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Valentin Aleksandrovic Serov Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1865 - d. 1911

Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (19 January 1865 – 5 December 1911) was a Russian painter, and one of the premier portrait artists of his era.

Serov was born in Saint Petersburg, son of the Russian composer and music critic Alexander Serov and his wife and former student Valentina Serova, also a composer in her own right. Raised in a highly artistic milieu he was encouraged to pursue his talents by his parents and in his childhood he studied in Paris and Moscow under Ilya Repin and in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1880–1885) under Pavel Chistyakov. Serov's early creativity was sparked by the realistic art of Repin and strict pedagogical system of Chistyakov. Further influences on Serov were the old master paintings he viewed in the museums of Russia and Western Europe, friendships with Mikhail Vrubel and (later) Konstantin Korovin, and the creative atmosphere of the Abramtsevo Colony, to which he was closely connected.

Valentin Serov died in Moscow on 5 December 1911, from stenocardia (an acute form of angina) that eventually led to cardiac arrest, ending in heart failure due to severe complications. He was buried at the Donskoye Cemetery. The Soviets had his remains exhumed and reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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  • "Portrait de Lenin" fusain sur papier. Signé pour …
    Dec. 11, 2024

    "Portrait de Lenin" fusain sur papier. Signé pour …

    Est: €500 - €700

    "Portrait de Lenin" fusain sur papier. Signé pour Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (?). Ecole russe. Dim.:+/-29x19,5cm.

    Jun. 30, 2024


    Est: $20,000 - $25,000

    An oil on canvas portrait of Government Minister Ivan Alexandrovich Yuzkevich attributed to Valentin Serov (1865-1911). Initialed "V.S." and dated 1905 upper right. Housed in a gilded wooden frame. Provenance: Bukowskis, Helsinki, 12/11/2004, lot 469. Exhibited: Moscow, Noviy Manezh, "Russian art: Finds and discoveries", 09/19/2017-10/8/2017.

    Helios Auctions
    Feb. 17, 2024


    Est: $100 - $150

    Valentin Alexandrovitch Serov, Russian, 1865 to 1911, oil painting on board, Abramtsevo Pond. Signed with initials, lower left. Framed. Provenance: Raydon Gallery, New York. An original paper label of the gallery is on the backside. Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov is a Russian painter and draftsman, one of the main and most popular portraitists of Russian Modern art at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Academician, full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. One of a kind artwork.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Dec. 16, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Oil on board painting by Valentin Serov, 1865 to 1911, a Russian Modernist painter. The artwork is a sketch of a horse in village scenery. Signed by the artist in the lower left. Golden frame. Collectible Russian Fine Art, Landscape Painting, Animalia.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • VALENTIN SEROV (1865 - 1911) Standing nude
    Dec. 11, 2023

    VALENTIN SEROV (1865 - 1911) Standing nude

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    stamped with artist’s monogram in Cyrillic 'VS' (lower left) charcoal on paper 26 x 20 cm Executed circa 1910 Provenance: Collection of Professor Nikolai Okunev, Prague Private collection Exhibited: Prague, Slovansky Ústav, Retrospektivní vystavy Ruského malírství XVIII.-XX. stol., 1935, no.153 Prague, Národní galerie v Praze, Ruska kresba začátku století, 1971, no.48 Literature: Exhibition catalogue Retrospektivní vystavy Ruského malírství XVIII.-XX. stol., Prague, 1935, listed p.35, no.153 Exhibition catalogue Ruska kresba začátku století, Prague, 1971, listed, no.48estampillé du monogramme de l'artiste en cyrillique ‘VS’ (en bas à gauche) fusain sur papier 26 x 20 cm Exécuté vers 1910 Provenance : Collection du professeur Nikolai Okunev, Prague Collection privée Exposé : Prague, Slovansky Ústav, Retrospektivní vystavy Ruského malírství XVIII.-XX. stol., 1935, no.153 Prague, Národní galerie v Praze, Ruska kresba začátku století, 1971, no.48 Littérature : Catalogue d’exposition Retrospektivní vystavy Ruského malírství XVIII.-XX. stol., Prague, 1935, listé p.35, no.153 Catalogue d’exposition Ruska kresba začátku století, Prague, 1971, listé, no.48

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Sep. 30, 2023


    Est: $150 - $200

    Professionally framed print of "Coronation of the Emperor Nicholas II in The Uspensky Cathedral" by Valentin Serov originally painted in 1896. Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (Russian: ????????? ?????????????? ??????; 19 January 1865 – 5 December 1911) was a Russian painter, and one of the premier portrait artists of his era. This piece measures 22"x18". Weight is 5 lbs.

