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Adolf Schreyer Sold at Auction Prices

Horse painter, Battle painter, Animal painter, Landscape painter, b. 1828 - d. 1899

(b Frankfurt, Germany, 1828; d Kronberg, Germany, 1899) German painter. Renowned for his dynamic and atmospheric paintings of horses and battles, as well as masculine depictions of Arab warriors, Adolf Schreyer occupies a special place in the Orientalist genre. He began his studies in his native Germany as a military and landscape painter at the Städelsche Kunstinstitute in Frankfurt, later continuing his training in Stuttgart, Munich and Düsseldorf where his lessons even included riding and horse anatomy. These lessons would serve him well as his artistic career was spent following various military campaigns of the Austrian army. In the late 1840s, he was called to travel with Prince Thurn and his regiment through Hungary, Wallachia and southern Russia and in 1854 during the Crimean War, he followed the regiment onto the battlefield as an official war artist. The early 1860s found Schreyer travelling through North Africa, Egypt and Syria where he thoroughly immersed himself in Bedouin life, mastering various Arab dialects as well as taking on their customs and dress. Not surprisingly, the mountainous and arid landscape of these regions proved to be a rich source of imagery for his paintings. At the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, Schreyer returned to his native Germany and actively painted until his death in 1899. Due to his successful career, he was appointed court painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenberg and was offered membership to both the Amsterdam and Rotterdam Academies. (Credit: Christie’s, New York, 19th Century European Art, April 19, 2005, lot 55)

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              • Adolf Schreyer
                Sep. 07, 2024

                Adolf Schreyer

                Est: €2,800 - €5,600

                (1828 Frankfurt a. M. - 1899 Kronberg) Beduinen zu Pferde Mit schnellem, virtuos lockerem Duktus gemalte, typische Orientszene Schreyers, der zu den Wegbereitern des Impressionismus gehörte. Schreyer, Mitglied der Kronberger Malerkolonie, war 1861-1870 dauerhaft und ab 1871/72 winters in Paris ansässig, wo er seinen künstlerischen Durchbruch als Orientmaler feierte. Er bereiste Nordafrika und den Nahen Osten, wo er die Kultur der Araber kennenlernte. Öl/Lwd.; verso Künstlerstempel und Etikett mit handschriftlicher Dedikation von Schreyers Frau Mary an den Maler Ferdinand Brütt, der 1898-1920 in Kronberg ansässig war: "Aus dem Nachlasse meines Mannes zur freundlichen Erinnerung dem Herrn Professor F. Brütt. Mary Schreyer". 32,2 cm x 41,3 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: Nachlass des Künstlers; Sammlung Ferdinand Brütt (1849-1936); deutsche Privatsammlung. Oil on canvas. An old label with a dedication by the artist's widow to Ferdinand Brütt (1849 -1936) on the reverse. Provenance: estate of the artist.

                Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
              • After (1828-1899) Adolph Schreyer Oil On Canvas
                Aug. 24, 2024

                After (1828-1899) Adolph Schreyer Oil On Canvas

                Est: -

                Titled: Atroika Claseo. Canvas has repairs and damage. Frame has damage. Frame measures approximately 33.5in x 49in. NR12545 SA

                EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
              • The watering hole
                Jul. 04, 2024

                The watering hole

                Est: £25,000 - £35,000

                Property from an Important Private Collection Adolf Schreyer German 1828 - 1899 The watering hole signed Ad Schreyer lower right oil on panel Unframed: 55.3 by 84cm., 21¾ by 33in. Framed: 89 by 118cm., 35 by 46½in.

              • Horsemen
                Jul. 04, 2024


                Est: £25,000 - £35,000

                Property from a Private Collection Adolf Schreyer German 1828 - 1899 Horsemen  signed ad Schreyer lower right oil on canvas Unframed: 59 by 96.5cm., 23¼ by 38in. Framed: 80.5 by 118.3cm., 31¾ by 46½in.

