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Please Note: We offer a jewellery resizing service to all winning bidders at an additional cost. please let us know if you would like a resizing via email or once you are contacted regarding payment. Please visit your local jeweller if you are unsure of your ring or bracelet size.
Bracelets and Necklaces:
Links can be removed or added to a bracelet or necklace to make sure you receive a perfect fit.
The number of sizes a ring can be modified depends on the design of the ring. Most designs can be taken up or down a minimum of 1-2 sizes. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding resizing rings.
Payment & Shipping:
Domestic Shipping (Australia Wide)
Jewellery Auctions Unlimited charges a flat $15* shipping rate for shipping within Australia for all jewellery pieces under $1,000. Orders over $1,000 qualify for free shipping*.
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*Standard shipping rates do not include loose stones, art work, porcelain and apparel. For shipping estimates on these items please contact us at
[email protected] or phone +61 7 3924 2680.
Please Note: We offer a jewellery resizing service to all winning bidders at an additional cost. please let us know if you would like a resizing via email or once you are contacted regarding payment. Please visit your local jeweller if you are unsure of your ring or bracelet size.
Bracelets and Necklaces:
Links can be removed or added to a bracelet or necklace to make sure you receive a perfect fit.
The number of sizes a ring can be modified depends on the design of the ring. Most designs can be taken up or down a minimum of 1-2 sizes. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding resizing rings.
Payment & Shipping:
Domestic Shipping (Australia Wide)
Jewellery Auctions Unlimited charges a flat $15* shipping rate for shipping within Australia for all jewellery pieces under $1,000. Orders over $1,000 qualify for free shipping*.
International Shipping
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*Standard shipping rates do not include loose stones, art work, porcelain and apparel. For shipping estimates on these items please contact us at
[email protected] or phone +61 7 3924 2680.
Please Note: We offer a jewellery resizing service to all winning bidders at an additional cost. please let us know if you would like a resizing via email or once you are contacted regarding payment. Please visit your local jeweller if you are unsure of your ring or bracelet size.
Bracelets and Necklaces:
Links can be removed or added to a bracelet or necklace to make sure you receive a perfect fit.
The number of sizes a ring can be modified depends on the design of the ring. Most designs can be taken up or down a minimum of 1-2 sizes. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding resizing rings.
Payment & Shipping:
Domestic Shipping (Australia Wide)
Jewellery Auctions Unlimited charges a flat $15* shipping rate for shipping within Australia for all jewellery pieces under $1,000. Orders over $1,000 qualify for free shipping*.
International Shipping
Shipping to New Zealand AU$80.00*
All other International destinations AU$100.00*
*Standard shipping rates do not include loose stones, art work, porcelain and apparel. For shipping estimates on these items please contact us at
[email protected] or phone +61 7 3924 2680.
Please Note: We offer a jewellery resizing service to all winning bidders at an additional cost. please let us know if you would like a resizing via email or once you are contacted regarding payment. Please visit your local jeweller if you are unsure of your ring or bracelet size.
Bracelets and Necklaces:
Links can be removed or added to a bracelet or necklace to make sure you receive a perfect fit.
The number of sizes a ring can be modified depends on the design of the ring. Most designs can be taken up or down a minimum of 1-2 sizes. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding resizing rings.
Payment & Shipping:
Domestic Shipping (Australia Wide)
Jewellery Auctions Unlimited charges a flat $15* shipping rate for shipping within Australia for all jewellery pieces under $1,000. Orders over $1,000 qualify for free shipping*.
International Shipping
Shipping to New Zealand AU$80.00*
All other International destinations AU$100.00*
*Standard shipping rates do not include loose stones, art work, porcelain and apparel. For shipping estimates on these items please contact us at
[email protected] or phone +61 7 3924 2680.
Please Note: We offer a jewellery resizing service to all winning bidders at an additional cost. please let us know if you would like a resizing via email or once you are contacted regarding payment. Please visit your local jeweller if you are unsure of your ring or bracelet size.
Bracelets and Necklaces:
Links can be removed or added to a bracelet or necklace to make sure you receive a perfect fit.
The number of sizes a ring can be modified depends on the design of the ring. Most designs can be taken up or down a minimum of 1-2 sizes. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding resizing rings.