    Charleston Estate Services Auctions & Appraisals
    Apr. 25, 2023


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    VALENTIN SEROV (Russian 1865 - 1911) Academic Nude Study of a Man and Boy - circa 1880 Charcoal on paper Signed in Cyrillic lower left and with red St. Petersburg Academy of Arts "Art Exam" stamp Sight size 24.25 inches x 18.1 inches (61.6 x 46cm), contained in a later glazed frame overall measuring 28.25 inches x 22.25 inches (71.8 x 56.5cm) SHIPPING NOTICE: Jackson's is your sole and only source for one stop packing and shipping. With over 50 years of experience, our professional, affordable and efficient in-house shipping department will be happy to provide you a fair and reasonable shipping quote on this lot. Simply email us before the auction for a quick quote: [email protected] or call 1-800-665-6743. Jackson's can expertly pack and ship to meet any of your needs. To ensure quality control Jackson's DOES NOT release to third party shippers.

    Jackson's International
    Apr. 22, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Oil on board painting by Valentin Serov, 1865 to 1911, a Russian painter. The artwork depicts a landscape view of a pond during summer. Titled Abramtsevo, Pond on the backside. Dated 1880s. Signed by the artist in the lower left. Raydon Gallery NY label is on the backside. Golden frame. Abramtsevo is a former country estate located north of Moscow that became a centre for the Slavophile movement and an artists colony in the 19th century. Collectible European Fine Art, Landscape Painting.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Mar. 25, 2023


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Horses Grazing in a Summer Landscape, oil on canvas, 12 1/2 x 16 in (31. x 40.6 cm), framed 16 1/2 x 19 1/2 in (41.9 x 49.5 cm), signed lower left dated 1887, PROVENANCE: From a private collector California

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
  • Valentin Serov (1855-1911) Study for 'The Rape of Europe'
    Mar. 08, 2023

    Valentin Serov (1855-1911) Study for 'The Rape of Europe'

    Est: €3,500 - €5,000

    monogram in pencil ‘C’ (lower right), bearing inscription of the widow of the artist O.F.Serova in Cyrillic ‘[I] authenticate the drawing…’ (on reverse) pencil on paper 16.5 x 21 cm (à vue)

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • Valentin Alexandrovich Serov
    Jan. 21, 2023

    Valentin Alexandrovich Serov

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Female Figure, 1889, pencil and charcoal on paper, 35.5X29 cm. Signed and dated.

    Tiroche Auction House
  • VALENTIN SEROV (1855-1911) - Study for 'The Rape of Europe'
    Oct. 29, 2022

    VALENTIN SEROV (1855-1911) - Study for 'The Rape of Europe'

    Est: €3,500 - €5,000

    VALENTIN SEROV (1855-1911) Study for 'The Rape of Europe' monogram in pencil ‘C’ (lower right), bearing inscription of the widow of the artist O.F.Serova in Cyrillic ‘[I] authenticate the drawing…’ (on reverse) pencil on paper 16.5 x 21 cm (à vue)

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) - Diana, Eros, Apollo and Daphne, Venus. - Project for the decoration of the dining room in V. Nosov's mansion, Moscow. 1911.
    Jun. 26, 2022

    VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) - Diana, Eros, Apollo and Daphne, Venus. - Project for the decoration of the dining room in V. Nosov's mansion, Moscow. 1911.

