  Hansen,  1924;  Pelleas  und  Melisande...Op.5,  Universal-Edition,  1920--Stravinsky,  Igor.  Pétrouchka  ...  Le  Sacre  du  Printemps  [piano  four-hand  scores],  Berlin  etc.:  Edition  Russe,  2  volumes  in  one;  --  Le  Sacre  du  Printemps.  Danse  sacrale  for  orchestra,  New  York:  Associated  Music,  1945,  printed  wrappers--Octuor  pour  instruments  a  vent,  Edition  Russe,  1924,  printed  wrappers,  chemise  and  slipcase--Sonate  pour  piano,  Edition  Russe,  1925,  including  errata  list,  cloth  folder,  some  repairs--Berg,  Alban.  Wozzeck,  Op.  7  [full  score],  Vienna:  Universal  edition,  cloth;  Wozzeck,  Op.  7  [vocal  score],  Vienna,  Universal  edition,  cloth--Ravel,  Maurice.    L'Heure  Espagnole  [vocal  score],  Paris:  Durand,  1908  (11)--Debussy,  Claude.  Le  Martyre  de  Saint-Sébastien  [vocal  score],  Paris:  Durand,  1911,  calf,  chemise  and  slipcase;  La  Mer  [four-hands  piano  arrangement],  Paris:  Durand,  1905,  cloth,  chemise  and  slipcase;--Hindemith,  Paul.  Mathis  de  Maler,  Mainz:  Schott's  Söhne,  1935--Modern  facsimile  editions  of  works  by  Beethoven  (Piano  sonatas  opp.  110,  57  and  111,  and  two  volumes  of  miscellany),  Chopin  (24  preludes),  Bach  (Die  Kunst  der  fuge,  BWV  1080),  Schumann  (Album  für  die  Jugend,  op.  68)  and  Mozart  (Die  Zauberföte,  KV  620) (24)

  • Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951). II. Streichquartett, op. 10. (Wien, Im Selbstverlag / Haslinger, 1911) ; in-8, cartonnage de l'éditeur, 47pp.
    Apr. 15, 2013

    Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951). II. Streichquartett, op. 10. (Wien, Im Selbstverlag / Haslinger, 1911) ; in-8, cartonnage de l'éditeur, 47pp.

    Est: €600 - €800

    Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951). II. Streichquartett, op. 10. (Wien, Im Selbstverlag / Haslinger, 1911) ; in-8, cartonnage de l'éditeur, 47pp.

  • Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Photographie avec
    Jun. 21, 2012

    Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Photographie avec

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Photographie avec signature et date autographes, 1944 ; 14 x 7,5 cm. (traces de colle au dos).Beau portrait de Schoenberg à mi-corps (par Anna Mahler ?), avec signature...

  • A Collection of Autographs and Manuscript Letters from Musicians, Authors, Actors and other Public Figures from Around the World.
    May. 27, 2012

    A Collection of Autographs and Manuscript Letters from Musicians, Authors, Actors and other Public Figures from Around the World.

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    A Collection of Autographs and Manuscript Letters from Musicians, Authors, Actors and other Public Figures from Around the World. over forty individuals of note, including German born mathematician and physicist, Albert Einstein (1879-1955); Russian composer, Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971); Viennese composer and conductor, Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951); Austrian pianist and composer, Artur Schnabel (1882-1951); pianist and composer, Isador Goodman (1909-1982); film actor, Errol Flynn (1909-1959); American blind and deaf writer, Helen Keller (1880-1968); Welsh-born philosopher, Bertrand Russell (1872-1970); Edward VIII (1894-1972); Peter II of Yugoslavia (1923-1970); American Author, Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973); Australian writer, Charles Barrett (1879-1959); Australian children's book author, Mary Grant Bruce (1878-1958); Tasmanian poet and playwright, Clive Sansom (1910-1981); Australian author, Joan Kinmont (1908-1985); Scottish novelist, A. J. Cronin (1896-1981); English novelist, Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989); Swedish physician and writer, Axel Munthe (1857-1949); German novelist, Thomas Mann (1875-1955); English writer, Richard Thomas Church (1893-1972); German novelist, Alfred Doeblin (1878-1957); author, Leonard Wibberley (1915-1983); Austrian author and journalist, Alexander Roda Roda (1872-1945); English medievalist and writer, Helen Waddell (1889-1965); British writer, Gerald Kersh (1911-1968); French novelist, diarist and man-of-letters, Andre Gide (1869-1951): Chinese author and philosopher, Lin Yutang (1895-1976); German physiologist, Eugen Steinach (1861-1944); German Expressionist theater and cinema director, Leopold Jessner (1878-1945); German Pianist, Wilhelm Backhaus (1884-1969); Professor of Music and Member of Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter Buxbaum; Italian composer of opera and orchestral music, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968); tenor, Hermann Jadlowker (1877-1953); soprano, Rita Streich (1920-1987); German soprano, Lotte Lehmann (1888-1976); South American composer and pianist, Jesus Maria Sanroma (1902-1984); Violinist, Erica Morini (1904-1995); Viennese composer, Ernst Toch (1887-1964); Polish born pianist and composer, Ignaz Friedman (1882-1948); Viennese -Australian composer and conductor; Henry Krips (1912-1987); the signer Alan Eddy and the pianist, Henri Penn; German physiologist, Eugen Steinach (1861-1944); Austrian writer, Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914); psychoanalyst and daughter of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud (1895-1982); English mathematician and physicist, James H. Jeans (1877-1946); former Prime Minister of Australia, Robert Menzies (1894-1978); former Prime Minister of Australia , John Curtin (1885-1945); former Prime Minister of Australia, Gough Whitlam (born 1916); former Parliamentarian, Kim E. Beazley (1917-2007); and former Leader of the Opposition, Kim C. Beazley (born 1948).

