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Herman van der Mijn Sold at Auction Prices

Früchtemaler, Flower painter, Painter, Historical-scenes painter, Portrait painter, Still life painter, b. 1684 - d. 1741

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  • Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-Londra 1741) - Vase of flowers
    Dec. 13, 2024

    Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-Londra 1741) - Vase of flowers

    Est: -

    Oil on canvas Signed lower center.

    Dec. 12, 2024


    Est: £500 - £700

    CIRCLE OF HERMAN VAN DER MYN (DUTCH 1684-1741)PORTRAIT OF A GIRL HOLDING A BASKET OF FRUIT Oil on canvas57.5 x 50cm (22½ x 19½ in.)Provenance: Thomas Agnew & Sons, LondonMeasurements do not include the frame unless specified. Please note Dreweatts are not liable for damage to frames or mounts.

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Herman van der Mijn, Venus and Ceres
    Nov. 16, 2024

    Herman van der Mijn, Venus and Ceres

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    Stamped with two wax seals on the reverse. Following his training under the still life painter Ernst Stuven, Herman van der Mijn worked as court painter to Prince Elector Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz in Düsseldorf from 1713 to 1716. Alongside still lifes, van der Mijn also created portraits, genre and narrative paintings. The present work shows the artist at the height of his career. Building on the tradition of Leiden “Fijnschilder” painting, van der Mijn painstakingly picks out the shimmering surfaces of the fabric and vessels in the light of the torch held by Venus, drawing attention to her naked body. The work was presumably painted in around 1720, as it bears a great resemblance to the artist’s “Woman with a Dog” in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, dated 1719 (ill. 1), as well as his depiction of Tamar, which was probably intended as a pendant (Sotheby's, New York, 29 -30 January 2009, lot 176).

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-Londra 1741) - Vase of flowers
    Oct. 18, 2024

    Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-Londra 1741) - Vase of flowers

    Est: €4,800 - €9,999

    Oil on canvas Signed lower center.

  • Herman van der Myn (1684-1741), reclining Venus seen from the back, with Cupid holding a love dove, 1719, oil on panel 31 x 38 cm. (12.2 x 14.9 in.), Frame: 48 x 54 cm. (18.9 x 21.2 in.)
    Oct. 08, 2024

    Herman van der Myn (1684-1741), reclining Venus seen from the back, with Cupid holding a love dove, 1719, oil on panel 31 x 38 cm. (12.2 x 14.9 in.), Frame: 48 x 54 cm. (18.9 x 21.2 in.)

    Est: €15,000 - €18,000

    Herman van der Myn (1684-1741), reclining Venus seen from the back, with Cupid holding a love dove, 1719, oil on panel Signed and dated to the bottom right corner.

    Carlo Bonte Auctions
    Jun. 12, 2024


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    CIRCLE OF HERMAN VAN DER MYN (DUTCH 1684-1741)PORTRAIT OF A GIRL HOLDING A BASKET OF FRUIT Oil on canvas57.5 x 50cm (22½ x 19½ in.)Provenance: Thomas Agnew & Sons, London

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Myn, Hermann van der (1684-1741) "Bacchantische Szene", Öl/Leinwand, u.l. sign., Prunkrahmen (kleine Defekte), 72x59cm (m.R. 97x80,5cm), min. Defekte der Maloberfläche, rest.
    Mar. 25, 2023

    Myn, Hermann van der (1684-1741) "Bacchantische Szene", Öl/Leinwand, u.l. sign., Prunkrahmen (kleine Defekte), 72x59cm (m.R. 97x80,5cm), min. Defekte der Maloberfläche, rest.

    Est: -

    Myn, Hermann van der (1684-1741) "Bacchantische Szene", Öl/Leinwand, u.l. sign., Prunkrahmen (kleine Defekte), 72x59cm (m.R. 97x80,5cm), min. Defekte der Maloberfläche, rest. Myn, Hermann van der (1684-1741) "Bacchanalian Scene", oil/canvas, sign. lower left, magnificent frame (small defects), 72x59cm (w.f. 97x80,5cm), min. defects to painting surface, rest.

