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Lot 1148: Per Arnoldi for Holmegaard

Est: kr1,000 DKK - kr2,000 DKKSold:
Svendborg Auktionerne ApSSvendborg, DenmarkDecember 14, 2024

Item Overview


"Arnoldi". Table lamp of blue glass with printed polychrome motifs in the form of clouds and stars. Stamped Arnoldi, sign. HG5 No. 2699/3000. Made at Holmegaard. Height excluding socket 30.5 cm, cord defective.. Fremstår med aldersrelateret slid.

Artist or Maker

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Auction Details

Modern art and design

Svendborg Auktionerne ApS
December 14, 2024, 10:00 AM CET

Tved Grønnevej 4B, Svendborg, 5700, 5700, DK


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments



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An invoice will be sent to you by e-mail on the first Monday after the auction date.
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The invoice contains Due Date for payment and collection of your purchase.

Shipping Terms

Fore more information on transport please visit auction house website www. svendborg-auktionerne.dk/en/shipment.

The invoice contains Due Date for payment and collection of your purchase.