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Lot 199: Potrait of Woman

Est: €2,000 EUR - €3,000 EURPassed
Gliubich Casa d'AsteL'Aquila AQ, ItalyDecember 17, 2021

Item Overview


Eugenio De Blaas Potrait of Woman
Potrait of Woman
Signed bottom left E. De Blaas Venezia



Artist or Maker


Watercolor on paper


XIX/XX century

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: American Express, MasterCard, Paypal, Visa, Wire Transfer


Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the Purchaser, after having paid the Total Price, must collect the Lots awarded to its own care, risk and expenses, within the same deadline for payment (term that will remain suspended, in cases where D.Lgs. n. 42/2004, Code of Cultural Heritage, for the duration of the law in matters of priority). After this deadline, the Auction House will be exempted from any liability in case of damages or theft (total or partial) of the Lots, which occurred after the aforementioned deadline, waiving the Buyer from any right and action towards the Auction House; in addition, the Auction House may provide, at its sole discretion and at the expense of the Buyer, the deposit of the Lots awarded at its own warehouses (in this case the Buyer will be required to pay the additional amount of Euro 10.00 per week for each Lot) or third parties, or to the shipment to the Buyer of the Lots awarded and paid, but not withdrawn, in any case with direct debit to the Buyer of any cost and expense.

Auction Details

Paintings, collectables and antique furniture

Gliubich Casa d'Aste
December 17, 2021, 05:00 PM CET

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 9, L'Aquila AQ, 67100, IT


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

€0 - 20,000:33.0%
€20,001 - 100,000:30.0%

Bidding Increments



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Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the Purchaser, after having paid the Total Price, must collect the Lots awarded to its own care, risk and expenses, within the same deadline for payment (term that will remain suspended, in cases where D.Lgs. n. 42/2004, Code of Cultural Heritage, for the duration of the law in matters of priority). After this deadline, the Auction House will be exempted from any liability in case of damages or theft (total or partial) of the Lots, which occurred after the aforementioned deadline, waiving the Buyer from any right and action towards the Auction House; in addition, the Auction House may provide, at its sole discretion and at the expense of the Buyer, the deposit of the Lots awarded at its own warehouses (in this case the Buyer will be required to pay the additional amount of Euro 10.00 per week for each Lot) or third parties, or to the shipment to the Buyer of the Lots awarded and paid, but not withdrawn, in any case with direct debit to the Buyer of any cost and expense.