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Antonio Senape Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1788 - d. 1850

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  • Senape, Antonio
    Feb. 14, 2025

    Senape, Antonio

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1788 Rom - Neapel 1850) zugeschr. Italienische Landschaft. Tuschezeichnung. Um 1830. 23 x 34 cm. Auf Kart. aufgezogen. Verso mit Zuschr. - Tls. fl. Unregelmäßig beschn. Verso mit Sp. einer alten Mont.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Feb. 11, 2025


    Est: €600 - €800

    (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1850 ca.) Otto vedute di Napoli, della Campania e di Roma Veduta di Terracina China su carta, cm 17,2X30,8 Veduta dell¿Anfiteatro di Capua China su carta, cm 21,5X32,3 Veduta della Marina di Palermo China su carta, cm 18,3X29,5 Veduta dell¿Albergo della Vittoria in Napoli China su carta, cm 16X26,5 Veduta del Lago del Fusaro China su carta, cm 14,8X22,2 Veduta del Colle di Vietri presso Cassano in Calabria e la pianura di Sibari China su carta, cm 15,7X23,4 Veduta dell¿Isola Tiberina e ponte Rotto China su carta, cm 14,4X24,4 Veduta di Piazza del Plebiscito China su carta, cm 20,7X32,5 (8) Vedi scheda al lotto precedente.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Feb. 11, 2025


    Est: €600 - €800

    (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1850 ca.) Otto vedute di Napoli e della Campania Veduta dei Cappuccini di Amalfi China su carta, cm 22X29 Veduta di Capri preso da Massa China su carta, cm 22X30,1 Veduta del Castello di Ischia preso da Monte Campagnano China su carta, cm 14,8X25 Veduta del Tempio di Venere a Baia China su carta, cm 18,9X30,2 Veduta di Vico China su carta, cm 21,6X36,7 Veduta del Lago di Agnano China su carta, cm 21,2X33 Veduta di Chiaia presa dalla villa reale di Napoli China su carta, cm 21,6X28,8 Veduta del Porto di Anacapri castello di Barbarossa China su carta, cm 17X25 (8) Nato a Roma nel 1788, Antonio Senape è un paesista specializzato in vedute eseguite principalmente a penna. La sua produzione documentata scorre tra il 1818 e il 1842, ma si presume che la morte sia avvenuta attorno alla metà del secolo, per la presenza nelle sue opere di edifici la cui costruzione risale a tale periodo. La maggior parte delle composizioni eseguite dal Senape ritraggono la città di Napoli e i suoi dintorni, ma al catalogo non mancano vedute di tutte le città italiane, realizzate con la medesima tecnica a inchiostro nero o seppia. Le notizie biografiche che lo riguardano sono invece scarne, sappiamo che svolgeva l'attività di restauratore, ma anche l'insegnante di 'disegno con la Penna' come suggerisce giustamente Teresa Barone, che immagina tra i suoi allievi i turisti dilettanti in viaggio attraverso la penisola e suggestionati dalla bravura del maestro e dalla bellezza del paesaggio. Questa considerazione e l'esistenza di un album contenente oltre cento disegni di vedute italiane, suggerisce altresì che il Senape poteva essere ingaggiato da una committenza interessata ai suoi servigi durante il Grand Tour, secondo una tradizione codificata nel corso del Secolo precedente. Bibliografia di riferimento: Antonio Senape 'disegnatore di paesi', a cura di Ugo Di Pace, in Tra il Castello e il mare. L'immagine di Salerno, Napoli 1994, pp. 237-238 Campi Flegrei, mito, storia, realtà, a cura di Rossana Muzii, Napoli 2006, n. 144 T. Barone, in Salomon Master Drawings, a cura di A. Orlando, Firenze 2010, ad vocem Cento disegni per un Grand Tour del 1829, Napoli (e dintorni), Sicilia, Roma e Italia nelle vedute di Antonio Senape, a cura di Leonardo Di Mauro, Napoli 2001, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • A. SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing
    Dec. 07, 2024

