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Enea Vico Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver, b. 1523 - d. 1567

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      • Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541
        Jul. 25, 2024

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541

        Est: £200 - £300

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541 * Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541, engraving on laid paper, a fine, rich impression, initialled 'E.V.' to upper left, trimmed to plate mark (right margin close-trimmed, touching engraved area), later paper reinforcement to lower margin verso, early inscription in brown ink to verso 'N472 Frieze of Grotesques, Eneas Vico, Bar. 15.357 & 453', and to reinforced lower edge 'Eneas Vico 1801', with further pencil inscription 'Bartsch's list of Eneas Vico... 453', corner mounted to upper corners only, sheet size 65 x 202 mm (2 1/2 x 8 ins), window mounted (40.6 x 55.8 cm) QTY: (1) NOTE: Bartsch, XV, 453. An impression of this work is held by the Metropolitan Museum in New York, accession number: 24.10.14 (2).

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Vico, Reliqua librorum ad Imperatorum historiam ex antiquis nummis, Venice, 1601, later morocco for Stirling-Maxwell
        Jul. 09, 2024

        Vico, Reliqua librorum ad Imperatorum historiam ex antiquis nummis, Venice, 1601, later morocco for Stirling-Maxwell

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Vico, Enea. Reliqua librorum Aeneae Vici Parmensis ad Imperatorum Historiam Ex antiquis nummis pertinentium. A Iacobo Franco calcographo Veneto in lucem edita. Venice: Giacomo Franco, 1601 The engraver Enea Vico (1523-1567) collected coins and produced one of the first manuals on the subject, maintaining that they had had a practical purpose as currency rather than being merely decorative. This work is a continuation of his Omnium Caesarum imagines, including portraits of emperors from Nerva to Lucius Verus. Giacomo Franco reprinted several of Vico's works around this time, though this is actually the first printing of this continuation of his earlier work. The last leaf of preliminaries contains a list of Vico's publications. 4to (198 x 137 mm). Engraved title-page, 3 letterpress leaves of preliminaries, 68 engraved plates: 72 leaves. Woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. (Letterpress leaves cut somewhat close.) binding: Red crushed morocco (228 x 171 mm), with the arms of Stirling-Maxwell [British Armorial Bindings, stamps 44 and 48], spine with gilt lettering, gilt edges. Bound to a larger size to match a similar volume in Stirling-Maxwell's library. (Extremities slightly rubbed.) provenance: Sir William Stirling Maxwell (1818-1878), arms on binding, and "Arts of Design" bookplate at end, sale, Christie's, 20 May 1958, part of lot 430, to Hammond — Patricia Milne-Henderson (1935-2018), sale, Sotheby's, 18 July 2016, lot 112, £2,000. acquisition: Purchased at the preceding sale. references: USTC 4036028

