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Lot 444: Nikias Skapinakis - "Landscape - Portuguese Flag"

Est: €100 EUR - €200 EURPassed
Tagus Art AuctioneersLisbon, PortugalJuly 04, 2024

Item Overview


Nikias Skapinakis - "Landscape - Portuguese Flag" SERIGRAPHY Y/PAPER No. 79/200. Signed. Edited by the National Commission for the Commemorations of the Centenary of the Republic, 2010. Dim. (stain) 46x65 cm; (total) 68x85 cm.

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping

Accepted forms of payment: Wire Transfer


Auction House will help arrange shipment, at buyer's expense, after the invoice payment is made in full.

Auction Details

Session 2 | Decoration and Collectibles

Tagus Art Auctioneers
July 04, 2024, 03:00 PM WET

Travessa do Convento de Jesus, 16A, Lisbon, 1200-126, PT


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


General Conditions

These Business Terms and Conditions apply to online auctions of movable property organized by the commercial company Praças Abstratas, Lda., through the auctioneer TAGUS Art Auctioneers, hereinafter referred to as TAGUS, with a commercial establishment on TV. do Convento de Jesus, 16-A,Lisbon - Portugal.


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From: Until: Increment:
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€1,000 €1,999 €100
€2,000 €4,999 €200
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 €199,999 €10,000
€200,000 €499,999 €20,000
€500,000+ €50,000

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These terms and conditions re translated from it's original language - PORTUGUESE - and may have some errors. Thus, all interested parties must consult the document in it's original form and language, available at www.tagusart.com

September 2023.

Shipping Terms

Auction House will help arrange shipment, at buyer's expense, after the invoice payment is made in full.