    A. SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing

    Est: €1,350 - €1,800

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ): City view from the lively square in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples, c. 1840, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli". Date: c. 1840 Description: Highly qualitative and skilfully drawn view of street life in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples. Keywords: Naples, people, city, palazzo, everyday life, architecture, royal palace, 19th century, Romanticism, Architecture, Italy, Size: Paper: 27,8 cm x 37,4 cm (10,9 x 14,7 in), Depiction: 18,0 cm x 26,6 cm (7,1 x 10,5 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • A. SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella im Lago Maggiore, Pen drawing
    Dec. 07, 2024

    A. SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella im Lago Maggiore, Pen drawing

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ) attributed: Isola Bella und Isola dei Pescatori im Lago Maggiore, 19th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed: "Isola bella et isla dei pescatori". Upper right numbered: "57". Date: 19th century Description: Possibly a work from the circle of Antonio Senape. However, there are also references to Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer and Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Keywords: Island, Lake, Italy, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy, Size: Paper: 22,5 cm x 32,8 cm (8,9 x 12,9 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Senape, Antonio: Der Campo Santo bei Neapel
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Senape, Antonio: Der Campo Santo bei Neapel

    Est: €300 - €400

    Der Campo Santo bei Neapel. Feder in Schwarzbraun über Spuren von Graphit, auf Velin. 17,8 x 25 cm. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
    Oct. 16, 2024


    Est: £400 - £600

    ANTONIO SENAPE (ITALIAN 1788 - 1850)A NEOPOLITAN VIEWPen, black ink and grey wash25.5 x 42cm (10 x 16½ in.)Provenance: Clarendon Gallery, London

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Anfiteatro Di Taormi
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Anfiteatro Di Taormi

    Est: £200 - £300

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Anfiteatro Di Taormina, 21.5cm x 31cm, framed, provenance: Agnew & Sons London

    Burstow & Hewett
  • Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Siracusa Presa Dal T
    Sep. 26, 2024

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Siracusa Presa Dal T

    Est: £200 - £300

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850), Siracusa Presa Dal Teatro, 18cm x 30cm, framed, provenance: Agnew & Sons London

    Burstow & Hewett
  • Attributed to Antonio Senape 2 Pen & Ink Drawings
    Jul. 18, 2024

    Attributed to Antonio Senape 2 Pen & Ink Drawings

    Est: $300 - $500

    Attributed to Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850). 2 pen & ink drawings, Tempio della Fortuna and Pantheon at Pompeii. Both unsigned, with info written in pencil at the bottom of the mount. Unframed, mounted together. Each 6" x 9 3/8" (with mount 20" x 16"). Christie's auction labels dated 08 Jan 90 on verso of mount. Toning to paper, some toning to mat and mount. Provenance: Estate of Princess Maria "Mimi" Romanoff.

    Willow Auction House
  • Senape, Antonio: Neapel: Blick über Riviera di Chiaia und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv
    May. 31, 2024

    Senape, Antonio: Neapel: Blick über Riviera di Chiaia und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv

    Est: €400 - €500

    Neapel: Blick über die Villa Reale und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv. Grauer Stift auf Whatman-Velin. 14,2 x 24,5 cm. Wz. "J. Whatman 1825". - Provenienz: Aus einer Sammlung "E. Bowinkel, Napoli" (nicht bei Lugt). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • ANTONIO SENAPE - (attribuito a)
    May. 25, 2024

    ANTONIO SENAPE - (attribuito a)

    Est: -

    (attribuito a) Piazza di Amalfi, (1840 circa) China su carta, 27x39 cm, titolo in basso a destra, etichetta della Antichità W. Apolloni (Roma) sulla tavola di copertura al retro.

    Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
  • ANTONIO SENAPE (ROME 1788-1850 NAPLES) Panorama of Naples, the Bay beyond;
    Feb. 08, 2024

    ANTONIO SENAPE (ROME 1788-1850 NAPLES) Panorama of Naples, the Bay beyond;

    Est: £700 - £1,000

    ANTONIO SENAPE (ROME 1788-1850 NAPLES) Panorama of Naples, the Bay beyond; and Three Vedute of Naples pencil, pen and brown and black ink, brown wash, on three joined sheets of paper 9 ½ x 42 ½ in. (24.2 x 107.1 cm.) and 9 7⁄8 x 14 5⁄8 in. (25 x 37 cm.) in giltwood frames (4)

  • A. SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing
    Dec. 30, 2023

    A. SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing

    Est: €1,350 - €1,800

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ): City view from the lively square in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples, c. 1840, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli". Date: c. 1840 Description: Highly qualitative and skilfully drawn view of street life in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples. Keywords: Naples, people, city, palazzo, everyday life, architecture, royal palace, 19th century, Romanticism, Architecture, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • A. SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella im Lago Maggiore, Pen drawing
    Dec. 30, 2023

    A. SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella im Lago Maggiore, Pen drawing

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ) attributed: Isola Bella und Isola dei Pescatori im Lago Maggiore, 19th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed: "Isola bella et isla dei pescatori". Upper right numbered: "57". Date: 19th century Description: Possibly a work from the circle of Antonio Senape. However, there are also references to Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer and Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Keywords: Island, Lake, Italy, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
    Nov. 08, 2023


    Est: €100 - €150

    attributed toAntonio Senape (1788 - 1850),Veduta di Sorento, and annotated with artist's name (verso), pen and black and blue ink on paper. 15 x 44 cm.

    Medusa Auctioneers
  • Senape, Antonio: Neapel: Blick über Riviera di Chiaia und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv
    Jun. 09, 2023

    Senape, Antonio: Neapel: Blick über Riviera di Chiaia und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv

    Est: €500 - €750

    Neapel: Blick über die Villa Reale und das Castell dell'Ovo auf den Vesuv. -- Grauer Stift auf Whatman-Velin. 14,2 x 24,5 cm. Wz. "J. Whatman 1825". -- -- -- -- -- - Provenienz: Aus einer Sammlung "E. Bowinkel, Napoli" (nicht bei Lugt). -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Nice.- Senape (Antonio) Porto di Nizza, pen and ink, early 19th century; and 3 others, 19th century (4)
    Apr. 13, 2023

    Nice.- Senape (Antonio) Porto di Nizza, pen and ink, early 19th century; and 3 others, 19th century (4)

    Est: £150 - £200

    NO RESERVE Nice.- Senape (Antonio) Porto di Nizza, pen and black ink on thin tracing paper, affixed onto paper support, minor spotting and surface dirt, unframed, [early 19th century]; together with a good group of 3 unrelated views of European mainland by other hands, including an Italian piazza with fountain in the manner of Prout, a pencil study " At Narni" by John Harper from 1842, and another, all unframed, 19th century (4) Provenance: [Senape only] Thomas Agnew & Sons, London [stock no. 19175] John Kenworthy-Browne (b. 1931, art historian, specialising in architecture and sculpture, chiefly of the neo-classical period)

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Watercolors of Naples. SENAPE. Personaggi popolani napoletani. Acquarelli.
    Feb. 07, 2023

    Watercolors of Naples. SENAPE. Personaggi popolani napoletani. Acquarelli.

    Est: €2,500 - €2,800

    SENAPE, Antonio. Personaggi popolani napoletani. Acquarelli.1788 – 1850 ca. 9 acquarelli, ciascuno di mm. 120x165. Riuniti in cornice in radica. Ottimo stato di conservazione.

    Bado e Mart
  • Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850), Cas
    Dec. 09, 2022

    Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850), Cas

    Est: £100 - £150

    Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850), Castello D'Ishcia, Monte Campagno; Citta D'Ischia, a pair, both titled u.l and u.r., and on labels verso, pen and ink, 17 by 25cm, framed (2). Provenance: with Thomas Agnew, London

    Kinghams Auctioneers
  • A.SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing
    Oct. 22, 2022

    A.SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing

    Est: €1,050 - €1,400

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ): Royal Palace in Neapel, c. 1840, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli". Date: c. 1840 Description: Highly qualitative and skilfully drawn view of street life in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples. Keywords: Naples, people, city, palazzo, everyday life, architecture, 19th century, Romanticism, Architecture, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850) An album in marbled boards of 63 drawings of Italy, Greece, Malta and Turkey 25.2 x 38 cm. (9 15/16 x 14 15/16 in.) and smaller, with ten panoramas of 26 x 52.5 cm (10 1/4 x 20 5/8 in.) and two loose mounted dra...
    Jul. 14, 2022

    Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850) An album in marbled boards of 63 drawings of Italy, Greece, Malta and Turkey 25.2 x 38 cm. (9 15/16 x 14 15/16 in.) and smaller, with ten panoramas of 26 x 52.5 cm (10 1/4 x 20 5/8 in.) and two loose mounted dra...