      • Vico, Enea: Flora
        May. 29, 2024

        Vico, Enea: Flora

        Est: €3,000 - €3,500

        zugeschrieben. Flora. Kupferstich. 41,5 x 28,8 cm. B. XV, S. 293, TIB (Vico) 23, Rubach 331 I (von IV), Marigliani V, 29 I. Wz. Tulpe im Schild mit sechszackigem Stern (vgl. Woodward 124, ab 1542). Bartsch schrieb dieses Blatt Enea Vico zu, der heute als Inventor der Vorlage gilt (Marigliani, S. 194). Es wurde zunächst bei Ferrando Bertelli herausgegeben, dessen verlegerische Tätigkeit um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts in Venedig belegt ist, und erneut von Lafreri in Rom herausgegeben. Die Adresse Bertellis wurde unvollständig getilgt und ist noch lesbar, wie es Lafreri bei Platten, die er von anderen Verlegern ankaufte, typischerweise handhabte (Rubach, S. 103 f.). Die anmutige weibliche Figur mit Blumenzweigen in den Händen, die in Lafreris Index als Statua della Dea Florida (Z. 244) bezeichnet ist, wird mit dem Dreizeiler links unten auch als Proserpina, beziehungsweise Persephone konnotiert. Die Tochter der Erdgöttin Ceres durfte nach ihrer Entführung durch den Gott der Unterwelt Pluto nur die Hälfte des Jahres über der Erde verbringen, wo sie - als mythologische Erklärung der Jahreszeiten - die Pflanzen sprießen ließ, bevor sie für die zweite Jahreshälfte unter die Erde zurückkehren musste, Ursache für das Abblühen aller Pflanzen in Herbst und Winter. Die Ikonographie von Vicos Invention ist von großer Subtilität. In beiden Händen hält die Flora filigran skizzierte Blütenzweige deren zarten Knospen Fruchtbarkeit und den ewigen Kreislauf der Natur symbolisieren.- Prachtvoller, harmonischer und toniger Frühdruck, vor den Adressen von Duchetti und Orlandi. Mit breitem Rand um die gratig druckende Plattenkante. Minimal stockfleckig und gebräunt entlang den Rändern, geringfügige Altersspuren, sonst vorzüglich frisches, unbehandeltes Exemplar. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Vico, Enea: Die Bestrafung der römischen Kurtisane
        May. 29, 2024

        Vico, Enea: Die Bestrafung der römischen Kurtisane

        Est: €300 - €400

        Die Bestrafung der römischen Kurtisane. Kupferstich nach Perino del Vaga. 18 x 27,6 cm. 1542. B. XV, S. 305, 46. Der Legende nach hatte Vergil versucht, sich eine römische Jungfrau mit einem Zauber gefügig zu machen. Diese versprach ihm, ihn in ihr Gemach zu lassen, wenn er sich in einem Korbe zu ihrem Fenster hochziehen lasse. Entgegen ihrer Versprechung ließ sie ihn aber einfach in luftiger Höhe hängen, sodass er am folgenden Tage zum Gespött Roms wurde. Daraufhin verfluchte Vergil alle Feuer der Stadt und verlangte, dass man die "Kurtisane" an einem Gerüst am Marktplatz festbinde. Er versprach, dass jeder, der ein Feuer haben wolle, dies nur zwischen den Schenkeln der Jungfrau holen könne. Darauf kamen die Römer und zündeten zu Vergils Genugtuung ihre Kerzen und Lampen zwischen den Beinen der Jungfrau an und brachten so Rom das Feuer wieder zurück. - Ganz ausgezeichneter, prägnanter Druck mit Spuren eines Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie an drei Seiten, unten teils mit der Plattenkante, alt aufgezogen, sonst sehr schön erhalten. Aus der Sammlung J. Burleigh James, 19. Jh. (Lugt 1425). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Enea Vico, Parmigianino - Venus and Vulcan
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Enea Vico, Parmigianino - Venus and Vulcan

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        VENUS AND VULCAN At right Vulcan works at his forge, Venus sleeps in the bed at the left, after Parmigianino Engraving Lettered bottom center 'Franc Parmin' at right 'Ant.Sal.exc.' below 'St stampano da Gio Iacomo Rossi in Roma alla Pace'. Signed dated A E 1543 on the window tablet at left. . After a drawing by Parmigianino

        Old Master Print
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with figures, arabesque, Pompeian mural painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with Zeus in a chariot, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Verso inscribed by another person: "XXXII[?]". Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall infill, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall infill, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Goddess Ceres and Capitoline she-wolf, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with scholars and Bacchus, arabesque, Pompeian mural painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with Neptune, arabesque, Pompeian mural painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 23, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with owl, arabesque, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design for a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in an architectural composition. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", reverse engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc., No. 12 | print suite Keywords: interior, decoration, arabesque, grotesque, putto, figure, mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...
        Mar. 14, 2024

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engraving printed in ink lower right: AENEAS VIC. PARMEN. 31 x 42.5cm (sheet) PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, United Kingdom, 10 December 2021, lot 87 Private collection, Melbourne LITERATURE: Bartsch XV.297.31

        Leonard Joel
      • Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541
        Mar. 13, 2024