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) Diana, Eros, Apollo and Daphne, Venus. Project for the decoration of the dining room in V. Nosov's mansion, Moscow. 1911. Graphite, ink and watercolour on tracing paper Provenance: From a collection of Jurgis Baltrušaitis (1873 –1944), a Lithuanian poet, and his wife Maria Ivanovna, born Olovišnikova (1878-1948) The present sheet is a detailed design of the dining room of the Moscow mansion of the merchants Nosovs on Malaya Semyonovskaya Street (House 1). Old Believer merchant Vasily Dmitrievich Nosov (1848-1920) and his wife, Efimia Pavlovna (1881-1976), born Ryabushinskaya, a prominent Moscow patron of arts and collectors, commissioned a famous architect, Ivan Vasilievich Zholtovsky (1867-1959) to redesign the formal dining room of their mansion in 1910. V. Serov, who willingly undertook the work and executed several sketches of the decoration, was commissioned to paint the hall. The themes of these works were inspired by ancient mythology and the Metamorphoses of Ovid. Unfortunately, the master's death left this project unfinished. The presented drawing is a more elaborated version of the pencil sketch, which is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery (Inventory No. 28404, ill. 1). Creating his graphic sketches V. Serov often used semi-transparent paper (in this case - tracing paper), transferring the main elements of the previous composition and then refining it. Our sheet differs from the Tretyakov's composition with Venus in greater detail, and with the inclusion of architectural elements conceived by I. Zholtovsky (we can see a similar example in the watercolour sketch "Apollo and Diana" from the Tretyakov Gallery, ill. 2), as well as a more thorough elaboration of the work in ink and watercolour Ill. 1. V.Serov. Diana, Eros, Apollo and Daphne, Venus. The State Tretyakov Gallery Ill. 2. V.Serov. Apollo and Diana, beating children Niobe The State Tretyakov Gallery Ill. 3. V.Serov. Diana and Actaeon. The State Tretyakov Gallery Ill. 4. V.Serov. Diana. Location unknown. Серов Валентин Александрович (1865-1911) Диана, Эрот, Аполлон и Дафна, Венера. Проект росписи столовой в особняке В.Носова, Москва. 1911 год. Калька, графитный карандаш, тушь, перо, акварель; 20,5 х 29 см. Данный лист является развернутым проектом оформления столовой московского особняка купцов Носовых на Малой Семеновской улице (дом 1). Купец-старообрядец Василий Дмитриевич Носов (1848-1920) и его супруга Евфимия Павловна (1881-1976), рожденная Рябушинская, чета известных московских меценатов и коллекционеров, в 1910 году заказали перестройку парадной столовой своего особняка знаменитому архитектору Ивану Васильевичу Жолтовскому (1867-1959). К росписи зала был привлечен В.Серов, охотно взявшийся за работу и выполнивший ряд эскизов оформления. Тематика этих работ была связана с античной мифологией и произведением Овидия «Метаморфозы». К сожалению, смерть мастера так и оставила этот проект незавершенным. Представленный рисунок является более детально проработанным вариантом карандашного эскиза, хранящегося в Государственной Третьяковской галерее (инв. 28404, илл. 1). Создавая свои графические эскизы, В.Серов нередко пользовался полупрозрачной бумагой (в данном случае – калькой), перенося на нее основные элементы предыдущей композиции, а затем дорабатывая ее. Наш лист отличается от третьяковского более подробной детализацией композиции с Венерой, добавлением в работу изображения архитектурных элементов, задуманных И.Жолтовским (близкое решение мы видим на акварельном эскизе «Аполлон и Диана» из Третьяковки, илл. 2), а также более тщательной проработкой работы тушью и акварелью. Лист происходит из собрания известного литовского поэта символиста Юргиса Казимировича Балтрушайтиса (1873-1944) и его супруги Марии Ивановны, рожденной Оловянишниковой (1878-1948), представительницы династии знаменитых церковных промышленников. Во время жизни семьи Балтрушайтисов в Москве (до 1939 года), они тесно общались с одним из любимейших учеников В.Серова, художником Николаем Павловичем Ульяновым (1875-1949). Можно предположить, что данный лист попал к Балтрушайтисам именно от него. Илл. 1. В.Серов. Диана, Эрот, Аполлон и Дафна, Венера. ГТГ. Илл. 2. В.Серов. Аполлон и Диана, избивающие детей Ниобеи. ГТГ. Илл. 3. В.Серов. Диана и Актеон. ГТГ. Илл. 4. В.Серов. Диана. Местонахождение неизвестно.

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Apr. 30, 2022


    Est: $100 - $150

    Valentin Serov, 1865-1911, Russian painter. Charcoal on a paper drawing depicting two nude men, one young and one old. Signed in the lower left. The red stamp on the left side of the drawing indicates that the artwork was executed as a part of an art exam at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Serov studied there in the period from 1880 to 1885. Provenance: from the collection of B.V. Krylov. Antique Russian Graphic Art For Collectors.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Apr. 16, 2022


    Est: $100 - $150

    Valentin Serov, 1865-1911, Russian painter. An antique oil on board painting. The artwork is a medallion portrait of a woman, probably Maria Yakunchikova-Weber, 1870-1902, Russian painter and the artist's friend. Signed in the lower part of the artwork and on the plate on the frame. Provenance: Collection of V. Frolov, St. Petersburg; private collection, USA. Black mat, golden frame. Antique Russian Fine Art For Collectors.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (Russian, 1865-1911) Portrait of a Colonel
    Dec. 01, 2021

    Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (Russian, 1865-1911) Portrait of a Colonel

    Est: -

    Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (Russian, 1865-1911) Portrait of a Colonel signed in Cyrillic and dated '1911' (lower right) oil on canvas 61 x 50cm (24 x 19 11/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Portrait of a Russian man, circle of Valentin Serov
    Nov. 22, 2021