              • Schreyer, Adolf
                Jul. 04, 2024

                Schreyer, Adolf

                Est: €70 - €100

                deutscher Maler, bekannt besonders durch seine Orientdarstellungen (1828-1899). Eh. Brief mit Unterschrift, dat. Cronberg, 27. Sept. (18)83. 8°. 2 Bl., 1 S. beschrieb. Gefalt. An einen Herrn Rittner: "Ich sende Ihnen hier eine liebliche Aquarelle von Dielmann. - Sollte jedoch dieselbe nicht Ihren Beifall haben, so bitte ich Sie mir gefälligst das Bildchen zu retourniren...". - Schreyer war neben Hans Thoma Mitglied der Kronberger Malerkolonie; er gilt als einer der "Bahnbrecher des Realismus und des Impressionismus in Deutschland" (Thieme-B. XXX, 287f.) D

                Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
              • ATTRIBUÉ À CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 -1899) Étude pour “Charge de l'
                Jun. 30, 2024

                ATTRIBUÉ À CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 -1899) Étude pour “Charge de l'

                Est: €3,000 - €5,000

                ATTRIBUÉ À CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 -1899) Étude pour “Charge de l'artillerie de la Garde Impériale à Traktir en Crimée, le 16 août 1855” Huile sur toile d'origine 37 x 77 cm. Il s’agit très probablement du modelo pour le tableau exposé au Salon de 1865, actuellement conservé au musée d'Orsay (dépôt du musée du Louvre, inv. RF 440), mesurant 202 x 429 cm (achat à Adolf Schreyer, 1865). HISTORIQUE Le 16 août 1855 se déroule la bataille du pont de Traktir sur les rives de la Tchernaïa en Ukraine actuelle. L'affrontement a lieu durant le siège de Sébastopol, épisode principal de la guerre de Crimée opposant l'armée Russe à la France, l'Angleterre, le Piémont et la Turquie. Les 3e et 4e batteries de réserve de l'artillerie commandées par le colonel Forgeot prennent position en milieu de journée sur les hauteurs alentour. Elles font face à l’infanterie russe. Bien qu’à portée de l'ennemi, par la justesse et la rapidité de leurs tirs, ces unités aguerries permettent la déroute de l’armée russe qui se retire avec d'importantes pertes et manque son objectif, lever le siège de Sébastopol. C'est ce moment qu'a choisi d'illustrer Adolf Schreyer par un sublime mouvement des artilleurs à cheval de la Garde Impériale. L'artiste est contemporain des événements. En cela, il faut rappeler qu'il accompagne l'armée autrichienne à la frontière valaque, près de la Crimée, en 1854. Fin observateur, son travail se traduit par un étonnant souci du détail. Il est intéressant de noter la perfection dans la représentation des uniformes des combattants, élite de l'artillerie de l'armée de Napoléon III, habillés à la hussarde de leurs dolmans et coiffés de leurs colbacks. Installé à Paris depuis 1862, Adolf Schreyer expose au Salon. C'est en 1865 qu'il présente sa Charge d'artillerie. Son habileté à transmettre l'intensité des scènes de bataille et à saisir l'énergie et le mouvement des chevaux, lui ont valu une reconnaissance unanime. La critique ne tarie pas d'éloge. Maxime du Camp dans sa chronique du Salon pour le Revue des Deux Mondes, note très justement que la peinture de Schreyer "est un tableau de plein feu, de mouvement et d'observation". Louis Auvray, directeur de la Revue Artistique, souligne également : "Quelle énergie dans les mouvements ! quelle vérité de sentiments dans les expressions ! avec quelle vigueur les figures et les chevaux sont peints ! Ce tableau place M. Schreyer au premier plan des peintres de Batailles." Ce tableau visible à Orsay, incontestablement le chef-d'œuvre d'Adolf Schreyer, est une des rares et des plus prodigieuses représentations de la guerre de Crimée, aux côtés des œuvres de Philippoteaux ou Yvon. Médaillé au Salon, le tableau est acquis par Napoléon III pour le Musée du Luxembourg. Si la composition est déjà mise en place dans notre étude, l’artiste a complété la toile finale par une profusion de détails supplémentaires : un cadavre de cheval à gauche, absent de notre modelo, est présent sur le tableau d’Orsay ; un foisonnement de brindilles et de branchages est ajouté au premier plan à l'œuvre définitive ; mais le détail le plus poignant est sans doute la main, lâche, du cavalier central qui pouvait manifester une certaine détresse, que Schreyer a choisi de peindre point fermé dans le tableau final insistant ainsi sur la conduite héroïque de nos soldats d’élites dans l’adversité la plus extrême. oil on canvas, 15.5 x 30.3 in

              • CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828-1899), C
                Jun. 25, 2024

                CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828-1899), C

                Est: -

                Christian Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), copy after, Arab with red flag on a horse, anonymous copy late 20th century, after Schreyer in oil on canvas, unsigned, 64 x 54 cm, framed 83 x 72 cm

                Historia Auctionata
              • Adolf Schreyer Oil on Canvas
                May. 26, 2024