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541

        Est: £300 - £500

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541 * Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541, engraving on laid paper, a fine, rich impression, initialled 'E.V.' to upper left, trimmed to plate mark (right margin close-trimmed, touching engraved area), later paper reinforcement to lower margin verso, early inscription in brown ink to verso 'N472 Frieze of Grotesques, Eneas Vico, Bar. 15.357 & 453', and to reinforced lower edge 'Eneas Vico 1801', with further pencil inscription 'Bartsch's list of Eneas Vico... 453', corner mounted to upper corners only, sheet size 65 x 202 mm (2 1/2 x 8 ins), window mounted (40.6 x 55.8 cm) QTY: (1) NOTE: Bartsch, XV, 453. An impression of this work is held by the Metropolitan Museum in New York, accession number: 24.10.14 (2).

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with figures, arabesque, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with Zeus in a chariot, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Verso inscribed by another person: "XXXII[?]". Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall infill, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall infill, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Goddess Ceres and Capitoline She-Wolf, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque, scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with scholars and Bacchus, arabesque, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, arabesque, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Jan. 20, 2024

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with owl, arabesque, Pompeian wall painting, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc., No. 12 | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...
        Dec. 14, 2023

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engraving printed in ink lower right: AENEAS VIC. PARMEN. 31 x 42.5cm (sheet) PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, United Kingdom, 10 December 2021, lot 87 Private collection, Melbourne LITERATURE: Bartsch XV.297.31

        Leonard Joel
      • ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...
        Dec. 07, 2023

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engraving printed in ink lower right: AENEAS VIC. PARMEN. 31 x 42.5cm (sheet) PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, United Kingdom, 10 December 2021, lot 87 Private collection, Melbourne LITERATURE: Bartsch XV.297.31

        Leonard Joel
      • Vico, Enea (Parma 1523-1567 Ferrara),
        Dec. 01, 2023

        Vico, Enea (Parma 1523-1567 Ferrara),

        Est: €260 - €400

        Antike Prunkvasen. 8 Kupferstiche. In den Platten num. und monogr., erschienen in Rom, dat. 1543. Je ca. 26 x 18,5 cm. - - Auf Trägerpapier aufgezogen. - Le Blanc IV, 119, aus 426-439. Bartsch XV, 194, aus 420-433. - Aus einer Folge von 14 antiken Vasen. - Wohl etw. spätere Abzüge.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Vico, Enea: Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli
        Nov. 29, 2023

        Vico, Enea: Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli. Kupferstich nach Baccio Bandinelli. 30,3 x 47,4 cm. B. XV, S. 305, 49 I (von II). Wz. Schild mit sechszackigem Stern und Buchstabe M (vgl. Woodward 322-326, ca. 1569-1590). -- -- Das Hauptblatt des Enea Vico zeigt die Akademie des Florentiner Bildhauers und Architekten Bartolommeo, gen. Baccio Bandinelli (1493-1560, Florenz). Bandinelli steht am rechten Bildrand mit dem Kreuz von Santiago auf der Brust, das sich auch in seinem Wappen über dem Kamin wiederfindet. Bemerkenswert ist die Pose des vor dem Kamin sitzenden Mannes rechts, dessen Haltung der Melancholia-Thematik verpflichtet ist. - Der seltene erste Zustand vor der Signatur von Vico auf der zweiten Buchseite oben rechts und vor der Adresse von Gaspare Alberti in einem ganz ausgezeichneten, kontrastreichen und prägnanten Druck, überwiegend an die Facette geschnitten, links minimal knapp. Geglättete Trockenfalte sowie diagonale und vertikale Faltspur verso, sorgfältige Randausbesserungen, dort gelegentlich mit dezenten Federretuschen, mehrere dünne Stellen verso fachmännisch verstärkt, sämtliche Ausbesserungen recto kaum wahrnehmbar, winziges Rostfleckchen über dem Schädel unten mittig, weitere unauffällige Handhabungsspuren, der Gesamteindruck jedoch schön. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Vico, Enea: Die drei Grazien
        Nov. 29, 2023