    Portrait of a Russian man, circle of Valentin Serov

    Est: -

    Oil on canvas. Portrait of a middle-aged man with dark hair and beard. A shirt with a short white collar visible under his dark blue smock. Monogram "B.C." on the lower left. In a distinctively stepped giltwood frame from the period of the painting. Dimensions 45.5 x 38 cm, framed 63 x 55 cm. Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865 - 1911), active in St. Petersburg and Moscow, was a Russian painter, graphic designer, and portrait painter. He is considered to be a representative of the Russian Art Nouveau. Condition: II

    Hermann Historica GmbH
  • SEROW, Walentin Alexandrowitsch (zugeschrieben) (1865 Sankt Petersburg - 1911 Moskau). Serov, Valentin zugeschrieben: Lesendes Mädchen.
    Jun. 25, 2021

    SEROW, Walentin Alexandrowitsch (zugeschrieben) (1865 Sankt Petersburg - 1911 Moskau). Serov, Valentin zugeschrieben: Lesendes Mädchen.

    Est: -

    SEROW, Walentin Alexandrowitsch (zugeschrieben)(1865 Sankt Petersburg - 1911 Moskau) Studie eines lesenden Mädchens Kohle- und Bleistiftzeichnung. Kyrillisch monogrammiert, verso mit Bleistift bezeichnet. Blatt: 34 x 26,5 cm. Etwas griffspurig. Russischer Maler, Grafiker und Porträtmaler, gilt als Vertreter des russischen Jugendstils.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Zaporozhian Cossacks on the steppe oil on canvas
    Jun. 07, 2021

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Zaporozhian Cossacks on the steppe oil on canvas

    Est: -

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Zaporozhian Cossacks on the steppe oil on canvas 31 ½ x 38 7/8 in. (79.9 x 97.6 cm.)

  • Valentin A. SEROV (1865-1911) | Valentin A. SEROV (1865-1911)
    Feb. 24, 2021

    Valentin A. SEROV (1865-1911) | Valentin A. SEROV (1865-1911)

    Est: €700 - €1,200

    "Herrenportrait" Zeichnung - Kreide, 48,3 cm x 42,5 cm, links unten signiert, umlaufend am Rand etwas knitterig und eingerissen, teils altrestauriert, 3 Ecken beschädigt | "Man portrait" drawing - chalk, 48.3 cm x 42.5 cm, signed at the lower left, slightly creased and torn around the edge, partly old restored, damaged at 3 corners

    Auktionshaus Kloss
    Nov. 07, 2020


    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO VALENTIN SEROV (RUSSIAN 1865-1911) Portrait of Government Minister Ivan Alexandrovich Yuzkevich, 1905 oil on canvas 59 x 47 cm (23 1/4 x 18 1/2 in.) signed and dated upper right PROVENANCE Bukowskis, Helsinki, December 11, 2004, lot 469 EXHIBITED Moscow, Noviy Manezh, Russkoe iskusstvo: Nakhodki i otkrytiya, September 19 - October 8, 2017 LITERATURE Lidya Iovleva, Russkoe iskusstvo: Nakhodki i otkrytiya, ex. cat., p. 76-77 (illustrated) As Iovleva, former directress of The State Tretyakov Gallery, writes in the catalogue the portrait is entirely in accordance with the artistic manner characteristic of works by V.A. Serov produced in 1905 - that unique "Serovian" painterly liberty, "Serovian" palette... and especially the typically Serovian complicated facial expression of the portrayed: attentive gaze with a note of uncertainty or doubt, a personality endowed with power but prone to reflexion. CONDITION Observed in frame. Visible loss of paint to the upper center. Scratch visible to the lower left. Inspection under UV shows no apparent signs of restoration. N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Valentin A. Serov | Standing Nude
    Jun. 27, 2020

    Valentin A. Serov | Standing Nude

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    A signed pencil sketch by Valentin Alexandrovitch Serov. Serov (1865-1911), born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to parents who were both composers, though his father died when he was still a young child. He received early artistic training in Paris and Moscow, and his first exhibited works received loud critical acclaim. Although he enjoyed painting landscapes, he met his greatest critical and financial success as a portraitist. In the decades since his death, too his portraits tend to meet with the greatest acclaim; he is recognized as one of the most significant portrait artists of his generation, and his works are particularly noted for the deeply personal insights they reveal about his subjects. Condition: very good. Some even age toning and slight waving around the edges. Signed and dated (1909) in lower left corner. Matted but not framed.