                Adolf Schreyer Oil on Canvas

                Est: $30,000 - $60,000

                Adolf Schreyer (GERMAN, 1828-1899) Oil on canvas 20.5" x 27.75" Arab Warriors on Horseback

              • Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The Arab chief
                May. 25, 2024

                Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The Arab chief

                Est: €15,000 - €20,000

                Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The Arab chief Oil on canvas 58.5 x 96.5 cm Signed lower right Ad Schreyer The present work is one of Schreyer's most dynamic compositions. War was a supreme test for a horse, and both Europeans and Arabs praised Arab breeds for their speed and agility in battle. The scene depicts a group of noble Arab warriors whose galloping ride has been brought to an abrupt halt. The horse on the left rears up as its rider pulls on the reins. The commander of the group, laden with weapons, accentuates the sense of drama, pointing off into the distance to the reason for their sudden halt. The softness of the brushwork does not diminish the intensity of the moment. A German painter of the second half of the 19th century, trained in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and then Munich, Adolf Schreyer stood out from the painters of his generation for his pronounced taste for equestrian scenes and the anatomical precision of the horses he portrayed. As a rider himself, he specifically studied horse anatomy. Initially a war draughtsman for the Prince of Thurn et Taxis, whom he followed to the mouths of the Danube, he went to Algeria in 1861. While there, he chose to live among the men of the Hauts Plateaux, and to learn Arabic. Schreyer lavishly depicted horses in harness, using a palette of luminous, colorful accents. His work is remarkable for the quality of its brushwork, which reveals the artist's ability to observe and the strength of his expression. His work was particularly appreciated by horse lovers and the military, both in Europe and America. As a result, his many trips to North Africa and the Middle East were largely financed by purchases from prestigious collectors such as the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and John Jacob Astor. His most famous canvases are on show at New York's Metropolitan Museum.

                Millon & Associes
              • The Advance
                Apr. 23, 2024

                The Advance

                Est: £25,000 - £35,000

                Adolf Schreyer German 1828 - 1899 The Advance signed Ad Schreyer lower right oil on canvas Unframed: 62 by 52.5cm., 24½ by 20½in. Framed: 80 by 70cm., 31½ by 27½in.

              • CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828-1
                Apr. 16, 2024

                CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828-1

                Est: -

                Christian Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), copy after, Arab with a red flag on a horse, anonymous copy late 20th century, after Schreyer in oil on canvas, unsigned, 64 x 54 cm, framed 83 x 72 cm

                Historia Auctionata
              • ADOLF SCHREYER
                Mar. 22, 2024

                ADOLF SCHREYER

                Est: CHF7,000 - CHF10,000

                ADOLF SCHREYER (Frankfurt a. M. 1828–1899 Kronberg) Sledging in a winter landscape. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left: Ad. Schreyer. 80.6 × 68 cm. Provenance: European private collection. Our thanks to Dr Christoph Andreas who has confirmed the authenticity of this work on the basis of a photograph. --------------- ADOLF SCHREYER (Frankfurt a. M. 1828–1899 Kronberg) Schlitten in einer Winterlandschaft. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten links signiert: Ad. Schreyer. 80,6 × 68 cm. Provenienz: Europäische Privatsammlung. Dr. Christoph Andreas hat die Eigenhändigkeit anhand einer Fotografie bestätigt, wofür wir ihm danken. ---------------

                Koller Auctions
              • Christian Adolf Schreyer
                Mar. 16, 2024

                Christian Adolf Schreyer

                Est: €3,000 - €4,000

                Christian Adolf Schreyer 1828 Frankfurt/Main - 1899 Kronberg im Taunus - Walachisischer Reiter im Winter (Walachian Rider in the snow) - Öl/Lwd. 22 x 16 cm. Sign. r. u.: Ad. Schreyer. Rückseitig mit altem Etikett der Galerie Commeter, Hamburg. Zierrahmen. - Provenienz: Galerie Commeter, Hamburg. Christian Adolf Schreyer wurde vor allem durch seine beeindruckenden Gemälde von Pferden, Reitern und exotischen Szenen bekannt. Er war ein deutscher Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts, der sich auf orientalische Motive spezialisierte. Schreyer war für seine realistischen und lebendigen Darstellungen von Pferden im Kampf, Reitern in exotischen Trachten und kriegerischen Szenen aus dem Orient berühmt.

                Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
              • Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique
                Jan. 07, 2024

                Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique

                Est: $3,800 - $4,750

                ARTIST: Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) NAME: Wallachian Huntsmen MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Wear along edges. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 4 x 7 inches / 17 x 17 cm FRAME SIZE: 9 x 12 inches / 22 x 30 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Adolf Schreyer, Christian Adolf Schreyer, Adolphe Shreyer PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York, Date 1986-12-02, Lot 296 CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 122573 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Adolf Schreyer was a German artist associated with the Dusseldorf school of painting and German Romanticism. Known for his depictions of Bedouin men, Schreyer learned Arabic while living in Algiers, Egypt, and Syria, where he became immersed in Bedouin customs and way of life as an official war artist. His works were painted with an eye for strong color and composition, and his landscapes show the men advancing or traveling on horseback.Born on July 9, 1828 in Frankfurt, Germany, Schreyer attended the Dusseldorf Academy (now the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dusseldorf) under Wilhelm von Schadow, and has drawn comparisons to Eugene Delacroix and Eugene Fromentin for his distinctive style. Schreyer died on July 29, 1899 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

                Broward Auction Gallery LLC
              • Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899, France & Germany),
                Dec. 03, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899, France & Germany),

                Est: $8,000 - $12,000

                oil painting on canvas, Arab Riders, signed lower right. In exceptional carved and gilded frame, possibly original. Nice untouched original condition. Under UV light it shows very minor inpainting on bottom edge of canvas. Sight size 11 1/2" by 18", overall with frame 23 1/4" by 29 1/2". Provenance: An old Boston family.

                Marion Antique Auctions
              • Adolf Schreyer, Mounted Orientals in front of a town
                Nov. 18, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer, Mounted Orientals in front of a town

                Est: €12,000 - €14,000

                Signed lower right: Ad. Schreyer

                Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
              • Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Bedouin on a white horse 20 x 16in (50.8 x 40.6cm)
                Nov. 15, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Bedouin on a white horse 20 x 16in (50.8 x 40.6cm)

                Est: $3,000 - $5,000

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Bedouin on a white horse signed 'Ad Schreyer' (lower left) oil on canvas 20 x 16in (50.8 x 40.6cm)

              • Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Two riders on horseback 12 x 9 3/4in (30.5 x 24.8cm)
                Nov. 15, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Two riders on horseback 12 x 9 3/4in (30.5 x 24.8cm)

                Est: $2,500 - $3,500

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Two riders on horseback signed 'Ad Schreyer' (lower left) oil on panel 12 x 9 3/4in (30.5 x 24.8cm)

              • Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) The standard bearer
                Oct. 25, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) The standard bearer

                Est: £40,000 - £60,000

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) The standard bearer signed 'Ad. Schreyer' (lower left) oil on canvas 81 x 65.3cm (31 7/8 x 25 11/16in).

              • Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899)
                Oct. 10, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899)

                Est: $5,000 - $7,000

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Wallachian Horseman oil on canvas signed Ad. Schreyer (lower left) 26 x 36 1/2 inches. This lot is located in Chicago. We would like to thank Dr. Christoph Andreas and Max Andreas for kindly confirming the authenticity of this work via high resolution images.

              • Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique
                Oct. 08, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique

                Est: $4,000 - $5,000

                ARTIST: Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) NAME: Wallachian Huntsmen MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Wear along edges. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 4 x 7 inches / 17 x 17 cm FRAME SIZE: 9 x 12 inches / 22 x 30 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Adolf Schreyer, Christian Adolf Schreyer, Adolphe Shreyer PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York, Date 1986-12-02, Lot 296 CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 122573 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Adolf Schreyer was a German artist associated with the Dusseldorf school of painting and German Romanticism. Known for his depictions of Bedouin men, Schreyer learned Arabic while living in Algiers, Egypt, and Syria, where he became immersed in Bedouin customs and way of life as an official war artist. His works were painted with an eye for strong color and composition, and his landscapes show the men advancing or traveling on horseback.Born on July 9, 1828 in Frankfurt, Germany, Schreyer attended the Dusseldorf Academy (now the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dusseldorf) under Wilhelm von Schadow, and has drawn comparisons to Eugene Delacroix and Eugene Fromentin for his distinctive style. Schreyer died on July 29, 1899 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

                Broward Auction Gallery LLC
              • Attributed to or After Christian Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899): At the Watering Hole
                Sep. 07, 2023

                Attributed to or After Christian Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899): At the Watering Hole

                Est: $800 - $1,200

                Oil on canvas, indistinctly signed with a monogram lower right. 19 x 33 in., 27 x 41 in. (frame).