        Vico, Enea: Die drei Grazien

        Est: €1,200 - €1,800

        Die drei Grazien. Kupferstich nach Marcantonio Raimondi. 26,7 x 18,2 cm. 1542. B. XV, 291, 20. Wz. Handschuh. -- -- Der vorliegende Kupferstich mit den Drei Grazien geht in seiner Komposition auf eine Vorlage Marcantonio Raimondis zurück, weist dabei jedoch deutliche Unterschiede zu dieser auf, die sich in der Ausarbeitung der Figuren und insbesondere in der Gestaltung des Hintergrundes zeigen, welcher bei Raimondi durch drei große Palmen dominiert wird. Vico und Raimondi bezogen sich in ihren Arbeiten, wie die jeweiligen Bildunterschriften verdeutlichen, wiederum beide auf ein antikes Relief, von dem früher angenommen wurde, es würde sich um ein Werk des antiken Bildhauers Polyklet handeln. Ganz ausgezeichneter, toniger Druck mit breitem Rand. Mit der Verlegeradresse von Antonio Salamanca. Geringfügig fleckig, minimale Erhaltungsmängel, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...
        Nov. 15, 2023

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engrav...

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        ENEA VICO (Italian, 1523-1567) Vulcan and the Cyclops Forging Arrows for the Cupids (After Francesco Primaticcio) c.1543-1545 engraving printed in ink lower right: AENEAS VIC. PARMEN. 31 x 42.5cm (sheet) PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, United Kingdom, 10 December 2021, lot 87 Private collection, Melbourne LITERATURE: Bartsch XV.297.31

        Leonard Joel
      • Vico (Enea)
        Aug. 24, 2023

        Vico (Enea)

        Est: £200 - £300

        Vico (Enea) Vico (Enea) Discorsi … sopra le medaglie de gli antichi…, large woodcut printer’s device on title and smaller device on last verso, illustrated initials, lacking dedicatee’s portrait (Cosimo I de’ Medici), title dusty and light water staining throughout, last quired worm holed, annotations in a contemporary hand, bookplate of the Marbury Hall Library belonging to Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry, 1st Baron Barrymore (1843-1925), later speckled calf, upper board detached, rubbed & scuffed, 4to, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, Venice, 1558; with The Letters of the renowned Father Paul Brown, translated out of Italian by Edward Brown, engraved author’s portrait, light age yellowing, preliminaries toned, annotations on front pastedown and title, small bookplate to front pastedown, and engraved coat of arms of Sir Erasmus Norwich, 3rd Baronet, pasted onto title verso, contemporary speckled calf, boards detached, 8vo, Richard Chiswell, 1793; and other 3 works (6)

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Vico (Enea, 1523-1567), after Michelangelo. Infant Bacchanal
        Jul. 20, 2023

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567), after Michelangelo. Infant Bacchanal

        Est: £300 - £400

        Vico (Enea, 1523-1567), after Michelangelo. Infant Bacchanal * Vico (Enea, 1523-1567). Infant Bacchanal with putti carrying an Ass, after Michelangelo, 1546, engraving, a very good impression, on laid paper with a six pointed Star within a Circle watermark surmounted by Initial R (similar to Briquet 6080, dated 1497), with collector's stamp of Sir Edward Astley lower left (Lugt 2775), trimmed to or just within the borderline, slightly unevenly at top, very slight slipped printing discernible in the lower corners, the usual, central drying fold, generally in good condition, in conservation mount, unframed 28.6 x 40.7 cm (11 1/4 x 16 ins) QTY: (1) NOTE: Provenance: Sir Edward Astley (1729-1802), his stamp lower left (Lugt 2775). Bartsch 48. The engraving was made after Michelangelo's red chalk presentation drawing executed for Tommaso de' Cavalieri, now in the Royal Collection, inv. 912777.

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Vico, Enea: Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli.
        Jun. 07, 2023

        Vico, Enea: Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli.