  • van der Myn Herman, L’Amore Inadeguato
    Nov. 23, 2022

    van der Myn Herman, L’Amore Inadeguato

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    olio su tela, W. 63 - H. 75 Cm, Expertises Dott.ssa Raffaella Colace e Prof. Ferdinando Arisi

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • HERMAN VAN DER MIJN (Dutch 1684-1741) A PAINTING, "Portrait of an English Lady with an Apple," 1723,
    Oct. 01, 2022

    HERMAN VAN DER MIJN (Dutch 1684-1741) A PAINTING, "Portrait of an English Lady with an Apple," 1723,

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    HERMAN VAN DER MIJN (Dutch 1684-1741) A PAINTING, "Portrait of an English Lady with an Apple," 1723, oil on canvas, signed and dated L/R, "H. Vander-Myn/ 1723;" 29 1/2'' x 24 1/4'', framed 37 1/4'' x 32''. Note: Herman van der Mijn (or Vander-Myn) was a Dutch painter from Amsterdam who travelled and practiced in the Low Countries, the Germany states and  England. Early in his career his was a court painter to Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine in Dusseldorf, but in 1717 he travelled to London and it was there that he spent most of the rest of his life. He specialized in floral still lifes and portraits and also taught painting to members of the British royal family of George II, notably his wife, Queen Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and his daughter, Anne, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange.

    Simpson Galleries, LLC
  • Herman van der Myn (Mijn)
    Sep. 04, 2022

    Herman van der Myn (Mijn)

    Est: €5,500 - €11,000

    (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London) attr. Wirtshausszene In einem Interieur an einem Tisch sitzender, galant gekleideter junger Herr, den Degen abgelegt und ihm gegenüber am Tisch sitzend eine ältere Frau, bereit, ihm in ein elegantes hohes Glas einzuschenken. Sein Begehren gilt einer jungen Dame, deren linken Unterarm er grob ergreift, sie sich jedoch versucht, dem zu entziehen, ihre Rechte in abweisender Geste erhoben. Durch eine Tür am Bildrand tritt ein Diener mit Obst auf einem Teller ein, den Blick abgewandt. In der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jhs. ist eine Wirtshausszene oft gleichzusetzen mit einer Bordellszene. Die Dame des Hauses versucht, den Herrn mit Wein in Stimmung zu versetzen. Der Hund als Sinnbild für die Treue ist angesichts dieser Szene offenbar versucht, den Raum fluchtartig zu verlassen. Das Bett im Hintergrund deutet auf den Fortgang der Szene hin. Van der Myn (Mijn), für seine besonders feine Behandlung von Stoffen und Oberflächen bekannt, lernte bei dem Blumenmaler Ernst Stuven in Amsterdam und wurde 1712/13 Mitglied der Antwerpener Lukasgilde. Von dort an den Hof des kunstsinnigen Kurfürsten Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz nach Düsseldorf berufen, wo er bis 1715 tätig war. Der auch als Historien- und Porträtmaler gefragte Künstler war überdies in Antwerpen, den Niederlanden, Paris, Brüssel und London tätig. Seine Gemälde werden, wie in diesem charakteristischen Werk, von einer kontrastreichen Lichtführung bestimmt, welche die Szene vor einer verschatteten Raumtiefe besonders effektvoll wirken läßt. Öl/Lwd. Sign. H VAN DER MYN Myn. Mit dabei eine alte Beschreibung zum Künstler. 45,5 cm x 37 cm. Wohl Original-Rahmen. Attributed to Herman van der Myn (Mijn). Oil on canvas. Signed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • MYN, H. van der, wohl HERMAN VAN DER MYN (1684-1741), "Paar und Kupplerin in der Stube",
    Mar. 26, 2022

    MYN, H. van der, wohl HERMAN VAN DER MYN (1684-1741), "Paar und Kupplerin in der Stube",