    Second Story Books
  • Valentin A. SEROV (Attrib.) (1865-1911)
    Mar. 14, 2020

    Valentin A. SEROV (Attrib.) (1865-1911)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Artist: Valentin A. SEROV (Attrib.) (1865-1911) Subject/Title: Medium: Oil on paperboard/cardboard. Size: 16 1/2 inches x 14 1/2 inches. Signed: upper right in cyrillic. Condition: overall good condition, showing frame abrasion.

    Turner Auctions + Appraisals
  • SEROV, VALENTIN (1865-1911) Nude by the Wall
    Nov. 27, 2019

    SEROV, VALENTIN (1865-1911) Nude by the Wall

    Est: £7,000 - £12,000

    SEROV, VALENTIN (1865–1911) Nude by the Wall stamped with the artist’s monogram. Pencil on paper, 26 by 20 cm. Provenance: Collection of Professor Nikolai Okunev, Prague. Private collection, Czech Republic. Authenticity certificate from the expert O. Glebova. Exhibited: Retrospektivní výstavy Ruského malířství XVIII.–XX. stol., Slovansky Ústav, Prague, 1935. Ruska kresba začátku století, National Gallery, Prague, 1971. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Retrospektivní výstavy Ruského malířství XVIII.–XX. stol., Prague, 1935, p. 35, No. 153, listed. Exhibition catalogue, Ruska kresba začátku století, Prague, 1971, No. 48, listed.

  • Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Head of a young boy pencil on paper 8 ¾ x 10 ½ in. (21.5 x 26.9 cm.)
    Jun. 03, 2019

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Head of a young boy pencil on paper 8 ¾ x 10 ½ in. (21.5 x 26.9 cm.)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Head of a young boy stamped with monogram (lower right) pencil on paper 8 ¾ x 10 ½ in. (21.5 x 26.9 cm.) with authentication from Olga Serova (1865-1927), the artist's wife (on the backboard)

  • Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911), oil on canvas, Portrait of a Young Woman with Yellow Flower, initialed lower left...
    Apr. 27, 2019

    Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911), oil on canvas, Portrait of a Young Woman with Yellow Flower, initialed lower left...

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911), oil on canvas, Portrait of a Young Woman with Yellow Flower, initialed lower left, unframed, 17" x 14"

    Nadeau's Auction Gallery
    Nov. 27, 2018


    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    watercolour and gouache on paper laid on board

  • After Valentin Serov Russian (1865-1911) Watercolor
    Nov. 10, 2018

    After Valentin Serov Russian (1865-1911) Watercolor

    Est: -

    Featuring a woman with a headband - Attributes: Signed BC on lower right. After Valentin Serov - Media: Watercolor on paper - Dimensions metric: 20.6 by 26.7 cm - Dimensions imperial: 8 by 10 1/2 inches - Artist biography: Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov, (born Jan. 7 [Jan. 19, New Style], 1865, St. Petersburg, Russia-died Nov. 22 [Dec. 5], 1911, Moscow), Russian artist whose works reflect a turning point in the style and weltanschauung of Russian art in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as well as the shift from realism by way of Impressionism to Art Nouveau. Serov himself seemed to manifest the link between opposing artistic views and cultural eras. His father, the composer Aleksandr Serov, died when Valentin was six years old. His mother, a musician and writer, was a woman with progressive ideas who was close to the Peredvizhniki (“Wanderers”) group. Serov's first teacher was Ilya Repin, and later, at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, he studied with Pavel Chistyakov. A student of the Peredvizhniki, Serov did not diverge from the style of his teachers. He exhibited with the Peredvizhniki (which he joined in 1894) and with the Union of Russian Artists, taught at the Academy of Arts and the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture (1897-1909), and was a member of the council of the Treyakov Gallery. At the same time, he was also a member of the group involved with Mir Iskusstva (“World of Art”; late 1890s) and the Munich Secession, which was disseminating the “new style” of Art Nouveau. Such was the dynamism of Serov's growth that he managed in a short period to assume various aesthetic directions. The first modern formalist of Russian art, Serov was also the first artist to consciously choose a particular style out of the many then available. His first famous portrait of Vera Mamontova-Girl with Peaches (1887)-displays his complete mastery of the Impressionist idiom. Yet another portrait of the same period-Girl in Sunlight: Portrait of Maria Simonovich (1888)-already shows a Post-Impressionist approach to form. The yellowish brown hues and the bravura of the brushstrokes of Serov's Portrait of the Italian Singer Francesco Tamagno (1891-92) are reminiscent of Peter Paul Rubens and Diego Velázquez, while the Portrait of the Italian Singer Angelo Masini (1890) shows some similarity to Repin's style. Serov always sought an allusive pictorial sign that would give depth to the theme of the subject painted. In his landscapes of the countryside surrounding Moscow, for instance, he adopted the lyrical landscape reminiscent of Aleksey Savrasov. In his later monochrome portraits (Mariya Yermolova, 1905; Feodor Chaliapin, 1905) and in his historical and mythological compositions (The Rape of Europa, 1910), Serov expressed, respectively, the essence of the St. Petersburg “painterly graphics” and the Art Nouveau style seen in much of the work of the Mir Iskusstva group. Serov was unique in having discovered the intersection between the portrait genre and the formal ideal of Art Nouveau. At times Serov's portraits border on exaggeration, but his mordant characterizations do not conflict with his subjects' imposing qualities. Ostentation, ever the object of parodic portraits, is characteristic of Serov's later works (Portrait of Olga Orlova, 1911). At times, as in Ida Rubinstein (1910), the striking portrayal expresses the very essence of an artistic persona. Serov's innovation is manifested not only in portraits but in other artworks as well. He almost merged genre painting with landscape, keeping a link with the peasant lyricism characteristic of the Peredvizhniki group. Serov also worked for the theatre: he designed the sets for his father's opera Judith at the Mariinsky Theatre (1907), painted the curtain used by the Ballets Russes for its 1911 production of Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, and created a superb theatre poster with an image of a dancing Anna Pavlova (1909). Serov was one of the first Russian artists to use graphic art, which appears in his portraits, satirical caricatures, and illustrations of the fables of Ivan Krylov, on which Serov worked from 1895 until his death. For many Russian artists of several styles, Serov embodied the high aesthetic mission of the ideal artist. In the years in which the gulf between so-called high art and the demand for realism was sharply felt, Serov managed in both life and art to overcome this apparent dichotomy.

    Transcend Auctions
  • ALEXANDROVICH VALENTIN SEROV (1865-1911), ATTRIBUE Patinage sur glace
    Jun. 07, 2018

    ALEXANDROVICH VALENTIN SEROV (1865-1911), ATTRIBUE Patinage sur glace

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    ALEXANDROVICH VALENTIN SEROV (1865-1911), ATTRIBUE Patinage sur glace Huile sur panneau Dimensions : 19 x 13 cm

    Accademia Fine Art
  • VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) Portrait of an old woman in ke
    Jun. 06, 2018

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) Portrait of an old woman in ke

    Est: £40,000 - £60,000

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (1865-1911) Portrait of an old woman in kerchief signed with initials in Cyrillic and most likely dated ‘1885’, inscribed in pencil in Cyrillic ‘Village Privol’e’ (lower left) oil on canvasboard 23.8 x 18.2cm (9 3/8 x 7 1/4in).

  • Valentin A. Serov Sophia Botkina Watercolor
    Nov. 18, 2017

    Valentin A. Serov Sophia Botkina Watercolor

    Est: $1,600 - $2,200

    Valentin Alexandrovitch Serov (Russia, 1865 - 1911) framed watercolor and pastel portrait of Sophia Botkina on paper, signed with his initials in Cyrillic to lower right and dated 1905. Framed and double matted under glass. Black and gilt frame measures 20" in height by 17" in width by 7/8" in depth, the sight image measures 13" in height by 10". In overall good condition, all measurements are approximate. No authentication paperwork accompanies this piece, however style, subject, and signature are all consistent with known works by the artist. It is our recommendation that all lots be examined in person by prospective bidders or by a trusted expert they have asked to advise on the purchase.

    Bremo Auctions
  • SEROV Valentin (1865-1911).
    Jul. 19, 2017

    SEROV Valentin (1865-1911).

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    SEROV Valentin (1865-1911). Portrait de l’empereur Nicolas II en uniforme du Régiment de la Garde Préobrajenski et orné sur la partie basse d’un profil de son fils le tsarévitch Alexis. Gravure rehaussée à l’aquarelle, conservée dans un encadrement ancien en bois doré. Rousseurs, accidents au cadre, mais bon état général. A vue : H.: 28, 5 cm – L.: 22 cm. Cadre : H. : 33 cm – L. : 26, 5 cm. Historique : ce portrait resta inachevé. Selon l’anecdote, le peintre était sur le point de terminer son tableau lorsque l’empereur Nicolas II voulut le montrer à son épouse ; habituée au style plus lisse des artistes alors à la mode comme Kaulbach ou Flameng, elle déclara en anglais et devant l’artiste, lorsqu’elle vit le portrait pour la première fois : «mais le portrait n’est pas fini !». Cela blessa profondément le peintre, qui tenant encore sa palette et ses pinceaux en mains, répondit en lui laissant ses instruments : «Eh bien votre Majesté n’aura qu’à le finir elle-même». (Alexandre Benois, 1990, vols. III-IV, p. 376). Il sera pourtant suspendu dans les appartements privés de l’impératrice au Palais d’Hiver et considéré par de nombreux contemporains comme étant le meilleur portrait de l’empereur. Y. P. Danilov, qui passa beaucoup d’années au sein de l’administration, écrivit dans ses mémoires que peu de portraits de Nicolas II lui ressemblaient réellement. Ainsi vers la fin de sa vie, en 1959, la sœur de l’empereur, la grande duchesse Olga Alexandrovna, vivant alors au Canada, écrira dans ses mémoires : « c’est un des meilleurs portraits jamais peints de Nicky ». (Ian Vorres, 1985, p.216). Provenance : ancienne collection de la princesse Félix Youssoupoff, née princesse Irina Alexandrovna de Russie (1895-1970), puis par descendance.

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
  • Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Room with a view oil on card laid down on car
    Jun. 05, 2017

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Room with a view oil on card laid down on car

    Est: £7,000 - £9,000

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Room with a view oil on card laid down on cardboard 7 1/8 x 5 3/8 in. (18.3 x 13.5 cm.)

  • VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV | Portrait of Pope Innocent X after Velázquez
    Nov. 29, 2016

    VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV | Portrait of Pope Innocent X after Velázquez

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    oil on canvas

    Sep. 17, 2016


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (RUSSIAN 1865-1911) Study of the Male Nude Figures, early 1880s charcoal on paper 66.5 x 50 cm (26 1/4 x 19 3/4 in.) signed lower left; bearing a stamp of the Imperial Academy of Arts lower left PROVENANCE Collection of B. V. Krylov, Moscow (inscribed on verso)

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Valentin Serov, Mika Morozov, Oil Painting
    Apr. 27, 2016

    Valentin Serov, Mika Morozov, Oil Painting

    Est: $4,000 - $5,000

    Artist: Valentin Serov, Attributed to, Russian (1865 - 1911) Title: Mika Morozov Medium: Oil on Canvas, signed u.r. Size: 10.5 x 12 in. (26.67 x 30.48 cm) Frame Size: 16.5 x 17.5 inches

    Dec. 01, 2015


    Est: £250,000 - £350,000

    oil on panel

  • VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (Russian,). SEATED FEMALE NUDE, signed lower right and verso. Oil on canvas.
    Sep. 20, 2015

    VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (Russian,). SEATED FEMALE NUDE, signed lower right and verso. Oil on canvas.

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV (Russian,). SEATED FEMALE NUDE, signed lower right and verso. Oil on canvas - Framed, 29 in. x 21 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
    Jun. 02, 2015


    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    pencil on paper

  • Valentin Serov (Russian 1865-1911) three country scene sketches, pencil on paper, one on reverse, signed in Cyrillic, image size 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ "
    Jan. 13, 2015

    Valentin Serov (Russian 1865-1911) three country scene sketches, pencil on paper, one on reverse, signed in Cyrillic, image size 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ "

    Est: $600 - $900

    Valentin Serov (Russian 1865-1911) three country scene sketches, pencil on paper, one on reverse, signed in Cyrillic, image size 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ "

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • A group of three drawings size of largest: 27 x 39.5cm (10 5/8 x 15 3/8in).
    Nov. 26, 2014

    A group of three drawings size of largest: 27 x 39.5cm (10 5/8 x 15 3/8in).

    Est: £10,000 - £12,000

    A group of three drawings including Domotkanovo, Dying Lion. First signed in Cyrillic with monogram 'VS' (lower right) (3) charcoal on paper size of largest: 27 x 39.5cm (10 5/8 x 15 3/8in).

  • Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Portrait of Maria Zetlin (1882-1976) tempera and
    Nov. 24, 2014

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Portrait of Maria Zetlin (1882-1976) tempera and

    Est: £1,500,000 - £2,500,000

    Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Portrait of Maria Zetlin (1882-1976) tempera and oil on board 41 7/8 x 28 7/8 in. (107 x 73.4 cm.)

  • 19th c. Russian oil on canvas, signed
    Oct. 12, 2014

    19th c. Russian oil on canvas, signed

    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    Late 19th or early 20th century Russian oil on canvas 3/4 length portrait of a standing lady, titled "Woman with a Parasol", signed in Cyrillic VS (Valentin Aleksandroich Serov) (Russian, 1865-1911), 45"h x 26"w, overall size including frame 52"h x 33.5"w x 2"d.

    Great Gatsby's Auction Gallery, Inc.
    Jun. 07, 2014


    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV (RUSSIAN 1865-1911), 'Portrait Study of a Woman, possibly Maria Yakunchikova', oil on board, oval, 11.8 x 9 cm (4 5/8 x 3 1/2 in.), initialed in Cyrillic, 'VS', lower left, PROVENANCE: Collection of V. Frolov, St. Petersburg, Private Collection, U.S.A. (acquired from the above) LOT NOTES: The sitter`s features have a strong resemblance to the artist Maria Yakunchikova (1870-1902), whose portrait Valentin Serov is known to have worked on from 1885 to 1888. Elements such as the soft-contours of the sitter`s face, the mole on her right cheek, as well as the pronounced eyebrows, all enhance the resemblance between the young woman depicted in the portrait study and contemporary photographs of the Maria Yakunchikova. Yakunchikova (later Weber) the sister-in-law to Vasili Polenov, was an accomplished painter and graphic artist in her own right.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Serov, Valentin Aleksandrovic 1865 St. Petersburg
    May. 17, 2013

    Serov, Valentin Aleksandrovic 1865 St. Petersburg

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Serov, Valentin Aleksandrovic 1865 St. Petersburg - 1911 Moscow Nude. Black pencil on paper. Mounted: Left. 26 x 17,5cm. Framed. Verso with a stamp and the inscription: On the stamp: Samlung A. A. Sidorova Bestätige (dass) die Zeichnung ... Sidorova (partly illegible). Provenance: - Collection of Alexey Sidorov; - Private collection, Berlin (Lothar Bolz); - Private collection, Arnheim, the Netherlands. Literature: - Appears in: Schmidt, Werner: Russische Graphik des XIX. und XX. Jahrhunderts. Eine Berliner Privatsammlung, Leipzig 1967, pg. 268, nr. I. Serov, Valentin Aleksandrovic 1865 St. Petersburg - 1911 Moskau Akt. Schwarzer Stift auf Papier. Montiert: links. 26 x 17,5cm. Rahmen. Rückseitig ein Stempel und Bezeichnungen: Auf dem Stempel: Samlung A. A. Sidorova Bestätige (dass) die Zeichnung ... Sidorova (teils unleserlich). Provenienz: - Sammlung Alexey Sidorov; - Berliner Privatsammlung (Lothar Bolz); - Privatsammlung Arnheim, Niederlande. Literatur: - Aufgeführt in: Schmidt, Werner: Russische Graphik des XIX. und XX. Jahrhunderts. Eine Berliner Privatsammlung, Leipzig 1967, S. 268, Nr. I.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    Feb. 16, 2013


    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROICH SEROV (RUSSIAN 1865-1911), "Woman with a Parasol", oil on canvas, 115 x 66 cm. (45 ¼ x 26 in.), initialed in Cyrillic 'VS' lower left PROVENANCE: Private Collection, U.S.A., As per the current owner, purchased by the aunt of the present owner from Gerard Antiques, Atlanta, Georgia in 1996, from whom the painting was said to be obtained from the Estate of Baron Richard J.H. de Touché-Skadding, born in Riga and whose family owned estates in present-day Latvia, and and later settled in Atlanta, Georgia. It has been suggested that this portrait depicts Margarita Kirillovna Morozova. For comparison purposes, see Serov's "Portrait of Margarita Morozova" from 1910 at the Art Museum of Dneprpetrovsk.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Valentin Alexandrovich Serov 1865 - 1911 Figure of a Woman
    Jun. 30, 2012

    Valentin Alexandrovich Serov 1865 - 1911 Figure of a Woman

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Valentin Alexandrovich Serov 1865 - 1911 Figure of a Woman Pencil and charcoal on paper Signed and dated 35.5X29 cm

    Tiroche Auction House
  • VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV Porträt von Praskovia Tchaikovskaia
    Jun. 16, 2011

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV Porträt von Praskovia Tchaikovskaia

    Est: CHF30,000 - CHF40,000

    VALENTIN ALEKSANDROVICH SEROV Porträt von Praskovia Tchaikovskaia St. Petersburg 1865-1911 Moscow Unten rechts in Kyrillisch signiert "V. Serov". Rückseitig auf der Lwd. aufgezogen ein Bericht einer technologischen Untersuchung vom 25. Februar 1989. Öl auf Lwd., doubliert, 97 x 67 cm

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
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