    Bay East Auctions
    Nov. 30, 2011


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    GURRELIEDER, FULL SCORE, SIGNED BY THE COMPOSER ("ARNOLD SCHÖNBERG") VIENNA: UNIVERSAL, 1920 189 pages, large folio (47 x 36.4cm), marked "Nυo 52", publisher's number 6300, contemporary brown boards

  • Schönberg , Marcel Marceau, Pastel
    Nov. 26, 2011

    Schönberg , Marcel Marceau, Pastel

    Est: $400 - $800

    Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951), drawing of Marcel Marceau, pastel, signed lower center, 39" x 28", 48 1/2" x 37 1/4" (frame). Under glass.

    Kaminski Auctions
  • SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951. Autograph Musical Quotation Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg"), 1 p, 103 x 240 mm, n.p., March 1, 1934,
    Oct. 10, 2011

    SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951. Autograph Musical Quotation Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg"), 1 p, 103 x 240 mm, n.p., March 1, 1934,

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Autograph Musical Quotation Signed ("Arnold Schoenberg"), 1 p, 103 x 240 mm, n.p., March 1, 1934, from the Wind Quintet, Opus 26, toned and rough at the lower margin, creasing at left and right margins with loss at lower right not affecting signature, float-mounted, framed. Schoenberg began his composition career producing works in the German Romantic vein á la Brahms and Wagner, but by the early 20th century was experimenting and developing the avant-garde musical style known as the dodecaphonic (or twelve-tone) method of composition, still today one of the most polarizing movements in 20th century music. Schoenberg fled Austria in 1933 after the Nazi party labeled his twelve-tone technique—which involved the manipulation of an ordered series of all twelve tones in the chromatic scalea— form of "degenerate" music comparable to jazz. In this manuscript, produced just after Schoenberg arrived in Boston to teach at the Malkin Conservatory, he lays out in four bars the twelve-tone sequence ("Anteceding sentence / consequent sentence / retrograde set") that appears in the wind quintet, Opus 26.

  • Autograph: Arnold Schoenberg
    May. 11, 2011

    Autograph: Arnold Schoenberg

    Est: $100 - $200

    Austrian-born composer (1874-1951) whose development of the "twelve-tone" system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of twentieth-century music. Ink signature, "Arnold Schoenberg," on an off-white 4.25 x 1.5 slip. In fine condition, with a light brush to signature and a couple light bends.

    RR Auction
  • SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951.
    Apr. 20, 2011

    SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. 1874-1951.

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Typed Letter Signed ("Arnold Schoenburg"), 1 p, 4to, Los Angeles, April 23, 1951, to Deward J. Tomlin, on personal letterhead, light toning, two spots at lower quarter. Schoenberg writes this letter to a fan just a few months before his death: "I am sure you would also like some of the works of my first period, Pelleas and Melisande, the Kammersymphonie, Pierrot Lunaire, Serenade and the four string quartets—perhaps all of those which are now available on records. / I am sorry that your Gurre Lieder set is not complete, so as mine. But I will try a friend to have copies made from the missing discs. Tell me your missing numbers—it will not cost you too much." See illustration.