    Est: -

    MYN, H. van der, probably Herman VAN DER MYN (1684-1741), "Couple and procuress in the room", on the left side a servant stepping through the open door, on the right side inscribed on the mantelpiece. Oil/canvas relined, HXW: approx. 46x37 cm (64x55 cm with frame). Craquelé, minimal. Rubbed on the outer edge, restored and retouched. PROVENANCE: Estate of a Berlin art dealer.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
  • Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741)
    Mar. 22, 2022

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741)

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741) Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741) Still life of fruit on a stone ledge, a landscape beyond oil on canvas 68.5 x 52cm, in a carved frame

  • Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741), attr. Sophonisba receiving the Cup of Poison.
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741), attr. Sophonisba receiving the Cup of Poison.

    Est: -

    Oil/wood, 74 x 60 cm, on the reverse illegible collectors seal, inventory label SG 239 and old Christie's stencil , retouchings. - Sophonisba was a princess of Roms archenemy Carthago. She preferred to die instead of surrender to the Roman commander Scipio. - Expertise: The attribution to Hermann van der Myn was made by Fred Meijer, Amsterdam. - Provenance: Collection G. H. Wilson; Christie's London 13th march 1931; private collection Scandinavia. - Dutch history, portrait and still life painter, founder of an artist's dynasty. M. was pupil of the flower painter E. Stuven. After being active in Antwerp for a short time he went to Düsseldorf in 1712 to work for the elector Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz, among others for the decoration of his palace Gerresheim. Later he frequently moved between Antwerp, Paris, Leeuwarden and London. Mus.: Moscow, Munich, Budapest, Hamburg, Augsburg, Turin a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Bernt.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London) Venus and Ceres
    Jun. 19, 2020

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London) Venus and Ceres

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London) Venus and Ceresoil on panel201⁄4 x 163⁄4 in. (51.5 x 42.2 cm.) stamped on the reverse with two unidentified wax seals

  • Herman van der Myn, Still Life with Fruit and an Oyster
    May. 30, 2020

    Herman van der Myn, Still Life with Fruit and an Oyster

    Est: €10,000 - €14,000

    Signed lower left: Hvd ... (illegible)

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Herman van der Myn (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London)
    Nov. 29, 2019

    Herman van der Myn (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London)

    Est: -

    Flower still life with butterflies and lizard, oil on canvas, relined, 60 cm x 50 cm, lower right H. van der Myn signed, slightly craqueliert and restored. Shipping: DE 65,00 Euro | EU 85,00 Euro | INT on demand

  • HERMAN VAN DER MIJN - Bodegón de frutas
    May. 21, 2019

    HERMAN VAN DER MIJN - Bodegón de frutas

    Est: -

    HERMAN VAN DER MIJN Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741 “Bodegón de frutas” Oil on canvas Signed Measurements 50 x 42 cm Acquired to Baumkotter Antiques, 63 Kensington Church Street, London

    Subastas Segre
  • Attribué à Herman van der MIJN (1684 -1741). Portrait d'un gentilhomme tenant une lettre.
    Mar. 25, 2019

    Attribué à Herman van der MIJN (1684 -1741). Portrait d'un gentilhomme tenant une lettre.

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Attribué à Herman van der MIJN (1684 -1741). Portrait d'un gentilhomme tenant une lettre. Panneau de chêne, une planche, non parqueté. 42 x 34 cm RM

  • Vander Myn. Oil. Children and a Parrot
    Nov. 17, 2018

    Vander Myn. Oil. Children and a Parrot

    Est: $8,000 - $10,000

    Oil on canvas. Depicts three children and a parrot. Brass plate reads: Vander Myn which signifies the oil is by Herman van der Mijn (1684-1741), a painter from the Northern Netherlands. 68" H x 57-1/2" W. Mansion Great Hall. NO RESERVE. This lot was formerly the property of well-known real estate developer Mr. Melvin Simon and his wife, Bren Simon. It is part of the Simon's Asherwood Estate which Mrs. Simon most graciously has gifted to the non-profit Great American Songbook Foundation on whose behalf it is being sold.

  • Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant
    Sep. 24, 2016

    Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant

    Est: -

    Hermann van der Myn Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741 Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant Oil/wood, 49 x 40 cm, lo. le. sign. H: V. Myn, min. rest. - By the flowers and fruits the figure can be interpreted as a personification of Flora or Pomona. By the distinctive features of the face it is a portrait of a specific person, and the attributes of roses and fruits serve to emphasize the lady's beauty.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Attributed to Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat
    Jul. 20, 2016

    Attributed to Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Attributed to Herman van der Myn (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat oil on canvas 85.7 x 68.5cm (33 3/4 x 26 15/16in).

  • Attribué à Hermann Van Der MIJN (1684-1741)
    Apr. 06, 2016

    Attribué à Hermann Van Der MIJN (1684-1741)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Attribué à Hermann Van Der MIJN (1684-1741) Portrait De Jeune Fille Tenant un Bouquet de fleurs Toile ovale Restaurations ATTR. TO HERMANN VAN DER MIJN (1684-1741), PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL HOLDING A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS, OVAL CANVAS 57,5 X 42,5cm (22 5/8 X 16 11/16 IN.)

  • HERMAN VAN DER MYN 1684 Amsterdam - 1741 (?) London (attr.) Portrait einer
    Mar. 19, 2016

    HERMAN VAN DER MYN 1684 Amsterdam - 1741 (?) London (attr.) Portrait einer

    Est: -

    HERMAN VAN DER MYN 1684 Amsterdam - 1741 (?) London (attr.) Portrait einer Dame im grünen Jagdrock Öl auf Leinwand (doubl.). 80 cm x 67 cm. Part. min. rest. Rahmen. Provenienz: Privatsammlung Cuxhaven.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • ATTRIBUTED TO HERMAN VAN DER MYN (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat
    Feb. 23, 2016

    ATTRIBUTED TO HERMAN VAN DER MYN (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    ATTRIBUTED TO HERMAN VAN DER MYN (Amsterdam 1684-circa 1741 London) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered coat

    Dec. 17, 2015


    Est: €3,000 - €4,000


  • Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) Portrait of a gentleman wearing a tri-corn hat, holding a stein, 20.5 x 25in.
    Dec. 10, 2015

    Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) Portrait of a gentleman wearing a tri-corn hat, holding a stein, 20.5 x 25in.

    Est: £500 - £800

    Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) oil on canvas, Portrait of a gentleman wearing a tri-corn hat, holding a stein, 20.5 x 25in.

  • Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant
    Sep. 26, 2015

    Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant

    Est: €19,000 - €22,800

    Myn, Hermann van der Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741 Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant Oil/wood, 49 x 40 cm, lo. le. sign. H: V. Myn, min. rest. - By the flowers and fruits the figure can be interpreted as a personification of Flora or Pomona. By the distinctive features of the face it is a portrait of a specific person, and the attributes of roses and fruits serve to emphasize the lady's beauty.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant
    Apr. 25, 2015

    Elegant Lady as Flora with black Servant

    Est: €29,000 - €34,800

    Hermann van der Myn Amsterdam 1684 - London 1741 Oil/wood, 49 x 40 cm, lo. le. sign. H: V. Myn, min. rest. - Expert report: Walther Bernt, Munich 1977. - By the flowers and fruits the figure can be interpreted as a personification of Flora or Pomona. By the distinctive features of the face it is a portrait of a specific person, and the attributes of roses and fruits serve to emphasize the lady's beatuy. - Dutch history, portrait a. still life painter, founder of an artist's dynasty. M. was pupil of the flower painter E. Stuven. After being active in Antwerp for a short time he went to Düsseldorf in 1712 to work for the elector Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz in Düsseldorf, among others for the decoration of his palace Gerresheim. Later he frequently moved between Antwerp, Paris, Leeuwarden a. London. - Mus.: Moskau, München, Budapest, Hamburg, Augsburg, Turin u.a. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Bernt.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) Gentleman wearing a red coat holding a tankard, 20.5 x 25in.
    Dec. 04, 2014

    Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) Gentleman wearing a red coat holding a tankard, 20.5 x 25in.

