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Mauser Pistols

German arms manufacturer Mauser began producing bolt-action rifles in the 1870s before branching out into pistols some twenty years later. Mauser's first foray into pistols was the Mauser C96, a semi-automatic handgun produced in Germany, Spain, and China from 1896 to 1937. Known as the broomhandle, the mauser gun had superior range and better penetration than most other german pistols of its time, largely due to its use of the 7.63 mm by 25 mm Mauser cartridge, the highest-velocity commercially-produced pistol ammunition until the development of the .357 Magnum cartridge in 1935.

There were other notable Mauser pistols. One was the 1910, a small self-loading pistol that fired .25-caliber rounds, and later, a 1914 variant chambered for .32 ACP ammo. Some were sold commercially, but most were used by the German armed forces. From the '40s through the '70s, the gun maker produced the Mauser HSc, a compact double-action, blowback-operated .32 pistol that was also available in a version for .380-caliber ammunition.

All antique Mauser pistols are popular at auction, but the Construktion 96 is, by far, Mauser's most popular handgun during bidding. Even Mauser c96 replica and Mauser c96 reproduction pistols have cachet among certain collectors. Collectors interested in <a href=”https://www.invaluable.com/military-wartime-collectibles/cc-0EIGHLOFDZ/”>wartime and military memorabilia</a> have an appreciation for these replica pistols.


Quick Facts

  • In 2013, James D. Julia auctioned off a historically significant Mauser C96 engraved with gold inlay and featuring a carved stock. It beat the $70,000 high estimate, reaching $89,125
  • A Mauser C77 single-shot german pistol from the collection of Dr. Geoffrey Sturgess of Zurich, Switzerland sold for $43,000
  • A factory-engraved Mauser C96 in mint condition once owned by WWII German General Ludwig Beck sold well above its $35,000 upper estimate for $75,900

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Two German Semi-Automatic Pistols
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Two German Semi-Automatic Pistols
by Rock Island Auction Company
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$8502 Bids
Mauser Model 1930 Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Model 1930 Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,400- $2,250
$1,2001 Bid
Mauser Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $900- $1,400
$8001 Bid
Mauser Bolo Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Bolo Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $800- $1,200
$7001 Bid
WWI German Mauser P.08 42 Code 9mm Semi-Auto Pistol
Mar 02, 1:00 PM CST
WWI German Mauser P.08 42 Code 9mm Semi-Auto Pistol
by Vogt Galleries Texas
Est: $800- $1,200
$4001 Bid
Mar 01, 9:00 AM MST
by Lock Stock & Barrel Auctions
Est: $1,500- $3,000
$7501 Bid
Sequentially Numbered Pair of Mauser Model 1914 Pistols
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Sequentially Numbered Pair of Mauser Model 1914 Pistols
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,800- $2,500
$1,6000 Bids
Mauser "byf/44" P.38 Semi-Automatic Pistol in "Two-Tone" Finish
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser "byf/44" P.38 Semi-Automatic Pistol in "Two-Tone" Finish
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,000- $1,500
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Pre-WWII Mauser "S/42" Code "G" Date Luger Pistol with Holster
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Pre-WWII Mauser "S/42" Code "G" Date Luger Pistol with Holster
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $950- $1,600
$8500 Bids
Mauser "byf" Code "41" Date P.08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser "byf" Code "41" Date P.08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,800- $2,500
$1,6000 Bids
Mauser Model 1896 Commercial Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Model 1896 Commercial Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,000- $1,500
$9000 Bids
Rare Early Mauser Model 1914 7.65MM Pocket Pistol
Feb 20, 6:30 PM EST
Rare Early Mauser Model 1914 7.65MM Pocket Pistol
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Est: $500- $700
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German Mauser C96 Large Ring Flatside Broomhandle Pistol
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
German Mauser C96 Large Ring Flatside Broomhandle Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,300- $1,900
$1,1000 Bids
Imperial German Military Mauser "Red Nine" Broomhandle Pistol
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Imperial German Military Mauser "Red Nine" Broomhandle Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $2,000- $3,000
$1,8000 Bids
Mauser Banner "1939" Police Luger Pistol with Holster
Feb 22, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Banner "1939" Police Luger Pistol with Holster
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,800- $2,500
$1,6000 Bids
Engraved German Mauser C96 Bolo Broomhandle Pistol with Stock
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Engraved German Mauser C96 Bolo Broomhandle Pistol with Stock
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $2,000- $3,000
$1,8000 Bids
Mauser Marked Swiss Configured Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Marked Swiss Configured Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,100- $1,600
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German Mauser "1940" Date "42" Code Luger Pistol with Holster
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
German Mauser "1940" Date "42" Code Luger Pistol with Holster
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,200- $1,800
$1,0000 Bids
Mauser Banner Blank Chamber Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Banner Blank Chamber Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $800- $1,300
$7000 Bids
Mauser "byf" Code "42" Date P.08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 21, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser "byf" Code "42" Date P.08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,500- $2,500
$1,3000 Bids
Mauser "S/42" Code "1937" Date Luger Pistol with Holster
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser "S/42" Code "1937" Date Luger Pistol with Holster
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,300- $2,000
$1,1000 Bids
Two Mauser Model 1934 Semi-Automatic Pistols
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Two Mauser Model 1934 Semi-Automatic Pistols
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,400- $2,000
$1,2000 Bids
Mauser "K" Date "S/42" Code Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser "K" Date "S/42" Code Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $2,500- $3,500
$2,0000 Bids
Mauser Banner "1939" Dated Police Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
Feb 23, 9:00 AM CST
Mauser Banner "1939" Dated Police Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol
by Rock Island Auction Company
Est: $1,400- $2,000
$1,2000 Bids

Sellers Who Sell Mauser Pistols

Rock Island Auction Company

Rock Island Auction Company

Vogt Galleries Texas

Vogt Galleries Texas

Main Auction Galleries

Main Auction Galleries