  • Autographs: Arnold Schonberg
    Sep. 15, 2010

    Autographs: Arnold Schonberg

    Est: $1,000 - $1,200

    Autographs: Arnold Schonberg - Austrian-born composer (1874-1951) whose development of the "twelve-tone" system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of 20th century music. TLS, one page on a 7 x 5.75 sheet of airmail stationery, February 13, 1948. The composer writes to writer and editor Rollo H. Myers. In full: "I want to tell you that I have finished a little piece for your new Bulletin of I.S.C.M. 'Music of Our Time.' It is about three and a half typewritten pages. I will send it probably in one or two days, by Air mail." Trimmed bottom edge, folds, wrinkling, and a few marginal edge tears, and show-through from printing on reverse, otherwise fine condition.

    RR Auction
  • Autograph - Arnold Schoenberg
    Jun. 16, 2010

    Autograph - Arnold Schoenberg

    Est: $300 - $400

    Autograph - Arnold Schoenberg Austrian-born composer (1874 - 1951) whose development of the "twelve-tone" system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of twentieth-century music. Vintage glossy 3.5 x 4.5 photo, signed and inscribed in fountain pen in German (translated): "To Julius Toldi, former pupil, at present friendly 'promotor' of my art, most kindly, Arnold Schoenberg, 11. September 1949." In very good condition, with scattered creasing, light irregular adhesion to signature and inscription. RRAuction COA.

    RR Auction
    Jun. 09, 2010


    Est: £2,500 - £3,000

    SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD. AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL QUOTATION FROM PELLEAS UND MELISANDE , OP. 5, SIGNED AND INSCRIBED ("...FOR THE COLLECTION OF MR THOMAS H. CHAPMAN...BY ARNOLD SCHOENBERG JANUARY 25, 1947") the beginning of the love-scene theme (rehearsal number 36), comprising 4 bars notated in black ink on a single stave drawn with a rastrum, 1 page, on a strip of card, 8.8 x 16.8cm, no place, 25 January 1947

  • Autographs - Arnold Schoenberg
    May. 12, 2010

    Autographs - Arnold Schoenberg

    Est: -

    Arnold Schoenberg: Austrian-born composer (1874–1951) whose development of the "twelve-tone” system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of twentieth-century music. TLS in French, one page, 5 x 6.5, no date. Schoenberg writes Henri Corbiere regarding the composer’s earlier response to the question "What is the saying/maxim by which you live?” Double matted and framed with a color portrait to an overall size of 13.5 x 18.5. In fine condition. Over 50 years, art critic and journalist, Corbiere collected from intellectuals in many fields all over the world their opinions on life. Eventually compiling approximately 13,000 such responses. Among these were the "maximes de vie” of many prominent figures, including Arnold Schoenberg. RRAuction COA.

    RR Auction
  • [ Autographs ] Arnold Schonberg
    Mar. 10, 2010

    [ Autographs ] Arnold Schonberg

    Est: $600 - $800

    Arnold Schonberg Austrian-born composer (1874-1951) whose development of the twelve-tone" system proved to be one of the most far-reaching innovations in the history of twentieth-century music. Scarce vintage 3.5 x 5.5 German postcard photo, signed in the lower border in fountain pen. Light surface impressions along right side, some scattered light silvering and soiling, and a few minor bends, otherwise fine condition. Rare in this format. Pre-certified PSA/DNA and RRAuction COA."

    RR Auction
  • Arnold SCHÖNBERG (Vienne 1874-Los Angeles 1951)
    Jun. 20, 2009

    Arnold SCHÖNBERG (Vienne 1874-Los Angeles 1951)

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Arnold SCHÖNBERG (Vienne 1874-Los Angeles 1951) Femme nue de dos se regardant dans un miroir, 1903 Aquarelle, pastel et plume et encre noire 31,5 x 25 cm Situé, signé et daté en bas à gauche : « Stuttgart - Schonberg - 03 » Schönberg est surtout connu pour son activité de compositeur et de théoricien de la musique, mais il fut aussi un peintre accompli, dont les aeuvres furent présentées aux côtés de peintures de Franz Marc et de Kandinsky.

    Millon & Associes
  • SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Blatt m.
    Jun. 15, 2009

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Blatt m.

    Est: - €120

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Blatt m. e. U., o. O., o. D., gr.-kl.-8vo.

  • SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Gedr.
    Jun. 15, 2009

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Gedr.

    Est: - €460

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Gedr. Dankeskarte m. 2 e. Zeilen u. U., Mödling, Oktober, 1923,Trauerrand, kl.-8vo.

  • SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Konvolut
    Jun. 15, 2009

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Konvolut

    Est: - €600

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Konvolut von 2 Postkarten m. e. U., Berlin, 23. 6. 1913 bzw. Mödling undat. (1919) je 6 Zeilen, Beilage: Blatt m. 3 e. U., Falteinrisse, leicht fleckig, 12mo.