        Est: €300 - €400

        [*] Die Akademie des Baccio Bandinelli. Kupferstich nach Baccio Bandinelli. 30,6 x 47,7 cm. B. XV, S. 305, 49 II. Wz. Oval mit Buchstabe R (?). -- -- Ausgezeichneter Druck knapp bis an die Plattenkante geschnitten. Vertikale Mittelfalte, etwas angestaubt und fingerfleckig, rechts zarte vertikale Quetschfältchen vom Druck, unten kleine hinterlegte Randeinrisse, weitere kleine Randläsuren, die oberen Ecken mit kleinen Ausbesserungen und dezenten Federretuschen, gesamt hinterfasert, sonst gut. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Vico, Enea: Kinderbacchanal
        Jun. 07, 2023

        Vico, Enea: Kinderbacchanal

        Est: €200 - €300

        Kinderbacchanal. Kupferstich nach Michelangelo Buonarotti. 28,5 41,3 cm. B. XV, 305, 48. Wz. Fleur-de-lis mit Nebenmarke. -- -- Ausgezeichneter Druck mit Wischkritzeln und feinem Rändchen. Geringfügig angestaubt, zwei kleine Braunfleckchen, vertikale Mittelfalte, diese unten gesprungen und hinterlegt, rechte untere Ecke ergänzt, obere rechte Ecke mit winzigem Einriss, sonst schön. Beigegeben von demselben der Kupferstich "Die Schmiede des Vulkan" (B. 31). -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Vico, Enea: Die Heilige Familie
        Jun. 07, 2023

        Vico, Enea: Die Heilige Familie

        Est: €2,600 - €3,500

        Die Heilige Familie mit den hll. Joseph und Elisabeth, dem Johannesknaben und einer Märtyrerin. Radierung und Kupferstich. 37,1 x 24,3 cm. 1542. B. 5. Wz. Kreuzbogen im Kreis (Woodward 213, ca. 1540). -- -- Das seltene Blatt besticht durch seine würdevolle, statuarische Monumentalität und durch seinen wuchtigen, von Michelangelo geprägten Formenkanon. Ausgezeichneter, markanter und gleichmäßiger Druck, bis auf die Plattenkante beschnitten, unten mit Rand um die Plattenkante. Geringfügige Altersspuren, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • VICO, Enea (1523-1567). Ex antiquis cameorum et gemm? delineata. Liber secundus. Rome: Philippe Thomassin, 1618.
        May. 30, 2023

        VICO, Enea (1523-1567). Ex antiquis cameorum et gemm? delineata. Liber secundus. Rome: Philippe Thomassin, 1618.

        Est: €300 - €500

        Scarce work depicting a collection of ancient cameos from the Grimani collection, probably originally reproduced in drawings by Battista Franco around 1540-1546 and later by Vico in this series. (La Monica, Battista Franco, Enea Vico and the Prints of the Grimani Cameos. 2014) 4to, (260 x 190mm). 34 engraved plates, including title-page, on contemporary watermarked paper (spotting). Contemporary vellum binding, double-filleted in gilt, gilt decoration to spine, corners decorated with lion motifs, red edges (some staining, mainly to spine) . (1

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with figures, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with figures, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Zeus in a chariot, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with Zeus in a chariot, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Verso inscribed by another person: "XXXII[?]". Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Goddess Ceres and Capitoline She-Wolf, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with scholars and Bacchus, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with scholars and Bacchus, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall filling with Neptune, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc. | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving
        Mar. 25, 2023

        E. VICO (1523-1567), Grotesque wall panel with owl, around 1573, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Enea Vico (1523 Parma - 1567 Ferrara): Grotesque wall panel with owl, c. 1573, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: c. 1573 Description: Fine design of a wall decoration with grotesques and small figures in architectural construction. From the series "Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc.", side-inverted engravings after Enea Vico's series of grotesques, published by Antonio Lafreri. | Watermark: Running figure in a circle Source: Leviores et (ut videtur) extemporaneae picturae quas grotteschas vulgo vocant etc., No. 12 | print suite Keywords: Interior, Decoration, Arabesque, Grotesque, Putto, Figure, Mythology, 16th century, Renaissance, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Venus and Vulcan (Bartsch 27)
        Dec. 09, 2022