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Attributed to Heroman van der Mijn (1684-1741) oil on canvas, Gentleman wearing a red coat holding a tankard, 20.5 x 25in.

    Jul. 08, 2014


    Est: -

    WITHDRAWN - Attributed to Herman van der Myn [1684-1741]- Portrait of Judge Dormer [1649-1726], seated three-quarter length, in judicial robes of scarlet and ermine, wearing full length wig:- oil on canvas 125 x 100cm, contained within a carved wood and gilded frame. * Provenance. By Dormer family descent. * Notes. Robert Dormer was a descendant of the Buckinghamshire family of that name, a branch of which was ennobled by James I with the title of Lord Dormer of Wenge. Robert Dormer was brought up to his father's profession at Lincoln's Inn, which he entered in May 1669, and was called to the bar in January 1675. He married Mary Blake, the daughter of Sir Richard Blake and they had four daughters. He entered parliament in 1698 as a member for Aylesbury. He was called to the bench in 1706, as a judge of the Common Pleas, where he sat in judgement for just over twenty years.

    Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood
  • Herman van der MYN - Portrait d'un jeune homme...
    Jun. 24, 2013

    Herman van der MYN - Portrait d'un jeune homme...

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Herman van der MYN (Amsterdam 1684 - Londres 1741) Portrait d'un jeune homme de qualité, de trois-quarts, portant un manteau de velours violet et dont la main gauche repose sur un entablement couvert d'un Lotto Toile 89,5 cm x 71 cm. Cadre d'époque Provenance : - John Webster, Londres, 1972 Bibliographie : - The Burlington magazine, mai 1972, page LXVI (reproduction en pleine page). Le peintre Herman van der Myn fait son apprentissage à Amsterdam, sa ville natale, dans l'atelier d'Ernst Stuven, artiste spécialisé dans les nature-mortes de fleurs. Il se fait connaître dans la peinture d'histoire, mais aussi dans les scènes de genre, les sujets mythologiques, les nature-mortes et surtout les portraits. De la Hollande il gagne ensuite l'Allemagne, appelé par l'électeur Palatin, puis il passe par Paris avant de s'installer à Londres, vers les années 1721-1722, où il reste jusqu'à sa mort. Dans ce portrait à l'allure d'un dandy, l'exemple d'Anton van Dyck devient pour lui une référence indispensable. La spontanéité de la touche, dans les traits du visage, dans la chevelure vaporeuse, dans la solidité précise du tapis, tout cela renvoie directement au peintre d'Anvers, comme ce manteau aérien qui enveloppe le sujet et qui n'est pas sans rappeler les grands portraits masculins du maître

    Artemisia Auctions
  • Artwork by - Herman van der Mijn
    Apr. 17, 2013

    Artwork by - Herman van der Mijn

    Est: €18,000 - €22,000

    Artwork by - Herman van der Mijn

  • Herman Van Der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741)
    Feb. 05, 2013

    Herman Van Der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741)

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Herman Van Der Mijn (Dutch, 1684-1741) Self-portrait pastel 11½ x 9 in. (29.2 x 22.9 cm.)

    Jan. 31, 2013


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    AMSTERDAM  CIRCA  1684  -  1741  LONDON "THE  HAT  OF  FREEDOM" indistinctly  signed  lower  left:  HV... oil  on  panel 26  1/2    by  20  in.;  67.3  by  50.8  cm.

  • Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1740 London)
    May. 04, 2012

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1740 London)

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1740 London) Portrait of a young gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a blue coat and embroidered waistcoat oil on canvas 36 x 28 in. (91 x 70.8 cm.)