              • After Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), Late 19th / earl…
                Aug. 21, 2023

                After Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), Late 19th / earl…

                Est: £40 - £60

                After Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), Late 19th / early 20th century, Oil on board, The Attack, A battle scene with Arabic figures on horseback. Approx. 3 1/2" x 5 1/2"

                Claydon Auctioneers
              • Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique
                Jul. 02, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique

                Est: $4,000 - $5,250

                ARTIST: Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) NAME: Wallachian Huntsmen MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Wear along edges. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 4 x 7 inches / 17 x 17 cm FRAME SIZE: 9 x 12 inches / 22 x 30 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Adolf Schreyer, Christian Adolf Schreyer, Adolphe Shreyer PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York, Date 1986-12-02, Lot 296 CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 122573 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Adolf Schreyer was a German artist associated with the Dusseldorf school of painting and German Romanticism. Known for his depictions of Bedouin men, Schreyer learned Arabic while living in Algiers, Egypt, and Syria, where he became immersed in Bedouin customs and way of life as an official war artist. His works were painted with an eye for strong color and composition, and his landscapes show the men advancing or traveling on horseback.Born on July 9, 1828 in Frankfurt, Germany, Schreyer attended the Dusseldorf Academy (now the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dusseldorf) under Wilhelm von Schadow, and has drawn comparisons to Eugene Delacroix and Eugene Fromentin for his distinctive style. Schreyer died on July 29, 1899 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

                Broward Auction Gallery LLC
              • Adolph Schreyer, Wagon at Rest at Water's Edge
                Jun. 24, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer, Wagon at Rest at Water's Edge

                Est: $4,000 - $6,000

                Adolph Schreyer (German, 1828-1899), titled Wagon at Rest at the Water's Edge, oil on canvas, signed L/R, 23" x 37 3/4", framed 31"' x 41". Authenticated by Dr. Christoph Andreas For Skinner Sept 7, 2001 sold for $10,925.

                Kaminski Auctions
              • Adolf Schreyer
                May. 07, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer

                Est: €1,200 - €2,400

                (1828 Frankfurt a. M. - 1899 Kronberg) Troikagespann im aufkommenden Schneesturm Seltenes, russisches Motiv Schreyers, der zu den Bahnbrechern des Realismus und Impressionismus gehörte. Nach weiten Reisen war er 1861-1870 dauerhaft und ab 1871 winters in Paris ansässig, wo er seinen künstlerischen Durchbruch feierte und international berühmt wurde. Bekannt machten Schreyer insbesondere seine lebendigen Schilderungen des Orients, nachdem er auf Reisen durch Nordafrika und den Nahen Osten, die ihn faszinierende Kultur der Araber kennengelernt hatte. Öl/Mahagonitafel. R. u. sign.; 23,5 x 32 cm. Wohl Original-Rahmen. Provenienz: Aus dem Nachlass einer nordrhein-westfälischen Privatsammlung; erworben in einer Auktion bei Hampel, München, 25.09.2014, Lot-Nr. 453. Oil on mahogany panel. Signed. Probably original frame.

                Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
              • Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique
                Apr. 09, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique

                Est: $4,250 - $5,500

                ARTIST: Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) NAME: Wallachian Huntsmen MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Wear along edges. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 4 x 7 inches / 17 x 17 cm FRAME SIZE: 9 x 12 inches / 22 x 30 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Adolf Schreyer, Christian Adolf Schreyer, Adolphe Shreyer PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York, Date 1986-12-02, Lot 296 CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 122573 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Adolf Schreyer was a German artist associated with the Dusseldorf school of painting and German Romanticism. Known for his depictions of Bedouin men, Schreyer learned Arabic while living in Algiers, Egypt, and Syria, where he became immersed in Bedouin customs and way of life as an official war artist. His works were painted with an eye for strong color and composition, and his landscapes show the men advancing or traveling on horseback.Born on July 9, 1828 in Frankfurt, Germany, Schreyer attended the Dusseldorf Academy (now the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dusseldorf) under Wilhelm von Schadow, and has drawn comparisons to Eugene Delacroix and Eugene Fromentin for his distinctive style. Schreyer died on July 29, 1899 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

                Broward Auction Gallery LLC
              • Christian Adolf Schreyer, 1828 Frankfurt/ Main – 1899 Kronberg/ Taunus
                Mar. 30, 2023