        Venus and Vulcan (Bartsch 27)

        Est: £3,000 - £4,000

        Enea Vico (After Parmigianino) 1523 - 1567 Venus and Vulcan (Bartsch 27) Engraving, 1543, a fine, warm impression of the third (final) state published by Antonio Salamanca, on paper with a Five-pointed Crown under a Six-pointed Star watermark (Woodward 263), framed plate: 230 by 343mm 9 by 13⅜in sheet: 237 by 351mm 9⅜ by 13¾in Bid on Sotheby's

      • Numismatica - Vico, Enea - Primor XII Caesarum verissimae imagines ex antiquis numismatibus desumptae
        Dec. 06, 2022

        Numismatica - Vico, Enea - Primor XII Caesarum verissimae imagines ex antiquis numismatibus desumptae

        Est: €100 - €200

        Rome, Mascardum, 1614. In 4th. Intaglio title page, 66 cc. largely of numismatic plates engraved in copper, woodcut friezes, lacuna on the upper edge of the title page, slight foxing and browning, coeval parchment binding, on the spine traces of title and paper insert, slight defects. § Morell, Andreas; Spanheim, Ezechiel, Specimen universae rei nummariae antiquae, Leipzig, J Thomas Fritsch, 1695. In 8°. Intaglio vignette on the title page, with copper engraved plates XXVI, burnished copy, coeval parchment binding, handwritten author and title on the spine, minor defects.

      • Vico, Enea - Above the medals of the ancients, divided into two books, where notable errors of ancient and modern writers are demonstrated
        Dec. 06, 2022

        Vico, Enea - Above the medals of the ancients, divided into two books, where notable errors of ancient and modern writers are demonstrated

        Est: €200 - €400

        Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1563. In 4º. On the title page full-page typographical brand and at the end of a different size, figurative drop caps, headers, full-page portrait of Cosimo de' Medici, slight stains, coeval parchment binding, red leather insert on the spine with gold title. Signature of ancient hand holding.

      • Vico, Enea: Emblemata
        Nov. 30, 2022

        Vico, Enea: Emblemata

        Est: €360 - €450

        Emblemata. 13 (von 42) Kupferstiche nach Salviati. Je ca. 7,5 x 8 cm. B. 55-57, 59, 61, 64, 67, 68, 75, 79, 83, 84, 89. -- -- Ausgezeichnete Drucke mit der vollen Darstellung, teils mit Spuren der Plattenkante. Etwas fleckig, vereinzelt minimal gebräunt, B. 57 und 68 aufgezogen, weitere kleine Gebrauchsspuren, sonst in guter Erhaltung. Aus der Sammlung Richard Jung (Lugt 3791). -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Enea Vico, L'accademia di Baccio Bandinelli. 1546-1550 ca.
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Enea Vico, L'accademia di Baccio Bandinelli. 1546-1550 ca.

        Est: €240 - €480

        Bulino. mm 312x480. Bartsch, 49. Sul libro aperto in alto a destra "Baccius / Bandi/nellus/ invent" e "Enea vi/go Par/megiano/sculpsit", in basso a sinistra "Roma Petrus Paulus Palumbus formis". Con la firma di Enea Vico sulla seconda pagina del libro in alto, non indicata per il I stato, ma con l'indirizzo di Pietro Paolo Palumbo, prima della comparsa dell'indirizzo di Gaspare Alberti che nell'esemplare presente non sembra essere stato abraso. Bella prova impressa con buona evidenza di segno su carta vergellata con grande filigrana in ovale.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Enea Vico, Gli amori di Marte e Venere. 1543 ca.
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Enea Vico, Gli amori di Marte e Venere. 1543 ca.