  • Herman van der Mijn (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London)
    Dec. 04, 2011

    Herman van der Mijn (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London)

    Est: - €9,500

    Herman van der Mijn (1684 Amsterdam - 1741 London) Blumenstillleben Auf einer steinernen Bank arrangiertes, fein... [Details]

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)
    Dec. 10, 2010

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague) Portrait of the artist, bust-length, in white stock and a red coat, in a feigned oval oil on canvas 30¼ x 25 in. (76.8 x 63.5 cm.)

  • Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c.1684-1741 London)
    Jul. 09, 2010

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c.1684-1741 London)

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c.1684-1741 London) Portrait of Tufton Wray (d. 1712), three-quarter-length, seated in an oyster satin dress and white chemise, with a dark green wrap, her right arm resting on a ledge, a landscape beyond inscribed 'Tufton Daughter of Sr. Wm. Wray Married to Ld. Chief Baron Montagu.' (lower left) oil on canvas 48 5/8 x 40¼ in. (123.5 x 102.2 cm.)

  • Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)
    Jul. 09, 2010

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague) Portrait of the artist, bust-length, in white stock and a red coat, in a feigned oval oil on canvas 30¼ x 25 in. (76.8 x 63.5 cm.)

  • Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London)
    Jul. 07, 2010

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London)

    Est: £12,000 - £18,000

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam 1684-1741 London) Grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and a rose in a glass vase on a draped table indistinctly signed and dated '173[?]' (centre right) oil on canvas 27 x 22¼ (68.6 x 56.5 cm.)

  • Heroman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)
    Dec. 09, 2009

    Heroman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c . 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague)

    Est: £7,000 - £10,000

    Heroman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1741 London) and Anne, Princess of Orange (Hanover 1709-1759 The Hague) Portrait of the artist, bust-length, in white stock and a red coat, in a feigned oval oil on canvas 30¼ x 25 in. (76.8 x 63.5 cm.)

  • Heroman van der Mijn , Amsterdam circa 1684 - 1741 London Tamar oil on panel with a shaped top
    Jan. 29, 2009

    Heroman van der Mijn , Amsterdam circa 1684 - 1741 London Tamar oil on panel with a shaped top

    Est: $70,000 - $90,000

    oil on panel with a shaped top

  • Herman van der Myn (Dutch, 1684-died circa 1741) A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders,
    Nov. 06, 2008

    Herman van der Myn (Dutch, 1684-died circa 1741) A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders,

    Est: -

    A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders, oil on canvas, 58 x 46cm (22 13/16 x 18 1/8in).

  • Herman van der Myn (Dutch, 1684-died circa 1741) A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders,
    Nov. 05, 2008

    Herman van der Myn (Dutch, 1684-died circa 1741) A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders,

    Est: -

    A portrait of a lady, head and shoulders, oil on canvas, 58 x 46cm (22 13/16 x 18 1/8in).

  • Roses, tulips, lilies, an iris and other flowers in a porcelain vase on a stone ledge, with partly-peeled lemon, a snail and other insects
    Apr. 25, 2008

    Roses, tulips, lilies, an iris and other flowers in a porcelain vase on a stone ledge, with partly-peeled lemon, a snail and other insects

    Est: -

    Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c. 1684-1741 London) Roses, tulips, lilies, an iris and other flowers in a porcelain vase on a stone ledge, with partly-peeled lemon, a snail and other insects oil on panel 31¼ x 23¾ in. (79.4 x 60.4 cm.)

  • Portrait of a young girl, half-length, in a blue dress and white chemise, a garland of flowers in her left hand
    Apr. 23, 2008

    Portrait of a young girl, half-length, in a blue dress and white chemise, a garland of flowers in her left hand

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Circle of Herman van der Mijn (Amsterdam c.1684-1741 London) Portrait of a young girl, half-length, in a blue dress and white chemise, a garland of flowers in her left hand oil on canvas, oval 20 3/8 x 16 7/8 in. (51.7 x 42.8 cm.) in a carved, pierced and gilded frame

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