                Christian Adolf Schreyer, 1828 Frankfurt/ Main – 1899 Kronberg/ Taunus

                Est: €2,000 - €3,000

                WALLACHE IM WINTER Öl auf Holz. 25,3 x 31 cm. Rechts unten signiert „Ad. Schreyer“. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Beigegeben eine Bestätigung über die Authentizität des vorliegenden Werkes durch die Galerie Schüller im Bayerischen Hof, München, 13.08.1989. In weiter verschneiter frostiger Landschaft unter dichtem grauem Himmel ein Beduine auf seinem Schimmel sitzend, herabblickend auf einen vollbepackten braunen Wallach. Etwas entfernt hinter ihm links reitend ein weiterer Mann, der auf seinem Rücken eine Waffe trägt. Malerei in überwiegend weiß-grauer und brauner Farbigkeit, die in seiner Maltechnik den Einfluss des französischen Impressionismus erkennen lässt. Anmerkung: Nach seiner Ausbildung am Frankfurter Städelschen Kunstinstitut und einigen Studienaufenthalten an den Kunstakademien in Düsseldorf, München und Stuttgart, unternahm Schreyer einige Studienreisen nach Südrussland, Syrien und Ägypten. Beeinflusst von seinen Erfahrungen befasste er sich in seiner Malerei neben Landschaftsgemälden insbesondere mit Pferdedarstellungen, wie auf dem vorliegenden Gemälde. (1291291) (18)

                Hampel Fine Art Auctions
              • AFTER ADOLPH SCHREYER (1828-1899) OIL ON BOARD
                Feb. 28, 2023

                AFTER ADOLPH SCHREYER (1828-1899) OIL ON BOARD

                Est: $300 - $600


                Joshua Kodner
              • ADOLF SCHREYER (GERMANY, 1829-1899)
                Feb. 25, 2023

                ADOLF SCHREYER (GERMANY, 1829-1899)

                Est: $3,000 - $4,000

                Bedouin Horsemen, oil on canvas, signed lower left, in what may be the original reticulated gold frame, OS: 24 1/2" x 31 1/2", SS: 13 1/2" x 21 1/2", cleaned and relined, loss to frame.

                Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
              • CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 - 1899)فيكتور أدم VICTOR ADAM (1801 - 1866)PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT (1755 - 1832) CARLE VERNET (1758 - 1836)
                Feb. 11, 2023

                CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 - 1899)فيكتور أدم VICTOR ADAM (1801 - 1866)PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT (1755 - 1832) CARLE VERNET (1758 - 1836)

                Est: $8,000 - $10,000

                A SET OF THREE PRINTS BY i. كريستيان أدولف شراير CHRISTIAN ADOLF SCHREYER (1828 - 1899) Cheik Arabe en Voyage Inscribed ‘PEINT PAR AD SCHREYER’ (lower left), ‘PHOTOGRAVURE GOUPIL & C’ (lower right), ‘CHEIK ARABE EN VOYAGE’ (lower center), ‘Imprime & Publie par GOUPIL & C Editeurs le 1er 8bre 1879 Paris London La Haye’ (lower center), ‘Entered according to act of congress in the year 1879 by M.KNEDLER & Co in the office of the Libraries of congress at Washington’ (lower center) Photogravure 78 x 62 cm Printed in 1879 ii. فيكتور أدم VICTOR ADAM (1801 - 1866) Cheval Arabe Signed on the plate ‘V.Adam’ (lower left), inscribed ‘A Paris chez Tessari et C rue du Cloitre N D No.4’ (lower left), ‘chez Aumont rue J.J Rosseau No. 10’ (lower right), ‘Cheval Arabe’ (lower center) Lithograph 37 x 30 cm iii. فيليبرت لويس ديبوكورت كارل فيرني PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT (1755 - 1832) CARLE VERNET (1758 - 1836) La Sortie Du Fort Signed on the plate ‘Carle Vernet’ (lower left), inscribed ‘Peint par C. Vernet’ (lower left), ‘Grave par Debucourt’ (lower right), ‘La Sortie Du Fort.’ (lower center), ‘A Paris , chez JAZET, rue de Lancry, No.7, et chez AUMONT, Md. d Estampes, rue J.J. Rousseau, No.10.’ (lower left), ‘Depose a la Direction’ (lower right) Lithograph 67 x 55 cm

                Albahie Auction House
              • Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)
                Feb. 05, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)

                Est: $8,000 - $12,000

                Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) Wallachian horseman in a blustery winter landscape. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left. Provenance: Important Private Chicago collection. Sight Size: 26 x 36 in. Overall Framed Size: 35 x 45 in.