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788-1850) An album in marbled boards of 63 drawings of Italy, Greece, Malta and Turkey including Gaeta, Napoli, Chiatamone, Nisida, Pozzuoli (3), Baia, Lago di Averno, Procida and Ischia, Cuma, Ischia (4) Capri, Pompei, Avellino, Villaggio della Cava, Vietri, Salerno, Paestum, Atrani, Amalfi, Palermo (2), Segesta, Girgenti (3), Catania (2), Etna, Siracusa (2), Taormina, Messina, Scilla, Stromboli, Valletta (2), Corfu, Patrasso, Pireus, Athens (4), Micenae (2), Corinth, Aegina, Capo Colonna, Syra, Naxos, Smyrna, Castle of Europa, Gallipoli, Constantinople (4), two castles on the Bosphorus and Entrance to the Black Sea, all inscribed, the study of Etna dated '24 giugno 1818' pen and brown and grey ink 25.2 x 38 cm. (9 15/16 x 14 15/16 in.) and smaller, with ten panoramas of 26 x 52.5 cm (10 1/4 x 20 5/8 in.) and two loose mounted drawings, sheets 3 and 4 of a panorama of Chiaia, Naples, taken from Vomero and inscribed 'di.to dal Vero da/Anto Senape/Romano' (3) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Jun. 16, 2022


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Drawing, pen, black and grey ink over pencil, 19,8 x 30 cm, wove paper, unsigned (non-obtrusive spots along margin). - A view on the bay of Amalfi near Naples, titled "Il Chiatamone preso dalla Vittoria" below the depiction.

    Arenberg Auctions
    Jun. 16, 2022


    Est: €1,800 - €2,500

    Drawing, pen, black and grey ink over pencil, 20 x 61,5 cm, wove paper (2 joined sheets), unsigned (some small foxing in sky). - A view on the bay of Naples, titled "Veduta di Amalfi" below the depiction. Similar drawing exists with different composition of figures and boats.

    Arenberg Auctions
    Jun. 16, 2022


    Est: €500 - €700

    Drawing, pen, black and grey ink over pencil, 19 x 30 cm, wove paper, unsigned (some tiny spots in sky, non-obtrusive scratch along margin). - A view of the Castello di Baja and the Tempio di Venere in Naples, titled "Tempio di Venere a Baja" below the depiction. Senape (1788-1850) is one of the most prolific Italian landscape painters of the first half of the 19th century. His work emphasizes on the accurate depiction of architecture combined with the everyday life. His activity is however not mentioned in the biographical repertoires and is also absent in the various landscape painting studies of the 19th century.

    Arenberg Auctions
  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Pair of views with the bay of Naples
    Jun. 08, 2022

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Pair of views with the bay of Naples

    Est: €300 - €500

    pencil and ink on paper a) The bay of Naples with Palazzo Donn'Anna b) The bay of Naples with Vesuvius & nbsp;

  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Naples, the church of the Madonna dell'Arco, 1818
    Jun. 08, 2022

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Naples, the church of the Madonna dell'Arco, 1818

    Est: €200 - €300

    ink on paper titled and dated upper right: View of the Madonna del Arco / 1818 and inscribed lower left: Drawn together with Lady Charlotte Osborne

  • Senape, Antonio: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli"
    Jun. 03, 2022

    Senape, Antonio: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli"

    Est: €400 - €600

    "Palazzo Reale di Napoli": Blick auf die Piazza Plebiscito mit der Fassade des Palazzo Reale rechts. -- Feder in Schwarzbraun und Grau auf Velin. 16,8 x 25,4 cm (Darstellung); 27,7 x 37,3 cm (Blattgröße). Rechts unterhalb der Darstellung wohl eigenh. betitelt. -- -- -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • A.SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella and Isola dei Pescatori on Lake Maggiore, Pen drawing
    Mar. 19, 2022