    Nov. 07, 2008


    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    ARNOLD SCHOENBERG(1874 - 1951) Austrian-born composer who revolutionized music with his new method of musical organization, the "12-tone" technique where he related each tone only to one other, departing from the harmonic style that had preceded him. He was to influence an entire generation of young composers, including Stravinsky Very scarce A.M.Q.S. on an 8vo. sheet, two bars of music, not identified, boldly penned at the top corner of the sheet adding date "[?] 15, 1933". Slight smudge to one note, otherwise near fine condition, and certainly perfectly suited to display.

    Alexander Historical Auctions LLC
  • Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -
    Jun. 09, 2008

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -

    Est: - €800

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Masch. Empfehlungsschreiben für Julius Toldi,

  • Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -
    Jun. 09, 2008

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -

    Est: - €1,000

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. Gedr. Dankesbrief anläßlich seines 75.

  • Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -
    Jun. 09, 2008

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 -

    Est: - €1,000

    Autographs: SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. E. B. m. U., o. O., o. D., (vor 1909), 1 S., kl.-

  • SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. E. B. m.
    Dec. 06, 2007

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. E. B. m.

    Est: - €2,000

    SCHÖNBERG,Arnold, Komponist, 1874 - 1951. E. B. m. U., Berlin, 1. 4. 1903, 4 S., stellenweise

    Jun. 16, 2007


    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    449. ARNOLD SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Austrian-born composer who revolutionized music with his new method of musical organization, the "12-tone" technique where he related each tone only to one other, departing from the harmonic style that had preceded him. He was to influence an entire generation of young composers, including Stravinsky Very scarce A.M.Q.S., [n.p., 1947], penned on a sheet of four Mozart postal stamps, being three lines from his Pierrot Lunaire, the last of works from his Expressionist period. It premiered in Berlin on Oct. 16, 1912. Signed beneath and adding date 1947. Fine condition. Attractively double matted in tan and burgundy, and ready to frame.  $1,500-2,000

    Alexander Historical Auctions LLC
    Nov. 30, 2006


    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    REMARKABLE TEACHING MANUSCRIPT WITH AUTOGRAPH CORRECTIONS AND DRAFTS containing sketches for the first movement of a serenade for string orchestra ("Serenade für Streichorchester"), in the hand of his pupil Fried Walter, extensively corrected by schoenberg and containing some fifty bars of music in his hand, unsigned, Schoenberg's additions notated in pencil on up to ten staves per page, with some passages deleted, errors by his pupil marked with crosses, and improved versions written by Schoenberg on a facing page, with a few annotations probably by Schoenberg; the manuscript further contains, in other hands, a title-page written in ink and pencil ("Serenade für Streichorchester...dazu Skizzen von Arnold Schoenberg!"), and notes and mottos apparently taken down from Schoenberg by Walter 6 pages, plus blanks, folio (c.33.5 x 27cms), 24-stave paper ("K.U.V. Beethoven Papier Nr.37 (24 Linien)"), Schoenberg's additions on 3 pages, one page cut down, the title marked in blue crayon ("zu 87"), no place or date [Berlin, c.1930]; together with 6 pages of further drafts in another hand LITERATURE P. Gradenwitz, Arnold Schoenberg und seine Meisterschüler, Berlin 1925-1933 (Vienna, 1998), p.150. NOTE Between 1925 and 1933, Schoenberg taught a masterclass for composition at the Preussische Akademie der Künste in Berlin. One of his pupils there was Fried Walter (1907-1996), later a repetiteur at the Berlin Staatsoper, who studied with Schoenberg during 1929 and 1930. A particularly remarkable feature of the manuscript is a page apparently containing sayings and mottos of the great teacher as jotted down by Walter ("...Motto: Wenn ich nun jetzt schon einmal letzten Endes den Gedenken habe, es zu überlegen..."). Schoenberg was one of the most important musical theorists and teachers of the twentieth century, Berg and Webern numbering among his most famous pupils. Manuscripts relating to Schoenberg's work as a teacher are rare.

    May. 19, 2006


    Est: £8,000 - £10,000

    TWO SETS OF PROOFS CORRECTED BY SCHOENBERG OF THE "FANTASY" FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO OP.47, SIGNED ("ASCH") comprising two copies of the score and separate violin part ("1st Proof" and "extra 1st Proof"), corrected by the composer in orange crayon, including rests and deletions, and annotated in black ink, signed and inscribed ("omit the metronom ASch" and "omit this ASch"), including the composer's revised wording for the title "My title is: Fantasy for Violin with [deleted: "the"] accompaniment of the piano opus 47...I choose this title so it should not be understood as a duel !!" 36 leaves in all, the score 13 pages and the separate violin part 5 pages (2 copies of each), printed and written on one side only, stamped "1st Proof" on every page, with many further editorial corrections in red and grey pencil and annotations in ink, including by Walter Hinrichsen [1951], minor tears and creases to margins, a few stains NOTE uncommon. This lot contains two successive stages in the final corrections for the Fantasy Op.47, one of Schoenberg's last major works.