                Helmuth Stone
              • Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), import
                Jan. 23, 2023

                Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), import

                Est: -

                Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899), important German animal and genre painter, as well as orientalist. Arab on a white horse riding along a rock face, oil on cardboard over wood panel, monogrammed in red lower left, inscribed on frame plaque ''Arab Horseman Adolf Schreyer'', 46 x 42 cm, framed 65 x 61 cm

                Historia Auctionata
              • Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique
                Jan. 02, 2023

                Adolph Schreyer (French,German,1828-1899) oil painting antique

                Est: $4,250 - $5,500

                ARTIST: Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) NAME: Wallachian Huntsmen MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Wear along edges. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 4 x 7 inches / 17 x 17 cm FRAME SIZE: 9 x 12 inches / 22 x 30 cm SIGNATURE: lower right NAME VARIANTS: Adolf Schreyer, Christian Adolf Schreyer, Adolphe Shreyer PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York, Date 1986-12-02, Lot 296 CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 122573 US Shipping $42 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Adolf Schreyer was a German artist associated with the Dusseldorf school of painting and German Romanticism. Known for his depictions of Bedouin men, Schreyer learned Arabic while living in Algiers, Egypt, and Syria, where he became immersed in Bedouin customs and way of life as an official war artist. His works were painted with an eye for strong color and composition, and his landscapes show the men advancing or traveling on horseback.Born on July 9, 1828 in Frankfurt, Germany, Schreyer attended the Dusseldorf Academy (now the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dusseldorf) under Wilhelm von Schadow, and has drawn comparisons to Eugene Delacroix and Eugene Fromentin for his distinctive style. Schreyer died on July 29, 1899 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

                Broward Auction Gallery LLC
              • Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The departure of the Fantasia
                Dec. 19, 2022

                Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The departure of the Fantasia

                Est: €30,000 - €40,000

                Adolf SCHREYER (Frankfort sur le Main 1828 - Kronberg im Taunus 1899) The departure of the Fantasia Oil on canvas 58,5 x 96,5 cm Signed lower right Ad Schreyer

                Millon & Associes
              • Adolf Schreyer Oil on Board Landscape
                Dec. 15, 2022

                Adolf Schreyer Oil on Board Landscape

                Est: $2,000 - $3,000

                Adolf Schreyer (Germany, 1828-1899). Oil on board landscape. Signed lower right with artist's monogram AS. 11 1/2" x 38" (with frame 16" x 43"). Warping to wood, small areas of paint loss, inpainting along bottom, horizontal scratch through center, horizontal repair along left side.

                Willow Auction House
              • Adolf Schreyer - Arabian rider
                Dec. 08, 2022

                Adolf Schreyer - Arabian rider

                Est: €1,500 - €2,000

                Adolf Schreyer 1828 Frankfurt am Main - 1899 Kronberg Arabian rider Signed lower right. Remnants of an old adhesive label verso. Oil on panel. 29 x 20.5 cm. Restored, strong craquelure. Minor damage to frame (48 x 40 cm). Provenance: private collection, Poland.

              • Schreyer, Adolf
                Nov. 17, 2022

                Schreyer, Adolf

                Est: €900 - €1,300

                Schreyer, Adolf Frankfurt a.M.1828 - Cronberg i.T. 1899 15 x 10,5 cm Folge von 7 Zeichnungen mit der Darstellung von Orientalen und Pferden. Bleistift/Karton, am Unterrand mit Widmung an die Ehefrau und datiert (Paris) 11.-19. Mai (18)91. Auf Karten des "Hotel du Rhin" , verso zumeist mit handschriftlicher Menufolge, Nachlaßstempel. Schreyer, Adolf Frankfurt a.M.1828 - Cronberg i.T. 1899 15 x 10,5 cm A series of seven drawings showing Orientals and horses. Pencil/cardboard, at the lower margin with dedication to the artist's wife, dating (Paris) May 11-19 (18)91. On cards of "Hotel du Rhin", verso mostly with order of courses in handwriting, estate stamp.

                Nagel Auction
              • C. A. Schreyer Winter Hunting Horse Scene Etching
                Oct. 24, 2022

                C. A. Schreyer Winter Hunting Horse Scene Etching

                Est: $200 - $300

                France, Germany,Early 20th Century Depicts to men in a horse drawn sleigh being chased by wild animals, one figure holds a gun looking back towards the animals. Stand approx. 26" t x 13 1/4" w x 5 1/2" d

                Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers
              • Adolf Schreyer Oil on Board Landscape
                Oct. 06, 2022

                Adolf Schreyer Oil on Board Landscape

                Est: $3,000 - $4,000

                Adolf Schreyer (Germany, 1828-1899). Oil on board landscape. Signed lower right with artist's monogram AS. 11 1/2" x 38" (with frame 16" x 43"). Warping to wood, small areas of paint loss, inpainting along bottom, horizontal scratch through center, horizontal repair along left side.

                Willow Auction House
              • Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)
                Oct. 02, 2022

                Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)

                Est: $2,000 - $4,000

                Adolph Schreyer (German, 1828 - 1899) Oil on Cradled Panel. Signed lower right. Housed in a Newcomb Macklin frame. 'Guenthers Art Galleries'. Provenance: Important Private Chicago Collection. Sight Size: 7.75 x 18.75 in. Overall Framed Size: 14.5 x 25.75 in.

                Helmuth Stone
              • Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)
                Oct. 02, 2022

                Adolph Schreyer (1828-1899)

                Est: $8,000 - $12,000

                Adolph Schreyer (France, Germany, 1828 - 1899) Wallachian horseman in a blustery winter landscape. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left. Provenance: Important Private Chicago collection. Sight Size: 26 x 36 in. Overall Framed Size: 35 x 45 in.

                Helmuth Stone
              • Christian Adolf SCHREYER (1828-1899), Relaisstation / Relay station
                Sep. 26, 2022

                Christian Adolf SCHREYER (1828-1899), Relaisstation / Relay station

                Est: €6,500 - €13,000

                Technik: Öl/Lw, gerahmt, alte Inventaretikett, Signatur: rechts unten Monogrammiert, Maße: 112 x 60 cm, 127 x 75 (mit Rahmen), Zustand: doubliert, guter Allgemeinzustand

                Auktionshaus Schwab
              • Adolph Schreyer, German (1828 - 1899)
                Sep. 21, 2022

                Adolph Schreyer, German (1828 - 1899)

                Est: $50 - $150

                Adolph Schreyer, German (1828 - 1899) Sepia Tone Lithograph Print, Bedouin on Horseback, Signed in the Plate. Measures 17" H x 13-1/2" W, frame measures 34-1/2" H x 28-1/2" W. Condition: Small stain to top left corner. Estimate: $50.00 - $150.00 Domestic Shipping: $145.00

                Kodner Galleries
              • Adolf SCHREYER: Winter Hunt - Oil Painting
                Sep. 10, 2022

                Adolf SCHREYER: Winter Hunt - Oil Painting

                Est: $800 - $1,200

                Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) oil on panel painting of a winter scene with hunters on horseback. [Sight: 4" H x 6 3/4" W; Frame: 8 1/2" H x 11 1/2" W]. Rubbing to edges; wear to frame.

                Roland Auctions NY
              • ATTRIBUTED TO ADOLPH SCHREYER (GERMAN 1828-1899)
                Aug. 05, 2022

                ATTRIBUTED TO ADOLPH SCHREYER (GERMAN 1828-1899)

                Est: $2,500 - $3,500

                " AN ARABIAN HORSEMAN". Signed indistinctly lower left and attributed to Adolph Schreyer. Oil on canvas housed in a molded gesso and wood gold frame. The Bedouin on horseback in a barren landscape looking off to the viewer’s right. SIZE: 20” x 16”. Condition: CONDITION: Generally good. Temp No 1482_6044

                John McInnis Auctioneers
              • Adolph Schreyer (DE 1828-1899)
                Jul. 22, 2022

                Adolph Schreyer (DE 1828-1899)

                Est: $150 - $250

                Adolph Schreyer (German 1828-1899) Cheik Arabe En Voyage published by Goupil Paris/London Photogravure on paper plate 20 x 28" 36 x 44" as framed

                Merrill's Auctioneers & Appraisers
              • Christian Adolf SCHREYER (1828-1899), Relaisstation / Relay station
                Jul. 16, 2022

                Christian Adolf SCHREYER (1828-1899), Relaisstation / Relay station

                Est: €6,500 - €13,000

                Technik: Öl/Lw, gerahmt, alte Inventaretikett, Signatur: rechts unten Monogrammiert, Maße: 112 x 60 cm, 127 x 75 (mit Rahmen), Zustand: doubliert, guter Allgemeinzustand

                Auktionshaus Schwab
              Lots Per Page:

              Auction Houses Selling Works by Adolf Schreyer