        Est: €280 - €560

        Bulino. mm 298x203. Bartsch,XV,21. Tratta in controparte dall'incisione di Giovan Battista Scultori datata "1539". All'angolo in alto a sinistra il monogramma "AE.V.", al margine inferiore versi su quattro righe e due colonne, in basso al centro l'excudit di Antonio Salamanca. Bellissima prova stampata con segno pieno e brillante su carta vergellata sottile priva di filigrana. Al verso a penna e inchiostro bruno marchio della collezione del barone Charles Marochetti (Lugt, 392).

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Enea Vico, Sacra Famiglia con sant'Anna e santa Caterina. 1542.
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Enea Vico, Sacra Famiglia con sant'Anna e santa Caterina. 1542.

        Est: €480 - €960

        Bulino. mm 370x241. Bartsch, XV, 5. Sul gradino in basso al centro l'excudit di Antonio Salamanca, e nella tavoletta a destra il monogramma e la data "1542". Bellissima impressione nel II stato su 4 con l'indirizzo di Antonio Salamanca, su carta vergellata lievemente rigida con filigrana "scala a pioli". In basso al recto il numero "208" a penna e inchiostro bruno, al verso in basso notazione inventariale a matita nera "N° C03" seguito da sigla.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Enea Vico, Metamorfosi di Licaone. 1523.
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Enea Vico, Metamorfosi di Licaone. 1523.

        Est: €180 - €360

        Bulino. mm 280x414. Bartsch, XIV, 244. Raphel invenit (mito), VIII,1b. Firmato in lastra con il monogramma "A.V." su una piastrella in basso a sinistra e datato "MDXXIII" appena sopra. Buona prova nel II stato di 2 dopo la comparsa della scritta "RAPHAE. / UR. / INVEN." in alto a destra. Carta vergellata lievemente rigida con filigrana "tre monti in cerchio singolo sormontato da croce".

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Enea Vico (1523-1567): ORNAMENT WITH DOLPHIN HEAD, 1540 C.
        Nov. 22, 2022

        Enea Vico (1523-1567): ORNAMENT WITH DOLPHIN HEAD, 1540 C.

        Est: -

        Enea Vico (1523-1567) Ornament with dolphin head, 1540 c. Engraving, mm. 88x229 Only state. Without inscriptions with the exception of a single progressive number III on the lower center. Bartsch vol. XV pag. 358 n. 455. Sheet in good condition, platemark visible in places.

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Vico, Enea: Venus und Amor
        Jun. 01, 2022

        Vico, Enea: Venus und Amor

        Est: €1,500 - €1,800

        Venus und Amor. Kupferstich. 41,4 x 28,8 cm. 1561. B. XV, S. 293, 25 wohl vor I (von II), Huelsen 64a. Wz. Amboss im Kreis mit Kreuz darüber. -- -- Wohl vor der Adresse von Fernando Bertelli. Ganz ausgezeichneter, gleichmäßiger Frühdruck mit einigen Wischkritzeln und mit schmalem Rand um die Facette. Minimal fleckig, zu den Rändern hin leichte Knitter- und Gebrauchsspuren, punktuelle Ausbesserung rechts von Venus' Oberschenkel, verso unscheinbar geglättete Mittelfalte, links oben winziges geschlossenes Wurmlöchlein, kleine Montierungsreste verso, sonst schön erhalten. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • ENEA VICO Parma 1523 - 1567 Ferrara: Statuen einer Frau und einer Priesterin.
        May. 07, 2022

        ENEA VICO Parma 1523 - 1567 Ferrara: Statuen einer Frau und einer Priesterin.

        Est: €160 - €220

        ENEA VICO Parma 1523 - 1567 Ferrara Statuen einer Frau und einer Priesterin. Kupferstich 1541. Bartsch 42. - Mit dem Monogramm, Datum, Verlegerbezeichnung „A. S. excud.“ und weiteren Bezeichnungen in der Platte. Auf Bütten. 25,9 x 19,4 cm. Meist mit winzigem Rändchen. Minimal fleckig, mit winzigen dünnen Papierstellen, kurzer Eckknickfalte und hinterlegter Stelle im Bereich der geglätteten vertikalen Faltung. [bg]

      Lots Per Page:

      Auction Houses Selling Works by Enea Vico