    May. 20, 2005


    Est: £800 - £1,000

    Autograph letter signed ("Arnold Schoenberg"), to the writer Karl Kraus, about Zemlinsky Condition Note: mentioning an eight-day visit by Zemlinsky ("...Zemlinsky war 8 Tage da..."), thanking him for an excellent evening, and expressing his great admiration 1 page, small 4to (c.19.4 x 14.8cm), integral blank, address stamp of the composer ("Arnold Schönberg Wien, XIII. Gloriettegasse 43. Tel. 84373"), a few later pencil annotations, Vienna, 1 April 1917 We are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described in our catalogue. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSION CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE. CATALOGUE NOTE The writer and satirist Karl Kraus (1874-1936) exercised great influence over Vienennese intellectual life in the early 20th century and was greatly admired by Schoenberg.

    May. 20, 2005


    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Early autograph letter signed ("Arnold Schönberg"), in German, to an unnamed recipient ("Liebe gnädige Frau") Condition Note: about the difficulties of his present financial situation in Berlin, discussing his contract with Wolzogen, which expired on 31 July and was not renewed by the new management, stating that he is currently unemployed, explaining that, although he will again be receiving an income in two weeks at the latest, his present situation is very awkward, and emphasising that until he his paid for his operetta work on the 20th he does not know what he shall do unless she can help him ...Ich stehe also augenblicklich ohne Stellung da. Wenn ich nun auch die Sicherheit habe in längstens 2 Wochen wieder ein...Einkommen zu haben, so ist doch momentan meine Lage sehr ungünstig... 2 pages, 8vo (c.22.2 x 14.3cm), Berlin 7 October 1902, light foxing, repair to tiny tear at upper margin We are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described in our catalogue. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSION CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE. CATALOGUE NOTE From December 1901 to the summer of the following year, Schoenberg worked at Ernst von Wolzogen's Buntes Theater in Berlin. Thereafter he was reduced to the drudgery of scoring operettas, until Richard Strauss, impressed with what he had been shown of the Gurre-Lieder and the symphonic poem Pelleas und Melisande, used his prestige to obtain for Schoenberg a post at the Berlin Stern Conservatory.

    Oct. 29, 2001


    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Arnold (1874-1951). Autograph musical manuscript inscribed and signed twice ("Arnold Schoenberg"), to Merle Armitage, n.p., [written circa 1900], inscribed 25 February 1950. 2 pages, folio, 13 bars in ink on printed staves on recto, 7 bars in pencil on verso, boldly signed in ink on both sides. A LEAF FROM A WORKING DRAFT OF SCHOENBERG'S EARLY ATONAL MASTERPIECE "GURRELIEDER" An important fragment from a key early work. It was presented by the composer, a year before his death, to an old friend. The leaf contains 13 bars from a working draft in full score marked "Langsam" from his Gurrelieder (1900-1), scored for large chorus, soloists and orchestra. The recto carries a warm inscription: "To Mr. Merle Armitage as a souvenir reminder of pleasant contacts some years ago." In the early compositions Gurrelieder, and Verkl„rte Nacht (1899), Schoenberg expanded the chromatic style established by Wagner and Mahler. Gurrelieder depicts the love of King Waldemar and Tove under the Tristanesque imminence of death, Waldemar's blasphemous defiance of God after Tove's death, the night ride at the head of a ghostly retinue to which the king's restless spirit is subsequently condemned, and its dismissal by the summer wind at the approach of the day. The verso contains seven bars in score in pencil, entitled "Des Sommerwinders Wild Jagd," presumably from the last part of the work. Schoenberg encompassed his complexe narrative in a series of atmospheric tableaux reminiscent of Wagner's later operas (especially G”tterd„mmerung ). Schoenberg's twelve-tone technique, which revolutionized modern music by abandoning tonality (used to some extent in five piano pieces and a Serenade in 1923), was first employed in a complete work in 1924 in the Suite for Piano. After years in Berlin and in Vienna (where he founded in 1918 his famous private seminar in composition and the Society for Private Musical Performances, at which neither critics nor applause were allowed), he emigrated to the United States, teaching in Boston and in California during the 1930s-40s.

Lots Per Page: