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Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebrjakova Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1884 - d. 1967

Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova ( née Lanceray; 12 December [O.S. 30 November] 1884 – 20 September 1967)[1] was a Russian (later French) painter.

Zinaida Serebriakova was born on the estate of Neskuchnoye near Kharkov (now Kharkiv, Ukraine) into one of the most refined and artistic families in the Russian Empire.

She belonged to the artistic Benois family. Her grandfather, Nicholas Benois, was a famous architect, chairman of the Society of Architects and member of the Russian Academy of Science. Her uncle, Alexandre Benois, was a famous painter, founder of the Mir iskusstva art group. Her father, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Lanceray.

Yevgeny Lanceray, was a well-known sculptor, and her mother, who was Alexandre Benois' sister, had a talent for drawing. One of Zinaida's brothers, Nikolay Lanceray, was a talented architect, and her other brother, Yevgeny Yevgenyevich Lanceray, had an important place in Russian and Soviet art as a master of monumental painting and graphic art. The Russian-English actor and writer Peter Ustinov was also related to her.

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    Nov. 18, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Zinaida Evgenyevna Serebyakova, Russian, 1884 to 1967, an oil on canvas painting depicting a Modernist still life, 1936. Signed and dated lower left. Bears Geneve-Encheres auction house paper labels attached to the backside. Note: Zinaida Evgenyevna Serebyakova was among the first prominent Russian female painters. She came from the Benois artistic family and later joined the Mir Iskusstva movement. She first came to prominence in 1910 with the exhibition of her celebrated self-portrait Woman at the Mirror, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. One of a kind artwork. Russian Fine Art, Modernist Paintings And Wall Decor Collectibles.

    Antique Arena Inc
    May. 14, 2023


    Est: €700 - €900

    PROVENANT DE LA FAMILLE ZINAÏDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) VARVARA GNUCHEVA (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ NÉE EN 1983) Bruyères en fleurs sur les rochers, Sain-Jean-de-Luz, 2021 Acrylique sur toile Signé des initiales 'V.G.' (en bas à gauche); signé de nouveau, daté et titré 'Bruyères en fleurs sur les rochers / Varvara Gnucheva 2021' (au revers) 50 x 50 cm. ИЗ СЕМЬИ ЗИНАИДЫ СЕРЕБРЯКОВОЙ (1884-1967) ВАРВАРА ГНУЧЕВА (РОССИЯ-ФРАНЦИЯ/ 1983 ГОДА РОЖДЕНИЯ) Цветущий вереск на скалах, Сан-Жан-де-Люз, 2021 г. Холст, акрил Подписано инициалами «В.Г.» (внизу слева); подписано еще раз, датировано и озаглавлено «Цветущие пустоши на скалах / Варвара Гнучева 2021» (на обороте) 50х50см.

    May. 14, 2023


    Est: €800 - €1,000

    PROVENANT DE LA FAMILLE ZINAÏDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) VARVARA GNUCHEVA (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ NÉE EN 1983) Bord de lac, soleil couchant, Sain-Jean-de-Luz, 2017 Acrylique sur toile Signé des initiales 'V.G.' (en bas à droite); signé de nouveau et daté 'Varvara Gnucheva 2017' (au revers, sur le châssis) 46 x 61 cm. ИЗ СЕМЬИ ЗИНАИДЫ СЕРЕБРЯКОВОЙ (1884-1967) ВАРВАРА ГНУЧЕВА (РОССИЯ-ФРАНЦИЯ/ 1983 ГОДА РОЖДЕНИЯ) Берег озера, заходящее солнце, Сан-Жан-де-Люз, 2017 г. Холст, акрил Подписано инициалами «В.Г.» (внизу справа); подписано еще раз и датировано «Варвара Гнучева 2017» (на обороте, на подрамнике) 46х61см.

  • SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967)
    May. 14, 2023

    SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967)

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    PROVENANT DE LA FAMILLE DE L'ARTISTE ZINAÏDA SEREBRIAKOVA (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967) SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda Portrait présumé de Maria Boutakova, enfilant un chemisier, Paris, vers 1930 Pastel sur papier 35.7 x 31.2 cm. ИЗ СЕМЬИ ХУДОЖНИЦЫ ЗИНАИДЫ СЕРЕБРЯКОВОЙ (РОССИЯ-ФРАНЦИЯ/1884-1967) СЕРЕБРЯКОВА Зинаида Предполагаемый портрет Марии Бутаковой в блузке, Париж, около 1930 г. Бумага, пастель 35,7 х 31,2 см. PROVENANCE Atelier de l'artiste. Fille du sous-lieutenant et du secrétaire collégiale russe Nicolas Evreïnoff (1875-1942), Maria Boutakova est une cousine lointaine de Serebriakova, et fut un modèle récurrent de l'artiste tout au long des années 1920. ПРОВЕНАНС Мастерская художницы. Дочь русского подпоручика и коллежского секретаря Николя Евреинова (1879-1942), Мария Бутакова является дальней родственницей Серебряковой и была постоянной моделью для художницы на протяжении 1920-х годов.

  • SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967)
    May. 14, 2023

    SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967)

    Est: €18,000 - €25,000

    PROVENANT DE LA FAMILLE DE L'ARTISTE ZINAÏDA SEREBRIAKOVA (RUSSIE-FRANCE/ 1884-1967) SEREBRIAKOVA Zinaïda Portrait de femme, tête reposant sur le bras, Paris, vers 1930 Pastel sur papier 40.7 x 38 cm. ИЗ СЕМЬИ ХУДОЖНИЦЫ ЗИНАИДЫ СЕРЕБРЯКОВОЙ (РОССИЯ-ФРАНЦИЯ/1884-1967) СЕРЕБРЯКОВА Зинаида Портрет девушки с положенной на руку головой, Париж, около 1930 г. Бумага, пастель 40,7 х 38 см. PROVENANCE Atelier de l'artiste. ПРОВЕНАНС Мастерская художницы.

  • Attributed to Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebrjakova (Russian, 1884-1967), Reclining female nude, pastel on buff paper, 44 x 60cm
    Mar. 14, 2023

    Attributed to Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebrjakova (Russian, 1884-1967), Reclining female nude, pastel on buff paper, 44 x 60cm

    Est: £600 - £800

    Attributed to Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebrjakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Reclining female nude pastel on buff paper dated Paris 1927

  • ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) - Franse School olieverfschi
    May. 01, 2022

    ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) - Franse School olieverfschi

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) - Franse School olieverfschilderij op doek : "Vrouwenportret" - 87 x 73 toegeschreven aan 20th Cent. French oil on canvas - attributed to Serebriakova Zinaida ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884 - 1967) - Franse School olieverfschilderij op doek : "Vrouwenportret" - 87 x 73 toegeschreven aan ||20th Cent. French oil on canvas - attributed to Serebriakova Zinaida

    Jun. 26, 2021


    Est: $100 - $150

    Watercolor on paper painting after Self-portrait in a scarf, 1911, by Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884 - 1967). Unsigned.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) - Still Life with Grapes
    Jun. 10, 2021

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) - Still Life with Grapes

    Est: £50,000 - £70,000

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) Still Life with Grapes, signed and dated 1936. Oil on canvas, 65 by 81 cm. Provenance: Private collection, UK. Starting Bid: 50000

  • Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of a woman
    Jun. 09, 2021

    Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of a woman

    Est: £17,000 - £19,000

    Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of Daisy Goldrei signed in Latin, inscribed 'Paris' and dated 'February 1950' (upper right) pastel on paper 61 x 46cm (24 x 18 1/8in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Berthe Popoff (d. 1978) in a f
    Jun. 07, 2021

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Berthe Popoff (d. 1978) in a f

    Est: -

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Berthe Popoff (d. 1978) in a floral fascinator pastel on paper 19 3/8 x 16 ¾ in. (49.2 x 42.5 cm.)

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Geraldine Cobb pastel on paper
    Jun. 07, 2021

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Geraldine Cobb pastel on paper

    Est: -

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Geraldine Cobb pastel on paper 25 x 18 7/8 in. (63.5 x 48 cm.)

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) The Popoffs' toy elephant, Catherine the d
    Jun. 07, 2021

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) The Popoffs' toy elephant, Catherine the d

    Est: -

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) The Popoffs' toy elephant, Catherine the doll and Michel the teddy bear pastel on paper laid down on board 24 ¾ x 18 7/8 in. (62.8 x 48 cm.)

  • ATTRIB Zinaida Serebriakova (France,Russian,1884-1967) oil painting
    Jun. 06, 2021

    ATTRIB Zinaida Serebriakova (France,Russian,1884-1967) oil painting

    Est: $1,500 - $1,900

    ARTIST: ATTRIBUTED TO Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (French, Russian, Ukrainian, 1884 - 1967) NAME: Nude YEAR: 1934 MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Very good. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 20 x 24 inches / 50 x 60 cm FRAME SIZE: 26 x 30 inches / 66 x 76 cm SIGNATURE: upper right NAME VARIANTS: Eugeievna Zenaide Serebriakoff, Sinaida Evgenjewna Serebrjakova, Zinaida Evgenevna Serebrjakova CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 118369 US Shipping $90 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Zinaida Serebriakova was born on the estate of Neskuchnoye near Kharkov (now Kharkiv, Ukraine) into one of the most refined and artistic families in the Russian Empire.She belonged to the artistic Benois family. Her grandfather, Nicholas Benois, was a famous architect, chairman of the Society of Architects and member of the Russian Academy of Science. Her uncle, Alexandre Benois, was a famous painter, founder of the Mir iskusstva art group. Her father, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Lanceray, was a well-known sculptor, and her mother, who was Alexandre Benois' sister, had a talent for drawing. One of Zinaida's brothers, Nikolay Lanceray, was a talented architect, and her other brother, Yevgeny Yevgenyevich Lanceray, had an important place in Russian and Soviet art as a master of monumental painting and graphic art. The Russian-English actor and writer Peter Ustinov was also related to her.At the outbreak of the October Revolution in 1917, Serebriakova was at her family estate of Neskuchnoye, and suddenly her whole life changed. In 1919, her husband Boris died of typhus. She was left without any income, responsible for her four children and her sick mother. All the reserves of Neskuchnoye had been plundered, so the family suffered from hunger. She had to give up oil painting in favour of the less expensive techniques of charcoal and pencil. This was the time of her most tragic painting, House of Cards, which depicts their four fatherless children.She did not want to switch to the futurist style popular in the art of the early Soviet period, nor paint portraits of commissars, but she found some work at the Kharkov Archaeological Museum, where she made pencil drawings of the exhibits. In December 1920, she moved to her grandfather's apartment in Petrograd. After the October Revolution, inhabitants of private apartments were forced to share them with additional inhabitants, but Serebriakova was lucky - she was quartered with artists from the Moscow Art Theatre. Thus, Serebriakova's work during this period focuses on theatre life. Also around this time, Serebriakova's daughter, Tatiana, entered the academy of ballet, and Serebriakova created a series of pastels on the Mariinsky Theater.In the autumn of 1924, Serebriakova went to Paris, having received a commission for a large decorative mural. On finishing this work, she intended to return to the Soviet Union, where her mother and the four children remained. However, she was not able to return, and although she was able to bring her younger children, Alexandre and Catherine, to Paris in 1926 and 1928 respectively, she could not do the same for her two older children, Evgenyi and Tatiana, and did not see them again for many years.After this, Serebriakova traveled a great deal. In 1928 and 1930, she traveled to Africa, visiting Morocco. During a six-week trip to Morocco in December 1928, she created more than 130 portraits and cityscapes which she called sketches, drawn in haste as none of the locals would agree to pose, and only three landscapes for fear of straying too far from Marrakech. She was fascinated by the landscapes of northern Africa and painted the Atlas mountains, as well as Arab women and Africans in ethnic clothing. She also painted a cycle devoted to Breton fishermen. The salient feature of her later landscapes and portraits is the artist's own personality her love of beauty, whether in nature or in people.In 1947, Serebriakova at last took French citizenship, and it was not until Khruschev's Thaw that the Soviet Government allowed her to resume contact with her family in the Soviet Union. In 1960, after 36 years of forced separation, her older daughter, Tatiana (Tata), was finally allowed to visit her. At this time, Tatiana was also working as an artist, painting scenery for the Moscow Art Theatre.Serebriakova's works were finally exhibited in the Soviet Union in 1966, in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev, to great acclaim. Her albums sold by the millions, and she was compared to Botticelli and Renoir. Serebriakova rejoiced at success in her homeland. However, although she sent about 200 of her works to be shown in the Soviet Union, the bulk of her work remains in France today.Serebriakova died after a brain hemorrhage in Paris on 19 September 1967, at the age of 82. She is buried in Paris, at the Russian cemetery at Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    May. 08, 2021


    Est: $100 - $150

    Antique Russian drawing on paper [Name]d "Study of a kneeling woman" by Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova 1884-1967. Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova (Lanceray) was among the first female Russian painters of distinction. Zinaida Serebriakova was born on the estate of Neskuchnoye near Kharkov (now Kharkiv, Ukraine) into one of Russia's most refined and artistic families, her father being the sculptor Evgeny Lanceray and her uncle the Ballets Russes designer Alexander Benois. She began to draw at a very early age selecting simple subjects from daily life surrounding her, such as her family and the landscape in her native village of Neskuchnoye. She first came to prominence in 1910 with the exhibition of her celebrated self-portrait Woman at the Mirror (State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow). Pencil Drawing is signed by the artist and dated 1924 Lower Left. Provenance: Drawing Was Offered at Sotheby's Auction in 2009. Part of Estate from Bernardsville NJ.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Mar. 13, 2021


    Est: $1,200 - $2,400

    Portrait of a Woman, pastel, charcoal on paper, 11 x 8 1/4 in (27.9 x 21 cm), signed lower left, PROVENANCE: Letter of provenance will accompany this painting

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967, Ukraine)
    Mar. 06, 2021

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967, Ukraine)

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967, Ukraine). Signed. 1934. Oil on Canvas. Measures 19 inches high x 23 inches wide in a 4 inch frame.

    Joshua Kodner
  • Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of a woman
    Nov. 25, 2020

    Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of a woman

    Est: £18,000 - £20,000

    Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian, 1884-1967) Portrait of Daisy Goldrei signed in Latin, inscribed 'Paris' and dated 'February 1950' (upper right) pastel on paper 61 x 46cm (24 x 18 1/8in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Portrait of Katya in a red blouse
    Nov. 23, 2020

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Portrait of Katya in a red blouse

    Est: £70,000 - £90,000

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of Katya in a red blouse oil on canvas 25 ½ x 21 ¼ in. (64.7 x 53.8 cm.)

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Portrait of a young girl with blonde ringlets
    Nov. 23, 2020

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Portrait of a young girl with blonde ringlets

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Portrait of a young girl with blonde ringlets charcoal and pastel on paper 24 x 19 1/8 in. (60.8 x 48.4 cm.)

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Nude
    Nov. 23, 2020

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) - Nude

    Est: £400,000 - £600,000

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Nude oil on canvas 28 ¾ x 23 3/8 in. (72.8 x 59.8 cm.)

    May. 23, 2020


    Est: $4,000 - $5,500

    Antique Russian drawing on paper [Name]d "Study of a kneeling woman" by Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova 1884-1967. Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova (Lanceray) was among the first female Russian painters of distinction. Zinaida Serebriakova was born on the estate of Neskuchnoye near Kharkov (now Kharkiv, Ukraine) into one of Russia's most refined and artistic families, her father being the sculptor Evgeny Lanceray and her uncle the Ballets Russes designer Alexander Benois. She began to draw at a very early age selecting simple subjects from daily life surrounding her, such as her family and the landscape in her native village of Neskuchnoye. She first came to prominence in 1910 with the exhibition of her celebrated self-portrait Woman at the Mirror (State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow). Pencil Drawing is signed by the artist and dated 1924 Lower Left. Provenance: Drawing Was Offered at Sotheby's Auction in 2009. Part of Estate from Bernardsville NJ.

    Helios Auctions
  • SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Veranda in Spring, Village of Neskuchnoe
    Nov. 27, 2019

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Veranda in Spring, Village of Neskuchnoe

    Est: £6,000 - £9,000

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) Veranda in Spring, Village of Neskuchnoe Pencil, tempera and watercolour on paper, 35 by 38 cm. Executed in the 1900s–1910s. Provenance: Collection of Lothar Boltz, Minister of Foreign Affairs (1953–1965) of GDR, Berlin. Acquired from the above by the present owner. Private collection, the Netherlands. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert O. Glebova.

    Oct. 26, 2019


    Est: $2,500 - $4,500

    Portrait of a Woman, pastel, charcoal on paper, 11 x 8 1/4 in (27.9 x 21 cm), signed lower left, PROVENANCE: Letter of provenance will accompany this painting

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
    Jun. 08, 2019


    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Portrait of a Woman, pastel, charcoal on paper, 11 x 8 1/4 in (27.9 x 21 cm), signed lower left, PROVENANCE: Letter of provenance will accompany this painting

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
  • SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) The Grotto Pavilion, Tsarskoye Selo
    Jun. 05, 2019

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) The Grotto Pavilion, Tsarskoye Selo

    Est: £10,000 - £20,000

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) The Grotto Pavilion, Tsarskoye Selo . Pencil, watercolour and tempera on paper, 41 by 46 cm.

  • SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) Still Life with a Basket of Grapes
    Jun. 05, 2019

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) Still Life with a Basket of Grapes

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884–1967) Still Life with a Basket of Grapes signed and dated 1928. Oil on canvas, 54.5 by 65 cm.

    Jan. 26, 2019


    Est: $3,500 - $4,500

    ZINAIDA YEVGENYEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA (RUSSIAN 1884-1967) Three Studies of a Woman, 1915 watercolor, gouache and pencil on paper 49.6 x 40.3 cm (19 1/2 x 15 7/8 in.) signed and dated lower right PROVENANCE Sotheby's, New York, April 23, 2004, lot 14 Sotheby's, New York, March 16, 2011, lot 225 Gene Shapiro Auctions, New York, September 29, 2012, lot 235 We are grateful to Pavel Pavlinov of the Zinaida Serebriakova Foundation for providing his opinion of authenticity.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Seated Nude on a Green Cushion
    Nov. 27, 2018

    ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Seated Nude on a Green Cushion

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    pastel on paper

  • Russian Art In The Manner Of Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-)
    Oct. 17, 2018

    Russian Art In The Manner Of Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-)

    Est: $500 - $600

    Russian and then French, Oil on Canvases, Art In The Manner Of Zinaida Serebriakova Size 24 1/2" X 20 1/2" inches Framed

    Auction by Daum
  • Zinaida SEREBRYAKOVA (1884 – 1967) - Portrait of Dr KrivosheinPastel, pape…
    Jun. 29, 2018

    Zinaida SEREBRYAKOVA (1884 – 1967) - Portrait of Dr KrivosheinPastel, pape…

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Zinaida SEREBRYAKOVA (1884 – 1967) Portrait of Dr KrivosheinPastel, paperSigned lower left, dated "II iyul' 1937"63,5 x 48 cmЗинаида СЕРЕБРЯКОВА (1884 – 1967)Портрет доктора Кривошеинапастель, бумагаподпись внизу слева, дата «II iюль1937»63,5 х 48 см.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (Russian 1884-1967) 'Crimean view'
    Jun. 24, 2018

    ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (Russian 1884-1967) 'Crimean view'

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    ZINAIDA SEREBRIAKOVA (Russian 1884-1967) 'Crimean view', watercolour, signed and dated lower left, provenance estate sale of Giovanni Migliuolo (1927-1989, Italian Ambassador in URSS, USA and Egypt), 43cm x 58cm, framed and glazed.

    Lots Road Auctions
  • ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Self-portrait with brushes
    Jun. 06, 2018

    ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Self-portrait with brushes

    Est: £100,000 - £150,000

    ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Self-portrait with brushes signed and dated ‘1945’ (lower left) watercolour, gouache and oil on paper laid on board 60.5 x 46cm (23 3/4 x 18in).

    Jun. 05, 2018


    Est: £18,000 - £25,000

    pastel and chalk over pencil on paper laid on board

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967)
    Jun. 04, 2018

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967)

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Still life with sweet chestnut, field scabious, ground elder and black salsify oil on canvas 28 ¾ x 21 ½ in. (73 x 60 cm.)

  • Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967)
    Jun. 04, 2018

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967)

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    Zinaida Serebriakova (1884-1967) Still life with basket of grapes oil on canvas 21 ½ x 25 ½ in. (54.5 x 65 cm.)

  • ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Portrait of the Artist's Son, Alexandre Serebriakoff
    Nov. 28, 2017

    ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Portrait of the Artist's Son, Alexandre Serebriakoff

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    oil on canvas

  • ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Young Morrocan Playing the Rubab
    Nov. 28, 2017

    ZINAIDA EVGENIEVNA SEREBRIAKOVA | Young Morrocan Playing the Rubab

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    pastel and charcoal on paper

    Nov. 28, 2017


    Est: £18,000 - £25,000

    pastel, sanguine and charcoal on paper

  • Decorative Copy Of Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian 1884 - 1967)
    Nov. 01, 2017

    Decorative Copy Of Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (Russian 1884 - 1967)

    Est: $600 - $1,200

    DESCRIPTION: A Decorative Copy Of Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova oil on canvas painting. Features a depiction of a nude woman on a bed reading a book. Signed along lower right:"Z. Serebriakova 1940". CIRCA: 20th Ct. ORIGIN: Russia DIMENSIONS: (With Frame) H:37 3/8" L:30.25" (Without Frame) H:33.25" L:26.25" CONDITION: Great condition. See lot description for details on item condition. More detailed condition requests can be obtained via email ([email protected]) or SMS (305) 333-4134. Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Akiba Antiques shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

    Akiba Galleries
  • Zinaida SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Russian - French
    Jun. 10, 2017

    Zinaida SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Russian - French

    Est: $9,000 - $11,000

    Zinaida Evgenievna SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) ; Portrait of a girl ; 1961 ; pastel on paper / unframed ; dimensions 58 x 43 cm (23 x 17 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $160 , National post with tracking service $80 / Shipping to EU, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL $100 , National post with tracking service $40

  • Zinaida SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Russian - French
    Jun. 10, 2017

    Zinaida SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) Russian - French

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Zinaida Evgenievna SEREBRIAKOVA (1884-1967) ; Portrait of a girl ; 1940 ; pastel on paper / unframed ; dimensions 31 x 31 cm (12 1/4 x 12 1/4 in.) ; signed & dated upper right corner ; there is sketch of the female figure on verso ; Shipping to USA - DHL $160 , National post with tracking service $80 / Shipping to EU, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL $100 , National post with tracking service $40

  • §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Portrait of a Young Woman
    Jun. 07, 2017

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Portrait of a Young Woman

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Portrait of a Young Woman, signed, inscribed “Paris” and dated 1942. Pastel on paper, laid on cardboard , 64 by 49 cm (cardboard size). Provenance: Private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert E. Lanceray of the Serebriakova Trust.

  • *§SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Reclining Nude and Neskuchnoe, double-sided work
    Jun. 07, 2017

    *§SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Reclining Nude and Neskuchnoe, double-sided work

    Est: £60,000 - £90,000

    *§SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Reclining Nude and Neskuchnoe, double-sided work One side pastel, the other watercolour and tempera, on paper , 40 by 61 cm. Reclining Nude executed c. 1921–1922 and Neskuchnoe before 1917. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. Private collection, UK. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert E. Lanceray of the Serebriakova Trust. Zinaida Serebriakova’s lovely pastel Reclining Nude that is here presented for auction splendidly reflects the artist’s ability to find and emphasise the natural beauty of a life in which the spiritual and physical principles are in harmony. The poeticisation of femininity is the theme that is uppermost in Serebriakova’s work throughout the 1920s and 1930s, giving rise to a whole succession of inspired pictures of young, dreamy models that brought the artist worldwide renown as a sophisticated painter of the female body. Serebriakova ecstatically delights in her model and creates an unreservedly sensual image of a naked young woman, accurately recording the complex pose with a sinuous outline. Since she did not seek to paint in order to please the public, the artist herself preferred to decide on the extent to which her works had reached their final form, guided only by the tasks that she had set. The work offered for sale, just like the Torso of 1930 in the collection of the State Russian Museum, is one of a number of vivacious, delicate works, in which the pastel lends a softness to the tone and the fragmentary nature of the composition imparts to the picture the reality of a real-life scene. The skilfully executed composition on the back of the sheet, depicting figures against the background of a sunlit meadow, highlights once again Serebriakova’s painterly skill. The sketch was most likely made by the artist of her mother, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Lanceray (the lady beneath the parasol), and shows her relaxing with a friend on a hillock at the Neskuchnoe estate near Moscow.

    May. 20, 2017


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Portrait of a Woman, oil on canvas, 44 x 22 1/2 in 111.8 x 57.2 cm) oil on canvas, signed upper right, PROVENANCE: Propery of a private collector in New York

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
  • §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967)
    Nov. 30, 2016

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967)

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    §SEREBRIAKOVA, ZINAIDA (1884-1967) Street Scene in Marrakesh, signed, inscribed "Marrakech" and dated 1932, further with a composition on the reverse . Gouache on paper, 48.5 by 64 cm. Provenance: Private collection, UK. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert E. Lanceray of the Serebriakova Trust.

    Nov. 29, 2016


    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    pastel over pencil on paper laid on board

  • Russian Painting after/attributed to: Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (1884 - 1967) oil on canvas, Ballerinas, 36in. x 48in.
    Oct. 25, 2016

    Russian Painting after/attributed to: Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (1884 - 1967) oil on canvas, Ballerinas, 36in. x 48in.

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Russian Painting after/attributed to: Zinaida Evgenievna Serebriakova (1884 - 1967) oil on canvas, Ballerinas, 36in. x 48in.

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
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Auction Houses Selling Works by Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebrjakova