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Peeter Snyers Sold at Auction Prices

Genre Painter, Still life painter, Etcher

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    • Peeter Snyers, 1681-1752 Antwerp, battle scenearound a
      Aug. 31, 2024

      Peeter Snyers, 1681-1752 Antwerp, battle scenearound a

      Est: €2,800 - €4,500

      Peeter Snyers, 1681-1752 Antwerp, battle scenearound a gallows hill, battle with cavalry andinfantry, foreground officer battle, battlefield spread over the landscape integrated into a blue-colored landscape, oil/wood, in the middle below monogrammed PS, approx. 68.5 x 103 cm, frame minor best. 88x122cm . German Description: Peeter Snyers, 1681-1752 Antwerpen, Schlachtenszene um einen Galgenberg, Gefecht mit Kavallerie und Infanterie, vordergründiges Offiziersgefecht, über die Landschaft verteiltes Schlachtfeld eingebunden in verblauende Landschaft, Öl/Holz, mittig unten monogrammiert PS, ca. 68.5 x 103 cm, Rahmen l. best. 88x122 cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Peeter Snyers
      Jan. 10, 2024

      Peeter Snyers

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      (or Snijers, Flemish, 1681-1752) Trophies of the Hunt, Hunting Still Life, signed at right on stone faintly "Peeter Snyers", oil on canvas, 42-1/8 x 45-3/4 in.; gilt wood frame, 46-1/2 x 50 x 2-1/8 in. Provenance: Property from a Historic South Carolina Plantation Note: For a similar landscape see: Drouot-Richlieu, Paris, France,March 27, 2019, lot 29

      Brunk Auctions
    • Pieter Snyers, 1681 – 1752, Umkreis des
      Dec. 07, 2023

      Pieter Snyers, 1681 – 1752, Umkreis des

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      PLÜNDERUNG EINES DORFES Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 112 x 161 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Große Dorflandschaft mit plündernden Soldaten, an die Zeiten des 30-jährigen Krieges erinnernd. Im Zentrum ein bis über den Himmel herausragender großer Baum, vor dem sich wohl ein Heerführer und zwei weitere Männer zu Pferde versammelt haben. Einer von ihnen in Rückenansicht mit rotem Gewand, darauf eine Fanfare befestigt, der zweite Mann ein Gewehr haltend und schließlich ein Dritter, auf einem Braunen sitzend in eleganter Kleidung mit rotem gebundenen Tuch um die Hüfte, wohl ein Offizier. Rechtsseitig des Baumes einige Häuser und davor zahlreiche, miteinander kämpfende Figuren, linksseitig des Baums im Hintergrund eine alte Kirche und davor weitere berittene Soldaten, die linksseitig wohl gerade einen Mann festnehmen. Vielfigurige Malerei in überwiegend grau-brauner Farbgebung, einzelne Figuren durch meist rötliche Kleidungsstücke besonders hervorgehoben. (1380643) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Dec. 05, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5 cm x 29.5 cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 -1752 La famille Auvray devant sa propriété Huile sur toile
      Nov. 22, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 -1752 La famille Auvray devant sa propriété Huile sur toile

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 -1752 La famille Auvray devant sa propriété Huile sur toile Signée et datée 'P. Snijers. f. A° 1728' en bas au centre sur un pied du guéridon (Petits soulèvements) The Auvray family in front of their estate, oil on canvas, signed and dated, by P. Snyers h: 100 w: 85,50 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Belgique Commentaire : L'identité de la famille Auvray, aïeux des actuels propriétaires, s'est transmise par tradition familiale. Le château figurant en arrière-plan ne peut malheureusement pas être identifié avec certitude. Estimation 8 000 - 12 000 €

    • Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 - 1752 Composition à la corbeille de fleurs, aux légumes et aux fruits Huile sur toile
      Nov. 22, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 - 1752 Composition à la corbeille de fleurs, aux légumes et aux fruits Huile sur toile

      Est: €15,000 - €20,000

      Pieter SNYERS Anvers, 1681 - 1752 Composition à la corbeille de fleurs, aux légumes et aux fruits Huile sur toile Trace de signature en bas vers la droite (Restaurations) Composition with a basket of flowers, vegetables and fruit, oil on canvas, by P. Snyers h: 57 w: 79,50 cm Provenance : Famille Wolff à New York dans la première partie du XXe siècle ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Choux rouges, carottes ou cardons sont la signature de notre peintre qui nous surprend ici en offrant dans une corbeille bien plus que des légumes de saisons : des fleurs ! Et quelles fleurs puisque c'est un nuage raffiné de couleurs couronné de papillons qui est ici représenté ; boule de neige, pivoine, rose, iris ou tulipes sont peint par Pieter Snyers avec une délicatesse éblouissante. Si l'artiste développe l'art du portrait lors d'un séjour en Angleterre entre 1720 et 1726 (voir par exemple le lot 43 de notre vente) c'est bien dans de complexes compositions de fruits et légumes qu'il se révèle un grand maître. Estimation 15 000 - 20 000 €

    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Sep. 28, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5 cm x 29.5 cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Jul. 27, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5 cm x 29.5 cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Peter Snyers, 1681 Antwerpen – 1752 ebenda, zugeschrieben
      Jun. 29, 2023

      Peter Snyers, 1681 Antwerpen – 1752 ebenda, zugeschrieben

      Est: €15,000 - €25,000

      ÜBERFALL MIT REITERGEFECHT Öl auf Holz. 55 x 73 cm. Mittig auf Schimmel ein Monogramm. In teilvergoldetem Rahmen. In weiter hügeliger Landschaft, die links- und rechtsseitig durch einen hohen Baum als Repoussoir flankiert wird, ein breiter, bis zum Horizont schmäler werdender Weg mit einer ziehenden Wagenkarawane mit zahlreichen Figuren. Im Vordergrund der gerade stattfindende Überfall mit kämpfenden Reitern und Fußvolk, bei dem Gewehre, Lanzen und Degen eingesetzt werden. Linksseitig ein bereits zu Boden gegangenes Pferd sowie einige gestürzte und liegende Männer. Rechtsseitig, hinter einem Felsvorsprung, nähert sich eine kleine Armee zu Pferde mit Soldaten in Rüstung und Helm, rot geflaggte Standarten haltend. In der Mitte des Hintergrunds eine bewaldete Anhöhe, inmitten derer eine kleine Kirche in den Himmel ragt, während linksseitig eine kleine Mühle zu erkennen ist. Malerei in zurückhaltender Farbgebung, bei der jedoch die Pferde durch weiße Farbgebung und die Figuren durch rote Kleidungsstücke besonders hervorgehoben werden. Wohl ein Frühwerk des Künstlers, das noch den Einfluss von Sebastian Vrancx (1573-1647) erkennen lässt. (1360752) (18) Peter Snyers, 1681 Antwerp – 1752 ibid., attributed ATTACK WITH EQUESTRIAN BATTLE Oil on panel. 55 x 73 cm. Monogrammed at centre on grey horse.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      May. 25, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5 cm x 29.5 cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Peter snyers, 1681 – 1752, zugeschrieben
      Mar. 30, 2023

      Peter snyers, 1681 – 1752, zugeschrieben

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      ABENDLANDSCHAFT MIT ERMÜDET SITZENDEM JUNGEM MANN Öl auf Leinwand. 53 x 34 cm. Ungerahmt. Vor abendlichem dunklem Himmel mit den letzten rötlich-gelb schimmernden Streifen der untergehenden Sonne ein junger Mann in brauner Kleidung mit braunem Mantel und Hut, auf einem Stein sitzend, der auf seinen Oberschenkeln eine kleine verschlossene Kiste liegen hat, deren Halteband über seine Schultern hinweggeht. Aus dieser Kiste einige Strohfäden herausragend, was auf den Inhalt eines Kleintieres hinweisen könnte. Ermüdet mit halb geschlossenen Augen hat er seinen Kopf auf seine linke Hand abgestützt, während er in seiner Rechten einen großen Wanderstab hält. Stimmungsvolle Malerei in zurückhaltender Farbgebung. (13506611) (1) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Mar. 23, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "journeyman" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5cm x 29.5cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Snyers Pieter (Peter) - Still Life
      Mar. 04, 2023

      Snyers Pieter (Peter) - Still Life

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      Oil on copper - Sig. "Peeter:Snijers."

      De Vuyst
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Jan. 24, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "Handwerkergeselle" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 43,5 cm x 29,5 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "journeyman" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5cm x 29.5cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Jan. 24, 2023

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "reisender Händler" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 53,5 cm x 34 cm Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "traveling merchant" painting - oil on canvas, 53.5cm x 34cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Snyers, Peeter: Brustbild eines jungen Mannes mit Hut
      Nov. 30, 2022

      Snyers, Peeter: Brustbild eines jungen Mannes mit Hut

      Est: €900 - €1,200

      Brustbild eines jungen Mannes mit Hut. Radierung. 8,1 x 7,2 cm. Wohl unbeschrieben. -- -- Neben seinem gemalten Werk hinterließ Peeter Snyers auch eine kleine Gruppe radierter Arbeiten, mehrheitlich Bildnisse, dessen Untersuchung noch austeht. Aufgrund der Seltenheit sowie dem einfühlsamen Charakter der bekannten Blätter liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die locker ausgeführten Radierungen für private Zwecke entstanden. Ganz ausgezeichneter, silbriger Druck mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante. Die untere linke Ecke mit Knickfalte, weitere unauffällige diagonale Knickspur, verso kleine Montierungsreste sowie unerhebliche Fleckchen, sonst in vorzüglicher Erhaltung. Von allergrößter Seltenheit, wir konnten nur ein weiteres Exemplar im Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam, nachweisen. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Apr. 27, 2022

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "traveling merchant" painting - oil on canvas, 53.5cm x 34cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)
      Apr. 27, 2022

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.)

      Est: - €1,500

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) (attrib.) "journeyman" painting - oil on canvas, 43.5cm x 29.5cm

      Auktionshaus Kloss
    • Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752), attribué à
      Dec. 12, 2021

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752), attribué à

      Est: €7,000 - €9,000

      Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752), attribué à " Bivouac de l'Armée royale devant une place fortifiée" Huile sur toile. Restauration ancienne. Dimensions : 78 cm x 153 cm

    • Peter Snyers, Still Life with Thistle and Nest
      Nov. 20, 2021

      Peter Snyers, Still Life with Thistle and Nest

      Est: €20,000 - €25,000

      RefMas121121 The thistle, with its spiky leaves, red flowers and thorn-covered buds dominates this large composition. Pieter Snyers emphasises the plant's unusual form through dramatic lighting, which accentuates the sharp contours of the leaves so that they appear to spread out over the painting like lightning. The cold blue-green of the leaves increases this dramatic effect, and the red, yellow and white flowers add splashes of colour to an otherwise monochrome composition. The artist obviously concentrated on botanical accuracy in his depiction of the plants, as shown by the wilted leaf with its pale ochre and brown edge. The drama shown by Snyders in the depiction of the plant corresponds to the scene that plays out within its protection - here, a bird has built its nest and laid eggs. However, the bird is not to be seen, and instead one of the eggs lies broken beside the nest and is being approached by a mouse from the side, and a snail is shown crawling down from above. Pieter Snyers is among the masters of the last great bloom of Dutch still life painting in the first half of the 18th century. He was born in Antwerp in 1681 and was taught under Alexander van Bredael, a member of the large family of painters based in Antwerp. Pieter Snyers became a member of the Guild of St. Luke in 1707, and later lead the Royal Art Academy in his home town. His oeuvre not only contains still lifes of all kinds, but also genre scenes and portraits, a number of which are thought to have been made during a stay in England. The forest still life was developed in the mid 17th century, at the latest with the paintings of Otto Marseus van Schrieck, who specialised in this genre and helped it to popularity. The little battles fought between reptiles, insects and small animals in the shade of forest plants were interpreted morally.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681-1752)
      Apr. 27, 2019

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681-1752)

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681-1752) Savoyard montrant une marmotte Huile sur toile 43 x 33 cm Note : Plusieurs versions de cette composition sont connues, dont une monogrammée PS, est conservée au musée de Simferapol en Crimée. D'autres avec d'infimes variantes à Sotheby's Londres le 14 décembre 1977, n.106 (40,5 x 32,5 cm) et à Galerie Marcus en 1990 (42 x 33 cm) Expert : Cabinet Turquin, Paris

      Carvajal SVV
    • Attribué à Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) Marie Madeleine Attr. to P. Snyers, Mary Magdalene, oak panel made with one non-craddle plank. 10
      Apr. 04, 2019

      Attribué à Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) Marie Madeleine Attr. to P. Snyers, Mary Magdalene, oak panel made with one non-craddle plank. 10

      Est: €600 - €800

      Attribué à Pieter SNYERS (1681-1752) Marie Madeleine Attr. to P. Snyers, Mary Magdalene, oak panel made with one non-craddle plank. 10 5/8 X 10 1/4 IN. €600-800 ATTRIBUE A PIETER SNYERS (1681-1752) MARIE MADELEINE Panneau de chêne, une planche, non parqueté Restaurations anciennes 27 X 26 CM

    • Pieter SNYERS - Portrait of an Old Woman With a Dog
      Mar. 28, 2019

      Pieter SNYERS - Portrait of an Old Woman With a Dog

      Est: Kč65,000 - Kč100,000

      Portrait of an Old Woman With a Dog

      Arcimboldo Auctions
    • JAN BAPTIST SAIVE I (attr. a)
      May. 30, 2018

      JAN BAPTIST SAIVE I (attr. a)

      Est: €500 - €800

      (Namen, 1540 ca. - Mechelen, 1624) Donna che fila la lana e bimbo Olio su tela, cm 105,5X80 Provenienza: Londra, Christie's, 14 aprile 1999, lotto 285 (come attribuito a Peter Snyers) Già attribuito a Peter Snyers (Anversa, 1681 - 1752), il dipinto è stato ricondotto possibilmente al catalogo di Jan Baptist Saive da Fred G. Meijer nel 1999. L'artista si formò probabilmente con Lambert Lombard e la sua prima opera documentata è del 1576 e riguardava la verniciatura di un crocifisso. Tra il 1590 e il 1594 è attestata la sua presenza a Brussel. La sua produzione conta dipinti di storia, ritratti ma anche scene di mercato sullo stile di Joachim Bueckelear e Pieter Aertsen molto apprezzate dalla committenza, come indicato dai registri dell'arciduca Ernst d'Austria che indicano la committenza nel 1594 di sei dipinti, raffigurante le stagioni e una scena di mercato.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, ho
      Apr. 25, 2018

      PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, ho

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, holding a dead fox oil on canvas 143.5 x 104.1cm (56 1/2 x 41in).

    • PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, holding a dead f
      Jul. 05, 2017

      PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, holding a dead f

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      PETER SNYERS (ANTWERP 1681-1752) An old woman with a basket of eggs, holding a dead fox oil on canvas 143.5 x 104.1cm (56 1/2 x 41in).

    • Pieter Snyers (1681 - 1752)
      Feb. 23, 2017

      Pieter Snyers (1681 - 1752)

      Est: €900 - €1,500

      Pieter Snyers (1681 - 1752) Oil on canvas. Signed. Lined. 34 x 27,5 cm.

      La Suite Subastas
    • Pieter SNYERS (Anvers, 1681-1752)
      Apr. 06, 2016

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers, 1681-1752)

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers, 1681-1752) Fruits d’automne Toile Signée vers la gauche: P.Snyers Restaurations anciennes et petits soulèvements PIETER SNYERS (1681-1752), FRUITS OF AUTUMN, CANVAS, SIGNED IN THE LEFT: P.Snyers 37 x 40,5cm (14 9/16 X 15 15/16 IN.)

    • Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life
      Dec. 17, 2014

      Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life

      Est: €14,000 -

      Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life Oil on canvas Signed. With a moulded and gold-plated wood frame. We thank the collaboration of Cabinet Turquin, which was essential in cataloguing this work. 121x102 cm Pieter Snyers Amberes 1681 - 1752 Bodegón de frutas Óleo sobre lienzo Firmado. Con marco en madera moldurada y dorada. Agradecemos la colaboración del Cabinet Turquin, imprescindible en la catalogación de esta obra 121x102 cm Pieter Snyers Antwerpen 1681 - 1752 Stillleben mit Früchten. Öl auf Leinwand. Unterzeichnet. 121x102 cm

    • Attributed to SNYERS, PIETER(1681 Antwerp
      Sep. 19, 2014

      Attributed to SNYERS, PIETER(1681 Antwerp

      Est: CHF9,000 - CHF12,000

      Attributed to SNYERS, PIETER (1681 Antwerp 1752) Market scene. Oil on canvas. 81 x 109.5 cm. Provenance: European private collection. SNYERS, PIETER (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (1681 Antwerpen 1752) Marktszene. Öl auf Leinwand. 81 x 109,5 cm. Provenienz: Europäische Privatsammlung. Federvieh, Gemüse sowie Kühe und Pferde sind verteilt auf dem Marktplatz zu sehen. Die Gesichter der Figuren werden durch leuchtende Farben aus den Schatten der hereinbrechenden Dunkelheit hervorgehoben und lenken den Blick des Betrachters auf die Hauptszenen des Schauplatzes. Durch das Spiel aus Licht und Schatten gewinnt die Komposition an Lebendigkeit und setzt das Ende eines hektischen Markttages in Szene. Der Künstler dieser stimmungsvollen Darstellung eines Markttreibens ist bislang nicht eindeutig identifiziert. Stilistisch finden sich Elemente aus dem Oeuvre Alexander van Bredaels (1663 Antwerpen 1720) und besonders Pieter Snyers' (1681 Antwerpen 1752), der Schüler von Bredael war.

      Koller Auctions
    • Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life Oil on canvas Signed 121x102 cm
      May. 29, 2014

      Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life Oil on canvas Signed 121x102 cm

      Est: €24,000 -

      Pieter Snyers Antwerp 1681 - 1752 Fruits still life Oil on canvas Signed 121x102 cm Pieter Snyers Amberes 1681 - 1752 Bodegón de frutas Óleo sobre lienzo Firmado 121x102 cm

      Nov. 16, 2013


      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      PIETER SNYERS, STILL LIFE WITH THISTLE AND NEST STILL LIFE WITH THISTLE AND NEST The thistle, with its spiky leaves, red flowers and thorn-covered buds dominates this large composition. Pieter Snyers emphasises the plant's unusual form through dramatic lighting, which accentuates the sharp contours of the leaves so that they appear to spread out over the painting like lightning. The cold blue-green of the leaves increases this dramatic effect, and the red, yellow and white flowers add splashes of colour to an otherwise monochrome composition. The artist obviously concentrated on botanical accuracy in his depiction of the plants, as shown by the wilted leaf with its pale ochre and brown edge. The drama shown by Snyders in the depiction of the plant corresponds to the scene that plays out within its protection - here, a bird has built its nest and laid eggs. However, the bird is not to be seen, and instead one of the eggs lies broken beside the nest and is being approached by a mouse from the side, and a snail is shown crawling down from above. Pieter Snyers is among the masters of the last great bloom of Dutch still life painting in the first half of the 18th century. He was born in Antwerp in 1681 and was taught under Alexander van Bredael, a member of the large family of painters based in Antwerp. Pieter Snyers became a member of the Guild of St. Luke in 1707, and later lead the Royal Art Academy in his home town. His oeuvre not only contains still lifes of all kinds, but also genre scenes and portraits, a number of which are thought to have been made during a stay in England. The forest still life was developed in the mid 17th century, at the latest with the paintings of Otto Marseus van Schrieck, who specialised in this genre and helped it to popularity. The little battles fought between reptiles, insects and small animals in the shade of forest plants were interpreted morally.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681 - 1752) "Portrait d'un
      Apr. 10, 2013

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681 - 1752) "Portrait d'un

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      Pieter SNYERS (Anvers 1681 - 1752) "Portrait d'un garde-chasse avec un trophée de lièvre, lapins et pic épeiche Toile. Signé en bas à droite: R SNYERS F. 118 x 103 cm Provenance: Acquis par l'actuel... "

      Thierry de Maigret
    • Circle of Peeter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)
      Dec. 04, 2012

      Circle of Peeter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Circle of Peeter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752) A cavalry skirmish on a track oil on panel, stamped on the reverse with a panel maker's mark and the guild mark of Antwerp 17½ x 25¼ in. (44.4 x 64.1 cm.)

    • Circle of Pieter Snyers (Flemish, 1681-1752)
      Nov. 27, 2012

      Circle of Pieter Snyers (Flemish, 1681-1752)

      Est: - £1,750

      Circle of Pieter Snyers (Flemish, 1681-1752) A fruit seller asleep by her wares oil on canvas 36¼ x 28 in. (92.1 x 71.1 cm.)

    • Peter SNYERS (1681-1752) Nature morte de fruits,
      Jun. 11, 2010

      Peter SNYERS (1681-1752) Nature morte de fruits,

      Est: €30,000 - €40,000

      Peter SNYERS (1681-1752) Nature morte de fruits, légumes et oiseaux sur fond d'architecture Huile sur toile, rentoilée, signée au centre. 69 x 79 cm

    • Pieter Snyers (Antwerp, 1681-1752) Paisaje con
      Oct. 22, 2009

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp, 1681-1752) Paisaje con

      Est: €10,000 - €13,000

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp, 1681-1752) Paisaje con trofeos de caza (Landscape with Hunting Trophy) With golden frame of the 18th century Oil paint on canvas 67x85 cm

    • A heron, a quail, a tit, a robin, a goldfinch, a woodpecker, a kingfisher, a sparrow and another bird in a forest landscape, a castle beyond
      Jul. 11, 2008

      A heron, a quail, a tit, a robin, a goldfinch, a woodpecker, a kingfisher, a sparrow and another bird in a forest landscape, a castle beyond

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752) A heron, a quail, a tit, a robin, a goldfinch, a woodpecker, a kingfisher, a sparrow and another bird in a forest landscape, a castle beyond signed, inscribed and dated 'Peeter.Snÿers. fecit Anvers 1747' (lower right) oil on copper 14½ x 17 7/8 in. (36.8 x 45.4 cm.)

    • Portrait of an old lady, a pitcher in her left hand, a glass in her right
      May. 08, 2008

      Portrait of an old lady, a pitcher in her left hand, a glass in her right

      Est: £1,500 - £2,000

      Circle of Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752) Portrait of an old lady, a pitcher in her left hand, a glass in her right oil on panel 25 3/8 x 19 1/8 in. (64.5 x 48.5 cm.)

    • Tulips, narcissi, chrysanthemums, a snowball and other flowers in a glass vase, on a ledge with a beetle, a bumblebee and a Red Admiral butterfly
      Dec. 07, 2007

      Tulips, narcissi, chrysanthemums, a snowball and other flowers in a glass vase, on a ledge with a beetle, a bumblebee and a Red Admiral butterfly

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752) Tulips, narcissi, chrysanthemums, a snowball and other flowers in a glass vase, on a ledge with a beetle, a bumblebee and a Red Admiral butterfly signed 'P Snÿers. f' (lower centre) and 'P [.]' (lower left) oil on panel 11¼ x 10 in. (28.5 x 26 cm.)

    • Grapes and vine leaves on a stone ledge with apples, mushrooms and a snail
      Jul. 04, 2007

      Grapes and vine leaves on a stone ledge with apples, mushrooms and a snail

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752) Grapes and vine leaves on a stone ledge with apples, mushrooms and a snail signed 'P:Snijers' (lower centre) oil on canvas 14½ x 16 in. (36.8 x 40.7 cm.)

    • Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)
      Dec. 08, 2006

      Pieter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)

      Est: £25,000 - £35,000

      Wild strawberries in a blue and white porcelain bowl, carnations, irises, and other flowers in an earthenware jug on a stone ledge with cherries and strawberries oil on canvas 26 1/4 x 21 3/4 in. (67.9 x 55.3 cm.)

      Apr. 26, 2006


      Est: £3,000 - £4,000

      A SAVOYARD WITH A MARMOTTE IN A LANDSCAPE measurements note 51 by 46.5 cm.; 20 by 18 1/4 in. oil on canvas

      Dec. 08, 2005


      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      A STILL LIFE WITH LEEKS, ARTICHOKES, A CABBAGE AND APPLES; A STILL LIFE WITH A CAULIFLOWER, A PARSNIP, A CABBAGE, APPLES AND PEACHES measurements note the former: 12.8 by 16.4 cm.; 5 by 6 1/2 in.; the latter: 12.5 by 16.3 cm.; 4 7/8 by 6 1/2 in. the former signed lower right: P. Snÿers f the latter signed lower right: P. Snÿers a pair, both oil on panel Quantity: 2 PROVENANCE With Robert Noortman, Maastricht; With Lipinski, Frankfurt, from whom bought by the Herwegs in May 1994. NOTE Born into a wealthy family in Antwerp in 1681, Pieter Snyers was not only a painter of still-lifes, landscapes and portraits, he was also an avid collector and was a director of the Antwerp Académie Royale by 1741.

      Dec. 08, 2005


      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      DEAD GAME, INCLUDING A HERON, PARTRIDGE AND SONGBIRDS IN A WOODED LANDSCAPE, A CHATEÂU IN THE LEFT DISTANCE measurements note 36.8 by 45.3 cm.; 14 1/2 by 17 7/8 in. signed and dated lower right: Peeter. Snÿers./ Anvers. 1747 oil on copper PROVENANCE Van Berg, New York; Anonymous sale, London, Sotheby's, 25 June 1969, lot 43 (£300 to Truman); Anonymous sale, London, Sotheby's, 8 March 1972, lot 151a (£650 to Jantor), when bought by the Herwegs. NOTE Sold with the certificate of Dr. Walther Bernt, dated 7 May 1972.

      Dec. 08, 2005


      Est: £15,000 - £20,000

      A FOREST FLOOR WITH PEACHES AND PLUMS ARRANGED ON STONY GROUND BELOW A SMALL TREE FILLED WITH A BIRD'S NEST AND BERRIES measurements note 108 by 84 cm.; 42 1/2 by 33 in. signed lower left: P. Snÿers. f. oil on canvas

      May. 26, 2005


      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      signed on the ledge bottom center P: Snÿers F. oil on canvas PROVENANCE L. Herman, Vienna; S. de Smitt, London; With Tretyakov Galleries, Chicago, 1941; There purchased by the grandfather of the present owner.

    • Peeter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)
      Oct. 02, 2002

      Peeter Snyers (Antwerp 1681-1752)

      Est: $15,000 - $20,000

      Peaches, plums, medlar, figs, an apple and mushrooms, with a beetle on a forest floor signed 'P:Snijers' (center left) oil on canvas 161/2 x 131/2 in. (41.9 x 34.4 cm.) PROVENANCE Anon. Sale, Christie's, Amsterdam, 9 May 2000, lot 122.

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