    A.SENAPE (1788-1850) attributed, Isola Bella and Isola dei Pescatori on Lake Maggiore, Pen drawing

    Est: €750 - €1,000

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ) attributed: Isola Bella and Isola dei Pescatori on Lake Maggiore, 19th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Inscription: Inscribed in pencil lower right: "Isola bella et isla dei pescatori"; numbered upper right: "57". Date: 19th century Description: Possibly a work from the circle of Antonio Senape. However, there are also borrowings from Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer and Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Keywords: Island, Lake, Italy, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy, Size: 22,5 cm x 32,8 cm (8,9 x 12,9 in) Condition: Good condition. Paper minimally duststained.

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • A.SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing
    Jan. 29, 2022

    A.SENAPE (1788-1850), Royal Palace in Neapel, around 1840, Pen drawing

    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850 ): Royal Palace in Neapel, c. 1840, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Palazzo Reale di Napoli". Date: c. 1840 Description: Highly qualitative and skilfully drawn view of street life in front of the Palazzo Reale in Naples. Keywords: Naples, people, city, palazzo, everyday life, architecture, 19th century, Romanticism, Architecture, Italy, Size: 27,8 cm x 37,4 cm (10,9 x 14,7 in), Depiction: 18,0 cm x 26,6 cm (7,1 x 10,5 in) Condition: Good condition. Paper a little bit browned, upper left about 2 cm long backed tear. At the back margin remains of an old glue.

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Antonio Senape, (Rome 1788- Naples after 1842) A set of three panoramas
    Nov. 30, 2021

    Antonio Senape, (Rome 1788- Naples after 1842) A set of three panoramas

    Est: £12,000 - £18,000

    Antonio Senape, (Rome 1788- Naples after 1842) A set of three panoramas, Two Views of the Bay of Naples and a View of the Bay of Castellmare Pen and black ink on paper View of the Bay of Naples on four sheets and inscribed: 'Panorama di Napoli preso da S.Martino desegno dal vero da Antonio Senape', 26cm x 152cm View of the Bay of Naples on four sheets and inscribed: 'Panorama di Napoli dalla parte di Chiaia preso dalla Villa Muffo al Vomero disno dal vero da Antonio Senape', 26cm x 152cm View of the Bay of Castellamare on five sheets, 26cm x 190cm. (3) Antonio Senape was renowned for his drawings of landscapes (dal vero) and his work generally depicts landscapes of Southern Italy which were popular amongst the wealthy tourists who came to Italy on the Grand Tour.

    The Pedestal
  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Lot of thirteen views of Ischia, Capri and other places in the Regno di Napoli
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Lot of thirteen views of Ischia, Capri and other places in the Regno di Napoli

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    black chalk on tissue paper

  • Attributed to Antonio Senape (1788-1842) Italian, 'Sepulcro di Virgilio', ink, inscribed, 8.75" x 6", Provenen
    Sep. 29, 2021

    Attributed to Antonio Senape (1788-1842) Italian, 'Sepulcro di Virgilio', ink, inscribed, 8.75" x 6", Provenen

    Est: £300 - £500

    Attributed to Antonio Senape (1788-1842) Italian, 'Sepulcro di Virgilio', ink, inscribed, 8.75" x 6", Provenenance: Agnews, along with two further views by the same hand (3).

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - View of Pozzuoli near the Solfatara
    Jul. 06, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - View of Pozzuoli near the Solfatara

    Est: €200 - €300

    ink on card titled lower right

  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Rome, view from Sant'Onofrio
    Jul. 06, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Rome, view from Sant'Onofrio

    Est: €400 - €600

    ink on paper titled at the top left: la quercia del Tasso a S Onofrio and at the bottom left Roma da S. Onofrio

  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Rome, view of the Forum with the Campidoglio
    Jul. 06, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788-Napoli 1850) - Rome, view of the Forum with the Campidoglio

    Est: €300 - €500

    ink on paper titled lower right: Foro Romano

  • Senape, Antonio: Blick auf den Golf von Bajae bei Neapel mit dem Venustempel und der Festung des Don Pedro de Toledo.
    Jun. 11, 2021

    Senape, Antonio: Blick auf den Golf von Bajae bei Neapel mit dem Venustempel und der Festung des Don Pedro de Toledo.

    Est: €300 - €400

    Blick auf den Golf von Bajae bei Neapel mit dem Venustempel und der Festung des Don Pedro de Toledo. Feder in Schwarz und Blau, auf Velin mit gezeichneter Einfassung. 25,1 x 36 cm. Unten rechts bezeichnet "Tempio di Venere a Baja". - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
    Jun. 10, 2021


    Est: €200 - €500

    ANTONIO SENAPE (Roma, 1788 - Napoli, 1842) Veduta di Reggio Calabria e l'Etna China su carta, cm 15X22 Starting Bid 200

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1842), Porta di Anacapri
    Mar. 18, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1842), Porta di Anacapri

    Est: €250 - €450

    penna e inchiostro bruno e grigio su carta, mm 240x340

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Antonio Senape (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1842), Certosa di Capri
    Mar. 18, 2021

    Antonio Senape (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1842), Certosa di Capri

    Est: €250 - €450

    penna e inchiostro bruno e grigio su carta, mm 240x340

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Antonio Senape (1788-1850): La Piamura di Troja in Asia
    Feb. 25, 2021

    Antonio Senape (1788-1850): La Piamura di Troja in Asia

    Est: $500 - $700

    Ink on two sheets of paper, unsigned, titled lower right. 11 1/2 x 27 1/2 (sheet overall), 13 1/2 x 29 1/2 in. (frame).,p> Property from the Estate of Emile Wolf

  • Attributed to Antonio Senape (1788-1850): Vico dalla strada di Sorrento
    Feb. 11, 2021

    Attributed to Antonio Senape (1788-1850): Vico dalla strada di Sorrento

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Ink on paper, unsigned, titled lower right. 11 1/2 x 27 1/2 in. (sheet), 13 1/2 x 29 1/2 in. (frame). Property from the Estate of Emile Wolf

  • Antonio Senape (1788-1850) Castello di Provida and Castello di Padua? 7.25 x 10.5in. and 6.5 x 9.75in.
    Dec. 08, 2020

    Antonio Senape (1788-1850) Castello di Provida and Castello di Padua? 7.25 x 10.5in. and 6.5 x 9.75in.

    Est: £400 - £600

    Antonio Senape (1788-1850) two ink on paper drawings Castello di Provida and Castello di Padua? both inscribed 7.25 x 10.5in. and 6.5 x 9.75in.

    Oct. 14, 2020


    Est: €200 - €300

    ANTONIO SENAPE (Rome 1788 - Naples 1850)   GAETA SEEN FROM NOLA Ink on paper, cm. 25 x 34 Signed lower left Titled and dated 'April 9 1837', bottom right Framed ANTONIO SENAPE (Roma 1788 - Napoli 1850) GAETA PRESA DA NOLA Inchiostro su carta, cm. 25 x 34 Firmata in basso a sinistra Titolata e datata 'April 9 1837', in basso a destra In cornice

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO china su carta, cm 20x29 s
    Jun. 18, 2020

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO china su carta, cm 20x29 s

    Est: €250 - €350

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO china su carta, cm 20x29 sul retro: iscritto "Casino di Lady Dumond a Capodimonte Napoli, 1832"

  • Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO PRIMA DI ENTRARE A CASTELL
    Jun. 18, 2020

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO PRIMA DI ENTRARE A CASTELL

    Est: €250 - €350

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) CASINO RUFFO PRIMA DI ENTRARE A CASTELLAMARE china su carta, cm 28x37 firma, titolo e data eseguito nel 1832

  • Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) VEDUTA DI SORRENTO china su carta, cm 1
    Jun. 18, 2020

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) VEDUTA DI SORRENTO china su carta, cm 1

    Est: €400 - €600

    Antonio Senape (1788 - 1850) VEDUTA DI SORRENTO china su carta, cm 17x50 sul passpartout: iscritto autore, titolo e data databile al 1850 circa

Lots Per Page:

Auction Houses Selling Works by Antonio Senape